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The family festival “Tradition” is taking place today, July 8, in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow, a 360 correspondent reported. The creator of the festival is the writer Zakhar Prilepin, it was he who proposed organizing a musical and poetic Orthodox picnic for families every year.

This time, as part of the festival, Prilepin presented new book"Platoon. Officers and militias of Russian literature".

People of the Golden Age for whom the defense of Russia was a duty, they did not speak! They easily moved to the Caucasus for purely military purposes

— Zakhar Prilepin.

“Platoon” is 11 biographies. Portraits through a curtain of gunpowder smoke: from Derzhavin and Denis Davydov to Chaadaev and Pushkin. People who knew how to hold not only a pen, but also a weapon.

Zakhar Prilepin talks about literature on the veranda of the Pushkin House, where the classic master studied Russian and listened to Arina Rodionovna’s fairy tales.

Arina Rodionovna raised a noble child, trying to convey the full depth of Russian culture, from costume to song

— Eduard Boyakov, theater director, festival organizer.

The festival has 10 venues where artists from Moscow and the Moscow region perform and conduct master classes. They learn to write in rhyme, sing and play musical instruments.

The festival also features a whole program for children: puppet shows based on Pushkin's fairy tales. Each doll is handmade. Some are made from scraps of fabric, others are made from clay, some are even made from flour and salt.

These are those ritual dolls that were hung from birth, dolls that were at the wedding. They are made from ordinary rags, children can easily make them too

— Svetlana Yurevich, folk culture methodologist.

“Tradition” brings together all genres: poetry is read on Pushkin’s veranda, spiritual poetry in folk style is sung on stage.

The ensemble "Ihthys" performs songs in Serbian, Bulgarian and Old Slavonic languages. Rock, jazz, blues - you can hear all styles of music at the festival. This is it main topic: co-creation of all types of art on one platform.

On July 8, the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the Zakharovo estate near Moscow will host the “Tradition” festival, the theme of which this year will be co-creation. Let us add that the Zakharovo estate is famous for the fact that it was here that the poet Alexander Pushkin spent his childhood years. It was in this estate that nanny Arina Rodionovna told the genius her fairy tales.

Co-creation is a word that can describe not only creative collaboration, but also unity in the family and even a common search for answers to the most important life questions, from the meaning of our existence to the fate of the country. The festival program was developed by writer Zakhar Prilepin, as well as producers Eduard Boyakov and Dmitry Vadimovich. Provided great support in organizing the festival museum-reserve A.S. Pushkin.

This year "Tradition" takes place in the form of a picnic - a polyphonic holiday in the lap of nature. IN different corners The estate will host concerts, discussions, as well as lectures and children's games for the youngest guests.

Classical pianist, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum and the legendary Pokrovsky Ensemble are planning to take part in the festival. In addition, the group "Kalinov Most" and singer Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana - decided to support the event. The poet Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov will read his poems. Also on the program of the Tradition festival is a performance by Alexander F. Sklyar. The picture of events will be complemented by the fair theater Parsley and Caucasian Lezginka.

Another part of the festival is meetings with current writers, in which Zakhar Pilepin, Alexey Varlamov, German Sadulayev and Mikhail Elizarov will take part. There will also be a conversation with a literary scholar: Pavel Basinsky will meet with the guests to talk about Tolstoy. Finally, performances by poets Anna Dolgareva and Svetlana Kekova are expected.

The children's program will be presented by the theaters "Dushegrei", "Wandering Den", "Skomoroshkin Theater". Kids will be invited to complete quests and play games Pushkin's time, as well as draw in a picturesque meadow and play with dolls, creating your own fairy-tale performances.

Spectators will also be treated to creative workshops and lectures: about poetry with a priest, about God with an artist, and about fairy tales with Arina Rodionovna.

In the bookstore you will be able to familiarize yourself with literary novelties. A food court with home cooking is available for guests. The finale of the festival includes a theatrical performance on the water and fireworks.

How to get to the Zakharovo estate

Zakharovo is located just an hour by train from the Belorussky station (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Zakharovo railway station).


The "Tradition" festival is held under the auspices of the Russian Artistic Union, which unites artists and cultural figures, independent creative leaders of different directions on the basis of traditional values. The event is supported by the Russian Ministry of Culture, the Moscow Region Ministry of Culture, and the Odintsovo District Administration.

On July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, the annual Tradition festival was held in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow. It was organized by the Russian Art Union (RUS), which previously included director Eduard Boyakov and writer Zakhar Prilepin.

The Tradition festival was a great success. Families, young people, wonderful musical and dance groups, were present famous figures art. The Zakharovo estate itself seems to have been created for such a cultural holiday - wide picturesque meadows, birch forests, a lake. Russian space, where you want to stay indefinitely.

True, it was pouring rain all day, but that’s what summer is like—you can’t scare the Russian people. The festival turned out to be so bright and multifaceted that the participants bravely hid under umbrellas until late at night and tried to catch all the events - lectures, musician performances and master classes, round dances and square dances, performances, poetry readings.

Eduard Boyakov: Tradition is the ability to be simultaneously with the past and the future

One of the main organizers of “Tradition” is the director Eduard Boyakov- explained in an interview with Constantinople that the place for the festival was not chosen by chance: Alexander Pushkin, who personifies the Russian tradition, once lived here. In addition, a hundred meters from the estate is the Church of Saints Peter and Fevronia, patrons of the family holiday.

“A person who studies should study and rejoice. A person who rejoices, who dances, who sings, who dances, who dances in circles, must understand that this also has meaning.” This is the idea of ​​contrasting the boring routine work that many of us often drag ourselves through, he added.

The director noted that understanding tradition includes roots, the need to relate to one’s life path creatively. “We are not animals, we are not flowers, we are not trees that grow, and thank God they are pleasing to the eye. We creative people. We are obliged to perform a creative act. We have a responsibility to transform, we have a responsibility to grow.”

On the one hand, in creativity there is a personal, amazing avant-garde experience. On the other hand, as soon as the experience of innovations begins to be contrasted with the traditions of ancestors, a person loses orientation in space. “I will be torn apart, I will become just a grain of sand, albeit dreaming of becoming significant, egoistically very determined, but still empty. This is emptiness. We must understand that there was a lot of things before us and a lot of things after us. What happens after us depends on this moment. Depends on the music we play, depends on the words we say. Depends on how we build relationships with children, on the values ​​we serve, which we try, as artists, to transform into artistic images and pass it on to people. Tradition is the ability to be simultaneously with the past and the future. And under no circumstances should we contrast one with the other.”

Tradition is salvation for Russia and Russian culture, Boyakov concluded.

Z Ahar Prilepin: Russia can offer the world blooming complexity

Much was said about culture, including with reference to the Russian conservative thinker Konstantin Leontiev. When asked what Russia can offer the world, the writer answered: “Blooming complexity.”

“She offers the defense of Christian values ​​to the world. It offers opposition to unification to the world. It offers the world victory over demons, demons and terrible world evil in almost every century. She, in addition to writing great books, makes excellent music, is also a good fighter. Sacrificially, humbly, mercilessly and recklessly.”

The fact that in the West they propose “legislation for 48 different genders,” gender confusion, etc. is not a flourishing complexity, but unification, when the whole world becomes the same. And as we know, everything is the same only after death - decay and convulsions.

« And in the sphere of the fight against the pan-European hundred-headed monster, which is going to create horror every century, we are generally in authority. That's why they don't like us. What else should we offer? You know, no one will say: “What should Estonia offer to the world?” So we are carrying out the “Tradition”. You can even look at the festival program itself. This is what we offer to the world.",” stated Prilepin.

Interesting lectures were also given by Alexey Varlamov, German Sadulayev, Andrey Novikov-Lanskoy and many others. There was also a place for poetry. Archpriests read poems Artemy Vladimirov And Alexey Shmelev, and Svetlana Kekova.

Music and traditions

I was very pleased with the musical part of the festival. People were delighted with the Ichthys ensemble. “In our time of militant postmodernism, when all meanings and concepts are blurred, tradition is what resists this chaos, preserving the sanity of existence. This is more relevant now than ever.And thank God that every year, society understands more and more the importance of today's holiday. True, they celebrate it in different ways and it does not always work out successfully. “In my opinion, this festival is just a successful attempt to celebrate this holiday in an adequate way,”— the ensemble’s lead singer noted in a comment to Constantinople Adrian Huseynov.

Wonderful songs were sung by Tina Kuznetsova, the Kalinov Most group, and the ensembles National holiday" and "Cossack path". Between performances the young guys danced incendiary lezginka and invited beautiful ladies to dance.

I was especially pleased that at the festival there was unique opportunity meet a musician, saxophonist Sergei Letov, who gave a lecture about Sergei Kuryokhin and performed with the singer Tina Georgievskaya, and then with the musician Alexander F. Sklyar.

In an interview with Tsargrad, Alexander Sklyar noted that the venue itself is important. This is a wide area with picturesque lawns, which allows you to organize a truly multicultural festival, with literary, musical, and theatrical parts, as well as master classes in handicrafts.

Sklyar noted that if a musician plays consciously, this is the tradition, it is woven into his work. “Because the point is not in what genre a musician performs, but in how he understands himself in this country, in this world. My deep conviction: even if you started completely apart from traditions, let’s say, in the style of rock and roll, which came to us from the West, you will inevitably come to our tradition.”

When we sing in Russian, we carry Russian meanings, and they cannot be found apart from traditions, the musician emphasized.

Artistic part

The artist also took part in the festival Peter Sklyar, which visualizes Russian proverbs and sayings. This component our tradition, our heritage.

“In my opinion, this is very important. This allows us to maintain a connection with our roots and allows us to feel a little more stable in this world, especially when there are many distractions and false roads. It’s very easy to go astray now if you are not anchored in basic moral guidelines.”

In order not to get lost, you need to know Russian proverbs, epics and legends, songs, dances, the artist added. “Our culture in this regard is rich and inexhaustible.”

Sklyar supported the idea of ​​celebrating Family Day, love and fidelity. “I am for the family, because there is strength in it. Here the proverb comes to mind: a tree has strong roots. And the roots are our family, our ancestors, thanks to whom we are alive. And we must give life to a new generation and try to educate it correctly.”

To sum up, we can say with confidence: the festival was a great success. It is very interesting for both adults and children (for the latter there are master classes, performances and fairy tales).

Be sure to come next year.

July 8, 2017. 11:00 - 24:00
State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin

On July 8, the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of the family, the “Tradition” festival will take place in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow. The estate is famous for the fact that A. S. Pushkin spent his childhood years here. Here he listened to Arina Rodionovna's fairy tales, ran along the alleys and swam in the pond.Zakharovo is located just an hour by train from the Belorussky railway station (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Zakharovo railway station). The theme of this year's festival is co-creation. This word can describe both relationships within the family and creative unions, and a joint search for answers to important questions: who are we, people living in one country, having an indissoluble past and hope for a joyful future?..
The concept and program of the Tradition festival were developed by writer Zakhar Prilepin, producers Eduard Boyakov and Dmitry Vadimovich in collaboration with the A.S. Museum-Reserve. Pushkin. The festival will take place in the format of a picnic - a polyphonic holiday in the lap of nature. Every corner of the reserve will become a place for concerts, entertainment, children's games, lectures and discussions. An outstanding classical pianist ( National artist Russia Yuri Rozum) and a folk group (the legendary Pokrovsky ensemble), patriarchs of Russian rock (Kalinov Most) and a folk-jazz band (Tina Kuznetsova - Zventa Sventana), a priest and poet (Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov) and a rock musician (Alexander F . Sklyar), fair theater Parsley and Caucasian Lezginka.

The Tradition festival will present a wide range of literary events. Meetings with current writers (Zakhar Prilepin, Alexey Varlamov, Mikhail Elizarov, German Sadulayev), conversations with literary scholars (Pavel Basinsky about Tolstoy), performances by poets (Anna Dolgareva, Svetlana Kekova).

An educational and entertainment program has been prepared for children: the theaters “Dushegrei”, “Wandering Den”, “Skomoroshkin Theater”, games from Pushkin’s era, a quest in the museum, drawings in the meadows, puppetry and fairy-tale performances.

Spectators will also be treated to creative workshops and lectures: about poetry with a priest, about God with an artist, and about fairy tales with Arina Rodionovna. The best Moscow publishing houses will fill the bookstore, and delicious home-cooked food will await visitors in the food court. The festival will end theatrical performance on the water and fireworks.

The Tradition festival is held under the auspices of the Russian Art Union. The RHS unites, on the basis of traditional values, artists and cultural figures, independent creative leaders different directions. The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, Administration of the Odintsovo District.


Under 12 years old entry is freeaccompanied by parents

Adult - 1200 ₽ in pre-sale

On the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, July 8, a creative festival"Tradition". The event will be held in the format of a celebration on outdoors. The program of the large-scale picnic will include concerts, literary meetings, creative master classes, lectures and ancient games. This was announced by the deputy head of the Odintsovo district administration, Vitaly Savilov.

“The Creative Festival “Tradition” will be another striking event hosted by the Odintsovo district. The choice of the A.S. Pushkin Museum-Reserve as a venue for it was not accidental. The Zakharovo estate is famous for the fact that the great Russian poet spent his childhood here; here he listened to Arina Rodionovna’s fairy tales, ran along the alleys and swam in the pond. These places also inspire modern creators. At the festival they will be able to exchange experiences, ideas, listen classical music, talk about literature and poetry - and all this against the backdrop of picturesque views of the Zakharovo estate,” said Vitaly Savilov.

Let us add that within the framework of the festival, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum, the experimental ensemble of Dmitry Pokrovsky, the folk-jazz band “Tina Kuznetsova and Zventa Sventana”, the group “Kalinov Most” and rock musician Alexander F. Sklyar will perform. An educational and entertainment program has been prepared for children: the theaters “Dushegrei”, “Wandering Den”, “Skomoroshkin Theater”, games from Pushkin’s era, a quest in the museum, master classes and fairy-tale performances.