Short but interesting stories. Funny stories

A girl with a very sad and thoughtful face is sitting on a bench. The young people passing by obviously decided to get acquainted:
- Young woman! You have probably never been more beautiful in your life than you are today!
The girl, without raising her eyes, says thoughtfully and sadly:
- Yes, and menstruation until today were regular...

Timely help

In the past, there was a toilet on the territory of the military department of Moscow State University. And there were two fire extinguishers hanging in that toilet. One near entrance doors, the second one is directly above the toilet. One major came and sat down in a big way. Having finished his business, he gets up from the toilet and touches the fire extinguisher, which hangs directly above the toilet, with his shoulder. The fire extinguisher falls and goes off. What should the poor major do? He holds his pants with one hand, and with the other he grabbed a fire extinguisher and directed the stream into the toilet. And he squeals with good obscenities: “Help-and-those!!” The colonel comes running when he shouts and sees this terrible picture, grabs a second fire extinguisher from the wall, turns it on and directs the stream into the toilet.

"Don't come... the office is gone"

A friend of mine comes home and they say to him:
- You are urgently called to work. Something happened to you there.
He, of course, is getting ready, and just as he was about to tie his tie, the pager beeped. The guy looks, and there is a message: “Zhenya, there is no office. You don’t have to come.” He almost had a heart attack.

As it turned out later, there were minor troubles with one of the clients at work. And the message on the pager was sent by his friend, whom he asked to install Microsoft Office on his computer.


Moscow. Winter. Snow. A boy plays football. Suddenly the sound of broken glass. A janitor, a stern Russian janitor, runs out with a broom and chases after the boy. The boy runs and thinks: “Why, why all this!? Why all this image of a street boy, all this football, all these friends!? Why??? I’ve already done all my homework, why don’t I sit at home on the couch and read books your favorite writer Ernest Hemingway?

Havana. Ernest Hemingway is finishing another novel and thinking: “Why, why all this? How tired of everything, all this Cuba, these bananas, this cane, this heat, these Cubans!!! Why am I not in Paris, not sitting with my friend Andre Maurois in the company of beautiful courtesans, drinking your morning aperitif and talking about the meaning of life?

Paris. Andre Maurois, stroking the thigh of a beautiful courtesan and drinking his morning aperitif, thinks: “Why, why do I need all this? How tired I am of this Paris, these rude French, dirty Moroccans, these stupid courtesans, this Eiffel Tower, from which they spit on your head !!! Why am I not in Russia, not in Moscow, where it’s cold, snowy, not sitting with my best friend Andrei Platonov, not talking about the meaning of life??"

Moscow. Cold. Snow. Andrey Platonov. Wearing earflaps. With a broom. He chases the boy and thinks: “Damn, if I catch up, I’ll fucking kill him!”

Organs however!

Brain: One-two! One-two! Feet - let's go, Eyes - look, Ears - listen!
Ears: What?
Brain: Nothing. Listen, let's go.
Ears: And so we are.
Eyes: Look, look! Which girl is coming!
Brain: Really? Look! Legs!
Legs: What?
Brain: Nothing!!! Well, quickly - head for that chick over there!
Legs: Yes, sir!
Brain: That's better.
Eyes: What a butt...
Member: Really? Hmmm...Listen, Brain, give me some blood.
Brain: You need it yourself. I'll think about how to approach her.
Member: Come on, okay?
Brain: I haven’t met her yet, and you’re already awake!
Member: Yes, I am!
Brain: Shut up. So, I think. I.. d..u..m..a..yu.. I.. M..o..z..g.. MEMBER!!! LEAVE!!!
Member: Sorry, boss...
Brain: Eyes, where is she?
Eyes: We've already caught up.
Brain: Legs, are you crazy?? I haven’t thought of a speech yet!!
Legs: As long as you think, you can die. We are going.
Mouth: Brain, think of something to say?
Brain: uh... Well, (no, not that) you can... uh.. (no, it won’t work) hmmm...
Mouth: uh... Girl!... Can I... uh.... with you... uh... Uh?
Ears: Asks again. I don’t understand, it seems.
Eyes: But she turned around! Wow, what tits!
Ruki: Let me touch it!
Member: That's what I understand. Come on, dear ones, be bolder.
Brain: Everyone calm down!!! Be equal!! Attention!! Leave it!! Muzzle, why is it so red??
Face: I'm not a Muzzle, I'm a Face.
Brain: Talk to me! I ask red what?
Face: So this... The member said they give blood for free.
Eyes: She's waiting for us to say. Brain! Work, don't sleep!!
Brain: Hey, Mouth, ask how many degrees below zero it is now.
Mouth: Fell from the oak tree?
Brain: Do it!!!
Mouth: uh... Girl... uh... what time... is it... uh... time?... Uh.
Brain: Idiot... God, what an idiot. Okay... Ears, what is she answering there?...
Ears: What?
Brain: What?
Mouth: What? ...
Ears: He says it’s half past five.
Member: WHAT???? Yes, for such words...
Brain: Calm down. Let me see...
Eyes: She's leaving...
Brain: Where? Stand! Well my...
Eyes: But still, what an ass!
Member: You're a fool, brother Brain.
Roth: eh...
Ruki: As always, the matter did not reach us.
Brain: Okay, we'll show ourselves later. Let's go grab a beer.
Member: ! What a freak you are! You'll make me so impotent. Such a chick! missed..
Brain: Shut up, hose. You will find work today even without a girl.
Member: Well, yes, of course. How to pick up a chick, it's crap, but how to piss, I'll take the rap. Listen, while you’re sober, tell your Hands to shake it off better. Damn Casanova...


It was in Vorkuta. Miners from one of the mines go to the bus stop after their shift. A bus is arriving. The whole crowd (there are really a lot of people) is breaking into this unfortunate bus. The conductor (an elderly woman), trying to somehow control the filling of the bus, says: “Stand in a herringbone pattern” - more people will fit!” And he explains that “herringbone” is not, as usual, people standing in transport shoulder to shoulder, but as if half-turned, something like this //////. And then a gloomy, tired voice from the crowd: “We can’t” Christmas tree!" “Why is this?” the conductor wonders. “But because the “bumps” are in the way!” answers the same gloomy voice. The bus almost exploded with laughter.


At a university at the Faculty of Law, a professor asks a student: - If you want to treat someone with an orange, how will you do it?
“I’ll say: ‘Please help yourself!’,” the student answered.
- No no! - the professor shouted. - Think like a lawyer!
“Okay,” answered the student. - I will say: “I hereby assign to you all rights, claims, benefits and other interests in the property called the orange, together with all its peel, pulp, juice and seeds, with the right to squeeze, cut, freeze and otherwise use, using for this purpose, any kind of device, both currently existing and invented later, or without the use of said devices, as well as transfer previously named property to third parties with or without peel, pulp, juice and seeds..."


My friend Ivan teaches taekwondo to children at school. One day, before training, he enters the gym and sees that it is even dirtier than usual. “I should sweep it a little, at least where I’ll be standing,” Ivan thought, put his bag on the bench and went to the utility room for a dustpan and mop. He returns and sees some guy rummaging through his things. Just at that moment he pulled out a black belt from his bag and looked at it with increasingly rounded eyes. After that, the man turned around... Ivan threw away the dustpan and grabbed the mop more comfortably, taking the second position to fight with the staff. The man thought quickly: - That's it, dude, I understand everything, there is no market! With these words, he thrust a hundred-ruble note into Ivan’s hand and asked for a shout.


Gas station and a small shop next to it. The driver gets out of the car and asks from the threshold of the store:
- Are there seals?
He looks around the store and sees only me, buying Coca-Cola, and the saleswoman, who is clearly seeing not only a gas station, but also a cash register for the second time in her life. Seeing who he was addressing, he repeated the question, but quieter:
- I say, do you have oil seals here? - and glances around the entire store.
The saleswoman frowned and looked up from cash register, and said sternly:
- The toilet is right there. But we don’t have urinals, whatever you call them!


To a lecture on philosophy, the professor brought a large glass jar, filled it with golf balls and asked the students if it was full.
The students replied that it was full.
Then the professor added pebbles to the jar and shook it so that the pebbles filled the space between the golf balls.
- Is it full now? - he asked.
“Yes,” the students answered.
Then the professor added river sand to the jar, which filled the remaining space. The jar was full again. After that, the professor took out two cans of beer and poured it into the jar.
- And now it’s full?
The students agreed with a laugh and asked what it all meant.
- The bank is our life. Golf balls represent important big things (love, health, family, home) with which we fill our lives. Pebbles mean less important things (car, Appliances, jewelry), also filling our lives. And sand is the little things that happen in our lives.
- Please note that if we first start filling our lives with all sorts of small, unimportant things and affairs, then there will be no room in it for large and important things. Always deal with the important things in life first, and only then the small ones that mean little to you.
- What does beer mean? - asked one of the students.
- This means that no matter how full your life is, there will always be a place and time in it for a couple of cans of beer.

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A vivid plot and an unexpected ending can be contained in just 55 words.

One day, the editor of New Time magazine, Steve Moss, decided to hold a competition in which participants were asked to write a story 55 words long, but at the same time the text would maintain a coherent plot, well-developed characters and an unusual denouement. It received a response of such magnitude that, as a result of the competition, it was possible to put together an entire collection called “The World’s Shortest Stories.”

website shares a few succinct stories from this book.


They say evil has no face. Indeed, no feelings were reflected on his face. There was not a glimmer of sympathy on him, but the pain was simply unbearable. Can't he see the horror in my eyes and the panic on my face? He calmly, one might say, carried out his dirty work professionally, and at the end he politely said: “Rinse your mouth, please.”

Dan Andrews


The phone rang.
“Hello,” she whispered.
- Victoria, it's me. Let's meet at the pier at midnight.
- OK, darling.
“And please don’t forget to take a bottle of champagne with you,” he said.
- I won’t forget, dear. I want to be with you tonight.
- Hurry up, I have no time to wait! - he said and hung up.
She sighed, then smiled.
“I wonder who it is,” she said.

Nicole Weddle

What the devil wants

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want us to go eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have plenty.

Brian Newell


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Jay Rip

Evening surprise

Shiny tights hugged her beautiful hips tightly and seductively - a wonderful addition to light evening dress. From the very tips of the diamond earrings to the toes of the elegant shoes with thin stiletto heels, everything was simply chic. Eyes with freshly applied shadows examined the reflection in the mirror, and lips painted with bright red lipstick stretched with pleasure. Suddenly a child's voice was heard from behind:

Hillary Clay


The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all.
The street lights warmed the soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness...
The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

Andrew E. Hunt

Higher education

In college, we just wiped our pants down,” Jennings said, washing his dirty hands. - After all these budget cuts, they don't teach you much, they just gave estimates and everything went on as usual.
- So how did you study?
- But we didn’t study. However, you can watch me work.
The nurse opened the door.
- Dr. Jennings, you are needed in the operating room.

Ron Bast

Decisive moment

She could almost hear the doors of her prison slamming shut.
Freedom is gone forever, now her fate is in someone else’s hands, and she will never see freedom.
Crazy thoughts flashed through her head about how nice it would be to fly far, far away. But she knew that it was impossible to hide.
She turned to the groom with a smile and repeated: “Yes, I agree.”

Tina Milburn

Hide and seek

Ninety-nine, one hundred! Ready or not, here I come!
I hate driving, but for me it's much easier than hiding. Entering a dark room, I whisper to those who are hiding inside: “They hit and hit!”
They follow me along the long corridor with their eyes, and in the mirrors hanging on the walls my figure in a black cassock and with a scythe in his hands is reflected.

Kurt Homan

Bed story

Watch out baby, it's loaded,” he said as he walked back into the bedroom.
Her back rested on the headboard of the bed.
- Is this for your wife?
- No. It would be risky. I'll hire a hitman.
- What if the killer is me?
He grinned.
- Who is smart enough to hire a woman to kill a man?
She licked her lips and aimed her sights at him.
- Your wife's.

Geoffrey Whitmore

In the hospital

She drove the car at breakneck speed. Lord, if only I could make it on time.
But from the expression on the face of the doctor from the intensive care unit, she understood everything.
She began to sob.
- Is he conscious?
“Mrs. Allerton,” the doctor said softly, “you should be happy.” His last words were: “I love you, Mary.”
She looked at the doctor and turned away.
“Thank you,” Judith said coldly.

Almost every person loves it. They especially amuse people short stories, funny and amusing that happened in real life. Such cases will be great entertainment for any company. Short stories, funny, original, cheerful - this is exactly what you need for a pleasant pastime. They are a kind of joke. However, the difference is that taken from real life, they sound much more interesting. You can laugh at these comical, twisted plots for a very long time without stopping.

Short stories. Funny incidents from life

So, if you are planning to relax with friends, rest assured that everyone will enjoy this kind of entertainment. Short stories, funny incidents can instantly lift the mood of those around you. And if you are endowed with a good memory, you probably have a lot of them. Short stories - funny, kind, comical - about your acquaintances and friends will give you smiles and a lot of positive emotions. Let's consider where various situations most often occur.

Military service

You can often hear, for example, interesting stories from people's lives - funny, short - about the military. For example, this one. A man talks about his time in the army. While he was on duty at a checkpoint, an elderly couple approached him. The woman began to wonder where the tank unit was located nearby. The son allegedly served there, according to her. The duty officer tried to explain to the spouses that there was no tank unit nearby. In response to this, the couple tried desperately to prove that their son would not deceive them. The woman’s last argument was the photograph shown to the duty officer. It showed a young “tanker” with a proud posture, leaning out from the waist up with a lid in his hands in front of him. You can imagine how the soldier on duty laughed. Such interesting stories from people's lives (funny, short) are heard very often among the military.

Cases with documents

Where else can you find funny funny moments? Surprisingly, you can often hear stories from life, funny, short, related to working with documents. Here is one of them. The man needed to obtain a certificate for the notary's office at the State Bureau of Investigation. The office worker asked how urgently he needed the document (the cost of registration for three days is sixty-eight rubles, for two - one hundred and five). The man settled on the second option, since time, as they say, was running out. Having paid money at the cash register, I received the answer: “Come on Monday.” And it was Thursday. The girl explained that they are closed on Saturday and Sunday. “What if I paid for three days?” - asked the man. The girl explained that he would still have to come for a certificate on Monday. “Why did I pay forty rubles more?” - the man asked. "Like this? Time is running out. To get a certificate a day earlier,” the girl explained. Of course, such stories from life, funny and short, can only infuriate you at first. However, over time, you will remember such incidents with a smile on your face.

On a rest

Next option. Short funny stories from real life, related to recreation, are no less popular than the above. A lot of curiosities can be seen on the beach. How fun it was, for example, for vacationers watching next picture. A married couple with an eight-year-old son was relaxing on the seashore. The family forgot to take the Panama hats with them. The wife went to the room to get some hats, leaving the child with the father. When she returned, she did not see her husband, but her son... He was buried in the sand. One head stuck out. To the question “Where is dad?” the boy replied: “He’s swimming!” “Why are you here?” - asked the mother. The child cheerfully declared: “Dad buried it so that I wouldn’t get lost!” Of course, it’s hard to call such an act serious, but everyone had fun!


Short funny stories from real life sometimes continue, developing into longer, drawn-out ones. The guide tells one of them. Group Russian tourists(hockey players) went on a boat excursion along a mountain river. Often, guides provoke water fights between vacationers. This time the Germans became rivals for the Russians. Moreover, the excursion was held on May 9...

One could imagine how excited the hockey players were when they found out who they were fighting against. With shouts of “For the Motherland!” and “For victory!” they furiously splashed their oars through the water. However, they quickly got tired of this too. Turning over the objecting guide along the way, they rushed at the enemy directly on the boats, quickly turning them over into the water.

It would seem that the fun is over. But in the evening the following fact emerged: both groups settled in the same hotel. The hockey players loudly celebrated their “victory” right by the pool, singing patriotic songs. The Germans didn’t even leave their rooms.

At work

Very often there are also funny stories from people's lives (short) in the workplace. For example, this case. One man bought himself a book on Bringing it to work, he decided to try it on his colleagues. His employee wanted to “check” her daughter. The man agreed. The next day, a colleague brought an envelope with a note. Having opened it, the man immediately said: “Your daughter is 14 years old. She is an excellent student. Loves horse riding and dancing." The woman was simply shocked and immediately ran to tell her friends about everything. The man didn’t even have time to tell her about the contents of the note: “I’m an excellent student, I’m 14 years old, I love horses and dancing. And mom thinks you’re a liar.”

Cases with animals

Funny stories from short and not only, quite often they are also connected with our smaller brothers. For example, like this interesting case happened to a middle-aged man. A tired man once came into the courtyard of his private house. old dog. However, the animal was fattened and had a collar on its neck. That is, it was absolutely obvious that the dog was well taken care of and had a home. The dog approached the man, allowed himself to be petted, and followed him into the hallway. Walking slowly through it, he lay down in the corner of the living room and fell asleep. About an hour later the dog came to the door. The man released the animal.

The next day, at about the same time, the dog came to him again, “greeted”, lay down in the same corner and slept again for about an hour. His “visits” lasted for several weeks. Finally, the man decided to be curious about what was going on, and pinned a note to his collar with the following content: “Sorry, but I want to know who is the owner of this sweet, wonderful animal and whether he knows that the dog sleeps at my house every day.” The next day the dog came with the “answer” attached. The note read: “The dog lives in a house with six kids. Two of them have not yet turned three years. He wants to get some sleep. Will you allow me to come with him tomorrow?”

The youth

It happens that funny stories bring others to tears. Short stories from the lives of young people are especially common among students, applicants, and high school students. However, this case is not like that. No one was offended or disappointed. Two young guys were leisurely walking along the streets of the city. Having stopped near a kiosk with a press, where various stationery and other small items are also sold, they decided to buy a small ball with an elastic band that flies merrily if you pull it - just for fun, as they say. The problem was one thing: the guys didn’t know the name of this toy. One of the boys, pointing to the ball, turned to the saleswoman: “Give me that fennie over there!” "What to give?" - the woman asked. “Fenka!” - repeated the young man. The guys left with their purchase. The next day they passed this kiosk again. A price tag with the inscription “Fenka” appeared on the display window near the ball.

Cases with children

Funny short stories will definitely make people smile if we are talking about kids. Here is an incident that happened to a three-year-old boy. A large friendly family gathered together at one table. The child sat and calmly watched his grandmother and mother fry pancakes. All this time he just quietly said: “This is all mine. I'll eat first. Anyone who eats without me will be punished!” The women finally finished cooking and stacked the pancakes on a plate. The family took out the jam and began to sit down at the table. The boy was the last to wash his hands. Before that, he warned everyone: “I will leave. But I’ll count all the pancakes so you don’t eat without me.” Next to the plate came the following sound: “One, two, five, twenty, thirty... That’s it!” Do not touch!" When the child returned, one pancake had been eaten. The boy began to shout: “I told you, you can’t eat without me!” The relatives asked: “Did you really count?” To this the kid replied: “Are you not thinking straight? I can't count! I flipped the top pancake!”

It really turned out funny. After all, none of the adults could guess to turn the top pancake over with the fried side down.

Hospital stories

Very often, comic incidents occur within the walls medical institutions. As a rule, interesting stories (funny, short) from maternity hospitals about young fathers are the most common among them. For example, this one. One man's wife gave birth. The couple were expecting twins. However, they did not know the gender of their future children. The woman gave birth to a girl and a boy. An excited man was waiting for the doctor at the door of the room. Finally, the midwife appeared. Her father ran up to her with the question: “Twins?” "Yes!" - the woman answered. Husband, smiling: “Boys?” She: “No!” Dad, smiling even wider: “Girls?” Midwife: “No!” The husband, dumbfounded: “Who?” Similar cases a lot happens every day.

On road

Real funny stories, short and long, are often associated with traffic police officers. At one of the motor depots in Novosibirsk, for example, such a case is known. There was one short driver who worked there. When he was driving the KrAZ, he was not even visible from the outside. One day a driver went on a flight without securing the rear license plate on the car. He just put it in the glove compartment. As usually happens in such cases, a traffic police officer was standing at the intersection. Seeing the car without a driver, he was very surprised and whistled. The driver found a way out of the situation. He positioned the car so that he could slip out of the second door unnoticed and secure the number. It's risky, but it's the only way avoid a fine. So the car stopped. The patrolman slowly approached, stood and, without waiting for anyone, looked inside. Of course, he was very puzzled, looking at the empty cabin. Meanwhile, the driver secured the number, and everyone returned to their seats. The traffic police officer was even more surprised when, obeying the command of his baton, the empty car started up and drove on.

That's just funny

And one moment. A lot also depends simply on a person’s mood. Funny short stories may not have a so-called special plot. It happens that a person is simply cheerful and joyful in his soul. As they say, I got a laugh in my mouth. This is most likely explained by the fact that people face various stresses every day, minor and not so much. All this, of course, is deposited inside each of us, adversely affecting nervous system. A person, of course, does not always remember this. But all these unpleasant moments remain in my memory. Accordingly, the body has to perform nervous discharge from time to time. After all, laughter heals. Thus, the healing process manifests itself in the form of a cheerful mood.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this happens from time to time. You can walk down the street with absolutely absurd thoughts in your head, look at those around you, and you will feel funny. Their clothes, their gait, and their facial expressions can amuse you. By trying to hold back your laughter and smile, you thereby provoke a response from those you meet. Well, if suddenly some other incident happens... For example, a gust of wind throws a piece of paper, or a bag, or something like that in your face, this story will seem especially funny to you. And this, it’s worth reminding once again, is not gloating at all! It's just a fight against stress in our body! Laughter prolongs our life!

Hemingway once bet that he would write a six-word story (in the original language) that would be the most moving ever written. And he won the argument.

1. “Children's shoes for sale. Not worn."
(“For sale: baby shoes, never used.”)
2. The winner of the competition for the shortest story that has a beginning, climax and denouement. (O.Henry)
“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old."
3. Frederick Brown. The shortest scary story ever written.
“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door."
4. A competition was held in Great Britain for the shortest story.
The parameters were as follows:
- God must be mentioned,
- Queen,
- There should be some sex
and there is some mystery present.
Winner story:
- God! - cried the queen, - I’m pregnant, and it’s unknown from whom!...
5. An elderly French woman won the competition for the shortest autobiography and wrote:
“I used to have a smooth face and a wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around.”

Here are a few more of the most short stories in the world, up to 55 words. Read for your health.

Jane Orvis

Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

Larisa Kirkland

Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Small black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! Real love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

Charles Enright

As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV.
At that moment there was a phone call. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw her face wrinkle. She cried bitterly.

Andrew E. Hunt

The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all.
The street lights warmed the soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness...
The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

Brian Newell
What the devil wants

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want us to go eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have plenty.

Alan E. Mayer
Bad luck

I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you were lucky to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago.” But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

Jay Rip

There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Robert Tompkins
In Search of Truth

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire.
He had never seen an older, uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them that I am young and beautiful!

August Salemi
Modern medicine

Blinding headlights, a deafening grinding sound, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, pure blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were gone. Tearful wife.
- You were saved, dear!

As we see the shortest and most interesting stories in the world are distinguished by brevity and extraordinary depth of thoughts - the authors skillfully fit into the shortest stories unprecedented content and the most interesting stories turn out to be extremely attractive to readers.

website represents the most short stories-masterpieces , which only exist on the Internet. Some of them fit into one sentence and the end of this sentence simply arouses great interest in the reader. Here are really worthwhile things that you will be interested in reading.

"I killed my grandmother this morning." With such a phrase, F. Roosevelt attracted the attention of his distracted interlocutor.
The ability to tell a lot in a few words, give food for thought, awaken feelings and emotions is highest degree language proficiency and highest level writing skills. And we have a lot to learn from the masters of brevity.

In this topic Office plankton put together a small but exciting collection of the shortest literary stories, demonstrating the talent of writers and their unique command of words.

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Hemingway once made a bet that he would write a story consisting of only 4 words, capable of touching any reader. The writer managed to win the argument:
“Children's shoes for sale. "Unworn" (“For sale: baby shoes, never used”)

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Frederick Brown composed the shortest scary story ever written:
“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door..."

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American writer O. Henry won the competition for the shortest story that has all the components of a traditional story - a plot, a climax and a denouement:
“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old."

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Alan E. Mayer "Bad Luck"
I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you were lucky to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago.” But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

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Jane Orvis "Window"
Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window. No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains. He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room. His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

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The British also organized a competition for the most short story. But according to the terms of the competition, the queen, God, sex, and mystery must be mentioned in it. First place was awarded to the author of the following story:
“Oh, God,” exclaimed the queen, “I’m pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”

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Larisa Kirkland "The Proposal"
Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

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A classic example of Spartan brevity comes from a letter from King Philip II of Macedonia, who conquered many Greek cities:
“I advise you to surrender immediately, because if my army enters your lands, I will destroy your gardens, enslave your people and destroy your city.”
To this the Spartan ephors responded in one word: "If".

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Charles Enright "Ghost"
As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV.
At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone. I saw her face wrinkle. She cried bitterly.

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Robert Tompkins "In Search of Truth"
Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire.
He had never seen an older, uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them that I am young and beautiful!

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Victor Hugo sent the publisher the manuscript of the novel Les Misérables with a covering letter:
The answer was no less laconic:

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An elderly French woman won the competition for the shortest autobiography and wrote:
“I used to have a smooth face and a wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around”

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And in conclusion, Valery Bryusov’s famous monostich of 1895:
"Oh close your pale legs."