TV program for the New Year on December 31st. Film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Before the onset of one of the most important family holidays, everyone is fussing, thinking about what to cook, in what and how to meet. But no one knows what to watch on this day to cheer themselves and their loved ones up. That is why a small program program has been prepared for December 31 for the New Year 2018, a kind of TV guide.

A true leader of Russian channels, watched by millions of people every day. And this time the channel’s producers did not break tradition - they will broadcast Soviet movies December 31 and January 1, which became real hits. It became simply unrealistic to imagine a holiday without them.

  1. "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik."
  2. « New year's night».

Channel "Russia"

The second channel is no less popular and is preparing a unique program for its viewers for the New Year 2018 on December 31. What to watch on TV is up to the viewer to decide. The basis of New Year's Eve is Soviet and modern comedies.

  1. "Kings of Laughter"
  2. "Carnival Night".
  3. « Caucasian captive».
  4. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”

Description of programs

If someone is unfamiliar with some of the names from the lists, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with full description programs for the New Year 2018 on December 31, which will be broadcast on TV.

Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik

The New Year's film is presented in three short films: “Partner”, “Obsession” and “Operation Y”. In the first, the main character Shurik quarrels with the bully Fyodor, who did not want to give up his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman. For hooliganism, the guy is given 15 days, sent to public Works exactly where Shurik works. Seeing him, Fedya begins to think about revenge.

The short film “Obsession” tells about student years Shurika. He needs to pass the last exam, and for this he needs to find the necessary material to study. Having seen what he needed in the notes, which were in the wrong hands, Shurik, without being distracted by anything, followed the man everywhere. While reading, he did not notice what kind of person he was and where they were going. And then successful completion subject, he meets the girl Lida. She invites him to visit her, where it begins to seem to him that he has already been here.

"Operation Y". The owner of the Petukhov base wants to hide the fact of the theft of products and save himself from an imminent audit. For this operation, he invites three scammers to simulate a robbery. The task was to neutralize the woman guarding the base and break a couple of things for good measure. But they did not even suspect how such an adventure would turn out for them.

Shuleikin wanted so badly to get into home country from an overseas port that he decided to introduce himself as a tiger tamer and boarded a ship that transports predatory animals to the Odessa Zoo. Along with the predators, there was a cheerful little monkey on board, who did not let anyone get bored, moving things from place to place, and then completely opened all the cages of the predators. Everyone thought that the “trainer” would drive the tigers into the cage, but the barmaid came to the rescue.

Good-natured Troshkin got into big trouble. He turns out to be very similar to the bandit nicknamed “Associate Professor”, who stole the helmet of Alexander the Great. The police accuse him of theft and he has to do his best to pretend to be a thief. He doesn't even suspect what awaits him ahead.

Senior economist at Giproryby enterprise and an exemplary family man Semyon Gorbunkov, at the request of his wife Nadezhda, goes on a cruise on a ship called “Mikhail Svetlov”. His neighbor turns out to be Gennady Kozodoev. Main character doesn’t even suspect that the main goal of this seemingly pleasant guy is the desire to get gold and precious stones.

A company of friends, carrying out the good old tradition, goes to public bath before New Year. There they get very drunk and all go to the airport together to help their friend Pavel board the plane. But by chance they send Evgeniy to Leningrad. And upon arrival, without suspecting anything, he tells the taxi driver his address, ends up in someone else’s apartment with exactly the same furniture, and, not suspecting anything, calmly goes to bed. And then the real hostess comes.

Three best friends are going fishing. But they're out to catch their prey in an unusual way- using dynamite. This is a big risk, because Rybnadzor was just passing along the river, and the men had to diligently play decent fishermen. But the whole performance was ruined by the dog Barbos. When they threw a stick with a stick of dynamite, the dog rushed into the water after it to bring it back to its owners. The checker could explode in a moment. Therefore, the friendly company rushes to flight, thereby setting up a real cross-country race.

New year's night

This musical show will dilute with his presence the program of Soviet programs on TV on December 31 before the New Year 2018. All viewers are given an excellent opportunity to watch performances by their favorite artists and immerse themselves in the New Year's atmosphere.

"New Year's Eve" on the first

This season, viewers will see not only summer, but also all other seasons. The main characters, together with their beloved grandchildren, will congratulate their beloved women on March 8, get tired of garden work, send Zhenya to college, swearing at the same time. full program. In a special way they will congratulate all veterans on May 9, they will laugh at Mityai and at the same time feel sorry for him.

The anniversary of Ivan Budko and Police Day will also be celebrated simultaneously. All big family they will attend Euro 2012, ride on a cruise ship, catch a criminal, save the harvest, arrange the wedding of Olga Nikolaevna and Berkovich. And everyone will certainly celebrate the New Year together.

Kings of Laughter

This is a humorous show, the stars of which will cheer up all viewers before the onset of New Year's Eve. There will be unexpected meetings with your favorite comedians, funny jokes, pleasant music and festive atmosphere. To enjoy all this spectacle, you need to gather the whole family in front of the TV screen and turn on your favorite show at the appointed time.

Carnival Night

Young guys working at the club are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year well. They decide to spend the holiday interesting and fun. But unfortunately for them, the director of the enterprise, Ogurtsov, takes control of this matter. Having arranged a meeting for employees in his office, he tells in every detail how he sees the upcoming New Year's fun.

Everyone understands that the boss plans to have something like a cocktail party at the club instead of a celebration. amateur performances. And then the young company decides to cleverly bypass the authorities in order to organize a normal party.

Caucasian captive

The main character Shurik went to one of the mountain republics, where he met beautiful girl. Beautiful, smart and mischievous. It would seem that this is happiness! But she is suddenly kidnapped to marry her against her will. Shurik did not immediately understand what was happening before his eyes, but then he boldly went on a search to free the “Caucasian captive.”

Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession

Alexander Sergeevich, a young scientist, dreams of creating a time machine. And it seems he is already on his way to this. The latest experiment leads to a blackout of the entire house. The residents are outraged, they get together and think about how to teach such a neighbor a lesson. And at this time, something unusual begins to happen in the scientist’s apartment: a wall opens into a portal that leads Shurik to the past, to the time of Ivan the Terrible. He and the thief Georges Miloslavsky are drawn into the politics of ancient Rus'.

This concert, as usual, consists of 2 parts. The first part will begin at 22:00 on December 13, Moscow time. It will feature best singers and singers, dancers, satirists of the year, who will be happy to demonstrate stage performances that have become popular in the past year.

A few minutes before the New Year, Russian President Vladimir Putin will give a solemn speech congratulating everyone Russian citizens Happy holiday. Next, you will be able to listen to the chimes of the Spasskaya Tower, after which the second part of the New Year's show will begin.

But the listed comedies and shows are not all that will be available to watch on TV on December 31st. The program for the New Year 2018 includes big list humorous programs. The producers have prepared many surprises, which will become known very soon.

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays for both adults and children. On this day, I want to start believing in miracles again, and it’s never too late to make a wish, since it is on the night of January 1, when the chimes strike, that it will begin to come true.

Russian TV channels annually think through the broadcast schedule on this day down to the smallest detail. It consists of films, New Year's TV shows, as well as congratulations from the president. What will they show on Russian television V New Year December 31, 2017?

First channel

The country's main channel, as usual, has prepared many surprises, but traditionally starts the day with your favorite films.

  • 06:45 (Moscow time) - “Carnival night-2, or 50 years later”
  • 10:15 (Moscow time) - “The irony of fate. Continuation"

This afternoon the channel will begin its entertainment program so that Russians would not be bored standing at the stove and worrying about household chores.

  • 12:30 (Moscow time) - “Main New Year’s concert.” Domestic and foreign performers will unite in duets and trios, and already familiar songs will sound from the stage in a new way.
  • 13:40 (Moscow time) - “Office romance”
  • 16:50 (Moscow time) - “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures”

On this day, children will also delight with their performances and, together with Maxim Galkin, you will be able to see the children’s performances as part of the “Best of All” program.

  • 18:25 (Moscow time) - “Best of all”
  • 21:15 (Moscow time) - “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”
  • 23:00 (Moscow time) - “New Year’s Eve on First”. Channel One held a vote, thanks to which viewers themselves decided which popular stars will entertain them on New Year's Eve. The result of this selection will be shown in the show on First.
  • 23:55 (Moscow time) - « »
  • 00:00 (Moscow time) - “New Year's Eve on First. Continuation"

Russia 1

The country's second most important channel has prepared its own unique program, which will begin broadcasting from the very early morning. Russia 1 will show the most famous Soviet films and will have some interesting stuff in store for late evening.

  • 06:25 (Moscow time) - “Girls”
  • 10:25 (Moscow time) - “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik”
  • 14:20 (Moscow time) - “Gentlemen of Fortune”
  • 16:10 (Moscow time) - “The irony of fate, or Enjoy your bath!”
  • 20:00 (Moscow time) - “The Diamond Arm”
  • 21:55 (Moscow time) - “New Year's Parade of Stars.” They were the most streamed artists of the past year. It was these performers that the multimillion-dollar audience wanted to see, and now the songs that the whole country sang in 2017 will be performed in the New Year's Parade of Stars project.
  • 23:55 (Moscow time) - “New Year’s address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
  • 00:00 (Moscow time) - “New Year’s Blue Light 2018.” The program needs no introduction, since last decades annually on stage" Blue light"go out domestic performers, which give the viewer not only their favorite songs, but also charge good mood, which is sometimes so lacking at the holiday table.


Another federal channel Laconically approaches the celebration of the New Year, but will not leave its audience without holiday concerts and TV series

  • 11:00 (Moscow time) - “A miracle of technology. New Year's issue"
  • 13:00 (Moscow time) - series “Dog”
  • 22:00 (Moscow time) - “Super New Year”. Children are the flowers of life, and when they go on stage and demonstrate their talents, it is impossible to look at it without stopping your heart. Now the participants of the “You are Super” project should become happy. Their dreams will begin to come true right on stage.
  • 00:00 (Moscow time) - “Super New Year. Continuation"


Foremost entertainment channel countries approach the celebration of each new year with particular originality, and 2018 will not be an exception.

  • 13:00 (Moscow time) - « Comedy Club»
  • 18:00 (Moscow time) - “Where is the logic? New Year's issue"
  • 19:00 (Moscow time) - “Comedy Woman. New Year's issue"
  • 20:00 (Moscow time) - “Improvisation. New Year's issue"
  • 21:00 (Moscow time) - “Studio Union. New Year's issue"
  • 22:00 (Moscow time) - “Once upon a time in Russia. New Year's issue"
  • 23:00 (Moscow time) - “Comedy Club. Karaoke Star. New Year's issue"


On its own wave, New Year's day and evening will be held on another channel, which is becoming more and more popular every year.

  • 10:30 (Moscow time) - “Guest from the future”
  • 17:00 (Moscow time) - “Super disco of the 90s radio Record 2017”
  • 20:50 (Moscow time) - “Super disco of the 90s radio Record 2016”
  • 23:55 (Moscow time) - “New Year’s address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
  • 01:00 (Moscow time) - “Super disco of the 90s radio Record 2015”


STS decided to stand out from all other channels and children will play the main role in the new year's trend.

  • 18:30 (Moscow time) - “Ural dumplings”. Former KVN players prepared their New Year's performance. On this holiday they will present their new humorous show “Manadrinks, Forward”.
  • 22:00 (Moscow time) - “New Year, children and all, all, all! " Real children's party waiting for spectators music program. Children will not only sing songs, but also dance and show their parodies of famous films.
  • 23:55 (Moscow time) - “New Year’s address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"

The entire site team wishes our viewers a Happy New Year! We would like to wish that the year of the dog becomes a special period for everyone, a time of new achievements and important life events. Let the rooster take all the bad things with him, and let 2018 bring only positive moments. Be healthy and happy!

Before the onset of one of the most important family holidays, everyone is fussing, thinking about what to cook, what to wear and how to celebrate it. But no one knows what to watch on this day to cheer themselves and their loved ones up. That is why a small program program has been prepared for December 31 for the New Year 2018, a kind of TV guide.

The best! — Special New Year's edition. Issue dated December 25, 2016

First channel

A true leader of Russian channels, watched by millions of people every day. And this time, the channel’s producers did not break tradition - Soviet films will be broadcast on December 31 and January 1, which have become real hits. It became simply unrealistic to imagine a holiday without them.

  1. "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik."
  2. "New year's night".

Channel "Russia"

The second channel is no less popular and is preparing a unique program for its viewers for the New Year 2018 on December 31. What to watch on TV is up to the viewer to decide. The basis of New Year's Eve is Soviet and modern comedies.

  1. "Kings of Laughter"
  2. "Carnival Night".
  3. "Prisoner of the Caucasus."
  4. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”
  5. Description of programs

If someone is unfamiliar with some of the names from the lists, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the full description of the programs for the New Year 2018 on December 31, which will be broadcast on TV.

Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik

The New Year's film is presented in three short films: “Partner”, “Obsession” and “Operation Y”. In the first, the main character Shurik quarrels with the bully Fyodor, who did not want to give up his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman. For hooliganism, the guy is given 15 days and sent to community service exactly where Shurik works. Seeing him, Fedya begins to think about revenge.

The short film “Obsession” tells about Shurik’s student years. He needs to pass the last exam, and for this he needs to find the necessary material to study. Having seen what he needed in the notes, which were in the wrong hands, Shurik, without being distracted by anything, followed the man everywhere. While reading, he did not notice what kind of person he was and where they were going. And after successfully passing the subject, he meets the girl Lida. She invites him to visit her, where it begins to seem to him that he has already been here.

"Operation Y". The owner of the Petukhov base wants to hide the fact of the theft of products and save himself from an imminent audit. For this operation, he invites three scammers to simulate a robbery. The task was to neutralize the woman guarding the base and break a couple of things for good measure. But they did not even suspect how such an adventure would turn out for them.

Shuleikin wanted to get to his native country from an overseas port so badly that he decided to introduce himself as a tiger tamer and boarded a ship that transports predatory animals to the Odessa Zoo. Along with the predators, there was a cheerful little monkey on board, who did not let anyone get bored, moving things from place to place, and then completely opened all the cages of the predators. Everyone thought that the “trainer” would drive the tigers into the cage, but the barmaid came to the rescue.

Good-natured Troshkin got into big trouble. He turns out to be very similar to the bandit nicknamed “Associate Professor”, who stole the helmet of Alexander the Great. The police accuse him of theft and he has to do his best to pretend to be a thief. He doesn't even suspect what awaits him ahead.

Semyon Gorbunkov, a senior economist at the Giproryby enterprise and an exemplary family man, at the request of his wife Nadezhda, goes on a cruise on a ship called Mikhail Svetlov. His neighbor turns out to be Gennady Kozodoev. The main character does not even suspect that the main goal of this seemingly pleasant guy is the desire to get gold and precious stones.

A group of friends, carrying out a good old tradition, goes to a public bathhouse before the New Year. There they get very drunk and all go to the airport together to help their friend Pavel board the plane. But by chance they send Evgeniy to Leningrad. And upon arrival, without suspecting anything, he tells the taxi driver his address, ends up in someone else’s apartment with exactly the same furniture, and, not suspecting anything, calmly goes to bed. And then the real hostess comes.

Three best friends are going fishing. But they are going to catch their prey in an unusual way - with the help of dynamite. This is a big risk, because Rybnadzor was just passing along the river, and the men had to diligently play decent fishermen. But the whole performance was ruined by the dog Barbos. When they threw a stick with a stick of dynamite, the dog rushed into the water after it to bring it back to its owners. The checker could explode in a moment. Therefore, the friendly company rushes to flight, thereby setting up a real cross-country race.

New year's night

This musical show will dilute with its presence the program of Soviet programs on TV on December 31 before the New Year 2018. All viewers are given an excellent opportunity to watch performances by their favorite artists and immerse themselves in the New Year's atmosphere.

"New Year's Eve" on the first

This season, viewers will see not only summer, but also all other seasons. The main characters, together with their beloved grandchildren, will congratulate their beloved women on March 8, get tired of garden work, send Zhenya to college, swearing at the top of their lungs. They will especially congratulate all veterans on May 9, they will laugh at Mityai and at the same time feel sorry for him.

The anniversary of Ivan Budko and Police Day will also be celebrated simultaneously. The whole large family will attend Euro 2012, ride on a cruise ship, catch a criminal, save the harvest, and arrange the wedding of Olga Nikolaevna and Berkovich. And everyone will certainly celebrate the New Year together.

Kings of Laughter

This is a humorous show, the stars of which will cheer up all viewers before the onset of New Year's Eve. There will be unexpected meetings with your favorite comedians, funny jokes, pleasant music and a festive atmosphere. To enjoy all this spectacle, you need to gather the whole family in front of the TV screen and turn on your favorite show at the appointed time.

Carnival Night

Young guys working at the club are thinking about how to celebrate the New Year well. They decide to spend the holiday interesting and fun. But unfortunately for them, the director of the enterprise, Ogurtsov, takes control of this matter. Having arranged a meeting for employees in his office, he tells in every detail how he sees the upcoming New Year's fun.

Everyone understands that instead of a celebration, the main one plans to hold something like a cocktail party at the club from a show of amateur performances. And then the young company decides to cleverly bypass the authorities in order to organize a normal party.

Caucasian captive

The main character Shurik went to one of the mountain republics, where he met a beautiful girl. Beautiful, smart and mischievous. It would seem that this is happiness! But she is suddenly kidnapped to marry her against her will. Shurik did not immediately understand what was happening before his eyes, but then he boldly went on a search to free the “Caucasian captive.”

Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession

Alexander Sergeevich, a young scientist, dreams of creating a time machine. And it seems he is already on his way to this. The latest experiment leads to a blackout of the entire house. The residents are outraged, they get together and think about how to teach such a neighbor a lesson. And at this time, something unusual begins to happen in the scientist’s apartment: a wall opens into a portal that leads Shurik to the past, to the time of Ivan the Terrible. He and the thief Georges Miloslavsky are drawn into the politics of ancient Rus'.

This concert, as usual, consists of 2 parts. The first part will begin at 22:00 on December 13, Moscow time. It will feature the best singers, dancers, and satirists of the year, who will be happy to demonstrate stage performances that have become popular in the past year.

A few minutes before the New Year, Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a solemn speech, congratulating all Russian citizens on the holiday. Next, you will be able to listen to the chimes of the Spasskaya Tower, after which the second part of the New Year's show will begin.

But the listed comedies and shows are not all that will be available to watch on TV on December 31st. The program for the New Year 2018 includes a large list of humorous programs. The producers have prepared many surprises, which will become known very soon.

On the website there is a program schedule for December 31, 2017, a TV program for December 31, 2017 CHANNEL ONE | FIRST HD, RUSSIA 1, TV CENTER (TVC), NTV, CULTURE, MATCH TV, HOME, REN-TV, STS, TNT, STAR, CHE (PERETS), TV-3, PETERSBURG - FIFTH CHANNEL, OTR, TV1000, DISNEY CHANNEL, FRIDAY!, U, TNT4.


06.00 News
06.10 "Jumble"
06.45 Comedy "Carnival night 2, or 50 years later"
10.00 News
10.15 Film "The Irony of Fate. Continuation"
12.40 Main New Year's concert
13.40 Film " Love affair at work"
15.00 News
15.10 "Office romance." Continuation
16.50 Film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures"
18.25 "The best!"
21.15 Film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession"
23.00 New Year's Eve on First
23.55 New Year's greetings President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
00.00 New Year's Eve on First


04.20 "New Year's matchmakers"
06.25 Film "Girls"
08.25 "Best songs". Festive concert
10.25 Film "Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik"
12.20 "Kings of Laughter"
14.00 News
14.20 Film "Gentlemen of Fortune"
16.10 Film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"
20.00 Film "The Diamond Arm"
21.55 "New Year's Parade of Stars"

00.00 New Year's Blue Light - 2018


05.40 Film "Come see me..."
07.40 Film "Casual Acquaintances"
09.35 "Injection with an umbrella." Comedy (France)
11.30 Events
11.45 "Dog Barbos and an unusual cross", "Moonshiners". Comedies by Leonid Gaidai
12.20 D/f "Yuri Nikulin. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid!"
13.30 Film "Shirley Myrli"
14.30 Events
14.45 "Shirley-myrli". Continuation of the film
16.30 "The Taming of the Shrew." Comedy (Italy)
18.40 "New Year with home delivery." Humorous concert
20.30 "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka." Comedy
21.35 Film "Morozko"
23.00 New Year live
23.35 New Year live

00.00 New Year live
01.00 "It can't be." Comedy
02.35 Film "Cinderella"
04.00 "Fantômas". Comedy (France)

04.50 Film " Christmas story for adults"
06.00 New Year's comedy "Miracle in Crimea"
08.00, 10.00, 16.00 "Today"
08.20 "Their Manners"
08.40 "Through the mouth of a baby"
09.25 "Eating at home"
10.20 "First gear"
11.00 "Miracle of technology." New Year's edition
11.55 "Dacha answer"
13.00 T/s "Dog"
16.20 T/s "Dog"
22.00 "Super New Year"
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 "Super New Year"
01.20 Autoradio Festival "Disco 80s"


06.30 "The song doesn't say goodbye... 1971"
07.15 Film "Volga-Volga"
09.00 Film "The Nutcracker"
10.20 "Ordinary concert with Eduard Efirov"
10.50 Film "Formula of Love"
12.15 Film series "The best dads in nature"
13.10 All-Russian festival folk art"Together we are Russia"
15.10 Film "Peter FM"
16.40 Film "Leonid Gaidai... and a little about diamonds"
17.20 "The song does not say goodbye...". Selected pages of "Songs of the Year"
19.15 International festival circus art in Monte Carlo. Anniversary gala concert
21.10 Film "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
22.50 New Year on the channel "Russia - Culture" with Vladimir Spivakov
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 New Year on the channel "Russia - Culture" with Vladimir Spivakov
01.20 "The song does not say goodbye... 1976-1977"
02.45 Film "Once upon a time there was a dog"


06.30 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Christiana Giustino vs Holly Holm. Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Edson Barboza
08.30 Film "Lone Wolf McQuade"
10.30 "Football year. 2017"
11.15 News
11.20 "Mad Drying"
11.50 Everyone for the Match! Events of the year
12.20 News
12.25 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Men. 15 km
13.55 Everyone for the Match!
14.55 Football. English Championship. Crystal Palace - Manchester City
16.55 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Women. 10 km
18.15 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Edson Barboza
19.25 Football. English Championship. West Bromwich - Arsenal
21.25 Film "Highlander"
23.35 Victory mood
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. USA - Finland
02.30 D/f "Long Exchange"
04.00 Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. Russia - Sweden


06.30 "Home cooking".
07.30 "6 frames". Sketch show
07.55 Film "Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later"
09.25 Film "I Can't Say Goodbye"
11.10 Film "Women's Intuition"
13.30 Film "Women's Intuition"
16.05 Film "You Can't Have Mercy to Marry"
20.00 Film "2018: Predictions"
23.55 "New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
00.05 Concert "20 years on the road"
00.30 Concert "20 years on the road"
02.30 Drama "2018: Predictions"
06.10 "6 frames". Sketch show

05.00 "Territory of Delusions with Igor Prokopenko"
06.15 Film "Super-mother-in-law for a loser"
08.00 Concert "Encyclopedia of Stupidity"
11.00 Concert "Doctor Zador"
13.00 Music marathon "Legends of Retro FM"

00.00 Music marathon "Legends of Retro FM"

06.00 Film "Keepers of Dreams"
07.50 M/s "Three cats"
08.05 M/s "Tales of Shrek's Swamp", "Kung Fu Panda. Incredible Secrets", "Funny Stories"
09.10 M/f " The Snow Queen"
10.40 "Coraline in the land of nightmares." Full-length animated film. USA, 2009
12.35 "Men in Black". Fantastic comedy. USA, 1997
14.20 "Men in Black 2". Fantastic comedy. USA, 2002
16.00 Show " Ural dumplings"
16.30 "Men in Black-3". Fantastic comedy. USA, 2012
18.30 Show "Ural dumplings" New Year's marathon"
20.10 Show "Ural dumplings". Tangerines, go ahead!"
22.00 "New ode, children and all, all, all!"
23.55 "New Year's address by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
00.00 "New ode, children and all, all, all!"
02.00 Show "Ural dumplings" New Year's marathon"
05.50 "Music on STS"

06.00 Cartoons
08.00 Program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”
08.30 Cartoons
09.15 Film “The Secret of the Four Princesses”, Russia, 2014
11.00 Cartoons
23.00 “The best songs of our cinema”
23.50 “New Year’s address from the President”
00.00 “The best songs of our cinema”


06.10 " Scarlet Sails" Feature film (Mosfilm, 1961)
07.35 “Restless housekeeping.” Feature film (Mosfilm, 1946)
09.00 News. Main. 2017
10.00 “Access code”
10.40 “Military acceptance. Syria. Results"
11.25 “Conspiracy theory.” "Prohibition" of war. When whiskey is scarier than guns..."
12.05 “Secret folder”. Documentary series. “Atomic breakthrough. Kurchatov's formula"
12.45 “Legends of the army with Alexander Marshal.” Semyon Budyonny
13.00 News of the day
13.15 “Legends of the army with Alexander Marshal.” Semyon Budyonny
13.40 “Legends of Space.” Alexey Leonov
14.20 “Legends of the Circus with Edgard Zapashny.” Grant Ibragimov
14.50 “Legends of Cinema”. Leonid Kuravlev
15.30 “Legends of Music”. Eduard Khil
15.55 “Last day”. Georgy Millyar
16.40 “Mysteries of the century with Sergei Medvedev.” Documentary series.”Orlova and Alexandrov. Behind the scenes of the family"
17.20 “Evidence from the past.” "The Mystery of Jesus"
18.00 News of the day
18.15 “NOT A FACT!” “Ermak. Conqueror of Siberia"
18.40 “Soldier Ivan Brovkin.” Feature film (film named after M. Gorky, 1955)
20.10 “Ivan Brovkin in the virgin lands.” Feature film (film named after M. Gorky, 1958)
21.45 “Heavenly Slug.” Feature film (Lenfilm, 1945)
23.00 “Song for all times.” Festive concert
00.00 “Big change.” TV series (Mosfilm, 1972)
04.30 “The Marriage of Balzaminov.” Feature film (Mosfilm, 1964)
05.15 Cartoons

07.00 "TNT. Best". Program
07.30 "TNT. Best". Program
08.00 "TNT. Best". Program
08.30 "TNT. Best". Program
09.00 "Dom-2. Lite"
10.00 "House-2. Island of Love." Reality show
11.00 "Dancing" - "Final". Program
13.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 1." Stand-up comedy
14.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
15.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
16.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 1"
17.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 2"
18.00 "Where is the logic?" - "New Year's Edition"
19.00 "Comedy Woman" - "New Year's issue."
19.30 "Comedy Woman" - "New Year's Special".
20.00 "Improvisation" - "New Year's Special"
21.00 "Studio Soyuz Show" - "New Year's Edition".
22.00 "Once Upon a Time in Russia" - "New Year's Edition"
23.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special"
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 "Comedy Club" "New Year's Special"
01.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 1"
02.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 2"
03.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
04.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
05.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 1." Stand-up comedy
06.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 2." Stand-up comedy


06.00 “100 Greats”
07.30 Cartoons
08.30 “Hearts of Three”. Adventure film Ukraine, 1997
13.40 “Visiting Mikhail Zadornov”
16.00 Concert of Mikhail Zadornov “Fun Day”
20.00 New Year's Perky Anniversary
23.55 New Year's address from the President
00.05 " Greatest Hits 90s"

06.10 “Now You See Me 2.” USA/China/UK/Canada, crime thriller, 2016
08.40 “Knight of Cups.” USA, melodrama, 2015
11.05 “Family Man”. USA, romantic comedy, 2000
13.25 “Sensation”. USA/UK, comedy, 2006
15.25 "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves." USA/Canada, adventure fairy tale, 2012
17.35 “Now You See Me 2.” USA/China/UK/Canada, crime thriller, 2016
20.10 " Real love" UK, romantic comedy, 2003
22.45 "Aliens 3: Taking of the Bastille." France/Belgium/Czech Republic, fantasy comedy, 2016
01.05 “Pride and Prejudice”. France/UK/USA, melodrama, 2005
03.30 “Seven years in Tibet.” US/UK, drama, 1997


07.00 Feature film “Snow Tale”
08.05 Feature film “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” Episode 1 “Lady Perfection”, Episode 2 “The Week Ends on Wednesday”
10.35 Feature film “Crying Forward!”
12.15 Feature film “The Serf Actress”
15.00 News
15.05 Feature film “The Snow Queen” (continued)
15.45 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan"
16.00 News
16.05 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan" (continued)
17.00 News
17.05 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan" (end)
17.20 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 2 "The Queen's Pendants"
18.00 News
18.05 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 2 "Pendants of the Queen" (end)
19.00 Information and analytical program “Reflection of the Year”
20.10 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 3 "The Adventure Continues"
21.20 Feature film “Showcase”
22.35 Feature film “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville...”
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 New Year's concert"Masquerade"
04.30 Feature film “ An ordinary miracle»


05.00 “Masha and the Bear”. Animated series
11.05 “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”. Cartoons
12.00 “My Soviet New Year.” Documentary
13.20 “Soviet-style education.” Documentary
14.15 “Work the Soviet way.” Documentary
15.00 “My Soviet communal apartment.” Documentary
15.50 “Soviet-style stage”. Documentary
16.40 “The President and his granddaughter.” Comedy (Russia, 1999)
18.40 “Sportloto-82”. Comedy (USSR, 1982)
20.30 “It can’t be!” Comedy (USSR, 1975)
22.25 “Carnival night”. Comedy, musical (USSR, 1956)
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 “My Soviet Irony of Fate.” Documentary
01.05 “Drink the Soviet way.” Documentary
02.00 “Soviet-style cultural enlightenment.” Documentary
02.50 “Rock and roll in the Soviet way.” Documentary
03.40 “Soviet-style hostel.” Documentary film 06.40 “Mickey Mouse Club: Winter Bow Ball.” specialist. animated series episode
07.30 “Doctor Plyusheva.” Animated series
08.15 “Miles from Another Planet.” Animated series
08.45 “PJ Masks”. Animated series
09.10 “Elena - Princess of Avalor.” Animated series
09.40 “Sofia the First”. Animated series
10.40 “Guardian Lion”. Animated series
11.05 “Mickey and the Fun Races.” Animated series
11.35 “Friendly pugs.” Animated series
12.05 “Jingles”. Animated series
12.25 "Mickey: It's Christmas Time Again." Cartoon
13.30 “Frozen: Northern Lights.” Animated series
14.00 “Lady Bug and Super-Cat.” Animated series
14.25 "Fairies: Mystery" winter forest" Cartoon
15.55 “Fairies: The Mystery of the Pirate Island.” Cartoon
17.15 "Ratatouille". Cartoon
19.30 “Olaf and the Cold Adventure.” Cartoon
19.55 "Beauty and the Beast: A Wonderful Christmas." Cartoon
21.20 " Magic world Belle." Cartoon
23.35 "Olaf and the Cold Adventure." Cartoon
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 "Rapunzel: The Road to a Dream." Specialist. animated series episode
01.05 “Rapunzel: New story" Animated series
04.55 Music on the Disney Channel

05:00 Comedy Club Classic
06:00 Comedy Club Classic
07:00 Comedy Club Classic
08:50 Comedy Club. The best
09:00 Repair school
10:00 Comedy Woman Classic
11:00 Comedy Woman Classic
12:00 Comedy Woman Classic
13:00 Comedy Woman Classic
14:00 Comedy Woman Classic
15:00 Comedy Woman Classic
16:00 "The most best movie". (16+).
17:50 Comedy Club. The best
18:00 Comedy Club Classic
18:30 Comedy Club Classic
19:00 Comedy Club Classic
20:00 Comedy Club Classic
21:00 Comedy Club Classic
22:00 Comedy Special project. Fairy tales
23:00 Our Russia
23:30 Our Russia
23:55 Speech by the President
00:00 Our Russia
00:30 Our Russia
01:00 Our Russia
01:30 Killer Night (New Year's Edition)
02:00 Killer League (New Year)
03:00 Killer League (New Year)
04:00 Killer League (New Year)

New Year - magical holiday, long-awaited and desired by everyone. And of course, the program schedule for the New Year is the most interesting. What will you be able to watch on TV on December 31? What interesting films and shows can we watch while celebrating the New Year 2018?

The best programs on Channel One for New Year 2018

The leader of Russian television broadcasting is Channel One. Many viewers around the world watch it with pleasure. And in New Year's celebration The best films will be broadcast here.

  1. "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik."
  2. "Striped Flight"
  3. "Gentlemen of Fortune".
  4. "The Diamond Arm".
  5. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath".
  6. "Dog Barbos and an unusual cross."

Now is the time to learn more about each of these films.

Film "Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik

Comedy Feature Film Soviet times will appeal to everyone without exception. There are three short stories here, which are united by the figure of the main character - Shurik. In the short story “Partner” the hero will fight with the bully Big Man. In the short story “Obsession”, Shurik prepares for the exam in an original way. In "Operation Y" he will prevent an impending robbery. It will be planned by the famous trio: Stupid and Coward, Experienced. Almost every year on New Year's Day, this film is shown on TV on December 31st. And this time, on the eve of 2018, you can enjoy watching this exciting film. They won’t forget to include it in the program schedule.

Film "Striped Flight"

Every year in New Year's celebration we return again and again to the Soviet past, where there was so much interesting films. One of these is an eccentric comedy about the cheerful adventures of chef Shuleikin. Trying to get home at any cost, he has to pretend to be an experienced trainer. After all, only one ship with predators on board is sailing in the direction he wants. The motor ship "Eugene Onegin" transports lions and tigers for the zoo.

Film "Striped Race"

When the monkey given to the team opened the cages, the predators were free - they wandered around the deck, and the would-be trainer, of course, could not cope with the animals. But sweet, modest Marianna, a barmaid, loved animals and treated them kindly. And the animals obeyed her will. After interesting incredible adventures, the tigers and lions took their places in the cages.

Film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

The program schedule for the New Year 2018 on TV on December 31 cannot do without it legendary film! For you on New Year's holiday, a stunning comedy that will cheer up everyone without exception. Three prisoners who escaped from prison, together with a fake leader, go in search of a securely hidden gold treasure. Filmed here wonderful actors. The head of the kindergarten, like two peas in a pod, is posing as a criminal - an Associate Professor. Together with his accomplices, the criminal stole the golden helmet of Alexander the Great.

He hid it in a safe place, which his accomplices did not know about. Evgeny Troshkin, a favorite of young children, is trying to help the investigation. He goes in search of archaeological value, along with his cellmates, with whom he was specially placed. They escape and go in search of the treasure. A bunch of funny stories awaits inexperienced criminals. And we will watch what is happening and have fun from the heart.

Film "The Diamond Arm"

For the celebration of 2018, Channel One has prepared for all TV viewers a pleasant surprise. There is another wonderful and beloved film on the New Year's program schedule. It's about about the film “The Diamond Arm”. On New Year's Eve you will be able to watch this sparkling, exciting film on TV. Soviet comedy. The main character is Semyon Gorbunkov. He is played by Yuri Nikulin, famously adored by everyone.

Still from the film “The Diamond Arm”

A modest employee goes on a trade union tourist cruise abroad. During the trip, he meets his cabin mate. Gesha is one of a gang of smugglers who want to smuggle diamonds by wrapping them in plaster. By chance, the diamonds end up in Gorbunkov’s possession. And then the most things begin to happen unexpected events. It's all due to an absurd coincidence of circumstances. You will get incredible pleasure from watching this legendary comedy.

"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

A fabulous story happened with doctor Zhenya Lukashin. Every New Year he and his friends went to the bathhouse. And this time, by mistake, his friends send him to another city - to Leningrad. There he wakes up, seemingly in his own apartment, but with a completely different environment. He sees unknown woman who claims to live here. What happens next is a lot interesting events, which will radically change the lives of the main characters in the film. And all this will happen on a magical New Year's Eve.

“Irony of fate or enjoy your bath”

"Dog Barbos and an unusual cross"

The famous trio of Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov have appeared in films together more than once thanks to their successful teamwork in the comedy short film “Dog Barbos and the Unusual Cross.” You will watch the funny misadventures of three poachers - Experienced and Dunce, as well as Coward. Pretending to be ordinary tourists, they did not even suspect that their devoted dog named Barbos would ruin all their plans. The Trinity is in for a dizzying crossover that will make your stomach ache with laughter. They will have to overcome obstacles while completing a long distance marathon. Only the faithful four-legged friend Barbos remains unperturbed, who will perceive everything that happens as a new and very interesting game.

The best films for New Year's celebrations on the Rossiya channel

The program schedule for the New Year 2018 on the no less revered channel will be very interesting. You will get a lot of pleasure on December 31st by watching your favorite films and programs on this channel on TV.

  1. "Matchmakers-6".
  2. "Kings of Laughter"
  3. "Carnival Night".
  4. "Prisoner of the Caucasus."
  5. “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”
  6. "New Year's Parade of Stars"

TV series "Matchmakers-6"

Everyone's favorite comedy is packed with mass. interesting moments. In the series you will watch how events unfold dramatically different families who are related by family ties after their children got married. The adventurous character of Ivan Budko will not leave anyone indifferent. He constantly finds unexpected decisions that make you smile, you just can’t help but laugh. IN latest version The matchmakers' granddaughter Zhenya has already become a very attractive teenager. You will see many incredible adventures.

TV series "Matchmakers"

"Kings of Laughter"

Humorous program with famous artists Comedy will not leave anyone indifferent in the New Year. You will have a lot of fun listening to sparkling jokes. The best holiday numbers for you.

Film "Carnival Night"

IN New Year's program there was a place for transfers on December 31 wonderful movie"Carnival Night". You will be able to watch it on TV for the New Year 2018 celebration. This is one of the first New Year's paintings, in which the main characters are young guys. They want to hold a grand event for the holiday and will do everything to new director the cultural center did not disrupt their plans. Beautiful legendary songs await you. Main role Lyudmila Gurchenko played superbly. This film is definitely worth watching on New Year's Day.

"Carnival Night"

Film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

One of best comedies times Soviet Union tells the story of a student Nina, who came to the sunny Crimea to relax with her uncle, in the mountains. Shurik lives here, a young guy who falls in love with a beauty. Three famous criminals - Experienced, Dunce and Coward - must kidnap a girl. A respected man in these parts wants to marry her. Shurik rushes to help his beloved. On New Year's Day we will find out how it all ends.

"New Year's Parade of Stars"

You will be very happy to watch a funny program on holiday. Prominent stars Russian show business will gather for a festive New Year's table and will amuse the audience with bright jokes and wonderful songs. You will enjoy watching funny numbers. A lot of interesting things await you.

Of course, this is not the entire program schedule for the New Year 2018 on TV on December 31. There will be a lot of fun, laughter, songs and dances. You will have a lot of fun! Be sure to make a wish when the chimes strike. And don’t turn off the TV for a minute, because you risk missing something interesting.