Art studio for children 5 years old. How to open an art studio? Art School Business Plan

To the teacher visual arts Maria Paliy is tired of working at school. She didn’t want to adapt to the standards that were imposed there, and four years ago she created her own studio, “I Want to Draw!”

There, children and adults are taught to draw in a variety of genres. For the first two years, all the proceeds went to rent, but last year we finally managed to turn a profit. Now Maria is going to open a second studio in St. Petersburg.


Founder of the studio “I want to draw!”

How it all began

I have two higher education: I am an art teacher and journalist. She started working at the age of 18 as an art teacher in kindergarten. Since then I have been teaching drawing - for more than 10 years. Then, at the same time, I worked as a journalist on Internet television, wrote scripts for children’s programs, and worked for two years as a production editor on the radio. And after that I returned to school again because I was bored.

I didn’t manage to work there for a long time: I didn’t want to adapt to the standards and lose all my individuality. At that moment, I really wanted both myself and the people around me to feel comfortable doing what they love. A person becomes happy precisely when he does what he knows best and shares his knowledge with other people. And I realized that it would be best if I started teaching fine arts, but without any rigid framework and rules.

In April 2009, I drew the “I want to draw!” logo. and started a blog, through which I found my first students. I taught classes at my home. Over time, my apartment could no longer accommodate everyone, and a friend offered me the use of his office for free on weekends to study. I then charged 300 rubles per lesson.

First investments

After a few months, I earned about 30,000 rubles - and for 18,000 rubles I was able to rent a small room on Taganka for a month, where I could already conduct classes on weekdays. I spent the rest of the money on materials. The room had built-in wardrobes - there was no need to spend money on furniture to store everything you needed.

A year later, we moved to a slightly more spacious, but also more expensive premises on Brestskaya - by that time the money we earned was already enough for expansion. New studio We tidied it up ourselves, painted the walls, came up with a design. After some time, we hired a cleaner; before that, I did the cleaning myself.

Our main income comes from events in restaurants
And shopping centers, festivals, children's parties


Four years after opening, I continue to do everything myself: I write on a blog, answer calls and letters, and do accounting. It is not yet possible to consistently pay someone for this work. We only use a professional accountant to assist with our restaurant contracts.

“I want to draw!” became a conveyor belt of leaders who began to open their own schools - there are already several of them. It's great that our work model helps people get inspired and create their own new projects.

IN this moment we are working on opening another workshop “I want to draw!” at Yugo-Zapadnaya. We are now registering specifically for this purpose. trademark However, this takes a lot of time - the process has been going on for about a year and a half. In addition, we have already received several proposals to open other studios in Russia under our brand. We are thinking about this issue. We are planning to open a studio in St. Petersburg.

When you start something , go wherever you are called, meet people halfway, even if they offer you a smaller budget than you planned.

Don't be afraid to do some things with your own hands. There is nothing wrong with making calls, writing letters, cleaning the office yourself. But you shouldn’t be afraid to trust people with some work.

Text: Galina Shmeleva

By drawing, the child creates his own own world, in which its rules prevail. That is why it is so easy to explain the children’s addiction to any writing object. To prevent your child from drawing on the walls, wallpaper, furniture and household items in the house, we recommend sending him to the “Magic Brush” drawing club for children in the “Childhood” club. We will help you reveal creative potential young artists, we will direct her in the right direction, systematize her skills, and also save parents from stress and unnecessary nerves.

Drawing for children in the studio of the "CHILDREN" club

Many people believe that drawing is a useless activity that is of little use, but this is not so. Lessons contribute to the development of imagination, abstract thinking, logic, and memory. By drawing, the child prepares his hand for writing. And if children attended an art studio before school, it will be much easier for them to learn to write accurately.

The “Childhood” club has opened an art studio for children, in which experienced teachers They teach you the basics of drawing and teach you to express your imagination on paper. You can sign up for the class at any level; drawing lessons are suitable for children aged 4 years and older. Why is that? Children aged 4 years and older are already familiar with the concept of perseverance. They perceive information well and remember it.

Drawing courses include classes in which the child learns to work not only with paint, but also with other materials, using all possible techniques. For each age group We have our own training program. While kids learn to paint with finger paints, older children are introduced to more complex art techniques.

The benefit of drawing lessons is the development of mental and visual processes. Even if a child does not have a pronounced artistic talent, he should be sent to a circle, because by drawing, he will involuntarily learn to think and make decisions, pay attention to details and remember them.

Drawing classes are held in a relaxed atmosphere. Children visiting them will expand their horizons - they will discover artistic culture many countries, get acquainted with famous artists and their works, they will master several new techniques and become more erudite.

How does fine art influence a child?

Drawing promotes integrated development, namely:

  • Gives confidence that ideas can be easily brought to life;
  • Helps express emotions;
  • Stimulates the development of memory, perception, thinking, imagination and others mental processes;
  • Instills a sense of taste;
  • Promotes the development of the child as a person.

Fine art studio at the “Childhood” club: learning to see life in bright colors

The advantages of our art studio in Moscow are obvious - professional teacher conducts training so that the child receives useful information in an accessible and interesting form. While drawing in our studio, children will be able to show their imagination and express emotions.

The “Magic Brush” course is designed for children aged 4 years and older. On it, children will learn to work with color, identify warm and cold shades, work with different brushes and paints, and build a composition.

Art studio is an art workshop for children. A unique training program provides an opportunity to develop creative skills and develop comprehensively. In all major cities There are small studios.

The most famous studio in Russia is located in its capital, Moscow. The art studio in Moscow differs from others with its unique program. This program is aimed primarily at developing artistic skills in children.

It reveals all hidden abilities and gives the child complete freedom of action.

Drawing studio for adults and children in Moscow

Performing special tasks to develop skills

The training program includes assignments and introduces you to world masterpieces. Each lesson is carefully prepared by studio specialists. Sometimes they can take place in the halls of the museum, for a better perception. Everything is remembered better visually. The art studio in Moscow often takes part in large-scale exhibitions. This helps to expand cultural interests. In addition to exhibitions, the Capital Art Studio takes part in creative events and competitions. This adds additional interest to it. All programs are designed for 6 years of study.

Creative competitions for children

All creative competitions Moscow studio are held with one goal: to introduce children younger age To cultural process. What is important for children is that their actions will be directed in the right direction. Child development in early age a very important process. Giving exactly to this art studio your child, you can be sure that he will receive the proper level of creative development. For studio workers, the result is very important. That is why the Moscow art studio is the best among others. Here the child will discover creative inspiration and be able to show his best side.

To enter the art studio you need to reach the age threshold. Children aged five years old can enroll here. The competition is quite small. Recruitment for new groups begins at the end of September. The essence of the selection is a conversation with the child and viewing his drawing. Best drawings are selected for exhibitions. The monthly payment is quite low.

Qualification of teachers from Matita studio

All teachers from the studio are very educated and qualified. They are in love with their work and are happy to teach your child something new. All children have different drawing abilities, so they should be developed in any case. Many children reach significant creative heights. This is a great credit to the teachers. It takes a lot of effort to reveal a child’s talent. Usually the studio accepts up to twenty people.

The main stages of creative development in children

In the Moscow art studio, children develop gradually. All classes are structured very competently. As you know, creativity is a talisman against everything bad. It significantly improves the level spiritual development, both in adults and children. The main goal of such studios is to realize the importance of art. Creativity should bring joy in any case. It is important. It is better to take up drawing from childhood. Experience the world of art great desire anyone can.

By sending your child to a drawing studio, you will benefit doubly. Get both your child and him busy creative development. In the art studio he will develop comprehensively. This is an important factor these days. Having learned artistic skill, the child will be educated, and this is what is needed for initial spiritual development. The best art school can't be found in Moscow. Please contact the Moscow art studio. It will definitely be right choice for the overall development of the child.