Children's writers in England and their works. The most famous books of English writers

If you ask any average person to name any English writers, he will probably be confused and will be able to remember in best case scenario one or two names. Although in fact he knows at least ten, he simply does not realize that the birthplace of many popular authors is Famous English writers - this is Daniel Defoe, H.G. Wells, Robert Louis Stevenson and many others. Familiar names? We know and remember the books of these authors from childhood.

Modern English writers are also represented by a whole galaxy famous names: JK Rowling, Joe Acrombury, Stephen Fry, Jasper FForde - it is simply impossible to list all the authors. And if you also remember the classics, such as William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, etc., then you begin to understand that the inhabitants of our country read mainly the works of Russian and English wordsmiths.

1. John R. R. Tolkien is a famous English writer whose books are recommended for all categories of readers. Moreover, you should not limit yourself exclusively to “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. You might like it better a little fairy tale“Farmer Giles of Ham” - in addition to dragons and heroes, there is a fair amount of humor in it.

2. Arthur Conan Doyle- English writer who created the most popular detective of all time. It is interesting that the author himself did not like his main character, but readers fully appreciated the talent and intelligence of Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street and his permanent partner, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyle wrote a lot of books about Sherlock, there were even more different imitators and all kinds of sequels, but it’s still better to read the original source.

3. Lewis Carroll - English writer who created the most an unusual fairy tale. Many people believe that Alice in Wonderland is a book exclusively for children. In fact, both a child and an adult will be able to appreciate and love this very original work in their own way, which found its calling a decade after its publication.

4. Agatha Christie is the queen of the detective novel, and is also the most popular and best-selling writer of all time. printed word. The works of Agatha Christie are considered classics, and they are certainly worth reading for all lovers of detective stories, as well as simply connoisseurs of good books.

5. George Orwell is an English writer who gave the world the best dystopia. "Animal Farm" and the novel "1984" are books that can make a person rethink the whole the world. One quote is “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” and the reader already looks at the people around him differently.

6. Jane Austen, who gave the world the most wonderful “women's” novel. Despite criticism immediately after the book's release, where the work was called boring and mediocre, Pride and Prejudice is considered best book millions of readers.

These six writers were chosen randomly, and the numbers do not reflect any ranking or top - the proposed authors are very different and cannot be compared with each other.

English literature- This centuries-old history, great writers, unique works that reflect the features national character. We grow up with the books of these great authors, we develop with their help. It is impossible to convey the importance of English writers and the contribution they made to world literature. We offer you 10 worldwide recognized masterpieces English literature.

1. William Shakespeare - “King Lear”

The story of King Lear is the story of a man blinded by his own despotism, who, in his declining years, encounters the bitter truth of life for the first time. Endowed with unlimited power, Lear decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters Cordelia, Goneril and Regan. On the day of his abdication, he expects flattering speeches and assurances of tender love from them. He knows in advance what his daughters will say, but he longs to once again listen to the praises addressed to him in the presence of the court and foreigners. Lear invites the youngest of them and the most beloved Cordelia to talk about his love in such a way that her words will prompt him to give her a “more extensive share than his sisters.” But proud Cordelia refuses to perform this ritual with dignity. A fog of rage obscures Lear’s eyes and, considering her refusal an attack on his power and dignity, he curses his daughter. Having deprived her of her inheritance, King Lear abdicates the throne in favor of his eldest daughters Goneril and Regan, not realizing the dire consequences of his action...

2. George Gordon Byron - “Don Juan”

“I’m looking for a hero!..” Thus begins the poem “Don Juan”, written by the great English poet George Gordon Byron. And his attention was attracted by a hero well known in world literature. But the image of the young Spanish nobleman Don Juan, who became a symbol of a seducer and womanizer, takes on Byron's new depth. He is unable to resist his passions. But often he himself becomes the object of harassment from women...

3. John Galsworthy - “The Forsyte Saga”

“The Forsyte Saga” is life itself, in all its tragedy, in joys and losses, a life that is not very happy, but accomplished and unique.
The first volume of “The Forsyte Saga” includes a trilogy consisting of novels: “The Owner,” “In the Loop,” “For Rent,” which presents the history of the Forsyte family over many years.

4. David Lawrence - “Women in Love”

David Herbert Lawrence shocked the consciousness of his contemporaries with the freedom with which he wrote about the relationship of the sexes. In the famous novels about the Brenguin family - “The Rainbow” (which was banned immediately after publication) and “Women in Love” (published in a limited edition, and in 1922 a censorship trial of its author took place) Lawrence describes the story of several married couples. Women in Love was filmed by Ken Russell in 1969 and won an Oscar.
“My great religion is the belief in blood and flesh, that they are wiser than the intellect. Our minds may make mistakes, but what our blood feels, believes, and says is always true.”

5. Somerset Maugham - “The Moon and a Penny”

One of best works Maugham. The novel about which literary critics have been arguing for many decades, but still cannot come to a consensus on whether history should be considered tragic life and death English artist Strickland as a kind of “free biography” of Paul Gauguin?
Whether this is true or not, “The Moon and a Penny” still remains the true pinnacle of English literature of the 20th century.

6. Oscar Wilde - “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Oscar Wilde is a great English writer who gained fame as a brilliant stylist, an inimitable wit, an extraordinary personality of his time, a man whose name, through the efforts of enemies and a gossip-hungry mob, became a symbol of depravity. This edition includes famous novel“The Picture of Dorian Gray” is the most successful and most scandalous of all the books Wilde created.

7. Charles Dickens - “David Copperfield”

The famous novel “ David Copperfield” of the great English writer Charles Dickens has gained the love and recognition of readers all over the world. Largely autobiographical, this novel tells the story of a boy forced to fight alone against a cruel, bleak world inhabited by evil teachers, selfish factory owners and soulless servants of the law. In this unequal war, David can only be saved by moral firmness, purity of heart and extraordinary talent, capable of turning a dirty ragamuffin into greatest writer England.

8. Bernard Shaw - “Pygmalimon”

The play begins on a summer evening in Covent Garden in London. A sudden torrential downpour of rain caught the pedestrians by surprise and forced them to take shelter under the portal of St. Paul's Cathedral. Among those gathered were professor of phonetics Henry Higgins and researcher of Indian dialects Colonel Pickering, who specially came from India to see the professor. The unexpected meeting delights both. Men start lively conversation, which involves an incredibly dirty flower girl. Begging the gentlemen to buy a bouquet of violets from her, she makes such unimaginable inarticulate sounds that it horrifies Professor Higgins, who is discussing the advantages of his method of teaching phonetics. The disgruntled professor swears to the colonel that thanks to his lessons, this dirty woman can easily become a saleswoman in a flower shop, where now she won’t even be allowed to enter the door. Moreover, he swears that in three months he will be able to pass her off as the duchess at the envoy's reception.
Higgins gets down to business with great enthusiasm. Obsessed with the idea of ​​turning a simple street girl into a a real lady, he is absolutely confident of success, and does not think at all about the consequences of his experiment, which will radically change not only the fate of Eliza (that’s the girl’s name), but also his own life.

9. William Thackeray - “Vanity Fair”

The pinnacle of creativity of the English writer, journalist and graphic artist William Makepeace Thackeray was the novel “Vanity Fair”. All the characters in the novel - positive and negative - are involved, according to the author, in an “eternal circle of grief and suffering.” Full of events, rich in subtle observations of the life of its time, imbued with irony and sarcasm, the novel “Vanity Fair” took pride of place in the list of masterpieces of world literature.

10. Jane Austen - “Sense and Sensibility”

“Sense and Sensibility” is one of best novels wonderful English writer Jane Austen, rightly called the “first lady” of British literature. Among her most famous works are such masterpieces as “Pride and Prejudice”, “Emma”, “Northanger Abbey” and others. “Sense and Sensibility” is a so-called novel of morals, representing love stories two sisters: one of them is restrained and reasonable, the other gives herself with all passion emotional experiences. Heart dramas against the background of the conventions of society and ideas about duty and honor become a real “education of feelings” and are crowned with well-deserved happiness. Life large family, the characters of the characters and the twists and turns of the plot are described by Jane Austen easily, ironically and heartfeltly, with inimitable humor and purely English restraint.

Everyone knows the plot of Daniel Defoe's novel. However, the book contains many other interesting details about the organization of Robinson’s life on the island, his biography, and inner experiences. If you ask a person who has not read the book to describe Robinson’s character, he is unlikely to cope with this task.

IN mass consciousness Crusoe is a smart character without character, feelings or history. The novel reveals the image of the main character, which allows you to look at the plot from a different angle.

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with one of the most famous adventure novels and find out who Robinson Crusoe really was.

Swift does not openly challenge society. Like a true Englishman, he does it correctly and witty. His satire is so subtle that Gulliver's Travels can be read as an ordinary fairy tale.

Why you need to read

For children, Swift's novel is funny and unusual adventure story. Adults need to read it to get acquainted with one of the most famous artistic satires.

This novel, let it artistically and not the most outstanding, definitely iconic in the history of literature. After all, in many ways he predetermined the development of the scientific genre.

But this is not just entertaining reading. It raises problems of the relationship between creator and creation, God and man. Who is responsible for creating a being who is destined to suffer?

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with one of the main works science fiction, as well as to experience complex issues that are often lost in film adaptations.

Difficult to select best play Shakespeare. There are at least five of them: “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”. The unique style and deep understanding of life's contradictions made Shakespeare's works an immortal classic, relevant at all times.

Why you need to read

To begin to understand poetry, literature and life. And also to find the answer to the question, what is better: to be or not to be?

The main theme of English literature in the early 19th century was social criticism. Thackeray in his novel denounces his contemporary society with the ideals of success and material enrichment. To be in society means to be sinful - this is approximately Thackeray’s conclusion regarding his social environment.

After all, the successes and joys of yesterday lose their meaning when a well-known (albeit unknown) tomorrow looms ahead, which we all will sooner or later have to think about.

Why you need to read

To learn to relate more simply to life and the opinions of others. After all, everyone in society is infected with “fair ambitions” that have no real value.

The language of the novel is beautiful, and the dialogue is an example of English wit. Oscar Wilde is a subtle psychologist, which is why his characters turned out to be so complex and multifaceted.

This book is about human vice, cynicism, the difference between the beauty of the soul and body. If you think about it, to some extent each of us is Dorian Gray. Only we do not have a mirror on which sins would be imprinted.

Why you need to read

To enjoy the stunning language of Britain's wittiest writer, to see how much moral character may not match the appearance, but also become a little better. Wilde's work is a spiritual portrait not only of his era, but of all humanity.

The ancient Greek myth about a sculptor who fell in love with his creation takes on a new, socially significant meaning in Bernard Shaw's play. How should a work feel towards its author if this work is a person? How can it relate to the creator - the one who made it in accordance with his ideals?

Why you need to read

This is the most famous play Bernard Shaw. It is often staged in theaters. According to many critics, Pygmalion is a landmark work of English drama.

A universally recognized masterpiece of English literature, familiar to many from cartoons. Who, at the mention of Mowgli, does not hear Kaa’s drawn-out hiss in his head: “Man-cub...”?

Why you need to read

As an adult, it is unlikely that anyone will take up The Jungle Book. A person has only one childhood to enjoy Kipling's creation and appreciate it. So be sure to introduce your children to the classics! They will be grateful to you.

And again it comes to mind soviet cartoon. It's really good, and the dialogue in it is almost entirely taken from the book. However, the images of the characters and the general mood of the story in the original source are different.

Stevenson's novel is realistic and quite harsh in places. But this is a good adventure work that every child and adult will read with pleasure. Boardings, sea ​​wolves, wooden legs - marine theme beckons and attracts.

Why you need to read

Because it's fun and exciting. In addition, the novel is divided into quotes, which everyone should know.

Interest in the deductive abilities of the great detective is still great thanks to a huge number film adaptations. Many people are familiar with the classic detective story only from films. But there are many film adaptations, but there is only one collection of stories, but what a one!

Why you need to read

H. G. Wells was in many ways a pioneer in the genre of science fiction. Before him, people were not at odds with, he was the first to write about time travel. Without the Time Machine, we would not have seen either the film Back to the Future or the cult TV series Doctor Who.

They say that all life is a dream, and a bad, pitiful, short dream at that, although you won’t have another dream anyway.

Why you need to read

To look at the origins of many science fiction ideas that have become popular in modern culture.

Everyone knows the plot of Daniel Defoe's novel. However, the book contains many other interesting details about the organization of Robinson’s life on the island, his biography, and inner experiences. If you ask a person who has not read the book to describe Robinson’s character, he is unlikely to cope with this task.

In the popular consciousness, Crusoe is a smart character without character, feelings or history. The novel reveals the image of the main character, which allows you to look at the plot from a different angle.

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with one of the most famous adventure novels and find out who Robinson Crusoe really was.

Swift does not openly challenge society. Like a true Englishman, he does it correctly and witty. His satire is so subtle that Gulliver's Travels can be read as an ordinary fairy tale.

Why you need to read

For children, Swift's novel is a fun and unusual adventure story. Adults need to read it to get acquainted with one of the most famous artistic satires.

This novel, although artistically not the most outstanding, is definitely iconic in the history of literature. After all, in many ways he predetermined the development of the scientific genre.

But this is not just entertaining reading. It raises problems of the relationship between creator and creation, God and man. Who is responsible for creating a being who is destined to suffer?

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with one of the main works of science fiction, as well as to experience complex issues that are often lost in film adaptations.

It is difficult to single out Shakespeare's best play. There are at least five of them: “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”. The unique style and deep understanding of life's contradictions made Shakespeare's works an immortal classic, relevant at all times.

Why you need to read

To begin to understand poetry, literature and life. And also to find the answer to the question, what is better: to be or not to be?

The main theme of English literature in the early 19th century was social criticism. Thackeray in his novel denounces his contemporary society with the ideals of success and material enrichment. To be in society means to be sinful - this is approximately Thackeray’s conclusion regarding his social environment.

After all, the successes and joys of yesterday lose their meaning when a well-known (albeit unknown) tomorrow looms ahead, which we all will sooner or later have to think about.

Why you need to read

To learn to relate more simply to life and the opinions of others. After all, everyone in society is infected with “fair ambitions” that have no real value.

The language of the novel is beautiful, and the dialogue is an example of English wit. Oscar Wilde is a subtle psychologist, which is why his characters turned out to be so complex and multifaceted.

This book is about human vice, cynicism, the difference between the beauty of the soul and body. If you think about it, to some extent each of us is Dorian Gray. Only we do not have a mirror on which sins would be imprinted.

Why you need to read

To enjoy the stunning language of Britain's wittiest writer, to see how much one's moral character can deviate from one's appearance, and to become a little better person. Wilde's work is a spiritual portrait not only of his era, but of all humanity.

The ancient Greek myth about a sculptor who fell in love with his creation takes on a new, socially significant meaning in Bernard Shaw's play. How should a work feel towards its author if this work is a person? How can it relate to the creator - the one who made it in accordance with his ideals?

Why you need to read

This is Bernard Shaw's most famous play. It is often staged in theaters. According to many critics, Pygmalion is a landmark work of English drama.

A universally recognized masterpiece of English literature, familiar to many from cartoons. Who, at the mention of Mowgli, does not hear Kaa’s drawn-out hiss in his head: “Man-cub...”?

Why you need to read

As an adult, it is unlikely that anyone will take up The Jungle Book. A person has only one childhood to enjoy Kipling's creation and appreciate it. So be sure to introduce your children to the classics! They will be grateful to you.

And again the Soviet cartoon comes to mind. It's really good, and the dialogue in it is almost entirely taken from the book. However, the images of the characters and the general mood of the story in the original source are different.

Stevenson's novel is realistic and quite harsh in places. But this is a good adventure work that every child and adult will read with pleasure. Boarding boards, sea wolves, wooden legs - the nautical theme beckons and attracts.

Why you need to read

Because it's fun and exciting. In addition, the novel is divided into quotes, which everyone should know.

Interest in the deductive abilities of the great detective is still great today thanks to the huge number of film adaptations. Many people are familiar with the classic detective story only from films. But there are many film adaptations, but there is only one collection of stories, but what a one!

Why you need to read

H. G. Wells was in many ways a pioneer in the genre of science fiction. Before him, people were not at odds with, he was the first to write about time travel. Without the Time Machine, we would not have seen either the film Back to the Future or the cult TV series Doctor Who.

They say that all life is a dream, and a bad, pitiful, short dream at that, although you won’t have another dream anyway.

Why you need to read

To look at the origins of many science fiction ideas that have become popular in modern culture.

We can talk a lot about the role of personality in history, but where should we more interesting topic about the role of personality in the development of the English language. After all, there is no doubt that a number of people whose names we know for sure have made an invaluable contribution to English with their literary works. Of course, we're talking about famous writers Great Britain.

William Shakespeare often called the greatest British writer and one of the world's brightest playwrights. The writer was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. During his career, Shakespeare created about two hundred works, which were translated into many languages ​​and constantly staged. Moreover, Shakespeare himself for a long time performed in theaters. Among the author’s most famous works are the famous tragedies “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”.

Oscar Wilde- another famous and most interesting representative literature of Great Britain. He was born in 1856 into an Irish family. Oscar Wilde's talent and sense of humor are recognized throughout the world, as is his most famous novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray. The writer always said that aesthetic feelings exist driving force human development, a topic he repeatedly touched upon in his works. Oscar Wilde left a large number of magnificent fairy tales, plays and novels, which are often staged in our time.

Charles Dickens- a British writer who gained popularity during his lifetime and is a recognized classic of world literature. Dickens was born in 1812 in Porsmouth, England, and grew up in big family. From childhood, the writer was forced to earn a living, and his hardships were later reflected in such famous works like "Oliver Twist" Big hopes", the heroes of which were poor orphan boys. No less famous works are Dombey and Son, A Tale of Two Cities and The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, which brought him great fame.

Agatha Christie often called the queen of detective stories. The writer, who was born in 1890, is one of the most frequently published writers. Agatha Christie gave the world about a hundred works, including detective and psychological novels, stories and plays. Christie's most famous creations are the play "The Mousetrap", the detective novel "Ten Little Indians", "Murder on the Orient Express" and many others.

Another great detective master is considered Arthur Conan Doyle, which gave the world the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes and many other colorful characters.

Among contemporary authors, the British writer stands out especially Joanne Rowling, famous for the series of books about the wizard Harry Potter and magical world. These books not only brought her worldwide fame, but also turned her from a single mother living on welfare into a multimillionaire. After the release of all the Harry Potter books, Rowling published several books for adult readers, including under the pseudonym "Robert Gilbraith."

This list can be continued for a long time, but we have listed the real “giants”. Without them English language, which you can study in courses at, would be completely different. That's why it's so important to remember them and know their names.