The artists are masters of sports. Famous athletes who later became famous actors

We all know the aphorism German writer Lion Feuchtwanger: “A talented person is talented in everything.” True, it sounded a little different in the author’s version, but that doesn’t matter, the essence of what was said has not changed. This truth has been confirmed repeatedly, including by athletes. For example, Soviet sports legend Vsevolod Bobrov achieved outstanding results in both football and hockey; Vinnie Jones became a movie star; and Mickey Rourke’s cinematic career will be the envy of many certified actors. The list can be continued for a long time, in fact, this is what we will do. Rating of the top 10 athletes-musicians in “Sports Day by Day”.

Kind of sport: football

Genre: chanson

The notorious goalkeeper of Spartak Moscow did not achieve much success on the football field, having played only 12 matches in the Premier League during his career. However, by chance, he still won the title with the red and white: before the 2002/03 Cup final, the main goalkeeper of the Muscovites, Bagi, was injured, and in the match with Rostov, Zuev stood in goal. And I managed to play in the Champions League, again due to injuries to colleagues in the role Wojciech Kowalewski and Dmitry Khomich. After leaving Spartak in 2007, Alexey played in the second division and LFL without much success, and in 2012 he went into beach soccer, after which he ended his sports career.

As a Spartak player, Zuev began writing songs, and in 2010 he released his first disc. Now Alexey is trying to build his own musical career, and, admittedly, very successfully. Of course, it doesn’t sell out stadiums and is unlikely to ever fill out stadiums - it’s a unique genre. But, they say, on his creative evenings There are no empty seats in restaurants and clubs.

9. Maurice Trezor

Kind of sport: football

Genre: reggae

Winner of the French Cup with Marseille, French champion with Bordeaux and Michel Platini's national team partner, Trésor released his vinyl back in 1978. This is Maurice's only album, and there are only a couple of tracks on the record. However, despite such a short musical career, he managed to find his listener. To this day, you can see cheerful and positive tracks from Trezor’s record in various reggae collections.

Kind of sport: skiing

Genre: pop music

A descendant of an aristocratic family, Prince Hubertus Rudolf von Furstenberg zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg is a very versatile man: businessman, skier, photographer, musician and actor. In 1981, the prince founded the Mexican Ski Federation and has been its permanent president since then. Von Hohenlohe is a six-time participant in the Olympic Games and a fifteen-time participant in the World Championships, which is a Guinness Book record. Music is one of the main hobbies of the Mexican-German grandfather; he releases discs with enviable consistency. Hubertus recorded his first album in 1987. However, von Hohenlohe does not make his living from music - he is the owner of numerous entertainment establishments in the resorts of Spain.

Kind of sport: football

Genre: rock

Despite the fact that Lalas was not a super talented footballer, those who watched football in the nineties probably remember him well. The US national team midfielder had a very colorful appearance, which even James Hetfield himself could envy. It is not surprising that such a brutal guy became interested in rock music. Debut album Alexi recorded it back in 1994, when he was playing for the Italian Padova. At the age of 29, Lalas retired from football, but returned two years later to win his first significant trophies - the MLS Championship and Cup. In 2004, he finally retired from big-time sports.

Alexi was the frontman The group Gypsies, with which he recorded two albums and performed on several major rock festivals. He later disbanded the group and began performing solo. Now Lalas works as an analyst for ESPN and ABC, but every couple of years he pleases fans of his work with new singles.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: rhythm and blues/soul

Former NBA basketball player Walter McCarthy became a coach after finishing his playing career. IN currently He works as an assistant for the Boston Celtics, but this does not stop him from pursuing music. Walter has already released two very successful albums in the soul genre.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: house

The famous American basketball player of Lebanese origin, winner of the title “NBA Most Improved Player” in the 1989/90 season and world champion as a member of the US national team, Rony Seikaly, became interested in DJing at the age of 14, but as a future profession I still chose basketball. Having completed his gaming career, Roni remembered his passion - now he music producer and one of the most popular American DJs.

Kind of sport: sled

Genre: nu metal

Few people know that the leader and vocalist of the Slot group, Igor Cash Lobanov, is a former professional athlete. Now Cash shares the stage with such monsters as Korn and Guano Apes, and in his youth he was a luger. In 1990, Igor, as a member of the USSR national team, won bronze medals in doubles at the World Championships in Calgary, and in 1992 he took 10th place at the Olympics in Albertville, playing for the CIS team.

3. Shaquille O'Neal

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: rap

O'Neal may not be No. 1 in basketball, but he is certainly legendary. There is no point in listing all of his sports awards and titles; suffice it to say that Shaquille is included in the list of “50 Greatest Players in NBA History.”

Shaq is an incredibly versatile person and has mastered many professions throughout his life: policeman, film actor, writer, commentator, boxer, doctor of science and, of course, rapper. Big Daddy recorded tracks with legendary MCs, and his discs were a real commercial success.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: jazz

Tisdale was not a star on the floor, but he became one of the brightest representatives of the NBA on the court. music scene. This big guy with a kind smile, reminiscent of John Coffey from The Green Mile, for his short life released nine albums and was inducted into the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. In 2009, basketball player and bass guitarist Wayman Tisdale died of cancer.

1. Till Lindemann

Kind of sport: swimming

Genre: industrial metal

The frontman of the Rammstein group, the great and terrible Till Lindemann, in his youth was a promising athlete and represented the GDR team at the European Youth Swimming Championships. Till was also among the candidates for the team for the 1980 Olympics, but he angered the Stasi and was expelled from the team, as well as suspended from international competitions. The fact is that one evening Till and his girlfriend ran away from the hotel where the athletes lived. The next morning he was summoned to the Stasi for interrogation, after which he was declared unreliable. A year later, Lindemann suffered an injury to his abdominal muscles and finally ended his sports career.

The Olympic champions working in the State Duma are not going to return to sports, and the artists are not going to return to the stage: they are again running for parliament, according to lists and constituencies. The ranks of Duma celebrities will be replenished with television stars

Nikolay Valuev (left) and Vladislav Tretyak on plenary session State Duma of the Russian Federation. January 2014 (Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS)

​​It’s easier in the Duma than in a sports club

Deputies-athletes do not want to leave politics - they all intend to take part in the elections of the new convocation of the State Duma which will take place on September 18. All athletes from United Russia» have already submitted an application to participate in preliminary voting(primaries) parties.

Information about the participants in the primaries and the method of their nomination (by list or single-member constituency), scheduled for May 22, is published on the party’s website, applications are accepted from the beginning of March to April 10. The United Russia primaries are a mandatory procedure for intra-party voting to select candidates for deputies.

Former boxer Nikolai Valuev will run in elections from the Bryansk region in a single-mandate district and list, three-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Alexander Karelin - as a single-mandate from the Novosibirsk region, President of the Russian Hockey Federation Vladislav Tretyak - from the Ulyanovsk region (on the list and district), speed skater Svetlana Zhurova - from Leningrad region(by district and list), and tennis player Marat Safin - from Nizhny Novgorod region(according to information on the website of the regional branch of the party). Duma Paralympians Mikhail Terentyev (Moscow region, list) and Rima Batalova from Bashkortostan (list and district) will also be nominated.

LDPR deputy, Olympic bronze medalist in judo Dmitry Nosov also decided to take part in the preliminary voting of United Russia - as a single-mandate candidate in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The LDPR leadership had previously not approved the deputy’s participation in the September 2015 arrest of rapper Guf in Krasnoyarsk on suspicion of drug use. Vice-speaker of the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, explained then that Nosov’s actions have nothing to do with the party, but are “personal PR,” and “he will no longer be a deputy from the LDPR.” Athletes who have political weight “can be better heard by children and parents,” Zhurov motivates his decision to remain in the State Duma. The status of a deputy is very helpful in the work of popularizing hockey, Tretyak noted to the R-Sport agency.

The most active legislator among the deputies-athletes was Batalova from the Committee on Sports and Youth Affairs, who signed 96 bills on the most different topics— from creating conditions for unimpeded access for people with disabilities to residential infrastructure to providing the Bank of Russia with a mechanism to support the interbank lending market, as follows from the information presented on the State Duma website. Her committee colleague Valuev (42 bills), in addition to projects on the development of sports, was involved in anti-alcohol and anti-drug initiatives. A significant part of Zhurova’s proposals (56 projects) from the international committee relate to supporting culture.

Nosov, a member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, introduced mainly bills aimed at combating the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs (32 initiatives in total). Safin from the Affairs Committee public organizations dealt with indigenous issues small peoples and control over activities non-profit organizations— foreign agents (19 projects).

Cultural initiative

All Duma cultural figures from United Russia will also participate in the primaries. Applications were submitted by singer Joseph Kobzon (according to the list from Trans-Baikal Territory), Opera singer Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs (on the list and on the majority constituency in St. Petersburg), actress Maria Kozhevnikova (on the list from the Vologda region). Director Stanislav Govorukhin is also planning to run, his representative told RBC.

The deputy from A Just Russia, actress Elena Drapeko (on the list and single-mandate constituency in St. Petersburg) and the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, director Vladimir Bortko (on the constituency in St. Petersburg) will also be re-elected to the new Duma. They told RBC about this.

There are still shortcomings in the field of cultural protection, Drapeko explains his desire to continue working in the Duma. “Big changes, good or bad, await our country in the near future. And I would like to participate in this,” says Bortko.

The record holder for the number of bills signed is Maria Kozhevnikova, a deputy from the Culture Committee. She put her name under 101 short stories on various topics - from mortgages to the circulation of ethyl alcohol. Almost always these are collective bills of United Russia members, signed by dozens of deputies. In second place is Elena Drapeko (now she is the first deputy chairman of the culture committee), who signed 65 bills, most of them related to her profile. Bortko, together with his colleagues, introduced only seven initiatives, among them a proposal to ratify the article on illicit enrichment of the UN Convention against Corruption.

Yuri Kara intends to join his fellow directors in the new Duma. He applied to participate in the United Russia primaries on the list in Moscow. Kara often agreed with the position of the authorities. In 2014, Kara signed a letter in support of the president's policies in Ukraine. Kara also proposed banning the distribution of American films in Russia after the United States imposed sanctions. His proposal was supported by Govorukhin. Having been blacklisted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Kara said that he was proud of it.

Deputies from the cultural sphere sometimes behave more freely in their public statements than their colleagues in the Duma. Maksakova in the summer of 2014, during her speech at a meeting of the State Duma, introduced a law banning the propaganda of homosexuality, although a year earlier she voted for its adoption.

After the publication of an investigation into the family of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika in winter by the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny, Joseph Kobzon sought to study the facts presented and sent a request to the Investigative Committee regarding one of the episodes of the investigation.

People from TV

The author plans to continue working in the Duma analytical program on the TV Center channel, chairman of the international committee Alexey Pushkov. He is going to be elected to the new Duma on the list in the Perm Territory. The main speaker of the State Duma on international policy, Pushkov, who was included in the sanctions lists, signed only four bills, including on NGOs - foreign agents and a ban on the production of low-alcohol energy drinks.

TV presenter Oksana Pushkina also decided to join the parliamentary ranks - they also submitted applications to participate in primaries

Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-great-grandson of the writer Leo Tolstoy, hosted the final program “Sunday Time” for seven years, and led pre-election debates during the 2011 Duma elections and the 2012 presidential elections. IN last years hosts talk shows “Time will tell” and “Politics”. In February of this year, Tolstoy was elected to the supreme council of United Russia.

“I constantly say that the political class must learn to clearly and clearly convey its thoughts to voters. I want to try to put this idea into practice myself,” he explained to RBC. He will be elected to the Duma according to a list and a single-mandate constituency in Moscow.

Pushkin, author and presenter of the program “ Female look", filed an application to participate in the primaries in the Moscow region in a single-mandate constituency and list. In June 2015, on the recommendation of the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, she was appointed to the post of Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Moscow Region. Pushkina’s work, as she admitted, “lacks certain laws and amendments” (quote from the website of the United Russia branch in the Moscow region).

At the United Russia primaries, the deputy general director of VGTRK, TV presenter Evgeniy Revenko, also submitted documents to the Voronezh branch of the party. He plans to be elected on a regional list.

For athletes and artists, getting into the State Duma is an opportunity to become part of the establishment, to capitalize their personal fame into status achievements, explains political consultant Valentin Bianchi. According to him, the authorities need famous people because they can force people to vote for famous person easier: although converting fame into voting motivation is not easy, it is very difficult for politicians to achieve a level of fame comparable to athletes and artists.

If known man walking in a single-mandate constituency, he has obligations to half a million voters, and his star status can help solve not only social, but also fundamental lobbying issues, says political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov. “And if a celebrity is nominated for parliament on a list, then he will feel less responsibility, and this is often just selling his face,” believes Kuznetsov.

The most famous athletes of Russia have always aroused keen interest of both compatriots and people all over the world.

As it turned out, the most famous athletes in Russia attracted attention not only for their sporting achievements. We can safely say that in terms of popularity today, famous Russian athletes are in no way inferior to the same movie and pop stars, politicians and businessmen.

The News In Time team decided to compile a TOP rating “The Most Famous Athletes of Russia 2019-2020”, to which we added those sports representatives who, in the opinion of many, can bear the statuses “The Most Famous Russian Athletes”, “The Most Beautiful Athletes of Russia”, “ The sexiest athletes in Russian sports."

TOP rating "The most famous athletes of Russia 2019-2020"

Marat Safin

Marat Safin– tennis player, former world number one. Many women believe that in the category “The Sexiest Athletes of Russia” it is Marat Safin who comes first.

The athlete met with model Tatyana Korsakova and fashion designer Daria Zhukova, singer Nastya Osipova. There are also rumors about an affair with Oksana Robski.

He almost married actress Elena Korikova, but they say that Marat’s mother was against it, considering the actress an unworthy match for her son.

Alexander Ovechkin

The next person in our TOP “The most famous athletes of Russia 2019-2020” is Alexander Ovechkin, who is also classified as the “Richest Athletes in Russia.”

Alexander Ovechkin earned millions through sports. Russian professional hockey player, left winger for the NHL's Washington Capitals.

One of the most famous representatives sports Alexander Ovechkin collects clubs and loves cool cars.

This year he decided to settle down after a stormy personal life and married the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia Shubskaya.

The young couple got married secretly, but Vera is very pleased with her son-in-law. Of course, the daughter of a millionaire ringed her!

Evgeni Plushenko

The Honored Master of Sports, like many of Russia’s most famous athletes, became famous not only in sports.

At Eurovision, the athlete helped Dima Bilan win, because his dance incredibly embellished the singer’s number.

As the skater himself says, he found his great love. Evgeniy’s second wife, Yana Rudkovskaya, is Dima Bilan’s producer. Zhenya and Yana call each other Kotofey and Kotofeyushka.

Alexey Yagudin

I couldn’t help but get into the TOP “The Most Famous and Sexiest Athletes of Russia” Alexey Yagudin- Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports. Once we trained together with Plushenko, they were rivals.

Yagudin later left the sport. He had major hip replacement surgery.

Like many of the most beautiful athletes in Russia, Alexey was also a heartthrob, had affairs left and right, and after nine years life together married figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina.

Andrey Arshavin

Everyone is hearing about another handsome guy from our list of “The Most Famous Russian Athletes 2019-2020” Andrey Arshavin.

He is one of the highest paid football players, therefore he is also included in the list of “The Richest Athletes in Russia”.

In addition, his income comes from the Arshavin children's clothing brand. In England, Arshavin is offered to star in a film episode for three million dollars.

Andrei Arshavin left his common-law wife Yulia Baranovskaya with three children and married journalist Alisa Kazmina, who has two children from her first marriage.

Vyacheslav Malafeev

Vyacheslav Malafeev- football player, goalkeeper of Zenit, master of sports. Several years ago he was considered the best goalkeeper in the world.

The first wife, Marina, died in a car crash, leaving Vyacheslav with two sons. The second wife, Ekaterina, is a DJ, nine years younger than Malafeev.

Roman Kostomarov

In a duet with Tatyana Navka, he won the world championship in ice dancing. Like Russia's most famous athletes, he is very talented. Awarded the Order friendship.

Evgeniy Malkin

The next favorite of sports fans from our TOP “The Most Famous Athletes of Russia 2019-2020” was Evgeniy Malkin– hockey player, center forward. The athlete is a world champion, an Olympic participant.

He had affairs, like other richest athletes in Russia, with more than one beauty. When I got married, I said: either family or work. Anna gave birth to Evgeniy's son Nikita.

Anton Sikharulidze

Anton Sikharulidze- the famous figure skater, two-time World and European Champion also treats with the most famous representatives sports Anton Sikharulidze danced with the artist Zara in the ice show “Ice and Fire”.

He lived for two years in marriage with the daughter of billionaire Lebedev. Eat common-law wife Victoria Shamanskaya. Anton can be confidently included in the category of “The Sexiest Athletes in Russia.”

Roman Pavlyuchenko

Roman Pavlyuchenko– football player, striker, a real athlete from God. Like the most famous athletes Russia, thundered with talented play, in particular at the last two Euros. Pavlyuchenko married his classmate Larisa.

Yuri Zhirkov

Yuri Zhirkov- football player, bright representative in the category “The most famous athletes of Russia 2019-2020”. He is a very valuable asset to Chelsea. Married to a beautiful model.

Igor Akinfeev

Igor Akinfeev- football player, permanent gatekeeper of the Russian national football team. The representative of the rating “The Most Famous and Most Beautiful Athletes of Russia” graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. The youngest goalkeeper of CSKA is a certified football specialist.

Andrey Kirilenko
- a popular basketball player who lives like the richest athletes in Russia.

I achieved everything in sports through incredible hard work. His wife Maria supports him in everything.

Alexander Emelianenko

A dangerous person from the TOP “The most famous Russian athletes” - Alexander Emelianenko, is a Russian mixed martial arts fighter.

Former world champion. I became acquainted with martial arts as a child. He was married and has a daughter, Polina. He was convicted of raping a girl and is serving his sentence in Voronezh.

Alexander Kerzhakov

Alexander Kerzhakov– football player, striker, master of sports. Falls into our category “The sexiest and most beautiful athletes in Russia.” Like many famous Russian athletes 2019-2020, he loves music. He acted in films.

Roman Shirokov

And here is another football player from the TOP “The most famous and most beautiful Russian athletes” Roman Shirokov received the title “Honored Master of Sports” and became a three-time champion of Russia, which greatly delighted his fans.

The most beautiful athletes in Russia, such as Roman Shirokov, often become excellent husbands. So Roman has 2 children and a dear wife.

This year, the athlete spoke about his decision to end his career. Perhaps this is due to Russia's defeat at the Euro.

Pavel Pogrebnyak

Pavel Pogrebnyak- football player, forward for Dynamo (Moscow), Honored Master of Sports, also ranked last place in our rating.

Like many of Russia's most famous athletes, he lived in a civil marriage. When he arranged a magnificent wedding with his beloved Maria, the hosts of “House-2” Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina came to congratulate the newlyweds.

Ilya Averbukh

Ilya Averbukh- figure skater, Honored Master of Sports, as well as a businessman, producer of an ice show, choreographer is not only included in the TOP “The Most Famous Athletes of Russia 2019-2020”, but also among the wealthiest representatives of sports.

Among the many awards is the Order of Friendship. Having starred in Time of the Cruel as a journalist, he later produced the series Hot Ice.

Diniyar Bilyaletdinov

Diniyar Bilyaletdinov- Another one famous football player, who played as a midfielder. Like many of the most famous and most beautiful athletes in Russia, he is married. His wife Maria takes care of the house and children.

Sergei Ovchinnikov

Sergei Ovchinnikov- Soviet and Russian football player who played as a goalkeeper, football coach. His nickname is "Boss".

Ovchinnikov's ex-wife Inga from Riga spoke about a terrible betrayal and a terrible divorce when Sergei threatened to block her entry into Russia. Later Ovchinnikov married, his chosen one is 10 years younger.

Maxim Kovtun

Maxim Kovtun can proudly bear the title “The Most Beautiful Athletes of Russia.” Figure skater, two-time medalist of Russian championships. Maxim is interested in music. I recently changed my coach and switched to Inna Goncharenko, believing that she had tougher methods.

Alexander Semin

Like many of the most beautiful athletes in Russia, he is talented and charismatic. Alexander has firmly established himself as an athlete who plays according to his mood.

Mansur Isaev

Mansur Isaev- a famous judoka, Honored Master of Sports, Olympic champion, also deservedly made it into our top ranking of the most famous Russian athletes.

He married judoka, ex-member of the Russian national team Alana Kanteeva. About 1000 guests attended the wedding.

Igor Denisov

Igor Denisov– football player, midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow and the national team, Honored Master of Sports.

Many consider him a bright figure: a fighter, a born leader. Football fans know that it has a conflictual nature.

Pavel Datsyuk

Pavel Datsyuk– hockey player, center forward. He is called a talent that works miracles, and many other laudatory epithets that the most famous athletes in Russia deserve. In his native Yekaterinburg, fans are ready to carry Pavel in their arms.

Ilya Kovalchuk

Ilya Kovalchuk- hockey player, left winger. The result of skillful and triumphant fights is that Kovalchuk’s stick ended up in the hockey hall of fame, which is located in Toronto.

Evgeny Ustyugov

Evgeny Ustyugov– biathlete, Honored Master of Sports, two-time Olympic champion. Also worthy of being included in our list of “The most famous Russian athletes 2019-2020”.

I met my wife at a sports training camp; she is also a biathlete. They have two daughters growing up, and a boy was recently born.

Egor Titov

His name is on the list of the best football players in the national championships. Fans awarded Titov the “Golden Boar”.

Alexey Morozov

Alexey Morozov– Russian hockey player, right winger. Silver medalist Olympics, two-time world champion and multiple Russian champion. “Listed up” in the cinema. He also occupies one of the leading places in our TOP ranking “The most beautiful and sexiest athletes in Russia.”

My wife and I were born on the same day. Recently I didn’t want to become the general manager of the Kazan hockey club.

Russian athletes become famous not only due to their sporting achievements.

Personal and public life It can often be very intense, but the most famous athletes in Russia are ready for it.

Russian athletes are accustomed to being ranked in categories such as the sexiest, the most famous, the most beautiful, the richest.

But still, all Russian athletes want to become famous precisely thanks to their sporting achievements.

Norwegian Sonja Henie still holds the unbroken record of three Olympic medals in single figure skating. A ten-time world champion and six-time winner of the title of best European figure skater, already at the age of 24, Henie graduated professional career and first moved to ice ballet, and then opened up to the audience on the big screen. Sonya’s first serious film appearance was the film “One in a Million,” but Henie tasted true audience love only with the release of the famous “Sun Valley Serenade.” One of the biggest international hits of its time, even in the Soviet Union, won the love of the audience, and the magnificent Karen became the public's favorite, inscribing the name of Sonya Henie in the golden book of cinema history.

American athlete Johnny Weissmuller already wrote himself into the history of world sports at the age of 24, becoming a five-time Olympic champion. Born on the territory of modern Romania, Johnny ended up in the United States as a child, where, after suffering from polio, he took up swimming and reached unprecedented heights in this sport. At two Olympics, in Paris and Amsterdam, Weissmuller had no equal, and Johnny ended his sports campaign undefeated. A new test awaited him in life - competitions on the water were replaced by the big screen, but even here the handsome athlete could handle a lot. Weissmuller not only became a symbol of his generation, but also embodied on the screen an image that is still recognized today, Tarzan with his famous scream - that’s him, Johnny. Three dozen films beloved by viewers are an excellent addition to sports gold medals.

The first half of the life of Siberian Alexei Vanin can be compared with the path of Ivan Poddubny - the future champion found himself in the ring almost by accident, but as a result he turned out to be “impenetrable” for most of his rivals. From the champion of a small town, Alexey went through all the major union competitions and ended his career as a classic wrestler with four prizes USSR championships. At the end of his career, Vanin wanted to use his talent in the coaching field, but fate decreed otherwise - Alexey was called to the cinema and never let go. The Soviet strongman has recorded six dozen films; viewers will recognize him in “Gentlemen of Fortune” and “They Fought for the Motherland,” “Athos” and “Midshipmen, Forward!” Truly a People's Artist!

The hero of Internet memes, Chuck Norris, became an athlete completely by accident. Passing military service In the American Air Force stationed in South Korea, Carlos Ray (this is the actor’s real name) out of boredom began taking judo and karate lessons from his colleagues, and then from local masters. His innate talent quickly showed itself - at the age of 22, Chuck (his new name was received at a military base) became the owner of a black belt. Returning to the States, Norris not only continued to win competitions (seven years as a world champion is no joke), but also began educating the younger generation, opening many karate schools throughout the country. Chuck Norris approached his film career with all his usual seriousness, and even took acting courses. Viewers, however, love this actor not for his demonstrated diction and dramatic skills; “Return of the Dragon,” “Operation Delta” and “Missing in Action” are what fans of vintage action films still go crazy about.

Professional player to American football O.J. Simpson was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985, and his crowning achievement is set in the 1973 season, when Simpson rushed for more than 2,000 yards in 14 games. And although the running back was regularly awarded for the next three or four years, Simpson’s career was on the decline and logically came to the commentary craft and filming in commercials. Simpson confidently stepped from TV screens into cinema halls, first in the thriller “Capricorn One”, and then in the comedy trilogy “The Naked Gun”, which made him famous throughout the world. The comedian's fame, however, very soon came with notoriety - O.J. was accused of murder. Simpson behind bars until 2017.

Perhaps among our readers there will be those who will not call bodybuilding a real sport, but let them try to say this in the eyes of those mountains of muscles that compete on the stage of the Mr. Olympia tournaments and similar ones. At a certain stage of his life, young Arnold could have followed the path of a football player, but he chose bodybuilding and succeeded in it so much that he became a model for millions of boys around the world. However, performances at bodybuilding tournaments and the title of “Mr. Olympia” alone would not be enough for this - more significant victories are needed. For example, on-screen, and here Schwarzenegger has no equal. “Terminator” and “Total Recall”, “Conan the Barbarian” and “Commando”, “Predator” and “Eraser” - all the classic action films of the 1980-2000s - it’s all him, Arnold Ailbibekovich Schwarzenegger.

Since childhood, Mickey Rourke's irrepressible energy has been looking for a way out, and this thirst for adventure on his “butt” often caused problems for the young American. Participation in school baseball tournaments and bodybuilding did not suit Mickey, just as his connections with crime did not lead to anything good, the answer to the questions was found in the middle - Rourke took up boxing and very soon became a decent fighter, who was offered a professional career. The ring, however, did not bring in a lot of money, and in search of a livelihood, Mickey went to Hollywood, where they saw in him not only a wiry athlete, but also a charming hooligan, in front of whom women cannot restrain their desires. “9 1/2 Weeks” and “Wild Orchid” revealed a completely different Mickey Rourke, and although action films eventually took their toll, the actor’s main post-sports achievements were erotic melodramas.

Unlike many other types of martial arts, karate is quite demanding in terms of height. All the more tangible are the achievements of Cynthia Rothrock, who with her 160 centimeters made all her tall rivals tremble. Having been involved in martial arts since the age of 13, Cynthia earned black belts in six different types, with such baggage Rothrock was not afraid of any opponent. In addition, in the early 80s, Cynthia became the champion of American tournaments in martial arts with weapons, and this automatically made her tidbit for film producers. And his career on the big screen was not long in coming: since 1985, Rothrock has become the favorite of millions of viewers - fans of action films. “Honor and Fury”, “Tiger Claw”, “Best Squad” - Cynthia received the name “Dragon Lady” for a reason, now we are waiting for her participation in “Showdown in Manila”.

There are many rumors about the sporting achievements of Jean-Claude Van Damme, they say that he never had serious rivals, and his winning tournaments are not generally known, but, in fairness, the title of absolute champion of Belgium in bodybuilding and European champion in karate and kickboxing Not a single ill-wisher will erase the athlete’s resume. As for his film career, Van Damme was helped by his athletic skills; with the grip of a bulldog, he clung to several projects until one of them made him a star. “Bloodsport,” the script of which had been gathering dust in warehouses for three years, was not even planned to be shown in the United States, but the success of the film in Asia and then in Europe changed the views of distributors, and American audiences learned about Jean-Claude. By the mid-90s, Van Damme's popularity could rival both Stallone and Schwartz.

Our experienced readers may have not only caught stories about Vinnie Jones’ atrocities on the field or videos from Youtube, but also watched the tough style of play of this defender in live broadcasts of the English Premier League on our TV. Jones's dirty tricks became his trademark on the pitch, but they, coupled with his collection of yellow and red cards, served as a ticket to the movies for this distinctive, stone-faced British giant, nicknamed "Axe" by his enemies. Vinnie’s debut, like that of a whole galaxy of young Englishmen, was in Guy Ritchie’s film “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” which cemented the image of Vinnie Jones, which is still exploited in cinema: a taciturn tough guy who solves any problems with his fists. Today, Jones’ filmography already includes almost a hundred roles, among which his work in the film “She’s the Man” stands out; in this comedy, Vinnie takes to the football field again!

Another footballer on our list is the legendary Frenchman Eric Cantona, who, by the way, encountered Vinnie Jones on the field when he was a player at Manchester United, with whom the midfielder collected all imaginable awards. Cantona's footballer was as gifted as he was unrestrained; he managed to conflict with opponents, judges, teammates, coaches and even fans. The inability to control himself often cost Eric dearly, and he was followed by disqualifications and fines. But in the cinema, Canton seemed to have been replaced - from a street hooligan he turned into a respectable monsignor, who found a place not only in primitive French comedies, but also in productions such as Elizabeth, as well as in the drama Finding Eric, nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Having started at a provincial sambo school, Oleg Taktarov in 1995 became one of the most famous Russian athletes in the West, performing in mixed martial arts, which was not very popular in his homeland at that time. Under the pseudonym Russian Bear, Oleg crushed opponents in the cage at UFC tournaments, won an outstanding victory in the competition and left the ring without suffering a single defeat by painful hold or chokehold. But even being among the ten most popular fighters in the history of the tournament could not change Oleg’s dream - Taktarov wanted to become a Hollywood movie star. To a certain extent, he achieved his goal: “15 minutes of fame”, “Presidential Plane”, “Predators” - Oleg was not deprived of roles, but, alas, like many “Russian Hollywood people”, he did not jump over his head, accent and Nizhny Novgorod face shape they didn't allow it.

Another graduate of Guy Ritchie's "card money" comedy thriller, Jason Statham, also established himself in sports much earlier than on the screen. Some may not think that the sport that Jason chose for himself is the most courageous - instead of football, which his friends played, Statham devoted himself to diving - but now try to compete with the actor in strength and endurance! Jason's sporting achievements are impressive - as a member of the British national team, he traveled around the world for 12 years, and the peak of his career was Statham's participation in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. At first, acting didn’t particularly appeal to Jason; the modeling business was much closer to him, but meeting Guy Ritchie changed his opinion about cinema, and viewers got not only the Turk from “ Big Kush”, but also two dozen movie heroes whom all fans of action films know, Statham is the star of “Transporters”, “The Expendables” and “Adrenaline”.

The titles and regalia of Dwayne Johnson, who took the pseudonym The Rock back in 1997, can be listed for a very long time. The trouble is that all the vicissitudes of the championships of the wrestling associations WWF and WCW are practically unknown, so we won’t bother you with the proceedings with the championships and their winners, just believe me: The Rock is truly a legendary fighter. Physically gifted, Dwayne shone in running, wrestling and American football at school, but at the behest of his heart he chose wrestling as the most spectacular sport, and he was right - the ring brought Johnson into the orbit of worldwide popularity. Popularity among sports fans was inevitably followed by acting fame - The Rock made his big screen debut in the fantasy action film The Scorpion King and instantly became a superstar. Today, Dwayne stars with great pleasure in films of various genres: from the comedy “Tooth Fairy” and the pseudo-historical “Hercules” to the furious “Fast and Furious”, the latter of which is now rewriting box office records in cinemas around the world.

Woman's face mixed martial arts MMA Gina Carano could well have gotten lost among her peers if she had continued to play basketball, softball or volleyball at school, in which she showed ability. But the girl chose a more dangerous, but also much more spectacular sport for herself and devoted herself to Muay Thai and boxing. Fights involving Carano have always attracted attention increased attention, and the number of fans of the stocky girl, sweeping away her rivals like a tornado, grew by leaps and bounds. Hollywood was not slow to show its attention. The first to bring Gina to the big screen was Steven Soderbergh, who composed his “Knockout” specifically for Carano, then the athlete appeared in “Fast and Furious 6” and “Bloody Revenge.” However, Carano’s plans look even more impressive than the work already done: Gina has signed up to participate in the female version of “The Expendables,” her participation in the “Kickboxer” reboot has been announced, and comic book fans can expect to meet the actress-athlete in “Deadpool.” The main battles are still ahead!

We all know Hollywood actors who cannot imagine their life without sports. We follow their training principles and follow their signature diets. But don’t forget that our theater and film actors take care of their bodies and are always in excellent physical shape. One of these bright examples is Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Dmitry Pevtsov.

Dmitry Pevtsov was born on July 8, 1963 in Moscow. His parents have nothing to do with the acting environment: Anatoly Pevtsov is an honored pentathlon coach of the USSR, and Noemi Robert is a sports doctor. However, this was not the basis for sports career their son.

After school he entered the Faculty of Physical Education in pedagogical institute, but a different fate was in store for him. After working at a factory, a school friend suggested that he enter the Theatre Institute with him. As a result, Dmitry entered GITIS on the course of I.I. Sudakova and L.N. Knyazeva. Dmitry was one of the best students on the course, as well as the head of the group.

After graduating from the institute in 1986, he was drafted into the army, where he played on the stage of the Soviet Army Theater, and after returning home he began working at the Taganka Theater.

At the same time, he lived with actress Larisa Blazhko, with whom they studied together at the theater institute. On June 5, 1990, their son Daniel was born, but this did not cement their relationship. Dmitry and Larisa separated, the actress moved to live in Canada. However, on the set of the film “Walk on the Scaffold,” Dmitry met his future wife Olga Drozdova. They got married in 1994, and in 2007 their son Elisha was born.

Creative success.

It is worth noting that about acting career Dmitry never thought seriously. He did not participate in drama clubs, and admission to the theater institute was destined for him by fate. Dmitry Pevtsov on stage and television always plays strong and bright personalities, while he plays both heroes and bandits. It is worth remembering only the television series “Queen Margot”, in which he played Henry of Navarre.

Singers take the choice of roles very seriously and demandingly. It is important for him that the hero is interesting, that he has a story. It is thanks to this that each role of Dmitry is unique and original.

However, despite the large number romantic heroes played by Dmitry, he is most often perceived as a rebel and a hero. Let’s remember the films “Gangster Petersburg” or “Stop on Demand”. Dmitry won particular respect among sports fans after the release of the film “Called the Beast” in 1991.

As is known, talented person talented in everything. This statement can also be applied to Dmitry. He not only acts in films and plays in the theater, but also plays music. He sings solo and performs in the street group KarTush throughout the country. In 2004, he released a disc called “ Moon Road" And then he staged a musical and dramatic show of the same name.

Musicals occupy a special place in his life. Dmitry participates in the musicals “Metro”, “The Witches of Eastwick”, “Juno and Avos”.


“Sports are in my blood,” this is exactly what the actor himself says. And this is not surprising, because Dmitry was born in sports family. His mother, Noemi Robert, is a sports doctor, and his father, Anatoly Pevtsov, is an honored coach of the USSR in pentathlon. Therefore, from childhood, sport was an integral part of Dmitry’s life. He practiced karate, judo, and horse riding.

And even at 51 years old, the actor continues to do active exercises every day instead of breakfast. He claims that every person should play sports, as it is good not only for the body, but also for the brain and soul.

It is worth noting that Dmitry does not deny himself food. He eats everything without exception, but at the same time observes moderation. IN ordinary life it excludes alcohol and tobacco completely. Also, despite the lack of free time, he always devotes time to strength training.

The most the best way Dmitry Pevtsov considers swimming to maintain health. He believes that the sea shares its energy and gives a person a surge of strength. In addition, the actor believes that the revival of the GTO standards is a step towards increasing the popularity of physical education and improving the health of the nation. Dmitry remembers from childhood how he passed the GTO, threw a grenade and did pull-ups.

Dmitry gives particular preference to racing. So, since 2001, he has been taking part in the Volkswagen Polo circuit racing. For the sake of participating in races and winter training, the actor repeatedly changed his theater schedule.

Today Dmitry Pevtsov is not only an Honored Artist of Russia, but also a candidate Master of Sports, pilot of the RUS-LAN racing team.