What needs to be said was funny. Useful tips on how to learn to joke

Almost every person wants it. One of the most important qualities required for this is the ability to joke beautifully, at the right time and in the right place. Unfortunately, not every person masters the art of jokes. If the jokes of some are received with a bang by any company, then for others they come out ponderous, forced, incomprehensible to few people and, as a result, not interesting.

If jokes are not your thing, don’t despair, but check out the tips on how to how to learn to joke. If you belong to that category of people who believe that a sense of humor is a gift that can only be given to a person at birth, we have to disappoint you: in fact, a sense of humor can be trained, but this requires performing specially designed exercises and techniques .

In order to develop a sense of humor, you must understand the principles of creating good jokes. First, you must learn to quickly and correctly select the right words. There's nothing complicated about it. To hone this skill, you can use a simple exercise. Choose any letter of the alphabet that currently seems better to you than the others. After your choice is made, try to construct some kind of statement, each word of which will begin with the letter you have chosen. The requirement applies to both full words and pronouns. This may seem difficult to you at first, but later, when you begin to notice that choosing the right words is becoming easier and easier for you, you will be able to easily construct the phrases you need without having any difficulty choosing words.

Another way that will help you resolve the issue of how to learn to joke, will be the use of stylistic devices. This may cause you confusion. In fact, how can studying the stylistics of the Russian language help you? You probably think that the people around you are so successful at making jokes only because they are able to use the right moments for this. In fact, everything is not quite like that. Many successful pranksters use stylistic techniques successfully, so why not try them too? Let's take a closer look at them.

You are probably thinking: “How can you learn to joke simply by studying the stylistics of the Russian language?” It probably seems to you that other people are able to joke only because they create a favorable situation for this. This is true, but not entirely. Many comedians use figures of speech in their jokes. Below are some of them.

How to learn to joke in a group

1. Irony.

This type of turnover is distinguished by the fact that it is relatively easy to construct. As a rule, irony is based on an assessment opposite to that which is expected of you in a given situation. For example, in yours they expect you to speak in a positive way about some situation, but instead, your words, on the contrary, have a negative connotation, but there is a grin on your face.

It must be remembered that irony cannot be overused. Moreover, in some cases it is simply inappropriate.

2. Hyperbole.

The second way to make jokes using stylistic devices is to use exaggeration or hyperbole. Typically, hyperbole is used to create absurd jokes. The beauty of such jokes is that they can have any, even the most unpredictable, endings.

3. Ambiguity.

The third technique is to use words that have multiple meanings. In order to successfully use this method, you must learn words in advance that can be interpreted in different ways.

It goes without saying that in order to become a truly good joker, stylistic techniques alone will not be enough for you. Your success will depend on many factors, including the ability to self-criticize, the ability to laugh at your own mistakes, and the lack of fear of appearing funny. It is important to remember that if you want to learn how to joke, then you should not be afraid of your own jokes and joke wherever possible. After all, you don’t know where and when your jokes will be able to “shoot”.

Good luck! Read my blog!

Do you want to learn how to joke in any situation? You need to understand how jokes work. As you'll see, comedic conflict and humor are not entirely inseparable. A joke is simply a structure () that is intended to create comedic conflict. All jokes create comedic conflict, but not all comedic conflicts are created from jokes.

Understanding comedic conflict greatly enhances your repertoire as a comedian. The audience is not passive in stand-up comedy. As you'll learn in this article, it takes a lot of effort to get a joke. This is why comedy is usually only about 90 minutes or less. Additionally, the audience will have more difficulty maintaining because they will have low energy.

When someone "makes a joke," he or she goes through three steps to: construct (understand the setting), count (recognize the problem or inconsistency), and solve (fix the problem).

How to learn to joke: building a joke

Framing is how the audience creates an understanding of the joke. This is especially important if you want to learn how to make great jokes in any situation. When the audience listens to jokes, they take in all the information (the comedian's words, gestures, voiceovers, situation, etc.). And trying to connect it all in a meaningful way. For example, take this setting (we'll add a punch later):

The bus driver says:

While you were reading this joke, you were "building" an understanding of this in your mind. You did this by selecting information that seemed important. Since you (presumably) didn't know what the punch was, you can't be sure what information will actually be important until the joke is over. What you consider important might look something like this:

Woman sits in bus with his child.
The bus driver says:
“Ugh, this is the most birth baby, which I have ever seen!
A woman walks to the back of the bus and sits down, smoking. She tells the man next to her, "The driver is just insulted me!" . Man says: “Then go to him and hit me hard.
Come on, I’ll hold yours for now...”

Just by remembering the highlighted words in a joke, you could probably turn around and tell someone that joke. You yourself wanted to learn how to joke in any situation. Of course, you can switch to a few words, but the highlighted words carry all the important information for the joke.

How to learn to make funny jokes in any situation

As you made jokes, you also started making predictions. These are the predictions that create the comedic conflict that we will look at a little later. While you were reading the last line, you probably automatically filled in the last sentence to say, “Go ahead, while I hold your baby,” because that’s what we expect from that person. Understanding the structure of a joke and comedic conflict will help you learn how to write funny things and make jokes in public or on stage.

How to learn to make great jokes: payback

The payoff, the second phase of the joke, is what makes a joke a joke. The audience recognizes an inconsistency or problem with their original understanding of the story—their prediction was wrong. A wrong prediction forces the audience to rethink the setting.

A woman boards a bus with her child.
The bus driver says:
"Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!"
The woman walks to the back of the bus and sits down, smoking. She tells the man next to her, “The driver just insulted me!” The man says: “Then go to him and hit him well.

The word (or words) that cause the shift are the keywords. This joke is "chimpanzee". If you replace the word "chimpanzee" with "child" then it's a pretty simple story. It doesn't become a "bad joke", it just stops being a joke. But you wanted to learn how to joke funny, and not just make jokes in any situation. The guy offers to hold the baby while the woman screams at the bus driver. The story is mildly interesting at best, but certainly not funny.

How to learn to make great jokes

But when you get to the word "chimpanzee," you have to figure out why the man said "chimpanzee" instead of "child." This causes a shift. Now you have to find a new way to understand the story that makes sense.

Note that if you go back through the ugly kids joke a few times and change the way you say each line, nothing changes. It doesn't matter whether you deliver it as if you're excited or sad. It doesn't even matter if you or I tell this joke. The keyword steals the show. Humor is entirely based on words. This is important to learn in order to immediately write jokes correctly and make funny jokes under any circumstances.

Keywords are an instant joke. There's a very clear before and after. Once you get to the keyword, there is nothing to do. The audience has all the information they need to laugh.

You'll notice that keywords almost always appear at the very end of a joke, often as the last word. Keywords always come at the end because they cause a shift. Adding new information after the punch will kill the joke. Note how to continue after the keyword drains the humor from the joke.

A woman boards a bus with her child.
The bus driver says:
"Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!"
The woman walks to the back of the bus and sits down, smoking. She tells the man next to her, “The driver just insulted me!” The man says: “Then go to him and hit him well.
Come on, I’ll hold your chimpanzee for now.”

Come on, I'll hold your chimpanzee so you can go.
and tell this guy how rude he is.

Technically these are the same jokes. But when you continue after the keyword, the audience's attention moves with you. You hit the keyword, but instead of letting the audience connect the pieces to get the joke, the audience is still listening for more information. By the time the additional words are finished, the word "chimpanzee" is no longer a surprise.

How to learn to joke: a resolving situation

While creating a regular joke, we collected information about the joke and created a prediction. When we entered the calculation phase, we learned that our prediction (or perception) was wrong. Solving this joke is the final step. It answers the question: “If my first idea was wrong, then what is right?” Think of it as the moment when you think, “Oh! I get the joke." During the resolution stage, you understand the second joke.

How to learn to joke well

The word "skating rink" is the key word. You decide to change the understanding of the word skating rink” Now the pun makes sense.

Again. To learn how to tell funny jokes and write jokes, you must start by building an understanding of the story. You select ideas that seem important...

Now all the pieces fit together and your new understanding of the joke makes sense. If you didn't move on to a new performance, you would be very embarrassed when the joke ended. Once you realize there is no other line, you may be thinking, "Wait, what did I miss?"

How to learn to joke well: click point

The time it takes for the audience to leave the construction stage, go through settlement, and end at the resolution stage is called the “click point.” This is the time when everything “clicks.” This is important to remember if your goal is to learn how to joke well in any situation and generate humor quickly.

If all goes well, the click point should occur about 0.3 seconds after the keyword (though the physical laugh comes much later). All other things being equal, the shorter the click point, the greater the surprise and the better the laugh.

A long click point creates fewer surprises than a short one. Have you ever misunderstood a joke and had someone explain it to you? You hear a joke for the first time but don't quite understand it, then your friend slowly explains. However, when it is explained, there is never anything funny about the joke. This is because the click point is too long. Instead of putting everything together in 0.3 seconds, it might take three full seconds... And that's plenty of time for your brain to jump ahead of you and kill any surprise.

So here it is. There are many more subtleties in how to learn to make funny jokes in any situation, how to create killer jokes and how to develop your sense of humor. And I willingly share them on Leave a request right now and continue to comprehend the depths of this outrageously interesting science.

If you think you lack a sense of humor, it doesn’t matter! Absolutely anyone can amuse friends, come up with funny jokes, and be a witty and interesting person. The ability to joke is developing perfectly, all you need is your desire. Funny expressions, successful phrases and well-spoken jokes will make you the life of any company. It will be easier for you to solve your affairs, and people will strive to communicate with you.

How to learn to joke - techniques for constructing jokes

There are special techniques for constructing jokes that are used by screenwriters and humorists. If using them allows you to make thousands of people laugh, then they will be useful to you too.

How to learn to joke

Understanding the nature of humor and knowing how to create jokes will allow you to create your own humor. Moreover, not using hackneyed jokes and expressions, but creating your own! We recommend you an easy exercise that will not take more than 3 minutes and will definitely make you smile.

  • Choose any 1 letter of the alphabet and make up a 10-word sentence in which all words begin with that letter.
  • Do this sentence several times with different letters.
  • Smile and re-read.

For many people, this exercise causes the brain to creak. This is a good indicator - it means that some changes are taking place in you, which allows you to open a new perspective on long-familiar things.

Any joke must be told on time, and if you cannot yet quickly create humorous statements, use ready-made ones. Find jokes and quotes on the Internet and tell them when the opportunity arises. This will allow you to become the life of the party and the main cheerleader, so do not ignore this method, it is also very good.

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about how to learn to joke funny and witty in any situation. You will probably agree with me that if we did not know how to laugh at ourselves and life’s circumstances from time to time, we would have died long ago?

They say that laughter prolongs life. This is true, because having a sense of humor allows us not to perceive the situation head-on and not to dramatize it, so instead of negative emotions, we receive positive ones. Besides, the joke is the easiest and safest way get out of a difficult situation.

Is it always appropriate to joke?

Of course, you can’t always joke and not everywhere. There is a significant difference between a person with a good sense of humor and frivolous childish . If you notice that someone is making inappropriate jokes or making jokes for no reason, you can practically with 100% probability conclude that this is an insecure person, or he does not have enough knowledge and information, so he laughs it off.

You shouldn't be fanatical about humor. Nowadays it’s fashionable to grab typical flat jokes, throw them at everyone and at the same time consider yourself a master of wit. But from the outside it all looks rather stupid and uninteresting.

How to learn to joke correctly?

To learn how to joke correctly, you need to:

  1. Develop creative and out-of-the-box thinking. The first thing that interferes with humor is stereotyped thinking. The inability to move beyond certain ideas causes us to perceive the situation too directly. Learn to break these boundaries. There are special exercises for developing creativity and the ability to think outside the box. I have already talked on the site about what it is and how to develop it.
  2. Increase your knowledge level (read more, watch educational and humorous programs, communicate with creative people). If you are not inquisitive enough and have a rather narrow circle of friends, then you simply may not have enough knowledge to make witty jokes. Attend comedy shows, be in the company of comedians more often, read comedy works and useful articles. Pay attention to those jokes that you really liked and were able to appreciate.
  3. Learn to look at yourself from the outside and learn self-irony. You need to start by raising your self-esteem. Most often, we are afraid to joke about ourselves and others due to insecurity. We are sensitive to any attempt to infringe on our own dignity. By raising your self-esteem, you will become easier to look at your own shortcomings and failures, and therefore it will be easier for you to joke.
  4. Train. As long as you are afraid, embarrassed, and silent, you will not learn anything, especially joke. Comedians who create humorous programs or TV series work for days, literally jotting down on paper everything that comes to mind, and then improving it. So you should try harder and train the skill.

All the secrets of humor

You can joke in different ways. You can tell jokes, which is also a skill, since the meaning lies in the correct presentation and intonation. Can ironize– the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise irony will turn into outright mockery. You can partially replace the existing template by inserting phrases you have created into it. Here are some powerful techniques.

Ridicule or sarcasm

Works in most situations if you use it correctly. To begin with, stock up on ready-made phrases, and only when you get used to them, use your own.

You will find an excellent example of such humor in the aphorisms of Faina Ranevskaya, as well as in the TV series Doctor House, Sherlock Holmes, Friends, and in the stories of Zoshchenko.

« Conscience? Are you talking about that thing that makes itself felt when there are no logical reasons to behave as they require of you?» D.House

- Why am I like Cinderella to you? I’m always cooking, washing, cleaning, washing...

- Well, I promised that with me you will live like in a fairy tale!


This technique can be used either only with people you know well, or when parodying famous personalities. In order for the parody to come out well, you should train your acting skills.

Use of euphemisms

Euphemisms replace an obscene or rude word with a decent, softened one. The point is to maintain a hint of the joke's obscenity or acceptable rudeness. This is done so that the joke or statement does not sound vulgar and inappropriate, but the meaning and emotional coloring are preserved.

Focusing on weaknesses

You should be careful because you can offend a person if you touch his weak point. But if this is your friend or lover, then you can joke kindly.


- Dear, what brand of car do you think is right for me?

- Washing room.

Poems, ditties

Also a great way to joke in an original way. Unrhymed rhymes are in vogue these days, but you can use ones you like. They go well in company.


Kirill decided to believe in God,

He went to church on Easter.

But I confused how to be baptized,

And he was killed by the grannies.


Joking wittily - it's an art that needs to be learned. Be bolder and look at life more simply. Laughter is a kind of shock absorber, without which we would lose our brains and hearts. So smile wider, laugh louder, joke more often and be happy.

Hello everyone, friends! Julia Kel is in touch. Do you want to learn the secrets of sparkling humor, like comedians from famous TV channels? So you've come to the right place. I'll show you how to learn to make funny jokes using 10 simple rules and exercises. To become the life of the party, you don’t need to be a born comedian, just hone your skill.

When you start building your jokes according to these recommendations, you will see the result - a positive reaction from the audience. And over time, your skill will become more advanced.

Friends, we have already talked about... And today we’ll focus on how to make your jokes win-win and worthy of attention. You've probably found yourself in situations where you decided to make a joke, but no one appreciated it. Have you thought maybe you did something wrong? Not every joke you make can be successful. But for the humor to be truly funny, you should listen to the tips that you will see below. Now you will learn all the secrets of high-quality public speaking.

Let's talk about the rules of good humor.

1. Build associations

This is one of the main criteria for a successful joke. You need to quickly generate ideas in your head and select dozens of interpretation options for the situation. You witnessed something or heard some news, instantly replayed everything in your head - come up with even the most primitive associations. One situation - several interpretation options. One of them will definitely be the best, and it is worth mentioning. It’s great if the listener can immediately visualize what you said.

2. Self-censorship

Strictly practice self-censorship. What this means: You must come up with high-quality jokes that are catchy and funny. Avoid hackneyed topics, do not use clichés. If, in response to an ordinary phrase, the interlocutor says something like: “We saw better!” Nobody will laugh. No matter what, no one will smile. It's simply not funny anymore and it's hackneyed. The above and similar clichés will reveal your complete lack of humor and the ability to come up with interesting jokes on your own. Generate a dozen jokes and choose one - the best one. This choice will mean that you have taste. And you are able to highlight what will hook listeners.

3. The ability to let yourself go

If you feel awkward in front of the public and not only are you unable to say a word, but you can’t even put your thoughts together, then you need to learn to let go of the situation. Squeezed and constrained, you will be of no interest to anyone; this is the worst state for a comedian. Try to relax and collect yourself. Self-irony will help you feel more confident (we’ll talk more about it later). Come up with answers in advance to all sorts of jokes directed at you.

4. Share sincere emotions

5. Ability to find an analogy

This is also a very important criterion. You must learn to easily and quickly find comparisons by sound and meaning. Let's say a phrase has several meanings, and you cleverly operate with it in such a way that others wonder how it didn't occur to them. Different phrases, things, situations and one common feature are what you need for impeccable humor.

6. Ability to develop paradox

Paradoxical things help in humor. Just look around and you will notice many situations in which there is a clear discrepancy. And think about it, if this is true, what else could be true? That's it, the mechanism has started. Incredible ideas, one after another, begin to come into your head. We read the paradoxical news and came up with several similar jokes for it.

7. Clearly wording jokes

When you start formulating your funny stories clearly and concisely, you will have more success in front of the public. Nobody likes to listen to a boring story for half an hour with all the (unnecessary) details. Many people will already understand by the middle what the author is leading to and will lose all interest in his speech. To ensure that they always listen to you attentively, do not make a similar mistake and do not switch to unnecessary, unimportant details. Follow two rules:

  • minimum words. The shorter the story, the more understandable and better it is for the audience.
  • The funniest and most important word is at the end of your joke. Build the story so that the meaningful phrase ends up at the end. If 3-4 more words are heard after it, then they will be superfluous.

This algorithm will help you understand how to joke correctly and accurately in groups.

8. Find the right moment

The best joke is the one that was said at the right time, then it will really “shot”. How do you know when it's time to use your humor?

  • Noticed the analogy.
  • Noticed inconsistency, illogicality, contradiction.
  • Something stands out from the general background. Based on this and the previous points, you can easily understand that the time for jokes has come. Generate ideas quickly and embrace humor.
  • And at the end, surprise your listeners with an unexpected ending. This is especially true if they have already guessed what you are talking about.

9. Channel your anxiety in the right direction

There is not a single person who would feel completely calm in front of an audience. Everyone who speaks (even makes a banal toast) is worried. But it is important to use this feeling in the right direction. Instead of feeling stiff, trembling throughout your body and shaking hands, channel your energy into speaking in front of an audience. All that energy that is spent on jitters should be invested in your jokes. Anxiety is normal. But you should forget about it; as soon as you start contacting the audience, you need to switch.

10. Self-irony is important

You have already read above about the importance of self-irony in humor. You need to learn to laugh at yourself. Highlight all your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. Come up with jokes about your imperfections that are noticeable to others. Let's say you are too fat or thin and are tired of listening to the jokes of your friends, then come up with a dozen funny answers to them. If someone criticized your initiatives, do not get into an argument and do not try to convince this person, it is better to immediately agree and do it with humor.

How to learn to joke and be cheerful: 2 exercises

  1. Select associations. You are given a situation, for example, a city in which it is always dark. Your task is to come up with all sorts of funny associations for it. That is, what is happening in that very city. Naturally, take into account all the rules for constructing a successful joke.
  2. Humor and flaws. Write down all your obvious shortcomings on a piece of paper, and come up with several bright jokes for each of them. The better the jokes, the more you will win the next time someone decides to make fun of you.

Friends, I have presented you with basic recommendations and exercises, without details. If you want to be taken straight by the hand and brought to the result - taught to make great jokes, then sign up for Pavel Volya’s training. I think no one has any doubt that one of the most recognizable comedians in the country is a professional in his field. I just recently found out that he teaches people, and there are already a lot of positive reviews! I believe that if you go to someone to learn how to joke, it should definitely be a pro, and Volya is the one.

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Dear friends, humor is a part of our life, without which everyday life would be boring and problems would drive us crazy. Jokes charge us with positivity and add strength. And so that they are always relevant and of high quality, so that they are laughed at, remembered and quoted, it is necessary to make an effort.

Just because you don't have natural humor skills doesn't mean anything. You can easily learn the basic rules and not forget them the next time you decide to have fun with the company. Now you know how to become witty and learn how to joke. It doesn’t matter where: in a conversation with a company, at the table, making a toast; at the celebration as a presenter. Your humor should always be of high quality. Create a mood for yourself and others! And in order not to miss blog news, do not forget to subscribe.

My article has come to an end. I was glad to be useful to you. Don't forget to share using the social media buttons below and leave your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time!