Opera singer Ilyinichna. Tamara Sinyavskaya - biography, photos, songs, personal life of the singer

The famous Soviet and Russian singer Tamara Sinyavskaya is a native of Moscow. She was born on July 6, 1943. When the future singer was little, she wanted to become a doctor. There was a clinic in the house where she lived with her mother. Tamara loved watching people in white coats work.

Tamara's mother was a very talented woman. She had a beautiful voice, but due to some circumstances she could not become a singer. The daughter began to sing after her mother; she repeated the compositions she had heard.

At the age of three, Tamara began to feel like a real performer. The girl loved to sing in hallways, where there was excellent acoustics. Subsequently, Tamara was sent to the House of Pioneers, where good teachers worked with her.

After this, the young singer began to perform songs together with teachers in the yard, where she gathered all the neighbors. Soon the girl signed up for Vladimir Loktev’s children’s team.

When the girl was ten years old, she was transferred to the choir. There she gained stage experience.

In her last year of school, Tamara, on the advice of her mentor, Vladimir Loktev, decided to enter the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

In this educational institution she met the best teachers who were able to bring her talent to perfection. While studying, the girl worked part-time on the stage of the Maly Theater. At that time, the choir soloists were paid five rubles per performance.

After some time, Tamara was advised to become an intern at the Bolshoi Theater.

A year later, the girl was accepted into the main troupe, but she knew that she couldn’t stop there. Soon Tamara entered GITIS, where she met teacher Dora Belyavskaya. It was she who made a real diamond out of a diamond.

One day the main cast of the troupe went to perform in Milan. Tamara did an excellent job with her role and from that moment began to feel like a real mistress of the stage. After that I heard a good review from Sergei Lemeshev.

It is known that Tamara Sinyavskaya was married twice. Her first husband was a ballet dancer who helped her survive the death of her mother. Everything would have been fine if not for the tour to Baku, where Tamara met Muslim Magomayev, with whom millions of women were in love. They were both in an official relationship, but the passion turned out to be stronger.

In the fall of 1974, the couple legalized their relationship. They lived together for thirty-four years. They did not have children, so Tamara gave all her love and care to her husband. After he died, the woman did not appear on stage for three years.

Now Tamara Sinyavskaya teaches at GITIS, where she holds the position of head of the vocal department.

Tamara Sinyavskaya is also invited to the stage and offered the best vocal parts in opera

Good day everyone! I am an ardent fan of Tamara Sinyavskaya’s work and deeply admire her talent. If you have never heard of this amazing woman, have not heard her enchanting voice, you have lost a lot and this mistake needs to be corrected urgently. In my article I will try to talk in detail about who Tamara Sinyavskaya is and her unique talent.

About childhood and creative path

The future diva of the Russian opera stage Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in Moscow on July 6, 1943. Tamara grew up during the war years and hunger, and only her mother took care of her. Nothing is known about the singer’s father and she herself did not mention him in any interview, but she always spoke willingly and with ardent love about her mother. It was her mother who once brought Tamara to the House of Pioneers, where the girl began to study vocals, while simultaneously performing in the Song and Dance Ensemble.

The artistic directors of the ensemble drew attention to the girl’s unusual talent and recommended that after school she enroll in a school at the capital’s conservatory. Tamara followed the advice. Having already studied vocals professionally, Sinyavskaya begins to sing in the choir of the Maly Theater, and at the same time learn the basics of acting and opera.

After graduating from college, Tamara comes as an intern to the Bolshoi Theater. She sings before the commission, and its members are so amazed by the young performer’s singing abilities that they take her, turning a blind eye to her lack of conservatory education. Over the course of a year, Tamara achieves amazing success - she is accepted into the main team. The debutante finds herself on the same stage with such stars as Galina Vishnevskaya, Alexander Ognivtsev, Irina Arkhipova.

Tamara Sinyavskaya received recognition after performing the role of Olga in the opera Eugene Onegin. The girl got the role by accident - the main troupe was on tour, and there was no time to look for a soloist. Tamara was invited, and she performed so brilliantly that she was recognized as the best performer of the role of Olga of all time.

The first success did not become a reason for Tamara Sinyavskaya’s star fever. She worked daily and tirelessly to improve her talent and expand her repertoire capabilities. Only in the first few years of performances at the Bolshoi Theater, Sinyavskaya performed a dozen different roles, which are recognized as the best in the history of Russian and world opera. Tamara Sinyavskaya has worked at the Bolshoi Theater for almost 40 years and performed the best opera roles in a variety of productions. You can see photos of Tamara in different roles below.

Personal life

Tamara Sinyavskaya met the love of her life, Muslim Magomayev, during a trip to Baku. Both Muslim and Tamara were not free during the first meeting, so they did not give free rein to their flaring feelings. Tamara immediately after returning from Baku left for Italy and thought that her sudden sympathy would fade away and would not destroy her marriage. But Muslim was persistent: he called and discussed creative plans and new music with his beloved. And the fortress fell: returning from Italy, Tamara divorced her husband and entered into a new marriage with Magomayev.

Sinyavskaya and Magomayev rarely separated and often organized joint performances and tours. Their marriage was strong and happy, but, alas, Magomayev passed away in 2007. Tamara Sinyavskaya was inconsolable, because she loved her husband immensely. For almost three years she lived as a hermit, avoiding society and not wanting to talk to anyone. Time did not heal the wound, but it still made it possible to find an outlet - Tamara decided to take up teaching and also established a competition for young performers named after her late husband. This is the life story of the brightest star of the Russian opera stage, Tamara Sinyavskaya.

Tamara Sinyavskaya for me she was always in the second echelon behind the back of her husband, the great singer Muslim Magomaeva. Although I saw her at concerts and admired her voice. Her contralto mezzo-soprano delighted Maria Callas and Tito Gobi. She won a gold medal at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition. And the whole country sang the song “Black-Eyed Cossack Woman”. For seven years after the death of Muslim Magomayev, Tamara Sinyavskaya did not go on stage and did not communicate with her fans. And here in the Central House of Writers at the project Vladimir Glazunov "One on One" The long-awaited meeting of Tamara Ilyinichna with fans took place. I must say, this meeting turned out to be very emotional


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“Seven years and several months have already passed when my life was practically cut short. I was now watching these shots backstage, I also hadn’t seen or heard them for a long time. And I caught myself thinking that I could already see this and hear. Because at first seeing Muslim on the screen, hearing his voice, it was painful for me. Therefore, I am very grateful to you for inviting me, and for coming, and for the fact that I saw with you , practically, the beginning of our relationship."


Vladimir Glazunov:“Tamara dreamed of anything as a child, but not about becoming a singer. Is this true?”

03. Vladimir Glazunov

Tamara Sinyavskaya:"True. Singing and dancing were associated with me, but they did not seem to me as a profession. From the very beginning of my stay on this earth, I sang and danced, so for me it was not considered a profession. My mother was not very much in favor of me choosing a profession singer because she, like a normal adequate person, talked about you, that you will catch a cold and you have no profession. She was absolutely right. Therefore, we are all hostages of our voice, our profession. We must take good care of ourselves so as not to catch a cold, take care of our voice, take care of your appearance so that the director invites you to his performance. When roles were distributed at the Bolshoi Theater, we paid a lot of attention. It was difficult, because the Bolshoi Theater was always famous for its singers who were not thin. Therefore, I always remember Boris Alexandrovich’s instructions Pokrovsky, which he gave for life. When I came to the Bolshoi Theater, and I had never been thin, but everything was fine. And then I heard the phrase that: “Artists should always be in shape.” And Boris Alexandrovich demanded from the artists. One of his favorite artists is Galina Vishnevskaya. She always kept herself in shape. For example, if she was gaining weight, she would sit on lemons for three days and lose unnecessary pounds. And he practically always cited her as an example.”


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“Well, of course, I took this into account and on my first vacation at the Bolshoi Theater in the summer I went to the sea. I closed my mouth and drank only kefir. And in a month I lost six kilograms. Boris Alexandrovich noticed this. I walked along the corridor. He says: “Look, there’s an actress of the Bolshoi Theater coming! Everything is in place and slim." I became inspired and went to class. And my body could not withstand such pressure and my voice began to sway. And I was very scared. I forgot about the diet. I began to eat very, very heavily. But I only gained two kilogram. And I calmed down when the voice found its place in my new body. And since then I have been on these diets almost my entire life."


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“Mom had a viola. A very beautiful timbre. But mother never sang. The only thing she sang was in the church on the choir. This was a long time ago, when she was still very young and I was not in her life yet. That’s why all her concerts the performances ended exactly at the moment when I appeared. She was a very strict person and lived a very difficult life. She raised me alone."


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“You understand what mysticism, we are now talking about him (about Muslim) and he is here. I felt this for the first time, it was not about Muslim, after the Tchaikovsky competition I was invited to sing a solo concert in the city of Klin in his house. I sang in his house, and then we were invited to the concert hall. I went on stage, as always, talked to the audience, some questions were asked, and then I said: “Do you know that Pyotr Ilyich is here now.” There was such silence in the hall. Well. that this is some kind of psychic. No. In fact, this happens because when a person is remembered, he immediately appears. So he, Muslim, is here now."


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“At the Tchaikovsky competition there was not only Maria Callas, but also the singer Tito Gobi - the favorite singer of Muslim Magomayev. He was not only like a standard for him. He did not worship, but admired. There were artists who possessed not only artistic, but and human charm."


Vladimir Glazunov:“Maria Callas uttered words that, perhaps, defined the life credo of Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya: “Wonderful girl, beautiful. But I would have implemented it in my performance, today I would have shown it and performed brilliantly. But that's not all. Only one third. I could do more. Then it would have been - ah!"


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“These words were spoken in a slightly different context. She did not say this speech, she said: “At the moment, she has realized one third of her talent. Will wait".


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“I don’t know people who would be fully realized. Because you have to close the book and leave. You can’t do that. It seems to me that you can take stock of this, you know when? When you can no longer speak, but they will talk over you.”

11. Young singers performed “Echo” and received valuable advice from Tamara Sinyavskaya

Tamara Sinyavskaya:“Muslim was very able-bodied and hardworking, and very demanding. The way he treated himself, he treated everyone around him. He was a very punctual person and, for example, if someone had to come to someone at two o’clock, he would do it in two minutes.” two stood near the door to ring the doorbell at exactly two o'clock. If they did not come to him when he asked, he did not understand this and sometimes flared up. When he was praised, he always said: “What are you talking about? I’m still very far from that.” He didn’t know how to get rid of smoking, but he tried.”


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“I agree that the Bolshoi Theater is an arena. I would say even more juicily - this is a bullfight where the fight takes place. This is a bullfight where the fittest really survive. But due to the fact that I came as a very young girl, I didn’t have ambition to move someone, to get to the first position and keep him in this state. I was one hundred percent happy then, because I didn’t have the feeling that I had to push something apart with my elbows. I, of course, have acting ambition, acting self-love, but this does not go ahead of the rest. It goes inside and if it concerns my profession, it awakens. If it concerns human qualities, I protect it and don’t want to put anything into my soul, because it really spoils the inside."


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“I wanted Galya Volchek to invite me to her play, we talked about it. For some reason I tuned my brain to this. But no one invited me. And when Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt came to me at the institute and about a minute 59 he tormented me with his invitation to the play "Requiem for Radomes"; he almost immediately realized that I could not stand it physically. That was the only reason."


Tamara Sinyavskaya:"I sing. I sing in class. I show it to students sometimes. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes it’s disgusting to listen to myself. But they pretend that everything is fine. I take my profession seriously, so I understand that I have to show myself then, when you give pleasure not only to the listeners, but also to yourself. And as my beloved husband said: “You’d better leave half an hour earlier than five minutes later.” He entered our lives with great noise and just as well, in English, he came out. I didn’t make a show out of it.”


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“When Galina Vishnevskaya walked through the theater, one could take an example from her: how she combed her hair, how she was dressed, what perfume trailed behind her. Of course they were afraid of her. Therefore, when I saw her at home, she was completely different. And I also saw the same Galina Pavlovna already in 1985, already ten years after they left the country. And she lived in Paris. When I flew there for the next tour, I called her. I got into a taxi. “Don’t drive up to the house.” I say: “Why?” “What if someone is watching you.” Well, that was the time then. We sat with her for six hours in her kitchen in Paris.”


Tamara Sinyavskaya:“You either have to be born at the Bolshoi Theater or come on tour. But to come there after a period of your life when you received such great recognition as Magomayev. The Bolshoi Theater has always been such a jealous comrade. If someone came there, you had to fight for a very long time for their place in the sun. We had a very strong baritone group. And they wouldn’t let anyone into the performance so easily. But Muslim said clearly: “I won’t stand in line.” And we all basically stood in line, because we had a strong mezzo-soprano group. Elena Arkhipova was there, Elena Obraztsova was there"

17. Viewers ask questions

Tamara Sinyavskaya:“When Robert Rozhdestvensky introduced us to Muslim, he introduced himself very modestly: “Muslim.” It was at the Muslim Magomayev Philharmonic. This is his grandfather. I didn’t know that. I thought that in Baku they honor Muslim so much that during his lifetime they gave name of the Philharmonic. I was so ashamed that I didn’t know this. I couldn’t know that his grandfather was his full namesake - a famous composer, one of the founders of Azerbaijani music. He was the chief conductor of the Opera Theater... In October we met, in October we said goodbye."

One of the minor planets of the Solar System, known to astronomers under the code 1974 VS, is named after her 4981 Sinyavskaya.

If beautiful voices were sold in supermarkets, they would have many buyers. It’s a pity that they haven’t thought of this yet,” Marlene Dietrich once said. But even if they had thought of it, it would be impossible to buy such an amazing voice as the People’s Artist of the USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya for any money. A native Muscovite, she Since childhood, she was endowed with special grace and early felt a calling to the stage. Her creative journey began at the age of six, when the girl was accepted into the dance (!) group of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers, led by Vladimir Loktev. Later, Tamara Sinyavskaya joined the choir this ensemble, graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, and then GITIS in singing class. While still a student - a rare occurrence - she attracted attention and was invited to the Bolshoi Theater, becoming a soloist. The singer gained great fame after impressive victories at international vocal competitions in Bulgaria, Belgium and at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition (the weight of this gold medal is greatly increased if we remember that the jury then included Maria Callas and Tito Gobbi). An internship at Milan's La Scala theater gave the young artist a lot to understand the secrets of bel canto. A voice of rare beauty - a mezzo-soprano with contralto capabilities - allowed Tamara Sinyavskaya to shine in many roles in the Russian and foreign operatic repertoire: Ratmir and Vanya, Olga and Marina Mnishek, Lyubasha and Marfa, Laura and Konchakovna, Carmen and Azucena... The singer has also gained great popularity from her extensive concert activities, in which she performs not only opera arias and classical romances, but also Russian folk songs, and often performs together with her famous husband Muslim Magomayev.


In 1972 she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of B. Pokrovsky “Not Only Love” by R. Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). 1973-74 - completed an internship at the La Scala theater in Milan. He performs a lot abroad. Participant of the Varna Summer music festival (Bulgaria). She has performed in performances at opera houses in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some roles from Sinyavskaya’s extensive repertoire were performed abroad for the first time: Lel in “The Snow Maiden” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (Il Trovatore) and Ulrika (Un ballo in maschera) in the operas of G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France she sang the works of R. Wagner with great success, and at the Vienna State Opera she took part in the production of the opera “War and Peace” by S. Prokofiev (as Akhrosimova).

She conducts an extensive concert activity, and has performed solo concerts in the largest concert halls in Russia and abroad, including the Big Concert Hall, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, and the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). The singer's concert repertoire includes complex works by S. Prokofiev, P. Tchaikovsky, the "Spanish Cycle" by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works by old masters accompanied by an organ. She performs interestingly in the genre of vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She collaborated fruitfully with Evgeny Svetlanov and performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.


In 1968 she won the 1st prize at the IX International Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia.

In 1969, at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium), she received the Grand Prix and a special prize for the best performance of a romance.

In 1970 she received 1st prize at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition and became a laureate of the Moscow Komsomol Prize.

In 1971 she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1973 she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR".

In 1976 - the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

In 1980 she received the Order of the Badge of Honor.

In 1982 she was awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR".

In 2001 she was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2004, she became a laureate of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation Prize and was awarded the Order of Lomonosov, 1st degree.

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna children from her first marriage, a secret of her personal life that caused a real shock among fans of the opera singer. Tamara Sinyavskaya today is increasingly known as the wife of Muslim Magomayev, and only then as a high-class artist. But in vain. She is a very talented singer who was very famous in Soviet times.

Her mezzo-soprano was admired by Brezhnev himself. She worked at the Bolshoi Theater all her life, and her repertoire includes more than 30 roles in the most iconic works. Sinyavskaya is an Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR and Russia, trained in Milan, at the La Scala theater, and the planet is named in her honor. Tamara Ilyinichna finished her opera career in 2005 and since then she has been the head of the vocal department at GITIS.

Personal life

During her 72 years of life, Sinyavskaya never talked much about her family and personal life in interviews; she always believed that she should be interesting to people due to her creativity, and not because of dirty gossip. That is why there has never been gossip around her, but there is little information either. It is known that the singer is Russian and a native Muscovite by nationality. Her father died in the war, Tamara Ilyinichna inherited her singing talent from her mother, as she herself said. However, her mother was not a professional pop singer, but only sang in a church choir.

Few people know, but before her marriage to Muslim Magomayev, Sinyavskaya was married. The name of the singer’s first husband is not listed anywhere, but it is known that he was a ballet dancer. There were no children in the marriage. It did not last long, as the woman met Magomayev, who, by the way, was also married at that time.

In 1974, Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomayev got married and lived happily for 34 years together until the artist died in 2008. God also did not give their family children, but this did not stop them from living in perfect harmony for so many years and always saying only good things about each other. And when asked how they managed to be together for so long and love each other no matter what, Sinyavskaya answered that they were united by a common cause, one passion for two - music. Of course, according to the artist, they quarreled and even broke up, but they still got together because they couldn’t imagine life without each other.

So after Magomayev’s death, Sinyavskaya withdrew into herself and did not appear in public for three whole years. The departure of her beloved husband was very difficult for her. But now, she says that she has pulled herself together and is full of strength to live and do what she loves. Today it is a teaching activity and a foundation for the cultural and musical heritage of Muslim Magomayev. Tamara Ilyinichna is called to the stage, but she refuses, arguing that she does not want to fall even a little lower than the level that she reached before.

So Sinyavskaya has no children from her first marriage. She experienced the unforgettable joy of having a first husband, but her children did not make her exciting life happy.

On the other hand, the singer really does not like to talk about her family; in the USSR, her fame thundered throughout the world. Maybe she has a son or daughter somewhere, whom she chose to hide from the public. This is what many famous parents do to help their children become independent individuals. After all, the shadow of a mother’s glory can easily make a child arrogant and proud.