Momento sea translation into Russian. Momento Mori: Fear of death - what is it and where does it come from

This expression came to us from Latin language- remember that you will die, or remember about death. This expression is often mistakenly used as “memento more,” which means remember the custom. This catchphrase Members of the Trappist Order greeted each other in the Middle Ages. This served as a reminder to the monks that all people are mortal and must live with dignity so as not to receive punishment for their sins in the other world.

The Trappist Order was founded by the abbot of one of the monasteries and got its name from the local valley. There were very strict rules for members of the order, bordering on asceticism. The monks prayed a lot and worked hard, slept in a coffin on straw, ate modestly on vegetables, and dressed in robes and heavy shoes.

IN Ancient Rome this phrase was mentioned during the procession of commanders who returned home with victory. Behind the winner walked a slave, reminding him that, despite the victory and honors, he remains mortal. Respice post! Hominem te memento! - “Turn around! Remember that you are human!” (Chapter 33 of Tertullian's Apologetics).

In Egypt, during feasts, a mummy was displayed with the inscription: “memento mori.”

Japanese samurai use the following in their commandments: “Every morning think about how you should die. Refresh your mind every evening with thoughts of death. Educate your mind. When your thoughts constantly revolve around death, your life path it will be direct and simple. Your will will fulfill your duty, your shield will become impenetrable." Even as children, samurai learned ritual techniques to perform the hara-kiri ritual.

Muslims use the principle of “remember death” as a spiritual liberation. A person should be afraid of death. A righteous believer is not afraid of death, because... mortal life is replaced by eternal life.

Christianity understands the meaning of life, death and eternal life from the Old Testament phrase: “The day of death better than the day birth" and the words of Jesus Christ: "...I have the keys to hell and heaven." The Christian must be ready, “for at an hour you think not, the Son of Man will come.”
Dr. Kübler-Ross, author famous book“Death is the last stage of growth” gives many examples of how people change when they realize the inevitability of death. Such people in a short period of time make a huge leap in spiritual growth and they become much happier than when they enjoyed the blessings of earthly life, without thinking about the very fact of death. Death must not be forgotten. We are all mortal and sooner or later we will leave this material world. It is important that people remember the transition from this life to Eternal Life, which has no end. A person who is morally prepared for death is more free in his thoughts and actions, freed from all kinds of coercion and subordination. Death for such a person is a natural ending, and not a terrible collapse.

In the Czech Republic in the city of Kutna Hora there is a gallery “MEMENTO MORI”. The decorations of the 17th century chapel consist of human bones. The remains of 40,000 people are used in the interior. This place is intended to serve as a reminder of the frailty of life.

The traditional symbol of Memento mori is a dancing skeleton - a skull and crossbones. Hourglass- a classic, time that flies by.

We all someday we'll die. And me, and you too. " Memento mori"or remember about of death. Sooner or later it will come. Like, like the desire to sleep. Are you sleepy? Does it make sense? be afraid of death? Where did it come from? fear of death? There are two reasons here. The first and second are religious. And as a gift - fear of pain.

  • heights;
  • dogs (or);
  • insects (not to be confused fear with disgust);
  • strangers (will steal, rob);
  • and many others...

The important fact is that children fear of death absent. Exactly until the parents develop it. In the form of excessive and caring, aggressive reactions to cognitive activity and poisonous comments (“you got me in grave you will bring", " of death you want mine") And the absence of parents (read breadwinners) = terrible, painful death, which the TV will eagerly and colorfully tell him about.

The second, more modern reason is the religious fear of death.

Everyone takes away their own experience from practice. personal experience, but everyone is convinced that . The thing is evil, but it puts your brain in order. I sincerely recommend going through this at least once.

Two deaths not to happen, one cannot be avoided.

Therefore, when it comes - . Absence fear of death It won't make you invulnerable, but it will definitely make life easier and brighter. By expanding the boundaries of your consciousness, you increase your capabilities, and you expand your boundaries. This is called a double bind. On the same principle, Omar Khayyam said:

"Who was dying, he knows that he lives!

But here too. Memento mori.

Memento mori

Memento Mori.

The form of greeting that was exchanged when meeting monks of the Trappist order, founded in 1664. It is used as a reminder of the inevitability of death, the transience of life, and in figuratively- about a threatening danger or about something sad, sad.

Time is a tyrant, it leaves a shadow on the past, and barely lifts the veil on the future. Centuries will pass, and the new year will bring to someone the same thoughts, the same dreams. Where will I be then? Will we still be together, Nathalie? New Year there is periodic mori. (A. I. Herzen, Excerpts from the diary of 1839.)

For several days she walked meekly sad, pretending with all her appearance that she renounced earthly blessings. Everything about her said: memento mori. WITH. (V. Kovalevskaya, My sister. Memories and letters.)

When we forget ourselves and begin to imagine ourselves immortal, how refreshing this simple expression has on us: memento mori! (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, History of a city.)

After the deaths of her son and husband, which followed each other so quickly, she [the Countess] felt like a being accidentally forgotten in this world, without any purpose or meaning. She ate, drank, slept, was awake, but she did not live... This state of the old woman was understood by everyone at home, although no one ever talked about it and everyone used every possible effort to satisfy these needs of hers. Only in a rare glance and a sad half-smile addressed to each other between Nikolai, Pierre, Natasha and Countess Marya, was this mutual understanding of her situation expressed. But these glances, in addition, said something else; they talked about the fact that she has already done her job in life, that she is not all about what is now visible in her, that we will all be the same and that it is joyful to submit to her, to restrain ourselves for this once dear, once as full of life as we are, and now a pitiful creature. Memento mori, these glances said. (L.N. Tolstoy, War and Peace.)

I will appear to you every day, pale and upset. I will make you sad. If you give up your home, I’ll start wandering under the windows, meeting you in the theater, on the street, everywhere, like a ghost, like a memento mori. (I. A. Goncharov, Ordinary history.)

Franz, sick with a hangover, lazily dragged his sore legs along the deck, shaking his bell furiously. Memento mori - said the commander when we came to this call in the wardroom to the dining table... (I. A. Bunin, Spear of the Lord.)

Tchaikovsky always glorifies life through some kind of sad flair. Tchaikovsky's music is in highest degree graceful world human feelings with constant memento mori. (A.V. Lunacharsky, What A.P. Chekhov can be for us.)

□ Aggressors can be brought to their senses in only one way: they must have no doubt that if they decide to unleash new war, then everywhere - both at the front and in the rear - a formidable force will rise up against them, which will not allow them to escape just retribution. This force must constantly remind the enemies of peace; memento mori! - Memento Mori! If you start a war, you will be hanged, just as Hitler’s leaders were hanged in Nuremberg! Crimes against humanity do not go unpunished. (O. Kuusinen, Report at a ceremonial meeting in Moscow dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin.)

Latin-Russian and Russian-Latin dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: Russian Language. N.T. Babichev, Ya.M. Borovskaya. 1982 .

See what "Memento mori" is in other dictionaries:

    Memento Mori- (film) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Memento mori (homonymie). Memento Mori Title original Yeogo goedam II

    memento mori- n. m. invar. ÉTYM. 1903; expression latine signifiant "souviens toi que tu es mortel". ❖ ♦ Objet de piété, tête de mort (en ivoire, rongée par des serpents ou des vers), qui aide à se pénétrer de l idée de néant. || Des mementos… … Encyclopédie Universelle

    Memento mori- Me*men to mo ri Lit., remember to die, i.e., that you must die; a warning to be prepared for death; an object, as a death's head or a personal ornament, usually emblematic, used as a reminder of death. ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    From Latin: (memento mori) Remember death. The expression became known as the greeting formula that was exchanged when meeting each other by the monks of the Trappist order, founded in 1148. Its members took a vow of silence in order to fully ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Lat. (memento mori) remember death. Dictionary foreign words L.P. Krysina. M: Russian language, 1998 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Memento mori- (lat.), Denk an den Tod! …Pierre's Universal-Lexikon

    Memento mori- (lat., »Gedenke des Todes«), Wahlspruch einiger Mönchsorden, z. B. der Kamaldulenser… Meyers Großes Conversations-Lexikon

    Memento mori- Memento mori, lat. = gedenke, daß du sterben mußt … Herders Conversations-Lexikon

    memento mori- reminder of death, 1590s, Latin, lit. remember that you must die... Etymology dictionary

    memento mori- NOUN (pl. same) ▪ an object kept as a reminder that death is inevitable. ORIGIN Latin, remember (that you have) to die … English terms dictionary

    memento mori- any reminder of death…English World dictionary


  • World literature of the 20th century: Muriel Spark. "The Ballad of the Suburbs. Memento Mori". Christa Wolf "Cassandra. Medea". Robert Merle "Weekend on the Ocean" Jorge Ibarguengoitia "Kill the Lion. August Lightning" (set of 4 books), Spark M., Wolf K., Merle R., Ibarguengoitia H.. Muriel Spark "The Ballad of the Suburb. Memento mori" "The Ballad of the Suburb" - novel , which critics compare to Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita.” The charming demon Dougal Douglas is not...

Anathema - Memento Mori lyrics

My lives minds plagued by lyssophobia
In a cage solitude locks me in
As the dark blackened walls close in on me
Dementia strikes, there's no turning back
Drowning in the stygian sea
As those voices repeat to me my malediction
Memento Mori
Remember you must die
A gratuitous wraith of violence
Blots out the light of my mind
For on this night someone must pay
For the cost of my life
For me to escape the curse of perdition
This poor, weaker being must receive pain
As you win at the actions of my sadist ways
And cry at the throes of your moribund state
A Daemon issues your last rites
Paster Noster Upto In Terra
I break, I twist, I burn, I destroy
Memento Mori
As the candle of life, that burned in your heart
Is done by the grip of deaths hand
Asmodeus, the spirit of lust
Bears his necrophile ways
For the wishes of the demon in black
My largesse in life should be immortality
Dislike the weak, mortal humans
But in life there's always death
A multitude are born to be damned
His perdisized body will burn forever
In the scorching flames of Gehenna.

Anathema - Memento Mori Lyrics

"Memento Mori"

The views of my life are tormented by lissophobia,
I'm locked in a cage of loneliness.
Severe black walls closed overhead.
Stricken with dementia, can't go back.

Unknown spirit-harbinger of death
Blots the light out of my mind
Because tonight someone has to pay
The price of my life.

For my sake, to avoid the curse of eternal torment,
This is unfortunate weak creature must feel pain
While you wince at my hurting actions
And you scream, dying in agony.

The demon performs the last rites on you.
Paster Noster Upto In Terra.
I crash, I twist, I burn, I destroy.
Memento Mori.

While the candle of life that burned in your heart
Extinguished by the hand of death,
Asmodeus, spirit of lust,
Performs his necrophiliac deeds
At the request of a demon in black robes.
My generosity in life should be indestructible,
Dislike for the weak, for mortals.

But in life there is always a place for death,
Most are born to live under a curse.
His body will continually burn in eternal torment,
In the merciless flames of Gehenna.

0 Today, in the bustle of everyday life, we have completely forgotten that every person has a soul, feelings, emotions, hopes and aspirations. Although modern man his consumerism"most resembles a piece of meat, devouring everything in its path. In earlier times, this was not so noticeable, but even then, for some, it was obvious. Therefore, the ancient philosophers tried to discuss this topic in their works, trying to convey to ordinary people your point of view. Today we will talk about ancient catchphrase, which everyone living under this Sun should know, or rather correctly interpret. As you guessed, we will now talk about a wise saying, this Memento Mori, you can find out the translation a little below.
However, before I continue, I would like to point you to a couple of other educational publications of ours on the subject of floorboards and phraseological units. For example, what does it mean “Let’s dot the I’s”; how to understand If the stars light up, it means someone needs it; the meaning of the expression What we have we do not keep, but when we lose it we cry; translation of SeLyaVi, etc.
So let's continue What does Memento Mori mean? in Russian? This phrase was borrowed from the Latin language " mementō morī", which can be translated as " Remember that you have to die"; "remember that you are mortal"; "remember death".

Memento Mori- This Latin expression, does not allow people to forget that they are mortal, and that each of us will have to leave this mortal world.

“Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that sometimes he is suddenly mortal, that’s the trick!”

Bulgakov M. A. "The Master and Margarita".

Typically this phraseological unit is used in allegorically, when they want to warn and remind people that in life there is more than just parties, registrations, drinking and other entertainment. In addition, you shouldn’t worry about trifles, because in the end, we will all come to a common denominator, and we will find ourselves two meters below ground level.

In Ancient Rome, this phrase began to be uttered for generals and military leaders who were returning home with victory. These high-ranking people were placed behind their backs by a slave, who periodically reminded them that despite the fact that the people idolize him and all the women are crazy about him, he still remains a mere mortal. It is believed that full phrase sounded like “Respice post te! Hominem te memento!”, which can be translated as “Look behind you! Don’t forget that you are only human!”

Memento Mori- this phrase used when greeting members of the Trappist Order, practically unknown in our time (not to be confused with the Templars)

Briefly about the Trappists - they are a Catholic offshoot of the Cistercian Order, which in turn separated from the Order of St. Benedict. The Benedictines had their own charter, it had many points, and in addition to the commandments " do not betray", "do not kill", "love God", there was also a reminder to always remember death ( Memento Mori), which was located in section 44.

In addition, this greeting was used in their everyday communication by the so-called Brothers of Death, French hermit monks from the Order of St. Paul (1620 - 1633).

It is worth remembering that in the Middle Ages there was a real fashion for paraphernalia associated with death. Perhaps this is due to the fact that at that time in Europe " fell down" great amount misfortunes and troubles. For example, the plague from Asia; Small Glacial period when even the Black Sea froze, and the associated poor harvests; sexually transmitted diseases from America, etc. Therefore, when a person had a huge choice of what to die from, life was perceived more vividly and vividly. In this regard, a variety of keychains and other accessories, in the form of coffins, skulls, and skeletons, were in good demand among traders. They were not so much a tribute to fashion as they served as a reminder of the frailty of existence and the inevitable end of all things. Later, from this weird fashion, the practice of mourning jewelry was formed, which was worn, thus expressing grief for a close relative or friend.

After reading this informative article, you learned meaning of Memento Mori translation, and now you can tell in more detail what this sad statement means.