In my house, I ask you not to express yourself. Quotes from the film Prisoner of the Caucasus

*Who even asks the bride?! A bag on the head and... whew! Ajabrail.
* Will you sleep standing up? Nina.
* Don’t confuse your personal wool with the state one! Ajabrail.
* You are speaking apolitically, I swear, honestly. You don't understand the political situation. Saakhov.
* Bambarbia. Kirgud. - What did he say? - He says if you refuse, they will kill you. Joke! - Joke! Dunce, Shurik, Ajabrail.
* Rams - into the stall, refrigerator - into the house. Ajabrail.
* Barta-barley, Kurhaus! - What he says? - He says: bon appetit. - A-ah! - Eat, eat. Experienced, Shurik, Adzhabrail.
* Delirium tremens. - Yes, white, hot, completely white. Doctor, Saakhov.
* We will try, dear comrade Ajabrail! Experienced, Goofy and Coward.
* If you're going to barbecue this bride, don't forget to invite him. Episode.
* Damn the day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner!.. Edik.
* This is that small but important assignment. Saakhov.
* All this, of course, is true, all this is true, yes, yes, true, yes, the paper is written correctly, everything, everything is good, true, yes. On the one hand only, yes. But there is another side to the coin. Saakhov.
* You did not justify the high trust placed in you. Ajabrail. You must finally justify the high trust placed in you. Ajabrail.
* You came here to write down fairy tales, you understand, and we are working here to make the fairy tale come true, you understand. Saakhov.
*Where is our prosecutor? - In the sixth ward, where Napoleon used to be. Episode., Doctor.
* Somewhere in this world, where it’s always frosty... P/f.
* It is a sin to laugh at sick people. Episode.
* Long live our court, the most humane court in the world! Coward.
* May his carburetor dry up forever and ever! Edik.
* Twenty-five sheep at a time when our region has not yet fully paid off with the state for wool and meat. Saakhov.
* Comrade Saakhov’s diagnosis is clearly confirmed. Episode.
* If I were a sultan, I would be single! P/f.
* If I were a sultan, I would have three wives and be surrounded by triple beauty. But on the other hand, with such matters there are so many troubles and worries, ah, save me, Allah! P/f.
* Life, as they say, is good. - A good life is even better. Coward, dunce.
* For your filthy skin, I will answer only to my conscience as a horseman, the honor of my sister and the memory of my ancestors. Shurik.
* Write down your toast for now and then present it in writing in 3 copies. Saakhov.
* Then at the ruins of the chapel... - Excuse me, did I destroy the chapel too? - No, it was before you, in the 14th century. Episode., Shurik.
*And a free trip. - To Siberia. Ajabrail, Saakhov.
* And when the whole flock flew south for the winter, one small but proud bird said: “Personally, I will fly straight into the sun.” And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge. So let’s drink so that none of us, no matter how high he flies, will ever be separated from the team. Episode.
* And for all this I ask for 25 rams. It's even funny to bargain. Ajabrail.
* And the princess hanged herself from anger on her own spit, because he accurately counted how many grains were in the bag, how many drops in the sea and how many stars in the sky. So let's drink to cybernetics. Episode.
* Hello. Saakhov.
* Or you will come out of there as the wife of comrade Saha... oh, what a groom! Or you won't go out at all. Ajabrail.
* There are two of them. - And this one, with a tail. - Donkey doesn't count. The second one is extra. Stupid, Coward, Experienced.
* As our wonderful satirist Arkady Raikin says, a woman is a man’s friend. Saakhov.
* In short, Sklifasovsky! Dunce.
* Who is the groom? - Sometimes they only find out about this at a wedding. Shurik, episode.
* Kuzbass is an all-Union forge, yes, Kuban is an all-Union granary, and the Caucasus is an all-Union... what? - Health resort! - No, the Caucasus is an all-Union forge, a health resort, and a granary. Saakhov, Shurik.
* The car is a beast, listen! Edik.
*By the way, in a nearby area, a groom kidnapped a party member. Dunce.
* Just a minute, just a minute, please slow down, I'm recording. Shurik.
* Now I have only two ways out of this house: either I take her to the registry office, or she takes me to the prosecutor. Saakhov
* My donkey follows you as if tied. - Donkey? - Well, yes. - Was he following me? - He, he. Uh! - I thought... - No. He. Shurik, Nina.
* My great-grandfather says: “I have the desire to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I don’t have the desire.” So let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities. Administrator.
* Still young, capricious. - What a capricious, listen, hooligan! Ajabrail, Saakhov.
* We will cure you: alcoholics are our profile. Episode.
*We are dealing with an industrial accident here. Saakhov.
* We have come to judge you according to the law of the mountains. Because you wanted to disgrace our family, you will die like a vile jackal. Shurik.
* Due to alcoholism, he develops some obsessive ideas. Some kind of stolen bride, he is always eager to save someone. Just... mental confusion, honestly. Saakhov.
* A violator is not a violator, but a major one scientist, a person of intellectual labor. You came to visit us, right? Collect our fairy tales, legends there, you know, toasts. Saakhov.
*Don't worry, it's just salt. - Salt, salt. Shurik, Edik.
* It was not for nothing that the great and wise Abu-Akhmat-ibn-Bey, the first driver of this car... spoke.
* No need. - I don’t want to! Ajabrail, Saakhov.
* It’s not very bad to have three wives; on the other hand, it’s much better. P/f.
* The bride will resist, kick, even bite, call the police, shout: “I will complain to the Regional Committee!” But don't pay attention. This is an old beautiful custom. Ajabrail.
* No, in our area you will no longer find these grandfather’s customs and grandmother’s rituals. Maybe somewhere high in the mountains, you know, but not in our area, you will discover something for your science. Saakhov.
* Toe right leg you crush the cigarette butt like this: op-op-op-op-op-op-op. Second cigarette butt! You crush the second cigarette butt with the toe of your left foot. And now you crush both cigarette butts together: op-op-op... Experienced.
* That is OK. In a day she will be hungry, in a week she will be sad, and in a month she will become smart. No problem, we'll wait. Saakhov.
* It’s never too early and never too late for anyone to think about this, by the way, yes. Saakhov.
* It's a shame, I swear, it's a shame, well. Didn't do anything, yes. Just got in. Saakhov.
* Allah alone knows where the spark goes from this unworthy degenerate in the glorious family of engines of internal combustion. Edik.
* They don’t speak Russian at all, but they understand everything. Ajabrail.
* It develops especially rapidly in the body weakened by nicotine, alcohol... - By bad excesses. Edik, Coward.
* Give me the horn, give me the horn, I tell you, give me both horns! Shurik.
* You can't escape from here. Episode.
*Very correct decision. But I personally will not have anything to do with this. Saakhov.
* Mistakes should not be admitted. They need to be washed off. Blood! Nina.
* Write from a new line: lunch - underline - I refused soup. - Refused. - In parentheses: kharcho soup. - stripes - Next: three servings of kebab. Thrown into the abyss. - Into the abyss. - Now the wine. I broke... two bottles. - Three! - Write three.
* Three bottles. - So. Write write. Fruits: oranges... Stupid, Coward.
* We still educate our youth poorly. Very bad. Surprisingly frivolous attitude towards marriage. Saakhov.
* Catch the bride. - Catch. - Put it in a bag. - In the bag? Is this also customary? Brilliant, well, well. - And pass it on... to whom? - To the horseman in love. - No no. And hand over the loving horseman to the kunaks. Ajabrail, Shurik.
* Then write it down. Take a glass. Administrator.
* Traitor, vile mercenary! - Well, wait, Nina! - Judas! - Listen! - Scoundrel! How much did you get paid? - Just wait! - Untie me! Nonentity! Selling skin! Let me go! Bandit! Rubbish! Stupid! Chameleon! Mmm, scoundrel! Alcoholic! Unhappy folklorist! Nina, Shurik.
* Let's stop this useless discussion. Sister, turn the TV up louder. Shurik.
* I feel sorry for the bird!.. Shurik.
* Saakhov stole this girl. - That's right, he stole it, buried it in the ground, and wrote an inscription. Shurik, episode.
* Sit down. - Thank you, I'll wait. - Citizen judge, but he can’t sit down. Episode., Saakhov, Dunce.
* Sit down. Bye. Saakhov.
* Most importantly, Nina asked that you do this. - Did Nina ask for it herself? - Yes very. Ajabrail, Shurik.
* There will be no wedding! Shurik.
* Service. - What? - I reached the service. - Large service? -12 persons, 96 items. Saakhov, Adzhabrail.
* Tell me, doesn’t it hurt? - It all depends on the diameter of the needle. - Tell me, your diameter... ah... narrower, right? Coward, Edik.
* Alcohol? - Alcohol. Dunce, Edik.
* Calm down, lie down, lie down, otherwise - momento mori. - Instantly. - In the sea. Edik, Coward, Dunce.
* Stop, crazy! Why are you running like crazy? Edik.
* Comrade Shurik! Why the police? There is no need for these victims! Directly to the prosecutor - he will understand everything. Saakhov.
* Only without victims! Experienced.
*Toast without wine is the same the wedding night without a bride. Administrator.
* He who hinders us will help us. Ajabrail.
* After all, you don’t get a goat, but a wife. And what a one! Student, Komsomol member, athlete, beauty! Ajabrail.
* You see life only from the window of my personal car, I swear, honestly! Saakhov.
* I will have a small but important task for you. Saakhov.
* Steal such a girl! - An athlete! Komsomolskaya Pravda! Episode., Ajabrail.
* Purpose of visit? - Ethnographic expedition. - It's clear. Are you looking for oil? Administrator, Shurik.
* Whose shoe? Eeyore! my. Thank you. Coward.
* In three days we’ll be back on our feet. - Uh, no, no need to rush, no need to rush. This is our guest - it is important to cure, it is important to return a full-fledged person to society, yes. There's no need to rush. Doctor, Saakhov.
* We provide the honor of opening the Palace beautiful woman, a girl who otsili... personifies new destiny women of the mountains, you understand. Saakhov.
* What do you allow yourself, listen? - You asked for 3 copies. Saakhov, Administrator.
*Take off your hat. - What? - Take off your hat. Saakhov.
* Hey-hey, hali-gali! Eh-hey, hey-hey! Tsob-tsobe! Tsob-tsobe! Dunce.
* This is not Lezginka, but a twist. Former.
* Who is this? - Probably the press. - Ah, the press. Saakhov, Adzhabrail.
* This is a student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, and finally, she is simply beautiful. Saakhov. Excellent student, Komsomol member, athlete. - An athlete? -Uncle knows everything about me. - An excellent student and a Komsomol member - this is exactly what we need, yes. Ajabrail, Saakhov, Nina.
* This is... what's it called, voluntarism. - In my house... no expression! Dunce, Ajabrail.
* I stole it - I will return it. Shurik.
* I don't drink. - Do I drink? What's there to drink? Shurik, Administrator.
* I'll breathe for now. I'll get some air. Otherwise, it’s all no matter what, no matter what. Kaby-net... Saakhov.
* I demand that I be tried according to our Soviet laws. - Did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe, according to Soviet laws, you stole it? Saakhov, Shurik.
* Excuse me, I’ll change clothes. - Don't worry, they'll change your clothes at the morgue! Saakhov, Edik.

The article contains quotes and phrases from the film Captive of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures:

  • In short, Sklifosovsky...
  • This is not Lezginka, but a twist! I'll show you everything from the beginning. With the toe of your right foot you seem to be crushing a cigarette butt... Op-op-op-op-op! Press the second cigarette butt with the toe of your left foot... Now both cigarette butts are together. Oop-op-op...
  • ...And then, on the ruins of an ancient chapel... - Excuse me, but did I destroy the chapel too?
  • ...And the princess hanged herself from anger on her own spit, because he absolutely accurately counted how many grains were in the bag, how many drops were in the sea and how many stars were in the sky. So let's drink to cybernetics!
  • Shashlik... Write two. Thrown into the abyss.
  • Ah, Hamlet, well done, listen!
  • Whose shoe? Oh my!
  • Oh, this groom, an immoral guy! By the way, do you know who he is? Insignificant scoundrel!
  • The one who hinders us will help us!
  • The patient is in a state of catatonic agitation.
  • A student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, and finally, she is simply beautiful!
  • Damn the day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner! No wonder the great and wise Abu-Akhmat ibn Bey said: “Keep in mind, Edik!..” Edik (extends his hand)... “Allah alone knows where the spark goes from this unworthy degenerate of the great family of internal combustion engines! May his carburetor dry up forever and ever!”
  • I feel sorry for the bird!
  • Eh, no, there’s no need to rush, there’s no need to rush... It’s important to return a full-fledged person to society!
  • In my house, Papa don’t turn around!
  • Traitor! Sneaky mercenary! Judas!!! Nonentity! Selling skin! Rubbish! Stupid! Ooh, chameleon! Alcoholic... Unhappy folklorist!
  • You said in triplicate.
  • Tax payment. Tax 1 ruble.
  • It's a sin to laugh at sick people!
  • Give me the horn!.. Give me the horn, I tell you!.. Both horns!!! That's my horn!!!
  • It’s a shame, honestly, I didn’t do anything - I just walked in...
  • Why go to the police? There is no need for these victims! Straight to the prosecutor! He will understand everything.
  • It’s okay, I’ll just wait… get some air. Otherwise it’s all office, office... office...
  • As our wonderful satirist, Arkady Raikin, says, a woman is a man’s friend!
  • It’s not bad at all without a wife, much better in every way!
  • In short, Shklikhasofsky!
  • My grandfather said: “I have a desire to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but... I have no desire.” So let’s drink to ensure that our desires always coincide with our capabilities...
  • M-min-nut-period! Please, s-slow down! I'll w-write it down...
  • By the way, in the neighboring area the groom stole... a party member!
  • Don't worry, they'll change your clothes at the morgue!
  • In short, Sklikhosovsky!
  • Didn't do anything but walk in!
  • As our wonderful satirist Arkady Raikin said: a woman is a man’s friend.
  • It’s not too early for anyone to think about this (wedding), and it’s never too late, by the way!
  • To live well! A good life is even better!
  • They don't speak Russian at all. But everyone understands!
  • Long live our court, the most humane court in the world!
  • Mistakes must not be admitted. They need to be washed off. Blood!
  • You came here to write down fairy tales, you understand, and we are working here to make the fairy tale come true!
  • Slow down please, I'm writing it down...
  • They'll change your clothes at the morgue.
  • I feel sorry for the bird!!!
  • If you're going to grill shish kebab from this bride, you'll love me!
  • Sit down! - Thank you, I’ll walk...
  • Damn the day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner!
  • A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.
  • Bambarbia! Kirgud! Joke!
  • Phrases from the film Prisoner of the Caucasus There is no need to rush... We need to return a full-fledged person to society!
  • Apo... you are speaking apolitically, I swear on my word of honor! You see life only from the window of my personal car, I swear, honestly!
  • Whose shoe? Oh my! Thank you.
  • Don’t confuse your personal wool with the state one!
  • Take off your hat.
  • ... and when the whole flock flew south for the winter, one small but proud bird said: “Personally, I will fly straight into the sun.” And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge. So let’s drink so that none of us, no matter how high he flies, will ever be separated from the team!
  • Hey you psycho, stop!
  • Go, go. We will cure you. Alcoholics are our profile.

  • - Purpose of your visit?

    - It's clear. Are you looking for oil?
  • - There are two of them!
    - And this one has a tail!
    - Donkey doesn't count! The second one is extra.
    - Witness!
    - Or maybe...?
    - Only without casualties!
    - No, we have to wait.
    - Right. Will wait. Deal (about cards).
  • - As you know, Kuzbass is an all-Union forge. Kuban is the all-Union breadbasket. And the Caucasus is an all-Union... what?
    - Health resort!
    - The Caucasus is an all-Union forge, a health resort, and a granary!
  • - The filterable foot-and-mouth disease virus develops especially rapidly in organisms weakened by nicotine, alcohol and...
    - Bad excesses...
  • - Is there anyone else in the house?
    - No, no, no one!
  • - Write from a new line: “Lunch.” Emphasize. “I refused soup.” In parentheses: “Kharcho soup.”
    - “Three servings of shish kebab - thrown into the abyss.”
    - “Wine. I broke... two bottles.”
    - Three!
    - Write “three”.
  • - ... and tore it off Grand opening wedding palace. Then at the ruins of the chapel...
    - Sorry, I also... destroyed the chapel?
    - No, it was before you, in the fourteenth century.
  • - Who stole?! Oh yes... Who is the groom?!
    - Sometimes people find out about this only at a wedding.
    - There will be no wedding!!!
  • - Twenty-five sheep at a time when our region has not yet fully paid off with the state for wool and meat!
    - Don’t confuse your personal wool with the state one!

    - So it is. Twenty sheep...
    - Twenty five.

    - And a free trip...
    - To Siberia!
  • - Can I see the prosecutor?
    - You can. Where is our prosecutor?
    - In the sixth ward, where Napoleon used to be.
  • - What are you loading?
    - The bride was kidnapped, comrade sergeant major.
    - Ba-uh!
    - Heh, joker! If you barbecue this bride, don’t forget to invite her.
  • - This is, what’s his name, voluntarism!
    - Don't express yourself in my house!
    - What did I say?
  • - Defendant, sit down.
    - Thank you, I'll wait.
    - Citizen judge, but he can’t sit down!
  • - I demand that I be tried according to our Soviet laws!
    - Did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe, according to Soviet laws, you stole it?
  • - So it is. Twenty sheep...
    - Twenty five.
    - Twenty, twenty. Refrigerator "Rosenlev". Finnish, good. Certificate of honor.
    - And a free trip...
    - To Siberia!
  • - Bambarbia! Kirgud!
    - What did he say?
    - He says that if you refuse, they will... kill you. Joke.
    - Joke!
  • - Life, as they say, is good.
    - A good life is even better!
    - Exactly!
  • - In general, now I have two ways out of this house: either I take her to the registry office, or she takes me to the prosecutor.
    - No need…
    - I don’t want to!
  • - Purpose of your visit?
    - Ethnographic expedition.
    - It's clear. Are you looking for oil?
  • - Everything is clear, delirium tremens.
    - What?
    - Delirium tremens…
    - Yes, yes, hot, completely white!
  • - Otherwise - “memento mori!”
    - Instantly.
    - In the sea!

Catchphrases and quotes from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures” - a film by Leonid Gaidai, filmed in 1966. The second film with Shurik as the main character and last film(from those directed by Leonid Gaidai) with the participation of the troika Coward - Dunce - Experienced (Vitsin - Nikulin - Morgunov).

Caucasian captive


Keep in mind, Edik, only Allah knows where the spark goes from this unworthy degenerate in the glorious family of internal combustion engines.
May his carburetor dry up forever and ever!

Captive of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik. This is the first toast on this occasion...

Purpose of visit?
- Ethnographic expedition.
- It's clear. Are you looking for oil?
- Not really. I'm looking for folklore. I will write down old fairy tales, legends, toasts with you.

What is this?
- You need some toast.
- Yes.
- A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.

No, I don't drink.
- Do I drink? What's there to drink?
- You misunderstood me. I don't drink at all. Do you understand? I don't have the physical ability.
- This is the first toast about this.

My great-grandfather said: I want to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity...
I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.
So let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities.

And so, when the whole flock flew south for the winter, one small but proud bird said: “Personally, I will fly straight into the sun.”
She began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let’s drink so that none of us, no matter how high he flies, will ever be separated from the team.

What happened dear?
- What, what is it, dear?
- I feel sorry for the bird!

Wait... A hunch struck me. You are drunk?
No, what are you talking about! When I'm drunk, I'm violent. Here... And now I'm quiet.
I'm lucky.

Joke. This is here...

And the princess hanged herself from anger on her own spit, because he accurately counted how many grains were in the bag, how many drops in the sea, and how many stars in the sky. So let's drink to the cybernetics!

This is a student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, and finally, she is simply beautiful!

Just a minute... Please slow down, I'm recording.

And then, at the ruins of the chapel...
- Excuse me, did I destroy the chapel too?
- No, it was before you, in the 14th century.

A violator is not a violator, but a major scientific worker, a person of intellectual labor. You came to visit us, right? Collect our fairy tales, legends there, you know, toasts...
- Toast?
- Toasts, yes, toasts.
And he didn’t calculate his strength, right?

I brought toast.
- Bad, huh? Well...What can you do, listen?
- You asked for 3 copies...

Life, as they say, is good!
- A good life is even better!
- Exactly!

You are speaking apolitically, honestly. You don't understand the political situation.
You see life from the window of my car.
25 rams! When our district... did not fully pay the state for wool.
- Don’t confuse your personal wool with the state one!

So that's it. The groom agrees, the relatives too, but the bride...
- We still educate our youth poorly. Very bad.
Surprisingly frivolous attitude towards marriage.

This is not Lezginka, but a twist. I'll show you everything from the beginning.
With the toe of your right foot you crush the cigarette butt, like this.
You crush the second cigarette butt with the toe of your left foot.
And now you crush both cigarette butts together.

By the way, in a nearby area, a groom kidnapped a party member.

A! There are two of them...
- And this one, with a tail.
- Donkey doesn't count. The second one is extra.
- Witness.
- What if... Cough...
- Only without casualties.
- Yes, we have to wait.
- That's right, we'll wait. Give it up.

You have not justified the high level of trust placed in you.
- It's impossible to work.
- You are giving unrealistic plans.
- What's his name? Voluntarism!
- In my house - do not express yourself!

Whose shoe? ABOUT! My. Thank you.

Bambarbia! Kergudu.
- What did he say?
- He says that if you refuse, they will kill you. Joke.

What are you loading?
- The bride was kidnapped, comrade sergeant major.
- Joker! If you're going to barbecue with this bride, don't forget to invite him.

There will be no wedding! I stole it, I will return it!

Dear guests, welcome.
- Tell me, Marim, is your prosecutor?
- Everyone is with us, the whole city is with us, they were just waiting for you. Wine to dear guests!

Eh, no, no need to rush, no need to rush. This is our guest.
It is important to cure. It is important to return a full-fledged person to society, right?
There's no need to rush.

And now he is in a state of catatonic excitement and demands that you accept him immediately.
- Requires - we will accept.

Go, go. We will cure you. Alcoholics are our profile.

Take off your hat.
- What?
- Take off your hat.

Listen, it’s offensive, I swear, it’s offensive, well, I didn’t do anything, yes, I just walked in.

There is an epidemic in the area. Universal Vaccination Plan Announced

In short, Sklikhasovsky!

Calm down, lie down, lie down. Otherwise - "memento sea".
- Instantly...
- In the sea!

You have no right! You have no right! This is lynching! I demand that I be tried according to our Soviet laws.
- Did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe, according to Soviet laws, you stole it?

Let's stop this useless discussion.

Get up! The trial is coming!
- Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!

Maysuryan Alexander Aleksandrovich (born in 1969, Moscow) - author of books on historical topics: “The Other Lenin” (2006, publishing house “Vagrius”), “The Other Brezhnev” (2004, “Vagrius”) and others, as well as books on biology and the theory of evolution. Political publicist, regularly published on the Internet portal forum.msk since 2009.

Doctor Gaspard ( haspar_arnery) asked an interesting question

Cromwell Coin:

Coin of Charles II:

Coin of Elizabeth II (this is a coin of the Falkland Islands - this rule applies wherever she reigns):

Coin of her father, George VI:

And after Stalin’s death, here it was like this: Khrushchev strengthened his power as anti-Stalin, and the further, the more (in 1961 the degree of anti-Stalinism was much higher than in 1956). Condemning his predecessor, he, on the contrary, in every possible way exalted and glorified his predecessor, Lenin.

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Interesting article? Tell your friends:

Doctor Gaspard ( haspar_arnery) asked an interesting question: “Why during Gorbachev’s perestroika, the team of PR people with Yakovlev did not raise the removal of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev on their shield? After all, in general, what happened in 1964? For the first time in the history of THIS COUNTRY, the head of the Russian state was removed from his post. Moreover, the whole procedure took place quite peacefully and democratically, without traditional forks, scarves and photo sessions in the basement. The Politburo met, voted, and Nikita Sergeevich went to write his memoirs. One could imagine this whole story as a victory for internal party democracy, a step towards moving away from the cult of personality and towards liberalization of the regime (which, by the way, took place).”

Why wasn't this done?

Here it may be recalled that when the restored king from the Stuart dynasty, Charles II, replaced the head of the English Republic, Lord Protector Cromwell, he ordered, as a sign of comprehensive disgust for his predecessor, that even the royal profile on coins should look in the opposite direction.

Cromwell Coin:

Coin of Charles II:

Since then, it has become a tradition - each subsequent British monarch on coins turned his profile in the opposite direction compared to his predecessor. Elizabeth II's father looked in a different direction on coins than the current queen, and her son or grandson, when and if he ascends the throne (and if pounds sterling is still minted at that time), will also look in a different direction.
Coin of Elizabeth II (this is a coin of the Falkland Islands - this rule applies wherever she reigns):

Coin of her father, George VI:

Well, among the British now it’s more likely just a funny tradition (although at first everything was more than serious - not only was the profile on the coins turned away, but Cromwell’s body was not allowed to quietly smolder in the ground - they dug it out of the grave and hung it on the gallows).
And after Stalin’s death, here it was like this: Khrushchev strengthened his power as anti-Stalin, and the further, the more (in 1961 the degree of anti-Stalinism was much higher than in 1956). Condemning his predecessor, he, on the contrary, in every possible way exalted and glorified his predecessor, Lenin.

Brezhnev came to power as a kind of anti-Khrushchev. Although Khrushchev was almost never openly stigmatized, except for rare mentions - in Brezhnev’s memoirs he was mentioned twice, and both times rather negatively; or in Gaidai’s film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1966), where Mkrtchyan’s character is terribly offended by Nikulin’s remark about “voluntarism” - this is also a small dig at Nikita Sergeevich:

And although Brezhnev did not put Stalin’s predecessor in his original place, he still partially restored respect for him - a bust appeared on Red Square, Battle of Stalingrad ceased to be called exclusively the “Battle of the Volga” (even the streets of Heroes of Stalingrad appeared), Stalin returned to art films quite positive quality, positive statements about him in memoirs and historical literature etc. In a word, the anecdote from Khrushchev’s times (“On Stalin’s grave on Red Square they wrote: “Joseph Dzhugashvili, participant in the Tiflis demonstration”) has become irrelevant.

Accordingly, Gorbachev, following this logic, had to drown his real predecessor Brezhnev, under whom he became a member of the Politburo, in every possible way, and elevate his predecessor, Khrushchev, no matter what he was. As a matter of fact, that’s how it was...