Speech development classes based on fairy tales. Summary of a lesson on speech development "chest of fairy tales"

Summary of a lesson on implementing elements of health-saving technologies "Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle" (senior preschool age)

1. Development of figurative movements;
2. consolidation of execution technique various types self-massage (by acting on a system of highly active points in various parts of the body, the stimulation of which has a preventive and developmental effect);
3. creating an environment of psychological comfort.
(Children stand in a circle on the rug)
- Guys, let's imagine that we are in a flowering meadow, and you are not children. and flowers. Want to be beautiful flower in the meadow? What kind of flower does Masha, Sasha, etc. want to be?
"On the lawn by the river
flowers gathered in a circle,
Yellow and blue, white and red -
How wonderful you are, how beautiful you are."
- The sun has not risen yet and our flowers are sleeping. Their eyes are closed, their heads are wrapped in petals. Breathe deeply. smoothly, calmly (children tilt their heads to the side, hands folded under their cheeks, eyes closed)
"The clear sun rose and brought warmth to the meadow"
- “Ding!” - the first ray of sun came out and affectionately stroked the head of the flower-Masha, the flower-Sasha (I stroke the children on the head).
- The flowers opened first one eye, then the other, looked down, left, right, up. The flowers closed their eyes from the bright sun (children open one eye, then the second, look down, left, right, up, close their eyes).
We opened our eyes wide and smiled at the sun. How happy the flowers are to the sun! (Children open their eyes wide and smile)
- The bells rang: (children - bells)
- Ding-ding-ding!
- They were answered by daisies (children - daisies)
- Tick-tock, tick-tock!
- What a wonderful flower carpet in our meadow!
The flowers began to wash themselves with dew: their cheeks, eyes, shoulders and chest (children stroke their cheeks, eyes, shoulders and chest in a circular motion)
- Look how clean and fresh everyone has become!
"Spring flowers are beautiful,
inhale their delicate aroma.
Take a calm, smooth breath,
As you exhale, say “Ah”! (children inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth, saying “Ah”)
And then the flowers looked at each other and all said together: “Hello, morning!”
They hugged each other and said hello: “Hello flower, Masha,” “Hello flower Sasha!” (children hug each other by the shoulders and say hello)
"But the sun set and the darkness deepened,
and until the morning my flower closed!” (Children close their eyes and clasp their heads in their hands)
- It’s time for us to turn into children: “One two three, here we are again!”
- Guys, did you like being flowers in the meadow? (children's answers) But summer will not come soon, today it is only in our imagination, and today there is snow outside the window.
- Aren’t you afraid of frost?
- "We are not afraid of frost
and we take care of ourselves,
No massage for colds
“We won’t go for a walk” (children perform acupressure facial massage)
Facial massage "White Miller":
"White, white miller, sat on the clouds (run fingers across forehead)
White flour fell from the bag (lightly tap your fingers on your cheeks)
Children rejoice, make koloboks (use your fingers to rub the wings of your nose)
the sleigh, skis and skates danced (use the middle and index fingers to massage the points in front and behind the ears)
(children take walnuts and massage their hands)
- One two three four five-
I need to stretch my fingers
Hey guys, have fun
Don't spare our fingers.
(remove nuts, take massage balls, stand on the mat)
- “We are funny guys.
We are preschool children.
To avoid yawning from boredom,
stood up and stretched our hands,
Let's stretch one first
and let’s proceed to the other one smoothly” (with a circular motion, massage the arms from the hand to the shoulder with the ball)
“And now look, we’ve reached the chest.
Let's massage it to glory:
top down. left - right" (chest massage is also done in a circular motion)
- “We substitute the children’s backs.
and we play with the backs -
We add health to the backs!
Roll here and there, and a little on the sides.
Don't be bored and don't be lazy,
moved to the lower back" (children massage the person in front)
"One or two, we're not too lazy,
exercise every day.
One and up, two and down,
repeating, don't be lazy"
- "Hey guys, don't yawn,
for foot massage you start,
So that your legs don't get tired,
so that they don't freeze in winter,
"One - two. Don't yawn, strengthen your legs too!"
"So come with us,
we'll do it ourselves.
To start the day cheerfully,
and we can keep up with everything" (the children massage their legs, then turn over on their stomachs, put a scarf under their heads, the children have their hands at their sides)
- Guys, the world we live in is very big. Today we will go far from our land, to the blue sea. And imagine that you are lying on the sand, by the blue sea, lower your eyelashes, close your eyes - relax calmly. Breathe evenly, deeply and easily. (calm music sounds, warm pebbles are placed on the palms of the children’s feet). The sea is wide and deep, there is no end in sight. The sun rises in the sea and sets in the sea, no one can reach the bottom of the sea. As soon as the breeze blows, the sea will ripple, waves will rise on the sea, one wave will overtake the other. But then the breeze died down, the sea calmed down, became calm, smooth, fish were swimming in the water. Fine!
“It’s good for us to rest, but it’s time to get up! And it’s time for you guys to return. You need to count to three and you will open your eyes: “one, two, three!” Here we are in kindergarten.
- Today you and I have visited many different places, let’s remember (with flowers in the meadow, on the seashore) Did you like it? You all tried really hard too! Well done!

Target: creating conditions for the successful socialization of the child; development of communicative, theatrical, aesthetic abilities; education of moral values.

Tasks: to cultivate a conscious attitude of children towards their health, to develop skills in effective interpersonal interaction of children with adults and peers, to develop the emotional and sensory sphere of a preschooler, memory, attention, speech.

Progress of activities:
We said to each other:
And it seemed like it became brighter outside.
With this word we wished everyone health!

Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other good health, i.e. health?
Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

Legend. “The gods lived on Mount Olympus...” http://inoskaz.com/index.php?s
- Do you feel healthy?
Let's remember what human health depends on?

— Food (Not all food is good for the stomach)
— Hygiene (Be friends with hygiene, value your health)
— Sports (sport will be beneficial and everyone will be healthy)
— Breathing (without breathing there is no life, without breathing the light fades)
- Mode
Bad habits
- Genes.....

But there are others no less important points that affect our health. I’ll now show you two excerpts from the cartoon, and you look carefully and tell me what else affects our health.

Showing an excerpt from the cartoon “Oh and Ah”
Try to show what “OH” was like (sad, grumpy, sorrowful, walked slowly, hunched over).
But “Ah” was cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, moved quickly, smiled and he had nothing to do with anything.

So, what else affects our health? (Mood)

You saw in the cartoon that sad, grumpy, Bad mood can even lead to illness, and good mood on the contrary, it helps to cope with any ailments.

Various events in our lives create our mood. Good events create a cheerful, joyful mood, while sad, perhaps even evil ones make us sad and sometimes angry.

Remember the simple truth,
That good is not expected from evil,
Only good deeds
They will lead you to health.

Tell me, has a situation ever happened to you when something upset, offended or made you angry?
What did you want to do at that moment?

Is it easy to control yourself in a fit of anger?

Let's try to come up with recipes that will help cope with anger, resentment, and bad mood.

Sometimes we are in a bad mood, in a fit of anger we greatly offend people close to us, we need to be able to forgive offenses, and this is easy to learn.
Do you want to see how the boy Petya learned?

Game - dramatization Roles: Presenter, Petya, grandmother, Seryozha; attributes: cap, scarf, baseball cap, car, cup of milk, cookies.

While our artists are getting ready, the observant ones, of course, remember what kind of scarf grandma will have.
-Is it blue? What color?
-Are the flowers on it large or small?

Physical exercise with a scarf to music.
1-toss the handkerchief - catch
2-toss with one hand and catch with the other
3- take the scarf by the edges and perform tilts
4-take from behind and try to lift
5-gather the scarf into a fist
6-pass the handkerchief from hand to hand under the knee.
The artists are probably already ready, it’s time to invite them.

Scene text via linkhttp://christianpoemsforchildren.blogspot.ru/2011/11/blog-post_1611.html

It is very important to be able to cope with anger and anger.
I suggest you make anger, open the plasticine, see what color anger can be. How do you think?

Tell me, does anger help communicate with people, other children? Does it make us healthier?

In order for malice not to pursue any of us, we must destroy the malice. Let's smear it on a piece of paper, which color is more suitable for anger - white or gray? (Smear)

Kindness works wonders.
Kindness makes the weak strong
And strong, generous.
And your health is stronger.

If you look at the sheet again, what did we get, what does it look like?
- To the ground.

And the earth gives birth to only the kindest and most beautiful things. And now the first good shoots are already appearing (completing the drawing of stems and leaves with a green marker) on which ... flowers ... of kindness will soon bloom.

We need to revive the buds, and for this your couple must agree and color their buds the same way.

Work in pairs (glue the buds)
What a wonderful flower meadow we have created. Looking at her, my heart is even more filled with kindness. I am always pleased when you do good deeds and are in a good mood. Good guys are healthy guys. And I know that's exactly what you are.

Game with balls. A large piece of light fabric, around the perimeter of which children stand, holding the edges, and balloons are placed in the center. Children simultaneously launch balls with a wave of their hands and catch them with a cloth.
I want to wish you good luck in life,
So that joy always walks with you,
So that health, fun and happiness to boot
were always with you - and away from trouble.
Lesson notes for the preparatory and senior groups.

Title: Summary of a lesson on health conservation and valeology for older preschoolers in kindergarten “Our health is in our hands”
Nomination: Kindergarten, preparatory group, senior group, Lesson notes, GCD, valeology, health care

Position: higher education teacher qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 20 "Rosinka" combined type"
Location: Berezovsky city, Kemerovo region

Abstract of GCD

on health care

V middle group.

On the topic: Secrets of healthy eating

Target: To encourage children to take care of their health first and foremost through proper nutrition.


Clarify children's knowledge about the time period for eating.

Practice the ability to separate foods into healthy and unhealthy.

To consolidate knowledge about the presence of vitamins and the benefits of vegetables, fruits and food products.

Cultivate a desire to eat healthy foods.

Equipment: Presentation “Bread is the head of everything”, crossword puzzle, pictures with food, vegetables, fruits

Organizing time

Educator: Hello guys! I am again glad to see you today beautiful, smart, and most importantly - healthy! You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health because you said: Hello! I wish you good health!

Educator: He also came to visit us today lunar guest Who do you think this is?

Children: Luntik

Luntik: Hello guys, I was born!

And immediately fell from the moon...

I was your guest,

And now I’m already hungry...

What can you eat?

Yes, so as not to get poisoned???

Tell me, friends,

After all, I don’t know anything...

Educator: Let's help Luntik - We'll give useful advice,

Let's reveal the secrets of healthy food!!!

Main part:

Educator: Let's tell and show Luntik how to eat right and what food to start the day with. Tell me the name of the meal time in the morning.

Children: Breakfast

Educator: That's right, Breakfast should give us enough strength until lunch! All our guys know that they are useful in the morning...

Children: Porridge

Educator: Come on Luntik, you try what our children eat for breakfast.

Luntik: What a delicious porridge it was!

Educator: Guys! Luntik ate the porridge named after ancient hero with special powers. And his name is Hercules, which is why the porridge is called Hercules, it is very healthy and tasty. What other porridges do you know and love?

Children: Semolina, rice, millet, buckwheat, wheat.

Educator: No breakfast is complete without bread. Bread and baked goods are important, nutritious and so delicious! Tell me, where does the bread come from?

(children's answers)

Educator: Let's take a short tour and find out where bread comes from. (showing presentation bread to everyone's head) Bread goes through a lot of hard work before it reaches store shelves. First, rye or millet is sown in the field, then when the grains have grown, they are collected and dried. After this, the grain is ground into flour, then this flour is taken to a bakery where they bake the bread and baked goods that we love so much.


Eat bread more often

grey, rye

And health always

will be with you!!!

Educator: That's right Luntik, you're absolutely right.

Luntik: And Baba Kapa says that drinking milk is good for you? Is that true?

Educator: Children tell me milk is healthy?

Children: Yes

Educator: tell me where does milk come from?

Children: the cow gives it to us.

Educator: That's right, tell me, what other dairy products do you know?

Children: cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, kefir, butter.

Luntik: You can't help but love milk! You need to eat it, you need to drink it! But, I’m tired, maybe we should rest?

Children: Yes

Educator: I offer you a game called “Edible is not edible.” Now we will go to the carpet and make big circle, I will throw the ball and call various items, if this item is edible, then the ball must be caught, and if it is not edible, then the ball must be thrown.

Luntik: Somehow I'm hungry again.

Educator: Tell me what meal time occurs during the day?

Children: Dinner

Educator: Right!

Luntik: I have a menu:

What will we eat for lunch?

So: chips, a kilogram of sweets...

Educator: There is some error in the menu! Guys, tell me what we eat for lunch

Children: Soup

Educator: What soups do you know?

Children: Beetroot soup, borscht, cabbage soup, rassolnik, fish soup.

Luntik: Which soup tastes better than others??? I have never tried them in my life...

Educator: Guys, help Luntik choose products suitable for making soups.

Luntik: After a delicious lunch

Even restless children

They know what everyone needs to do -

Let's go to rest together!

Educator: That's right Luntik, after lunch all the kids go to bed

Luntik: after sleep, what happens after sleep.

Educator: Children, tell me what time does it take to eat after sleep?

Children: Afternoon snack

Educator: Afternoon snack - wonderful time, drink tea, compote or juice and eat a fresh pie! And also berries and fruits are magical foods. They contain vitamins - essential for all children!!! Guys, guess the vitamin riddles!


Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children (apple)

Like a month under the star

Magic golden fruit

Lollipop for monkeys

In a yellow jacket... (banana)

It is often put in tea -

Everyone knows this fruit!

It is neither sweet nor bitter,

If you want to eat a slice,

Know: it tastes sour!

What's his name? (lemon)

Ripening on a high branch,

Like a light bulb turns yellow

And it shines like after a shower!

Well, of course it is... (pear)

It is dark red in color,

And the shape is like a ball,

It has residents -

What stars are there in the sky?

Also red like fire!

It's juicy and sweet - sweet,

If you buy it, you will be very happy

Is it a difficult riddle?

What is this, tell me? (pomegranate)

He looks like a red ball

Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

In him healthy vitamin- This is ripe... (orange)

Luntik: Well done boys! They completed the task so quickly!

Educator: Now you can also: what meal time is it in the evening?

Children: Dinner

Educator: There is no better dish for dinner than the familiar Vinaigrette

Luntik: This salad improves your appetite. How to prepare it, how many of you know?

Educator: Children, let's solve a small crossword puzzle and find out what to make a vinaigrette from.

Question 1 .

Red hidden spine

Visible from above

only an inch

And you will catch it cleverly -

And in the hands -….

Question 2.

Even though I'm called sugar,

But from the rains

I didn't get wet

Large, round,

sweet to the taste

Do you recognize me? I …

Question 3.

In the summer in the garden -

fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel -

yellow, salty.

Guess it, well done

What are their names...

Question 4 .

Round, crumbly, white,

She's on the table

came from the fields.

You salt it a little...

Really delicious...

Question 5.

I am the seasoning

in every dish

And always useful


You guessed it, I'm your friend

I'm simple, green...

Question 6.

What a creak

What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I…

Educator: Well done, we solved the crossword puzzle and found out that vinaigrette is made from what?

Children: from vegetables.

Luntik: I learned so many interesting things today!!! Thank you, my friends, I would be lost without you! See you again, guys!

Children: Until next time.

Final part:


Guys, tell me who came to visit us today?

Guys, tell me what we did today?

What did you like most?

— Social and communicative development: promote the formation personal attitude child to adhere to moral standards: mutual assistance, sympathy, develop emotional responsiveness, empathy. Develop cultural and hygienic skills, the habit of washing, washing hands with soap before eating, when soiled.

Cognitive development: develop the sense of touch (name a vegetable, taste a fruit), expand your understanding of fruits and vegetables.

Speech development: listen to children, clarify their answers, promote the development of curiosity, help children communicate kindly with peers, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary.

Artistic and aesthetic development: develop the desire to use a variety of colors in drawing, teach children to draw using an unconventional technique (with fingers), and develop skills in listening to music.

Physical development: to cultivate the need to adhere to a diet, eat vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. Form an idea about necessary for a person substances and vitamins. Expand ideas about the importance of hygiene procedures and movements for health. Continue to develop motor activity, teach to independently follow the rules.

Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive, speech, artistic – aesthetic development, physical education.

Methods and techniques: verbal, gaming, visual.

Equipment and materials:
soft toy– a hare, a house, a bed for a bunny, an A3 sheet of paper, with a drawn jar,
plates with gouache, easel, thermometer, typewriter, candy, scarf,
napkins (dry, wet), balloons, toothpicks, fruits,
vegetables, basket, treats - carrots, music for games and drawing.

Preliminary work: conversations about the benefits of vegetables, fruits, a healthy lifestyle, hygiene rules, observations, plot-role-playing yoke “Hospital”, “We are writing a letter to a child who is on sick leave”, reading K. Chukovsky’s “Aibolit”, taking notes.

Vocabulary work: microbes.

Location: music hall MBDOU kindergarten compensating type No. 7.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, today we will go for a walk in a fabulous spring forest.

Suddenly a voice is heard: Attention! Attention! Forest radio speaking.
Listen last news. Doctor Aibolit flew to
Africa to visit sick animals. And the little bunny Kuzma ate
icicle and his throat hurt and his temperature rose.
Urgent help required! Urgent help required! (siren signal)

Educator: Guys, did you hear? Our friend the little bunny got sick. What do we do? How can I help him? (children's answers)

Educator: Of course, we must help our friend the bunny. Guys, he is all alone and he feels bad, what should you take with you to help him? Let's pack everything we need for the road and go to the rescue.

Game: “Choose what you need” (children are offered from the proposed items
select the items necessary to treat the little bunny (thermometer,
machine, candy, comb, scarf, apple, garlic, chewing gum, onion, lemon, jar of vitamins).
Children put the selected items into a bag.
Educator: What should you eat in order not to get sick and to be healthy? (children's answers)

For a speedy recovery, we need to eat the vitamins that it gives us
nature is vegetables and fruits. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Guys, what fruits do you know? What about vegetables?
Educator: Let’s play with you, the game is called “Guess the taste.”

WITH eyes closed you will need to try the fruit or vegetable and
name him. Well done, let's take these fruits and vegetables and treat them to Kuzma.
Before the long journey, let's warm up a little.

Physical education lesson “The Wind and the Bunny”
From leaves on the edge
Someone's ears peeked out.
And he rushed skok-skok-skok,
Gray little animal
So he jumped nimbly along the green paths,
The wind swirls around the birch trees,
Moves the bunny's ears
Wind, wind, play,
Can't catch up with the dashing bunny.

Educator: Now you can hit the road. To get to the forest faster
at hare hut need to say magic words“Krible! Crable! Boom!"

The teacher and children turn around themselves to the music and three times
they say the magic words: Krible! Crable! Boom!
Educator: Here we are in the forest. Listen to the birds chirping.
Where is Kuzma's hut? Let's not rush, otherwise the little bunny might be sleeping.
And here is Kuzma’s hut.

Children knock on the door, come in, and say hello to the bunny.
Educator: Kuzma, how are you feeling? (the little bunny sneezes). Guys, he can’t speak, his throat hurts a lot. But we took a thermometer with us, let's take the temperature, look at the neck, tie a scarf. Children, we did not come empty-handed, we brought gifts. What did we bring to the bunny, guys, why? (children's answers) Kuzma, we grabbed some vitamins for you.

Guys, our jar is empty, what happened? We probably lost everything along the way. Let's fill our jar ourselves, we'll draw some vitamins. But before that, let's do some gymnastics for our eyes.

The donkey walks and chooses
Doesn't know what to eat first.
A plum is ripe at the top, (Look up.)
And nettles grow below, (Look down.)
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga, (Look left and right)
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry, (Left - right.)
Below is fresh grass, (Look down.)
On top there are juicy tops. (Look up.)
I couldn't choose anything
And he fell to the ground without strength. (Close your eyes, then blink)

Educator: We had vitamins different color, what color will your vitamins be? Finger painting ( unconventional technique). After work, don’t forget to take a napkin if someone gets dirty and remove the paint from your hands. Here is our jar and it’s intact, let’s take it to Kuzma.

Kuzma, take your vitamins once a day, eat fruits and vegetables, just don’t forget to wash your hands! The teacher covers the little bunny and suddenly notices a small microbe under the blanket balloon. Guys, what is this? It's a microbe, Kuzma picked a dirty icicle and forgot to wash his hands, that's why it's so hard for him.

And when the little bunny sneezes (Kuzma sneezes), there are more and more microbes (the teacher scatters balls - microbes). And when we sneeze or cough, what should we do? We need to save the little bunny as quickly as possible, and for this we need to destroy all the microbes. I know there are foods that germs are very afraid of. Which ones do you think? (children's answers)

Educator: Microbes are most afraid of garlic. We need to quickly collect the microbes before there are even more of them.
Children under cheerful music collect the balls and put them in a large

The teacher holds a large head of garlic over the basket,
in the middle of which a toothpick is stuck, and says the magic words:

“Crible, crable, boom!” and bursts the balloons without the children noticing.

Educator: Guys, we did it! We destroyed the germs and Kuzma is healthy again!

And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's stand in a circle, turn around ourselves and say the familiar magic words: “Krible, krable, boom!” (music sounds) Here we are in kindergarten.

Educator: Children, today we did a good deed: we cured a little bunny, taught us to take care of our health. Thank you guys for helping me treat Kuzma, I definitely couldn’t have done it without you, you’re great!

The little bunny decided to thank us and treat us healthy vegetable(carrot treat).

Now you and I will go to the group, wash our hands and crunch some sweet carrots.

Title: Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, health care, 4-5 years

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU compensatory kindergarten No. 7
Location: Ivanovo region, Kineshma

"Kindergarten No. 2"
Health saving classes on the topic “Country of Health”
for older children
Skosnyagina O. A.
Country of health.
Target. The use of health-saving technologies and gaming techniques in the educational process.
create sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle
identify and clarify children’s knowledge about personal hygiene items
provide knowledge about the spread and prevention of colds
develop the need for simple self-healing techniques (acupressure).
generalize knowledge about what is good and bad for health
develop dexterity and motor skills of children
develop memory, thinking, attention
consolidate knowledge about seasonal clothing
activate cognitive and speech activity
reinforce children’s need for responsiveness, the ability to help, and friendliness
Material: 1. Demonstration computer presentation “Journey to the Land of Health”
tree layout, subject pictures ( Toothbrush, soap, comb, toothpastes, shampoos, washcloths, towel, handkerchief), 2 baskets. path with traces of red and white
2. Dispensing markers
pictures “Weather and clothes”
Musical accompaniment.
Progress of the lesson.
Organizing time.
(Children are included in the group)
Educator: Guys, when you come to kindergarten, what do you say first? (Children's answers) (Hello!)
You know, you won’t just say hello, you’ll give each other a piece of health, because you said: Hello! I wish you good health! Russian folk saying says: “If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health”
Kutalka enters to the music. (presentation)
Kutalka: Hello, guys! Everyone calls me Kutalka!
I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick and cold all the time. How are you
you think: why? (Children's answers)
Kutalka: I understand, now I’ll undress and go for a walk.
Educator: Guys, do you think it’s possible to walk around naked now? That's right, you need to dress for the weather! Let's teach Kutalka what to wear in different weather conditions? Please go to the tables and carefully look at the pictures, you need to connect items of clothing that correspond to the seasons.
Didactic game“What should I wear?”
Let's check if you have connected correctly. Discussion with children. Kutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick.
Educator: Kutalka, but in order not to get sick you need to not only dress for the weather, but much more. Guys, do you want to help Kutalka? (Children's answers) Do you want to be brave, healthy, strong and not get sick? (Children's answers) Then I suggest going to a very interesting trip to the land of Health.
How fun, how fun
Go with friends
On a mysterious journey
Come with us!
Main part
The teacher and children approach the path. She has white and red marks on her.
Educator: Guys, look at the path, there are red and white footprints in front of you. What traces do you think a sick person could leave? Why? (Children's answers) When does high temperature occur? (Children's answers)
That's right. And when a person is sick, he is in a bad mood and has no strength.
Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.
Physical education minute
Early morning exercise
We go one after another.
And everything is in order
Let's start the exercises.
One - get up, pull yourself up.
Two – bend over, straighten up.
Three - three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
By four – your arms are wider.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit down quietly.
Educator: And these white marks are signs of health.
What tracks will you and I follow on our journey? Why? (Children's answers) Well done, then let's go!
The children follow the white footprints at varying paces.
The teacher and children approach the “unusual” tree.
Hanging on a tree: a toothbrush, toothpaste(for children and adults), washcloth, soap, shampoo (for children and adults), comb. Educator: What grows on a tree? Why are these items needed?
(Children's answers)
Didactic game “What is for yourself and what is for the family?”
(The teacher invites the children to “harvest” the tree by placing them in 2 baskets to determine which items everyone can use
family members, and some for personal use only.)
Kutalka (sneezes)
Educator: Be healthy, Kutalka! Guys, do you know that droplet microbes look like balls, only they are so small that we cannot see them. Microbes live in unboiled water, in stale food, and on dirty hands. If a person does not brush his teeth, then germs settle in his mouth. Do you guys know what to do when you sneeze? (children's answers) No, guys, you can't cover your mouth with your hand, because a lot of germs remain on your hand, so you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief or disposable napkin, and if there is nothing at hand, then with your sleeve like this (teacher demonstration).
Educator: Children, we need to defeat the microbes and save Kutalka!
Didactic game “How to defeat germs” (presentation) Let’s see which boy will defeat the germs? (which is washed or not); (who brushes his teeth or not); and here who will defeat germs and colds? (who eats fruits and vegetables or icicles and snow); and who will win here? (the one who dressed for the weather or not). Well done guys, you answered all the questions correctly.
And so that you guys don’t sneeze or get sick, let me teach you healing acupressure. Acupressure massage with elements of breathing exercises.
We warm our hands. (Put your palms together and rub until they heat up.) Warm the tip of your nose. (Tug the tip of your nose slightly.)
Thin nose. ( Index fingers pull your nose slightly.)
We warm our ears. (index and thumb We move along the auricle from top to bottom.)
Swan neck. (We stroke the neck with our hand from the chest to the chin.) Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left. Then, vice versa.) Blow off the snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth) (2-3 times).
Big Guy Appears (presentation)
Big guy: Do you guys recognize me? Everyone used to call me Kutalka, but now I’ve become Big Guy.
Educator: Who helped you become Healthy?
Big Guy: It was you guys who helped me, thank you!
The big guy: My parting instructions to you children:
To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,
To drive away fatigue and laziness, don’t be lazy early in the morning, start exercising!
The sun, air and water always help us!
Goodbye, guys!
Final part
Questions for children: Guys, do you like to watch TV? Have you seen how correspondents conduct interviews? Imagine that I am a correspondent, I want to interview you for the “Health” program.
Game "Interview"
(The teacher asks the children questions.)
What did you like about today's lesson? What new did you learn? What was the most interesting? Guys, look at the basket, and there are vitamins in it. This is what the big guy left for you! And now guys, you will return to the group, be sure to wash your hands, your teacher will treat you with vitamins, and you will share with other children what you learned today at our meeting, what you need to do healthy image life, eat healthy foods, take vitamins, do gymnastics and sports, and then you will all be healthy and strong. As the proverb says: “I will save my health, I will help myself.”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 2"
Sports fun with parents
on the topic “Inseparable friends, adults and children”
for older children
Skosnyagina O. A.
Inseparable friends - adults and children.
Program content:
Instill interest in physical education; V game form develop basic physical qualities (strength, agility, speed, endurance, coordination of movements); cultivate a sustainable interest in the process of implementation physical exercise; form muscle-motor skills, educate correct posture; to ensure continuity between the kindergarten and the family in terms of physical development.
Progress of the lesson.
Children and parents enter the hall to the music and line up in three columns.
Presenter: On sports ground
We invite you all.
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us.
1st child: If you want to be skillful,
Strong, slim, smart, brave, Learn to love jump ropes,
Balls, hoops and sticks.
2nd child: Never be discouraged,
Hit the target with snowballs.
3rd child: Rush quickly down the hill in a sled
And go skiing.
4th child: That’s the secret of health!
Be healthy! Physical education…..
Hi everybody!
Presenter: Every day we guys...
All: Every day!
Presenter: It starts with charging...
All: Every day.
Presenter: Even on the gloomiest morning...
All: Every day.
Presenter: Physical education makes us happy!
All: Every day!
Presenter: And, of course, it’s very important...
All: Every day.
Presenter: So that everyone does exercises...
All: Every day!
Presenter: Now get ready to warm up!
Warm up with braids.
I. p. – basic stance, hands with a pigtail at the bottom,
1 – hands forward
2 – up
3 – forward
4 – i. P.
I. p. – feet hip-width apart, arms extended forward,
1 – turn right
2 – i. P.
3 – turn left
4 – i. P.
I. p. – legs feet-width apart, arms above,
1 – tilt to the right
2 – i. P.
3 – tilt to the left
4 – i. P.
I.p. hands below,
1 – sit down, arms forward,
2 – i.p.
I. p. - main stand
1 – 4 – jumping on two legs in place
5 – 8 – walking in place
Breathing exercise.
Presenter: Now you are ready for the competition. So, let's move on to the most interesting part of our holiday. Our competitions will be judged by a jury (Jury Submission).
Team members please take your seats,
Team "Dunno" and team "Pinocchio".
Relay races.
"Walk over the bumps"
Children and adults take turns running along round rugs (5 per team), run to the cube on which there is a bell, ring it and run back. “Snowballs”
Children and adults take turns running with a basket to the cube on which there is a basket with snowballs, take a snowball, put it in their basket and run back, passing the basket to the next player.
“Put on your face” (family)
A child with a ball and an adult run to a cube on which there is glue and parts of the face lie, the child holds the ball, and the adult sticks one part of the face and run back and pass the ball to the next players.
Presenter: That’s how fast and dexterous our guys and their mothers are, but not only children, but also animals do physical education.
Musical game "Zverobika".
Presenter: The competition continues!
"Roll the ball"
Children and adults take turns rolling the ball on all fours, pushing it with their head, to the cube, then take the ball in their hands and run back, passing the ball to the next player.
Children and adults take turns crawling through the sleeve, running around the cube and running back, passing the baton to the next player with a clap on the palm.
"Tug of War."
Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results of our competition, the children will show the musical warm-up “Let’s do everything like I do.”
Musical warm-up “Let’s do everything as I do.”
Summarizing. (The jury gives the floor)
Based on the results of our competitions, I would like to award the winners and participants of the family relay race “Inseparable friends, adults and children”
And also our fans.
Children take a “lap of honor” and leave the hall to the music.

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