Regulations on the All-Russian art competition for young artists “Valley” of Aurora. Volley "Aurora" All-Russian art competition for young artists Volley of Aurora

On the initiative of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of National Culture and Art, the magazines “Museum” and “Russian Gallery - XXI Century”, as well as under the auspices of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, it is held in 2017 All-Russian art competition for young artists “Valley of the Aurora”. The competition is held in accordance with the order of the President of Russia V.V. Putin dated December 19, 2016 “On the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia.”

The competition is held as part of the National Prize in the field of contemporary fine and decorative arts “Russian Gallery - 21st Century”, which was established in 2008 by the Non-profit Foundation for the Promotion of National Culture and Art.

The All-Russian competition plans to collect the best works of children's creativity, reflecting the spirit and atmosphere of the events of 1917. The competition accepts works by young artists (from 7 to 16 years old), sent by parcels or parcels to the editorial office: 125040, Moscow, PO Box 1, Panorama LLC. Works are accepted until June 30, 2017.

The competition announces the following nominations: “The youngest participant in the competition”, “The most daring decision”, “The most dynamic composition”, “The Scarlet Banner of October”, “Portrait”, “Revolutionary pathos of the era”, “Spirit of the times, faces of history”, “Storm” Zimny", "And Lenin is so young", "Aurora's Salvo - the Epoch's Salvo", "Revolution and Children", "Your Time is Over."

The work of each participant in the All-Russian art competition for young artists “Valley of the Aurora” will be published in a special issue of the magazine “Russian Gallery - XXI Century”, which will be received by all participants of the competition. In addition, all participants in this project will receive honorary diplomas signed by the heads of the organizations that initiated the competition. The winners of all 12 nominations of the All-Russian art competition for young artists “Valley of the Aurora” will receive memorable gold, silver, bronze medals, as well as valuable prizes and gifts.

As a special prize, a patriotic trip of 36 young laureates to the hero city of St. Petersburg for the legendary cruiser Aurora".

It is planned to award educational institutions whose students are actively involved in creative work with diplomas signed by the head of the Communist Party faction and the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The following stages are planned within the framework of the competition: exhibition of the best works of the competition participants at the World Youth Festival in Sochi in October 2017, an exhibition of the best works and an award ceremony for the winners of the competition in the building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in November 2017, as well as holding a round table "Social policy today - lessons from October."

V.R. will be invited to the opening of the exhibition held in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, S.K. Shoigu, President of the Russian Geographical Society, O.Yu. Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, A.V. Kibovsky, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Culture, V.Yu. Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, heads of factions of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and other representatives of state and public structures.

We invite you to support the initiative to hold the All-Russian art competition for young artists “Aurora Salvo” and recommend that the young generation around you actively get involved in creative work!

General Director of the PANORAMA Publishing House,

President of the Academy of Education, Science,

culture and art

K. A. Moskalenko

Chairman of the Board of the Non-Profit Foundation

promoting the development of national culture and art

P. N. Sokolov

Message from the General Director of the PANORAMA Publishing House, President of the Academy of Education, Science, Culture and Art K. A. Moskalenko -

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1 Regulations on the All-Russian art competition for young artists “Aurora Salvo” 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Organizers and goals of the competition The All-Russian art competition of young artists “Volley of the Aurora” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is a socially significant project dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution and is an event aimed at implementing the order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated December 19, 2016 “On the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia.” The competition is aimed at increasing interest in the study of Russian history among children and youth and contributes to the formation of patriotic education among young citizens of the Russian Federation. The organizer of the Competition is the Non-profit Foundation for the Promotion of National Culture and Art. The competition is held under the patronage of the political party “Communist Party of the Russian Federation”. The general information partner is the PANORAMA Publishing House. The competition is held within the framework of the National Award in the field of contemporary fine and decorative arts of Russia “RUSSIAN GALLERY XXI CENTURY”. The information partners of the Competition are the magazines “Russian Gallery - XXI century” and “Museum”. Organizational support and financing of all stages of the Competition is provided by the Non-profit Fund for the Promotion of National Culture and Art. The organization and conduct of the Competition is based on the principles of universal accessibility, free personal development and freedom of creative expression of the participants of the Competition The competition is held throughout the Russian Federation in three stages: Stage 1 March-August Collection of works. Stage 2 September-October Work of the Competition Jury. Stage 3 November-December Exhibition of works and awarding of winners in the building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Goals of the competition: - Increasing interest in one of the most significant events in the history of Russia and preserving historical memory among the younger generation; - Support for talented young artists; - Patriotic education of children and youth; - Promotion of the study of history Objectives of the Competition: - Organization and conduct of the All-Russian art competition of young artists “Aurora Salvo”; - Organizing the work of a qualified Competition Jury to evaluate works

2 participants of the Competition; - Organization of information support for the Competition Subject and participants of the Competition The subject of the Competition is drawings by young artists dedicated to the 1917 revolution, reflecting the spirit and atmosphere of this event (hereinafter referred to as Works). Children aged 7 to 16 years, including students, can participate in the Competition children's art schools, general education and art schools and other institutions of additional education for children who presented their Works (hereinafter referred to as Participants) The following types of Works are accepted for the Competition: canvas, oil watercolor, graphics. The following types of materials are used: gouache, acrylic, oil, watercolor paints, pastels, colored and black graphite pencils. Works made in the form of collages and appliqués, as well as works that are fully or partially made using programs for graphic modeling and design are not accepted for the Competition. Drawings must be completed without the help of parents and teachers, and signed on the reverse side: last name, first name, age of the competitor, telephone number and full name. one of the parents (legal representatives), residential address and school (name) Works submitted to the Competition must be in a format of at least 420x580 mm When sending the Work to the Competition, one of the legal representatives of the Participant under 14 years of age fills out an Application for the Competition, in which agrees with the terms of the Competition specified in these Regulations, including consenting to: - to the possible placement of the Works on the Competition website - to the possible publication of the Works in electronic and printed versions of the media of the General information partner PANORAMA Publishing House; - to use the Work for the preparation of internal reports of the Organizer; - to exhibit the Works in the building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation at the exhibition of the Competition nominees; - to process personal data; - for the free transfer of Works as a gift to the Non-Profit Foundation for Promoting the Development of National Culture and Art Each Participant can submit no more than 2 (two) Works to the Competition. All subsequent Works for participation in the Competition are not allowed and will not be considered. The Organizer of the Competition reserves the right to refuse to accept Works for the Competition without giving reasons. The work will not be returned. 2. COMPETITION NOMINATIONS 2.1. The following nominations are established within the framework of the Competition:

3 Nomination Criteria for selecting the Winners 1 The youngest participant The work of the youngest participant on the topic of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 2 The most daring decision A work that embodies the most non-trivial artistic idea. 3 The most dynamic composition A work in which the composition, connection, combination of various parts into a single whole of the composition creates the most believable illusion of movement and tension. 4 Scarlet Banner of October Work, the compositional center of which is the scarlet banner of the revolution. 5 Portrait A work that displays the visual characteristics of a person or group of people who exist or have existed in reality. 6 Revolutionary pathos of the era 7 Spirit of the times, faces of history Works in the style of symbolism with pronounced features of understatement and ambiguity. Work in the form of a poster from the times of the revolution. 8 Storming of the Winter Palace A work that reflects the event of the storming of the Winter Palace. 9 And Lenin is so young 10 Aurora's Salvo Salvo of the Epoch A work depicting the young Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. A work depicting the cruiser Aurora during the revolution or at the moment the cruiser fired. 11 Revolution and children A work reflecting the plot scenes of the October Revolution, in the epicenter of which are children. 12 Your time is up! 3. COMPETITION AWARDS 3.1. As part of the Competition, the following awards are established: Work in which V.I. Lenin proclaims Soviet power. - honorary diplomas of Participants in the All-Russian Art Competition for Young Artists “Volley of the Aurora” (awarded to all participants of the Competition); - diplomas of the winners of the All-Russian Art Competition for Young Artists “Volley of Aurora”: first, second, third place (36 diplomas); - each of the 12 nominations provides medals for the winners of the All-Russian Art Competition for Young Artists “Volley of the Aurora”: gold, silver, bronze (36 medals); - publication of all works in a special issue of the magazine “Russian Gallery-xxi century”;

4 - educational organizations whose students take part in the Competition receive honorary diplomas; - a copy of a special issue of the magazine “Russian Gallery - 20th Century”; - gifts and prizes from Competition partners. 4. PROCEDURE, DATES AND PLACE FOR SUBMITTING WORKS FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE COMPETITION 4.1. The Participant sends the following competition materials to the Organizer by post: - application in the form of Appendix 1 to these Regulations (original with signature); - competition Work in the original The Competition accepts Works sent by mail to the address: , Moscow, PO Box 1, Panorama LLC (marked “Aurora Salvo Competition”) and strictly complying with the requirements set out in paragraph of this regulation The works of the Competition Participants must be received by the Organizer before 11:59 pm on August 15, 2017 inclusive. Works that do not meet the theme of the Competition or the requirements specified in clause 1.2. of this Regulation, participation in the Competition is not allowed and will not be considered. Works are accepted for the Competition only if there is an application for participation in the Competition signed by the legal representative of the Competition Participant or a Competition Participant who has reached the age of 14. 5. JURY OF THE COMPETITION 5.1. The Organizer of the Competition forms and approves the composition of the Jury from among the leading cultural figures of Russia working in the field of contemporary art, the editorial board of the magazines “Russian Gallery - 20th Century”, “Museum” and “House of Culture”. The composition of the Competition Jury is at least 5 people. The Jury evaluates submitted Works of the Competition Participants and determines the winners. 6. PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA FOR SELECTING THE WINNER AND PRIZES OF THE COMPETITION 6.1. The criteria for selecting the Winners of the Competition are compliance with the topic, materials used, execution technique and originality of the completed Works. Voting in the Competition nominations is carried out in the personal account of the Competition Jury on the website based on the works published on the website. Voting dates for the Expert Council will be published on the Competition website. Members of the Jury determine their choice of winners of the Competition based on the works submitted by the Participants of the Competition. The Organizing Committee first checks and prepares the necessary information about each work for voting by the Jury. When voting, members of the Jury evaluate the Works in points (from “1” to “10” points, where

5 the maximum number of points is “10”, the minimum number of points is “1”). The winner is the participant who scores the most points. The Organizing Committee sums up the voting results within the period that will be published on the Competition website. 7. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE COMPETITION 7.1. The results of the Competition must be summed up and announced no later than November 30, 2017. The results of the Competition and the works of the winners of the Competition are posted on the website of the General information partner PANORAMA Publishing House and in a special issue of the magazine “Russian Gallery - 20th Century”. 8. ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL ISSUES OF THE COMPETITION 8.1. Regulations, information about the Competition and the Works sent to the Competition are posted on the website of the General information partner of the Competition, PANORAMA Publishing House. Information about the Competition is sent out on behalf of its Organizer: - to children's and youth associations; - to general educational and artistic institutions. Participants of the Competition, determined by the Jury as winners, travel to the city of Moscow and back to the award ceremony at their own expense. Payment of all expenses associated with staying at the Award Ceremony of the Competition is made by the Participants themselves. State and public organizations, mass media information, institutions, creative unions can, at their own expense, establish special prizes for Competition Participants, which are awarded by the Jury with the consent and in accordance with the wishes of the founders. The Regulations can be changed by the organizers of the Competition without any special notice, the new version of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its posting on the Competition website, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Regulations. 9. AWARDING THE WINNERS OF THE COMPETITION 9.1. The presentation of Prizes to the winners of the Competition is carried out after summing up the results of the Competition. The works are demonstrated after the final selection by the Competition Jury at the exhibition of the Competition nominees within the period established by the Organizer. The exhibition of the best works and the presentation of Prizes to the winners is carried out in the building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

6 9.4. The dates and location of the Competition may be changed by the Organizer without any special notice. The most up-to-date information will be posted on the Competition website

The procedure for holding the children's drawing competition "I draw TVZ", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Tver Carriage Works 1. General provisions 1.1 The organizer of the Children's Drawing Competition (hereinafter referred to as -

Appendix 1 to the order of SECURITY HOLDING LLC dated 10.2017. REGULATIONS on holding the “Children's Drawing” competition under the patronage of SECURITY HOLDING LLC 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Competition "Children's drawing" (hereinafter

On the initiative of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of National Culture and Art, the magazines “Museum” and “Russian Gallery - XXI Century”, as well as under the auspices of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the assistance of the Moscow Regional Duma, the Moscow City Duma and the Moscow Government in 2017 All-Russian art competition for young artists “Valley of the Aurora”.

The competition is held in accordance with the order of the President of Russia V. Putin dated December 19, 2016 “On the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia.” The official sponsors and partners of the competition are the Publishing House "Panorama", PJSC "Aeroflot", FSUE "Russian Post", the theater company "Stage Entertainment", the chemical plant "Luch" and the Artistic Paints Factory "Nevskaya Palitra".

The competition is held as part of the National Prize in the field of contemporary fine and decorative arts “Russian Gallery - 21st Century”, which was established in 2008 by the Non-profit Foundation for the Promotion of National Culture and Art.

The All-Russian competition brought together more than three thousand works children's artistic creativity, reflecting the spirit and atmosphere of the events of 1917, which indicates the significant interest of the younger generation in the ideas of the Great October Socialist Revolution - the greatest event in all world history. In September 2017, the competition Jury voted, as a result of which 72 young winners were announced (in the junior group from 7 to 11 and in the senior group from 12 to 16 years).

In addition, on the initiative of the Moscow Regional Duma, Competition for young artists of the Moscow region “Valley of the Aurora”. An exhibition of works and a solemn award ceremony for 12 young winners of the competition from the Moscow region will be held in the Moscow Regional Duma.

The competition announces the following nominations: The youngest participant in the competition, The most daring decision, The most dynamic composition, The Scarlet Banner of October, Portrait, The revolutionary pathos of the era, The spirit of the times, the faces of history, The Assault of Winter Palace, And Lenin so young, Aurora's Volley - The Volley of the Epoch, Revolution and children, Revolution and modernity.

The work of each participant in the Aurora Salvo competition will be published in a special issue of the Russian Gallery - 21st Century magazine, which will be received by all competition participants. In addition, all participants in this project will receive honorary diplomas signed by the heads of the organizations that initiated the competition. 72 winners of all twelve nominations of the “Aurora Salvo” competition will receive memorable “Gold”, “Silver” or “Bronze” medals, as well as valuable prizes and gifts. As a special prize, an unforgettable trip for 72 young laureates to the legendary cruiser Aurora with a visit to the Museum of the History of the Obukhov Plant and the St. Petersburg Main Post Office is planned.

The following exhibitions of the best works of young artists are planned as part of the competition:

  1. Exhibition of works at the World Youth Festival in Sochi from October 14 to October 22, 2017;
  2. Exhibition of works in the Moscow City Duma from October 27 to November 7, 2017 and the opening ceremony of the exhibition October 30, 2017;
  3. Exhibition of works by the winners of the Moscow Region competition in the Moscow Regional Duma from October 30 to November 10, 2017, solemn ceremony of awarding laureates in the Moscow Regional Duma October 31, 2017;
  4. Exhibition of works of the All-Russian competition from November 7 to November 10, 2017 in the building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the opening ceremony of the exhibition November 7, 2017 The awards ceremony for the winners of the All-Russian competition in the Small Hall of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation November 14, 2017;
  5. Exhibition of works in the building of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from October 26, 2017 to November 3, 2017;
  6. Exhibition of works in the Tauride Palace (St. Petersburg) November 1-3, 2017;
  7. Exhibition of works at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in November-December 2017.

People will be invited to the opening of the exhibition held in the Moscow City Duma, the Moscow Regional Duma and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation I.Yu. Bryntsalov, Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, A.Yu. Vorobyov, Governor of the Moscow region, A.V. Shaposhnikov Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, V.R. Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, S.K. Shoigu, President of the Russian Geographical Society, O.Yu. Golodets, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, A.V. Kibovsky, Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Culture, V.Yu. Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, A.N. Kovalchuk Chairman of the All-Russian creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia", Z.K. Tsereteli sculptor, president of the Russian Academy of Arts, G.A. Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other leaders of factions of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and representatives of state and public structures.

The All-Russian art competition of young artists “Volley of the Aurora” will become a significant event among the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia, in addition, this is an excellent opportunity for young citizens of our country to reveal their artistic talents, combining them with knowledge of the history of our Fatherland.