Belarusian folk songs and nursery rhymes. Works of Russian writers

I used games in the work of a folklore circle. The demands of the new time are to pay attention to your native language! In our kindergarten, we have introduced a day of communication in a non-Belarusian language (one per week). On this day it is convenient to use folk games. In the game, the child quickly comprehends the subtleties of the language. So - go for it!

InandsToі mouses

All children, together with the mouse players, stand in a circle. The hedgehog is in the center of the circle. At the signal, everyone goes to the right, the hedgehog goes to the left. The players pronounce the words: Byazhyts leader - stupid, stupid, All kalyuchy, gostry tooth! Leader-leader, where are you going? What the hell is this bullshit?

After these words everyone stops. At the signal, one player approaches the hedgehog and says:

The leader's legs are tap-tap!

The leader with his eyes, lup-lup!

Feel the leader - here you go,

Chu!.. Skrabetstsa ў lіstse mice!

The hedgehog imitates movements: walks carefully, listens. The mice are running around in circles at this time. The presenter says:

Byazhy, byazhy, leader,

Don't waste your knife

You catch mice for yourself,

Don't fool our guys!

The mice run in a circle, running out of the circle. The hedgehog catches them (spots them).

Players quickly crouch and lower their hands. The mouse is caught: it is in a mousetrap. Thus, the game is repeated several times.

Rules of the game. Everyone acts exactly according to the text. A hedgehog spots mice by lightly touching them with his hand. The stained mouse immediately leaves the game.

Zapljatsі Oh, honey!

The players are divided into two teams of equal strength - the hares and the fence. Two parallel lines are drawn - a corridor 10-15 cm wide. The fence players, holding hands, stand in the center of the corridor, and the hares - at one end of the site. The wattle children read:

Hare, hare is not hadji,

Ў garodze not bludzi!

Dance, dance,

Hares come, save yourself!

At the last word, the hares run to the fence and try to tear it apart or slip under the hands of the players. The hares that slipped through gather at the other end of the corridor, and those who were detained are told: “Go back to the forest, asinka gnaws!” And they are out of the game. The wicker children turn to face the hares and read:

There is a hare in the forest,

The dance is upon us.

The game is repeated until all the hares are caught. After this, they change roles.

Rules of the game. The winner is the group that catches all the birds with the fewest number of starts.


Players, by agreement or by drawing lots, choose the fox - the leader and, lining up in a circle with a diameter of 10-20 m, place the fox next to them. The fox approaches one of the players and says:

How would you like it?

What kind of evil?

Give me some fishing line.

I don’t give it that much.

And for what - tell me yourself.

Yak abgonish, so addam.

After that, they run in opposite directions in a circle. The owner of the fox is the one who takes the free space in the circle, the fox is the player who remains.


The players stand in a circle, holding their hands in front of the boat. One leader is selected. The presenter holds a small shiny object in his hands (it could be a ring, a foil wrapper). The leader walks in a circle and seems to put a ring in everyone’s hands. At the same time he says:

I'm going all the way,

I put everything in the scenery,

Matsney handles zatsiskayce

Yes, look, don’t look.

He quietly puts a ring on one of the children, and then leaves the circle and says: “Perstsenachak, perscenachak, go out to the ganachak!” The one with the ring in his hands runs out, and the children must try to hold him back and not let him out of the circle. Rules of the game. After the words: “Pyarstsenachak, pertscenachak, go out to ganachak!” - all players must quickly join hands so as not to let the player with the ring in his hand out of the circle.

At Mazal's

Participants in the game choose Mazal. Everyone else leaves Mazal and agrees that they will show him, after which they go to Mazal and say:

Hello, grandfather Mazal -

With a long white barade,

With black hair, with white hair!

Dzetki, dzetki! Where have you been?

Where have you been? What did they do?

Where we were, I won’t tell you,

What slaves - let's show!

Everyone makes the movements that were agreed upon in advance. When Grandfather Mazol guesses right, the players run away, and Grandfather catches them.

Rules of the game. Grandfather Mazal chooses the fastest, most dexterous player to replace him.


Everyone walks, dancing and singing some song, and leads the cat player blindfolded. When they lead him to the door, they put him on the threshold and tell him to take the handle, and then everyone together (in unison) chants the following conversation with the cat:

Cat, cat! What are you on?

On the oak tree!

What are you fussing about?

What the hell?

What's the matter?

Where do you go?

I love my son!

What do we need?

Clay on the paws!

Then everyone starts to bother the cat and sings a song:

Cat, cat Apanas,

You have loved us for three years!

You have loved us for three years,

Don't open your eyes!

As soon as they sing last words, scatter in different directions. And the cat Apanas begins to catch the players. Everyone is hovering around the cat, teasing him: they either touch him with a finger, or tug at his clothes.

Rules of the game. You can catch and run away only after the words: “Without opening your eyes!” Salified temporarily leaves the game.


Pan stands somewhere in the distance, and the owner remains with the radishes. The radishes sit on the grass one after another, clasping the one sitting in front with both arms. They are singing:

We're going to the city center,

Let's look at the sleepyhead!

We are moving, we are moving, we are moving!

We look, look, look!

And the owner walks in front of the beds. Suddenly from afar one hears:




This is a gentleman riding a horse (on a stick). He drives up to the garden bed, circles it two or three times, then stops and asks: “What is the owner of the house?” The owner replies: “At home! Who's there? Pan says: “Pan himself!” The owner asks: “What do you need?” Pan says:

My lady was lying down on the stove.

Fell out of the oven,

Pain in my shoulders.

Whoa, whoa, whoa -

Redzki are thirsty.

Give me redzki!

The owner answers:

Little Redzka Yashche:

For chicken galley.

Come tomorrow!

Pan went home. After some time, he again comes to the garden and asks the same thing. The owner looked at the garden bed and said:

Little Redzka Yashche:

From a goosebump.

Come tomorrow, then I’ll give it to you!

Pan galloped back. After a while he comes again and says the same thing. The owner replies: “My little redzka has grown into a horse’s haunch!”

Pan asks: “Can I tear out the redzka?” The owner says: “You can! Tsangi yourself, whatever you want!”

Pan approaches the radish and pulls the one that sits last. And the radish sits tightly and laughs at him:

The lady's legs are tanky,

The gentleman's hands are weak!

Pan keeps tugging, but there is no strength to pull it out. And the radishes and the owner laugh at him, uttering the same words.

Finally, the gentleman strained himself, contrived, pulled out the radish and took it to where his horse stood. Then he approaches the owner and asks again: “Can I have a yashche redzka?” “You can, please!” - the owner allows. Pan cannot pull it out himself and calls for the first radish. They begin to pull together. They pulled out another one! Then they began to pull out all the radishes one by one. And each radish that he pulls out of the garden becomes a single file behind the previous radishes. This continues until there is nothing left in the garden. Pan gets on his horse and rides off with the radishes.

Rules of the game. You can only pull out radishes with the owner’s permission.


The players join hands, forming a circle with a boy or girl in the middle. This will be the pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle:

We're picking up a pear -

That's it, that's it!

Sniff our pear

Rasce, rasce

Grow up, little pear,

It's so tall;

Grow up, little pear,

This is such a big thing;

Grow up, little pear,

Grow up in good time!

Dance, Marylka,

You're spinning for us!

And we get this pear

All shchypats budzem.

Hell is our Marylki

Let's get away with it!

The pear in the middle of the circle should represent everything that is sung about in the song: dancing, spinning. To the words “It’s so tall,” the children raise their hands up, and to the words “It’s so tall,” they spread them apart. When they sing: “And we are going to hit this pear,” everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the pear catches someone.

Rules of the game. All game actions must be clearly consistent with the words.

“Soneyka-sontsa”, “Gogo-gogo, gander”, “Belaboka-saroka”, “Fuck-bang-tarabakh”, “God’s karouka”, “Khodzitsya song with cabbage”, “Gushki, gushki, gushki”, “Kukareku , warbler”, “And the hen-rabushachka”, “Idzi, idzi, raindrop”.


“I’ll tie the goat”, “Like our cat”, “Little kitten”, “Oh you, rainbow-arc”, “From behind the forest”, “The cat went into the woods”.

SONGS AND Rhymes of the Peoples of the World

“Agile Swallow” (Czech, arr. S. Marshak), “Rain! Rain!" (French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius)


“Kotsik Petryk and Myshka”


“Turnip” (arranged by K. Ushinsky); “Trap” (translated by A. Yakimovich); “Teremok” (arranged by M. Bulatov), ​​“Little goats and the wolf” (arranged by K. Ushinsky), Kazlyanyatki and warriors (translated by K. Stankevich).


“Lazy Brucholina” (Italian, arr. by L. Vershinin).


Z. Byadulya. “Hey, my horse”; V. Vitka. “Babiny gostsi”; S. Sokalau-Vojush. “Mishka”, “Avechka”, “Bee”; I. Ant. “Admarosis paws”; A. Dzeruzhynski. “Snyazhynki”; A. Yakimovich. “Miadzvedz”; N. Galinouskaya. “Kalykhanka”, “Kotsik-Varkotsik”; N. Tulupava. “Wushki”; V. Ipatava. “Aladki”, “Vaverka”; T. Klyashtornaya. “Dapamagu”; K. Builo. “Dzitsyachi garden”; A. Pysin. “Lastauka”, “Matylyochki-matylі”; G. Bagdanava. “Zbank”; V. Gardzei. “Kotsik”; V. Koutun. “Geese”; M. Tank “Ehau Cossack Bai”; V. Shnip. “Kuranyats”; L. Shyryn. “Doctar”; St. Lutsevich. “Birdy.”


V. Zhukovsky. "Cat and Goat"; L. May. "Lullaby"; M. Lermontov. “Sleep, baby...” (from the poem “Cossack Lullaby”); A. Prokofiev. "Sun"; O. Vysotskaya. “Cold”, “Sleighing”; V. Berestov. "Sick Doll" A. Barto. “Bird”, “Who Screams”, “Sunny”; Z. Alexandrova. "Christmas tree"; E. Blaginina. “Rain, rain...”, “Good morning”; M. Klokova. "My horse"; E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya. "Horse"; A. Brodsky. " Sunny bunnies».


M. Mrevlishvili. “Important Rooster” (translated from the Georgian by Y. Akim); V. Stoyanov. “Swallow” (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova), “Rooster” (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova); M. Karem “My Cat” (translated from French by M. Kudinov).


A. Kobets-Filimonava. “Maroz, Chervony nose.”


K. Ushinsky. "Vaska"; E. Charushin. “Who Lives How”; Ya. Taits. “Train”, “Tsyagnik” (translated by A. Sachanki); N. Kalinina. "About a beetle."


D. Gabe. “My Family” (translated from Bulgarian by R. Sefa); D. Bisset “Ha-ha-ha” (translated from English by N. Shereshevskaya).



Physical development. The intense pace continues physical development. On average, per year, body weight increases by 2.0 kg, height increases by 7–8 kg. By the age of three, the child’s body weight is on average 15.0 kg, height – 95.0 – 96.0 cm.

A characteristic feature of this age is the child’s need for a variety of movements, interest and desire to perform them. His independence increases, his movements become more coordinated. Development parameters, quality characteristic and the pace of pupils’ mastery of different types of movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing) are individual, but for each child the harmonious relationship of physical development indicators is important: height, weight, chest circumference, activity, mobility. Physical exercise they need for the full development of all systems and functions, sensory knowledge of the world around them.

Social, moral and personal development. At this age, a significant change occurs in relationships with others, due to growth active work a pupil who has own desires and intentions that may not coincide with those of the adult. This is expressed in the emergence of a desire for independence, on the one hand, and a desire to be like an adult and imitate him, on the other hand. The child’s social position is restructured in relation to the authority of the mother, father, and other family members. At this age, he is very sensitive to the words and actions of the people around him: he listens with interest to the dialogue of adults, tries to comprehend the logic of their reasoning and actions.

The child strives to be relatively independent, wants to do a lot himself (get dressed, undress, eat), refuses the help of adults. If adults do not take into account the needs of the child, show excessive care, and restrain the child’s initiative, then this can lead to stubbornness, negativism, and the desire to do everything contrary to the adult’s demands.

In the third year of life, a child develops feelings of self-esteem, pride in a successfully completed assignment, and a desire to show himself worthy and skillful in the eyes of an adult. He wants to demonstrate his own achievements to an adult, without whose approval they are not of particular significance for the child. Adults who skillfully regulate their limitations and requirements, encouraging the child’s independence, help the harmonious formation of his personality.

The child has a need to communicate with peers, but their interaction does not last long and occurs sporadically, first in the process of joint object-based play activities, then in play activities. The first sympathies arise: the child often plays with the same peer, notices if he is not in the group. Elements of self-esteem appear, which reflect feelings of dignity and shame that are still in their infancy. During this period, the child feels and satisfies his pride mainly through actions that attract the attention of others to him, compares his actions and skills with the skills and actions of other children. By the age of three, the child begins to highlight his “I”, put himself in the position of a subject of activity, and realize that there are other people nearby. It is necessary that these first ideas about his physical and social “I” acquire a positive connotation, which will become the basis for the development of a positive “I-concept” at the next stages of ontogenesis.

During this period of life, satisfaction of the child’s needs for cognition, mastery various types activities: play, work, art, etc. The child’s activity becomes more complex, acquires a purposeful nature and effectiveness. At an early age, the psychological prerequisites for the formation of play activity are created. The first ones arise role-playing games, in which the child takes on a role, reflecting the actions of close adults (mother, grandmother). The game is usually dominated by subject content - the student performs a certain action with the doll - dresses it, feeds it, puts it to bed. Over the course of the year, the game actions, united by a common plot, become more complex. The child begins to reflect in his play life experience, performing the actions of adults in a conditional game plan, takes upon himself new role(salesperson, doctor). In a plot-based game of imitating the actions of adults, he replaces real objects with toys and other substitute objects (feeds a doll with a stick).

The child is still emotional, sensitive to the praise and censure of an adult, very attached to loved ones, but shows interest in strangers who arouse his sympathy. Impulsive behavior gives way to behavior of a new type, in which the primary ability to subordinate one’s desires to necessity is manifested (learning the concepts “possible,” “needed,” “impossible”). The child begins to control his own and other people’s actions, although his capabilities here are still very limited. In the third year of life, the child is proud of his virtues: obedience, neatness, new toys, the ability to dress independently, “read” poetry, pronounce “difficult” sounds, and dance. Not only people, but also toys evoke different feelings in him. Live nature. The child begins to distinguish beautiful from ugly, good from evil. Thus, at this age, the first stage of development of the child’s ideas about himself, the first stage of personality development, ends.

Cognitive development. Sensory development continues: the child becomes familiar with the shape, size, color, mass of objects, their characteristics, correlates the properties of some objects with the properties of others, and identifies what is common in them. When acting with objects, he takes into account their characteristics and position in space. Gradually, the ability to compare observed objects and phenomena and establish simple connections between them is formed. Pupils understand and gradually designate with words the properties and qualities of objects, master the ability to generalize, and solve visual and practical problems.

The pupils' attention is not yet stable. Gradually, the focus on the activity they are engaged in becomes longer. The processes of memorization and recollection are improved; with the development of speech, memories can be recalled with the help of words.

Memory improves significantly. The child remembers not only what happened in the recent past (a few hours ago), but can also tell (by the end of the third year of life) about significant events in life (visiting a puppet theater, a children's cafe, etc.).

The third year of life is a period of intensive development of imagination, especially in the second half of the year (2.5 - 3 years). A child can act in an imaginary situation: for example, show how a fox runs, how a bunny jumps, etc. The development of imagination is closely related to the development of productive activities: drawing (product - drawing), modeling (product - craft), design (product - construction), playing (role-playing behavior).

Speech development. The active vocabulary increases rapidly, which by the age of three averages 1,500 words. The child masters the grammatical structure of his native language - new ones appear case endings, future tense of the verb, adjectives and prepositions are more often used. Mastering speech gives the student the opportunity to use it not only to designate objects in the surrounding reality, but also to express their needs. The transition from calling oneself in the third person (“Katya sleep”) to the first, the use of the personal pronoun “I” marks the most important stage in the personal development of a child - the emergence of self-awareness.

The ability to construct a phrase of 3-4 words is formed: the child uses both simple and complex sentence. He understands the meaning not only individual statements adult, relating directly to the perceived event, but also the content short stories about objects that are not in this moment in his field of vision. The student begins to ask questions “what is this?”, “why?” etc., actions are accompanied by words and remarks.

The child masters the sound side of speech (speech breathing, auditory perception, phonemic hearing begins to develop, correct pronunciation sounds of the native language). He begins to show interest in the Belarusian language, children's programs in the Belarusian language, and understands the meaning of some of the most common words.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Changes also occur in mastering drawing, modeling, and design. The child's earlier practice of scribbling on paper with a pencil begins to acquire a certain meaning. The child recognizes familiar images in the scribbles, begins to see images and phenomena of reality in the outlines of lines, shapes, and colored spots, and tries to depict objects familiar to him. The actual pictorial drawing function appears.

Continue to form different types musical activity. The child listens with interest and perceives emotionally musical works, imitates the extended singing intonations of an adult, the sound of an instrument. Auditory sensitivity increases, allowing you to distinguish sounds by pitch and timbre. The child masters the ability to move in accordance with bright pronounced character music, noting contrasting changes, rhythm gradually appears in movements to the music.

All of these neoplasms prepare the child for a new age period of development - preschool.

Sample daily routine for pupils of the first junior group

Get up, morning toilet 6.30-7.30

IN preschool institution

Reception, inspection, temperature measurement,

games, morning exercises 7.00-8.00

Breakfast 8.00-8.30

Games, preparation for classes 8.30-9.00

Classes 9.00-9.40

Preparing for the walk 9.40-10.00

Walk 10.00-11.50

Return from the walk 11.50-12.00

Lunch 12.00-12.30

Sleep 12.30-15.00

Gradual rise

hardening procedures 15.00-15.30

Afternoon tea 15.30-15.50

Games, independent activity 15.50-16.30

Preparing for the walk 16.30-16.50

Walk 16.50-18.00

Return from a walk 18.00-18.20

Dinner 18.20-18.45

Children go home until 19.00

Walk 19.00-19.50

Light dinner, games, hygiene procedures 19.50-20.20

Night sleep 20.20-6.30 (7.30)

Note: the daily routine is developed based on the 12-hour stay of pupils in the educational institution (07.00-19.00). The daily routine can be adjusted for groups working with a different time of stay, taking into account their type (sanatorium, integrated, special), time of year, resource conditions (presence of a swimming pool), meal schedule, stay in the fresh air.

Hardening (mandatory measures):

Washing with cool water (repeatedly throughout the day)

Health walks (3-4 hours)

Rinsing your mouth and throat after each meal with water at room (cool) temperature

Air baths before and after sleep, during physical education classes

Walking barefoot (under normal conditions and on a ribbed path) before and after sleep, during physical education classes (from 2 to 20 minutes - time increases gradually)

Individual hardening in the family

Physical development

Recommended works fiction and folklore

according to the "Preschool Education Curriculum"

Belarusian folk songs and nursery rhymes.

“Soneyka-sontsa”, “Mouse, mouse, was it dze?”, “Gogo-gogo, gander”, “Verabeychyk”, “Belaboka-sarok”, “Fuck-bang-tarabakh”, “God’s little car”, “Che- che, che-che, saroka”, “Lyuli-lyuli, lyulyashu”, “Ay, lyuli-lyuli-lyulechki”, “Ishla kaza”, “Lyuli-lyuli-little ones”, “Khodzits song on kapusce”, “Lyulya- I love", "And you, kotsinka-skating rink", "Apsik, apsik, katochak", "I cut, cut a leg", "Gushki, gushki, gushki", "Saroka-varona", "Chyki-chyky, saroka", " And you, skating rink shery”, “Lyuli-lyuli-lyulechki”, “Lyuli-lyuli-lyuli”, “Kukareku, little warbler”, “Don’t hadzi, kotsik”, “U kutse syadzits myadzvedz”, “Ladki-ladkom”, “ Lado, okay, okay", "Bayu-bainku, bayu", "And the chicken-rabushachka", "Syadzitsy myadzvedz on the kalodze", "Bull", "I play on the pipes", "Syadzitsy owl on the cape", "Leader" , “Idzi, idzi, rain”, “Gorkay, gorkay, gorkay.”

Russian folk songs and nursery rhymes.

“Sunshine-bucket!”, “I’ll tie the goat”, “Like our cat”, “Okay”, “Little kitten”, “The cat went to Torzhok”, “Ay, kachi-kachi”, “Magpie-white-sided” , “Pussy-pussy”, “Our Masha”, “Ant-grass”, “The horned goat is coming”, “Water-water”, “Finger-boy”, “Legs”, “So people are sleeping”, “Skok- jump", " Ladybug", "Oh, you rainbow-arc", "From behind the forest", "The cat went into the woods", "How can I...".

Songs and nursery rhymes of the peoples of the world.

“I am a goat” (lit., sampled by A. Prokofiev and A. Chapurov), “Oh, in the green forest” (Ukrainian, sampled by R. Zaslavsky), “Snegirek” (German, sampled by V. Viktorov) , “At Little Mary’s” (English, sample by S. Marshak), “Windy in March” (English, sample by S. Marshak), “Gloves” (English, sample by S. Marshak), “Don’t be late " (English, arr. by S. Marshak), "My chicken" (Czech, arr. by S. Marshak), "Give me some milk, brownie" (Czech, arr. by S. Marshak), "Agile swallow" (Czech ., sample by S. Marshak), “Hedgehog and Fox” (Czech, sample by S. Marshak), “Vesnyanka” (Ukrainian, sample by G. Litvak), “Lyuli, Lyuli, my baby” (lit. , arr. by Yu. Grigoriev), "Rain, rain!" (French, arr. N.Gernet and S.Gippius), "Hands, dance" (French, arr. N.Gernet and S.Gippius), "Grandfather Roch" (pol., arr. B. Zakhoder), "The Shoemaker" (Polish, sampled by B. Zakhoder), "The Shepherd Boy" (Bulgarian, sampled by A. Sanin), "Pony Horse" (Scotland, sampled by I. Tokmakova), "Little Willie Winky" (Scotland ., sample by I. Tokmakova).

Belarusian folk tales.

“Fly-fly”, “Kotsik Petryk and mouse”, “Dzedava’s mitten”.

Russian folk tales.

"Kolobok" (arranged by K. Ushinsky), "Kalabok" (translated by A. Yakimovich); "Turnip" (arranged by K. Ushinsky), "Turnip" (translated by A. Yakimovich); "Teremok" (model by M. Bulatov), ​​"Kids and the Wolf" (model by K. Ushinsky), "Kazlyanyatki i voўk" (trans. by K. Stankevich); "Golden Egg" (model by K. Ushinsky).

Tales of the peoples of the world.

“Lazy Brucholina” (Italian, arr. by L. Vershinin); “Why does a cat wash itself after eating” (lit., arr. by Z. Zadunaiskaya); “Kroshka-Baby” (Scottish, sampled by N. Shereshevskaya); “About the Fox and the Cat” (ind., arr. by V. Krasheninnikov); “The Sparrow and the Fox” (Bulgarian, arr. by M. Klyagina-Kondratieva).

Literary fairy tales.

L. Tolstoy. “Three Bears”, “Three Myadzvedzi” (translated by A. Yakimovich); S. Marshak. "The Tale of stupid mouse", "The Tale of smart mouse"; V. Suteev. "Who said "Meow"?", "Who said "Meow"?" (translated by A. Sachanki).

Works of Belarusian poets.

Z. Byadulya. "Hey, my horse"; V. Vitka. “Babiny gostsi”, “Kotsya and Katsya”, “Dozhdzhik”; S.Sokalau-Voyush. “Mouse”, “Bear”, “Avechka”, “Bee”; I.Ant. “Admarosis paws”, “I myself”; A. Dzeruzhynski. "Snyazhynki", "Sani"; A. Yakimovich. "Miadzvedz", "Liska"; N. Galinovskaya. "Kalyhanka", "Kotsik-Varkotsik"; N. Tulupava. "Vushki"; V. Ipatava. "Aladki", "Vaverka"; T. Klyashtornaya. “Dapamagu”, “Gaspadynya”, “Pautsyakali tsatski”; K. Buylo. "Dzitsyachi garden"; A. Pysin. "Lastauka", "Matylyochki-Matyli"; G. Bagdanava. "Zbanok", "Malyavany dyvanok"; V.Gardzei. "Kotsik", "Chasnok", "Vitamin"; V.Koutun. "Gusi", "Tsvichok"; M.Tank. "Ehau Cossack Bai", "Galinka and Verabey"; V.Shnip. "Kuranyats"; L. Shyryn. "Doktar"; St. Lutsevich. "Birdy", "May"; M. Myatlitski. "Sunichka"; P.Pranuza. "Verabey is a soul-seeker", "Grybnik"; S. Grahoski. "Lasyanya"; G.Ivanova. "Holy"; G. Karzhaneuskaya. "Paglaju leader"; U.Karyzna. "The most sculpted"; Ya. Krupenka. "Shpak", "Alenka"; A. Loika. "Verabeychyk"; M.Charniaski. "New Year", "Konik"; I. Shutsko. "Egg", "Snyazhok"; E. Los. "May Lyalka", "Winter"; W. Korban. "Karova", "Avechka"; K.Leika. "Garabey"; K. Krapiva. "For the New Year"; P. Marcinovich. "Navalnitsa"; M. Skrypka. "Crucian carp", "Shchupak"; M.Shakhovich. "Chaburashka"; Y. Zhabko "Vanya is going to his grandmother."

Works of Russian poets.

A. Pleshcheev. "The grass is turning green"; V. Zhukovsky. "Cat and Goat", "Bird"; L. May. "Lullaby"; M. Lermontov. “Sleep, baby...” (from the poem “Cossack Lullaby”); A. Prokofiev. "Sun"; O. Vysotskaya. “Cold”, “Sleighing”, “Herringbone”, “Flag”; V. Berestov "Sick Doll"; A.Barto. “Bird”, “Who Screams”, “Sunshine”, “Snow”, “Toys” (“Kid”, “Horse”, “Ball”, “Bear”, “Elephant”, “Truck”, “Bunny”, "Bull", "Plane", "Ship"); Z.Alexandrova. “Christmas tree”, “Katya in the manger”, “Drips”, “Stompers” (“In the morning”, “Delicious porridge”, “Stomps”, “Herself”, “One, two, three, four, five”, “Bathing” , “What you took, put it back”, “Bad girl”); E. Blaginina. “Rain, rain...”, “Good morning”, “Shine, shine, sun”; M. Klokova. "My horse"; E. Charushin, E. Shumskaya. "Horse"; A. Brodsky. "Sunny bunnies"; A.K. Tolstoy “My bells...” (excerpt); A. Pushkin. “A month, a month...”, “Wind, wind...” (from “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"); A. Vvedensky. "Mouse"; E. Moshkovskaya "Mitya - himself"; A. Fet "The cat sings, eyes narrowed"; Sasha Cherny. "Foal"; D. Kharms "Jolly Siskins".

Works of foreign poets.

M. Mrevlishvili. “Important rooster” (translated from the Georgian by Y. Akim); V. Stoyanov. "Swallow" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova), "Rooster" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova), "Sparrow" (translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova); M.Karem. “My Cat” (translated from French by M. Kudinov), “Chicken” (translated from French by M. Kudinov); V. Ladyzhets. "Our Prokopchik" (translated from Ukrainian by T. Volgina).

Works of Belarusian writers.

A. Kobets-Filimonava. "Maroz, Chyrvony nose", T. Bushko. "Snyazhynka."

Works of Russian writers.

K. Ushinsky. "Vaska", "Two Little Goats"; E. Charushin. “Who Lives How” (“Hare”, “Squirrel”), “In Our Yard”; Ya. Taits. "Train", "Tsyagnik" (translated by A. Sachanki), "Pencil", "Cube on a cube", "Cube on a cube" (translated by A. Sachanki), "Shoot", "Holiday"; N. Kalinina. “About a beetle”, “How Sasha and Alyosha came to kindergarten”; L. Tolstoy. “Rozka had puppies”, “Katya went”, “Nastya had a doll”, “Aunt gave Vera honey”; V. Suteev. "Three Kittens", "Chicken and Duckling"; L. Voronkova. "Trouble Chicken"; N. Pavlova. "By car"; K. Chukovsky. "Chicken", "Kuranyatka" (translated by A. Sachanki).

Works of foreign writers.

D. Gabe. “My family” (translated from Bulgarian by R. Sefa); D. Bisset. "Ha-ha-ha" (translated from English by N. Shereshevskaya).

A message to everyone who is thinking about giving a gift to a child: Give books - it's great!

Descriptions and our reviews of children's books in Belarusian (fairy tales, short stories, manuals for preschoolers) - enjoy reading them!

I’ll start with the favorite book of our 4-year-old Mikhas - "Nilepshi spyavak in the light" Ulf Nilsson and Eva Eriksson (“Knigazbor”, 2014). A story about friendship between brothers, about overcoming fears, about important events in Everyday life a little boy who loves and wants to be loved.

I think that our Micah likes this book for the reason that he associates himself with the main character. And in his spare time he likes to sing to the younger Matvey a couple of lines from the songs that are written about in this book.

Let me warn you right away that I am very sensitive to illustrations. I often buy books based on pictures. Having studied the psychology of a child’s perception of images, I can confidently say that this book meets all my criteria.

May be useful topics for children who are afraid of speaking in public. Yes, and parents are clearly explained about internal states kids on the eve of important events, talks about natural childhood affection.

Exciting events end with a happy ending!
“Mom said that I sang better than anyone in the world!”
Our rating for the book “Nilepshy spjavak u svetse” by Ulf Nilsson and Eva Eriksson is 5 out of 5! We have another book by these Swedish authors in our arsenal, but in Russian. That’s why it’s more popular and probably familiar to you - “The Kindest in the World” (link to description on the Labyrinth)

I would like to say something nice about the “Kalyarov Rovar” series. We have several more books with winged hippopotamuses on a bicycle, and they all also deserve the highest marks for content, illustrations and pedagogical approach to the little reader (specific examples will follow).

Another authors from Sweden are Eva Susa and Benjamin Shaw in an adventure story "Snow Chalavek"(“Unipak”, 2013) told about two brothers (we are so lucky to have heroes!) who visited Bigfoot. The scary stranger turned out to be a completely kind creature, in the process even a vegetarian))))
We took the adventures of Max and Uno with us and read them during our trip to the south of India in the winter of 2015, so that our children would not forget what snow looks like)

Photos from our series of photo stories

And again about the illustrations. White background- a guarantee that your child will be able to assimilate images more easily. The accents, detailing, colors - everything is super here!

Mikha began to dream of visiting such a furry giant!
An episode of cooking with goat's milk, blueberries and pine cones.
Dad, you are so recognizable here! For example, the head of our family loves to cook, so this story line again very helpful. The ending is not just a happy ending, there is such a twist: the parents suddenly find themselves in the know about all the affairs and affairs, because they themselves were once small.

And two more books from this series. About a girl who was enthusiastically busy with one very important task - she drew markings on the roads. Two books by Swedish artist and writer Sarah Lundberg: "Vita White Kraska" And "Vita Belaya Kraska i Eivind"(both “Knigazbor”, 2014)
As befits children's books - few letters, many pictures. I am sure that little dreamers will find food for inspiration here. And Vita is purposeful, a little quirky and kind. With children you can think about character main character, find out if they would like to be friends with this girl.
A bit of arguing and controlled aggression in the narrative, insults in the form of the words “idiot”, for example. There is also something to talk about with children after reading.
A little comics, a little atmospheric landscapes...

My rating is 5, although some points may be “for everyone” and it is also worth paying attention to the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with children after reading. There may be a lot of “whys?”

Let’s stop with the Swedes for a while)

Volga Gapeeva- a young Belarusian writer and translator, published last year "Sumny soup"(“Galiyafs”, 2014) is a book of stories for adult children and young adults.
From the abstract: “Everything is possible here: dictionaries help umbrellas, buttons look for the meaning of life, and hedgehogs try to find the answer to a question that has been bothering them for a long time: why count sheep. Behind the seemingly ordinary conversations and actions of the heroes are hidden philosophical thoughts and reasoning that anyone who reads the book can discover.”
Illustrations the size of a spread and with a small number of key details that become a catalyst. imaginative thinking- my kids really like it! Before we got this book, I once tried to tell three-year-old Micah a way to quickly fall asleep that involved sheep, but it didn’t work. And after such a visual aid, the child easily falls asleep on his own. He just knows now how it happens. Experience!
And there are good deeds here.
In general, I recommend it! 5 points. Olya, it would be 5 plus if you left me an autograph on the centerfold))))

Writer Natalya Buchynskaya presented her book to the Belarusian reader “Unforgettable sustrechi for the avechkai Adelyai”(“Mastatskaya Literature”, 2013). I won’t give a rating yet, because the children have not yet grown up to this format of literature (many letters without pictures), but it is on the shelf in a visible place so that as soon as...
Despite the age of the children, I bought this book as soon as I saw the cover, because it is truly Belarusian, native - not translated, and the illustrations (if only they were on every second spread!) are worthy - look for yourself:

I will definitely return to this publication in future reviews, when we talk about books in the Belarusian language for children aged 7-8 years.

"Dzivosy summer fly meadow"(“Mastatskaya literature”, 2012) Lyudmila Tsinyakova. The book consists of 10 stories about the small inhabitants of a summer meadow - butterflies, bees, dragonflies, spiders, ants...

Interesting dialogues instructive stories, live speech. Colorful, rich pictures are suitable for children of preschool age, because for younger (up to 4 years) age, the perception of images may be difficult. Everything is very bright and rich, there are no accents on the main characters. Therefore my rating is 4.

In the collection “Native Kazki, Dze Zvyary Rozum Mayuts”(“Belarus”, 2014) 9 traditional Belarusian fairy tales(“Pyayukha fly”, “Zaikava hut”, “Pshanichny kalasok”, “Kaza manyuka”, etc.)

My children's opinion is that the pictures are uninteresting. My opinion is that, firstly, there are not enough pictures for this format of fairy tales. After all, you can start reading them to children as young as one and a half years old: simple and understandable characters, repeating plots... and the illustrations, in theory, should support this narrative, create support for children’s imagination. But in this book, unfortunately, that is not the case.
And the children ask: “Who is it that doesn’t handle books carefully? All the pages are stained..." And I tell you that this is the style, that all this is on purpose - both stains and appliqués))
Overall score: 3 points.

Another similar collection - “Mom’s Cossack. Mom's fairy tale"(“Literature i Mastatstva”, 2012) - here half the book is occupied by fairy tales in the Belarusian language and half the book is occupied by fairy tales in Russian.

The content is as follows:
This collection of fairy tales is similar to the previous one both in content and in the number of illustrations. Not enough for children!)
I chose a couple of successful examples of spreads for the photo. Baba Yaga is good! And Miracle Yudo sharpens his teeth on the heavenly bodies, judging by his faces - he’s a good fellow!
Our rating is 4 points.

Collection "Belarusian folk tales"(Harvest, 2012). A bright red cover (we quickly find it on a bookshelf) and matte antique pages that are very pleasant to the touch. The cover didn't come out well, in my opinion. Too simple compared to what's inside. The style is lost, does not convey general impression from the publication. Our rating is 5- (minus for the cover design, otherwise we recommend purchasing this book)

Contents, 16 tales in total:
The design is “natural”, “forest”, fully consistent with the style of the story.
Agree, it conveys the atmosphere and mood.
And animals here often have human faces- funny.

And another stack of fairy tales))) "Wise folk tales"(“Harvest”, 2014), "The Patched Book of the Cossack"(“Harvest”, 2013), "Good Cossacks"(“Harvest”, 2014), "Belarusian Cossacks"(“Harvest”, 2014)

"Wise folk tales." Our rating is 5 points. Only 6 fairy tales, really wise. I questioned it, because nowadays it happens that they write one thing on the “label”, but inside it is completely different. Like, for example, in the next book called “Good Cossacks”: a fairy tale about a Fox who pretended to be dead and about a Wolf who caught fish big and small, and then carried the beaten one to the unbeaten one... In general, I don’t see much good here) ) At the end, the dogs attacked the fox and tore its fur into shreds. This is such goodness. Relative.

Contents of “wise” fairy tales:
Illustrations - sketches from peasant life: wells... carts... anvils... huts... Life and holidays. The holiday can be felt by the embroidered shirts - there are many traditional outfits. All this takes the child on a walk into history, into the past.
The most full meeting fairy tales were published in the book “Belarusian Cossacks” (it is also the plumpest in terms of volume). The same fairy tales, the same illustrations.

One could give 5 points to this publication, but... The child asks: “Why does the guy have four eyes?”
Not all pages were defective. Some. Perhaps such low-quality printing is only in our copy, not in the entire circulation - I don’t know.

“The Patched Book of the Cossack” (9 fairy tales) - there are enough illustrations, they are different for each fairy tale (executed by different artists), for the most part the main characters are animals. Not all fairy tales have illustrations that make me happy. This bunny is good, beautiful, but in another fairy tale he is too slanted and crooked))) Rating - 4.

"Reading book for little ones"(“Knigazbor”, 2013) - a collection of poems for children. Our rating is 3. Somehow it did not fall into the category of those books that children constantly bring and ask: “Mom, read it. So what if you’ve already read it!”
These are the pictures on the spread under the cover. All of them are used in the book and despite the fact that there seems to be a lot of them, they are still not enough.
Here is one of the successful examples of a reversal. Some were left without illustrations at all, just poems on a spotted background - sad.
And also an inconvenient landscape format - when it stands in one neat row on a shelf with books, the spine always sticks out treacherously. Maybe it's just the fears of a perfectionist))

Rygor Baradulin “Syabryna”(“Mastatskaya Literature”, 2013). Our rating is 5 minus. The downside is that this kind of book should have been made in hardback with more poems))) Good!

I won’t even tell you how good it is, judge for yourself - here are a few spreads:

Pedagogical manual with a large volume useful information“Zarnyatka. Tops, apovyadanni, kazki, riddles, prypeuki, kalyhanki, gulni, prymauki, prykazki, hutkagavorki" If you search on the Internet, for example, for descriptions of our grandparents' yard games, you are unlikely to find such detailed rules as in this wonderful publication. Speech therapy tasks and tongue twisters in the Belarusian language are especially important for the development of the speech of a child who has two or more languages ​​in the family (we, by the way, have three - Russian, Belarusian and Czech).

Our rating is 5. Despite the fact that, frankly speaking, there are few illustrations here. Still, this book is more likely for parents and other educators.

Ideology. A lot) “I am Belarusian”, “Belarusian region”, “Belarusian”... Good lyrics, but are not suitable for our children born in the Czech Republic due to the fact that the described facts do not match. I think I’ll introduce them to similar verses later, when I can explain what’s what.

I’ll translate a little from the hundredth page that accidentally opened: “Belarusian folk games. Don't shy away from the old custom. Games that have come to us from distant centuries occupy a special place in raising a child, beckoning with their magical mystery. Every child is interested in experiencing what his ancestors were interested in and what they played in childhood. Folk games develop physical abilities and abilities for creative improvisation, form friendly, friendly relationships between children, teach mercy. They have a lot of humor, they promote active mental activity, the development of speech and memory...” Further, even more benefits and positive attitudes are described. Wow!

My cousin sister gave us this book. She is a teacher herself and works in a kindergarten. A professional approach is visible in the selection of literature.

If you have the book described above “for yourself”, then “for your child” be sure to get this unique edition - “I feel, bachu, gavaru” Anatol Kryshka(“Asar”, 2003). These two books will complement each other perfectly.

This is 5! With a big plus!

The content shows that this is practically a children's encyclopedia for little Belarusians.

A little history and folk clothes. How I love Belarusian ornaments!
Mikha said that he would be a builder or a photographer.
But this is talaqa, dzyady... Very sincere. And this is exactly what you should start teaching your children from early age- friendship, honor, memory, love. Do you have photographs of your parents and grandparents in your room? If not, find the desire to make them) This book teaches parents too. I found some new words that I now use in everyday life.
Easter. I thought that hanging colored eggs on trees with ribbons was a Czech tradition. And from this book it is clear that Belarusians are also great people) I was born in Belarus, lived there for 27 years, and only now learned about such a beautiful holiday installation from a children’s book.

“Sennya Kupalkai Budze our Alena” is accidental and pleasant.
And separately about the illustrations. A white background is ideal for children's books. The colors, detailing, accents - everything is beautiful. And children's infographics help memorize.
I bought this valuable copy in the used book department at book exhibition. I highly recommend it!

And let my information message fly into the Universe: This book needs to be republished! Maybe it will come true)

My message on Facebook “We will accept donations of children’s books in the Belarusian language” (or some similar text) reached good people, and we got a stack of school textbooks in Belarusian, among which was this book. “Sloan with Babies” Mikola Jalenski(“People’s Asveta”, 1994).

With this book format you can play “translator”. When you speak a word to a child in Russian, he translates. And vice versa. Our rating is 4 points. A point was taken away for the number of illustrations. As they say, we started for health, ended for peace. If at the beginning of the book everything is still good, then by the middle the illustrator’s interest in the project weakens... Of course, I can only guess about the reasons. The fact remains that some spreads are without a single picture.

Continuing the theme of used books. We received this pair of books as gifts. Remember them from your childhood? Uladzimir Lipski “As God created the light”(“Belarus”, 1993) and "The Dancing Bible"(Bible Translation Institute, Stockholm, 1992)

Angels especially touch me. It's nice to read the text in such a frame. Or do I just love the image of an angel?
I'm sure children will like miracles from Jesus. Let's start reading this book closer to Christmas.
Contents, well-known biblical stories:
One of the spreads from the Children's Bible. I remember these illustrations. I remember how I could look at them for a long time.

Here's a couple. "The Book of Death" by Pernilla Stalfelt Hooray! Now also in Belarusian (Vydavets Zmitser Kolas, 2014). Friends, can you please respond, who gave it? We didn’t keep track, and every time I pick up this book, I ask myself: “Who should I thank?”

The first time we read this book with our children was when my grandmother Lilya died. We were unable to fly to the funeral ceremony, but we had a connection via Skype to say one last “Bye!” Then it was time to explain to Micah what death is.

There is little Christian in it, but on the whole I like this approach to explaining the process of dying.

Our rating is 5 points. And the illustrations are funny.

A book from Grandma Tanya. Grandmother gave the Swedes) Juja Wislander, Sven Nordkvist “Mama Mu will be ladies”(“Mastatskaya literature”, 2014)

Our rating is 5 points. And, as you probably already understood, everything is great! As in all previous books by Swedish writers. Funny story about a possessed cow)
Which built a treehouse in every conceivable and inconceivable way.
Sven's illustrations are excellent as always! We read and get engrossed in the pictures with pleasure.

The first children's book in the Belarusian language that I bought myself for my children. And with great joy I discovered that good modern children’s books “in English” exist. Albeit with Dutch roots. Feltauys Max “Toad and stranger”(published with the support of the Matra programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands).

First and subsequent impressions - 5 points.

An instructive story about love without stereotypes. About hard work, courage, friendship and mutual assistance.
Wonderful illustrations! I'm sure any child will enjoy this book. We often re-read it in the evening format of expressly falling asleep under code name“Today one fairy tale and that’s it.”
We recommend!

Do you know who else writes books in Belarusian for our children? Polish Ambassador Leshak Sharepka, For example. Perhaps not for our children specifically, because the original is still in Polish, but in any case, I am now holding the book in my hands “Kotsik-Grukotsik jumps”(“Service”, 2015), which our family gives 5 points.

The format is magazine-style, but the pages are thick, glossy, and durable.

Funny illustrations from Belarusian artist Aksana Arakcheeva.
And the story of life is described - you need to do this and that, just sleep first... Like a cat))

And finally. Children's magazine in Belarusian "Busya"(“Editorial staff of the magazine “Vyaselka”).

I bought it on our visit to Belarus at the Soyuzpechat stall before traveling from Minsk to the village. By the time we reached the village, the children studied the publication from cover to cover, skipping only the long part with the fairy tale story (because not from the beginning, because its first 18 chapters were in previous issues).
Poems for memory.

And here you can work with scissors and pencils. Great! Only the word “chasnOk” is familiar to me in Belarusian as “chasnYk”.

These games really fascinated Mikha.
I would be very glad if all this information turns out to be useful to someone!

After all, if you want your child to know Belarusian language and could speak it - read books yourself and read books to your children!

I found two Belarusian folk tales in the book “Krynitsa” by R.M. Mironov. To make it interesting for my Russian-speaking readers and their children, I translated these fairy tales into Russian. Interesting reading for you :)

Not with i bark, and rosumam.

Adz i n chalavek paishov u forest firewood cuttings. I cut the wood, sit on the stump adpachyts.

Pryhodz i ts myadzvedz.

Hey, chalavek, let's be a barucazza!

Paglyadze's chalavek on myadzvedzia: duzhi kalmach, dze z i m barukazza! Sleep with your paws - get out...

Eh, - every chalavek, - why am I having trouble with you! Come on, let's go ahead and take a look.

And how will we look? - tortured myadzvedz.

I know the chalavek of the syaker, razshchapi ў stump of the beast, kill ў at the schism well kli n i each:

Feces I razdzyaresh gety paw the stump, meaning, maesh si lu. Then I’ll be with you.

Well, myadzvedz, don’t be foolish, put your paw in splits. And in the middle of the night fucking with the butt on the cli well - that one jumped out.

Rave myadzvedz, galloping on three legs, but I couldn’t break the stump or pull it out.

But what, - every chalavek, - are you doing business with me?

No, - absolutely myadzvedz, - I won’t.

That's right, - said the chalavek. - It’s not only the strength of the barucazza that is possible, but the roses.

Ub i ў yon wedge back at the stump; Myadzvedz snatches his paw and walks away without looking back.

At this hour, yon i bai sustrakazza za chalavekam.

Prashto kukue zyazulya.

It was a hell of a lot of chalk. Once upon a time there lived a son-in-law with a son and a dacha. The mother of the skin wound lay far away in the forest on Charvyako, Kazyulyak, and the dzyatsey paki gave away the hellish hats.

Glyadz And that's it, dzetki, don't go anywhere! Chakaitse me! – Yana punished.

Ale dzets I didn’t hear velmi sya matsi. Just yana palyatsi shukatsya spazhyvu, yana lock the hut, and go for a walk.

All of them went on such a rampage that they didn’t care how they ruined the spring of the hell of the hut. Just fell in the evening.

Oh, why do we need a slave? - the sister was burned to death. - Hadzem, grab the key! You are on that side, and I am on that side. When you hear the key, you honk at me, and I know that I’ll honk at you.

Razyshl i sya yany ў pink tanks. The sister hutka knew the key and started calling her brother. Ale brother Adysha is far away and lost.

So eight I lie as far as I can, my sister, in the fields, in the gardens, and everything is looking for my brother:

Ku-ku, brother i k! Ku-ku, I knew the key! Dze are you? Cuckoo!

In Russian...

Not by force, but by mind.

One man went into the forest to chop wood. He chopped some wood and sat down on a tree stump to rest.

The bear comes.

Hey man, let's fight!

The man looked at the bear: a strong roll, where to fight it! Squeeze it with its paws - and the spirit is gone...

Eh,” says the man, “why should I fight with you!” Let's see if you have the strength first.

How are we going to watch it? - Asks the bear.

The man took an ax, split the stump from above, drove a wedge into the crack and said:

If you tear this stump with your paw, it means you have strength. Then I will fight with you.

Well, the bear, without thinking, stuck its paw into the crevice. Meanwhile, the man was hitting the wedge with his butt - he jumped out.