What is Russia's strength? What is the strength of the Russians (American opinion)

George Friedman found out what the strength of the Russians is

“The strength of the Russians is that they can withstand what would break other nations,” wrote George Friedman, a renowned analyst and head of the private intelligence center Stratfor, upon returning from Moscow. The author’s conclusions are devoid of the anti-Russian propaganda heard in Moscow, because in his homeland he had to support the brand of the “shadow CIA.”
All intelligence activity is based on forecasting: whether you need data to know what the President of the United States will say on next week, or in order to find out the future of your country. The essence of intelligence is obtaining knowledge about what will happen in the future, Friedman said at a lecture at MGIMO on December 9. So what is Friedman's prediction for the future of Russia?
George Friedman writes about this in an article entitled “A Look at Russia from the Inside.” Noticing Moscow’s “endless renewal” on the way from Domodedovo airport, Friedman is amazed: where are the actions of Western sanctions? Friedman notes that the owner of the apartment where he is staying is “much more familiar with the nuances American life than I am with the Russians."
In Moscow, George Friedman spoke with MGIMO students—“experts on most regions of the world,” as well as with those whom “I took to be ordinary citizens.” Let us emphasize that the audience of the communication is Russian youth, who, it would seem, should be imbued with sympathy for “Western values.”

Friedman writes after the introduction that, contrary to his expectations, economic problems did not bother the interlocutors much. “The fall of the ruble, oil prices, the general decline in economic growth, as well as the effect of Western sanctions - all this, as it seems to the West, is destroying the Russian economy. However, this is not what we were talking about,” Friedman is surprised.
Friedman explains to the Americans that this is because for Russia “economic ruin” is a normal periodic phenomenon, and “prosperity” is exceptional. Russians always consider the option of "returning to poverty," and today the Russian government warns of difficulties ahead. He says that 10 years of prosperity are over. And the expert notes that “this is not a bluff.”
But no matter who Friedman spoke to, when it came to sanctions, the main message was always that the West would not be able to force Russia to change its policy towards Ukraine through sanctions. “The strength of the Russians is that they can withstand what would break other nations,” the expert notes.
When the external threat is real, Russians will support any government “regardless of its competence.” The Russians are determined and with a decisive response, which, “I assume, will mean a seizure of the assets of Western companies in Russia and a reduction in agricultural imports from Europe. But no one talked about stopping gas supplies to Europe,” Friedman is surprised for the third time. Note that the gas baton is one of the main Russian horror stories in the West.

One of the most important lessons for the author, this is that Russians have a much higher pain threshold for economic pressure than any country in the West, or even none at all. If this is so, then the US and EU are mistaken about the effects of sanctions, the expert concludes.
The second conclusion is that the feeling of patriotism is very strong in Russia. For the Russians, the events in Ukraine were historic. turning point. There is also “resentment” towards the Obama administration, which, according to the prevailing opinion in Russia, is waging a propaganda campaign trying to portray Russia as an aggressor.

Friedman explains to Western readers the Russian arguments for action in Crimea and Ukraine. For Russians, Crimea is a historical part of Russia, and the army was stationed there under a corresponding agreement. Therefore, there was no invasion, but only a statement of the real state of affairs. As for the east of Ukraine, it is populated by ethnic Russians, and they should be given autonomy in a Ukrainian-speaking state.
“One scholar pointed me to the Canadian model and Quebec to show that the West usually has no problem with ethnic regional autonomy but is somehow shocked when the Russians want it,” Friedman writes. He recognizes the persuasiveness of the argument for Russian autonomy in Ukraine.

George Friedman further argues that the Kosovo precedent is extremely important for the Russians. “The Russians claim that the borders there were redrawn, although there was no danger to Kosovo. Russia did not want this to happen, but the West did it by force. According to Russia, having redrawn the map of Serbia, the West has no right to object to the redrawing of the map of Ukraine.” .
Friedman admits that he expressed to audiences and in private conversations the American point of view on events in Ukraine. It is expressed in the fact that the United States must prevent the rise of any hegemon in the world. There is fear of a resurgent Russia and memories of the Cold War with the USSR are alive.
If Russia succeeds in restoring its power in Ukraine, what will happen next? However, this argument “to a senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation" seemed far-fetched. "He told me he had no idea what I was talking about. For the Russians, their actions in Ukraine were defensive, not offensive,” Friedman writes.
What will happen next, the expert asks? Will the Ukrainian crisis spread to the Baltic countries, Moldova or the Caucasus? An official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that it will not. “I think he was sincere. The Russians cannot act broadly. They must cope with existing sanctions and economic problems. The West has the resources to cope with several crises. Russia only with the crisis in Ukraine,” the expert concludes.

For Friedman, it is obvious that “there is nothing more dangerous than injuring a bear.” "It's better to kill him, but killing Russia has never been easy." Friedman is convinced that Russia is not planning aggression, but he is concerned that the West is not sure of this.
This situation can lead to unpredictable actions fraught with the most dire consequences. The West needs to understand Russia's concerns. The history of Russia is the history of wars that Russia won thanks to buffer states. It is very important for Russia to have Ukraine as a strategic buffer against possible invasions, such as those of Napoleon and Hitler, and Russia wants to have guarantees that leave Ukraine at least a neutral state. Russians, in turn, need to understand that in the United States, their “rising country” causes fear of a repetition of a century and a half of history cold war fraught with the conquest of Europe.
"The US and Europe have problems understanding Russia's concerns. Russia also has problems understanding, especially American fears. The concerns are real and legitimate. This is not a matter of misunderstanding between countries, but of incompatible imperatives." And yet we must mutually try to understand them if it is impossible to calm them down, concludes George Friedman.

Information: George Friedman was born in 1949 in Budapest into a Jewish family that survived the Holocaust. In 1949, the Friedman family moved to Austria, and a few years later to the USA. There Friedman received a degree in political science from the City College of New York and public administration at Cornell University. Since 1974, for 20 years, he taught political science at a private college in Pennsylvania. During this time, he regularly advised senior U.S. Army commanders at the NATO Headquarters Technical Center, the U.S. Army War College, the National Defense University, and the RAND Corporation on security and national defense issues.
He studied the theory of Marxism, international conflictology, focusing on the military aspects of relations between the USSR and the USA, the USA and Japan. Author or co-author of popular books: The Coming War with Japan, Future Wars, The Next 100 Years, Frontline Intelligence, and America's Secret War.
In 1996, George Friedman founded STRATFOR, a private intelligence and analysis company based in Austin, Texas. The company is recruited by the CIA to develop plans for “color revolutions” and political forecasting.

The question of what the strength of the Russians is is discussed quite often in different circles. Some say that Russians do not have any special power and all attempts to talk about it are simply a desire to amuse their national pride. But other people do not agree with this point of view; they think that the Russian people are unique, they have their own strength and charisma, which are often incomprehensible to their Western neighbors. We will join the second group and find out where the strength of the Russian spirit lies.

The uniqueness of the Russian people is recognized not only by ourselves, the bearers of our nation, but also by foreigners, many of whom find it difficult to understand the mystery of the Russian soul. The originality of Russians is recognized all over the world, so let's try to find out what the strength of Russians is, how the Russian people differ from others and attract attention.

The power of the Russian people

Every nation has its own typical national traits, the Russians also have them. This is precisely where the strength of the Russian people lies. Let's talk about what these qualities are.

The first quality is hard work and talent. Many Russian people are gifted individuals, we have a lot of talents, some of them are lured to the West. We have a rich cultural heritage and many eminent scientists in various fields. A Russian person is a good worker, especially if he likes his work and if he needs to take care of his family. A Russian person can get used to any working conditions, is unpretentious and ready to work.

The second quality is love of freedom. Remember how many times different enemies tried to take over our country! No one has managed to do this; Russia stands firmly on its own two feet, not allowing anyone to take away its right to freedom. And this is largely the merit of our people, because the Russian people are patriotic and even in difficult times are ready to defend their Motherland. The clearest example of this is participation in world wars, and not only in them. The willpower, courage, perseverance and courage of the Russian people are directly related to this quality, and it is really difficult to argue with this!

The next quality is patience, and with it the ability to adapt, which allows Russians to survive. The Russian people are indeed very patient, they are ready to stoically endure the difficulties of life, trying not to lose heart and even in the most difficult times to find a reason for joy and a smile. It's no secret that life in Russia is difficult, many people are below the poverty line, the economy and social sphere- not on the best level, the climate is harsh. Living in such conditions is difficult, but the Russian people, thanks to their patience and perseverance, do not give up and fight for their place in the sun.

Kindness, hospitality, generosity of soul - these qualities are well known to many foreigners who come to our country to stay. Who else but a Russian grandmother will feed a traveler deliciously and give him an overnight stay completely disinterestedly? And if you “break down” on the highway, one of the Russian drivers will definitely stop and try to help. You can find many such examples; Russians are really kind and sociable people, if you find an approach to them and treat them favorably. Many people think that Russians are gloomy, because that’s how we walk the streets. But judge for yourself, who wants to smile a lot after a long study or work in the evening on the street, when it’s dark, cold and tired? But once you talk to a Russian person, you will understand that he is quite good-natured and is even ready to help if his help is needed. Of course, not everyone is like that, but still in the majority of us it is precisely good people.

And finally, another quality of Russians is religiosity. Orthodoxy has sprouted strong roots in the Russian nationality; spiritual morality and purity, the desire for the best among Russian people come from God. We are now talking about those people who live according to the laws of God, who are humble, meek, benevolent and kind-hearted.

The power of the Russian word

Speaking about the power of the Russian people, one cannot help but talk about the power of the Russian word. The Russian language is multifaceted and rich; it has evolved and been enriched over the centuries, and this is still happening. The power of the Russian word lies in the fact that with its help you can ignite hope and love in the hearts of people, the desire to strive for the best, and unite the people. In the Russian language there are many such words and expressions that different situations can greatly affect a person. An example of the power of the Russian word is the speeches of commanders that they delivered to their soldiers before important battles. The power of the Russian word energized the soldiers, they went to war and won.

The power of Russian weapons

Main strength weapons in Russia are the people themselves, because for their Motherland they are ready to fight with enemies with their bare hands, without giving it to anyone. If we talk about weapons as a means of struggle, then Russia is not losing here either. Today our country is rich various types weapons, and this is not surprising, because rich military experience and constant control over the inviolability of borders directly influence this. In addition, the development of weapons production in Russia does not stand still; various technologies are constantly being proposed and developed, new and varied weapons are being created and accumulated. Just remember the “Katyusha” of the Great Patriotic War! The Germans were horrified by the damaging effect of this weapon, called cute female name.

Russian evil spirits

Russian evil spirits are another example of Russian originality. Those whose grandmothers told fairy tales and legends related to Russian evil spirits in childhood know well what we are talking about. The folklore of our people is built on Russian evil spirits, and this is a very rich and valuable part of Russian culture. Many have heard about green-haired and sweet-voiced mermaids who live in rivers and seas, about the goblin guarding the forest, about the merman watching over reservoirs, about the bathhouse attendant, kikimoras... and there is no need to talk about the brownie, many believe in him in our time !

The strength of the Russian spirit is manifested in various facets and in different areas, we only talked about a few. But even by studying this small material, you can understand the strength and originality of the Russian people.

What is the strength of the Russians? The question of where the Russians' strength lies is quite often discussed in various circles. Some say that Russians do not have any special power and all attempts to talk about it are simply a desire to amuse their national pride. But other people do not agree with this point of view; they think that the Russian people are unique, they have their own strength and charisma, which are often incomprehensible to their Western neighbors. We will join the second group and find out where the strength of the Russian spirit lies. The uniqueness of the Russian people is recognized not only by ourselves, the bearers of our nation, but also by foreigners, many of whom find it difficult to understand the mystery of the Russian soul. The originality of Russians is recognized all over the world, so let's try to find out what the strength of Russians is, how the Russian people differ from others and attract attention. The strength of the Russian people Each nation has its own typical national traits, and Russians have them too. This is precisely where the strength of the Russian people lies. Let's talk about what these qualities are. The first quality is hard work and talent. Many Russian people are gifted individuals, we have a lot of talents, some of them are lured to the West. We have a rich cultural heritage and many eminent scientists in various fields. A Russian person is a good worker, especially if he likes his work and if he needs to take care of his family. A Russian person can get used to any working conditions, is unpretentious and ready to work. The second quality is love of freedom. Remember how many times different enemies tried to take over our country! No one has managed to do this; Russia stands firmly on its own two feet, not allowing anyone to take away its right to freedom. And this is largely the merit of our people, because the Russian people are patriotic and even in difficult times are ready to defend their Motherland. The clearest example of this is participation in world wars, and not only in them. The willpower, courage, perseverance and courage of the Russian people are directly related to this quality, and it is really difficult to argue with this! The next quality is patience, and with it the ability to adapt, which allows Russians to survive. The Russian people are indeed very patient, they are ready to stoically endure the difficulties of life, trying not to lose heart and even in the most difficult times to find a reason for joy and a smile. It is no secret that life in Russia is difficult, many people are below the poverty line, the economy and social sphere are not at the best level, and the climate is harsh. Living in such conditions is difficult, but the Russian people, thanks to their patience and perseverance, do not give up and fight for their place in the sun. Kindness, hospitality, generosity of soul - these qualities are well known to many foreigners who come to our country to stay. Who else but a Russian grandmother will feed a traveler deliciously and give him an overnight stay completely disinterestedly? And if you “break down” on the highway, one of the Russian drivers will definitely stop and try to help. You can find many such examples; Russians are really kind and sociable people, if you find an approach to them and treat them favorably. Many people think that Russians are gloomy, because that’s how we walk the streets. But judge for yourself, who wants to smile a lot after a long study or work in the evening on the street, when it’s dark, cold and tired? But once you talk to a Russian person, you will understand that he is quite good-natured and is even ready to help if his help is needed. Of course, not everyone is like that, but still, the majority of us are good people. And finally, another quality of Russians is morality, based on true natural ancient Orthodoxy, faith and glorification of the Russian natural Gods, which has sprouted strong roots in the Russian nationality. Spiritual morality and purity are not foreign and alien, but their own ancestral, the desire for the best among Russian people comes from God. The power of the Russian word When talking about the power of Russian people, one cannot help but talk about the power of the Russian word. The Russian language is multifaceted and rich; it has evolved and been enriched over the centuries, and this is still happening. The power of the Russian word lies in the fact that with its help you can ignite hope and love in the hearts of people, the desire to strive for the best, and unite the people. The Russian language has many such words and expressions that can greatly affect a person in different situations. An example of the power of the Russian word is the speeches of commanders that they delivered to their soldiers before important battles. The power of the Russian word energized the soldiers, they went to war and won. The power of Russian weapons The main power of weapons in Russia is the people themselves, because for their Motherland they are ready to fight with enemies and with their bare hands, without giving it to anyone. If we talk about weapons as a means of struggle, then Russia is not losing here either. Today, our country is rich in various types of weapons, and this is not surprising, because rich military experience and constant control over the inviolability of borders directly affect this. In addition, the development of weapons production in Russia does not stand still; various technologies are constantly being proposed and developed, new and varied weapons are being created and accumulated. Just remember the “Katyusha” of the Great Patriotic War! The Germans were horrified by the damaging effect of this weapon, called by a cute female name. Russian devilry Russian evil spirits are another example of Russian originality. Those whose grandmothers told fairy tales and legends related to Russian evil spirits in childhood know well what we are talking about. The folklore of our people is built on Russian evil spirits, and this is a very rich and valuable part of Russian culture. Many have heard about green-haired and sweet-voiced mermaids who live in rivers and seas, about the goblin guarding the forest, about the merman watching over reservoirs, about the bathhouse attendant, kikimoras... and there is no need to talk about the brownie, many believe in him in our time ! The strength of the Russian spirit manifests itself in various facets and in different areas, but we only talked about a few. But even by studying this small material, you can understand the strength and originality of the Russian people. “If you shoot the past with a gun, the future will shoot you with a cannon.” This proverb perfectly reflects the life of a society that does not know its roots. Who are we? How was the Russian land born? How did our ancestors live and what did they believe? Where are the springs of spirituality that have nourished Rus' since ancient times and where does the Slavic origin come from? Vedic tradition. The Slavic race is alive and great, and our spiritual life is like a river full of water, which thanks to ancient tradition and faith is cleansed of superfluous things. It is the basis of life itself, language, songs and epics, folk holidays and rituals. And from ancient times this faith was called Orthodoxy, for the Slavs glorified the Rule and followed the Path of the Rule. The Slavs always knew the Truth, they knew the Great Vedas, the most ancient Vedas, sacred traditions about the source native faith, which was the first faith of all the peoples of the Earth. The faith of our ancestors was formed on the basis of the wisdom and knowledge they acquired through the contemplation of natural phenomena and everything that exists that is accessible to the senses and understanding of man in the process of his development. They believed in the basis of the Universe, the majestic and eternal first cause, and they called this spring of the Universe a short and succinct word - ROD. Study the Heritage of your people and your Motherland - this knowledge will strengthen your spirit, exalt your Soul, give strength to difficult moments life.

This is a positive psto. If there is something unpleasant in it, it is not swearing or Russophobia, but simply a statement with the aim of solving problems.

1. We cannot now boast of total fortitude.

Because the strength of the spirit of the people rests on strong Faith and confidence in the Leader. Be it the Tsar or the General Secretary.

Indeed, representatives of the two highest “varnas”, namely the Priests and Knights, no longer need external Faith or Leadership. And therefore their power of the Spirit is unshakable. However, those who belong to the varnas of “weight” and “smerda” - the most numerous part of our people cannot gain Strength relying only on the inner, Higher Self, and need Temples, Faith and Management.

Our “faith” - “traditional” Orthodoxy, which was practiced for only about 1000 years - has been discredited by the Russian Orthodox Church. I mean that if we consider Christianity, and specifically Orthodoxy, as Morally Moral Law, then how to combine this with morally corrupt and greedy priests?
And if we consider Christianity as a philosophical concept and description of the world in which we live, it does not withstand any criticism and contradicts the laws of nature discovered by science.

You know what our leader is like now. About two heads.

Trust Mendel? Who would leave their child with such a babysitter?

Who would trust Crabe and his buddies with their money?

That is, best part of our people, unfortunately small in number, retains the Power of the Spirit. But the majority of the people are wandering in the dark and have been tempted.

2. We cannot now boast of skillful, prudent management. We have nothing that we could sell to other nations. And we even give away the natural resources of our land for free. This, of course, is the result of “managing” a country in which there was plenty of everything - technicians, labor, raw materials, land and money. But now we have almost nothing left.

However, since agricultural land cannot be confiscated, or at least it is difficult to do so, in principle we can produce products.

3. Our people are small in number. Given the size of the country and the level of our technological development, it is necessary to double, if not double, the population.

It was in the large number of people that our strength lay.
Wars fought Russian empire, and then the USSR was always won due to (including) huge, sorry, human resources. (Not necessary we're talking about about throwing corpses at the enemy, but, say, a large people can do much more in terms of accumulating resources for war).

The large number of people is the main factor that ensured our independence.

Therefore, we will have to start with this problem.

Now the main thing is to give birth and raise children, to protect the family, and not to run to “protests” organized by the Fridenzons against the Rosenbergs. Protect under any circumstances and by any means. Anything that interferes with the development of the family, the birth of children and their upbringing is directly in the firebox.

Every family should have a Saiga carbine, a supply of ammunition, a house in the village, a supply of stew, medicine, good books and the Internet. No more important task than raising children. Career, place of residence, entertainment, partying - all this is secondary.

And everyone who is involved in taking children away from normal parents or in general spreading rot on a family or children should be entered in memorial books along with their deeds, even earlier than the “usurers” and tax collectors.

The time will come, these books will come in handy.


During World War II, Adolf Hitler received a memo from his assistant in charge of the concentration camps.

This report carried out interesting connection between the results of a survey of Soviet female prisoners of war and forecasts of military operations. Surveys of German doctors showed that over 90% of Russians unmarried women under the age of 21 were virgins. The conclusion was unexpected: the Fuhrer's assistant recommended that he stop the intervention against Soviet Union, citing the fact that It is impossible to defeat a people with such high morality.

Immediately after the victory, the British received extensive materials confirming the fact that Hitler was actively interested in the occult sciences. The declassified documentary materials “Secrets of the Third Reich” available in video stores tell that the Reich sent special expeditions to Tibet to study the possibility of using higher metaphysical knowledge for “practical” purposes. As is known, Hitler made the swastika his symbol - ancient Vedic symbol harmony and well-being of the universe, hoping that this sign will bring him good luck. Monks were brought to Germany and forced to perform special rituals in secret bunkers so that Hitler and his closest assistants could gain power over people.

Therefore, Hitler and his entourage, no doubt, were well aware of the statements of ancient treatises about the invincibility of a state where there are many virgins. “The strength of a people can be judged by two signs: respect for elders and the purity of virgins.” Virgins and chaste women have subtle mystical energy, which improves the karma of the state and increases the willpower and determination of its inhabitants.

Hitler took over corrupt Europe without much difficulty: it took a week to conquer France, and Denmark capitulated after a day and a half. The reason is not the numerical superiority of the army or its weapons. If the inhabitants of a country are only concerned with drinking and women, then they don’t care what regime they live under, as long as they are not deprived of these pleasures.

Hitler was sure that it would take no more than 2 months to conquer Russia, but it turned out that the Russians had a different value system. Instead of valuing your life and carnal pleasures like a “bad boy,” Soviet citizens valued more what they lived for - for the bright future of future generations. Not for the sake of themselves and their children, but for the sake of those who would live later, they sacrificed their lives and the lives of their children. Hitler was perplexed when he heard how desperately the whole country resisted him, in which even children threw themselves under tanks with grenades and shouted: “For the Motherland!” Hitler could not understand what kind of power allows the Russians to fight until their last breath even when there is no chance of survival.

It is to the source of this moral strength, giving willpower, and was indicated in the memo. A copy of it was sent to Eric Koch, Hitler's protege in Ukraine. He also had big problems with these freedom-loving people, and it is interesting that Koch responded to this report: “Teach their women to drink and this problem will be over!”

Now let's look at other statistics regarding research conducted today. Thus, research by Maxim Kolomeytsev states that among girls surveyed throughout the country, 41% were identified who had already lost their virginity by the age of 15. Moreover, every fifth of them (8% of total number) lost her virginity before she was 13 years old. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences did not find a single virgin among the 650 surveyed high school and vocational school students aged 17 near Moscow. Scientists say that early “debut” entails a decrease in reproductive characteristics and has led to an increase in gynecological morbidity rates.

How the ideological war against Russia is already being implemented