Morality of Russian society and influence factors (Internet, television). Contemporary research in the sociology of cinema

If we turn to religion for help, we will hear that earthly life is only a test, and real life begins after death. That is, you need to live in such a way that your good deeds outweighed the bad ones. And, if this is so, then you are guaranteed immortal life in Paradise. Otherwise it's hell. A place where sinners are tortured for their earthly sins. It would seem so simple... But, alas, man is created in such a way that his life is filled with temptations that are so difficult not to succumb to. And, besides, not everyone is sure that this is the path of truth.

The world knows many examples when very wealthy people abandoned everything and went to a monastery or simply led a solitary life in the wilderness. So what? Did they understand the meaning of life or maybe they realized that life is meaningless?

Often parents, when they send a child to school or a teenager to college, tell him to study, because this is the only way he can achieve something in this life. At the same time, when a child asks what is most important in life, he will be told that money is far from the main thing. What's the main thing? How can you raise your children without knowing what is important in life?

Of course you can say that for different people different things are important. For example, for a chemist, the meaning of life may be the discovery of new chemical element. But there is some kind of highest goal which we should all strive for. It seems to me that it lies in living for living. That is, in helping other people, in loving other people. How nice it is to look at a couple in love or a child walking next to his mother. Life is designed to give something and receive something in return. And, probably, its greatest correctness lies in the fact that you need to give, but not brag about it. Give your last coin to a beggar, so that you can become a beggar yourself.

God did not give us consciousness and the ability to think sensibly so that we could invent things for ourselves. unnecessary problems or ways to destroy one another, not for this at all, but so that every person knows what he is and who he really is. So that he can understand: “Life is given only once, so that you can fully appreciate it, fully use it, so that you will not be ashamed later to admit what kind of life you lived.” Of course, you can’t do everything perfectly, since people themselves are not ideal. But you must understand that in any situation you must remain human.

To understand this issue, you probably need to live your whole life and look at it like a film, analyzing every moment of it. That is, for most people the answer to this question becomes obvious when everything is already lost, and therefore they can only transfer their life experience to the next generations. Isn't it better to learn from other people's experiences and live your life to the fullest?

And maybe to the question “Why do we live?” there is a clear answer. And everyone will live knowing him and trying to make people around him feel good. In the meantime, we must rejoice in the life given to us and use it not only to satisfy our physical desires, but also to achieve the harmony of our souls, and to give warmth to our loved ones.

Philosophical question: "What does a person live for"- haunts for many centuries, not only the extraordinary minds of humanity - scientists, thinkers and philosophers, but also ordinary people, ordinary people who want to know the truth of existence, just for their little happiness.

On the topic of: Why does a person live?- they write essays at school, they think at the table in the kitchen..., they talk while intoxicated, but thoughts about meaning of human life, during periods of low mood, with symptoms of depression, in despair..., during a psychological crisis.
And sometimes, in such a depressed state, not finding purpose and meaning of human life, some people think about suicide.
In such situations, emergency psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic intervention..., anonymous consultation with a psychologist are necessary.

Why do people live, what is the meaning of human life?

We will not get too philosophical about the following: what do people live for And what is the meaning of human life- many have already done this and continue to do it - we will approach this issue more down to earth, more “everyday”, and at the same time, more rationally and psychologically understandable.

Let us draw your attention once again to the fact that almost any person thinks little about the meaning of life and what he lives for, provided that he is happy and everything is fine with him.

But, as soon as a “dark streak” comes, and everyday problems are superimposed on one another, as soon as plans and expectations collapse, and depression and depression sets in, many people immediately want to think about the meaning of their life (or rather, the lack thereof), and ask yourself questions: Why do I live, what is the meaning of my life?, thereby aggravating their situation.

And if you imagine that in some miraculous way this person was able to dramatically improve his affairs and feel happy again, then he will most likely at one moment forget about his “lofty thoughts” about the goals and meaning of life...

And if you fantasize and imagine that your life is only happy “ white stripe“, and that all your plans, expectations, dreams and hopes come true, then you can completely forget about the meaning of life...

From the above it follows that the meaning of human life for two purposes: in maintaining life itself and in receiving pleasure from this life... it turns out that this is what a person lives for... and those who deprive themselves of pleasure become philosophers (including “household ones”), martyrs, true priests... and other great people...

Those who do not dream of becoming great, but want earthly, human happiness, should not strain their psyche and look for answers to these questions:

How to find the meaning of life or why I live?

So to understand what do I live for and find the meaning of life— you need to learn two things:
1) protect and maintain your life, mental and physical health;
2) enjoy life.

But since real life a person is not a fairy tale, and by definition there cannot always be a “blank line” in it, then before fulfilling these two points, it is worth learning how to correctly, adequately evaluate, interpret and respond to various negative situations and problems.

In a word, learn to think rationally and manage your emotions.
Then, you can just live and enjoy your life, and not ask questions: how to find the meaning of life or what do I live for

Each person is unique and individual, each has his own life program, his own script laid down in childhood, therefore, each person can only be taught the “meaning of life” individually. With the help of psychoanalysis and psychotherapeutic conversation.

Preliminary, free consultation (one question by E-mail)

Psychodiagnostics of personality (online tests)

Psychological magazine "PsyBlogger" - articles, publications, letters...

Modern Russian TV in comparison with USSR television: who is broadcasting to us and what?

What kind of Russia are they trying to impose on us using budget money?

World Television Day is celebrated on November 21 by the decision of the UN General Assembly in 1998. The date chosen marked the day of the first World Television Forum, held in 1996. The purpose of the holiday is to exchange programs on peace and security between countries and expand cultural exchange.

Today there are several major television companies in the world, such as NBC, BBC, ABC, RAI, etc. The first television center in Russia appeared in 1937 on Shabolovka. Already in 1939 he carried out regular broadcasts. Patriotic War although it slowed down television broadcasting in the USSR, it did not prevent it further development. As a result, on December 15, 1945, the television center was the first in Europe to begin broadcasting television regularly twice a week.

The event has not yet been formally included in the list of memorable dates in the Russian Federation. It is not a national holiday. At the same time, on the first Sunday in March, International Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting Day is celebrated, and professional holiday Television Day in Russia (Radio Day) is celebrated on May 7.

First of all, World Television Day designed to convey to the world community the meaning of deep philosophy and the importance of TV in human life, in the development of society as a whole. Whether this is so, we will consider in this article.

Today the role of television in our lives is not as great as we say in Soviet time, and all thanks to the rapid development of the Internet and its web coverage of all spheres of our life. But we shouldn’t discount the invention of the 20th century – television.

If media such as printed word or radio fades into the background, then television continues to firmly occupy a leading position as the main source of mass information. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a person or family doing without a blue screen.

But modern television is transforming, developing in the information and entertainment direction. And if at the dawn of its inception television programs carried mainly a cultural and educational load, then in our time television is increasingly destroying moral and psychological foundations, destroying ideals and carrying kilotons of cynicism and dirt.

And although many will say that this is the reality of our lives, and the TV is just a mirror in which our reflections are visible. I can't help but agree. There is some truth in this, but something else is also true - television increases cynicism and dirt, broadcasting them into life.

With the help of this means of communication, the process of influencing the formation of public opinion and, no less important, the upbringing of children and adolescents is actively carried out. This means that the programs, like the presenters themselves, must be professional, but recently, unlike Soviet period, certain kinds of “blunders” are allowed on TV, which negatively affects the image of modern TV.

Therefore, one of the goals of creating the holiday was the need to remind employees of leading television companies that they are responsible for the information that is broadcast from the screens. And also a call to pay more attention to promoting universal human values, expanding cultural exchange, and fostering tolerance for different points of view.

This is how Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin spoke about this in an interview with ITAR-TASS.

Correspondent: But, you know, it turns out that way, and I started the conversation with this, that much in the moral climate depends on you.

Putin: “This is not so.”

Correspondent: That’s right, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Putin: No, it seems so. It’s easier for you and your colleagues to blame everything on someone else. Look at yourself! How is information presented in the media, how do you influence the minds of millions of people, what programs are shown on central television?

What are we, a country where federal channels should only earn money and think about the cost of a minute of advertising time, so from morning to evening you need to run so-called defectives?

Should everything positive, educational, and giving standards for the perception of the world of a fundamental philosophical, aesthetic nature be shown only on the “Culture” channel? Probably not. By the way, I draw your attention to the fact that government agencies are looking at this from the outside.

We do not interfere in the editorial policy of even state channels. From the point of view of liberal values, this is probably very good. And as a result, unfortunately, we see on the screen what we see..."

Past experience should be used in this regard. Let us remind our readers what programs were shown in the USSR and what they are now.


The Soviet Union remains in the hearts of millions of Russian citizens as a pleasant and slightly sad memory of a stable life and confidence in the future. This was largely due to the wonderful television programs of the 1970-80s. As the famous bard once sang, television was for Soviet citizens a kind of bright window into the world, a necessary cultural component of the entire way of life.

The TV program was scrupulously studied by all family members, and one person usually circled the showing time of his favorite TV show. Sometimes there were several multi-colored circles on a newspaper page.

Entertainment television programs of the Soviet Union were different high level qualities of humor and satire, never allowed vulgarity and served as sources of long conversations in workplaces and in smoking rooms of enterprises.

Among them we remember, of course, the famous and still quoted “Around Laughter” - a program that gave a start in life to many writers and actors, “Zucchini 13 Chairs” and those that succeeded each other on the air - KVN, “Come on, girls! » and a number of others.

In the 70-80s, popular science programs in the USSR were watched with special reverent attention, because science was held in high esteem, and the country was rightfully considered the most reading country in the world. Now it’s even difficult to imagine that the programs “The Travelers Club”, “In the Animal World” and “The Obvious-Incredible” gathered the whole family in front of the TV screens, listening to everything that their charismatic favorite presenters said.

Music programs were favorite items in the lineup television program. Every Sunday everyone waited for the “Morning Post” to touch the world of foreign and domestic popular music. It is impossible not to mention the “Song of the Year” competitions, less grandiose analogues of which fill modern television with much less effect, and the famous symbol of every New Year - “Blue Light”.

But the most beloved, truly soulful and kind messages there were children's programs: “Alarm Clock”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, “ABVGDeyka”, as well as those that have not lost their relevance to this day, not aging “ Good night, kids”, as well as showing cartoons.

Yes, many of us remember what it was like Soviet television: Almost the entire country gathered at the screens at certain hours, because there was always something to see. High-quality programs, competent presenters and interesting films.

Remember those kind and sincere Soviet cartoons that children sincerely adored and were ready to watch endlessly. Real intellectual shows (then the word show was not something that did not have such a negative connotation, and some of us did not even know), like “What? Where? When?". Sparkling Soviet comedies, How " The Diamond Arm"and real military dramas, like the serial film "Seventeen Moments of Spring."

In the popular culture and mass media of that time, they demonstrated, if not masterpieces, but strong works with soulful, creative content, with heroes close to people, striving to make the world a little better.

In Soviet art, this task was largely successfully solved. At least then, they tried to elevate the mass viewer by setting before him seemingly unattainable ideals, awakening high thoughts in him and engendering a spark, but now they are pushing him down, pandering to the base in him, extinguishing idealistic impulses with vulgarity and causing indifference with cynicism.


Bye real Russia fights international terrorism in Syria and the Caucasus, revives the army, restores industry and Agriculture, challenges the Western globalization project, triggering tectonic shifts in international politics, Russian federal television stuck in the 90s, continuing to live in an ugly parallel universe.

If news broadcasts were brought into line with the interests of the people, then the rest of the television broadcast, with the exception of a few projects, resembles something between a cabinet of curiosities, a brothel and a booth.

Possessing enormous resources and remaining the most powerful media, it drags the population of the country with it into the trash heap, where continuous thieves, maniacs, mediocre buffoons and moral monsters live. And destroys mass consciousness Russians are no less powerful than the anti-Russian propaganda of the West.

Question large-scale transformation of Russian television, its recovery, is one of the most important for national security and has long been overripe.

Thanks to the Internet, you can find out what the residents of our country think about some programs on TV. Let’s present a kind of comprehensive opinion of the country’s television viewers by reviewing a number of channels and programs.

When you accidentally come across first TV channel, for transmission "Let's get married", then many begin to frantically switch channels: the verbal creations of Guzeeva and Syabitova often exceed all boundaries of decency, since in a rare program these two outstanding cultural figures do not spew out streams of dirt and rudeness worthy of the shabby bazaar.

Keeps up with senior colleagues and Andrei Malakhov on the same FIRST channel. He selects the heroes of his programs so carefully that it becomes clear that a fight is inevitable. Well, if the participants themselves turn out to be extremely restrained, Andryusha will be able to inflame them and provoke, first, a sharp skirmish, and then a fight.

The presenters of different "are not original" round tables"and clubs like V. Solovyova or R. Babayan. The quarrels that they arrange with amazing regularity by bringing together irreconcilable opponents at the barrier and which are popularly called “Good night, boys”, evoke wild thoughts.

Other channels do not lag behind the first. For example, on REN-TV many are trying to understand how many hours of airtime per day it can fill Prokopenko. Only on Saturday it broadcasts continuously for 6 hours, the poor man does not rest and in weekdays. Hard work is a good thing. The first programs were quite interesting, but there are no miracles in television journalism: after some time, streams of profanity.

For example, in “Military Secret”, it is clear that the eye of a competent consultant did not touch them, and the comments are given by the same “experts in everything”, which means in nothing - both in the field of scientific-technical and operational tactical, and in basic sciences. There are too many factual and technical errors in them.

There is a lot more we can talk about obscenity different “Comedy Club”, “Houses” under different numbers and so on. But they are all similar to each other. If we talk about the other several dozen channels, then their series are as similar as two peas in a pod. You turn it on and you can accurately predict: now he will shoot, now he will stick a knife, and now he will rape. But, at least, it will give an accurate answer based on the physiognomy. There will be a lot of blood– there’s still enough tomato juice on TV.

But even against such a background, the transmission Guzeeva of June 8 surpassed all ethical standards established in post-Soviet television. In one dialogue, she managed to shamelessly push her daughter and mother together, humiliate the “suitors,” and destroy an elderly woman, calling her stupid, useless, failed and other curses worthy drunk sunflower seeds seller at the market and not at all People's Artist, designed to bring culture to the masses by definition.

Moreover, she has long forgotten how to restrain herself; she does not consider it necessary for the wife of a restaurateur. Even though the participants in the program who were insulted by her are not without shortcomings, but who selected them for the program? And in the end, they are “people from the street,” and the dissolute Guzeeva is trying to present herself as a professional, a model of ethics!

And the victims of boorish terror by Guzeeva and others like her are even more surprising. Why do they go on such programs, reveal their bed linen in front of the whole country and humiliate themselves in front of TV hams? Where is their dignity and honor? Or “people are grabbing everything”?

Or maybe the point is in the program itself, which was conceived in such a way as to attract the masses to television, without in any way caring about the culture of speech and behavior? Why is this happening?

And here is a completely recent example of public permissiveness. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky on November 27, 2016, during the TV show “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov,” told an anecdote about US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. At the end, Zhirinovsky laughed loudly and hysterically. On the Internet, some called the laughter wild and devilish. Many, of course, were outraged by this behavior, since these are leading politicians who should “sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal,” but instead they broadcast a bawdy joke on the air.

No, in fairness and with satisfaction it should be admitted that domestic television there are islands of sanity and even artistic taste– educational and educational projects on the channel "Culture", some transmissions "Channel Five" And "TVC", Soviet movies on the channel "Star" and almost the entire television broadcast of the channel "OTR".

Public television and is completely pleasantly surprising in that it is qualitatively different from most of Russian television, and proves that the country and television can live the same life, and television is capable of not only entertaining, but being meaningful and representing the real interests of the people. However, these examples do not change total madness, reigning on Russian television and intensifying every year.

Meanwhile, the same thing is happening on the Internet, and the illusion of a rich selection of content in practice is reduced to 4-5 sites, which the user usually visits, and which are filled with the same garbage. Often, those who have abandoned the “zombie box” watch TV series and television programs on Internet resources.

Thus, television continues to dictate fashion to millions of people and shape public opinion. Removing the state from its regulation or, at least, participation in the formation of television content leads to permissiveness television producers, focusing on the basest in man, and ultimately, towards total moral degradation of the people.

Where have the professionalism and responsibility with which they previously prepared the broadcast, especially on state channels, gone? Now it’s not just that we can’t meet them, we can’t even wait for basic moral standards. What is modern television today? And why is television a tool for controlling the masses?


IN this moment There are dozens of television companies in each of the post-Soviet countries. Some of them are regional in nature, some broadcast throughout the country. Total number channels on ordinary people's TVs can easily reach hundreds.

It would seem that under the current conditions, television should satisfy any desires of its viewers, meet any interests and be ready to tell us absolutely everything, but no. On most channels, you will usually see the same garbage broadcast endlessly for almost twenty-four hours.

What then fill the airwaves with these numerous television companies?

The realities of modern television– this is a distorted and exaggerated reflection many times over American model TV, with its disgusting content. What do you see when you turn on your TV screens? Reality shows that describe in detail dirty details from the lives of their participants, talk shows, which then after the fact try to relive these dirty details, stupid TV series, which are usually full of violence, murders, robberies and other unattractive things. This is exactly what they offer their viewers - pure dirt and immorality.

And, surprisingly, people continue to look at it with pleasure. Many are ready to spend time in front of blue screens most day, tasting and savoring it all. But, no matter how it may seem, there are not so many such people. For others, television is just a way to escape from the burdensome workdays, and they are simply forced to watch it, because there is no alternative.

Try to name at least one TV channel in whose broadcast you do not see any of the above. We doubt that you will succeed, because this kind of content is considered the most “interesting”, which means profitable. The more naked girls, blood and curses, the larger the audience.

It is difficult to understand this process and its reasons. Either modern people are so spoiled and spoiled that only such content can impress them, or they didn’t get enough of this on Soviet television at one time and are now trying to quench this incomprehensible thirst.

In any case, I haven’t seen anything good on the TV screen lately. In this case, the question immediately arises before us: Is it even worth watching?, because it is a tool for controlling the masses? Here are some control methods on TV.

With the help of television it has become easy to control a person

– Television controls where a person looks: he looks where the television camera is pointed.

– It also controls what a person sees. He sees on the screen only what the director or presenter wants to show. Through installation and computer effects The picture can be changed as needed by the channel owners. By, for example, tearing out a very old person or an unsuccessful slogan from the mass of demonstrators, and even editing the picture with computer methods, they caricature opposition speeches. Choosing the “right moment” to disperse young people protesting against the policies of the “golden billion,” the anti-globalists’ speeches are presented as the outrages of hooligans. A lot of such techniques have been developed.

– It accustoms the brain to consuming ready-made images and weans it from mental work: Television creates ready-made images, which are downloaded directly into the consciousness without any thought. People receive information that is often disinformation, a means of manipulation, violence against consciousness. Excess information reduces emotional background life. People don’t rejoice and have fun, don’t sing and don’t communicate. They only watch and listen as others do it. The reaction to moving pictures on the screen, for example, football, is purely reflexive, like a cat’s reaction to a small moving object.

Therefore there is urgency changes in state policy in culture and art. However, to a large extent, deprivation (in psychology - an internal vacuum, primarily emotional, when a person wants, but chronically cannot satisfy his most pressing needs - for love, care, human support, for feeling part of a single whole) Russian society supported and deepened by the efforts of “great” television production.

The audience of theaters and philharmonic societies, even cinemas, is not comparable to television, and accordingly, they cannot resist the flow of nonsense and entertainment from the “box,” even if masterpieces with the statement begin to appear in films and on the stage high ideals goodness and creation.

You can create the most correct government programs in culture and education, organize years of literature, history, cinema, culture, restore museums and monuments, make the school curriculum more meaningful, return patriotic education and work with youth (all this is important and necessary), but the ongoing bacchanalia on television, coupled with permissiveness on the Internet, to a large extent cancel out these efforts.

How can you explain to a schoolchild something about high love and duty to his relatives and loved ones, when every day he sees on the air examples of a feverish search for a profitable partner and replacing him with a new one, if he only has a bigger wallet or triceps?

Probably, a talented teacher or parents, with a trusting relationship, are able to resist the fashion for debauchery imposed through television products, but not always. You can show as much as you like best samples art in museums, but if a stream of mediocre songs and fakes comes from the TV, then in the minds of a person with most likely the latter will win.

Combined with rising patriotic sentiment and growing awareness historical significance Russian world, pride in Russia’s activities in the international arena, there is a request for a change in the cultural and information policy of the state, primarily on television, and looks like a challenge for state power.


Is it worth it, in this case, to spend your personal time contemplating all this disgrace? Many people think not. And we, readers, recommend that you refuse this. What positive emotions can you get from watching someone being dismembered on a TV screen, someone being beaten, someone being robbed, or some idiots sorting out their relationship in front of the whole country?

Absolutely none, so why then devote any time to this? You won't learn anything, and you won’t be able to teach your children anything if you spend several hours in a row every day in a chair, staring at a blue screen. There is no benefit from all this, and you won’t be able to rest either. This total imposition of “interesting” programs must be erased from your life.

There are much more exciting things, which you can do after work hours. Alternatives to modern television in the post-Soviet space should be books, your hobbies and old Soviet, time-tested films. In any case, you can always make up for the lack of cinema on the Internet by choosing exactly what you want to see, and not what the TV program forces you to see.

Should I give up television?

It's probably not worth it at all. But by regularly spending time in front of a blue screen, you become like a sheep in their flock, led wherever they want. The human brain, if not received regularly new information , begins to become stupid, because it is impossible to stand in one place in evolution - you are always either moving forward, or back.

Television actively helps us all in the latter, it’s like degradation springboard, which we are all actively striving for. Don’t be a philistine, give up such a pastime that corrodes your consciousness. There are many alternatives, so use any, because anything will be better than modern television in the post-Soviet space.


Modern television is usually criticized for its vulgarity and the negativity that pours out of it. However, there is an opinion: demand creates supply, and television reflects the mood of people. They show us what we “peck” at, what we want to look at...

But that's not entirely true. At the Faculty of Psychology Moscow State University together with the Faculty of Journalism, a large-scale study was carried out, during which it was found that this is the case with accuracy vice versa.

Scientists compared the image of the author in the viewer and the image of the viewer in the author and their information preferences. That is, what programs do young people want to watch, according to the author, and what programs do they actually want to watch? And on the other hand, what, according to young people, does the author think about what young people themselves want to watch.

And they found interesting fact. It turned out that author And spectators talk about each other completely different categories. Viewers perceive the author, first of all, as a respected and competent person who can be trusted and looked up to.

For television workers, the image of the viewer begins with the category of social distance “friend or foe.” That is, the first thing journalists do is dissociate themselves from the viewer: their work colleagues and those on the other side of the screen are their own, and the audience is strangers. They are different, they are people of a different caste, they are lower than us, they are immoral and are not interested in anything. They need emotional chewing gum.

The people need primitive entertainment, sentimental series, and for people with a strong nervous system - rough passions and harsh humor “below the belt”. This is the psychology of feudal serfdom. And this attitude of media owners - “viewers do not need anything that encourages them to new thoughts and ideas” - gives birth to the concept of media "sleep of reason". And the real tastes and demands of the audience are not taken into account.

Why did it happen?

Since the early eighties, advertising began to use erotic symbols to sell anything and everything - and this became semantic shift: the boundary between public and intimate has been violated. Television stopped drawing meaning from the surrounding world and began to “reveal” a person’s private space: conversations in the bedroom, communication in slang, that is, what is in ordinary life exists between people on a personal level of communication in a closed room.

The intimate side of the human soul becomes open to everyone. And once launched, this trend is bound to gain momentum. Unfortunately, it is developing and expanding. But the border between public and intimate space is the border of the integrity of the individual. When old symbols and stimuli have already been worked out, the search for new ones begins. And where to look for something that hasn’t happened yet? Just delve deeper into intimate areas human existence. That's what we see.

The media take the position of a father in relation to a person. This is a powerful social tool for people’s adaptation to a changing world. It is assumed that it is done by professional people. He shows models how to live in difficult conditions. And research by psychologists confirms that people actually internalize the lifestyle, style of thinking, style of expression of will, experiences and feelings that the media offers.

Because, Who are we for TV – family or strangers? That is the question…

And finally, a few simple tips to the TV viewer:

1. Never watch TV programs randomly, choose the program you want to watch in advance.

2. Regularly look away from the screen so that it does not completely take over your vision.

3. Do not make the sound louder than necessary so that the TV does not deafen you at the hearing level.

5. If you are used to watching television news programs or reading about news in a newspaper, try to consider the information offered to you from different angles.

To our common grief, TV poison is attractive.

Television is that Trojan horse, which we ourselves drag into our home and allow our enemies, enslavers, to quietly penetrate our consciousness and suppress its resistance. The army is powerless against information weapons. The fifth column operates in every consciousness. Neither tanks nor planes can do anything here. The weapons of the last war are no longer suitable in the information war.

Watching and listening eventually gets boring and boring. A person begins to switch channels, look for something new, without knowing what. Living someone else's life in primitive TV series is painful. But when your life is sadly monotonous or full of suffering, bright pictures attract you like a drug. But, like any drug, it is required in larger and larger quantities. So Days and years pass senselessly.

A normal person needs action, creative work, labor And television transports a person to a fictional place illusory world, interferes with his full-blooded life in real world, stops its development. Reality is replaced by illusion, the product of someone else's, often very poor, imagination.


Television itself, like computers of course greatest achievement civilization, which, in the hands of responsible people who think about the Russian people, about goodness and creation, could bring great benefits. But, obeying the Antichrist, it serves as an instrument of destruction, sows misinformation, uses sound and video means that destroy normal perception, and has a detrimental effect on the state of consciousness and human health. TV has become the master, the despot, in many families. Being the center around which all loved ones gather, it does not unite family members, but, on the contrary, disrupts their natural communication. They move away from each other, almost don’t talk to each other, don’t discuss anything important and secret for them. People chained to the “blue screen” do not live outside of it, they are subject to its magical influence. TV does not provide the opportunity to retire, think, or concentrate on anything important; it is as if he is destroying the walls of the house, letting into our home a variety of people (sorcerers, sorcerers, etc.) whom we do not know and whom no one invited. Our consciousness and the consciousness of our children becomes a passageway, a Babylonian pandemonium, a crush of faces and images, events and plots.
Television has become a source of visual binge-watching. A teenager, “connected” to the TV, often cannot tear himself away from it, like a drunkard from an unfinished bottle. The child is unable to choose and control; he has a feverish need to see more and more new images. Video binge drinking is one of the most terrible diseases of our time, the consequences of which are nervous exhaustion, “clogging” of the mind, heart, soul, dulling of semantic memory and weakening of creative powers. At the same time, absent-mindedness, imbalance, and hysteria appear, because the unnatural concentration of passions and sensory impressions causes emotional overload and stress, followed by emptiness of the soul. The consciousness of a “TV addict” wears out, natural feelings are dulled or distorted. The density of scenes of cruelty, crime, immoral and vulgar pictures destroys the hierarchy cultural values, extinguishes the culture of perception of the surrounding world, makes bad and even criminal commonplace and “habitual”.
A continuous change of impressions is inevitably followed by a dulling of attention, the ability to control sensory actions is lost, and the creative forces. Television “dehumanizes” society, because it alienates people living nearby and “inverts” the artificial and natural world. Often what is perceived on the screen seems closer and more real than actual people and events.
The abundance of extra-spiritual materials, “seductive” and anomalous, catastrophically reduces the spiritual potential of the viewer’s personality, takes him away from his own human perception and experiences.
TV is the enemy of a person who wants to be free. Crooked television mirrors deliberately change the customary laws of National life that have developed over centuries, form false ideals, distort the correct, from the standpoint of goodness and truth, perception of events, create " virtual reality"...TV has become the main means of manipulating consciousness, and therefore the main means of “dehumanizing a person.” Protection from television influence and methods of pedagogical opposition to it are one of the most important urgent tasks of the Russian school. Honest teachers are trying to solve this problem in different ways. And the most important of the ways to its solution was and remains a painstaking educational work, both among parents and among students.Both of them must constantly explain why and how harmful the innocent “box” that has truly become Pandora’s box is.
Two factors contribute to spiritual enslavement and personality degradation. First factor. People sitting in front of the TV and, naturally, undergoing hypnotic influence, develop a state of hypno-addiction, i.e. painful increased suggestibility. This leads, according to the honored artist and hypnotist Yu. Gorny, to “the destruction of the personality structure, reduces its ability to situational analysis, stimulates spontaneous unmotivated behavior." The second factor. As psychologist A. Mori writes, "the prolonged attention that a TV viewer must maintain while looking at a screen that tires the eyesight produces a type of tetanus (sperrung), which is accompanied by a great weakening of will and attention. In this way, a person reaches the point where he causes a disorder in himself, almost similar to that produced by the use of the anesthetics ether, opium, and hashish.”
The CONCLUSION that naturally follows from this: TV destroys the personality, spiritually enslaves, weakens attention and will, and leads, as it were, to a narcotic state. This can be attributed to to an individual, and to society in general. According to the doctor psychological sciences V. Lebedeva, television and “the press can make the whole country fall into a trance.” Knowing the methods and possibilities of controlling the masses, one can naturally assume with what strength and enthusiasm the disorderly and depressed crowd will meet the satanic messenger - the Antichrist. Satan, the enemy of God, wants to own the world, humanity. This achievement is planned through the reign of the Antichrist over the world, who will be “the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above everything that is called God or that is holy, so that in the temple of God he sits as God, showing himself to be God” (2 Thess. 2: 3-4). World organizations and their henchmen, passionately dreaming of owning the world, are preparing the arrival and accession of their false messiah - the Antichrist through the unification of the media, manipulation structures public consciousness, management structures of various community groups, parties and states. The steps they have taken in this direction are already known.
The media (and almost all of the press) are already under their jurisdiction and control, which is why our slightest communication with television entails gradual complete control over a person’s consciousness and life. The state and circumstances in which our Orthodox people find themselves is of particular concern. Orthodox Rus'- this is the only thing in the world that really prevents the Antichrist from coming into the world today, whose servants are trying by all means to operate on the consciousness of our people, whose heart is the Orthodox faith. Most of the people who are commonly called “new Russians”, i.e. those who do not have an Orthodox worldview and genuine Christian faith are already prepared to accept it thanks to the influence of television and other media.
From everything that has been said about television, the action of evil spirits is obvious to spiritually sighted people. The only force capable of protecting and saving from the influence of the demonic world is the grace of God. All means of protection from the influence of the demonic world are stored in Orthodox Church. Where there is prayer, invocation of the Name of God, there the demon is powerless. Where is the confession true faith– Orthodoxy, where the devil does not have his power.
Modern man does not even allow the thought of not watching TV at all. He is afraid of “falling behind life,” of not being “in the know” about all events, of reducing his “outlook”... However, despite the fact that an atheist or a non-church person watches TV every day, he seems to “ in the know,” he is considered to have a “broad outlook,” but he does not know the true reasons for the events taking place, the essence of what is happening and what the result of what is happening will be. And, paradoxically, a Christian who lives an Orthodox church life does not watch television, however, knows the Holy Scriptures and its patristic explanation well, knows the prophecies about the last times world from Holy Scripture, from the works of the holy fathers of the Church, from the sayings of the ascetics of piety, knowing about the “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thess. 2:7), which is already in action, understands real reasons events taking place, the essence of what is happening and knows the consequences. IN scary times we had a chance to live. Let us not, brothers and sisters, exchange the precious time given to us for repentance and salvation, for preparing for eternity, for acquiring knowledge of the Truth, for insignificant and short-term pleasures and entertainment offered by the prince of this world! They do not bring any real, significant benefit to the soul, for its spiritual improvement and change for the better. Today, more than ever, we must with all our might preserve Orthodoxy and ourselves in Orthodoxy, live an attentive spiritual life, become accustomed to and remain in unceasing prayer, save our souls with patience, carry the saving and healing word to our neighbors who are still able to hear this word to the best of our ability.