Introducing children to musical art in the dhow. “Introducing children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT” Bocharnikova

Already in “The State,” he insists on educating children “through play.” This idea is developed more fully in “The Law,” noting that, according to their mental makeup, three-year-old, four-year-old and five-year-old children need games and fun. For children of this age, fun comes naturally when they get together. Therefore, he recommended that wet nurses bring children to playgrounds and carefully observe the children's games.

Plato believed that in play a child intuitively reveals his attitude towards certain activities and demonstrates his intentions to become outstanding in any field of activity. “For example, whoever wants to become a good farmer or house builder must already in the games: first, cultivate the land, second, build some kind of children’s buildings.” Having noticed children’s preferences for certain games, the teacher must provide the child with specific knowledge about this type of activity and provide the necessary tools.

But Plato considered the most important thing in the process of guiding children’s games with natural materials to be the introduction “into the soul of a playing child of love for what, having grown up, he should become an expert in and achieve perfection.”

But these ideas, although so attractive at first glance, suffer from inconsistency. They take so little into account the child’s personal inclinations; they impose with such straightforwardness whatever the adults around him want, and even under the pretext of the child’s personal intention to “become something outstanding.”

Y.A. Komensky also drew attention to the fact that all children “willingly build houses and erect walls from clay, sawdust, wood, stones,” love to pour water, pour sand, and sculpt from clay. Justifying the reason for this, the Czech teacher in his work “Mother’s School” noted that children willingly engage in these activities, since they cannot remain idle. And these games with natural materials are very useful because they develop “vigilance of mind”, “mobility in all members”, independence, initiative and activity of children.

Adults should not interfere with these children's games, but rather create appropriate conditions. Let them be those ants who are always busy: rolling, carrying, dragging, folding, bending, breaking, shifting something. The role of an adult, according to J.A. Komensky, is only to observe the games of children, so that everything that happens on playground happened intelligently and was included in the children's game, suggesting new options for play, new actions, new materials.

John Locke also assigned a large role to children's games in education. His statements about children's games and toys are of practical interest today. In his work “Thoughts on Education,” he called on educators to maintain a joyful mood, activity, independence, identification and development of the abilities inherent in nature, which in childhood are most evident in the game. Parents and educators should not prohibit, but organize children’s games and thereby contribute to the formation of valuable moral qualities.

All games and entertainment for children, wrote J. Locke, should be aimed at developing good and useful habits. This the best way play with natural materials is encouraged. They not only give children pleasure, but also contribute to the formation positive character energetic and hardworking person.

Robert Owen only proclaimed children's play with natural materials as an educational tool, but did not reveal the real ways to use this tool either in theory or in practice.

It only emphasizes the need for a play area that can also serve as a meeting place for children aged five to ten years after school. A canopy can also be made under which, in bad weather, children can find something to do. This idea was also supported by the American educator John Dewey. He believed that play was the best way to develop young children. In his works “School and Society”, “School and Child”, “School of the Future”, he tries to reveal the essence of children's play and comes to the conclusion that the basis of games with natural materials is the “constructive instinct”, which is realized in the process of “giving materials tangible forms."

J. Dewey categorically objected to the idea that children should be carefully protected from real objects and real actions. He believed that playing with a variety of materials: wood, sand, clay, stones, yarn, iron, etc., gives the child an opportunity to use materials in a real way instead of engaging in exercises with the gifts of Friedrich Froebel, which are only remote from reality. symbolic meaning. Such games evoke vividness of feelings and accuracy of observations; they require a clear vision of the results to be achieved, as well as spontaneity and ingenuity in the creation of buildings.

French teacher Pauline Kergomar assessed games with natural materials from a slightly different perspective.

She considered it legitimate to introduce games into the work plan of mother schools, and developed the content and methodology for managing them. Among the games she special role devoted to games with natural materials: water, pebbles, mosses, sticks. ". It seems to me that if he were taken away from our Parisian boys, they would start a revolution. A child who has sand plays independently, he digs wells, builds gardens, mountains, loads carts.” P. Kergomar emphasized the educational and educational value of games with natural materials. On the one hand, they give the child knowledge about the properties of water, sand, stones, etc., and on the other hand, they stimulate the development of activity, initiative, ingenuity, and emotions.

Throwing a cork, a leaf or a piece of paper into the stream, the child watches his boat with cries of joy or fear. The teacher emphasized the need for the leadership role of the educator. He should provide the child with a variety of natural materials for games, suggest themes, provide shovels, buckets, wheelbarrows, boxes, jars, etc.

The Italian teacher Maria Montessori also did not deny the role of natural material in the development of children.

But she considered the child’s activities with clay, sand, water, and stones not a game, but. Children make vases, dishes, bricks, houses, and decorate them with stones and glass. “How they rejoice when a whole house, the result of their own labors, grows next to the plot on which they, also with their own care, plant their garden.” These activities exercise the child's hand, develop attention, teach children to create useful things and appreciate the objects around them. But the amazing fact is that, solving the problems of sensory development of children. M. Montessori developed all kinds of didactic aids for the development of external senses, and completely ignored the value of natural material in this process. For this, M. Montessori’s method was criticized by E.I. Tikheeva, L.K. Shleger, N.K. Krupskaya and other teachers.

The Belgian teacher Ovid Decroli tried to avoid this in his theory and practice. He drew attention to the fact that the formation of ideas in children, the development of their external senses should be associated with real objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. To implement this provision, O. Dekroli created a system of games that ensure the diversified development of children. He noted that a child almost unconsciously makes comparisons and comparisons in play.

The game forces you to remember, draw conclusions and make judgments, make discoveries, rather than absorb knowledge presented by a teacher or a book. Giving the child more freedom in games, in actions, O. Dekroli still warned that the teacher must always be close to the playing child in order to actively help in all difficulties, answer questions, satisfy interests and needs, and capture requests.

Thus, we see that a whole galaxy of foreign teachers, without even specifically dealing with the problem of play, noted that natural material serves as a means for faster and effective development children.

Russian teachers K. D. Ushinsky, E. N. Vodovozova, A. S. Simanovich, L. K. Shleger and others also clearly noted the positive role of games with natural materials in the education and training of preschool children.

In their works, they dwelt in detail on the importance of creating conditions for children to play with natural materials, both on the kindergarten site and in its premises, as well as developing a variety of content for these games.

Direct study of teachers’ work plans and observation of children’s games at the site in one of the preschool educational institutions in Minsk made it possible to determine the themes of the games used:

  • with sand: “Pancakes for a doll.” “Mouse holes”, “Mountain road for cars”, “Let’s transport the sand on a dump truck”, “Let’s prepare a treat” (younger group), “Building a city for little people”, “Our city”, “Garage” (cf. gr.), “Let's build a castle”, “ Fairytale city", "Cosmodrome", "Anthill". “We’ll build what you want”, “Underground tunnels”, “Roads” (art. gr.);
  • with water: “Bathing a doll”, “Catching a fish”, “Washing” (younger group), “Cheerful stream”, “Catch up”, “Boats”, “Drowning - not drowning” (middle group), “ What kind of water there is”, “What sinks, what floats” (art. gr.);
  • : “Snowballs”, “Snow Woman”, “Hit the Target”, “Snow Pies” (junior group), “Snow Fortress”, “Snow Fight”, “Tower”, “Who will throw further” (middle group .), “Let's make and decorate a snow woman”, “Ice mosaic”, “Drawings in the snow”, figurines of dogs, cats, bear cubs, etc. (art. gr.).

Analysis of the themes and content of games with natural material showed that the games are of the same type, they lack the dynamics of increasing the complexity of the content, and there is a complete lack of environmental orientation of games with natural materials. Among the methods used in the process of guiding games with natural materials, teachers named: demonstration, repetition, exercise, story, conversation, observation of older children.

Despite low level interest of educators in the issue of organizing games with natural materials in preschool institutions, all teachers noted the great pedagogical significance of this type of games. They most often noted that these games contribute to: sensory development of children; developing children's interest in nature, developing cognitive activity, observation, curiosity, developing constructive skills, labor activity, expanding the horizons of children, emotional development children; physical development, development of imagination, fantasy, creativity. However, not a single teacher noted the possibility of using games with natural materials in the process environmental education preschoolers. Although, by organizing games with water, sand, clay, etc., we can introduce children to the properties of natural materials as a habitat for plants and animals.

When playing, for example, with water, the children notice that water is denser than air, so moving in it requires more effort than in air. After this, it is easy for them to understand the need to cover the entire surface of the body with mucus in fish and fat in penguins, seals, walruses, etc. Children also clearly understand the importance of streamlining the body shape of water-dwelling creatures. Smooth objects that have an elongated shape, cutting dense water with a narrow part, easily move through the water column and its surface. This knowledge is the basis for children to understand the adaptability of animals to their environment.

For example, why do all fast-swimming animals have a streamlined body, covered with scales, smooth skin, and their limbs turned into fins, flippers, or have swimming membranes? Games with water can also be used to familiarize preschoolers with the problems of water pollution. To do this, you can organize the game “Soap Bubbles” and demonstrate that the resulting soap film on the surface of the water interferes with gas exchange. In nature, such water pollution has a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of rivers, lakes, and seas.

Abstract: This article discusses targeted, systematic work with children of early and preschool age with disabilities, using elements of art therapy in correctional classes.

“The use of games with sand and water in correctional classes for children of early and preschool age with disabilities.”

Most children living in an orphanage have diagnoses such as: cerebral palsy various forms and severity, organic damage to the central nervous system caused by various syndromes, B. Down, autism spectrum disorder.

The inner world of a child with special needs is complex and unique. Children are deprived of accessible healthy peers sensory channels for obtaining information: constrained in movement and the use of human experience, they experience difficulties in subject-related practical activities, building constructive interaction with the social environment. As a consequence, this leads to pathological changes in character, distortions in the formation of manifestations play activity, negatively affects the formation of higher mental functions, including expressive speech. Due to the specific nature of the disease, children experience disturbances in the movement of supination and pronation of the hands, a lag in the formation of claw and tweezer grips of small objects, hypotomy, and spasticity of the muscles of the hands.

All these specific features Children with disabilities require a special approach to training, education and correction.

To help children see, hear, feel all the diversity of the world around them, to help them know their Self, reveal it, enter the world of adults and fully exist and interact in it, I use elements of art therapy (water, sand) in my correctional classes.

Play is the leading activity of the child throughout preschool childhood (L.S. Vygotsky). Water and sand are all children’s favorite objects for play and research. Playing with water and sand promotes the formation of cognitive activity, increases vitality, creates a joyful mood in children, and enriches children’s sensory perceptions. This is especially relevant for children with disabilities.

When conducting correctional classes, I set the following tasks:

  • stimulate cognitive activity;
  • activate, expand expressive speech, enrich the lexical vocabulary;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination;
  • introduce the surrounding world (the basic properties of water (transparent, colorless, odorless, tasteless, cold, warm), sand (flowability, friability, ability to pass water);
  • relieve psycho-emotional stress, aggression, a state of internal discomfort, deprivation.


When conducting classes using water and sand, you must:

  • stimulate and activate children's expressive speech; develop monologue and dialogic forms of communication;
  • use artistic word- nursery rhymes, poems, descriptive riddles, fairy tales;
  • consider intellectual age, psychological and physical characteristics of the baby.

Required equipment for playing with water:

  • stable container (plastic box with stand). The container must be freely accessible.
  • The top edge of the water container should be at the level of the child’s waist
  • The water level should be no more than 7 cm
  • Before classes, roll up your child’s sleeves and put on an apron
  • prepare play equipment: wind-up toys - fun, various small toys, natural materials (cones, pebbles, shells, chestnuts, acorns, tree bark, walnut shells), substitute items ( wooden sticks, plastic tubes, caps, stoppers), various plastic vessels, funnels, spoons.

Introduction to the properties of water:

  • water spills, it is liquid. It can be collected with a cloth or sponge.
  • Water can be cold, warm and hot. Try it by touch.
  • The water is clean, transparent, you can see everything through it. Compare a glass of water with a glass of milk.
  • The water doesn't smell. She has no smell. Let the child smell it.
  • Water can be poured and poured. Let the children conduct the experiment themselves.
  • Water can be colored by adding a dye (coffee, tea, gouache, brilliant green...)

List of water games:

  • Pouring water into different containers (spoon, lid, jar, mug...)
  • Pouring water into various vessels (cup, bottle, jar, saucepan...)
  • “Fun fishing” (catching with your hand, a net or a spoon from containers of different sizes).
  • “Drowning - not drowning” (games for experimentation).
  • games with soap bubbles(independent blowing of bubbles. “Catch the bubble in the palm of your hand”, “Whose bubble is bigger?”, “Whose bubble will fly higher, further?” ...).
  • Games with wind-up floating toys. (“Who is faster?”, “Where will it swim?”...)

Themed games with water:

  • Games with the doll: “Wash the doll Lyalya”, “bathe Lyalya”, “Dishes for Lyalya”, “wash Lyalya’s clothes)
  • Games with small multi-colored and with colors of the main spectrum (red, yellow, blue, green) rubber, plastic and wooden toys. (“one is many”, “find the same one”, “let’s catch all the balls”, “funny traffic light”, “red, blue, green”...)
  • Games - mother and baby: “mother duck went out to look for ducklings”, “family of frogs”, “big turtle”...

Necessary equipment for playing with sand:

  • A stable sandbox with a lid, painted blue or Blue colour(classic “Jungian sandbox”);
  • The sand must be clean, sifted, free of foreign impurities and moist so that children can work with it.
  • Sand set: a bucket with scoops and molds, sets of small toys, fairy tale characters and various people, animals and plants, houses and cars, wooden planks and sticks, etc.

Scroll game exercises with sand:

  • “These are our hands” (the child presses his hand lightly into the sand, talking about his feelings - the sand is wet, dry, warm, cold, etc.)
  • “These are our fists” (press the sand with your fists and knuckles - compare what the print looks like).
  • “Fingers walk” (walk in turn with each finger of the left and right hand along the sand, then with both hands at the same time)
  • “Fingers play” (“play” simultaneously with your fingers on the surface of the sand, like on a piano).
  • “Palms crawling” (zigzag and circular movements of palms on the sand - a car is driving, a beetle is crawling, a carousel is spinning...). the same with the edge of the palm).
  • “Who was running here?” (leave marks with different numbers of fingers at the same time, figure out who left them, count the number).

Themed sand games:

  • “Where are the toys hidden?”
  • “We will build a house, who will live in it?”, “garage for cars”
  • “We’re playing shop,” “who’s eating what?”
  • "Garden Garden"
  • "Domestic/wild animals"…

The use of games with water and sand in correctional and developmental work brings a high positive effect.

Based on the results, I note the dynamics in the development of children: positive emotional background, negative emotional and behavioral manifestations - stereotypes, affective outbursts - are reduced. Children become more active, attention becomes more stable, understanding improves simple instructions, self-control increases.

Children develop sensory standards: colors, shapes, sizes. Children's progress in development is observed speech function: the level of speech understanding increases, the active vocabulary is significantly enriched, visual-motor coordination of hands and hand actions with objects improves.

Averina Olga Vladimirovna,
teacher-speech pathologist
State Budgetary Institution "OSDR for children with organic disorders"
damage to the central nervous system
with mental disorders"
Apatity, Murmansk region

Ekaterina Polatovskaya
Organization of games for preschoolers with natural materials

Play fills the child’s entire living space, and he turns any activity into a game, be it cleaning up toys, bathing, or eating. Child's play is life itself. The child feels comfortable in his games. The game helps to express your feelings, because in preschool age , especially in younger years, children experience a lack of verbal means. From this point of view, toys for a child are words, and the game itself is speech, a story. The main motive of the game is not getting a result, but the process of the game itself. Proof of this are the favorite games with water and sand: for hours a child can pour water and pour sand, and also play with snow. These games clearly bring inner peace and joy, they are full of freedom, independence, and space for endless experimentation. Games with sand and water are widely used by psychologists when working with preschoolers. But the same sand and water can be used for the formation and development of spatial-quantitative concepts, counting operations, development fine motor skills, speech development. In the process of getting acquainted with various natural materials and their properties carry out the development of memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech. Children learn to compare objects and phenomena, identify signs of similarity and difference, and classify objects by shape, color, and size. During such games, sensory experience expands preschoolers, their life experience is enriched.

Games with natural material - snow, water, sand, clay, grass, sticks, shells, cones, chestnuts, acorns, rose hips, maple seeds, linden seeds, ears of corn, leaves, roots, bark, moss, etc. are excellent raw materials for crafts and games with them . Pedagogical guidance of games with natural materials should be aimed at organization of conditions necessary for the development of children’s orientation activities and various play activities. So, for playing with sand, you should use a variety of plastic and wooden shovels, molds, funnels, sieves, buckets, animal figurines, and dolls. Children can pass dry sand through funnels and fill jars and bubbles with it. The presence of wet sand allows you to diversify the usual pie mold by constructing courtyards, canals, and laying roads. Children enthusiastically build castles and fortresses, dig canals and deep wells, create parks and gardens. By acting with sand in this way, the child learns its properties. (viscosity, density, etc.) and at the same time plays excitingly. If they have appropriate toys, children can use them in a variety of ways.

Games with water are already carried out in the younger group. These could be games group room and on the kindergarten site. Basins with water, various vessels (jars, jugs, glasses, funnels, toys and objects) are used (floating and sinking). Kids pour water from vessel to vessel, bathe dolls, get involved in simple experiments, getting acquainted with the properties of objects (float - drown). In the kindergarten area, children gather near a puddle, a spring stream, float boats made of paper, throw various items to find out which ones float and which ones sink. As a result, in younger age children are led to understand that water flows. Children aged 4-5 years old acquire the idea that water spreads, does not have its own shape, some objects float in it, while others sink, and that it is transparent.

Thus, a rich assortment of toys creates conditions for a variety of children’s actions and the accumulation of sensory impressions in them. But this is still not enough for the child to consciously generalize the qualities materials and knew how to operate toys correctly. It is necessary, as in junior groups, participation in the games of the children of the teacher. During the game, he names, clarifies, and sometimes changes the state materials, their properties; proves the sequence of game actions.

Creative activity requires constant guidance. If in the simplest games the teacher could limit himself to clarifying children’s ideas about the properties materials, showing construction techniques, then when moving to construction-story games, both the nature of the display and the form become more complicated organizing a joint game. Construction - story games assume that children have more advanced and varied skills. Even when building a simple house out of sand or snow, a child must use a shovel in different ways (raking, pouring, etc.) It is necessary that he be able to navigate the location of his building among the buildings of other children, and build with them in a limited space.

Games with snow have their own specifics. While walking in the cold winter time The teacher must take care that children do not become hypothermic. He can invite the children to collect snow into molds for colored ice floes or make snow slide. Playing with snow requires mastering techniques for transforming it. The simplest technique is modeling. The teacher invites the kids to make lumps - snowballs, a bunny with ears, a carrot to feed him, etc. In the presence of the children, the teacher sculpts a snowman, then everyone together makes his eyes, mouth, ears, hair from pebbles, twigs, dry twigs. Gathered around the snowman, the children are happy that the snow is sticky, and the snowman turned out nice! This is how kids learn about the properties of snow. And children 4-6 years old master new trick construction from snow - sculpting from rolled clods, this is how human figures are made (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, fortresses. Rolled clods children come to understand another property of wet snow - heaviness. Structures from clods of snow can be given greater strength if they are doused with water (these are children done together with the teacher, seal the holes between the lumps with snow dough (snow is mixed with water in a bucket).

Leading games with natural materials, the teacher has to not only think about what to play with the children, but also take care that the children do not get cold if they play for a long time in a stationary state, and do not get overtired when handling the snow; did not overheat; playing with water and sand. In order for such games to be successful, the teacher must know the properties natural materials, their variability at certain conditions, master the necessary work techniques, for example, preparing snow for the construction of slides, ice paths, snow banks, making colored pieces of ice; master the technique of creating sculptures from snow, etc. In addition to playing with sand, water and snow, middle group play with homemade toys made by children together with the teacher from bark, pine cones, grass, sticks, and clay. These can be boats, ships, birds, animals, various furniture.

IN summer time in the area near the sandboxes, you should equip a table with shelves or a drawer with compartments for materials. In order to interest the children, the teacher makes several identical toys and gives them to the children, for example, chickens or ducklings, dolls, chairs; tells which materials they are made of; introduces children to these materials and suggests trying to make the same toy.

Children love these toys and have fun playing with them. So, around the chickens, goslings and ducklings they play "poultry house": they build fences, feeders, and a pond out of sticks, take the birds to the feeders, to the pond and back. With dolls made of grass (plantain stems), they play "kindergarten", and the furniture for the game is made from the stems of the same plant.

Thus, you can play a variety of construction games with a 4-5 year old child. They deliver to children great pleasure, cultivate a love of technology, develop constructive abilities, and mental activity.

From natural materials you can also make musical tools: collect seeds from cherries, watermelon, peach, and then use plastic bottles or other containers to make noisemakers; depending on the filling of the bottle, the sound will be different.

You can make jewelry from the fruits of rowan berries using a needle and thread. (beads, bracelet). In the spring, from dandelions, in the summer from wildflowers, in the fall, wreaths are woven on the head from gilded leaves.

In the summer, collecting different flowers and leaves dried in the sun, herbariums and paintings of dried flowers and herbs are made.

Games with "living stones" promote the development of imagination and coherent speech. When playing outside with your children, collect pebbles together different shapes and size. In the future, you can draw plants, animals, fairy tale characters. Also used as forms of houses, cars, animals. Each time you can use different pebbles to make up stories. In addition, you can draw numbers or letters on the stones and use them as a didactic material when teaching a child to count and read. [

Games with children to make souvenirs and crafts from natural materials, brought from the sea are interesting for both children and adults. This activity will brighten up the cold winter evenings and fill them with memories of beauty summer vacation. Show children how seashells differ from one another. Mussels have an elongated shell, similar to a rounded triangle. Mussel shell flaps can make wonderful butterfly wings or body elements for crafts. Games with children to create crafts from natural materials, it's not only exciting activity, but also unobtrusive training. The child learns that donaxa mollusks, which have oval-shaped shells, are called sea butterflies. Snails live in "houses", which are surprisingly varied in color and shape of spirally twisted shells.

Games with children to make crafts from natural materials not only provides an opportunity to occupy time, but also awakens the child’s imagination.

Thus, tactile interaction with environment starts already in early age and continues throughout life, being an important condition and means mental development child, as well as the well-being of the emotional sphere. Natural environment is the one a unique place where the baby gets his first experience creative work and where is the game, visual activity and spontaneity are closely related to each other. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Children do not like toys that are immovable, finished, well made, that they cannot change at will. best toy for a child, one that he can force to change in a wide variety of ways. The best toy for children is a pile of sand.”


Thus, games with natural material help children learn how it works the world, contribute to expanding their horizons. They contribute to the rationalization of the teacher’s work, give him the opportunity to trace the process of sensory development, allow him to evaluate the effectiveness of the used sensory education means and, if necessary, use new ones. It should also be emphasized that every game is, first of all, a child’s communication with adults, with other children, knowledge of the environment and natural world , this is a school of cooperation.

Based on this, we can conclude that the leading form of sensory education is games with natural materials. However, one should take into account the fact that only when specific system playing games can achieve children's sensory development. In addition, we should not forget that important components when introducing games with natural material are goodwill, support, a joyful atmosphere, inventions and fantasy.

Games bring great joy to children, develop simple constructive skills and activate cognitive activity. Children's speech is enriched various parts speech, grammatical concepts are formed, the pronunciation of sounds is consolidated, and the skills of auditory perception of speech and non-speech sounds are developed.




Playing with sand, water, snow and other materials are among kids' favorite games. They teach the child to navigate the surrounding reality, contribute to the knowledge of the properties and qualities of materials, and the development of visual creativity.

These games should be based on the child’s desire to actively explore natural materials. At the same time, so that the baby’s play acquires a cognitive meaning and does not carry
the nature of monotonous and destructive activities, adults must constantly take care of enriching children’s ideas about the various qualities and properties of natural materials.

Education program in kindergarten the range of information and presentation that children should receive is determined. So, kids know that sand is free-flowing, that it can be both dry and wet; that water can flow, it can be warm and cold; in water, some objects float, others sink; that snow is cold, melts, you can sculpt from snow; that each of these materials, under certain conditions, can transform from one state to another, for example, water can be: liquid, solid (ice) and | vaporous, it can shimmer, gurgle, bubble, can be cloudy and transparent; that sand can be dry, crumbly and | raw, heavy, etc.

Giving children the opportunity to build with sand and bathe their favorite toys in water creates... favorable conditions sensory education, to improve sensations and perceptions, which are the first steps in understanding the world around us. Even the simplest play actions of a child with natural materials can take on a meaningful character and be educationally valuable with skillful guidance from adults.

Of course, even without adult guidance, children can gain some experience. For example, when playing with sand, a baby distinguishes between its moisture and dryness by touch, determines by color which sand can be used to make pies and build buildings, etc. But to answer the specific question “What kind of sand do you play with?” Children, as a rule, answer: “Good”, “Strong”, “Red”, “Without stones”, etc.

From the children’s answers it is clear that the experience acquired spontaneously does not reflect the state of the material or its essential features. In the vocabulary of the players there are almost no definitions of such qualities as dry, wet, wet, heavy. After all, the adult did not fix the child’s attention on them.

Without the guiding role of an adult, children cannot carry out planned play actions. So, children love to shape pies, but most of them do not know how to do it: they fill in incomplete molds, they do not know how to knock over the mold and knock on it; they forget that before overturning the mold with sand, they must carefully pat the sand so that it fits snugly into the mold; They tip the mold over, spreading their fingers, so the sand spills out.

Not getting the desired result, children get distracted, start throwing sand at each other, take each other’s toys, etc.

Games with sand and water usually last a long time, but are monotonous: molding pies, ice cream; bathing dolls At the same time, the movements that the child performs with his hands are often uncoordinated; it is difficult for him to hold an object with one hand and perform any actions with the other. Sometimes the baby cannot establish in what sequence the actions need to be performed: where to start, how to finish. Great importance To organize the child’s actions with natural material, the development of his visual and visual-motor perception is necessary. Therefore, at the first stage of working with children, adults must solve the following problems: teach the child to sense the properties of materials, bring to the child’s consciousness the possibility of using them.

When organizing games with natural materials, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions that meet both hygienic and pedagogical requirements.

The sand that children use is periodically cleaned, changed, watered, and mixed well (especially the cleanliness of the sand has to be taken care of during the period when children become familiar with its property of flowability). Sand courtyards and sand-water tables are the most convenient for playing with sand. Children play standing or sitting at tables. During the hot season, it is advisable to have a canopy or install sun umbrellas over the sandbox.

During the game you need to monitor the condition of their clothes. Water temperature can be from +18 to +20; The duration of the game should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Familiarization of children with the properties of materials through simple play actions is facilitated good selection toys. For activities related to molding pies and pouring sand, it is better to use various plastic molds, funnels, sieves, buckets, spatulas, animal figurines, dolls, and cars. Metal molds are not suitable for children: they can cut themselves on sharp edges. You should not give your kids too many molds at once. If each child has 2-3 molds and a scoop and a bucket, the children’s games will be quite varied and interesting.

Playing with water also requires a variety of materials made from various materials toys. These can be light, floating toys made of plastic (dolls, fish, boats) and rubber (dolls, ducks, fish). Tree bark toys are good. Jars, plastic bottles, funnels, watering cans, pebbles, shells, etc. are also used. The set of toys must be constantly replenished and updated.

By performing certain actions described above, the child gets acquainted with the material, learns its properties and at the same time plays excitingly. Adults encourage children to game actions, activate their mental activity. The adult’s word organizes the child’s sensory experience without replacing it. This helps children master general concepts and activate their vocabulary. Children use the acquired knowledge in subsequent games.

Water games are developing interestingly. First you need to accustom your child to water: invite him to put his hands in it, feel how pleasant it is. During the game, the teacher invites everyone to look at their palms in the water. By repeatedly removing their hands from the water and lowering them again, the children notice that the water is warm.

Then the teacher pours water from one jar to another, and the children watch his actions and listen to how it makes noise. Next, the teacher teaches the kids to bathe the dolls. Children should be drawn to the observance of certain rules: put on aprons and roll up sleeves before playing; After playing, wipe your hands dry; use toys for their intended purpose, etc.

This period of initial familiarization of the child with the properties of natural materials should be considered as important stage in the process of sensory education. By purposefully selecting toys and objects, an adult creates conditions for a variety of children’s actions and for the accumulation of sensory ideas. However, this is still not enough to form a conscious attitude towards the materials in the child.

The further task of pedagogical leadership is to educate children in the ability to act correctly and consistently with toys. Effective results This is where adults play together with children. As the game progresses, he names the state of the materials and their properties, and shows the sequence of actions with different toys.

The teacher approaches the children, takes the molds, a spatula and asks: “Do you want to make pies?” Children respond positively, some immediately try to act, but nothing works out for them. The teacher says that the sand is dry, you can put it in cups, molds, pour it, pour it through a funnel, a strainer, but you can’t make a pie. The teacher takes a watering can with water and, in front of the children, waters and mixes the sand, then invites the children to try pouring it. The kids try to pour sand from the cups into another container (through a funnel), but their attempts end in failure.

Playing together with an adult, his accompanying comments and explanations gradually affect children's development. The child's sensory perceptions are reinforced. This is reflected in his statements: “The water glitters, shimmers and murmurs”; “It is light, transparent”; “She’s alive, you can’t hold her in your hand”; “You can see a ball and elephants in it”; “You can bathe a doll in it”; “The doll does not sink - it is light”; “This ball will sink - it’s heavy,” etc. Coordination of movements improves; the baby’s actions become orderly; the content of the game is enriched.

Children's awareness of the properties of natural materials and mastering the skills of working with them require different amounts of exercises. To establish such qualities of water as warm, cold, clean, any child only needs one game with warm and cold water(game “Bathing dolls”). Distinguishing between floating and sinking toys requires large quantity repetitions, moreover, with the concepts “floats - easy”Children master the concepts “sinking and heavy” more easily.

Much faster, younger preschoolers begin to navigate distinguishing the qualities of sand and master the corresponding vocabulary. When organizing and directing games, the teacher must take into account the individual capabilities of the children. For kids who do not fully use a spatula, the teacher helps them learn various actions with this toy: he shows how to pour sand into a mold,

How to fill it correctly, etc. For children who have mastered these operations, he offers simple plots for playing with sand: baking bread, pies, buns, making sweets, ice cream for dolls. Then the teacher, together with the children, can build a yard for a hen with chicks, a kindergarten for dolls, etc. Silhouettes of domestic animals cut out of plywood (on stands) are very convenient for such games.

At the beginning of the year, children do not make large constructions and play in a small space. So far, they have mastered the ability to rake sand and build shafts out of it, compact sand, dig holes, dig grooves, etc.

Games like this let you down younger preschoolers to more complex construction-story buildings (construction of houses for dolls, garages for cars, etc.), However, the task of the teacher is not so much to teach kids how to carry out complex constructions, but to instill in them the skills of playing together.

For example, just like in games with building material, children, playing nearby, each build a doll house for themselves. Built in one line, the houses form a street. This provides an opportunity to play with toys: kids drive cars along the street.

As the game progresses, you need to show the children how to rake wet sand into even piles, compact it, and pick it out from the inside so that the houses do not collapse; how to make windows, doors.

Thus, with systematic pedagogical guidance, young children can play meaningful games with natural materials. Games bring great joy to children, develop simple constructive skills and activate cognitive activity. Children's speech is enriched with various parts of speech, grammatical concepts are formed, the pronunciation of sounds is consolidated, and the skills of auditory perception of speech and non-speech sounds are developed.