Left-handed swastika. The Zig rune, the swastika and why the Nazis will lose using the swastika

On June 22, 1941, the fascist armada violated our state border, marking the beginning of the bloodiest war of the twentieth century. Since then, the sign of the swastika cross, under which the German invaders came, has become for the bearers of Russian and European culture a symbol of the suffering, destruction and death brought, a symbol of Hitler’s ideology, a symbol of Nazism.

However, the swastika itself was not only not developed by the Nazis, but in principle was never a symbol of war. Its history is rooted in the pagan cults of many peoples, running like a red thread through eras, cultures and cults (including Christian ones. Our next story is about history, the meaning of the swastika sign, transformations, and symbolic loads.

So, a swastika (from Sanskrit svasti, greeting, wish for good luck) is traditionally called a cross with curved ends (“rotating”). This is one of the most ancient graphic signs, the first outlines of which appeared already in the Upper Paleolithic. The oldest archaeological finds depicting a swastika date back to approximately 25-23 millennium BC (Mezin, Kostenki, Russia). Since then, her images have been found on the most significant religious objects and household items - on coats of arms and banners, in the decoration of churches and houses, on weapons, everyday items, clothing and even banknotes.

Images like the swastika, consisting of four cross-shaped curls with rounded ends, are signs of cyclic movement. Of course, different peoples endowed the symbolic cross with their own characteristic meanings and properties, but despite this, in most cultures the swastika was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light, and prosperity. Derived from two Sanskrit roots - su, "good, good" and asti, "life, existence", the word "swastika" translates as "welfare" or "well-being". There is another name for the swastika - “gammadion” (Greek γαμμάδιον), consisting of four Greek letters “gamma”.

Right and left swastikas

Since the curved ends can be directed in different directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), they distinguish, respectively, the right-handed, sowing swastikas and the left-handed, collecting swastikas. They are also called centripetal (collapsing) swastikas and centrifugal (unfolding) swastikas.

Each of them carries the opposite idea of ​​movement. The swastika, rotating clockwise, represents the movement of the Earth around the Sun. It is noteworthy that in almost all cults that used this graphic symbol, it primarily reflected the driving force in the Cosmos - forward rotation, life in its origin and development. Moreover, both the creative swastika, symbolizing the Sun, good luck and happiness, and the swastika of the opposite direction symbolizes darkness, destruction, the “night Sun” could be used both separately and together, in the same ornaments - as the personification of the change of day and night, light and darkness, new and old, birth and death.

4 petals

The swastika is considered not only as a solar symbol, but also as a symbol of the fertility of the earth. Thus, a swastika with four ends not only indicates the apparent movement of the Sun around the Earth, but also testifies to the tradition of dividing the year into four seasons or the idea of ​​four cardinal directions.


Representing a figure symmetrical relative to its center, the swastika carries the meaning of infinity and is identified with a circle, or other solar signs, for example, with a cross in a circle, where the cross is a sign of the daily movement of the Sun. A symbol of rotation, continuous movement, expressing the immutability of the solar cycle, or the rotation of the Earth around its axis. A rotating cross, the blades at the ends representing the movement of light. The swastika contains the idea of ​​eternal overcoming the inertia of the square by the wheel of rotation.

good and evil

Being one of the sacred symbols, the swastika personifies a moral characteristic: moving with the sun is good, moving against the sun is evil. In the symbolism of auspiciousness, the sign is depicted in the form of a cross with ends bent at an angle or oval (in the clockwise direction), which means “screwing in” energies, holding the flow of physical forces in order to control lower forces. The right-handed swastika is perceived as a sign of dominance over matter and control of energy. The left-sided swastika, on the contrary, means the superiority of physical and instinctive forces, the triumph of the earthly, material essence of things. The swastika, positioned counterclockwise, is also seen as a symbol of black magic. As a solar sign, the swastika serves as an emblem of life and light, and is perceived as the wheel of life.

Swastika in early Christianity

In early Christianity, the swastika was known as a gammed cross (gammadion). According to Guenon, until the end of the Middle Ages it was one of the emblems of Christ. The “gammed” four-pointed cross received its Greek name due to the similarity of the branches bent at right angles, reminiscent of the capital letters of the Greek alphabet “gamma”.

As a Christian symbol, the gamut cross (upright swastika) came to Rus' from Byzantium in the very first years after Epiphany. Until today, his images have been preserved in the mosaic decoration of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

The swastika generally occupied one of the central places in the symbolic language of early Christians - “the gammatic cross is found on Christian monuments, mainly in the design of sarcophagi, gravestone epitaphs, gravediggers’ tunics, other catacomb decoration, or next to indications of the name of the deceased.

According to a number of scientists, in the symbolic language of ancient Christians, the swastika replaced the usual cross, in order “to recall the instrument of redemption without depicting it openly,” since in the 2nd, 3rd and early 4th centuries. the direct image of the Crucifixion had not yet been accepted and was used by the Romans long before the birth of Christ, the swastika cross did not arouse suspicion among fellow pagan citizens and at the same time secretly contained the image of a four-pointed cross.

Some archaeologists, who often found the swastika on early Christian stone crosses and slabs, wrote that it symbolized “the cornerstone of the foundation of the Church.” This is a completely plausible verse, since the letter “gamma” that makes up the swastika in Greek has the numerical value “3”, so it expresses the idea of ​​​​the Holy Trinity. The total numerical sum of gammadium is equal to 12, which, in turn, is the number of the New Jerusalem, the heavenly archetype of the Church. Here the mystery of the descent of the Heavenly City, occurring through a dynamically developing image, is revealed.

It is noteworthy that with the development of the missionary activities of the church, the swastika symbol, known to the pagan cults of various small nations, began to be used by preachers of Christianity to spread their faith.

Encyclopedia of symbols Roshal Victoria Mikhailovna

Swastika straight (left-handed)

Swastika as a solar symbol

A straight (left-sided) swastika is a cross with the ends curved to the left. Rotation is considered to occur clockwise (opinions sometimes differ in determining the direction of movement).

The straight swastika is a symbol of blessing, good omen, prosperity, good luck and aversion to misfortune, as well as a symbol of fertility, longevity, health and life. It is also a symbol of masculinity, spirituality, inhibiting the flow of lower (physical) forces and allowing the energies of a higher, divine nature to manifest.

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No matter how strange it may sound at first, the most dear to Russian people is the ancient pagan symbol, colloquially called " Swastika". Anyone who thinks that the Swastika is a purely fascist symbol is deeply mistaken. Many people associate the Swastika with fascism and Hitler. This has been methodically hammered into people's heads for the last 60 years. And indeed, many sincerely believe that this is so. But this is fundamentally wrong.

The population of Europe and the USA associates this symbol primarily with the Third Reich and the ideology of Nazism. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia wrote about this: “Hitler and the German fascists made the swastika their emblem. Since then, it has become a symbol of barbarism and misanthropy, inextricably linked with fascism.”. The West is more tolerant of the Swastika, but the established opinion about the depravity of the Swastika has been hammered into a lot of people’s heads.

Recently, it has been fashionable to talk about the “dark secrets” hiding behind the Swastika. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Swastika indeed played an important role in the symbolism of secret societies. But the interest of such societies in the Swastika was not the reason for its popularity, but precisely the consequence. Some "researchers" say that the Swastika is a Masonic symbol. This is also fundamentally wrong.

The swastika is a very ancient symbol, which is a common symbol for the peoples of different states. You can meet her in different countries, often very distant from each other. The swastika is not only an eastern symbol, as some researchers believe. It is distributed over a very wide area. The swastika was found in Malta, in Tibet, in Russia, in Germany, in China, in Japan, on the island of Crete, in the ancient states of the Celts, in India, in Greece, in Egypt, in Scandinavia, in Rome, among the Aztecs, on the fabrics of times Incas, and in other states.

The liquidocracy hates the Swastika and calls it a “fascist” sign. Inflating the myth of the so-called “threat of Russian fascism,” Jewish democrats are strenuously trying to ban the Swastika in law ("display of fascist paraphernalia or symbols"). This is a scam! Swastika much older than Hitler. She is many thousands of years older than him and, naturally, was not invented by him.

By the way, even the Jews themselves tried to master the Swastika. Before World War II, a swastika mosaic decorated a synagogue in Hartford (Connecticut, USA). The Jews used the left-sided collective (explanations will be given below) Swastika. But it was used in isolated cases. Jews are forbidden to bow to the Sun. Only in Judaism is sun worship a terrible sin.

From ancient legends it is known that The swastika was given to people by the gods. When our Forefathers used runes, the word SWASTIKA translated as COME FROM HEAVEN, THE MOVEMENT OF HEAVEN. Because rune NVA meant heaven WITH- direction rune, rune TIKA- movement, coming, flow. The word TICK still exists, that is, to run. Words such as MYSTIC, ArkTIKA are formed from the same rune. Ancient religions describe it as a cluster of signs of good luck. The swastika is a very capacious and multifaceted symbol. One of the varieties of this symbol is a cross with curved ends directed clockwise or counterclockwise. The swastika gives the impression of eternal rotation.

The earliest description of the Swastika that has reached us is in Sanskrit. "Suasti" in Sanskrit means: SU- beautiful, kind and ASTI- to be, that is "BE KIND!" or "BE GREAT!" .

Swastika is a concept that is too capacious and generalized. This word should be understood not as one symbol, but as a whole group of symbols - crosses with ends bent to the left and right (Swastika is also called gamma cross, because 4 letters " G"converge at one point). In ancient times, each swastika symbol had its own name, its own meaning and its own protective function. In the Russian language, there are still 144 (!) names for various types of Swastika. This is exactly how many of them were counted by the Omsk author V. N. Yanvarsky. For example: Swastika, Posolon, Kolovrat, Holy Gift, Swaor, Solntsevrat, Agni, Fash, Mara, England, Solar Cross, Solard, Collard, Vedara, Svetolet, Fern Flower, Perunov Light, Swati, Race, Bogovnik, Svarozhich, Svyatoch, Yarovrat, Odolen-Grass, Rodimich, Charovrat and other names.

In general, Swastika is the fundamental principle of the essence of existence and peace for all Aryan peoples, and not only Aryans. Among the pagans, the Swastika personifies Yarilo - the Sun, light, the change of seasons. Worship and veneration of the Swastika primarily meant worship of the Sun. The swastika symbolizes the Sun. The sun is the source of life on Earth. Worship of light and primary fire is worship of the source of life. And this is a great cleansing and protecting power. That's why the Jews - the damn people - hate her so much. She illuminates all their dirty and dark deeds.

The swastika and some other signs (runes, for example) are archetypes. That is, by their appearance they awaken in a person irresistible currents originating from the collective unconscious, accumulated in the “archives” of thousands of years of experience. Every soul carries these lines of force within itself from birth.

More than rational Latins, Slavs and Germans, people of a stormy character, are sensitive to the influence of these symbols. The unknown author of a treatise on symbols writes: “A symbol is not logical... It is a vital current, an instinctive recognition. It is the experience of a subject, which is born from a complex and unpredictable set of countless connections that weave his future, as well as the future of the entire universe to which he belongs and from which he draws all recognition.”.

In theory, the Swastika is a polar sign. It denotes circular motion around its own axis or fixed point. In a particular case, it has a double meaning. Firstly, when it is applied to a star point around which the sky moves. As Laplace said: "The sky seems to revolve on two fixed points, which for this reason are called the celestial poles". Secondly, when the pole is considered in the earthly dimension, it becomes the geometric location from which the direction of rotation of the earth arises. His place is always the Arctic continent or perhaps Antarctica.

Depending on the rotation and the direction of the curved ends, the Swastika can be LEFT HAND And RIGHT HAND. It is very unfortunate that even intelligent researchers confuse the left-handed and right-handed Swastika.

Determining the direction of the rays of the Swastika and its rotation is very easy. It is enough to give an analogy. Let's imagine the Sun. The Sun has prominences - plasma emissions. They rotate in the same direction as the Sun itself, as if “catching up” with it by inertia. But the prominences “look” in the opposite direction from the rotation of the Sun. So, in which direction the Swastika rotates, that’s what it’s called.

The left-handed Swastika has a name KOLOVRAT. This is a symbol of the rising Sun, a symbol of the victory of Light over Darkness and Life over Death, a symbol of the harvest (the mower swings the scythe with his right hand from right to left).

The right-handed Swastika has a name SALON- a symbol of the setting Sun, a symbol of the completion of creative work, a symbol of sowing (the sower throws grains with his right hand from left to right).

YAROVIK. It was used to preserve the harvested crop and avoid the death of livestock. Often depicted on barns, sheepfolds, etc.

Ognevik. Fire symbol of the Family. It was applied to objects, to roof slopes, as a talisman for those living in the house.

FASH. Symbol of protection of internal Fire.

AGNI. Fire symbol. One of the easiest symbols to use.

GROMOVNIK. He is called to protect the treasures of the Spirit.

GRAZOVIK. A symbol used to control the weather.

ODOLENY-GRASS. A talisman against various diseases and an immunity booster.

FERN FLOWER. Sometimes called Perun's color. Gives a person the revelation of inner strengths. Has the ability to “burn through” diseases.

FAMILY. Guards the thread of human life. Gives connection and support to deceased Ancestors. Helps to find worthy offspring.

GODMAN. Gives the patronage of the Elder Relatives to its owner.

SOLARD. Protects the life-giving and fertile power of the Earth, filled with the energy of the Sun.

COLLARD. Symbol of fiery renewal and transformation. It was believed that it promotes human fertility. He was depicted on wedding dresses together with Solard.

YAROVRAT. Symbol of the protective power of Yarila the Sun. Protects soil fertility.

SOLONY. An ancient solar symbol that helps to find well-being in earthly life. Promotes the accumulation of internal strength.

SOLAR CROSS. Protects a person’s natural talents and helps them to reveal themselves.

HEAVENLY CROSS. Gives a person the opportunity to safely move through life, relying on their intuition and superpowers.

Few people remember that The swastika was present on Soviet money from 1917 to 1922. After the February Revolution, the Provisional Government tried to master the Swastika and began printing it on money that had been in use for several years (unofficially they were called “Duma money” or “Kerenki”). On the 250-ruble banknote there is one Swastika in the center of the bill (under the double-headed eagle). On 1000, 5000 and 10000 ruble bills there are three Swastikas: one in the center, and two on the edges (under the denominations).

Thus, on both Russian and Soviet money the left-handed Swastika is clearly visible! Exactly the same as Hitler's. Only at that time Hitler was a complete zero, nothing and nobody. And the Swastika was in Russia. And it was not painted on the fences, not even by the hand of Alexandra Feodorovna on April 17 (30), 1918 in the Ipatiev House on wallpaper, but on money, on banknotes. There are all sorts of opinions on this matter. There were versions that Stalin allegedly gave the Swastika to Hitler in 1920. All this, of course, is bullshit. The matrices for all ruble banknotes of the Provisional Government were made by order of Nicholas II.

The presence of Swastikas on Russian banknotes speaks volumes. This suggests that The swastika was the state symbol of Russia! Whether you like it or not, if you treat it without respect, then you at least need to know this fact. At that time, no one had heard of either Nazism or fascism. In the first years of Soviet power, the communists had no time for money. It was then that they removed the Swastika and stuck on a Jewish five-pointed star. Communists have interesting archetypes.

Since we already mentioned Hitler, let’s mention one more thing. Residents of lands conquered by German troops and soldiers on the battlefield most often encountered the Prussian war cross depicted on military equipment. At the same time, the Swastika belonged specifically to the party symbols of National Socialism and was much less common.

Having banned the ideology of National Socialism for all time, the court at the Nuremberg trials was quick to associate the Swastika with it. But the Prussian military cross was somehow mysteriously above suspicion. The same cross under which Germany fought with many countries is still depicted today on the military equipment of the Bundeswehr. One of the results of World War II was the ban on the Swastika. In contrast, the traditional symbolism of German militarism was not affected in any way. It's funny, isn't it?

The swastika has been widespread throughout the world at all times. Its fragments have been found on almost all continents and in all cultures. There are a huge number of examples of Swastikas in Rus'. She was present on all festive outfits, on belts, on weapons, on towels, on horse harnesses, in the form of amulets, on spinning wheels, on hats, on aprons, on mittens, on stockings, on a wide variety of embroideries. The image of the Swastika was also covered with house frames and national ornaments. Fragments of paintings in Kyiv, Chernigov, Novgorod, Volgoda and so on tell us this. The entire Hermitage in St. Petersburg is painted with Swastikas up and down: parquet floors, floors, patterns, vases, etc. (on the left in the photo). The swastika was on the coat of arms of the Romanov royal family (in the form of a spiral vortex on a shield).

The oldest archaeological objects with the Swastika date back to approximately 15,000-20,000 BC. X. Some researchers estimate the age of the Swastika even at 30 centuries. It was found on Aryan altars and burials, Harappan seals and weapons, Samarian bowls.

And we are told that the Swastika is a fascist sign. This is a lie, and a deliberate and blatant lie. The roots of the Swastika go deep into human history. In 1874, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann discovered images of the Swastika during excavations of Homer's Troy (detail shown in the photo on the left). He later traced the evolution of Swastika images in the civilizations of Mycenae, Babylon, Ashanti (Africa's Gold Coast), Gaza, Lapland, Paraguay and Asia Minor. In the Gallo-Roman period, the Swastika (Gammadion) was depicted on the altars of Druidic cults. In England and Scotland it is known as Fylfot (Fylfot).

On the territory of the Russian Plain, this sign first appears on bracelets and sculptural figurines made from mammoth ivory, discovered by scientists during excavations of the famous Mezinskaya site in the Chernigov region. These finds are at least 20 thousand years old. The Swastika sign became widespread during the Bronze Age.

So, among those who lived in the XV-XVII centuries BC. X. in the Volga-Oka region of the tribes of the Pozdnyakovsky culture, the Swastika is necessarily included in the ornament on the dishes. It is applied to the wall, bottom or inside of the dish.

In the summer of 1987, one of the oldest Aryan settlements in Russia (XVII-XVI centuries BC) was discovered in the south of the Chelyabinsk region. This city was named Arkaim after the nearby mountain. This city was built in the shape of a Swastika. The reconstruction of this city is shown in the picture on the right.

Arkaim refutes the outdated point of view, according to which 5-6 thousand years ago the Indo-Europeans, proto-Aryans did not have religion, statehood or crafts. Arkaim has been excavated by enthusiasts for several years now, but the media remains silent. They show all sorts of nonsense on TV. And not a single broadcast about this discovery. Moreover, projects for the construction of hydroelectric power stations in this area are already being created. Then the waters of the reservoir will forever flood the discovery of the 20th century. For now, the construction project has been postponed, but at the same time the excavations have been mothballed for 20 years. Arkaim was not even declared a nature reserve and was not taken under state protection as a unique monument of hoary antiquity.

Under the golden Kolovrat on a scarlet banner, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich marched against Constantinople, against the Khazars.

It is not at all by chance that Kolovrat was inscribed on the shields of Russian soldiers going to mortal combat. This determination was not caused by chance. The swastika is a powerful symbol that raises the spirit of a warrior to unprecedented heights. For thousands of years, our Forefathers successfully restrained all the devastating invasions: Greeks, Romans, Huns, Goths, Obra, Khazars, Polovtsians, Pechenegs, Byzantines. Arab travelers claimed that the Russians were invincible until they were infected with the plague of Judeo-Christianity.

It should be noted that the Swastika is not only a religious symbol. This symbol carries knowledge about the world order, about the forms of the world order. If you look through astronomical photographs of galaxies, you will clearly see that they are shaped like a Swastika. And our galaxy is shaped like a Swastika. But this form cannot be seen from Earth. The solar system is located in one of the Swastika arms, and the solar system itself lies in the plane of rotation of our galaxy. From Earth we see the Milky Way as a streak. The Milky Way is the edge of our galaxy. If we mentally transport ourselves to planets perpendicular to the plane of rotation of our galaxy (as if “towards the top”), then from there we will clearly see our galaxy as a Swastika.

The range of speculation regarding the Swastika is enormous. They say that Swastika is flowing water, air or the deity of air, flame or combustion, lightning, the female gender, the union of two sexes, the Sun in motion, flying cranes, the display of the Moon, the annual rotation of the constellation Ursa Major, the cardinal points, eternity, and so on. . In an effort to give this sign a comprehensive meaning, entire schools arose. But these points of view complement each other and are consistent with each other. But the most accurate explanation of the Swastika is cyclicality.

In our world, everything necessarily revolves around something. This rotation is cyclical. There are many levels and axes of rotation. The Earth rotates around itself every day - this is the daily cycle. The Earth makes a full revolution in its orbit around the Sun per year - this is an annual cycle divided into four seasons. Electrons rotate around their nuclei. The microworld is similar to the macrocosm.

“A straight line is contrary to Nature. In Nature, everything moves in circles. People who get lost in the snow walk and walk exactly in circles, as their footprints testify to this... Just like those who wander into the jungle of philosophy or other speculations, often come back to starting point... He came full circle and became himself again" (O'Henry).

The largest cycle known to people is the so-called precession of the earth's axis. The earth's axis, like the axis of a top, itself rotates slowly. A complete revolution occurs in approximately 26,000 years. During this time, the Sun passes through the zodiac circle through all 12 signs of the Zodiac. This cycle is divided into 12 smaller subcycles (zodiacal eras). Each Era lasts 2160 years (this period of time is called the Day of Svarog). This rotation causes the zodiacal constellations visible during the spring equinox in the North to slowly replace each other. In 2004, the fierce Era of Pisces ends and the favorable Era of Aquarius begins. The solar system itself revolves around the center of our galaxy. But a full revolution of rotation takes too long.

"About twelve spokes -

After all, it doesn’t wear out!

The wheel of the law turns across the sky"

(riddle from Rigveda, I, 164)

Microcosmos has similar forms of world order. Recently, scientists have discovered that the solar wind (radiation from the Sun) has a Swastika structure. In order not to complicate the work, we will not provide scientific information. This is written in detail in the magazine "Technique of Youth", 11/12, 1998 (Vladimir Plahotniuc, “Earthly and heavenly secrets of the solar swastika”). I send everyone there who wants to. Briefly, the conclusion is this: solar energy, which brings life to all living things, has the structure of the Swastika.

That is why The swastika is a symbol of the Sun, light and primary fire!

Relatively recently, scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, using special instruments, obtained a unique photograph of the Sun. It clearly shows eight vortex flows radially directed towards the solar disk and twisting into the right-hand Swastika. This is how documentary confirmation of the Slavs’ original idea of ​​the Sun was obtained, reflected in the oldest solar symbol - the eight-rayed Kolovrat. One can only admire the knowledge of the “wild” pagans.

Ancient people saw that the spiral is the life path of man and the entire Universe. Goethe spoke about Nature's desire for a spiral. The spiral is the most expressive and capacious reflection of the idea of ​​eternal rebirth, uniting the macrocosm and microcosm. The DNA strand is laid out spirally in the chromosome, and the star worlds spin spirally. A spiral exists where rotation and growth exist simultaneously. But what is rotation? Its origin and essence remain a mystery.

A vortex is one of the most mysterious phenomena of Nature. His spontaneous behavior, amazing concentration, the sharpness of the speed of changes in his jet streams and much more are inexplicable. Soviet geologist, academician D. N. Nalivkin admits: “What forces act inside the tornado, what are the causes of its destruction is unknown”.

The “inconsistent” behavior of the vortex, its amazing concentration, the sharpness of changes in the speed of its jet streams and much more leads thoughtful researchers to think with a mystical tinge.

A characteristic feature of tornadoes is a sharp limitation, a stable smooth surface, which distinguishes tornadoes from all other similar atmospheric formations. He alone has such stability. He remains himself as he moves through the formless air.

But why can an object stand out so strongly from the environment that gave birth to it? Why does the heterogeneity that has arisen become concentrated, developed and isolated? Here we enter the vicious circle of philosophical questions of cosmogony about the universe itself: how and why does the self-organization of the emerging heterogeneity occur, its orderliness grows (if, of course, the initial homogeneity is considered disorder, chaos)?

Ancient Chinese sage Qu Yuan wondered: “On what basis can one judge about the time when the Earth had not yet separated from the Sky? Who can look into the depths of the then chaos and how can one discern what was rotating in this cycle?”. Modern scientists are also racking their brains over the same question, trying to imagine those early eras of the existence of the Universe, when patterns of galactic spirals began to twist around barely noticeable irregularities formed in the environment of a prestellar gas cloud.

If we assume that in those pre-galactic times the Universe was a homogeneous nebula, distributed extremely evenly, then what forces contributed to the formation in this homogeneous medium of vortices that turned swirling clumps of gas into the embryonic cores of protogalaxies?

After all, matter itself is nothing more than the rotation of energy charges - spherical etheric tops. The vortex structure of matter was already seen by Anaximander and Heraclitus, Parmenides and Zeno. Studying the vortex, which constitutes the fundamental basis of matter, can shed light on the processes of concentration of cosmic matter in the form of the cores of galaxies, stars and planets. A harmonious vortex model of the formation of the Solar system was put forward by the Soviet academician N. Shilo.

The main thing about a vortex is that it rotates. But what causes it to spin? Modern mathematics is unable to describe the spontaneous generation of a vortex even in a “simpler” medium than air - incompressible water. The problem of the formation of the usual whirlpool that forms when liquid is drained through a hole in the bottom of a vessel has not yet been solved. The equations turned out to be too complicated. Too many different quantities are involved in them to “believe harmony with algebra.”

Natural, spontaneous rotation is inherent in both the Earth and all celestial bodies. Why is a ball the most perfect shape in Nature? Yes, because he is a child of rotation and can rotate. "Circular motion is the most perfect", - so taught Aristotle. The ball contains perfection. The perfection of the ball is in its simplicity and similarity to itself.

Nature is all-perfect. The highest beauty of Nature lies in its integrity and completeness. This is the beauty of a mature, complete existence in itself, in eternal rotation. One of the greatest thinkers, Giordano Bruno, spoke about the fact that Nature feels satisfaction from its own rotation.

In this rotation there is always a return to oneself, testifying to the eternity and non-aging of the Universe. In the language of science, this is also stated by the leading cosmologist of our time, Fred Hoyle.

What can we say about galactic eddies thousands of light years across? But astrophysicists believe that the fundamental property of all galaxies is their rotation. But where did it come from? What is the reason for this rotation? How does the process of cooling and contraction of a gas mass give it rotational motion? What makes the Earth spin around its axis like a top? Scientists will say: "centrifugal force". What causes it? Scientists will say: "rotation of the earth". This is where all the answers end.

In its manifestations, Nature is similar. It's all filled with whirlwinds. Life is impossible without them. The universe is a multitude of rotating spheres. Galaxies are collected in clusters. And those are collected in even larger clusters. The same force twists the snail's shell, the tendrils of the hop, and guides the round dances. Our ancestors loved to gather one summer evening on the outskirts of the village and dance the “Swastika” to the lingering chants. There was an analogue of the symbol in Russian dance culture - the “Kolovrat” dance. On the holiday of Perun, the Slavs led and still dance in circles around burning Swastikas laid out on the ground.

Microbiologists were able to photograph the process of adhesion (cell sticking together) necessary for the formation of an embryo. Adhesion molecules form structures, each branch of which is a protein chain. The image, enlarged 440 thousand times, showed clear outlines of three-ray and four-ray Swastikas. And in the microcosm, life begins with a creative vortex rotation. Even grief can be “twisted with a rope.”

CIRCUTION GENERATES LIFE IN THE WORLD. It is not for nothing that the Slavs considered the solar Kolovorot to be the most powerful amulet against ghouls.

Everywhere we can find a series of perfectly coordinated cycles, circles, and balls. They all repeat each other endlessly and are nested within one another. "What is below is like what is above" . This was known not only to Hermes-Trimegistos, the legendary priest of Atlantis. Take the Russian wooden Matryoshka (it came to us from Japan, by the way). The nesting dolls are nested inside each other, repeating the great in the small. But they express the idea of ​​the unity and similarity of the structure of the microcosm and the macrocosm. Nowadays this hidden meaning has been lost.

All pottery art is associated with rotation, and initially it was of a magical nature. The word “architect” means “potter” (from zad - clay). Hence the words: creation, building, creation. Ancient ceramic art still holds many secrets.

The power of a tornado is sometimes incredible. Can you immediately believe that tractors and tractors fly through the air, and a bus travels about 300 meters in the air? And this is exactly what happened in the Lithuanian town of Sirvintas on May 29, 1981. The whirlwind can lift much heavier objects. The 117-passenger car, lifted in Minnesota, weighed 80 tons.

A steel bridge across the river near the American city of Irving, weighing 108 tons and 75 meters long, was instantly torn off and twisted into such a dense ball that it completely disappeared in the water, although the depth of the river was at most 2 meters. The wind speed in the funnel of such powerful tornadoes exceeds the speed of sound, equal to 332 meters per second. It is difficult to imagine what fantastic forces are raging in these whirlwinds, if at 80 meters per second a bird’s feather in flight pierces a board 5 centimeters thick like a bullet. Where does a vortex closed on itself get such forces?

It is impossible to predict the appearance and nature of a tornado, which amazes with its wild surprises. The changes in air pressure in the vortex are so sharp that “you can’t imagine it on purpose.” They found chickens plucked on only one side.

Playfully, a tornado can sweep away a medieval fortress like a house of cards. But he can also, having destroyed a villa, move a buffet with dishes several hundred meters without breaking a single cup. Either he is content with removing wool from sheep, or he carries sand at such a speed that all clothing and skin are torn off people.

And what does the strange selectivity of the tornado indicate, leaving some objects untouched in the midst of destruction? There is a known case when a cowshed and a cow disappeared in a whirlwind, but the woman who was milking her in the barn remained sitting in place; next to her, as before, stood a bucket of milk.

Of course, tornadoes wreak havoc and are deadly. But even all taken together, they did not claim as many lives as the giant artificial FIRE TORONDO that soared over Hamburg on July 28, 1945 after the Americans covered the city with a “carpet of bombs.” It is believed that rising heated air masses can become a decisive factor for the formation of tornadoes. So many bombs were dropped on Hamburg that the city turned into a continuous pillar of fire. Trees burst out of the ground and flew through the air like burning torches. At an air temperature of 800-1000 degrees, people were charred from the outside, and if they inhaled the air, then from the inside. Reports said that the hot air rose 7 kilometers into the sky in a single stream.

Tens of thousands of civilians were burned alive in this Fiery Furnace. The same tornado was caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. There, the number of victims already numbered hundreds of thousands. This is the Real Holocaust! But those who shed crocodile tears over the mythical “gas chambers” don’t even mention this.

The image of a comet in the form of a Swastika from a Chinese atlas from the Han Dynasty (III-II centuries BC) is probably associated with the cosmic catastrophe that broke out on Earth during the Bronze Age. In the silk atlas, the comet is shown flat, and the four ends of the Swastika could indicate a long period of observation of the comet, which appeared in each of the four seasons. Scientists believe it is Komena Encke, which has a 3.3-year orbit and a spin axis that points sporadically toward Earth.

The most comfortable sleeping position for a person resembles the Swastika. In it, a person lies on his stomach, one arm is extended above his head, and one of the legs is bent at the knee. This way, complete relaxation of the body is achieved to accumulate strength. And if you look at the natural swirl of the hair of the head around the “quiet point”, you will see a spiral-shaped Swastika, twisted clockwise. Moreover, twins' hair curls in different directions. One to the left, the other to the right!

On May 26, 1999, the Moscow City Duma adopted a law "On administrative responsibility for the production, distribution and display of Nazi symbols on the territory of the city of Moscow". On July 14, 1999, a similar law was approved in the Moscow Regional Duma. And then on March 29, 2000 - in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. These resolutions are directed primarily against the Swastika. This is written in black and white. The basis is Article 6 of the Federal Law "On perpetuating the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

This is what the law sounds like. "In the Russian Federation, the use of Nazi symbols in any form is prohibited as it insults the multinational people and the memory of the victims suffered in the Great Patriotic War". What is striking first of all is that the Russian people who laid down their lives in this war are not mentioned at all. But that's not what we're talking about now. Particularly interesting is the vague phrase "in any form". Yes, such phrases are no better than biblical fools. Such dummies allow one to be held accountable for any reason that is most ridiculous. If we are guided by this article, then all films about the war should be banned, since there are Swastikas everywhere on German uniforms, banners, and buildings. All filmmakers will have to be held accountable for "use of Nazi symbols in any form".

The laws mentioned are, as always, half-hearted and leave a huge field for interpretation. Politicians write their laws in such a way that they can then interpret them the way priests interpret their bible. Nothing can be said here. If they had been accompanied by a SPECIFIC list of symbols of Nazi Germany, there would have been no dispute. But those Talmudists with hairy hands who now rule Russia do not prohibit Nazism, but rather the Swastika as such, identifying it ONLY with Nazism.

What is “Nazi symbolism” anyway? This definition can only fit LEFT-HANDED Swastika standing on the edge at an angle of 45 degrees, inscribed in a white circle on a red background. This is exactly the sign that was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany in the period from 1933 to 1945. This sign was inscribed in a white circle on the red flag. This is the symbolism of Hitler's Germany.

Since this sign is not given in this work, therefore, the law prohibiting Nazi symbols in this case does not work. If someone wants to ban the Swastika, which Hitler used, let them ban it alone, cross it out, cross it out, cover it up, and so on. To be even more precise, the Germans called the Swastika " Hakenkreuz". So ban it if you really want to, and at the same time ban the German name for Swastika.


And why don’t “our valiant (state) defenders,” fighting against Aryan signs, ban the five-pointed bastard Jewish star of Solomon? Isn’t it known that in Voronezh during the revolution, the communists burned it on the foreheads of prisoners with a hot iron? Isn’t it known that the power structures in Soviet Judea consisted, according to the most conservative estimates, of 85% Jews? Isn’t it known that the famine artificially caused by the Jews in 1922-1923 claimed the lives of 6 million people? Isn’t it known that the second wave of famine (also artificially caused) claimed the lives of another 7 million people? Isn’t it known that the first wave of Jewish terror of 1917-1923 claimed 1 million 550 thousand lives, including: 160 thousand academicians, professors, 1 million 300 thousand peasants and workers, 50 thousand officials, officers, manufacturers, traders, gendarmes . The best people of Russia were exterminated by the worst people under the red star of Solomon.

Don’t Russian rulers know that in 1923-1930 there was a second wave of KGB terror, which claimed 2 million lives? Don’t they know that in the third wave of KGB terror (1933-1937) 1 million 600 thousand people were killed? Don’t they know that the KGB terror in 1937-1947 cost the lives of 2 million 700 thousand people? Don’t they know that, according to the most conservative estimates, several million people (political prisoners) died in Soviet (Jewish) concentration camps? These are numbers and facts in which the Jews do not see “specifics”. So why isn't the Jewish Star of Solomon banned?

Let's ban the pentagonal star. Let's knock down the six-pointed stars from all the synagogues. Let's ban liquid communism. Let's ban Judaism as a criminal religion. Why is the Aryan Swastika banned? References to misunderstanding do not work here. The liquidocracy understands everything perfectly and, through its lackeys, controls people the way the liquidocracy wants it. Or maybe they don’t have time for such little things? Maybe not. But the Duma is discussing laws on polygamy and beekeeping! Of course, you can find time for this nonsense. And the face of the chief rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, flashing on television-Jewish, has already become thoroughly boring.

In Putin's law on the fight against extremism, lines about the prohibition of the Swastika appear again. This is what I would advise these “fighters”. Go to the National Hotel, which is located in Moscow on Tverskaya Street, building 1. This hotel has a swastika meander under the roof above the windows along the entire perimeter. You yourself can exit the Okhotny Ryad metro station and lift your head to the sky, taking a closer look at the roof of this hotel. Here it is, real Russian Fascism, which “our” “human rights activists” so persistently imagine. Scatter this hotel into pieces. This will be a real struggle. The very name of the hotel is already nationalistic. This is terrible! Either scatter it, or rename it “International”. Scatter the entire Hermitage in St. Petersburg brick by brick. It is filled with Swastikas up and down. And left-handed too. What to do with our galaxy, which has the shape of a Swastika? Let's unite and smash it!

Maybe the "n-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- with deputies of St. Petersburg and Moscow will take crowbars and pickaxes and go to destroy the Hermitage under the slogan of the fight against Hitler and Russian “fascism”? After all, this is in the spirit of the delusional laws “on anti-fascism” adopted by a bunch of lackey deputies from the State Duma. But as?


Hitler and his circle used arithmetic and Arabic numerals for their calculations. Well, let's ban arithmetic and Arabic numerals.

One of the cases of disgust towards Swastika is the regular (since 1995) cutting down of larches in the public sector of the forest near Zernikov (60 miles north of Berlin). Planted in 1938 by a local entrepreneur, the larches formed a yellow Swastika of needles among the evergreen pines every fall. The swastika of 57 larches covering an area of ​​360 square meters could only be seen from the air. In 1992, the question of felling arose, and the first trees were destroyed in 1995. By 2000, 25 of the 57 larches had been cut down. But the symbol can still be seen. Young shoots creep from the remaining roots. The pity here is caused by those people whose hatred of the Swastika has taken the form of collective psychosis. This is most characteristic of the Germans (which is understandable). In Germany, it is even dangerous to stick Swastikas on model aircraft from the Second World War. Article 1949 of the 1949 German Constitution prohibits all forms of flags, signs, parts of uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting used by the National Socialist parties (but five-pointed stars are not prohibited).

What was the “Swastika world” like before Hitler?

Here are some examples.

The swastika has long served as an organizing motif on the coats of arms of the European aristocrats von Thale of Brunswick, Chamberlain (circa 1394) and others.

After Finland gained independence, the Swastika entered the state heraldry of this country as a symbol of the sun's rays. A yellow Swastika within a blue equal-pointed cross forms the "freedom cross" in the upper left corner of the flag (1920). Honor chains on state awards are decorated with swastikas. In 1918-1945, the Swastika was used by the Suomi armed forces (including on tanks and airplanes). When the Swedish Baron von Rosen donated the first airplane to the Finnish army, Swastikas were placed on both wings as signs of happiness and good luck.

In February 1925, the Kuna Indians expelled the Panamanians from their territory and announced the creation of the independent Republic of Tula, whose banner was the Swastika. The swastika is also an ancient symbol and of the Indians in particular.

Until 1933, the writer Rudyard Kipling used the Swastika as a personal coat of arms. For him, she embodied strength, beauty, originality and insight. With the participation of Paul Klee, the Swastika became the emblem of the avant-garde artistic and architectural association Bauhaus.

The gold mining village five miles from Kirkland Lake (Ontario, USA) is called "Swastika". The swastika was often printed by E. Phillips and other postcard makers in the US and UK in the 1900s and 1910s. They called it nothing less than the “cross of happiness”, consisting of “four L": Love(Love), Light(light), Life(life and Luck(luck). Before the confrontation with Nazi Germany, American housewives often embroidered the Swastika. Jewelry was decorated with this symbol (for example, a Victorian brooch from 1911). And even poker chips U.S. Playing Card Company and brass buttons have this mark on them.

The swastika with a lily in the center was depicted on Boy Scout "appreciation badges" until 1940.

The sick L.N. Tolstoy in 1910 was captured lying on his bed and covered with a blanket with Swastikas (I don’t include photographs, since there is no longer room for them).

During World War I, the orange Swastika was sewn onto the shoulder chevrons of the US 45th Infantry Division. The swastika served as the emblem of at least three sports societies. For example, since 1916 - in the Edmonton women's hockey team. Girls' Club Girl's club"published the monthly "Swastika". A photograph of Jacqueline Bouvier, the future wife of American President John Kennedy, has been preserved. In this photograph she is standing in an "Indian" dress with a Swastika.

In 1995, an incident occurred in Glendale (California, USA). A small group of anti-fascist fanatics attempted to force city officials to replace 930 lamp posts installed between 1924 and 1926. The reason is this: the cast-iron pedestals are surrounded by an ornament of 17 Swastikas. The case was closed because the Local Historical Society documented that the swastika design was based on both classical art and local Navajo traditions. For them, the Swastika was a favorable sign.

In 1929, the Swastika Hotel was built in Raton (New Mexico, USA) with a corresponding sign on the roof. During the Second World War, the hotel was, of course, renamed. And this is just a small piece from the world of Swastika!

Let's digress from the topic. The idea of ​​“human rights” is very fashionable today. Well, WE will use it too. For your own purposes and in your own interests.

In in Article 18 recorded: "Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom to manifest his religion or belief, alone or in community with others, in public or private, in teaching, worship and observance.".

In Universal Declaration of Human Rights V article 19 recorded: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold those opinions without interference and freedom to seek, receive and COMMUNICATE information and ideas BY ANY media, regardless of frontiers.”.

Adopted and proclaimed by a resolution of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

If this is not enough, then you can bring article 29 from Constitution of Russia:

Paragraph 1: "To each freedom of thought and speech is guaranteed". And then there is the limitation.

Point 2: "Propaganda or agitation that incite social, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity is not permitted. Propaganda of social, racial, national, racial or linguistic superiority is prohibited". The funny thing is that the Jews fall into this category with their idea of ​​​​"God's chosenness." Guided by this article, it is necessary to prohibit Judaism and its branches: Christianity, communism and other Judaism.

Point 3: “No one can be forced to express or renounce their opinions and beliefs”. That's great.

Point 4: "Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit and disseminate information by any lawful means". No matter how bad and half-hearted the current Constitution is, we don’t have another one yet. You need to be able to use what you currently have.

Any signs and symbols are information. Under a right in international law WE have the right to distribute the Swastika and other ancient pagan symbols BY ANY means and methods. And those Jews who forbid doing this are criminals. Whether it’s Katz or Israel, all these and other “Russians” who oppose the Swastika are grossly violating all the norms of international law. And there is nothing else to expect from the Jews.

In the new Age of Aquarius, the Swastika will crush the Jewish stars of Solomon and David!

From the same Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights It also follows that any person can have any beliefs, including ANTI-JEWISH and ANTI-CHRISTIAN. And besides: everyone (including me) has the right to their FREE spreading ANY ways (including via the Internet). So, those who came up with the article 282 Criminal Code of Russia "On inciting national, racial and religious hatred" grossly contradict Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At one time, the Jewish mafia managed to sneak an article into the Criminal Code with the goal of legally prohibiting any criticism and information against their criminal acts. For the Jewish mafia, the law on anti-Semitism is the first law. That is, anyone who dared to write or tell the truth about the monstrous crimes of the Jewish mafia against humanity should, according to their plan, automatically go to prison with labels: anti-Semite, fascist, nationalist, racist, extremist and the like. This “great” Jewish law works very one-sidedly!

This gangster 282 Article 1 of the Russian Criminal Code introduces additional restrictions on freedom of speech, curtails human rights arising from Article 19 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those who are circumcised are still itching to trim something else.

Currently, the Jewish mafia has filed many cases under the article 282 Criminal Code of Russia on books and works of Russian nationalists. You can list them endlessly. “Terrible fascists,” I’ll tell you. Their “fascist” desire to protect their Russian people is creepy. The Jews themselves, as a rule, do not appear in the courts (because they are cowards), introducing their degenerate lackeys - the Shabes goyim, who are ready to tie their shoelaces. On July 17, 2002, it was said on TV that the oldest national patriotic newspaper "Russian Vedomosti" was closed and Victor Korchagin the license for this newspaper was taken away. Why was it closed? It's easy to guess why: "For anti-Semitism, for inciting ethnic hatred...", as one Jewish girl told us. Yes, these bastard “fighters against extremism” cannot become consistent and begin this “fight” with the destruction of their fucking Jewish newspapers and synagogues, where the brazen idea of ​​“God’s chosenness” is preached. And all I can do is wish Victor Korchagin revive your wonderful newspaper under a different guise. I hope that I will be as active at his age.

The current practice of the authorities is very selective. All Russian nationalists are persecuted to a greater or lesser extent for this reason. 282 article, but not a single Jew was prosecuted under this article. However, the Jews do not skimp on the filthiest insults to the Russian people and humiliation of Russian national dignity. "God's chosen ones" can do anything!

Today, Latvian dwarfs, led by real scum (Latvia is led by three pedophiles accused in parliament of molesting young children from Russia) are organizing SS marches through the streets of Riga. Veterans who fought against Germany are publicly beaten in the square. In Latvia, for example, half of the population does not have political rights, being “blacks,” that is, non-citizens. And everything is fine. No one is indignant that Vasily Makarovich Kononov was sentenced by a Riga court to 6 years in prison. He is accused of organizing and leading the Red Partisans special group of 18 people. He is accused of blowing up 16 German trains. From the materials of this shameful trial we can learn the following.

On May 27, 1944, partisans entered the village of Malye Bati and shot 6 men and 3 women who were allegedly “civilians.” However, it was clearly established that each of the “civilians” was armed with a rifle and two grenades. The court ignored that the group killed by the partisans was armed, received weapons directly from the SD, that the group was engaged in patrolling, and was in a house specially equipped for defense. And moreover, this group included the main perpetrators of the massacre of Major Chugunov’s reconnaissance group (in February 1944, 12 people were killed in the same village, 10 of them were burned by the Latvians with the support of the Germans). And the funny thing is that not a single fact was provided that Vasily Kononov was somehow connected with this group of partisans.

None of the witnesses interviewed testified against the veteran. And then the court used the testimony of a “witness” - the writer Kapitanov (he was not in court due to illness and complete loss of memory). Moreover, the court accepted his testimony without verification!

In the case of Vasily Kononov, there were only isolated protests. It is clear that the West took all this calmly. On the day of the trial, the United States rushed to conclude an agreement on joint control of airspace over the territories of these countries. This shameful trial served as a signal for the development of a number of other processes. As a result, WWII veterans well over 80 years of age were thrown into prison! In particular, a bedridden patient ended up in Latvian dungeons - a person who could not get out of bed. And all this obscurantism gained wide scope with the accession to the post of President of Latvia of a US citizen, a Jew, Vaira Vike-Freiberg.

Mockery of old people, solemn marches of the SS men of Latvia - all this is supported (and organized) by the ruling circles of the United States. The World Means of Mass Idiotization, under the control of the same abscess, either give distorted information on this matter, or are simply silent. There is no national humiliation, period! And in Russia “fascism” is rampant. All "Russians", yes "Russians", and like “fascism”, it’s definitely Russian. For some reason, they are in no hurry to call the activities of the Russian Rukh in relation to the 11 million Russians abandoned by the current “Russian” government “Ukrainian fascism.” These are the cheap Jewish means of stupefaction that all sorts of proshechkin Jews have adopted with their MATsamiya (Moscow Anti-Fascist Center) and others like him. And these idiots cannot understand that fascism is a purely Italian phenomenon. And it’s not as bad as all sorts of democrats try to imagine it to be. And what is happening to Russians in the former countries of the USSR (and in Russia too) must be called a mockery.

What does religious strife have to do with it? In the same Constitution in article 14 clearly stated: "RUSSIA IS A SECULAR STATE. No religion can be established as state or compulsory". SECULARITY! But in reality, how? Isn’t it Christian Orthodoxy-Jewish Christianity that rules as the state religion? Isn’t it true that Christian priests have a significant place on TV programs? And only to them. Watch a religious propaganda program with a demagogic title "Russian house", there are plenty of them there. Isn’t Christianity allowed to meddle in state affairs and in public schools, technical schools, and institutes? Yeltsin touchingly kissing Alexy II on Passover and the Putin government standing with glasses of wine in the KhHS - this is called a “secular state.” The Church everywhere and everywhere considers it its duty to interfere in everything. Even to places where, strictly speaking, no one invites them.

Why does the church so actively oppose Russian paganism and atheism, pouring slop on them? IN "The Law of God", published in 1995, states: “If there are individual convinced atheists, then they are rare exceptions, painful deviations from the norm.” (M. Bogoslovsky, “Time to collect stones”). Please note that everyone who is not a Christian is considered atheist. There are both atheists and pagans here. Is this not inciting interreligious hatred? Isn't this a humiliation for those who are indifferent to Christianity? In Russia, according to the most conservative estimates, 40% are atheists (and not 80% of the “Orthodox”, as the church brazenly lies, there are only 2%). Here are all the constitutions and laws that the priests wanted to spit on. The Church can do anything!

The enemy must be beaten with his own weapon. So, on April 14, 2000, the dirty, vile and most yellow Jewish newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” (Jew) published a dirty article entitled “Pig Souls and Carcasses,” in which Russian people were equated with pigs. This article says: "There is a lot in common between a Russian man and a pig". That's all. The newspaper with this article sold 2 million copies throughout Russia. Is this not 282 article? Several Russian nationalists wrote statements against this newspaper.

And what? Have you filed a case? They brought the half-baked editor of this newspaper, the Jew and homosexual Pavel Gusev (real name Drabkin) and his half-baked and half-killed Jewish editorial board to the prosecutor's office? They didn't do anything. Silence, complete silence. This is how laws work. If a Russian person openly criticizes Jewry, this is "inciting ethnic hatred" and immediate initiation of criminal proceedings. But if the Jews throw mud at Russians, this is legal, within the framework of the constitution “on freedom of the press”. This is what the Jews call “building a legal state.” This is how fluidocracy works. That's who the article was written for 282 Criminal Code of Russia. And it was written only for Russians. And for no one else.

Why are “our” official and ardent defenders of human rights and “patriots” silent? Why did they shut up completely? Yes, because they are all obedient waiters, raising a howl only when the liquidocracy needs it. Or obediently putting on muzzles when the Jewish democracy orders not to make noise, but to remain silent in a rag. But ordinary Russian people filed complaints and applications to the Presnenskaya, Moscow City, and General Prosecutor's Offices. But in the end the matter stalled. But the so-called “Russian elite” like Zhirinovsky didn’t say a word. The “patriot” Stanislav Govorukhin and all the other “patriots” of a similar rotten nature are silent.

Only degenerates who have no conscience can live in a country and at the same time write such nasty things about its indigenous people. Only the Jews and their corrupt lackeys and opportunists can talk like that. But keep in mind that they take Russians for brutes, meek and silent, meekly enduring all humiliations and insults. And the Russian people are protesting against Russian nationalists who are defending them. This is the extent to which people's brains are polluted today!

Speaking at a rally in Moscow in October 1997, General Albert Mikhailovich Makashov said: "It's time to drive all the Jews out of Russia!" ("Generals about Jews", magazine "Rusich", N-2, 2000). A brutal campaign of persecution was immediately launched against him.

Stanislav Govorukhin was one of the first to speak out against Makashov in the State Duma. This Govorukhin had previously pretended to be a Russian patriot and defender of Russia. And for some reason this “patriot” always kept silent when Russia and the Russian people were humiliated and slandered as best they could, and by whoever could. But this same defender of the “poor Jews” immediately reacted to the attempt to speak out against the Judocracy. And he started a booth of unprecedented power. He is strange, this “patriot”. At one time, another “God-chosen” singer, Joseph Kobzon, known for his connections with the mafia and personally with the criminal authority Yaponchik (Ivankovsky), pretended to be an “offended Jew”. And Makashov grumbled a little at Kobzon. And television-Jewish vision presented Makashov as a negative person, and Kobzon as “a humiliated and unfortunate victim of a bad anti-Semite.” Yes, Makashov is far from ideal. But since Kobzon doesn’t like the fact that he is called a “Jew’s face” when entering the Russian parliament (parHament), then this means fascism. And when the Russian people die out, having allowed the Jews onto their land, these are “democratic reforms”. That's the trick with definitions. After this incident, singer Kobzon squealed that he refused to sing in the State Duma. Offended, unfortunate one. What else should we call him, if the indigenous people of Russia were robbed by his fellow tribesmen, and he himself owns millions, received thanks to his obviously non-vocal abilities?

Let's return to the Swastika. The swastika is not the only Russian national symbol. It is simply the strongest and most important symbol. There are also runes, runic alphabets, where each rune has its own meaning. What is a rune? A rune is an angular symbol drawn on a smooth surface (wood, stone, bone, personal items). The rune is the process by which the fundamental potential of Nature is transmitted. The rune is a carrier of the hidden potential that lies within us. The rune shows a force that can manifest itself, but has not yet come into motion. Knowledge of runes reveals hidden energy in us. The ominous images associated with runes were invented by priests in order to scare people away from them and push them into their primitive Christianity. By banning their use, the church erased the ancient wisdom inherent in our ancestors. Now this knowledge is gradually resurfacing. The most recommended book on runes: Kenneth Meadows, "Runes Power"(ineptly translated into Russian as "Rune Magic"). The most NOT recommended book - Lisa Peschel, "Classical Runes", where the name “Jehovah” often slips through (well, what do you want from a Jewish author?), the emphasis is placed on the fact that runes are needed only for fortune telling (which is fundamentally wrong) and the circular arrangement of runes is completely closed (and this is the most important).

Rune SOL. The carrier of solar energy, which gives light and gives rise to life. Increasing energy levels, inspiration, giving strength to achieve a goal.

Rune TIR. The spirit of a warrior, the strength of striving for a goal. Associated with courage, focus, simplicity, honor and victory. She personifies the determination to achieve a goal at any cost, despite any obstacles. The spirit of a warrior is the potential of strength!

Rune HAGAL. Nature's potential. Associated with the rainbow, with the bridge between the visible and invisible world. This rune symbolizes the processes taking place in the invisible kingdom, where the structure of things that will become real is “drawn out”.

There are not one or two runic alphabets. In particular, Slavic runes, for example, he studies Anton Platov in the book "Slavic Runes".

The ideologists of the Third Reich were by no means fools. Hitler's Germany used the Swastika in its state symbols for a reason. The Germans perfectly understood the Jewish games of Christianity and communism and went far to the East, taking as a basis the most ancient pagan religions: Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Slavic paganism. Many ideas and symbols of paganism migrated to German Nazism. It turned out to be not fully thought out. And the saddest thing is that two Aryan, two white tribes - the Slavs and the Germans, who had the same Aryan origin from an Indo-European root, fought hand-to-hand. If it were not for the hatred of Hitler and his entourage towards the Russian people, the world would be different today.

A group of Tibetans and Hindus, experts in the Vedas, arrived in Berlin in 1924 and formed their own community. It was they, as well as Tibetans from the Munich community, who joined the SS troops. The SS uniform of the Tibetans had no insignia. They formed the external security of Hitler's headquarters. According to information, their status was very high. When in May 1945, Soviet troops fought on the outskirts of the Reich Chancellery, they were surprised that they came across the corpses of Asians - Tibetans. This was written about in the fifties, albeit briefly, and mentioned as a curiosity. The Tibetans fought to the last. They did not leave the wounded, they did not surrender. Not a single living Tibetan in SS uniform remains ("War according to the laws of meanness", p. 160a). Re-read this at least ten times, at least a hundred times. Do you understand everything? No interpretation required? In fact, the holy fool's teaching of the Jew Christ and the ancient Aryan solar symbol have no NOTHING IN COMMON.

Well, as for the Jewish synagogue churches, an unenviable fate awaits them. Sooner or later they will either be burned or blown up, or converted into something more useful. The second is much better and smarter. When (and if) real Russian nationalists come to power in Rus', they will convert all the churches into Monuments of Human Stupidity. Do we need some kind of “Vedic temples?” Man-made temples and idols are needed only for man-made “gods”. And the temple is always the same - Nature itself. Leave any ideas of building “Vedic temples” to the fools who look for some gods anywhere: in the sky, in man-made temples, in chock-shaped idols, but not in Nature itself. The ancient Slavs did not have images of deities and buildings where these deities “lived.” The Magi considered it incompatible with the greatness of spirits to represent them in human form and lock them in walls built by human hands. The natural sanctuaries of the Slavs were protected forests, birch groves and oak groves dedicated to the Patron Spirits. An episode from ancient Greece comes to mind. A friend asked Demonakt: "Let's go to the Temple of Asclepius and pray for my son". Demonakt replied: “You must think Asclepius is deaf, thinking that he will not hear us if we pray in the wrong place.”.

Finally, symbol language is the most integral and generalized language. One generalizing symbol can contain a huge block of information. Generalizing symbols are the fastest and most effective way to transfer knowledge at a global level of significance. Summarizing symbols are the highest level standards for measurement, understanding, evaluation and management.

But a spiritually and mentally developed person, who has a developed and more or less true knowledge base in his head, when assessing Hitler and Stalin, does not need to analyze all these details, but just look at their general symbols, understanding that symbols are one of the highest standards of measurement and evaluation

By the way, it was the Swastika that could become a symbol of the USSR. And the symbol of Germany could easily become a five-pointed star.

We already know that the Swastika was depicted on the first Soviet money during the civil war. It was found on the sleeve patches and flags of the Red Army soldiers of the South-Eastern Front. This emblem was recommended to the command in 1918 by V.I. Shorin, a former colonel of the tsarist army and an expert in the military traditions of the Slavs. He was shot by the NKVD in 1938.

And only in 1923, the Swastika, the pagan symbol of our ancestors - the Slavs and Scythians - was replaced by the red Jewish five-pointed star at the request of Leiba Trotsky.

In Germany, the German society "Thule" was the first to show interest in the Swastika ( Thule) in the early 20s. Hitler came from this order.

And not ever, namely after 1923 (that is, when Trotsky abolished the Swastika and introduced the five-pointed star), Hitler presented at the Nazi congress a draft party red banner with a black swastika inside a white circle.

There is, however, still doubtful evidence that previously the Thule society also considered a five-pointed star as a symbol.

Now imagine for a moment that the incredible happened, and that the Swastika would remain the symbol of the Red Army, and the star would become the emblem of National Socialist Germany. What would represent good and evil for us today? What would be the attitude towards the Swastika and the star?

Yes, in this World everything is clear only to those who either know little or know nothing. The more we learn, the wider we expand the range of our concepts, the more complex and ambiguous many things become.

The five-pointed star, which is practically never found in Russian culture, became the main symbol of the country after 1917. Its introduction into the state emblem ushered in an era of mass genocide, destruction of the traditions of the indigenous peoples of Russia, and, above all, the Russian people. When the Second World War began, it was important for the Soviets to discredit the Swastika by any means. And they were helped in this - who would have thought - by Christians.

When the need arose, the communists created their own “pocket” church in the interests of promoting the ideas they needed. The Christian assessment of the Swastika complemented the official propaganda. If the communists saw “misanthropy” in the Swastika, then the priests saw paganism. They saw in the Swastika a powerful blow to Christianity in particular. Hence the conclusion: “The swastika expresses a meaning alien to the Christian spirit.”

In his Easter message on April 2, 1942, the Exarch of the Baltic States, Metropolitan Sergius of Vilna and Lithuania, proclaimed: “The fascists, who had the audacity to recognize the pagan Swastika as their banner instead of the cross of Christ, will not win.”.

True, for some reason this metropolitan in his message does not mention how his beloved Christianity was destroyed in the USSR under the five-pointed star. And how the communists shot the priests. As in the first wave of communist terror, many thousands of priests were crushed, for whom this metropolitan, it seems, should stand to the death. Do you think he didn't know this? It's naive to think so. Yes, he knew everything perfectly well! It’s just that Christianity has produced and continues to produce opportunists with servile souls. Like, “we are all victims of the system.” And most likely this metropolitan is himself a native of the NKVD. It was very typical for Christian priests in the era of communism to simultaneously work for the NKVD/KGB and perform funeral services in the church.

And this metropolitan, correctly calling the Swastika pagan, for some reason does not talk about how Christianity in all countries has wrongfully accumulated this beautiful ancient symbol. There are countless examples of this. Moreover, with an unlimited number of photo illustrations (for example, Roman Bagdasarov "Swastika: a sacred symbol"). He does not say that before the revolution in seminaries they taught that the Swastika is "a type of Christian cross". In particular in "Manual on liturgics, or the science of Orthodox worship, for theological seminaries"(Tver, 1886) Swastika was named by Archimandrite Gavrila "gammatical cross". He is also not aware that on the holy rite in the St. Sophia Cathedral in the city of Kiev, in the oldest Christian church in Russia, built by Yaroslav the Wise (12th century), belts of alternating Swastikas and straight crosses are depicted. Do you think that the Metropolitan did not know all this? If he didn’t know, then he was a complete idiot (as in the Russian proverb "Look for the brave in prisons, look for the stupid in the priests" ). What if he knew?

The history of the relationship between Christianity and communism is a funny thing. If under communism Christianity played the role of an obedient puppet, now everything has changed roles. In today's Russia, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Zyuganov, is flirting with priests and standing on his hind legs (just read the correspondence between communists and priests). Zyuganov states that, IT TURNS OUT, Christianity “largely predetermined the features of “Russian” communism, which became for millions of citizens of the USSR a modernized version of the Christian FAITH in a bright future for all the righteous. Live in truth, love your neighbor (and “knock” on this neighbor just in case in the NKVD/KGB - SCh .), to fulfill other commandments that coincide with Christian ones, was taught to both communists and non-party members by the best, most of the former CPSU" . That's the whole "difference" between Christianity and communism. 1000 years of Christian stupor and 74 incomplete years of communist stupefaction have borne fruit.

But this is what is striking: there is truly no limit to the sycophancy of these two gangs - Christian priests and communists. They are ready to lick each other’s hind legs and sell and betray anything and anyone, cross all boundaries of decency, just to completely fool people’s heads. Zyuganov has been going to church more often lately, demonstrating outwardly all his “Orthodoxy,” which the partyocracy has been destroying for 70 years. For thinking people, this evokes a feeling of disgust in front of such brutalized bastards who are ready to do anything to raise their ratings. The Archpastor of the Archstadt, Alexy II, rides around in a limousine donated to him by the CPSU. It’s still more convenient to rave about your faith while looking out of the window of an expensive car. And indeed, if you are sitting well and have no worries in life, if your belly is full of food, why not talk about faith and God’s grace? It’s nice to catch the truth at your leisure, in the warmth, and without thinking about what awaits you tomorrow.

Through the efforts of the Jews, the Swastika turned into something terrible and disgusting. While various modifications of the Christian cross, carrying rivers and seas of human blood, evoke respect and admiration among people. The usual story. Peoples who, with the conviction of schizophrenics, abandon their national traditions and symbols, easily replacing them with foreign ones, cannot survive. Zionist world total propaganda instills in the mass consciousness contempt for the Swastika. And not at all because it prevents the revival of German Nazism. And because of fear of a resurgent Russia.

Before that Russia, which will be led by Russian people, in whose souls the ancient Aryan fire has not gone out!

Another traditional one
Russian embroidery

What is a swastika? Many will answer without hesitation - the fascists used the swastika symbol. Someone will say - this is an ancient Slavic amulet, and both will be right and wrong at the same time. How many legends and myths are there around this sign? They say that on the very shield that the Prophetic Oleg nailed to the doors of Constantinople, a swastika was depicted.

What is a swastika?

The swastika is an ancient symbol that appeared before our era and has a rich history. Many nations dispute each other's right to its invention. Images of swastikas were found in China and India. This is a very significant symbol. What does the swastika mean - creation, sun, prosperity. The translation of the word “swastika” from Sanskrit means a wish for good and good luck.

Swastika - origin of the symbol

The swastika symbol is a solar sign. The main meaning is movement. The earth moves around the sun, the four seasons constantly replace each other - it is easy to see that the main meaning of the symbol is not just movement, but the eternal movement of the universe. Some researchers declare the swastika to be a reflection of the eternal rotation of the galaxy. The swastika is a symbol of the sun, all ancient peoples have references to it: at excavations of Inca settlements, fabrics with the image of a swastika were found, it is on ancient Greek coins, even on the stone idols of Easter Island there are swastika signs.

The original drawing of the sun is a circle. Then, noticing the four-part picture of existence, people began to draw a cross with four rays to the circle. However, the picture turned out to be static - and the universe is eternally in dynamics, and then the ends of the rays bent - the cross turned out to be moving. These rays also symbolize four days of the year that were significant for our ancestors - the days of the summer/winter solstice, the spring and autumn equinox. These days determine the astronomical change of seasons and served as signs when to engage in farming, construction and other important matters for society.

Swastika left and right

We see how comprehensive this sign is. It is very difficult to explain in monosyllables what a swastika means. It is multifaceted and multi-valued, it is a sign of the fundamental principle of existence with all its manifestations, and among other things, the swastika is dynamic. It can rotate both right and left. Many people confuse and consider the direction where the ends of the rays point to be the side of rotation. It is not right. The side of rotation is determined by the bending angles. Let's compare it with a person's leg - the movement is directed where the bent knee is directed, and not the heel at all.

Left-handed swastika

There is a theory that says that clockwise rotation is the correct swastika, and counterclockwise is a bad, dark swastika, the opposite. However, this would be too banal - right and left, black and white. In nature, everything is justified - day gives way to night, summer - winter, there is no division into good and bad - everything that exists is needed for something. So it is with the swastika - there is no good or bad, there is left-handed and right-handed.

Left-handed swastika - rotates counterclockwise. This is the meaning of cleansing, restoration. Sometimes it is called the sign of destruction - in order to build something light, you need to destroy the old and dark. The swastika could be worn in left rotation; it was called the “Heavenly Cross” and was a symbol of clan unity, an offering to the one who wears it, the help of all the ancestors of the clan and the protection of heavenly forces. The left-sided swastika was considered a collective sign of the autumn sun.

Right-hand swastika

The right-hand swastika rotates clockwise and denotes the beginning of all things - birth, development. This is a symbol of the spring sun - creative energy. It was also called Novorodnik or the Solar Cross. It symbolized the power of the sun and the prosperity of the family. The sun sign and the swastika in this case are equal. It was believed that it gave the greatest power to priests. The prophetic Oleg, who was spoken of at the beginning, had the right to wear this sign on his shield, since he was in charge, that is, he knew the Ancient Wisdom. From these beliefs came theories proving the ancient Slavic origin of the swastika.

Slavic swastika

The left-sided and right-sided swastika of the Slavs is called – and Posolon. The swastika fills the Kolovrat with light, protects from darkness, Salting gives hard work and spiritual perseverance, the sign serves as a reminder that man was created for development. These names are only two of a large group of Slavic swastika signs. What they had in common were crosses with curved arms. There could be six or eight rays, they were bent both to the right and to the left, each sign had its own name and was responsible for a specific security function. The Slavs had 144 main swastika symbols. In addition to the above, the Slavs had:

  • Solstice;
  • England;
  • Svarozhich;
  • Wedding Party;
  • Perunov light;
  • Heavenly boar and many other types of variations based on the solar elements of the swastika.

Swastika of the Slavs and the Nazis - differences

Unlike the fascist one, the Slavs did not have strict canons in the depiction of this sign. There could be any number of rays, they could be broken at different angles, they could also be rounded. The symbol of the swastika among the Slavs is a greeting, a wish for good luck, while at the Nazi congress in 1923, Hitler convinced supporters that the swastika meant the fight against Jews and communists for the purity of blood and the superiority of the Aryan race. The fascist swastika has its own strict requirements. This and only this image is the German swastika:

  1. The ends of the cross should be bent to the right;
  2. All lines intersect strictly at an angle of 90°;
  3. The cross must be in a white circle on a red background.
  4. The correct word to say is not “swastika”, but Hakkenkreyz

Swastika in Christianity

In early Christianity, they often resorted to the image of the swastika. It was called the “gamma cross” because of its similarity with the Greek letter gamma. The swastika was used to disguise the cross during the times of persecution of Christians - Catacomb Christianity. The swastika or Gammadion was the main emblem of Christ until the end of the Middle Ages. Some experts draw a direct parallel between the Christian and swastika crosses, calling the latter a “whirling cross.”

The swastika was actively used in Orthodoxy before the revolution: as part of the ornament of priestly vestments, in icon painting, in frescoes that painted the walls of churches. However, there is also the exact opposite opinion - the gammadion is a broken cross, a pagan symbol that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Swastika in Buddhism

You can encounter a swastika wherever there are traces of Buddhist culture; it is the footprint of Buddha. The Buddhist swastika, or “manji,” denotes the versatility of the world order. The vertical line is opposed to the horizontal one, like the relationship between heaven and earth and the relationship between male and female. Turning the rays in one direction emphasizes the desire for kindness, gentleness, and in the opposite direction - for hardness and strength. This gives an understanding of the impossibility of the existence of force without compassion, and compassion without force, the denial of any one-sidedness as a violation of world harmony.

Indian swastika

The swastika is no less common in India. There are left- and right-handed swastikas. Rotation clockwise symbolizes the male energy “yin”, counter-clockwise - the female energy “yang”. Sometimes this sign denotes all the gods and goddesses in Hinduism, then, at the line of intersection of the rays, the sign “om” is added - a symbol of the fact that all gods have a common beginning.

  1. Right rotation: denotes the sun, its movement from east to west - the development of the universe.
  2. Left rotation represents the goddess Kali, magic, night - the folding of the universe.

Is the swastika prohibited?

The swastika was banned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Ignorance has given rise to a lot of myths, for example, that the swastika stands for four connected letters “G” - Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Goebbels. However, this version turned out to be completely untenable. Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Goebbels - not a single surname begins with this letter. There are known cases when the most valuable specimens containing images of swastikas in embroidery, on jewelry, ancient Slavic and early Christian amulets were confiscated and destroyed from museums.

Many European countries have laws that prohibit fascist symbols, but the principle of freedom of speech is almost undeniable. Each case of the use of Nazi symbols or swastikas has the appearance of a separate trial.

  1. In 2015, Roskomnazor allowed the use of swastika images without propaganda purposes.
  2. Germany has strict legislation regulating the depiction of swastikas. There are several court decisions banning or allowing images.
  3. France has passed a law banning the public display of Nazi symbols.
Encyclopedia of symbols Roshal Victoria Mikhailovna

Reverse swastika (right-handed)

Swastika on a Nazi war medal

The reverse (right-handed) swastika is a cross with the ends bent to the right. Rotation is considered to occur counterclockwise.

The reverse swastika is usually associated with the feminine principle. Sometimes it is associated with the launch of negative (physical) energies that block the passage to sublime powers of the spirit.

The Sumerian swastika, formed by four women and their hair, symbolizes the female generative force

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SV) by the author TSB

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