The most popular rock singers. Rock music

Currently, the best rock bands and their creativity are one of the components of the cultural life of the younger generation. Every person has their own idol. Whether it is a Russian group or a Western one, they are all united by a love of music and millions of fans around the world.

The most famous rock band according to various Internet polls is Linkin Park, an American alternative rock band. Known for not being afraid to mix different vocal styles, the band's first album features a large amount of electronic elements. And, although the group is quite often accused of copying itself (they say that the structure of the songs is similar or the same), everyone will be able to find in their work a song for themselves, native and understandable, since the songs are performed in different genres - from alternative rock and metal to rapcore .

Linkin Park is one of the favorite Bands of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

The American rock band 30 Seconds to Mars is no less popular. The group performs in various genres: rock (and its varieties: neo-progressive, hard rock, space rock, alternative) and Post-Grunge. The name fully corresponds to the spirit and music of the group itself, they are truly just as exciting, original and unique. Magnificent vocals, coupled with interesting arrangements and the rhythm of beautiful music, real drive and incorruptible boyish audacity and enthusiasm make the group truly unique. They rightfully take their place among the best rock bands in the world.

Evanescence is another group that appeared in America in the late 90s. Basically, people agree that they play in the gothic rock genre, but the definition of their genre still causes various misunderstandings. They are called both a gothic metal band, and playing in the alternative metal style, and so on. There is no unity. The stunning voice of vocalist Amy Lee, guitar riffs, soul-touching melodic sounds and the pressure of crazy energy - that's what you think about when listening to Evanescence songs.

American rapcore/Nu-Metal band Limp Bizkit appeared in 1994. It united musicians, beautiful and competent, and a hooligan frontman who spits in the face of conventions. All their music is crossed by a continuous line of protest, the free spirit of which shines through in every line and in every note.

The genres in which Lumen plays are alternative rock and metal, earlier work is post-grunge and punk rock. In the lyrics of the group's songs we see the society that surrounds the guys themselves, with all its dirt and vices. Their songs are a call to fight, a hint that it is never too late to change and become different. Everyone who discovers this group will have an amazing journey into a world where dreams can come true, you just have to believe in it.

In Flames is a Swedish band that sings in the melodic death metal genre (Melodic Dearh Metal is a melodic and extreme subgenre of metal). Quite a well-known group in certain circles. The vocalist is a delight, with his stunning and mesmerizing voice. It’s best to start getting acquainted with In Flames with the song “Come Clarity”, which is performed in a slightly hard rock style with a voice that penetrates the soul.

The British metalcore band Bullet for my Valentine captivates with the unique simplicity of the members' intentions and virtuoso and powerful guitar playing technique. Some of their songs are quite incendiary, popular, and among the group’s fans there are many girls who are not familiar with the term “hard” in music. Heartfelt words and an original manner of performance are exactly what a true music lover will appreciate.

Bring Me The Horizon is an English rock band playing in the genres of deathcore, metalcore, and post-hardcore. For those who love fast and heavy music, with screams and guttural roars, voice vibrations and slightly shrill notes.

Hello Stigmata! Russian metalcore band with lyrical lyrics and music. Sometimes cruel, sometimes soft and pliable, the group’s music brings pleasure to lovers of Russian alternative.
Another best Russian band, called Psyche, plays in the alternative metal genre. He is famous for playing honest and hard-earned music. The texts are very emotional, the sound palette is quite complex, and the images drawn by the guys are so deep that you are involuntarily drawn into this world of theirs, and the desire to return does not visit you.


True connoisseurs of good domestic music have been following the group 5 Diez for a long time and do not let them out of their sight. According to critics, the group is the youngest and most promising Russian alternative group. What makes them unique is that they are not afraid to mix different genres; According to the band members themselves, they play a mixture of “caustic blackdance gabbacore, airy balletpunk and God knows what else...”. Few people can make music as well as 5Diez. This rock band is absolutely individual and it is not for nothing that they are one of the best rock bands.

Slipknot has always been able to amaze listeners of completely different audiences. Each subsequent album is so different from the previous one that you involuntarily grab the disc box and check - are you listening to the right group? Genres: nu metal and alternative metal. Their music is always at the highest level, energetic, powerful, heavy. A vocalist with a very powerful range generally sings growling (with roars and vibrations), with rare exceptions when a clear voice breaks through.


This is a truly wonderful British-made group - Muse. Not just a group - but already a living legend, with millions of fans around the world and working truly miracles on stage. People ignorant of music are known for the song from the Coca-Cola advertisement “Can’t take my eyes off you.” The falsetto of vocalist Matthew Bellamy, the repeated use and repetition of piano performances, and the frequent use of orchestral arrangements leave an indelible impression.

Amatory is a St. Petersburg band playing in the genres of alternative rock, metalcore, and so on. All their songs are written with meaning, protest, challenge. The sound is dense and rich, leaving behind a sweet aftertaste that urges you to listen to the next song. Unique sound and always a sea of ​​emotions - this is what awaits the grateful listener of Amatory.

10. Blur - Song 2

Mastery is when, having invested in two verses and two choruses, you create a track that is the most energetic composition of the group. Recorded as a British parody of American grunge,"Song 2" gained unprecedented popularity, reaching the top of the charts and becoming the calling card of the group. And although the name of the song was working, during the rehearsals it took root, so they did not change it.

9. Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop

The first track from the very first album of the dashing punk band set the highest bar until the band's collapse.“The Ramones took the stage. It was an amazing sight. Four angry dudes in leather jackets. It was as if the Gestapo had burst into the room. These were definitely not hippies.” Branded “Hey! Ho! Let’s go!” with three major chords formed a classic two-minute hit... By the way, at the beginning of this song there is no countdown from Dee Dee Ramone - “1-2-3-4”. A real primitive punk, in general.

8. Eagles - Hotel California

Classic rock with its indescribable sound, thoughtful lyrics, heartbreaking two-minute solo - all this"Hotel California" . The song topped the American rock charts five times and won a Grammy as the best song of 1978. Following the theme of the track, Hollywood is a luxury hotel that first welcomes guests and then traps them. The band's only song and one of the few rock songs to feature a double-neck guitar.

7. The Doors - Light my fire

The next band on our playlist is The Doors. Mysterious, mystical, allegorical lyrics and the vivid image of vocalist Jim Morrison made it perhaps the most famous and equally controversial group of its time. At the closing show at New Orleans' Warehouse on December 12, 1970, "Light My Fire" was the last song played by the foursome and the last song Morrison performed on stage.

6. Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode

By combining several genres together, Chuck Berry literally created rock. This song is proof of that: energetic riff, simple, yet interesting lyrics, solo. B erry recorded "Johnny B. Goode" in 1958. The song immediately became a hit that appealed to both white and black audiences. It peaked at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 and peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot R&B Sides.

5. Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water

If you haven't heard" Smoke on the water " , then most likely you are an alien. The song is famous for its recognizable riff, created during one of Blackmore's improvisations. The song, by the way, is based on real events: during the Montreux Jazz Festival, one of the fans fired a flare gun into the ceiling of the casino where the festival itself was taking place, which caused a fire, which, in turn, burned the building to the ground. Smoke drifted over Lake Geneva, which the band members saw from their hotel window.

4. The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

The British band was only one song away from absolute popularity. It was she who paved the way for the group's further path and popularity. "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" is often cited as a turning point in the history of modern music. The Beatles dominated the scene at that time with their light rock and roll, and the public, thirsty for a “heavier” sound, enthusiastically embraced the new hit. From that moment on, the Beatles had worthy competitors, and rock music lovers had a real choice.

3. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

The debut album “Bleach” of the legendary band brought $3,000 to the musicians. At that time, no one could have imagined how popular “Nevermind” would gain with the lead single “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. The idea for the song came to Kurt when his girlfriend, who was terribly tired of the smell of his girlfriend’s deodorant, wrote “Kurt smells like teen spirit” on the wall of his house. He had no idea what she meant, so he took the phrase as iconic. The song became the most famous grunge composition, bringing fame and crowds of fans to its author, whom journalists nicknamed “the voice of Generation X.”

2. AC/DC - Highway to Hell

Angus was once asked about touring life, to which he replied: “It’s the road to hell.” The name “Highway to Hell” gave rise to numerous rumors and rumors about the meaning of the song. The band was accused of Satanism based on a few lines of lyrics and a photo of Angus Young on the album cover, which showed him with a tail and horns. The members of AC/DC categorically disagreed with this interpretation, and Malcolm Young even said: “My mother would kill me for this!” The album of the same name was the last work of the group, recorded with the participation of Bonn Scott.

1. Queen - We Will Rock You

This track is an example of the fact that you don't have to bang on all the instruments at once to create a hit song. Two kicks or fists, one clap of the palms - perhaps this song can be tried to be taught to novice musicians. It is this accompaniment that opens the composition and lasts until the very end (not taking into account the solo). Add Freddie's unique vocals and voila - a hit for all times is ready.

A genre in music like Rock is a very broad concept, since there are a lot of subgenres and directions in it. And many people have left the classic sound long ago, inventing new tricks, effects and introducing new instruments: from heavy guitars and hysterical singing, to recitatives and samples.

A lot of time has passed since the first bands began to rock and roll, and a lot of styles have appeared with their own sound, attributes and fan base. Such as: Metal, Punk rock, SKA, Grunge, Alternative rock, Industrial, etc.

I decided to make my TOP about the most prominent representatives of each style, compile list of the best rock bands without comparing them with each other and without assigning numbers to them. Since each group is cool and unique in its own way.

So, let's begin!

Black Sabbath

And my top band opens with the great Ozzy Osbourne “Black Sabbath”, they are considered the pioneers of heavy metal, especially their debut studio album “Black Sabbath” with a new sound at that time and the inimitable style of playing guitarist Tony Iommi.

In his riffs for the band's song of the same name, Tony was the first to use "Triton". The so-called “devil's interval” is an interval of three tones, for which in the Middle Ages you could get burned at the stake if you played it on a lute.

Osbourne wrapped up the theme with dark lyrics, and the band's direction was set. And Ozzy’s shocking performance on stage played a huge role in the formation of the group’s image. “Black Sabbath” were considered a very scandalous rock group; they were credited with Satanism and devil worship. In the USSR they were banned.


Metallica is a metal band that has metal in its music, in its name and in its blood. Metallica had a great influence on the development of metal and rock music in general. "Broom" is considered the best metal band of the last thirty years according to Kerrang magazine. The number of albums sold totals more than 110 million copies worldwide.

They are one of the “Big Four of Thrash Metal” along with Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth, and yet “Broom” surpassed them all in popularity. And the album “Master of Puppets” is considered the “standard of thrash”; at one time it reached both the underground and critics.

Hetfield and the guys can even throw together a slow ballad in the style of Nothing Else Matters, which will later become a hit. And drive away some action movie like Sanitarium. In honor of the 15th anniversary of the band Metallica, MTV aired a sour tribute in 2003, which included (Korn, Limp Bizkit, Avril Lavinge, Snoop Dog).


A cult grunge band based in Seattle, it was Nirvana who made this style so popular. Nirvana became part of the Seattle underground music scene in 1989 after recording their first album, Bleach, on the independent Sub Pop label.

When creating his second album, Kurt Cobain wanted to go beyond the Seattle grunge scene and bring something new to his music. Thanks to the Pixies, which he really liked, he brought their dynamics into the band's sound. And in 1991, they recorded their second studio album, Nevermind, on the DGC Records label, and it became commercially successful.

Largely thanks to the first single “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, which became the anthem of the “next generation” and one of. Cobain's soulful vocals and driving delivery did their job. Nirvana entered the mainstream and became the “voice of Generation X,” thereby popularizing the Seattle grunge sound.


KoYan is an American rock band that founded the nu metal or alternative metal style. Joel McIver called them the pioneers of nu metal in his book. “Korn” absorbed elements of many styles from hardcore punk with groove metal to funk with hip-hop and created a new huge layer of music.

After the death of Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain, the popularity of grunge began to decline and something new was needed, equally powerful and youthful. Nu-metal came at the right time, and KoYan made a real breakthrough. Moving away from the old canons of rock music, not only in terms of sound, but also in image: tracksuits, wide pants, dreadlocks and the unforgettable “kick” that they set on stage.

The group is the best in its style with the unique voice of Jonathan Davis, with its own atmosphere and style, recognizable from the first strokes of the strings, has gathered millions of fans around the world among young people and old school. They constantly experiment with sound from album to album.

After the release of their debut album in 1994, Korn became the best-selling heavy band of the decade with sales of 3 million copies. They deservedly go to my list of the best foreign rock bands.

Limp Bizkit

Here are another favorite of young people, an American rap-core, nu-metal group formed in 1994 by frontman Fred Durst and debuted in 1997 with the album “Tree Dollar Bill, Y'all$”. Although they are not the founders of rap core, they are rightfully considered the best in this direction.

They collected the best moments from alternative styles, seasoned it with Durst's aggressive delivery, cool arrangements and Wes Borland riffs. And by the beginning of the millennium they became the top alternative group that most teenagers looked up to.

Their third studio album, “Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water,” takes them to the peak of fame and LB floods all the charts, music channels and CD shelves. Fred's charisma, shocking image of the guitarist, competent Dj Lethal on samples and experiments with sound bore fruit.

List of the best foreign rock bands

Part of my list of the best rock bands is behind us, so you can take a short break and continue to remember the top rock bands of the world scale.


The brightest band on Nu-metal, and indeed on the rock scene all over the world. It was formed in 1992 in the capital of Iowa by drummer Sean Crahan, which means Noose. The lineup changed periodically and settled down by the time the debut album was recorded in 1999, resulting in a band of nine people.

One of the important moments in the formation of the group was the arrival of Corey Taylor as the lead singer of the group. Which made Slipknot sound right. The band's success is a hellish mixture of powerful metal sound with various cool bells and whistles: percussion, samples, scratches. And also the unimaginable performance, the frantic shocking, trash and frenzy that they create on stage.

“Slips” perform in overalls of the same color and in different masks, plus installations that raise drums and percussion, in short, it turns out to be a cool show and a unique atmosphere. They have gathered a huge crowd of Maggot fans around the world and are among the list of the best rock bands.

Green Day

Next on my list is Green Day, a punk rock band from sunny California founded by Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt in 1986. After the first concert tour, the drummer leaves them, he is replaced by the same Tre Cool and a legendary trio is formed.

Together with other groups of the Californian punk rock wave (Rancid and The Offspring), they raised a lot of excitement and people's interest in punk rock music not only in America, but also abroad. Green Day were the model and inspiration for many famous bands: Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, FOB.

GD won a Grammy in 1995 after releasing their hit singles "Basket case" and "When l come around." As a result of numerous Internet polls conducted by Rolling Stone magazine, Green Day were awarded the title of the best punk band in history.

Linkin Park

Another cult alternative rock band that started with melodic nu metal, on (Hybrid Theory and Meteora). But then she changed her style and direction, experimenting with sound. At first the team gathered under the name Xero, but with the arrival of Chester Bennington, the guys renamed themselves Linkin Park.

According to numerous Internet polls, LP is the most famous and easily recognizable rock band in the whole world. With the release of their debut album Hybrid Theory, the guys immediately grabbed fame and applause; Chester’s unique voice, electronic inserts, and great riffs immediately won the hearts of listeners. The second full-length album Meteora was recorded in the same style, to the delight of fans, and significantly increased the popularity of the group.

In Minutes to Midnight and subsequent albums, the band began to experiment with sound and direction, which caused dissatisfaction among fans of hybrid-style records. The group was nominated for a Grammy 6 times, two of which they received. By the standards of many famous world publications, LP is included in the list of the best rock bands, and Chester Bennington is included in the list of the best rock vocalists.


And here is the pride of Germany - the group Rammstein. The industrial metal band comes from Berlin and there is no doubt about the cult status of these Germans. Brutal, healthy men playing driving industrial music in their own specific rhythm, shocking lyrics and grandiose stage performances using pyrotechnics.

The group was assembled by guitarist Richard Kruspe, who noticed that his friend Till Lindemann, who was a drummer in the band First Arsch, had good vocal abilities. Richard persuaded Till to try himself as the lead singer of Rammstein and hit the mark. Next, they win a competition for young bands and record their debut long play “Herzeleid” and it becomes popular.

Rammstein is noticed by Trent Reznor (frontman of N I N) and advises David Lynch to include a couple of Ramm songs in the soundtrack for his Lost Highway project, and things go uphill. They then went on a European tour opening for Clawfinger, followed by an appearance on MTV in 1996. And their third studio album “Mutter” brought them worldwide fame with such famous singles as “Feuer frei”, “Ich Will”, “Mutter”.

System of a Down

System of a Down is a rock band from Los Angeles with Armenian roots, founded by Serj Tankian along with Daran Malakian. The main direction of the group is nu metal, alternative rock with an admixture of Armenian folklore, which can be seen in Serge’s lyrics and gives the group an original flavor.

It is quite difficult to give a clear definition of rock, because the range of performers is incredibly wide - from the “classic” Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and the later universally recognized Metallica to heavy music “not for everyone” like Rammstein. Perhaps this is why he is so loved and popular today. This broad direction does not have clear stylistic boundaries. The best foreign rock is imbued with the spirit of freedom, free-thinking, powerful energy and even a certain aggression. In this section of the site, you can download the site for free or listen online to your favorite mp3 collection of the best rock music, enjoy its high-quality sound and hear new releases.


Rock has come a long way in its development. This is a certain protest against reality, something new and comprehensive. With the advent of rock, many began to behave differently, dress differently, and think differently. These changes date back to the 50s of the last century. It was then that in the minds of many everything that existed before was reset to zero. A new style, a new subculture and, most importantly, new music - loud, aggressive, energetic and free from any rules and canons. We present to your attention a new interesting collection. Here you can download the best foreign rock for free, find your favorite mp3 songs and listen to new releases. There's definitely something worth checking out here. Our music archive is regularly updated with compositions that have long been loved by fans of foreign rock, as well as interesting new releases.