Making money at bookmakers: less excitement, more composure. Desire to make quick money

Every person who is interested in sports and follows various competitions, sooner or later thinks about how to make money at a bookmaker.

Fans tend to make predictions about certain events, and if these predictions come true, they become confident that their knowledge and experience is enough to make money in bookmakers.

Knowledge of sports is good, but there wouldn’t be so many bookmakers if all fans successfully bet and received their winnings. Often, players in bookmakers face defeats because they approach the process too superficially. That is, they remain amateurs in this matter, not using all the opportunities for professional play from bookmakers.

Bookmakers have an advantage over bettors

The first thing you should leave in your mind forever is if you want to play bets and earn money, bookmakers have an advantage over players. It is the bookmakers who determine the rules of the game and draw up betting lines with such odds that they can be in the black no matter the outcome of the match. To do this, they do a lot of work analyzing statistical data, and also react to bets already placed on certain events.

You can earn money in a bookmaker only by doing the same painstaking analytical work with statistics. You can't do without the ability to quickly respond to movements in the odds in the lines. You must be very collected and attentive, be able to process a large amount of information in a short time. In addition, it is important to always keep your emotions under control, which will reduce the number of wrong decisions.

You need a strategy for playing in bookmakers

In addition to the factors listed above, your earnings largely depend on how correct the game strategy you choose. You must develop clear betting rules for yourself, which you will need to follow without exception, so that the strategy is effective over the long term. This approach disciplines the player, systematizes the forecasting process and allows you to minimize losses.

There are many strategies for making money at bookmakers, so it is not at all necessary to develop your own rules of the game; you can use a time-tested system .

In this case, it is better not to “reinvent the wheel”, but to modify existing methods to suit yourself.

There are many of them, including the Oscar Grind strategy, the Kelly criterion and others. But there are some that are simpler to understand and at the same time effective, which we will now discuss.


Flat- perhaps the most famous way to make money by controlling the game bank, reducing the likelihood of losses and optimizing winnings. The essence of this strategy is to bet the same size on each event. For beginners, it is recommended to place bets that do not exceed a few percent of the entire bank, that is, 200 rubles each with a bank of 10,000, for example. With good analytical work on choosing events for betting, this strategy allows you to receive a stable income, although it cannot be called very profitable. On the other hand, the chances of quickly losing all your money using this method are almost zero.

Percentage from the bank

Percentage from the bank or a slightly modernized flat - another popular way to make money at bookmakers. In this case, the bet size is recalculated after each event so that it is always equal to a certain percentage of the bank. For example, if you bet 100 rubles with a bank of 1000 on an event with odds of 2.0, if you win, the next bet will be 110, and if you lose, 90 rubles, that is, 10% of the bank.

Fixed profit rates

A little more difficult to understand is financial fixed income betting strategy. This method implies that you will select events with such odds and place bets of such size as to receive the same amount of winnings. For example, you can bet 2000 rubles with odds of 1.5 to make a profit of 1000 rubles. Or it could be a bet of 4000 rubles with a coefficient of 1.25, allowing you to get the same profit.

Sports betting gaming strategies

Many professional players also use gaming strategies. There are more of them than financial ones, and there are several of the most popular.

Martingale system

Martingale system which is also called the “catch-up” strategy, is based on increasing the bet amount until a win occurs that covers all previous losses. After this, the player returns to the original bet size.

If everything goes well, this strategy is one of the best for making money. But its main drawback is the high risk of loss. Even if you have an impressive bank, you can quickly lose all your money, because you need to place bets with odds of 2.0 or more, and their size is constantly increasing after losing the previous bet.

rice. 2 For the fork system, you need to play in many bookmakers at the same time


No less popular fork system, which is considered to be one of the main betting strategies among bookmakers for professional cappers. For this strategy, it is important to have accounts with many bookmakers, and they should have a fairly large amount of money.

How to make money using sure bets? It is necessary to find two-sided equally probable events, the odds for each of the outcomes of which will be greater than 2.0. It is clear that this is only possible in different bookmakers, and these are the odds that will be on the lines for a short time. Therefore, professionals use special programs to quickly search for such “arbs” - finding them on your own is quite difficult.


Corridor strategy, which involves simultaneous bets on a football match, for example, on total over 2.5 and total under 4.5. If there are 3 goals in the match, both bets will play out and you will get a solid profit, but if there is any other number of goals, one bet will still play out and you will not be at a big disadvantage. It is believed that this strategy is most effective for basketball events, since there the corridor can be “wider” due to the greater number of points scored by teams per game.

"Time Match"

Time match strategy, in which the player bets on one team winning both the first half and the match. Of course, for this it is necessary to correctly select the event and analyze the statistics of the team’s games, since it may have such a playing style that most victories are achieved after a break in the match, then it is better to bet on victory in the second half. In this method, both bets can pass, one of them, or there will be two losses. That is, in comparison with the “corridor” system, it is less safe.

Which popular strategies for making money from bookmakers are the least stable?

Express bets

Amateur players who do not yet know how to make money often choose an express betting strategy. They select many events with small odds, believing that these “hardware” will definitely pass. But the more events there are in an express bet, the less likely it is to be a winner. In such a strategy, failures quite often occur when an event ends contrary to all forecasts. Still, sport remains sport, and you cannot be 100% sure that the favorite will win.

Bets on a draw

Some players try to make money by following the strategy of betting on draws. Draws always come with good odds, more than 2.0, while there are teams that are very peaceful and draw more often than they win or lose. Accordingly, by betting on a peaceful outcome in their matches, you will remain in the black in the long run. But this strategy is also very unreliable, since it is quite difficult to catch the beginning of a long drawn series, and placing bets after it has already gained momentum is risky, because the series will end at any moment.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make money from bookmakers; you just need to evaluate your analytical and financial capabilities, decide on a game strategy and remember to control your emotions. Then income will definitely come to you!


Don't be fooled by the big money that you can get easily and without difficulty. If you have never bet before offices, then first learn to simply not lose. If you play for a month and do not break even, this means that the first step towards achieving the planned task has been completed. You should definitely familiarize yourself with the operating principles of bookmakers, know about all sorts of rules for accepting bets and transferring money with services, and also have a WebMoney electronic wallet.

You should definitely register with at least several bookmakers offices. Set goals for yourself, first thoroughly study the game you will bet money on. You must understand its laws, familiarize yourself in detail with its statistics regarding teams, players, tournaments - in general, keep all the necessary information in sight.

Don't forget that you must have a certain amount. The size of your winnings directly depends on how much you invest. You can place bets both in and . The minimum amount is $1. When you place bets, regardless of whether you win or lose, you are given special . Bonuses accumulate quickly and you can use them for various prizes, for example, a camera, a laptop, a video camera.

After analyzing all the information received, place your bets. They must be tactically correct. If you don’t know how to create a betting strategy, then consult with those who have been playing for a long time. Don't forget that you are the one who is interested in realizing your goals, so place your bets thoughtfully and meaningfully. Remember that taking care of your financial situation rests only with you. Calculate every move, collect more information about the game in which you are participating. Only in this case will you certainly achieve success in this field.

Video on the topic

Ordinary people not involved in the gambling business often do not quite understand the principle of operation of bookmakers. Why do organizations that accept bets on the outcome of events make a profit, how is the winning coefficient calculated, and are people being deceived?


A bookmaker is an organization that accepts bets on sports or other events. If the outcome of the event ends in the player’s favor, then he receives the winnings, otherwise the money remains in the office.

The main task of bookmakers is a thorough analysis of the upcoming sporting event, correct odds and identification of favorites. It turns out that the odds may differ in different offices. This gives players more opportunities to find a better deal for themselves.

The sum of the probabilities at a bookmaker will never be 100%. As a rule, it is about 115%. This 15% is the bookmaker's profit. It is already included in the coefficient from the very beginning.

Bookmakers use several ways to determine the probability of an event's outcome. Some of them are based on the mathematical theory of probability, on statistical indicators, and some on expert opinion. The combination of these methods helps the bookmaker achieve the most accurate predictions regarding a particular event.

Unfortunately, in the world of modern sports, match-fixing is not that uncommon. Only a limited number of people know the outcome of such an event in advance. Some sports teams are in cahoots with bookmakers. Knowing the outcome of the event in advance, the bookmaker calculates the odds in such a way that it makes a huge profit for itself.

Whether a novice bettor or a player who has already seen a lot, both one and the other wonder - how to make money from bookmakers. An important step in understanding the essence of making money on bets is the realization that this is also work. And until you understand this, it will be impossible to make money. If you think that you will bet for fun, that you will be lucky and make a fortune, then this is unlikely. Of course, this is possible, but unlikely.

Earnings from bookmakers is a whole science that, like others, requires special attention. In general, if you seriously decide to take up this matter, you will have to work a little.

There is a common belief that the bookmaker makes money on lost bets. However, this is not quite true. The fact is that along with those who lose, there are also those who win. Consequently, the bookmaker cannot take back the money that, for example, you lost, because he will have nothing to pay out the winnings with. All because of an initially incorrect opinion. It would be true to say that bookmakers make money not only on lost bets, but also on correctly set odds. This is where you can afford to bet for fun. For a bookmaker, this is a job. Consequently, qualified personnel are selected so as not to work in a burnout. The office’s specialists set the odds in such a way that the bookmaker, if possible, always remains in the black. The entire analytical department is working on this.

For example, let’s take the last match of the ¼ finals of the Europa League 2015. Wolfsburg hosted Napoli on their field. “Wolves” are simply virtuosic this season. Out of 27 games, we won 21. They practically didn’t lose, and showed an excellent game in every meeting. The odds for the victory of the German team in bookmakers were approximately 1.7. As for Napoli, their performance in the last part of the season was, frankly speaking, lousy. Nobody expected a good game from them. The odds for their victory were around 4. So what do you think? Napoli 4:1 disheveled the Wolves on a foreign field.

So, it is unlikely that the analytical departments of bookmakers did not predict this scenario. By placing low odds on Wolfsburg, they provoked a huge number of people to bet on the victory of this team. But what about the fact? The “wolves” are to that victory like crayfish are to the moon.

Every bettor must understand for himself that he can make money in this business only by understanding how bookmakers work.

The principle of operation of a bookmaker's office

Everyone is interested how does a bookmaker work, and they are doing absolutely the right thing. After all, this is where you need to start, if, of course, you are interested in victories and not defeats.

So, let's try to look at the work of a bookmaker using the example of a team sports game such as football.

Two teams take part in the game. The match can end in three different outcomes: team No. 1 wins, team No. 2 wins, and a draw. The bookmaker will set lower odds for the favorite of the match, and higher odds for the outsider. But he will start with something else - with the distribution of probability percentages. Only 100% available. They need to be divided into three possible options. So, we will do this too. Suppose that the analytical department of the bookmaker assumed that team No. 1 would win with a probability of 50%, team No. 2 – 40%, and that there would be a draw with only 10%. Let's derive the coefficients:

  • 1/0.5=2 – the odds for team No. 1 to win are 2
  • 1/0.4=2.5 – the odds for team No. 2 to win are 2.5
  • 1/0.1=10 – odds of a draw are 10

Here are the odds for the football event in question. However, if the bookmaker puts them out in a “pure” form, then his chance to earn money will be an unstable substance. That is why the bookmaker’s percentage or margin is superimposed on the odds, which makes the office’s earnings constant regardless of the circumstances. Thus, at the output we get the following coefficients:

  • Victory team No. 1 – 1.8
  • Victory team No. 2 – 2.3
  • Draw – 9.3

Bookmaker's profit

So, one of the questions that interests bettors along with the fact that how to make money from bookmakers, is, and how much does the bookmaker himself earn? That is, everyone is interested in the profit of the office. Let's try to find out.

So, let's convert everything we got in the previous section back into percentages:

  • Team No. 1 (1/1.8) – 55%
  • Team No. 2 (1/2.3) – 43%
  • Draw – 11%

What is the result? 55%+43%+11%=109%. That is, the bookmaker increased 9%. This means that he will receive them in any case, regardless of what the outcome will be.

Let us, purely theoretically, assume that bets totaling $100,000 were placed on this event. Therefore, the money was distributed as follows:

  • $50,000 was bet on team #1
  • For team No. 2 - $40,000
  • For a draw - $10,000

Please note that this is only if the bookmaker's analytical department has not failed.

Let's see what we got for each of the three possible outcomes:

  • If team No. 1 wins, then the bookmaker will need to pay 50,000 * 1.8 = $90,000. That is, $10,000 will be earned, not counting those bets that were past this outcome.
  • If team #2 wins, the bookmaker will pay 40,000*2.3= $92,000. Therefore, he will earn $8,000 + bets not on team #2 winning.
  • If there is a draw, the office will pay $93,000 and take the rest for itself.

Now, you know how and how much a bookmaker’s office earns. But you continue to be interested in the question how to make money on betting? Now we will look at this too.

A small digression. In this article, the word “totalizator” simply means placing bets at a bookmaker’s office. The point is that if you understand betting principle, it won’t be difficult, then answer the question – “ how to make money on betting", impossible. The betting consists, as a rule, of 15 seemingly randomly selected events. However, this is not at all true. Events for the betting are selected carefully. The bookmaker just needs to find those matches whose outcome only God knows. The probability of guessing such a large number of complex games is almost zero. However, history knows of cases when people won entire fortunes in sweepstakes. But we are not interested in how to win by chance. The question that is important to us is “How to make money on bets.” If then how does betting work?, okay, then let's move on to something more interesting.

Ways to make money at bookmakers

There are many ways to make good money at bookmakers. The main thing is to initially understand the following things for yourself:

  • You are at work, not in an entertainment center;
  • You cannot place a bet because it seems so to you, but there is not a single argument indicating this.
  • You cannot bet on your favorite team. A good bettor does not have favorite teams, he loves money.
  • You can’t bet on team #1 winning just because the odds are lower there. It's a bet on luck.
  • Temperance, tolerance and beneficence. You can't lose your entire bankroll. You can't try to win back. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Set it aside and try again later.

And now, in fact, the methods themselves.

Your forecast

If you are well versed in sports, then you can make your own forecasts for the upcoming event. For example, you love football and know all the teams from the English Premier League well. There is no need to spread your focus on other sports or tournaments. Take the English Premier League and bet only there. Why? After all, this is the only way you will be able to make a truly accurate forecast based on the following factors:

  • What composition will the team play in the upcoming match?
  • Which players have cards.
  • How many important players are injured?
  • Who is the transfer?
  • Who is the coach and how is his progress?
  • And so on.

If you use all this knowledge correctly, you can increase your earnings at bookmakers many times over.

What are the advantages of this method:

  1. There are no investments. The only thing you are putting on the line is the bet amount and the results of your analytical thinking.
  2. Perhaps this is one of the most reliable and reliable earnings on bets.

Buying forecasts or borrowing them

This method of earning money is the same as the previous one, with one difference: you do not make forecasts yourself, but simply buy them.

There are a lot of communities on the Internet in which people communicate with each other, share ideas and forecasts. Here there are groups of people who jointly try to create the most accurate forecast for a particular event.

There are also professional forecasters who will sell you a completely similar forecast for a certain amount. Its accuracy depends on the reliability of its source.

Also, there are pseudo-professionals who offer to buy supposedly working forecasts, but in reality it turns out that this is all a complete mess.

This method of earning money has disadvantages:

  1. You are spending money on a forecast, which you will still need to recoup with a bet.
  2. No one can guarantee the accuracy of the forecast. And those who guarantee are deceiving you.
  3. Unreliability.

Strategy game

By using betting strategies you can get a very good and stable earnings on betting. Here it is important to choose a working strategy and play on its terms, without stepping aside. There are actually a lot of working strategies and you can really make good money with their help, but there is one problem. This, in fact, is the disadvantage of this method of earning money. The fact is that if the bookmaker gets wind that you are acting according to the strategy, your account may be blocked. And due to the fact that the rules of any office contain approximately the following words: “the bookmaker reserves the right to close the client’s account without giving a reason,” it is unlikely that you will be able to present anything. In addition, the bookmaker will have a reason for closing your account, which he may even voice – “participation in prohibited fraudulent schemes.” Try it, prove that this is not so.

Bookmaker's sure bets

The site has been written more than once about what betting sure bets are, how to use them, where to use them, and how to look for them. Enter “betting sure bets” into the search on the website and read it if you are interested in this method of earning money.

It is believed that bookmaker sure bets are the most stable and reliable income for a bettor. The fact is that this is true. Bookmaker sure bets allow you to win money with 100% probability. But here the difficulty lies in something completely different:

  1. Search for bookmaker sure bets.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Small income.

Also, there are services that sell bookmaker sure bets. You shouldn’t discount them either.

Now, you have an idea of ​​how to make money in a bookmaker's office on sports betting. All that remains is to choose a good bookmaker, register and place your first and, possibly, lucky bet.

Good luck and see you soon.

Earnings, namely earnings, and not games, is a refined strategy for specific periods and odds. Only a loser will tell you how to make money on bets in bookmakers constantly, boldly and significantly, but there are certain developments even for beginners.

Statistical Basics

Before starting to work with trusted brokers, it is advisable to understand and verify that it is simply impossible to earn big money through luck. Yes, there are those who once successfully selected an impressive coefficient and turned several thousand into tens. However, absolutely everyone who earned money in this way returned their earnings (winnings) after some time to the same brokers. Then how to make money at bookmakers?

Earnings begin with the formation of a specific amount. Even if this is part of the monthly salary, you are allowed to take risks only on weak odds. The same sports betting allows this. Let's give an example: a coefficient of 1.2 works much more often than 3 or more. It is weak odds, consistency of actions and discipline that will all help turn a hobby into making money at bookmakers.

The norm for such workers is 10-12% of the total amount per month. Yes, 10 thousand rubles is of no use, but only risks. How to bet on sports in this case? Professionals calculate the size of the bet initially from their bank, and only then from the odds, hype and statistics.


A broker without a name often lures in with the best odds and lightning-fast service for depositing and withdrawing funds. But the systems work on the same principle, and there is no need to worry about the winnings not being transferred to your card (wallet). It is more important when registering to select the payment methods, odds and types of bets you need. It’s better to start with the Fonbet or Leon brand. Although, these are the same type of organizations.

To register, enter:

  1. Country, region and city.
  2. Actual name.
  3. Valid Email Address.
  4. Mobile number.
  5. Settlement currency.
  6. Date of birth.
  7. Password.

That's it, the system confirms the player and offers all popular services for transferring funds.

Most often used:

  1. Yandex money.
  2. KIWI.
  3. WebMoney.

It is much more convenient if you have a bank card registered in the system.

Bookmaker's website

First exciting moments

If, even with minimal funds (100 rubles), a player begins to get nervous, fuss to raise bets or behave inappropriately, then you can forget about making money on bets. It's better to try yourself in something else.
It is important to understand that everything will not be so smooth, because losing situations are inevitable from the very beginning. It's not just about intuition, predictions or online advice. It is important to plan an action plan in advance and follow it. This will be the basic strategy to place a bet with a bookmaker.
Then you can compile statistical data for certain periods. It is not necessary to apply scientific approaches or conduct remote research. Most likely, it will not be possible to make earnings on bets stable. However, it is possible to get a plus.

To create a bidding plan, you can rely on the following practical tips. Then it will be easier to place a bet at a bookmaker. Here they are:

  1. There are many types of bets. And it is advisable to choose certain, understandable sports for yourself in advance. Where you can count not only on the result, but also on halves, substitutions, penalties, corners, periods and much more.
  2. If a player is morally attached to a certain club or team, then you should not count on profit. After all, it only seems to us that the team is the best, invincible. The betting shop will not forgive such an approach.
  3. Betting on the outcome is the hardest part. It is not recommended to start with this, because even in 15 minutes everything can change dramatically. The broker counts on this kind of bets, so it attracts a newbie in advance with a good odds.
  4. Turn off the emotional background. Yes, it's very difficult. But for productive work, it is advisable not to act out. Everything that concerns emotions can be expensive. If the traction is huge, then you can develop a rule of two or three bets. This is when a series of unsuccessful games is interrupted by the refusal of such earnings for some period. Everyone's recovery period is different. For some, 30 minutes is enough, while others worry about trifles for a whole week.
  5. Sober work. We don't eat anything except food. Yes, some people prefer the intoxication during the betting process, but no one drinks at work. This also applies to bets in bookmakers.
  6. There will be no immediate income. This has been verified. Chasing excessive profits is not profitable.
  7. We only place a lot that we wouldn’t mind losing. Even if the situation is ideal at first glance, replaying or breaking your own rules is again unprofitable.
  8. We work only with our own money, we do not take credits or loans. We don’t borrow from loved ones.

Let's consider a number of strategies

There are already tested approaches to sports betting in bookmakers. It is better to study such a theory, rather than spend many months coming up with something similar - you will spend the last one. So here they are:

  1. Martingale. This is a recruiting system. In other words, “catch up.” A very extreme, specific strategy based on increasing the bet in the absence of a win. It is not difficult to guess that this is not for beginners, because it is very dangerous to increase the one-time bet during an unsuccessful series. Usually, an amount of at least 250 thousand rubles is prepared for martingale, but they start with a minimum lot.
  2. Fork. Or forks. Again, you need the optimal amount of funds, because everything is based on working with several brokers. The capper (aka player) must monitor the discrepancies in odds at the same event. Moreover, you need to find a difference of 2 units. This happens, but rarely. The systems are automated. And the “fork” must be looked for by programmed robots. We understand that this is not for a beginner.
  3. Corridor. One-time total bet on basketball matches. A strategy with a safety net, because they count on two coefficients, or more precisely on the difference in goals. Bet on "over" and "under". The coefficients are not lower than 2.5.

Strategies to get started

If you understand the sports at the level of sporting interest, then you can try yourself in express trains. This is a set of top matches, meetings and all other events related to sports. But the difficulty is this: express bets are made in bulk, that is, we place bets, a small amount of money, on exactly 12-15 events at one time. This is all done in advance, and, naturally, the forecasts are not always successful. Although it also happens that it works 100%, and with 50 rubles you can get several thousand percent.

How to make money on bookmaker bets easier? Draw. Yes, it’s a dubious approach with bets on a draw, but they always come with odds of 2.0. In Russian sports there are entire cohorts of teams that do not risk competing with each other. These are finds for the betting shop. If you take a closer look at this, you can make some money on bets.

How does the bookmaker see all this?

A kind of mediator is always hungry for young, hot and confident rich students. But in BC you can usually meet other characters who are not particularly lucky. No matter how things go, all visitors to the halls and sites have in common a passion for excitement, their favorite sport and easy money. That's why there are so many advertisements with tempting odds.

The majority of players come to a decision thoughtlessly, based on emotions. You need to be different from this kind of adventure, and this will not be interesting to the bookmaker. If there is no confidence in a short-term transaction, but at least 80-90%, then there is no point in risking free money.

Risks, adrenaline, the drug of despair - all this can be circumvented if you are prepared in advance to make a decision in your favor. The bookmaker needs a rash game, this is his income. Plus, for every hundred, these guys receive a small commission, lowering the actual coefficient. This is how bookmakers make money. On the simplest, most unprincipled beginners. To avoid falling into this category, it is advisable to study the mistakes of the majority.

Popular mistakes

How to make money on bookmaker bets or at least not lose? The most primitive, it is also the most complex:

  • Problems with discipline. In particular, wagering that exceeds all limits.
  • Crazy profit plans for the day. Fantasy in this craft is superfluous, and dreaming of a million a week is oh so harmful to health.
  • Forecasts. More precisely, the blurriness of this information. Some sites simply seek to increase traffic by luring to the resource all those who are trying to get moral support from false forecasters.
  • Bets on favorites.
  • Random impulses that turn into games. This often happens when a person has several winning bets in a row. Happiness from this overshadows the head, and it is impossible to organize a sober analysis.

About profit and alternative income

How much do they earn if they take this business seriously? It is not difficult to guess that average privateers have from 3% to the deposit per day. What is needed for this? Proven brokers, a polished strategy and the most important thing is a psychological attitude. With such a bouquet, profit itself will find the player.

How to make money at a bookmaker without investing your own money? A good approach for online commerce is a referral system. Trust me, leading brokers are doing well with this. To attract a new player with a constant flow of free cash, you only need to provide a registration link. It is placed anywhere, and whoever becomes a new player is already a referral. From this you can receive a small, but percentage, of course, for activity. There are no risks here, but the referral is obliged to:

  1. Participate in the game, leaving your balance in the red.
  2. To get paid well. Yes, that’s not bad, more than one hundred such invitees are needed.
  3. There are brokers that are not entirely decent in terms of withdrawing profits, because according to internal regulations they require several bets, and only then allow you to withdraw such easy money.
  4. With large amounts, problems may arise. Therefore, it is better to break the conclusions into several daily ones.

For those who think

When there is no opportunity to earn money on their own, they often give money to management. This is very easy to do, because there are many professionals under the abbreviation “capper”. No, you can give them money, but the disadvantages are:

  1. The risks are not on him. The capper takes up to 30% of the winnings, but if he loses, he will not return anything.
  2. Artificial account drawdowns. There is nothing stopping the trustee from making reverse bets to fill his pocket.
  3. There is no trust in information regarding forecasts. This is not shared, the information is sold.
  4. And it’s a shame to give away a good percentage of the profit.
  5. A capper who calls himself a professional would hardly begin to ingenuously help a person without experience. There is very little interest for this level.
  6. There is also no trust in strategies, reporting, or dubious schedules. When a person asks to be given money, then you need to think carefully about what this will entail and talk more specifically about the risks. Then everything will fall into place.

Let's sum it up

There is interesting, exciting work on the other side, for example, in the analytical departments of these bookmakers. Yes, it is not so intensive, but very profitable. Because most employees soon understand the whole system, and earnings on bets in bookmakers are already in their pocket with other levers. Nothing complicated, just no risk.

Without experience, perseverance and a good starting amount, you won’t be able to earn money every month. Yes, no one has yet canceled their luck, but only a few manage to hit the jackpot.

Today you will learn how to make money on sports betting, what methods and strategies for making money really work, and also where a beginner should start to earn their first money

Hello, dear readers. Congratulations - you found exactly what you were looking for! My name is Denis Kuderin, I am a player and expert of the online business magazine “HeaterBober.

Today I will tell you all I know about the recently popular direction of generating income - making money on bets!

Constant earnings on bookmaker bets are a very real prospect that does not require special financial investments. There are only a few conditions necessary to get started: desire, free time and a little patience.

So, let's find out how you can make money on bets with zero experience in this matter!

1. Earning money on bets - how much can a beginner actually earn?

Beginners often ask: “Is it possible to make money on bets and how much do ordinary people earn from this?”

Making money on bets is a high-risk investment, but this method of financial investment can bring much more profit than, say, a regular bank deposit. As for risk, it is present in any financial-related transactions.

Hence the first and largely defining rule of betting for beginners: you should only play at a bookmaker with free money - that is, money that you can spend without risking your own well-being.

You should not gamble with money borrowed or from the general family budget.

However, it’s also not worth starting with playing “small things”: in order to bet according to the strategy and count on at least a theoretical profit, the bankroll (the initial size of the game bank) must allow you to make at least 50 equal bets.

Let's try to figure out how to make money on bets, if not permanently, then at least periodically. How to make a bookmaker a source of income?

There are professional handicappers (people for whom betting is a full-time job). They are engaged in sports analytics and are well versed in mathematical aspects. Becoming a professional is not easy: first we need to understand how a bookmaker works and master the main rules of sports forecasting.

So, to start placing bets, the following conditions are required:

  • Constant access to the Internet;
  • Availability of several hours of free time daily;
  • Attentiveness and the ability to control your emotions (this is one of the most important points);
  • Initial capital (bankroll);
  • Interest in any sport.

Typically, beginners choose football, hockey or basketball. According to professionals, tennis is the most profitable for forecasting, but if this sport is not to your liking, then you can start with betting on football - this is the most popular sport in the whole world (except for the USA).

The real amount that a beginner can earn with minimal investment is 10% of the bank per month.

Of course, if you use risky strategies, you can actually earn the full 50%, but then the likelihood of the bank being completely drained inevitably increases.

Believe me, 10% is quite a decent figure, but stability can only be achieved if you follow certain rules and approach the business of sports forecasting soberly and rationally.

2. How bookmakers work

As practice shows, people of all ages try to make money on bets - from university students to retirees. All these people are united by a love of sports - mainly in the status of fans. Why not make your interest in sports competitions a source of regular income?

Bookmakers (BC) daily post hundreds of different offers for us, from which we have the right to choose any one. The player's advantage lies in his right to choose any bet. Ideally, each player should place only that bet, the confidence of which is close to 100%.

However, in practice, most bets are made thoughtlessly, in addition, a significant part of all bookmaker clients are amateurs who bet for their own pleasure.

You can approach sports betting from this point of view: bookmakers provide us with the opportunity to take risks and add adrenaline. And if with the money we win we sometimes manage to buy flowers for our wife and ice cream for our children, that’s already wonderful.

But if you are reading this text, then your goal is not only to have fun, but also to make a stable profit over the long term. To do this, the approach to betting must be strategic: playing for luck is not safe for capital.

A bookmaker's office is essentially an intermediary who takes a certain percentage for its services.

This percentage is called margin - it is thanks to the margin of probability of the outcome as a percentage of equally probable events offered by the bookmaker that will not be 50 to 50, but, say, 47 to 47.

Where did the 6 percent go, you ask? The answer is that they went to the bookmaker for intermediary services. This is not yet the most important source of income for a bookmaker.

Offices also make a profit by adjusting the ratio according to public opinion and financial flows. In other words, the bookmaker knows where the average player will bet money and artificially lowers the probability of this outcome, expressed in odds.

3. Step-by-step instructions for beginners on making money on bets

The system in sports betting is half the success.

For those who have never placed bets in a bookmaker, it would be a good idea to read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, you need to carefully read the bookmaker’s rules and understand the basic terms and concepts from the world of betting.
  2. Then you need to register with the bookmaker, create an electronic wallet (WebMoney, Neteller, YandexMoney) if you don’t already have one.
  3. The next step: replenishing the deposit - you place a certain amount into your account in the bookmaker.
  4. Select events and place a bet.
  5. Some advise saving all coupons – won and lost – in electronic form (this will protect the player from controversial situations in the future).

The main problem of playing via the Internet is the effect of drawing players in and turning them into gamblers. Placing bets online is very simple: just a few clicks, but large sums can transfer from your pocket to the bookmaker’s account.

Advice: do not keep too large amounts of money in your account and withdraw profits often if you have any.

4. Strategies for making money on bets

There are dozens of strategies that allow you to make money at a bookmaker. But for a beginner it will be enough to familiarize himself with the most reliable and profitable of them.

It should be understood that there are no win-win strategies, otherwise all the offices would have gone bankrupt long ago: there is only the opportunity to significantly increase the likelihood of obtaining long-term profits by betting according to a certain pattern.

Gaming Strategies

The most popular gaming strategies are:

  • Betting on undervalued events (Value Betting);
  • Bookmaker sure bets (arbitrage bets);
  • Classic pre-match analysis;
  • Live game;
  • Dogon.

The vast majority of players try to guess or predict the outcome of the game, without thinking about the financial effectiveness of their game in the long term. Most bookmaker players are so-called “forecasters” - they are interested not so much in money as in guessing the result.

There is also a fundamentally different category of players who, first of all, focus on odds and long-term profits. If such players see a bet that is profitable in the long term, they will definitely make it. If you constantly bet on the odds inflated by the bookmaker, then profit after a certain period of time is guaranteed.

This principle is called Value Betting (“value betting”) - that is, bets on events that are underestimated by the bookmaker.

This principle can be explained more clearly using the following example. Most players always bet on the conditional “Real Madrid”, not paying attention to the odds and rightly believing that this super club is in any case stronger than its rival. But the “settlers” do not take into account a specific match, but work for the future and bet against Real Madrid.

Since the odds for such an outcome are always very high, even a single misfire of a super club will bring more money than constant bets on the favorite.

Strategies such as “catch-up” and “arbs” are, in theory, win-win, but only in theory.

For such bets to be profitable, two conditions must be met:

  • The player must have an infinite gaming bank;
  • The bookmaker must allow him to bet any amount.

In practice, both conditions are unattainable for objective reasons. It’s still worth talking about these strategies, although we don’t advise beginners to practice them.

Catching up is a constant increase in the bet amount after each loss, which allows you to return the money with interest. Catching up is both a financial and gaming strategy. Let's say you bet on a draw for a certain team until this event happens, each time increasing the amount in such a way as to cover financial losses and make a profit.

A draw will definitely happen, but there is a certain danger: this can happen at a time when you no longer have money for the next bet.

Sure bets or arbitrage betting were once very popular, but now, when the odds offered by bookmakers are approximately the same everywhere, it is becoming increasingly difficult to play on the difference. In addition, the bookmakers themselves do not like “arbers” and can easily block their accounts, suspecting them of betting on arbitrage.

Financial Strategies

There are also many financial strategies:

  • Fixed profit;
  • Martingale strategy;
  • Kelly criterion;
  • Flat.

It is believed that beginners should try to bet approximately the same amounts. Playing with a strictly fixed amount over a long period of time is called “flat”. We will consider this strategy the most reliable and profitable. Moreover, after a long-term game, luck will clearly show whether the player has a gaming or mathematical advantage over the bookmaker.

5. Earning money on football bets

Not a single professional handicapper makes a profit thanks to intuition (intuition, luck, fortune). Of course, all sports forecasters need a certain amount of luck, but this quality is not a superpower, it is the result of experience and numerous mistakes. Yes, yes, for an intelligent person, mistakes are the best school.

In football, every fan considers himself an analyst, a predictor, an expert. This sport is unrivaled by bookmakers in terms of box office receipts. In no other sporting discipline are there so many “specialists” who know who, how, when and why will win. Almost all players come to place a bet in a bookmaker for the first time, and for many it remains the main sport.

Meanwhile, it is not enough just to understand football and have statistical information to be successful in betting. Even experienced players and coaches do not always predict the winners. Soccer is a very unpredictable sport, in which not the strongest opponent often wins.

This can be explained simply: the low performance of football games, the increased likelihood of refereeing errors and accidental goals.

To successfully bet on football you need to follow a number of simple but effective rules:

  • Never bet on your favorite team (you will definitely either overestimate or underestimate it);
  • Don’t bet on all football leagues in a row: just choose one or two that you are best at;
  • Try to avoid top matches (central matches of the tour, final matches): as a rule, the odds for such games are verified by bookmakers down to hundredths;
  • Control of emotions: the absence of excessive emotional reactions is a guarantee of stability.

And one more piece of advice: monitor the movement of odds, trying to bet at the most favorable value. For professionals, even tenths and hundredths matter.

6. Features of online betting

Today, most players place bets at bookmakers via the World Wide Web. It couldn't be easier to do this today.

Today, this powerful one provides a huge range of possibilities that will take your breath away!

The company offers sports fans and active fans a qualitatively new level of service, as well as a huge selection of various events.

Events on which you can bet include a wide variety of popular sports: football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, ice hockey, golf, boxing, etc.

The presence of analytical, statistical, related and other information, on the one hand, gives users certain advantages, but on the other hand, almost all factors that can and should be taken into account are taken into account by the bookmaker and included in the odds.

The advantage of a bookmaker over an ordinary player is obvious: the offices employ qualified analysts who employ expensive software and clear mathematical calculations.

The bookmaker receives his profit regardless of the outcome of the competition: this is due to the very mechanism of placing bets.

What remains for the player? All he has to do is choose, analyze, think and place bets strictly in accordance with his strategy and tactics. Invaluable assistance to handicappers is provided by software for working with arrays of statistical information, which can be purchased or downloaded for free on the Internet.

Special programs will help:

  • Calculate bet amounts;
  • Find the optimal offer in terms of odds among many bookmakers;
  • Maintain financial statistics of your own bets.

It is important not only to find the necessary information on the Internet, but also to be able to use it. Currently, it is possible to make a profit even from blogs, Twitter, and pages on social networks of athletes, especially those performing in individual sports.

7. Basic rules for making money on bets for beginners

To make money on sports betting, it is not enough to periodically guess the results of matches. It is necessary to constantly develop your abilities (both analytical and gaming) and follow the advice of professional handicappers.

Each successful player has his own rules for making money, but we can note some points that almost all winning players in the bookmaker agree with:

  1. Choosing the right bookmaker. A reliable online platform for playing is half the success. Serious players have accounts in several offices that do not limit limits and block successful players. I recommend