Literary music festival relevance. The role of the festival in shaping the creative activity of youth

I affirm:
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Charitable Foundation
"New Age"
N.V. Basalaeva


1. Relevance and positive aspects of the project.
2. General provisions (governing bodies, organizing committee, jury and partners).
3. Goals and objectives of the festival.
4. Conditions of participation and nomination of festival competitions.
5. Structure and timing of the festival (main stages).
6. Award fund, laureates and winners of competitions.
7. Criteria for evaluating competition works of authors and performers.
8. Information partners of the festival.


Think and act, feel and create, imagine and fantasize, acquire true ethical, moral and spiritual values... constantly and tirelessly work on yourself, continuously work on your own mistakes, certainly acquiring eternal human values ​​in order to become stronger, more necessary and better today, than yesterday, to change the world for the better tomorrow...
This is what the greatest of arts teaches us - Literature!
Due to the fact that the modern literary space of the city of Novosibirsk and the NSO there is clearly a need to support the creativity of young writers, both in terms of popularizing their activities in general, and in terms of publishing the best works of specific authors in particular... And also in order to create effective and effective tools that form among the country's youth a stable, conscious need to read literary works. Including works by our Novosibirsk authors from the youth community...
The New Century Charitable Foundation has established an annual regional literary and musical festival aimed at solving the above problems, which today are a sign of the times and a clear sign of a developed multinational democratic state occupying a leading position in the field of world culture and art.
The festival is called “Hope”!
In the name of the festival we see a multifaceted interweaving of the brilliant hopes of Authors and Creators for success and recognition, for society to understand their emotional experiences and thoughts, for high artistic results and the appreciation of their work by their contemporaries... It also contains the universal human concept of Hope, associated with an active life position, oriented to establish the “kingdom of love, freedom, justice and goodness.”
We were the organizers of the "HOPE" festival. We offered to support our initiative to organizations working in the field of culture and art and to participate in its organization and implementation - and our HOPES WERE JUSTIFIED!


2.1. FESTIVAL FOUNDER: New Century Charitable Foundation.

Charitable Foundation "New Century"
Novosibirsk branch of the Union of Writers of Russia
Novosibirsk Regional Youth Library

NOOO "Creativity"
Literary club "Pervosnezhnik"
Literary Association "Youth"
Association "League of Free Authors"
Siberian Foundation for the Perpetuation of the Memory of V. Vysotsky
Literary almanac "Sinilga"

2.4. FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: To organize, conduct the festival and sum up its results, an Organizing Committee is created, the main tasks of which are:
General management of the festival, summing up the results of the festival.
Consulting and methodological assistance to festival participants.
Collection, analysis, systematization and distribution of materials about the festival.
Formation of a jury to evaluate works and determine competition winners.
Organization and holding of the closing ceremony of the festival.

Composition of the organizing committee:
Basalaeva Angelina Anatolyevna- Chairman of the organizing committee
Zharkova Lyudmila Konstantinovna– artistic reading
Mann Tatyana Evgenevna– poetry and prose
Bocharov Vladimir Nikolaevich- original song

To evaluate the works of the contestants and the numbers performed by the participants of the competitions, a professional jury was formed from among well-known Novosibirsk authors, performers, cultural and artistic figures, consisting of: Nomination "Prose":
Shalin Anatoly Borisovich- chairman of the jury, chairman of the Novosibirsk writers' organization of the Union of Writers of Russia.
Nomination "Poetry":
Martyshev Evgeniy Fedorovich- Chairman of the nomination jury, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Nomination "Author's song":
Gordeev Timur Eduardovich– Chairman of the nomination jury, laureate of All-Russian, All-Union and international competitions, soloist of the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic.
Nomination "Fiction reading":
Lemeshonok Vladimir Evgenievich– Chairman of the nomination jury (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).

Olga Rakhvalova, Dmitry Bocharov, Marina Vdovik. Tel. 210-11-08


3.1. The purpose of the festival is to unite the efforts of the general public, residents of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, the business community of the region, public organizations, honored figures of culture, science and art, other personalities and organizations in solving problems of stimulating and supporting the creativity of Novosibirsk authors and performers, as well as in the matter of promoting literary creativity and performing arts, as the most important component of the spiritual health of the nation and the moral foundation of modern society.

3.2. Objectives of the festival:
develop and carry out a set of activities aimed at increasing the interest of authors in achieving the heights of writing. Hold festival competitions in 4 categories among authors and performers.
create an opportunity for self-realization and disclosure of the intellectual and creative potential of young authors.
identify and encourage the winners of festival competitions from the funds of the Festival Award Fund, and from other sources, and by other means.
contribute to the formation of reader interests aimed at reading modern literature of various genres - to involve the regional media and other resources in the issue of covering festival events and the creativity of festival participants.
organize and conduct a solemn ceremony of awarding competition winners and festival laureates, as well as a thematic event (gala concert), together with famous city performers of genres and forms of creativity corresponding to the festival. organize and hold a working meeting with representatives of the community of stakeholders on the further development of the festival, increasing the status of the festival and strengthening its capabilities, from among potential co-organizers, sponsors, and partners.


4.1. Residents of the Novosibirsk region and the city of Novosibirsk (including representatives of literary associations and creative groups) aged 14 to 40 can take part in the festival.

4.2. To participate in the festival competitions, a potential participant must fill out and send to the organizing committee by e-mail an Application for participation in the Nadezhda festival of the appropriate sample.

Application for participation in the festival "Nadezhda"

4.3. Applications for participation in festival competitions are accepted until May 31, 2015 by email.
Recipient address - e-mail: [email protected]
Please indicate the subject of the letter: APPLICATION_"Festival "Nadezhda".

4.4. To officially register as a participant in the competition, a potential participant must:

In the category "POETRY"
Provide the organizing committee with a selection of 3 to 10 poems in printed and/or electronic format.

In the category "PROSE"
Submit to the organizing committee in printed and/or electronic format either one completed work - a story, a story, or a fragment of a story and a brief summary of the plot of the story.
Each work must be signed (name and age of the author, nomination, title of the work).

In the category "Author's SONG"
Provide the organizing committee with the texts of at least two songs submitted for public performance and for judging by the competition jury for compliance with the festival format (by email or on CD/DVD media).
Providing submitted works in audio and video format is encouraged, but not required.
Each work must be signed (name and age of the author, nomination, title of the work).

In the category "Fiction READING"
/in the case of performing one’s own works/. Provide to the organizing committee for compliance with the festival format (by e-mail, or on CD/DVD media) texts of at least two, but no more than 3, submitted for public performance, and for judging by the jury of works and/or fragments of works (no more than 5 minutes of total time).

/in the case of performance of works by third-party authors/. Provide to the organizing committee for compliance with the festival format (by e-mail, or on CD/DVD media) the names of the authors, titles and texts of works, at least two, but no more than 3, declared for public performance, and for the competition jury (no more 5 minutes total time).

Providing submitted works in audio and video format is encouraged, but not required.
Each work must be signed (name and age of the author, nomination, title of the work).

4.5. If the conditions of clause 4.2, clause 4.3, clause 4.4 are met, and if the parameters of clause 4.1 are met. potential participants are considered registered competitors.

4.6. The competitor has the right to apply for participation in several nominations, but no more than 1 application in one of them.


5.1. LMF "Nadezhda" is held from October 10, 2014 to March 30, 2015 and consists of three main stages, each of which is an integral part of it:

STAGE II (April 2015)
Based on the results of the preliminary selection, 10 finalists are selected in each category and are admitted to the finals.
The winners of the final rounds are festival laureates and are awarded festival laureate diplomas.
Conducting the FINAL rounds of competitions in nominations, awarding the finalists of the competitions with Diplomas of Participants of the festival "Nadezhda - 2015"):

"Artistic READING":
Karaoke restaurant "Exupery", Airport str., 88
First ten days of April.
"Author's SONG"
Karaoke restaurant "Exupery", Airport str., 88
First ten days of April.
The works of the finalists in the "POETRY" and "PROSE" nominations are evaluated remotely by the jury, the names of the competition winners are announced on the "Nadezhda" festival page, on the website of the Novosibirsk Regional Youth Library no later than April 30, 2015.

STAGE III (April 2015)
Awarding the winners of the festival competitions, the closing ceremony of the LFF "Nadezhda-2015", a joint gala concert of festival participants and popular Novosibirsk performers):
Third ten days of April


6.2. The produced edition of the collection "Nadezhda-2015" is distributed among the winners of the festival competitions in all categories.

6.3. The winners of the qualifying rounds in all nominations are laureates of the festival competitions and are awarded Diplomas at the final meeting.

6.4. The winners of the final rounds in all categories are laureates of the festival and are awarded Diplomas and prizes at the Awards Ceremony.

7.1. Nomination "POETRY", "PROSE", "Author's SONG" (main criteria)
emotionality and depth of psychological impact, artistic expressiveness of creative techniques, the presence of vivid and accurate images and comparisons.
the relevance of the theme of the work and its artistic integrity.
the presence in the work of original creative findings, vivid images and other expressive means.
literary literacy and creative maturity of the author.

7.2. Nomination "Fiction READING"
the depth of mastery of the proposed circumstances and “immersion” in the material of the work.
emotionality and depth of psychological impact, artistic expressiveness of the performer’s creative techniques.
the performer has professional stage and speech skills.
compliance of the performer’s means of expression with the genre, style and ethical parameters of the work.
other parameters.

7.3. The winners of competitions in all categories are determined by summing up the points given by all members of the jury.


8.1. Information support is provided by the websites of project partners, websites of literary associations with links to the Festival and the city’s media.

8-952-902-30-31 - chairman of the org. Committee Basalaeva Angelina Anatolyevna
210-11-08; 8-951-914-44-81 - Mann Tatyana Evgenievna - prose and poetry
8-913-932-64-21 - Zharkova Lyudmila Konstantinovna – artistic reading
214-24-36 - Bocharov Vladimir Nikolaevich - author's song

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Relevance of the problem

In the modern world, saturated with information technology, interest in traditional forms of cultural acquaintance has sharply decreased: reading, mastering the rules and norms of the native language; cultural nihilism and disdain for cultural and historical heritage are manifested everywhere; there is a reassessment of values, a departure from spiritual and moral to material and pragmatic guidelines in life.

Hence the need to introduce the younger generation to the basics of Russian culture, part of which is the native language and native literature, which allows young people to realize their identity as a bearer of national culture, an exponent of the national mentality.

The educational process in our school is implemented through the activities of the Additional Pedagogical Support Service. The school library is also an integral part of this service. When organizing educational work with children, we strive to use modern pedagogical technologies, one of which is the “project method”. The “Literary and Musical Living Room” project is being implemented on the basis of the school library.

Literary and musical lounge– one of the forms of extracurricular work in the subjects “Reading” and “Russian Language”, “History”, “Fine Arts”, “Music”.

Goals and objectives literary and musical living room.

  • to form culturally responsive thinking of students based on the integration of knowledge acquired in the lessons of the Russian language, reading, history, music; analysis and synthesis of various works of art: literature, music, painting;
  • enriching the spiritual world of students, correcting their emotional sphere;
  • introducing students to independent reading;
  • development of reader interest;
  • developing in children an understanding of the features of the figurative language of works of literature, painting, and music;
  • development of students' creative abilities.

Main forms of work are activities that promote the diversified development of students, correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, correction of cognitive activity: poetry workshop, theatrical performance, thematic competitions, quizzes, vernissages, artist exhibitions, musical stories, themed evenings, meetings with interesting people.

The meetings of the literary and musical lounge held within the framework of the project contribute to:

  • enriching the spiritual world of students, correcting their emotional sphere;
  • introducing students to independent reading;
  • development of reader interest;
  • developing in children an understanding of the features of the figurative language of works of literature, painting, and music;
  • development of creative abilities of students with disabilities.

Areas of activity and forms of work.


Forms of work

Artistic word

1. Poetry workshop
2. Theatrical performance
3. Thematic competitions, quizzes
4. Evenings
5. Oral journals


1. Opening days
2. Artist exhibitions
3. Conversations about the work of artists
4. Quizzes

1. Music stories
2. Evenings


1. Gatherings
2. Carols
3. Folk festivities

Project participants: librarian, head of additional pedagogical support service, (educational work), music teacher; additional education teachers, art teacher, labor training teachers, Russian language, reading, history teachers.

Project monitoring

Criteria that determine the effectiveness of the project:

– participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities;
– degree of participation in ongoing events (quantitative and qualitative characteristics);
– quality of preparation of speeches;
– level of reading activity (visiting the library).

Information support for the project.

– publication of newsletters about the work of the literary and musical lounge (once every quarter);
– maintaining an artistic photo album (during the academic year);
– photo exhibitions (after the next meeting of the living room).

Thematic planning




Vernissage “The rowan tree lit up with a red cluster” (based on the works of S. Yesenin and M. Tsvetaeva)

Literary evening “How the heart can express itself” (evening dedicated to the poetry of A.S. Pushkin)

Theatrical performance "Christmas Carols"

“Literary opening day “Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia” based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

Evening-meeting “Children of the Wartime”

In preparation for each meeting of the literary and musical living room, the project leader (school librarian) carries out a huge amount of preparatory work: introducing children to the works of writers, poets, and artists; writing a script, assigning roles, rehearsals, individual lessons with each student to expressly present their role.

Work is underway to prepare costumes, necessary accessories, attributes, as well as decorating the living room. The children, under the guidance of labor training and fine arts teachers, sew costumes, make various bouquets, beads, bracelets, vases, birch bark products necessary to convey the spirit of a particular era. They learn songs, dances, works of Russian folk art: chants, nursery rhymes, ditties.

A large number of people are involved in the preparatory work: students, teachers, invited guests. Each meeting of the literary and musical lounge, in terms of the scale of the preparatory work, becomes a collective creative endeavor. Everyone is looking forward to it - teachers, students, spectators, and participants.

The children discover the world of creativity of poets, writers, artists, and musicians. At the same time, they are not passive contemplatives of the ongoing action, but active participants in events: they turn into heroes of literary works, into characters depicted in artists’ paintings.

Over the two years of implementation of the Literary and Musical Living Room project, certain results have emerged:

– a permanent creative team of students has been formed;
– the level of general culture of students has changed;
– students’ interest in literary expression has increased; music, painting;
– the level of reader activity has doubled.

Today, the library in our school is not only a continuation of the educational system, but also a place for children to communicate according to their interests. The guys come here to choose a book, draw, look through magazines, encyclopedias, books, and most importantly, they can’t wait to start working on a new performance, to feel like a performer of a new role.

“Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia” based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

“How the heart can express itself” (evening dedicated to the poetry of A.S. Pushkin)

youth culture, creative activity, festival, leisure, youth.


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of “youth culture” and its role in the continuity of generations. The author analyzes the importance of communications in the process of entertainment events as an aid in determining the social role and the formation of creative activity. Based on the study, a number of features have been established in organizing leisure time for young people and realizing the creative needs of this social group.

Article text:

Is it easy to be young? It hasn't been easy at all times. And now many new youth problems have arisen. But at the same time, youth is also a wonderful time, when energy is overflowing and you want to comprehend everything, learn about everything. We are already independent in many ways, but we are not yet concerned to the same extent as adults with problems of home, family, money, and health.

And in this unique period, we must have time to know, comprehend and do as much as possible. Any society, any culture is not indifferent to what choice an individual makes.

We can also say that youth are a necessary link in the relay of generations, a living connection between the past and the future. Although youth were not always considered as a special social group - a generation, the problem of conflict and continuity of generations constantly arose in society.

Back in the second half of the twentieth century, in connection with the construction of the so-called “technogenic civilization,” the phenomenon of youth culture arose. If previously the culture was not divided into youth and adults, everyone, regardless of age, sang the same songs, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, but now everything has changed. Serious differences appeared between “fathers” and “children” in value orientations, fashion, methods of communication, and often in lifestyle in general [Dragicevic-Sesic, Stojkovic 2000; 45].

Currently, the acute question has arisen about what modern culture should be like for the full development and formation of creative activity of young people.

According to A.D. Zharkov, human contacts in the process of entertainment events are especially positive for mutual influence since they occur in leisure conditions, in a relaxed atmosphere, when the most free nature of behavior is conducive to mutual understanding. Therefore, all types and forms of cultural and leisure activities are developed and improved on the basis of communication [Zharkov 1998; 67].

Currently, there are a large number of forms of leisure activities for young people. To solve this problem, we highlight such a form as a festival.

The festival is a mass celebration during which achievements in such areas as music, cinema, theater, pop and much more are demonstrated. Thanks to the festival, the need for social communication among young people, for public assessment of the work done, and for psychological relaxation is satisfied. Holding festivals has a significant impact on the cultural and leisure time of young people

[Mazaev 1978; 21].

We agree with A.D. Zharkov, speaking about the subjective side of communication during the festival, on the basis of which a person’s assessment of his role and place in a social group can be determined. This is directly related to a person’s comparison of his personal qualities and assessment of his social status [Zharkov 1998; 48].

It should be noted that the festival as a form of work with youth is quite relevant. After all, solving the problem of forming creative activity through this activity is an important task in organizing leisure time for this social group [Belousov 2006;25].

Thanks to festivals, the creative potential of young people is revealed and their mental and psychological state improves. And as a result, communication between people in a concert and festive atmosphere becomes a synthesis of various interests and emotional and aesthetic components. Of course, this is a complex and diverse process that promotes mutual understanding and empathy among individuals, where collective experiences are a factor in the effect of the greatest involvement in the events of the festival [Benifand 2006; 56].

The organizational aspects of holding festivals are mentioned by such authors as D.M. Genkin “Organization and methodology of artistic and mass work”, as well as in the textbook “Mass Holidays”; A.I. Chechetin “Fundamentals of Drama and Theater Concert”; O.I. Markov “Script and director’s foundations of the artistic and pedagogical activities of the club”; L.P. Sharapov and V.G. Kosyakov “Methodological recommendations to help organize mass events.”

As part of our research, we identified a number of features in organizing leisure time for young people through the festival.

In the program content of the festival, it is advisable to use methods and means of influencing all the senses of the participants. For example, the lighting, sound and artistic design of festival programs should be highlighted. This contributes, in our opinion, to the rapid inclusion of festival participants in the atmosphere of action [Bibartseva 1999; 45-48].

The relevance of studying youth leisure as a means of developing their creative activity is due to the fact that organizing leisure time for modern youth is one of the primary problems, since many of the needs of young people are realized in this area. Currently, leisure is an important factor that influences the process of creative development of an individual, including a young person. Since in this area young people can realize their individuality, in it they become free from professional and family responsibilities; in addition, within its framework, institutional pressure on the personality of a young person is weakened, which can lead to a change in values ​​and an inability to properly organize one’s free time. Therefore, in modern Russian society, in which there is instability of normative value systems, the problem of youth leisure and the development of their creative activity becomes particularly acute and requires study [Birzhenyuk 1999; 67-75]

In addition, leisure is one of the areas that determine the well-being of any person.

Along with the emergence of public interest in the concepts of “leisure” and “free time,” attention to the study of the concept of “youth” increased. Sociology emphasizes the importance of this age category due to the fact that it is a conductor of new ideas, initiatives, and acts as a bearer of the latest knowledge and creativity [Zimin 2006;29].

One of the first sociological definitions of the concept of “youth” in the late 1960s was formulated by sociologist V.T. Lisovsky: “Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring (and at a more mature age having already acquired) educational, professional and cultural functions and being prepared (prepared) by society for the acquisition and fulfillment of social roles. Depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for young people can range from 14 to 35 years” [Belova 2011; 55].

Important attributes of cultural leisure of modern youth are a high level of cultural and technical equipment, the use of modern leisure technologies and forms, methods, aesthetically rich space and a high artistic level of the creative leisure process [Ilyin 2008; 16].

The need for creativity is deeply characteristic of every person, and especially the young. It brings mental satisfaction and at the same time is a means of personal improvement and development. Many forms of leisure include elements of creativity, and the opportunity to create is not open to everyone, since some young people do not want or cannot fully reveal or realize themselves, however, at the genetic level, every person is capable of creativity.

The creative process is an attempt to convey one’s feelings through words, musical sounds, gestures, and facial expressions. As a result, life’s problems, merging with creativity, turn into images.

Thus, it was concluded that in the current political, economic and cultural state, such a social group of society as young people is looking for where and how to realize themselves in the creative aspect. It is the festival movement that can become this aspect and help young people develop not only spiritually, but also creatively. The above convincingly proves that the activities of organizing festivals play a huge role in this formation.


Belova A.S. Intercultural dialogue and spiritual and moral development of personality through the means of art // Pedagogy of Art (electronic journal), No. 4, 2011.

Belousov Ya.P. Holidays old and new. - Alma-Ata, 2006.

Benifand A.V. Holidays: essence, history, modernity. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006.

Bibartseva T.S. Educational and game training for specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. St. Petersburg, 1999.

Birzhenyuk G.M. Markov A.P. Fundamentals of regional cultural policy and the formation of cultural and leisure programs, St. Petersburg, 1999.-128P.

Dragicevic-Sesic M., Stojkovic B. Culture: management, animation, marketing. - Novosibirsk: Tigra, 2000.

Zharkov HELL. Technology of cultural and leisure activities. - M.: MGUK, 1998.

Zimin A. A. Holidays and rituals. – M.: Vekha, 2006.

Ilyin V.I. Everyday life and holiday. // Consumption as a discourse. – St. Petersburg: Intersocis, 2008.

Mazaev A.I.. Holiday as a social and artistic phenomenon: Experience of historical and theoretical research. – M.: Nauka, 1978. – p.21.

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of “youth culture” and its role in the succession of generations. The author analyzes the importance of communications in the course of recreational activities as an aid in determining the social roles and the formation of creative activity. Based on the study set a number of features in the organization of leisure of youth and the implementation of creative needs of this social group.

What a festival it is

This festival is already the third in a row. The popularity of the festival is growing and attracting more and more new groups and soloists. This year, thirty-five contestants took part in it, selected at a casting from seventy announced ensembles and performers. The level of the competitors is different: there are very strong teams, almost professional, and very weak ones, which are quite boring to listen to. That’s why the competition program was supposed to isolate grains of gold from the sea of ​​sand, and there were such. True, the main arbiter, the legend of Russian musical life Artemy Troitsky, whose voice should be decisive in separating the wheat from the chaff, this time was the “wedding general”.

A separate item in the festival program is the “Crafts Fair”, which this time took place on the territory of the Shushenskoye Museum-Reserve. There you could not only look at, but buy the products of master craftsmen (clay jugs, wooden dishes, wicker lace, pagan amulets, etc.), but also hit the anvil with a hammer in a blacksmith’s workshop or create a small one with your own hands using a potter masterpiece - clay pot.

The festival included a night of an ancient pagan ritual - ritual. Beating the tambourine, singing and dancing around the fire. For the first time, 7 sorcerers from Tyva, Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory are trying to bring themselves to ecstasy in order to drive away everything bad from the festival and the people at it. At its head is the powerful and formidable Ai-Churek Oyun, known from past festivals. This time she needed more strength and attracted helpers.

The ancient ritual impresses even non-skeptics. Thousands of people stand in a single circle. For the magic to happen, you need to touch your bodies and scream.

In the center of the circle, in addition to the fire, there is a sacred tree. The shamans tied it with ribbons and surrounded it with enchanted branches and cones. Before the ritual began, you could touch it and make a wish, you could stand longer.

The ritual this year was complex - both for security and for the weather and for luck. At first, the sorcerers were even against filming and photography. Kamlanie is a very intimate and energetically complex process. It develops according to its own laws and rules. Shamans never lose their rhythm and remember the ritual objects. The fire is sprinkled, the tambourines are raised and lowered. But in their state of altered consciousness, the shamans do not pay attention to the fact that by the middle of the ritual the circle of people around them becomes narrower, many, together with the sorcerers, enter a semi-trance. Many, on the contrary, are afraid to even approach. The ritual lasts about three hours. Few survive the ritual to the end. Because they don’t have a festival with their own god - music. Literally across the road from the shaman's clearing at the stadium, discos do not stop all night. There are DJ sets on the site until the early morning. The best bands and clubbers of the world from London, Moscow and other cities introduce the crowd with trance music. Instead of tambourines, there are completely different instruments here. eleven

“The braid is a girl’s beauty, stop dangling over your shoulders, it’s time to get out of the way.” Personally, I only knew the first part of this folk wisdom, but the whole meaning is lost. The braid was a girl's hairstyle, and as soon as the girl got married, the braids were hidden under a closed headdress called a kichka. Nadezhda Stepanovna, the director of the Children's Folk Center, came to the Sayan Ring ethnic music festival as part of the Pleten ensemble. She has been studying the life and clothing of the Slavs for a long time. She believes that it would be a good idea for us modern people to learn from our ancestors. After all, they lived in harmony with nature and even through clothing and everyday life they tried to protect themselves from evil forces and attract good ones to their side. Is it worth adopting Japanese or Indian wisdom, which are so popular with us today, if we have all this too? Nadezhda Nikolaevna finds many interesting differences in the culture of the Slavs and modern Russians. For example, “cuckold” for us means to change. And our ancestors wore horns boldly and even proudly. “The kittens of married women were often horned,” says Nadezhda Nikolaevna. “Unlike modern people, our ancestors perceived horns as a symbol of fertility. The woman walked around with horns until she could bear children.” Girls' hats were open, women's were closed. This is where the expression “goof off” comes from. No one should have seen the hair of a married woman. Russian women never cut their hair, and men never cut their beards. In general, an unemployed man was considered defective, all this is not news to us, after all, have you heard about Samson, whose hair was cut by Delilah, and as a result he lost his heroic strength? Like many other peoples, the Slavs believed that strength lies in hair. For example, the Khakass wore their hair and nails in an embroidered bag on their chest, just like the Khakas, the Russians had manists. This is an ornament that covers the neck. It was believed that the neck and chest were the most vulnerable places. Buddhist monks and Hare Krishnas think the same way. They all say out loud that there must be at least some kind of jewelry on the neck. It is believed that one can “get into the soul” through this vulnerable spot. But the Slavs not only tried to scare away bad energy, but also to attract good energy. Initially, red, the color of energy and strength, was worn on days of difficult work: the beginning of haymaking and sowing, only then this color became festive, since it already accompanied the end of the harvest. And during the period when the harvest was harvested, a wedding was held in Rus'. And young people were often dressed in red. We are often surprised by the customs of our ancestors, but we ourselves do not notice that sometimes we follow them. Let's take a pin and pin it on our clothes so that they don't jinx it. This year's innovation was the “city of craftsmen”. There you could not only buy various handicrafts (you could leave with purchases from previous festivals), but also see how these things come into being. And some masters even gave the audience the opportunity to participate in the process themselves. It was never empty near the potter's wheel. Everyone wanted to make a clay product with their own hands. Although in reality it turned out to be not entirely our own. Some tried to conquer the potter's wheel themselves - crookedly, but their own way, while others completely trusted an experienced master. 14

Vladlen Durov, a blacksmith from the Vissarion community, brought a wooden pavilion to the festival, with a furnace, an anvil and other equipment without which blacksmithing is impossible. Vladlen and his two assistants specialize in making axes from Damascus steel. It is famous for the intricate pattern that forms on its surface.

Just for such a pattern to appear, it is necessary to make multilayer metal, up to 250 layers, and then “open” it. Vladlen's ax blanks are even bought by workshops that manufacture collectible weapons. And Vladlen himself likes to hand over his products personally to the buyer in order to see what kind of person will use his ax.

Experiment time

Experimental groups make up a large part of the festival; there are plenty of them among both participants and guests. The Novosibirsk ensemble “Seventh Heaven” itself cannot decide what kind of intricate musical path it has chosen. “Our work does not use any folklore in its pure form, of course,” says the group’s vocalist Victoria Chekovaya. - There is a process of absorbing all the music that you hear, and then processing and creating something of your own. Most often, the motives of Russian music appear, simply because we ourselves, Russians.”

From tops to roots

And yet, the main value of the festival is the presence of authentic (that is, coming from the original source) music. Last year, the team “Kylysakh” became a real star, a discovery. He amazed everyone with the color of Yakut songs and playing the khamus. The team is very prepared, not only musically. The musicians’ well-developed style and demeanor - everything indicates that the band is ready to “export”. The success of Tuvan, Yakut, Khakass groups abroad is colossal. Stepanida, a member of the Ailanys ensemble from Abakan, says: “Khakassian culture is new. Not much is known about her in America. Khakass groups often go there on tour. But in our country we are practically unfamiliar with this culture. We traveled to twenty cities of Russia, and everywhere we were warmly greeted, but there are almost no people who know the work of Khakass groups well.”

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the new year the Grand Prix of the festival was won by a Khakass group that performs authentic music. The Khakass song and dance ensemble “Ugler” is not unique. He is, perhaps, recognized as simply the best among the Khakass groups, of which there are traditionally many on the Sayan Ring.

One of the most striking events of the fair was the master class of the ensemble “Pleten” - a collective of the Shushensky Museum-Reserve. The ensemble presented a wedding ceremony and traditional Russian wedding games, in which ancient objects and symbols were involved, and authentic songs were sung at the performance. Spectators were also involved in the “wedding” and games. During the show, the ensemble members used authentic items used in 19th-century wedding ceremonies, including a homemade towel and a whip that was used to whip the bride to protect her from the evil eye. The costumes of the team members are made according to sketches recreated from ethnographic samples. By the way, a professional choreographer works with the Pleten ensemble. The clothing, songs and dances of the group represent various directions of Russian tradition with a predominance of southern Russian motifs.

The festival's guest, the famous Mola Sila, performed improvisation in African traditions and European free-jazz. Propa Ghandi, a DJ from London, also performed. And in the evening, everyone on the banks of the Shush River celebrated Ivan Kupala Day. According to all the traditions: with throwing wreaths into the water, searching for a fern flower and jumping over a fire. For the festival this year, special equipment was purchased for the first time. 15

The festival ended with a traditional galo concert with awarding of diploma winners in nine categories. For this occasion, Governor Alexander Khloponin specially flew to Shushenskoye - his charitable foundation is the main financial partner for the organizers of the ethnic festival from year to year. Speaking before the start of the final hit parade, Alexander Gennadievich noted that the festival has good prospects in the future.

Relevance of the Sayan Ring festival

Siberia is one of the world's reserves, where a bouquet of ethnic traditions and cultures has been preserved in their original form. Art and traditions are what unites all the territories of the “Sayan Ring”: Taimyr, Buryatia, Khakassia, Tyva, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions into a single unique Siberia.

In people's lives, various social, psychological and other conflicts arise that cannot always be resolved. As they accumulate, they sometimes lead to a person’s psychological or social “breakdown.” Art and creativity allows you to internally resolve conflict and relieve psychological stress. Ethnic PR companies are needed in multi-ethnic regions. They create a communicative aspect and ensure the transfer of ethnocultural information between generations.

The Sayan Ring festival is an extravaganza of ethnic music. The authentic sound of folk instruments, a living voice, ceremonial and ritual chants - this is what attracts audiences from all over Siberia. Even chamber performers adapt to the festival format. Even Vartan Markos, the former Markosyan, spoke. His violin on the Sayan Ring amuses us with Russian folk music. On the festival stage there are bands from all over the world. There are Hungarians, Tuvans, Englishmen and even a guest from Senigal on the Sayan Ring. African Mola Sylla performs a duet with a St. Petersburg resident. And the black vocalist sings about love - as is customary in his homeland. “The Sayan Ring” is also a professional festival; thirty groups competed for the main prize, but the ensemble “Ugler” won the grand prize.

The songs and dances of peoples carry the deep energy of our ancestors through the centuries. By preserving and passing them on to subsequent generations, we seem to support the fire of multinational traditions in our common home called Earth. By studying the culture of peoples, we get to know each other better, which means we learn to be friends and become closer. Therefore, our festival has a peacekeeping mission. The Sayan Ring is an ethnic festival that should be cherished by all residents of Siberia. Even seasoned musicians are sure of this. Nothing like this can be found in Russia or abroad.