Who does Shepelev live with after death? “He urinated in her flower pot, and at the wake he pretended to jump out the window.”

In the photo Dmitry Shepelev and Oksana Stepanova

There have been rumors for a long time that Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova, do not hide their relationship. In another interview with open sources of information, Friske’s father accused the presenter and his new girlfriend of deliberate actions against the relatives of the singer who died of cancer.

Read also:

  • After Zhanna’s death, it was she who helped the grief-stricken man pull himself together; they had known each other for a long time - Oksana Stepanova had been friends with the artist and her husband for a long time. The girl met the lead singer of the group “Brilliant” while working with the once popular group, being their make-up artist and makeup artist. It was thanks to Ksenia’s talent that the artists looked so attractive at all performances, justifying their roles.

    After Zhanna Friske switched to solo work, Ksenia Stepanova became not only the artist’s personal cosmetologist, but also her close friend. The girl accompanied the singer on tour; not a single concert took place without her. Gradually, the singer and her subordinate became so friendly that the fine line in their relationship between employer and hired staff was completely erased. Ksenia Stepanova began to enter Zhanna’s house as an old friend, whom the artist unconditionally trusted.

    After Friske found out about her illness, her touring activities stopped, but her friendly relationship with her faithful friend remained trusting.

    Photo: Zhanna Friske and Oksana Stepanova

    Dmitry Shepelev did not pay much attention to his common-law wife’s friend; at that time all his thoughts were occupied with the fight for his wife’s life. Therefore, I practically did not know Oksana closely, perceiving her as a stranger.

    Death of the singer

    Dmitry Shepelev got a new girlfriend after Zhanna, since photos with Ksenia Stepanova and the TV presenter were not captured.

    For several years, Dmitry Shepelev was next to the dying Zhanna, without thinking about his future and who would become his new girlfriend after Friske left. The singer received a terrible diagnosis in 2014. Then Zhana disappeared from TV screens, posters with her name disappeared in all cities of Russia. As it turned out a little later, the singer learned about the fatal diagnosis while she was pregnant. It was a terrible time for everyone - in anticipation of Friske’s decision, Shepelev, the artist’s parents, and her friends and colleagues literally held their breath. Doctors promised a high percentage of healing only if the pregnancy was terminated.

    Friske had long wanted a child; she and Dmitry had been knocking on the doors of various clinics for many years in a desire to find out the reason for their lack of children. Therefore, for Friske, the choice between the life of her child and a painful illness became obvious - she refused to terminate the pregnancy.

    After the birth of her son Plato, the woman went to the States for treatment. This required colossal amounts of money - chemotherapy is incredibly expensive both in Russia and abroad. To help the woman on the live broadcast of the “Let Them Talk” program, all project participants asked caring people to help raise money to save the life of the dying Friska. The collected amount turned out to be much larger and was withdrawn 2 weeks before the artist’s death by her parents.

    Zhanna Friske with her son Plato

    All this difficult time, Oksana Stepanova was next to her dying friend, caring not only for Zhanna, but also for little Plato - the sick woman could not independently care for the baby. According to the artist’s relatives, Zhanna died practically in Oksana’s arms.

    Rumors about Shepelev's new relationship

    For the first time, newspapermen started talking about Dmitry Shepelev after the death of Zhanna and his new girlfriend, who quite accidentally filmed the presenter and cosmetologist’s joint visit to one of the art exhibitions. By this time, the presenter published a farewell letter to his deceased wife online, trying to express all his pain from the loss of his beloved. In it, Dmitry thanks the gentle angel who saved him from depression and supported the man in the most bitter moments of his life.

    He noted that for the first time he felt real self-care, which he had lacked for a very long time.

    All journalists immediately grabbed onto these lines, trying to find out at least something about Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna’s death. A group photo at the entrance to a popular gallery became indirect evidence of the presenter’s relationship with another woman. Some publications diligently exaggerated the version of a long-term relationship between a man and his late wife’s cosmetologist, arguing that such devotion to someone else’s family cannot be based only on friendly relations.

    Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

    The artist’s sister Natalya came to the defense of the young man in 2016. In an open interview, the woman stated that Oksana Stepanova could not possibly be Dmitry Shepelev’s new girlfriend, and her appearance on the street with the presenter was connected with a general visit to the exhibition, nothing more. According to the woman, Stepanova is an exemplary mother of two sons, a faithful wife and a young grandmother.

    New scandal

    Not so long ago, Zhanna’s father, in his next speech, accused Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend of inciting the singer’s son Plato against his grandparents. According to the elderly man, Dmitry and Stepanova have been in a close relationship for a long time. Allegedly, their romance began long before Zhanna’s death, and the mistress stole document forms from her sick friend, which later appeared in court after a scandal with the return of money. According to Vladimir Borisovich, for a long time Shepelev hired a nanny to help care for Plato in his absence.

    Now Dmitry has returned to television after a long career break, working on a new project on the central channel, which takes up a lot of the man’s time. He wants to provide his son with everything necessary for his full development and comfortable existence.

    Not long ago, according to the former father-in-law, Shepelev fired the incoming servants, entrusting the upbringing of his son Platon to Oksana Stepanova. This hurt Friske's father. He believes that the woman, together with her former son-in-law, is turning her grandson against him and his wife. As Olga Orlova, a close friend of the late Zhanna and Platon’s godmother, told reporters, Stepanova refuses to make contact and simply does not answer calls or respond to messages on her answering machine. They say, thus, the father of the boy, half orphaned after the death of his mother, was also left without the support of his godmother.

    D. Shepelev with his son

    Neither Dmitry Shepelev nor his new girlfriend commented on these rumors in 2018. After Zhanna’s death, the presenter did not speak very actively in the publication’s open sources about the dirt that Friske’s relatives threw at him and his late daughter with enviable regularity.

    Lawyer's opinion

    The lawyer who helps the Friske family in all legal vicissitudes categorically denies Shepelev’s possible connection with Stepanova. We remind you that after Zhanna left, a terrible scandal broke out over money from Rusfond allocated for the treatment of the famous singer. The organization itself allocates funds exclusively for the treatment of children with cancer. An exception was made for everyone’s favorite and huge funds, collected in the shortest possible time from literally all over the world, arrived in her accounts.

    When Zhanna died, it turned out that about 21 million rubles had disappeared in an unknown direction.

    The court brought charges against the singer's parents and her little son, whose guardianship Dmitry formalized immediately after the death of his common-law wife. At the same time, the artist’s relatives hastened to blame Shepelev for everything, telling terrible stories to all media about his far-reaching selfish plans in relation to his deceased daughter and her son.

    Vladimir Borisovich, without mincing words, even threatened the presenter with murder.

    They filed a lawsuit against Dmitry, trying to deprive him of guardianship of his grandson and take the boy away from his legal father, motivating their behavior with the desire to protect Plato and the property belonging to him from Shepelev. A whole investigation was carried out, which proved that the man is a worthy father to his child, loving, caring and attentive.

    Therefore, Friske’s parents were left with nothing, simultaneously earning themselves a reputation as inadequate individuals.

    According to the lawyer, Shepelev simply distracted public attention from his legal problems by mentioning the care of a tender friend who became a faithful assistant to a man in difficult times. In addition, the guardianship authorities regularly monitor any changes in Plato’s life. The appearance in the house of a woman claiming to participate in his upbringing on the basis of a personal relationship with Shepelev should have been reflected in Dmitry’s reports to the inspection authorities, but such action did not follow.

    Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova, may be hiding their relationship so as not to become “food” for journalists and negative comments about them...

    The media found out that Friske's ex-husband Shepelev secretly works on Ukrainian TV and is dating an ex-member of the VIA Gra group.

    Secrets of the Friske family, news for today, June 2, 2016: the singer’s ex-husband Shepelev hid Plato for six months, despite the court’s decision

    TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev violated a resolution obliging him to allow Zhanna Friske’s family to see three-year-old Plato, according to the decision of the guardianship commission. The lawyer of the Friske family, who participated in the proceedings, told Life about this. According to the lawyer, the decision came into force on November 15, 2015, but the child’s father ignored it until April 2016, preventing the family from meeting with Plato.

    According to him, initially the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the Presnensky district of Moscow established that relatives could see Plato 4 times a month. At the same time, the grandmother has the right to communicate with her grandson on the first and fourth Mondays of the month for four hours. Every second Friday evening, for two hours, Plato must spend time in the company of Olga and Vladimir Friske, and every fourth Friday - with his grandmother and aunt Natalya Friske.

    On weekends, namely on the first and third Saturdays, every morning Plato should begin with communication with his grandparents, who should look after him until lunch. Also, every fourth Sunday, the entire Friske family has the right to spend leisure time with the child, having discussed the place and time in advance with Shepelev.

    The lawyer for the Friske family emphasized that due to the fact that Dmitry Shepelev refused to follow the commission’s decision on guardianship and trusteeship of the Presnensky district of Moscow, the relatives were forced to appeal to the Khamovnichesky District Court, from where they were redirected to the department of social protection of the population of Khamovniki. On December 16, 2015, the commission made a new decision, according to which Vladimir Borisovich Friske was allowed to communicate with his grandson only once a month - every 3rd Monday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the presence of security and a child psychologist.

    Regarding the mother of the late singer and sister, the situation has not changed. However, even after the case was reconsidered, Friske’s relatives did not receive the long-awaited meeting.

    Shepelev allowed them to do this only eight months later, in April 2016, on the child’s birthday. The meeting took place in the presence of security and a child psychologist, although this was not at all necessary. “Shepelev was constantly rude to Natalya and Olga Vladimirovna, so the meeting did not last long. He also insisted that he would not allow his grandfather to see Plato, “until he changes.” I don’t know what changes he wants to see, apparently he wants the family she knelt in front of him and begged him to let them see Plato,” the lawyer said.

    Vladimir Friske himself told Life that he would achieve punishment for Shepelev. The 57-year-old father of the late singer said that he had filed a new lawsuit against his son-in-law for non-compliance with the commission's decision on guardianship.

    Media: Shepelev secretly meets with Meicher in Ukraine (photo)

    Meanwhile, the Belarusian TV presenter, Zhanna Friske’s common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, after a long lull, appeared on Ukrainian television, REN-TV reports.

    After Shepelev’s common-law wife Friske began fighting cancer, Dmitry spent all his time with her. After the singer’s death, he disappeared from the screens, and is now secretly filming a Ukrainian TV show.

    The media report that in order to keep the filming of a new project with Shepelev secret, its participants hand over mobile communications equipment and cameras at the entrance to the filming pavilion. This demand was put forward by the presenter himself. The film crew was prohibited from entering Dmitry's dressing room without warning.

    Famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev secretly meets with ex-member of the VIA Gra group Nadezhda Meikher in Kyiv on the set of the Super Intuition project.

    Shepelev willingly agreed to become the host of the program, but forbade viewers from taking photographs during the broadcast and demanded increased security measures on the site, Life.ru reports.

    Be that as it may, Shepelev was spotted filming a show in the capital of Ukraine. They took place in the Dovzhenko pavilion. Dmitry was offered a new job by the New Channel, which paid Dmitry a small fee (about five thousand dollars).

    Shepelev Dmitry Andreevich - TV presenter, actor, DJ - one of the most popular showmen in several countries. In addition to his native Belarus, Dmitry was able to win the sympathy of the residents of Russia and Ukraine.

    Bright, charismatic, with an amazing sense of humor, in recent years Shepelev was able to become the face of television projects, “Make the Comedian Laugh”, “Property of the Republic” and the sensational show “Actually” (Channel One, Russia), which caused an extremely mixed reaction in expert circles ), where, as planned by the producers, the truth should prevail. In this show, Dmitry appeared in a new role for himself, turning the next page of his biography.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Shepelev

    Dmitry Shepelev is one of the most recognizable media figures of our time. Journalists and fans of the showman are interested in literally everything about him: height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Shepelev. You can easily find answers to all these questions on the Internet. Dmitry, like any media person, does not hide basic information about himself and is an active user of social networks.

    Dmitry's date of birth is January 25, 1983. In 2018, he celebrated his 35th anniversary. Dmitry's height and weight are 175 cm and 72 kg.

    Biography and personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

    The biography and personal life of Dmitry Shepelev is conventionally divided into three parts. Three times Dmitry radically changed his place of registration, dividing his creative path into three stages. Dmitry began his life's journey on January 25, 1973 in the capital of Belarus. Graduated from the eleventh gymnasium in Minsk. Already at school he showed interest in the profession of a presenter. In addition, he established himself well in sports, played tennis professionally, and was even among the top 10 young tennis players in Belarus. Probably, the young man would have dedicated his life to tennis if, by chance, he had not ended up in the crowd of Belarusian television, where he later became one of the hosts of the youth program 5*5. On the set of the program, Dmitry met his wife, Anna Tabolina. The young couple dated for 7 years, but the divorce that followed three weeks after the wedding put an end to the relationship between Dmitry and Anna.

    Entering the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University, Shepelev already had decent experience in the media and, as a student, continued to accept offers from television and radio channels, which were then experiencing a shortage of young personnel. This is how Dmitry ended up on Alfa Radio and the ONT TV channel. The young man was not afraid of corporate events; he plunged headlong into his favorite business and worked part-time in nightclubs in Minsk. Among the achievements of Shepelev’s early work, one can note the radio broadcast of a Robbie-Williams concert, interviews with world stars Bryan Adams, Chris Rea, etc.

    In 2004, Dmitry's fame went beyond the borders of Belarus. Ukrainian TV channels are interested in aspiring TV presenters, who won’t mince words and can joke in such a way that everyone will find it funny, while everything will be within the framework of censorship. The first offer Shepelev received from Ukraine came from Alexander Asalyuk, the producer of one of the highest-rated music channels in Ukraine at that time, “M1”. Asalyuk decided to create a morning show that could help Ukrainians wake up with a smile. He offered the role of presenter to Dmitry Shepelev. The show “Guten Morgen” started on M1 in 2004. Over the 4.5 years that Shepelev “wished good morning” to Ukraine, Asalyuk never regretted his choice of host. Moreover, he later offered Dmitry participation in several more channel projects. So Shepelev became the host of the show “Give me a ride.” Torn between Minsk and Kiev, the showman eventually moved to the capital of Ukraine and since 2007 began collaborating exclusively with Ukrainian media.

    In 2009, Shepelev, having received interesting offers from Russian media, moved to Moscow. The landmark television projects of this period of life for Dmitry were: “Two Voices” “Property of the Republic”. At the same time, Shepelev distinguished himself as the host of festivals and concerts: “Five Stars”, “Eurovision - 2015” and many others. Despite close cooperation with Russian media, Shepelev still does not refuse interesting television projects in Ukraine, becomes close to the famous comedian, leader of the Kvartal-95 studio, Vladimir Zelensky, and literally becomes the face of the Inter TV channel and the host of one of the channel’s highest-rated projects “Make the comedian laugh.” At this time, Dmitry began an affair with the popular singer Zhanna Friske. In 2013, she gave birth to the presenter’s son, Plato. Zhanna's death from cancer in 2015 was a real blow for Shepelev.

    The last bright touch in Dmitry’s activity was the talk show “Actually,” which premiered on the Russian Channel One last summer. Having matured and, it seems, changed the role of an eternal cheerful fellow to a wise psychologist and analyst, Dmitry, within the framework of this talk show, is trying to solve the problems of people who have reached a dead end. However, not so long ago Dmitry himself almost found himself in a dead end. In mid-2017, the World Wide Web exploded with the news that Dmitry Shepelev had been arrested.

    This information was never officially confirmed at that time, but lawyers argued that the showman could face a prison sentence due to failure to fulfill the obligations imposed on him by the court to improve the relationship and communication of the son of the late Friske with the singer’s relatives. The fact is that Zhanna’s parents had been suing Dmitry for the right to see and communicate with their grandson for a long time, as a result of which the court decided to collect a fine from Dmitry, and according to lawyers, the next court decision, if Dmitry had failed to comply with the previous decision of the judicial body, could have been more harsh (up to imprisonment).
    Today Shepelev does not advertise his personal life much. At the instigation of Friske’s parents, the media community started talking about Shepelev’s affair with Zhanna’s cosmetologist, Ksenia Stepanova. The couple really showed off on their vacation together, and Svetlana takes an active part in raising Plato. Most recently, a photo of Dmitry dressed as a doctor caused a stir. Fans decided that the photo was taken in the maternity hospital, and Shepelev became a father for the second time. There was no official confirmation of this; the presenter only intriguingly stated that he was ready for the birth of a second child and wanted it to be a girl.

    Family and children of Dmitry Shepelev

    The family and children of Dmitry Shepelev are also a hot topic of discussion among fans of his talent. Dmitry was born into the poor family of Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev and Natalya Aleksandrovna Shepeleva. His father worked as a programmer, and his mother as an accountant. Despite the fact that Dima was the only child in the family, he was brought up in strictness. Since childhood, he had to earn extra money by handing out leaflets on the streets of Minsk.

    Today Dmitry calls his first marriage with his colleague Anna Tabolina a mistake of his youth. He knew true love with Zhanna Friske. The fruit of their relationship was the son Plato. The stars never had time to officially register their marriage; Zhanna died after a long illness, practically in Dmitry’s arms. After this, the showman prefers not to talk about his personal life. According to some reports, he lives with his girlfriend Friske and is even thinking about a second child, but there is no official confirmation of this.

    Son of Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev

    The son of Dmitry Shepelev, Platon Shepelev, was born in America on April 7, 2013. The child’s mother is singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry’s relationship with whom they began to actively discuss long before the boy was born. Today Shepelev’s five-year-old son looks like a happy child and charms the artist’s friends and fans. The popularity of his person is explained by the conflict between Dmitry and the relatives of the late Zhanna Friske.

    The exact reason for the disagreement is unknown, but according to information appearing in the media, Dmitry in every possible way prevents his son from communicating with his grandparents. Sometimes the media gives out terrible information like the one that Shepelev told his son that his grandmother had died.

    Dmitry Shepelev's ex-wife - Anna Tabolina

    Today Dmitry Shepelev calls his first marriage a mistake of youth, but then in the late 90s the young showman fell madly in love with his colleague on the youth show 5*5 Anna Startseva (Tabolina). Their passionate romance lasted 7 years, after which Dmitry dared to propose marriage to the girl. However, living together dispelled illusions, and less than a month later the couple divorced. The ex-wife of Dmitry Shepelev, Anna Tabolina, is today a practicing psychotherapist, she was successfully married, and is the mother of two children.

    Dmitry Shepelev's common-law wife - Zhanna Friske

    Dmitry Shepelev's common-law wife, Zhanna Friske, became one of the brightest pages in his life. It is not known for certain where and under what circumstances the stars met, but their romance was actively discussed starting in 2009, and in 2013 Friske gave birth to a son, Plato, and stated that the boy’s father was Dmitry Shepelev.

    Then they were called one of the most beautiful star couples and predicted a long happy future. However, Dmitry already knew about his beloved’s fatal illness. Dmitry Shepelev's common-law wife, Zhanna Friske, died on June 15, 2015.

    Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna

    After Friske's death, Dmitry decided to devote himself entirely to raising the heir. For some time, the showman completely refused public meetings, interviews and offers from TV channels. It seemed that television had lost one of the most vibrant and charismatic presenters of the 21st century. However, not so long ago, he suddenly decided to return to TV. According to rumors, the factor pushing for this decision was the relationship with Ksenia Stepanova (a close friend of Friske).

    Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna today became the subject of heated battles among Internet users. Some users condemn the idol, others believe that the showman has the right to a personal life without resorting to a vow of celibacy
    Shepelev does not officially comment on his relationship with Ksenia Stepanova, but Ksenia takes part in raising the son of Zhanna and Dmitry and spends quite a lot of time with him. And not so long ago, the presenter said that he would not mind becoming a father again.

    TV show “Actually” with host Dmitry Shepelev

    At the beginning of 2017, one of the most popular queries in search engines was: “Dmitry Shepelev new program on Channel One.”

    The program-show “Actually” with host Dmitry Shepelev became a new stage in Dmitry’s life and work. Already matured and wise with experience, in a new talk show he tries to understand the problems of other people and give the necessary advice. To increase the show's ratings, famous personalities are invited to participate. At one time, Masha Rasputina, Ivan Krasko, and Danko allowed themselves to connect themselves to a lie detector in the “Actually” studio.

    “Actually” became the most controversial project in Dmitry’s biography. Critics bombarded the program's format with criticism, considering some of the presenter's conclusions inappropriate and incorrect, and the program's characters simply bought. Such expert conclusions are also supported by the statements of the above-mentioned stars that their participation in the show was generously rewarded. However, catching modern television in such lies is by no means a discovery.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev

    Dmitry Shepelev is an active user of social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Shepelev are of particular interest to fans. It is Dmitry’s photo albums, constantly updated by the presenter, that give rise to intrigue and gossip about the showman’s personal life today. On his Instagram, Dmitry mainly posts his photographs and joint photographs with his son, taken while traveling in different countries.

    Shepelev has officially verified accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They regularly contain the most vivid impressions from the life of a showman. Photos, as a rule, are accompanied by a text commentary written in the style characteristic of Dmitry, with a touch of self-irony and a smile that, after many years, no matter what, does not leave the presenter’s face.

    A few months ago, Vladimir Friske became the hero of the “Secret to a Million” program, in which he spoke not only about problems in communicating with the chosen one of Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer, Dmitry Shepelev, but also. The host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, then confirmed his words, saying that she was also surprised by what “Dima did then.” Both decided not to voice the incident and keep what happened secret. However, on the next wave of the scandal with Shepelev, Zhanna Friske’s father decided to tell what he did then.


    - Shepelev takes revenge on us with the help of a child, - says Vladimir Friske. - He is capable of incomprehensible actions. I remember Zhanna telling how they vacationed abroad - We stayed in the house of the same owner. We didn’t like something and decided to move out. So Shepelev took and urinated in her flower pot - such a petty nuisance. And how he behaved at Jeanne’s wake! At some point, he jumped out to the third floor, stood out the window, and pretended that he was going to jump out. Everything is so demonstrative. He said: “I can’t live without her, I’ll jump now!” He was grabbed and dragged away. But then he laughed and said: “Why are you scared? Am I a fool? I will still live, and for a long time!” That is, he simulated a suicide attempt. The guests were shocked, they saw it all. And after this incident, Shepelev told jokes, laughed, drank, and behaved inappropriately. It seemed that he was even glad that he had found complete freedom...


    The scandal continued over the mansion that Zhanna and Dmitry began to build shortly before the news of her illness. As it turned out, Dmitry refuses to return half the cost of the house to the singer’s family. He still does not allow four-year-old Plato to see his grandparents, although the court ordered him to do so.

    - The court ordered Shepelev to provide visits with the baby to Friske’s grandparents once a month. But Dmitry does not comply with the court decision under various far-fetched pretexts: either there is no time, then they left, then Plato got sick, and so on, - said the lawyers of the singer’s father Vladimir Friske. - Another date in January was canceled again. Dmitry, in turn, says: Plato doesn’t even want to see his grandparents. We suspect that Shepelev is deliberately setting the child against his loved ones. On one date, Plato asked: “Grandfather, when will you give dad and I back our house and money?” At our last meeting last year, I didn’t want to communicate with my grandmother and turned away from her. He said that dad forbids accepting gifts from relatives... We insist on conducting an independent psychological examination of Plato. Perhaps this attitude comes from Dmitry, who can instill anything in a child.


    The boy forgets his relatives, and he himself seems to have no desire to see them - simply because he doesn’t realize who they are.

    - This is a vicious circle: the child will not remember his relatives if Shepelev continues to prevent them from meeting. As a result, it turns out that the boy is artificially deprived of relatives. This violates the rights of the child! - lawyers say. - We know Shepelev's blue dream - settle with Plato in a country house purchased during Zhanna’s lifetime in the Istra district of the Moscow region, - Friske's lawyers continue. - He's very close to it, but we're going to intervene.

    Soon after Zhanna learned about her terrible diagnosis, Shepelev withdrew a large amount from her account. With this money he bought a country house. The power of attorney was issued on July 2, 2013 in Miami (on June 24, Zhanna went to an American clinic for the first time, where she was given a fatal diagnosis). As follows from the document, the singer entrusted Dmitry “to buy, at a price and on terms at his own discretion, ½ share of a land plot with a total area of ​​3,730 square meters. m (...) and ½ share of a residential building with a total area of ​​393 sq. m".


    It was understood that Shepelev would buy the second half with his own money. But he did not have the funds at that moment. And he promised that he would return the money for this half later. In total, Dmitry spent 38 million rubles on the purchase. Of these, 36 million went to the land plot and 2 million to the house itself. Now, according to lawyers, Shepelev’s debt to the Friske family is half of this amount - 19 million rubles.


    Zhanna had never been to this house; she had only seen the construction site in photographs. Shepelev still lives with Plato in a rented apartment.

    He was unable to move into the house immediately after Zhanna’s death due to legal intricacies. The second half of the mansion, registered to Zhanna, was divided in equal shares between the heirs - Platon and the singer’s parents. After a quarrel with his would-be son-in-law, Vladimir Friske refused to let him into the cottage.


    - At the same time, Vladimir Friske announced that he was ready to give up the house altogether if Shepelev regularly allowed him to see his grandson, - lawyers emphasize. - At first, Dmitry promised to arrange visits with the child, but then he began to play around.

    At the same time, Vladimir Friske stepped on the throat of his pride and went forward. He and Zhanna's mother gave up their shares in the house in favor of their grandson. Half of the cottage now belongs to Plato. The second still remains with Shepelev.

    - We recently learned about Shepelev’s desire to move into this house, - say Friske's lawyers. - But he never kept his promise - did not pay 19 million to relatives for half of this property. And if so, we are filing a lawsuit against Shepelev.

    The relatives of the deceased artist learned another interesting fact.

    - Dmitry contacted the bank with the hope of receiving Zhanna’s personal money from her personal account. During her lifetime, Zhanna sold her house in America and put the proceeds - 475 thousand dollars - on account, - lawyers say. - Shepelev knew that Zhanna had an account at the bank, but did not know its number. And then he submitted an application: they say that they have a bank account for Zhanna Friske, and he, as Plato’s legal representative, has the right to receive the money. At the same time, in the statement he indicated that Plato - the only heir, there are no other heirs. That is, he deliberately misled bank employees. Nevertheless, bank employees learned that there was a trial going on between Shepelev and Zhanna’s relatives, and refused to give him money. We plan to bring Shepelev to justice for attempted fraud.