Methods for developing emotional intelligence. Exercises to improve self-esteem

It so happens that EQ is often associated with the ability to influence people. In fact, his role is broader. Developed emotional intelligence is a useful “background” skill that improves life in almost all areas. By investing in working with our own emotions, we take care of our well-being and success.

What is emotional intelligence

Sales specialists joke: “Ordinary intelligence will help solve a problem. Emotional - will help convince others to solve it for you.” IN in a broad sense intelligence can be described as our competence in something. If we operate well and freely with abstract quantities, think with formulas and algorithms, our mathematical intelligence is well developed. Emotional intelligence is also competence, but in the area of ​​feelings and their expression.

In the 20th century, psychologist Richard Lazarus came to the conclusion that emotions are involved in the process of learning and evaluating everything that happens to us.

The raw data from the senses that we receive “at the input” is processed by the brain into sensations, and then evaluates what they should mean. John Mayer and Peter Salovey later described this system as “emotional intelligence.”

If our internal “logistics” are clearly organized, at the end we get an adequate picture of the world and our own reactions.

If not, we get confused in our feelings and desires, attribute fictitious intentions to others and behave inconsistently. Not the most pleasant situation, right?

Why is high EQ important?

Imagine that you are working in small company. The number of clients is still small, but business is going well, and management decides to expand. New divisions are opened, deals are struck with major partners, and all processes are organized as before. Problems begin.

The same thing happens to a person when he tries to take on more responsibility, but does not work with emotions. Constant communication is exhausting, stress and unanswered questions keep you up at night, conflicts constantly break out at home and at work.

The flow of tasks has become more intense, the experiences associated with them have intensified, but they are processed in the same way.

“A person who has high emotional intelligence knows how to regulate his state - let go of emotions that take away energy, and retain those that give energy,” explains Elena Mechetina, psychologist, coach and founder of the development center emotional intelligence in children “D-A”. - This does not mean that he avoids conflicts and tense situations. But he quickly returns to a state of balance and does not give in to provocations.”

“Exhibiting emotional intelligence means focusing not on the reason, but on the goal,” adds business coach Elena Sidorenko. - Emotional intelligence is aimed at the future - as, by the way, is rational intelligence. Do you want to change distrust or hostility toward you to curiosity? This means that you should do not what your emotions tell you, but what will lead to the desired result.”

Is it possible to develop EQ?

IN in a certain sense intelligence level is a given, determined at birth. This reality is layered with upbringing, life and professional experience, and one-sided knowledge about the world. Is it possible to change the emotional “firmware” that dictates certain reactions to us at a conscious age?

What is important here is the belief that we can change. Psychologist Carol Dweck and her followers argue that our results are influenced by the initial setting - stability or growth. If we believe that we can change (and in any case we change measurably under the influence of new experiences), then we actually change.

“The style of emotions, like the style of thinking, is largely a matter of habit,” says Elena Mechetina. - The main beauty of our body is that it can adapt to the loads that we give it. If you can’t do the splits now, you’ll be able to do it after six months of training. It's the same with emotional reactions. It’s hard to believe in change because we’re not used to working with ourselves purposefully.”

Exercises to develop EQ

1. Reconsider your beliefs

Let's remember Lazarus and his colleagues: feelings are formed after we have assessed the event. This can happen at lightning speed because there is a habit of thinking and feeling in a certain way. And it is formed by beliefs.

Beliefs that are misunderstood, out of touch with reality, or outdated can become an emotional trap.

“I had a client, a doctor, who spent a long time building up her contact base,” recalls Elena Mechetina. “Her professionalism also took a long time to develop. The problem was that patients called her constantly, even at night, and she could not refuse: “I took the Hippocratic oath!” But does it say that a doctor should help patients at the cost of his personal life? This belief helped her at first, but then - in the new conditions - it became a hindrance and a source of suffering.”

An important part of working with emotional intelligence can be psychotherapy, where a specialist teaches us to be aware of our beliefs, understand the reasons for their appearance and their relevance to our lives. And - if necessary - reconsider these beliefs and abandon them.

2. Keep an emotional journal

Research by psychologist James Pennebaker has shown that those who have mastered the habit of regularly writing down their feelings find a solution to a complex issue faster and easier.

Here is one of the options on how you can do this. Step 1: Set a timer for 20-30 minutes. Step 2. Describe how you feel this moment or what you experienced during last week(month, year).

Write whatever comes to mind, regardless of style, mistakes and other imperfections. Leave the entry or delete it - it's not that important.

The process of writing itself will teach you to systematize emotional thinking, “unstick” feelings that have stuck together in a lump and more accurately find their causes.

3. Practice expressing emotions

Who is the most masterful in controlling their emotions? Theater actors! Of course, this statement is not uncontroversial, but think about it: demonstrating a deep range of experiences for these people is work. An actor's skill has a lot to do with the ability to allow a certain emotion into oneself and release it without being imbued with it.

Elena Mechetina advises everyone who wants to develop their emotional intelligence to read Konstantin Stanislavsky’s book “The Actor’s Work on Oneself.” A writer or journalist masters the word as an instrument, and in the same way an actor masters emotion. And developed emotional intelligence presupposes the ability to control emotion, and not give in to it.

4. Expand your emotional vocabulary

Susan David, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of Emotional Flexibility, advises not only listening to yourself, but also expanding your emotional vocabulary: learning the nuances of emotions, naming them, and finding a range of applications for each.

Language has amazing magic - it sets emotions a certain development scenario, and it obeys it.

When you have chosen a suitable name for a feeling, try to find at least two more words to describe its shade. What is experienced as sadness can be disappointment, depression, emptiness or regret. By unwinding these threads woven into the general fabric, you will reach the reasons and foundations of your reactions.

5. Remember the goal

According to Elena Sidorenko, the ability to manage one’s feelings is associated with such a quality as self-denial. If we are ready to give in to an impulse of anger or irritation, then we allow these emotions to control us. We follow the lead of those who caused these emotions, without thinking about our own interests.

While within a situation, develop an inner observer who matches intuitive reactions with goals. For example, if someone engages you in a conflict, think, “What are this person’s goals? What are my goals? Which emotional response will best align with my goals?” This difficult exercise, because it requires good practice of awareness and the ability to quickly switch. But over time you can master it too.

Task "Reminders"

Organize a reminder system on your phone (at least 2 reminders per day). Do it randomly. At the moment the signal occurs, determine what emotions you experienced immediately before the signal (most likely, at the moment of the signal you will experience slight irritation J), remember and write down.

Quest “Diary of Emotions”

Buy a notebook or notepad. Determine the most convenient time for yourself (morning, evening). During this time, you will record your daily work results for the day. Throughout the day, track what emotions you experience, what caused these emotions, track the general background of your mood.
At the time you choose, record the facts: what are the strongest emotions you remember today, at what moments they arose. Also write down what sensations arose in your body while experiencing these emotions, what thoughts came to you at that moment?
Record your observations in free form or in a table

Fact (situation, person)

Physical sensations

Exercise “Attitudes about emotions”
This exercise allows you to analyze what attitudes you have about emotions? To do this, remember everything that comes to your mind: what your parents, teachers or others said significant people what you read in literature or saw in movies, what proverbs, sayings and catchphrases about emotions?
After you have written down everything you can remember, analyze how these attitudes and beliefs affect your behavior and/or emotional condition? Would you like to change any of them?

Exercise “What does a negative emotion signal to us?”
Choose an emotion that you consider negative. Which you don’t like and try your best to hide. Remember situations in which you experienced this emotion.
. What do you think is the reason that she appeared at these moments?
. What did she want to signal to you? What is important to pay attention to? What
will it change if you start listening to this information?
. How did this emotion help you? What was good about having this emotion?
. What happens if you allow yourself to experience and sometimes express this emotion?
Until we recognize the presence of an emotion, “do not see it,” we cannot see the situation well as a whole, that is, we do not have sufficient information. And naturally, without recognizing the presence of some emotion, we cannot part with it; it remains somewhere inside in the form of muscle tension, psychological trauma and other troubles.

Exercises to develop skills in understanding the emotions of others

"Mute TV"

Turn on the TV and mute the sound. Find some Feature Film and watch it for a while, observing the gestures, facial expressions and location in space of the characters and thinking about what emotions they are experiencing now. This is a very exciting process.
If you don't really like watching feature films this way, watch some TV debates or news. Watch a piece of a familiar film and a piece of an unfamiliar one. What is the difference in the observation process? Does knowing the plot hinder or help you compare “nonverbalities” with emotions? Compare films of different genres. American and French. What are the similarities and differences between nonverbal behavior in different cultures? Watch a movie where they play famous actors, and some cheap series. Compare actors' nonverbal expressions with real people in some reporting program.

"Public transport"
This game has additional bonus. To watch silent television, you must have time, a television or computer, and the consent of relatives to use it. When you are on public transport, you only need time that can be occupied with useful activities. Therefore, when you are tired of the newspaper you bought for a trip on the subway, or the book you took on the train or plane runs out, you can switch to this game. How do these people feel? If you see a couple, what kind of relationship are they in? If someone tells someone something, then a funny story or sad?

Exercises to develop skills to manage your emotions

Develop a habit: if you become aware of an emotion, and you don’t like it and it bothers you, immediately start paying attention to your breathing and start breathing a little slower, paying attention to the exhalation.

"Body Methods"

Choose a body-based method for managing emotions that can be used in almost any situation. For example, imperceptibly clench and unclench your fists. Stand on your tiptoes several times. Get up, walk a little and sit down again. Practice using it at least once an hour.

Write a list of problems that are relevant to you now. Remember maximum amount problems (note: at first some difficulties may arise, and then the process will progress - we know how to look for problems).
Now reframe these problems into goals. Make sure to formulate goals positively, that is, without using the particle “not”, as well as the words “quit”, “stop”, “stop”. Formulate your goals as specifically as possible, and be sure to determine the time frame by which you plan to achieve them.
Notice how your emotional state has changed compared to when you started.

"Resource state"
1. It is better to perform the exercise while standing. Remember a situation life moment, when you were in a resource state. Recreate this situation, remember it in great detail: the resource state will appear again. Immerse yourself in your feelings, imagine yourself in this state.
2. Create a portrait of this state using the following questions...
- Where exactly is “it” located in your body?
- What form is this sensation?
- How big is this sensation?
- What colour?
- What images and/or words come from the past?
- Does “this” have a temperature?
- What does “this” feel like?
- What is the limit of this feeling?
- Does “it” move?
- What material does it look like: wood, metal, air, water, cotton wool?
- Can this be moved?
3. Set a threshold or draw a line for yourself and go beyond it, being in a resourceful state.

Every day, write down what you did well and successfully today. What did you achieve? What made you happy?
We do not encourage you to constantly be in a positive mood. As we remember, fear, anger and sadness are also useful emotions and, allowing only positive emotions in our lives, we lose a large number of information and we may miss something important. At the same time, when we have a positive attitude, it is much more difficult to upset us or make us angry. Thus, a positive approach creates for us solid support under our feet and a kind of protection from the excessive influence of unpleasant events and emotions on us.

Exercises to develop skills in managing the emotions of others

Exercise “Emotional Balance”
Choose some personal or personal significance that is significant to you. business relationship. For personal relationships, it is enough to remember a period from several days to a week; for business relationships, it is better to take a longer period - one or two months. Divide the sheet in half with a vertical line, mark the left column as “+”, and the right column as “-”. Write down in the left column all your actions that, in your opinion, improved the state of your account (those actions that improved your partner’s mood), in the right - worsened it. See how you affected your emotional balance in this relationship over a given period. Have you managed to improve it or at least maintain it at the same level? Or is the number of actions in the right column becoming depressingly prevalent?
If you're the type of person who only has a bunch of great actions in the left column, ask yourself if you're throwing the balance off balance there, too. Are you giving too much to your partners and asking too little in return?
In both cases, it is worth drawing up an action plan that will help you maintain balance in a more or less equilibrium state. It is useful to carry out such an analysis for yourself at least once a month for the most significant figures and “accounts” and once every few months for people important to you.

Exercise “Emotional motivators in my company”
Think about it and write down what you can do to maintain a constant atmosphere of drive, excitement and enthusiasm in your company.

Most of you are probably familiar with the concept of intelligence level or IQ, and many have probably taken IQ tests at school, university or at work. Thus, the first technique for measuring mental abilities such as memory, attention and decision making logic problems, created by Alfred Binet in the early 1900s, became very popular and spread throughout the world. Well, after refinement by researchers and scientists, this technique turned into the IQ tests familiar to all of you. And today, most psychologists use tests to measure intelligence and, based on the results, try to determine whether this or that job is suitable for him. And there seem to be no complaints about IQ tests, everything is smooth and smooth, and most importantly, it works. But is it possible, based on the results of such tests, to obtain an adequate assessment of human abilities?

One of the problems that psychologists constantly faced was that some people, although possessing a fairly high level of intelligence, were completely unable to manage their emotions. On the other hand, a person with relatively low level intellectual abilities, surprisingly showed a fairly high level of emotional stability and had good control over his emotions. Similar examples from life different people from all over the world made researchers think about creating an additional scale that would allow them to measure the level of a person’s emotional abilities. It was very difficult to do this, but already in 1990 the first attempt to define emotional intelligence was published by Salovyom and Mayer and it sounded like this: “Emotional intelligence is the ability to control the feelings and emotions of one’s own and other people, as well as recognize them and use this information for guidance in your thoughts and actions."

In more scientific terms, a definition of emotional intelligence might look like this: “ Emotional intelligence is emotional awareness and emotion management skills that provide the ability to create a balance between emotions and reason with the goal of achieving greater happiness in the long term." Having a high level of emotional intelligence means being able to recognize your emotions and change them according to at will. So, good memory and the ability to solve problems are not sufficient to be considered truly reasonable person, but add here the ability to manage your emotions and we see everything in a completely different light. Emotional intelligence makes it possible to acquire and apply knowledge about your emotions and the emotions of other people and make your life more complete and rich in joyful events and vivid emotions. By developing emotional intelligence, we become better able to control our own life, and most importantly - to get more pleasure from it.

If you want to roughly assess your level of emotional intelligence, answer the following questions:

  • 1. Do you know how to express your feelings?
  • 2. Do you listen to other people's opinions?
  • 3. When you are stressed, do you act intelligently?
  • 4. Do you easily adapt to unexpected changes in your life?
  • 5. Do you take responsibility for your actions and actions?
  • 6. Do you know how to recognize your emotions as they arise?
  • 7. Do you control your strong emotions and impulses?

Even one answer “no” to the above questions indicates that your level of emotional intelligence is not high enough, especially if you answer the seventh question in the negative. Many researchers tend to believe that the inability to cope with stress can not only harm a person’s well-being, but also reduce his emotional abilities, leading to the so-called temporary setback. Subsequently, if you do not take decisive steps to eliminate stress and manage your emotions, you may notice that your behavior becomes less and less appropriate. It is important that this process can be reversed, but this will require serious work on yourself.

About most of the mental skills required for high level IQ, you probably know, but what skills should a high level of emotional intelligence include? Peter Salovey and John Mayer, in their definition of emotional intelligence, identified abilities in five main areas. So.

Emotional intelligence includes:

1. Self-awareness. This is emotional awareness, which includes the ability to identify the emotions present in us, identify connections between our emotions and the reasons that led to their appearance, and also predict their appearance in future situations and circumstances.

2. Managing emotions. This is the ability to promptly get rid of such negative manifestations as anxiety, anger and stress. In addition, it is the ability to use energy negative emotions to solve your problems without getting stuck in them or giving them too much importance.

3. Self-motivation. This is the ability to focus on a goal, emotional self-control, in which you refrain from satisfying immediate needs for the sake of long-term gain, or go through unpleasant experiences for this if it is really necessary.

4. Recognizing other people's emotions. Sympathy plays important role V social life people, and is one of the components of a high level of emotional awareness. Interestingly, sensitivity to subtle social cues and the ability to determine how others are feeling are some of the most important skills for achieving success in your personal and professional life.

5. Relationship management. “He who knows how to manage other people is successful, he who knows how to manage himself is great” - this is approximately how one ancient truth goes. But let's rephrase it: by being able to manage your emotions, you develop the potential to manage the emotions of other people. This is how true leaders are born, and how the highest levels of emotional intelligence are achieved.

It is possible that you have already achieved success in any of the listed areas, but this is just the beginning and you just need further development your emotional skills if you want to achieve a high level of emotional intelligence. Let it happen already achieved success will become the basis for a confident upward movement.

How to develop emotional intelligence?

In fact, no matter how much emotional intelligence you have, you have already achieved some success, because the emotional development of each of us begins in early age and continues throughout life. And even if this does not always happen consciously, development still occurs. Of course, we go through most of the journey in childhood and adolescence, when most of our emotional habits, however, even if you are unhappy with your level of emotional intelligence and you do not like your character, you can still fix it. True, this will become more difficult the older you get. In addition, you will need to be prepared for the fact that you most likely will not be able to change some of your character traits, which means you will need to learn to accept yourself as you are, although if you have the desire, there will be a way.

What skills are needed for high levels of emotional intelligence?

Below are a few skills that will help you improve your emotional intelligence. We will look at three types of skills, namely emotional skills, cognitive and behavioral skills.

Emotional Skills:

  • Identifying and defining emotions– emotional awareness, that is, the ability to recognize the emotions inherent in us as they arise and predict their occurrence. This is also knowledge of what they are.
  • Expressing emotions– the ability to express one’s emotions without holding back or suppressing them, and, if necessary, expressing them in a safe way.
  • Assessing the intensity of emotions– how your emotions manifest themselves, brightly or weakly.
  • Managing Emotions– the ability to evoke the necessary emotions, or eliminate them as they arise, or change them if necessary.
  • Abstaining from momentary pleasure– the ability to control your desires in order to achieve your goals.
  • Pulse control– the ability to weaken the controlling influence of strong emotions and gain the upper hand over them.
  • Knowing the difference between emotions and reason– understanding when your actions are dictated by your emotional impulses, and when your actions are thought out and logical.

Cognitive Skills:

  • Positive attitude– to life, to the surrounding reality, to ourselves, the understanding that being negative is extremely unproductive.
  • – the ability to direct thoughts in a positive direction - to solve problems without hanging on negative thoughts.
  • Reading and Interpreting Social Signals– recognition of social influence on your behavior, determination of your role in society.
  • Understanding other people's points of view– the ability to put oneself in other people’s shoes.
  • Understanding behavioral norms– knowledge of what and where is considered acceptable and what is not.
  • Planning– step-by-step achievement of your goals, setting goals, identifying alternative paths, anticipating consequences.
  • Self-awareness– living in the present, the ability to think about the past or future only if it is necessary and benefits you.

Behavioral skills:

  • Nonverbal methods of communication– the ability to act confidently in any place, even if you don’t feel confident inside, that is, this presupposes excellent knowledge of body language.
  • Verbal methods of communication– development of speech skills - confident, clear and vivid speech.
  • Internal self-control– control of your body, identifying and preventing unconscious impulses and movements.
  • Healthy Habits– exercise, nutrition, everything that helps strengthen your body.

This seems like enough information to get started, and as you can probably tell, there's a lot of work ahead, but don't let that scare you because as long as you move forward, you're getting closer to success. One of the good news is that the skills listed in this article will not only help you increase your level of emotional awareness, but will advance you in every other area of ​​your life. By developing your emotional intelligence, you accelerate your step towards self-improvement, personality development and success. Best wishes to you!

What is emotional intelligence? How to work on its development and why do it?

The amount of emotional intelligence, abbreviated EQ in the specialized literature, determines how much a person understands emotions, is aware of them, can recreate, manage them, and therefore apply them to solve assigned problems. A person with well-developed emotional intelligence can significantly reduce the impact of negative emotions on their life. Developing emotional intelligence promotes recognition negative impacts from the outside, a calm understanding of the situation and a normal, balanced reaction to it. A person who is emotionally developed lets go negative emotions, does not experience them again and again, thereby destroying your psyche in particular and life in general.

Working on the development of emotional intelligence makes a person more mature, more self-confident, relieves him of complexes and mental tossing, allows him to take part in normal life, interact with other people and understand their motives, that is, see through your interlocutors. Such abilities make it easy to make new acquaintances, which means using people to achieve your goals.

You, without knowing it, use emotional intelligence every day, because it is impossible to completely turn off emotions, to be completely dispassionate (about the influence of emotions on human activity we already talked about it in one of our articles). Keeping feelings under control is a difficult task that only strong personalities. But this is for the better. After all, emotions help to correctly assess the situation and find the right solution to any problem. Well-developed emotional intelligence is a factor that helps achieve success.

You can understand in more detail what benefits the development of emotional intelligence provides using the diagram below:

If you want to find it easily mutual language even with unfamiliar people, to be friendly and open, and therefore pleasant to communicate with, if your goal is to achieve maximum success in any endeavor, then you simply need to work on developing your own EI.

1. Recognize emotions and identify critical moments.

Lose control over your own behavior, explode because of someone's words, lose calm at empty space? Oh, how familiar this is! Every person has a certain boiling point caused by a situation that leads to loss of self-control - the so-called emotional trigger. People who know how to recognize them, and therefore accept them, can stop in time and not succumb to destructive emotions.

How to learn such control? Analyze your emotions, record them on paper, highlight your own emotional triggers.

2. Repeat over and over again mentally those situations that lead to emotional breakdowns.

Constantly turning over this or that situation in your head helps you find the right solution and not react as violently as it could happen in the first place. real life. When considering an event that could lead to an emotional breakdown, come up with a different course of action than your usual one. This exercise will allow you to correctly accept the emotional trigger. This means that you will get a chance to act differently when a real explosive situation occurs.

3. Exercise your brain.

Anyone can control your mind and emotions. As soon as you feel anger creeping in, switch to something else, for example, solving complex math problems. Agree, it’s hard to get angry and nervous when you’re multiplying three-digit numbers in your head!

Whether you solve the problem correctly or not is irrelevant. The main thing is that you tried, used your brain to the fullest and did not let your emotions overcome you.

4. Escape from reality into memories.

If in Hard time If you find it difficult to concentrate, then use another technique: abstract yourself from what is happening and immerse yourself in Nice memories. Surely there is something in your life that brings a smile to your face. It could be a favorite song or a book you recently read. Remember them, quote your favorite lines to yourself. Such thoughts will help you avoid an emotional breakdown, as they will switch your brain to another situation.

The main thing is not to perceive this technique as a cowardly escape from reality. This is done for your benefit.

5. Before you send angry letter addressee, re-read what you wrote.

This way, you will take a time-out for at least a few minutes, once again relive what you experienced while writing, and be able to rethink your overflowing emotions. You take a break - and it's wonderful. You have a chance to change your mind and fix everything. If after reading this you still want to send a letter, ask a friend or loved one read it. Listen to outside advice and think twice about whether it’s worth offending the recipient. Learn to keep your emotions in check!

Research confirms that everyone thinks differently. A rather neutral message can actually cause aggression on the part of the recipient. To understand how the addressee will react to your letter, remember the character of the person to whom you are writing. Adjust the message so as not to offend your recipient.

6. Avoid immediate answers.

Modern life sometimes requires us to make lightning-fast decisions. But often you can not force things and take a minute to think. Do they require a clear answer from you? Avoid having to answer right away. Say that you will return to this conversation and take a break to think. This will allow you to understand what is really important and not let your emotions prevail over your reason.

7. Respect your interlocutor in any situation.

Remember that in any situation you need to remain well-mannered, educated person, express your thoughts clearly and clearly, avoiding profanity. This will characterize you as a serious, respectable person with whom it is pleasant to do business. Emotions may rage in your soul, but you shouldn’t show them. To curb them, it is better to think about your vocabulary in advance and highlight those words that it is better not to say out loud.

Once you decide to be calm and composed in any situation, you will take a big step towards controlling your emotions and developing emotional intelligence.

P.S. Here is another article on the topic of EQ published on our website: “ What is emotional intelligence and why is it needed?»

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Emotional intelligence is a phenomenon that, at first glance, contains a contradiction. Intelligence is usually understood as the thinking, cognitive sphere of a person, and emotions are something irrational that cannot be controlled by the mind.

But emotions and feelings can be controlled by the individual, fully realized, and controlled by willpower. The ability to understand and manage one’s own emotional experiences, as well as the experiences of other people, is defined as"emotional intellect".

Developing emotional intelligence is useful both for the internal harmony of the individual and for harmony in relationships with other people, in the family and at work. Developed emotional intelligence helps maintain physical and mental health.

Emotional intelligence needs to be developed because it:

  • promotes awareness, understanding and self-acceptance, without self-flagellation and soul-searching,
  • develops intuition, the ability to understand non-verbal signals in communication,
  • balances emotional reactions in stressful situations,
  • develops stress resistance,
  • teaches you to better understand other people, their emotions and feelings,
  • helps resolve communication difficulties, find compromises,
  • promotes conflict resolution through cooperation,
  • protects from manipulation, does not allow the individual to become a victim of a manipulator,
  • promotes making thoughtful rather than impulsive decisions,
  • prevents emotional burnout at work,
  • increases sensitivity to signals own body, develops understanding of the psychosomatic aspect of the development of diseases,
  • develops the ability to relax and rest, turning off the “internal dialogue”.

Ways to develop emotional intelligence

For some people, emotional intelligence is quite developed already in childhood due to the characteristics of their upbringing, while other people experience significant difficulties and need tips on how to develop the ability to understand others and themselves. Emotional intelligence develops in the process of personality development, during socialization and the accumulation of life experience.

To develop emotional intelligenceyou need to systematically work on yourselfin the following directions:

Widespread simple technique control over emotions called “count to ten”. A person, before expressing his opinion and emotions to another individual, mentally counts from one to ten. The essence of this technique is not in counting, but in the fact that you should think first, and then speak or do!

The wonderful proverb “Measure twice, cut once” perfectly characterizes developed emotional intelligence!