What do mutable signs mean? Taurus: Fixed, Earth

The mutable cross is the cross of reason, connection, adaptation, distribution. The main quality is the transformation of ideas. He is always here and now, that is, in the present. It gives mobility, flexibility, adaptability, flexibility, duality.

Symbol of mutable signs

General traits: mobility, complaisance, flexibility, diplomacy, courtesy, sociability, talkativeness. These signs are endowed with flexibility of perception. This is a very valuable quality that gives them the ability to quickly adapt to change. They have the ability to find unconventional solutions. These signs don't need a fight. They are strong in originality, resourcefulness, negotiations, because they are mobile and ambivalent.

Mutable Zodiac Signs

Mutable Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Mutable (changeable) signs are the chameleons of the Zodiac. Adaptable and flexible, people of these signs can easily cope with change. Where cardinal signs lose interest in their goal, mutable signs are able to breathe new life into it. Although they are inventive and versatile, their constant desire for change makes achieving anything solid, long-term and lasting quite a challenge. However, this does not bother them very much, since more than anything else they want to be free to discover new things. The mutable cross of the Zodiac is associated with new ideas and the acquisition of knowledge. The adaptability and flexibility of representatives of mutable signs can develop into inconstancy and endow them with amazing resourcefulness. But without proper distribution of energy, it cannot be used constructively and will be wasted.

In general, mutability is characterized by versatility, flexibility, adaptability, changeability, flexibility. Thanks to mutability, people have the ability to compromise, to look for some common ground among themselves.

People of mutable signs

In external activities, representatives of these four signs are transformers and disseminators of ideas. These are energy distributors; when doing any work, they know how to rationally spend their energy without immediately splashing it out. Having done one thing, they easily give it up and look for something else to do. Most of all, they are tired of monotony and boredom, but the unrestrained race for success and eternal competition do not appeal to them either. They are not afraid of change, as they can easily adapt to any changes. Moreover, they are often supporters of reforms and disseminators of new ideas.

Twins ()

Geminis try to do everything on time and in the right place, because everything changes and things that are relevant at the moment may lose relevance. Geminis are associated with the element of Air, they change and adapt their worldview in accordance with new ideas.


Virgo pays the most attention to details and thinks them through carefully. This is the most disciplined and responsible representative of the square. Virgo, ruled by the elements of Earth, constantly monitors the laws of the material world in order to change for the better and show off her many talents.

Sagittarius ()

Sagittarius approaches the matter actively and on a grand scale, the main thing is the idea, the goal, and the fact that it may be unattainable is not scary. Sagittarius, expressing the properties of the element of Fire, strives for adventures that give him inspiration.

Fish ()

Pisces bring a lot of feelings into business, they enter into business as if in a flow, they are not afraid to make a mistake, hoping that their intuition will not let them down. Pisces, as representatives of the element of Water, are constantly trying to adapt to the changing emotional impact of both their own and those of others.

Mutable Zodiac Signs

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. They are considered the initiators of the Zodiac. This is confirmed by the fact that on the first day of each season the Sun is in a cardinal sign: Aries in spring, Cancer in summer, Libra in autumn and Capricorn in winter.

People of these zodiac signs are extremely active and active. They value personal freedom and reject attempts to impose restrictions from the outside. But their habit of doing everything their own way can lead to problems with others, as they strive to discover new facets of life, but at a time and where it suits them, often showing intolerance towards others.

Properties of cardinal signs

Usually people with a predominance of cardinal qualities are ambitious, they can even be unceremonious. They strive to keep everything under control, although this desire may be veiled and imperceptible at first glance. However, each of these zodiac signs is governed by its own element, and the entrepreneurial spirit of nature manifests itself in accordance with it. For example, Aries, representing the element Fire, generates new impulses through willpower and energy, while Cancer, associated with the element Water, communicates with the world on an emotional level. Libra is controlled by the element of Air, they move forward, creating harmonious relationships, and Capricorn, as a representative of the element of Earth, is led through life by the desire to create a solid foundation of material well-being and high achievements.

These signs can be called pioneers. They are distinguished by their ability to discover new facets of the world, to master new and exciting aspects of life. People who have many planets in cardinal signs of the Zodiac in their natal chart are energetic and enterprising, however, they may lack the perseverance to pursue their goals to the end. They may also lack forbearance towards those who do not have the same enthusiasm and creativity. As a result, if ambition finally gets the better of them, people with a predominance of cardinal qualities can become intolerant and sometimes even cruel. Their complete opposite is those who have few or no planets in the cardinal cross of the Zodiac in their horoscope. Lacking their own initiative, they often rely on others to realize their plans.

Many who have just begun to study astrology ignore the very important and interesting section “Crosses and” when working with the natal chart. But this information is one of the first things that a novice astrologer should pay attention to.
Crosses most clearly express how people react to influences and critical situations. Will the person take action? Or will he try to close himself, hide, run? Or will he think through the situation to the smallest detail, and only then react? Crosses give a clear idea of ​​a person’s reaction and behavior, the speed of his changes, especially in unexpected and critical situations.

Cardinal signs


These are the fastest signs in terms of speed of action and reaction. A planet located in a cardinal sign quickly changes qualities. Such people tend to act quickly, abruptly, impulsively. It is difficult for them to maintain one line of behavior for a long time, to be stable and to make efforts for a long time. Many of them say things like: “I need action every day,” “I’m happy when I have some kind of problem every day.” Exactly how they will show their dynamism and cardinality depends on the element and the sign of the Zodiac.
People with cardinal signs have the easiest time making predictions because of how they react to stressful situations. They like change and are not afraid to notice it. Such clients will always give feedback on your forecast, since they are able to track changes in their lives. Cardinal signs love action, so they are easy-going and respond well to new ideas. They thrive in crisis situations, and they need such situations as incentives to act.

Despite their differences, all four signs of the cardinal cross have common attitudes:
- the desire to act, to start
- desire to achieve a goal, to succeed
— accept the challenge and win.

Sometimes all these qualities may seem inconsistent with the temperament of a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, for a better understanding, it is necessary to combine the qualities of the zodiac sign (element) and the qualities of the cross.

Let's look at examples:

Strength, energy, courage + action
Aries, as the first sign of the Zodiac and the fire element, manifests its qualities more clearly. He loves to compete, win, challenge and achieve his goal in any way. Ambitious and impulsive Aries, always confident in his strength and rightness.

Intelligence, Diplomacy, Harmony + Action
Libra is an airy, harmonious sign striving for perfection. And yet cardinal. They are skilled in social communication, they know how to deftly give a compliment, support any conversation, and speak beautifully. It will not be difficult for them to win or achieve what they want in an argument, discussion, or debate. Eliminate an opponent in negotiations, interviews, meetings or just small talk.

Stability, practicality + action
Capricorn, being an earth sign, perhaps enjoys achieving a goal more than others. Hard work, patience and a thorough approach always allows you to achieve confident success.

Depth, emotion, caution + action
Cancer . Many people mistakenly believe that Cancer (as a representative of the water element) does not achieve goals and does not like to act, much less win. But this is not entirely true. Here we should combine the qualities of the water element (softness, passivity, sensitivity) with the qualities of cardinality (action, initiative). Cancer, unlike Aries, will not “go over the head”, openly compete and loudly declare itself. But if he wants something, he will firmly pursue his goal or at least “sit through” his victory. Spending a huge amount of effort, time and emotional energy.

Fixed signs

Stability, reliability

People with pronounced fixed signs in the chart strongly resist change and often do not want to notice it. Even when faced with a difficult situation, they will resist with all their might and resolutely insist that nothing is happening. Fixed signs are slow to respond to change and always need more time to realize, decide, or take action. Many of these people have been unhappy with their jobs for years, constantly talking about dismissal, low wages, poor conditions, etc., but they will continue to sit in the same place.
Fixed signs strive for stability, reliability and peace. They are not flexible, do not like changes, changes, reserved and slow to rise. They don’t want to part with their habits and rules. It takes a lot of effort and outside influence for them to react and take some action. So, for example, a young man of a fixed sign may, after 10 years of living together with his fiancée, still not decide to marry.
Fixed cross people are adapted to long and constant effort. By choosing a certain path, they can do the same things for many years. If such a person decides to become a vegetarian, run in the morning or adhere to certain rules, then he will have enough endurance not to change the established program.

Despite their differences, all four signs of the fixed cross have common settings:
- stability and constancy
- stable position, retention of results
- reliability and immutability

It would seem that all the qualities of fixed signs are more suitable for Taurus, Scorpio and Leo. However, Aquarius, for all its ease and openness to new things, stubbornly defends its own vision and views. He has a hard time accepting someone else’s point of view, someone else’s opinion, other orders and rules. More often than not, this is the reluctance to change. Everything should be as it suits him. It is easier for Aquarius to eloquently convince his interlocutor that he is wrong, or to prove that black is white, than to listen and agree.
It can be difficult for Leos to give up their selfish habits and desire to be the best. Sometimes he is ready to do nothing at all if there is no one hundred percent chance of winning.
Taurus exhibits more fixed qualities than other signs. He is attached to his physical sensations and strives for material and financial stability. He does not like to take risks, so he is reluctant to part with money and takes a long time to decide on a purchase or move. It is difficult to persuade him to start something new or quickly include him in some process.
Scorpio, being a very sensitive and emotional sign, seeks stability and constancy in relationships, as well as emotional security. Scorpio is very difficult to relax and win over. But getting used to some people, he can’t even bear the thought that they might leave. He is ready to fight to the last for “his” person, even if the relationship has long outlived its usefulness.

Mutable signs

Changeability, flexibility, mobility

People of mutable signs are perhaps the most unpredictable in their behavior. These are flexible, changeable, well-rounded, intuitive and fickle signs.
The main feature of these signs is the ability to adapt. They do not develop careful plans, do not follow only the proven path, their tactics are that they are guided by the situation and feel exactly how to act “here and now.” They quickly adapt to everything new, adapt to different people, know how to sense the right moment, understand the needs of society and situations well, and easily integrate into a new environment.

Gemini's thinking gives them the ability to easily deal with any information. Quickly navigate the map, delve into the instructions or program, and find a simple solution to a controversial issue.
Virgo is not afraid of any work; it is easier than others to adapt to any living conditions and any work. He will note all the subtleties and nuances and provide a wide variety of services.
Sagittarius's ideology, involvement and optimism will help in any situation to involve others and find a way out.
Pisces intuitively adapt themselves to circumstances, subtly sensing moods and surroundings.

They know how to “split in two”, to be on both sides of the situation. This makes it possible to go beyond the main goal, mix and match different options, find a different point of view, and navigate the situation well.
The duality of these signs allows them to successfully do many things at the same time, have several professions and hobbies.

The mutable cross is flexibility, adaptation to any conditions, a thirst for change and the ability to adapt oneself to circumstances.

We can say that people with a mutable cross combine the qualities of cardinal and fixed signs. If the situation so demands, they can show unprecedented patience, endurance, pressure, and if necessary, they can retreat completely. But it is difficult for them to remain in one state for a long time (fixity), or to constantly strive for something (cardinality), which is why such qualities as unreliability and uncertainty are attributed to them. Intense mental work is replaced by periods of laziness and idleness, and passionate involvement in something is replaced by apathy. Moreover, these shifts may occur irregularly, and their duration may vary.
Often these signs are in a state of anxiety and irritation and really suffer. When unpleasant situations happen to them, the most difficult thing is the psychological stress that they experience.
If in such a situation the cardinal sign is helped by action, the fixed sign by relying on its experience, then the mutable sign needs changes, transformations, and updates.

The key word characterizing cardinal signs is action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve a goal at any cost and, in general, the desire to act. At the heart of this is the need of all cardinal signs to succeed, to take on challenges and to win. Cardinality, akin to the element of fire, is energy, strength, aspiration, desire. In fact, one of the factors in the development of the evolution of human civilization is cardinality, since it is this that makes people strive for something new, unknown, to be a discoverer.

We owe most of our innovative ideas, research, and discoveries to people with a large concentration of planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac. Their drive, desire, optimism and self-confidence allow such things to happen. Most often, people with pronounced cardinal qualities are either leaders or outcasts, since many do not like their drive and desire to be first. The main problem for these people is that they need to understand that despite excellent ideas, in order to implement them, they still need a constant flow of energy for implementation, that is, constancy, which they often lack.

However, there are other shortcomings, in particular: inconstancy, impatience, inability to compromise, quickly changing desires, goals, ideas.

Cardinal Signs in Astrology

The cardinal signs of the Zodiac include Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. On the first day of each season, the Sun is in these signs. It is this fact that confirms that these signs are the initiators of the Zodiac.

Aries: Cardinal, Fire

The role of Aries is to actively explore and master the world. Self-expression is paramount for this pioneering sign, and Aries loves to see how far they go in their exploration, exploration, discovery and experimentation with the world that surrounds them.

The fire element of Aries gives him incredible self-confidence and amazing courage. His cardinal nature makes him restless and compels him to create change for the sake of change. Aries is assertive and acts in such a way that people will find out about him in a short time. Aries will say this: “If I don’t attract attention to myself, then how will they know about me?” And he's right! True to himself, Aries meets the right people. (In the case of Aries, it must be some rich man or politician who could become his profitable protégé and introduce him to even more influential people!) Where would we be without the daredevils of Aries who push us forward?

Cancer: Cardinal, Water

The role of Cancer is to actively explore the entire sphere of human emotions. The Cardinal Property and the Water Element motivate Cancer to explore new emotional states and experiments. As a water sign, Cancer expresses its independence and ambition most subtly of all the cardinal signs. But do not be deceived - these qualities are just as strongly inherent in Cancer as they are in other cardinal signs, no matter how mildly these qualities are manifested.

Astrologers often describe Cancers as susceptible to mood swings, which is true at times, but this description oversimplifies Cancer's multifaceted nature and his ability to accept, initiate, or take advantage of change when he feels it is needed. Cancers have an incredibly high ability to sympathize and sympathize compared to other signs, and in this only Pisces can compare with them. Cancers have a very wide emotional spectrum, and their inner life combines both the highest and the lowest. Cancers cannot have it any other way!

Libra: Cardinal, Air

Libras are great matchmakers and know how to get things done by introducing people in a relaxed atmosphere. This sign moves among people, communicates a lot, and combines opposites. Libras love to act in tandem with someone, and trying to do anything without the “other half” seems pointless to them.

Libras work best in a team. They are active, influential, and their Cardinal Trait allows them to connect with successful people like themselves. So they quickly develop a database of influential friends, connections and contacts. For example, you can get the necessary acquaintance to promote your pet hotel project with the help of your Libra friend - he will organize the party or dinner necessary for acquaintance. Because Libras are a cardinal sign, they sometimes act like bosses, but they do so in such a charming way that most people willingly (and happily) bend to Libra's will.

Capricorn: Cardinal, Earth

Capricorn is a cardinal sign that begins to do something, already seeing the end result. Capricorns are dispassionate and not impulsive - their earthly nature sets goals and makes plans carefully. Unlike another earth sign, Taurus, who is motivated by money, Capricorn's motivation is to maintain and improve its reputation. Prestige is very important to Capricorns because they like to be respected for the way they work.

Whatever they put their stamp on must be the best they can do. They work with almost the same obsession and dedication as Virgos (almost - because Virgo is difficult to surpass in perfection and dedication to their work). Earning honor and fame for the sake of honor and fame is the main interest of Capricorns, especially if the position allows them to use all their significant leadership abilities. Why does a practical Capricorn agree to a top position in a company, even if the salary for this position is low?

The down-to-earth Capricorn understands that in the future he will be able to use his title profitably and compensate for the low salary. They say we are just two phone calls away from influential people. If this is true, and you want to get hold of someone high up in the stratosphere, call your Capricorn friend first. He knows all the right people - and are a permanent part of their circle.

A fixed cross is a cross of evolution, stability and stability, accumulation, concentration of development. The basis of this cross is constancy. The main quality is courage. He uses the experience of the past. It gives stability, hardness, strength, durability, stability.

Fixed signs symbol

Common features: People of this cross excel in defense. The product of their efforts in the form of a positive result is endurance, patience, waiting. This man is a fortress. They endure not because of weak will and cowardice, but because of masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, perseverance, but also steadfastness in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have great efficiency, reliability, and unbending will. Realization of energy depending on efforts in any area.

Fixed Zodiac Signs

Fixed Zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. All fixed (permanent) signs of the Zodiac have qualities such as determination, stability, devotion and consistency. If they set a goal for themselves, then nothing will stop them, they are persistent and reliable. While the enthusiasm of cardinal signs may wane after a while, representatives of fixed signs are able to go all the way. Consistency gives strength and endurance to achieve great goals, and once they have made a decision, they are not inclined to change their mind. As a rule, people of these zodiac signs are not inclined to give up in the face of adversity. Their stable and reliable nature has a lot of energy and willpower, but at the same time they lack flexibility and the ability to accept change. Their constancy forces us to maintain the established order of things, so as not to lose what has already been accumulated. Strength of aspiration and resistance to stress are very good qualities, but excess fixity manifests itself in the inability to change when circumstances require it. If something like this happens, then one can fully expect from them the resistance for which they are so famous. It is not surprising that when change does come, it is a real tragedy for them. They do not like to be restrained or limited in anything; their reluctance to obey can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Representatives of this square are energy accumulators, they constantly accumulate knowledge and experience, they know how to save their energy and not waste it at the beginning of a business, like cardinal signs. They are more patient, enduring, but inert, do not like change, innovation and always resist any influence on themselves.

Fixed sign people

Fixity is, first of all, constancy, steadfastness, and determination. Thanks to fixed qualities, we improve what we may not even have already started. These qualities allow us to be balanced, stable, and calm.

Calf ()

Taurus is the most passive sign from this square, knows how to work, but gets down to business only when it is no longer possible to put it off or finds undoubted benefit and pleasure in it. Taurus, a fixed Earth sign, is constant in its desire to accumulate and preserve material values.

A lion ()

Leo is the most active of the square; he gets down to business with great enthusiasm, but more often he strives to organize, lead, control the process, but not to execute. The exception is creative work. Leo, a fixed Fire sign, is constant in its pride and originality, and has a strong need for self-expression and approval.

Scorpion ()

When Scorpio gets down to business, he immediately tries to detect and eliminate vulnerabilities and possible threats; he cannot allow what he has invested his strength in to perish. Scorpio, a fixed Water sign, is constant in its desires and would like to make its feelings permanent.

Aquarius ()

Aquarius is recognized as the most original sign because it manages to combine incompatible things: the desire for novelty and extreme inertia. Aquarius, a fixed Air sign, is fixed in ideas and principles - it will take great persuasion to change his mind about someone or something.

Fixed Zodiac Signs