Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The Minister of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory made a report at the advisory council of heads of local government bodies

An advisory council of heads of bodies was held today local government municipal districts and urban districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory. With the keynote speech " On the state and ways of development of culture in the Trans-Baikal Territory» the Minister of Culture of the region, Elena Mikhailova, spoke.

The minister drew attention to the fact that in 2017, the priority at the federal, regional and municipal levels was to increase wages workers cultural institutions.

“The Trans-Baikal Territory entered into the implementation of the May decrees with a rather low starting base - average salary for our employees in municipal cultural institutions was about 8 thousand rubles; based on the results of 9 months of this year, we see a twofold increase - 16.9 thousand rubles. By the end of 2017, it should “grow” to 20.2 thousand rubles. More than 500 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget to increase the wages of employees of municipal cultural institutions for the period from 2013 to 2017.” Elena Mikhailova added that the leaders in salary growth for cultural workers were the Kalarsky, Krasnokamensky and Khiloksky districts. Wages are at a level below the average for the region - in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Transbaikalsky, Kalgansky districts.

Also Elena Vladimirovna spoke about the implementation of federal and regional projects in the region. This year, at the initiative of the United Russia party, the implementation of two new federal projects began. Under the “Local House of Culture” project, funds in the amount of more than 30 million rubles were allocated to improve the material and technical base of 73 cultural institutions and carry out repair work in 12 recreation centers. As part of the project “Theatres of small towns” municipal theater"DaliTe" urban district "Aginskoye Village", National Theater songs and dance “Amar Sain” received subsidies to improve MTB and create new productions. DaliTE received about 3 million rubles. The premiere of his play “The Happy Prince” based on the play of the same name by Oscar Wilde took place in early December. “Amar Sain” spent more than 6 million rubles. His play “Khukhe Khulgana Zhel” based on the story people's writer Mongolia Sengiin Erdene “Year of the Blue Mouse” residents of the village of Aginskoye will be able to see tomorrow.

According to the Federal Target Program " Sustainable development of rural areas“In 2016-2017, the building of the cultural center was reconstructed in the village of Uzon, Duldurga district. The work required almost 29 million rubles.

The governor’s project “New Life of the Rural Club” made it possible to carry out major repairs at the expense of extra-budgetary funds cultural center in the village of Bada, Khiloksky district, complete the construction of a recreation center in Yablonovo, Chita district, the village of Leninsky, Uletovsky district, in the village of Budulan, Aginsky district, and purchase equipment for the cultural development center under construction in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky. In total, more than 15 million rubles were spent on this project.

Thanks to federal budget funds in the amount of 30 million rubles for the program activities of the Cinema Fund, in 2017, 6 cinemas of the region in the villages of Aginskoye, Karymskoye, Kokuy, the cities of Balee, Nerchinsk, Krasnokamensk began showing films in 3D format.

The minister also noted that municipal culture is the basis of the industry and requires competent, coordinated management. In particular, during the reorganization, the abolition of administrative bodies in the sphere of culture of the district, the liquidation rural libraries without the decision of the villagers. Children's art schools, music schools must be kept under cultural control. When transferred to the education sector, they lose their specificity and gradually disappear from the network additional education region.

Events held on site municipalities, have enormous tourism potential. In 2016-2017, at the expense of the region’s budget, “Open Plein Air” was held in Sretensk and Chita, International festival Semey Old Believers in Krasny Chikoy “Semeyskaya Circular”, Cossack festival “Trans-Baikal Territory - love it! "in the village of Zasopka, Chita district, interregional festival of Russian urban folklore "Assumption Festival on the Nercha", Ethno-ecological festival in Nizhny Tsasuchey "Onon: connection of times and peoples", II Interregional festival "In the depths of the Siberian ores..." in Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, festival " Friendship on two banks"in the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district and others who became bright accents event tourism. In 2017, Chita, Borzyu, Krasnokamensk, Nerchinsk, Aginskoye were visited by more than 30 thousand tourists from China People's Republic, which confirmed the prospects for development festival movement in the region.

Among the main tasks for 2018, Elena Mikhailova noted the implementation of salary targets in accordance with the Presidential decrees, continued participation in the federal projects “Local House of Culture”, “Theatres in Small Towns”, and the governor’s project “New Life of the Rural Club”. A new direction of federal funding will also appear - capital repairs of rural clubs, for which about 30 million rubles are planned from the federal and regional budgets. It is planned to expand the festival map of Transbaikalia with new projects - theater festival“Wings of the Future”, brass music festivals, children's creativity.

Deputy Prime Ministers, ministers, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, and representatives of executive bodies took part in the work of the advisory council. state power, heads of municipalities of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The chairman of the council was the governor of the region, Natalya Zhdanova.

Latest news from the Trans-Baikal Territory on the topic:
The Minister of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory made a report at the advisory council of heads of local government bodies

More than 100 million rubles were allocated by Transbaikalia for the development of rural culture in 2017- Chita

In 2017, about 100 million rubles were allocated for the development of the cultural sector in the regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory. This was stated by the Minister of Culture of the region, Elena Mikhailova, at the advisory council of heads of local authorities.
09:34 19.12.2017 Zabaikalskoe information Agency

The Minister of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory made a report at the advisory council of heads of local government bodies- Chita

Today, an advisory council of heads of local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory was held.
20:31 18.12.2017 Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory

About 100 million rubles were allocated for rural culture in Transbaikalia in 2017- Chita

On December 18, the Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory Natalya Zhdanova held an advisory council of heads of local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts of the region on the topic “On the state and ways of development
19:18 18.12.2017 TV company Altes

About 100 million rubles were spent in Transbaikalia on the reconstruction of rural recreation centers- Chita

photo by Alexander Kalashnikov, in the photo the opening of a cultural center in the village of Yablonovo In 2017, the Trans-Baikal Territory was allocated about 100 million rubles for the development of culture in the regions.
18:45 18.12.2017 Transbaikal worker

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In the Vesti studio, Minister of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory Elena Mikhailova.

Hello, Elena Vladimirovna!

Good morning!

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you and all our TV viewers on Easter. As they say, Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

And wish everyone all the best, first of all, health. And let's talk about the health of the cultural sector. What condition is she in now? How would you diagnose it in general?

From the point of view of spirit, the mobilization of all forces, I think that culture is the most courageous industry in our region and in the country as a whole. From the point of view of logistics, I would like to wish for the best. But I think that today God will hear us, and many of the programs that we have conceived will be realized in next year and not only in the following. We already have the groundwork for several years ahead, and I think that the implementation of these projects will be realized.

You recently visited Moscow. It was a very eventful trip, we discussed specific plans, prospects. Open the curtain, tell me what happened and what was agreed upon in the Moscow offices?

I want to say that I went there on behalf of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory, which is very concerned about the state of culture and which is very great attention focuses on the development of our industry. I want to say right away that Natalya Nikolaevna gave me an assignment, and at the moment I took office, two cornerstone topics emerged that need to be paid attention to: our long-suffering drama theater, its reconstruction and bringing it out of the state in which it is now. And rural clubs. In fact, we are very concerned about the state of the industry as a whole. I now live by these canons, act, and try to carry out the instructions of the government. My trip was connected precisely with these questions. First of all, at the level of the Deputy Minister of Culture Russian Federation the issue of the state of our drama theater was discussed.

Do you need a huge amount?

The amount is huge, but the Russian Ministry of Culture understands what to do modern theater, it's worth it. For example, the reconstruction of the Ulan-Ude Opera and Ballet Theater cost 800 billion. We expect to spend less than this amount, but we will ask for this money, and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation promised us full assistance in resolving this issue, but to begin this story we need prepare design and estimate documentation and undergo state examination.

I want to please all theater fans, this work has already begun, and Chitagrazhdanproekt has already conducted an examination. As a matter of fact, I showed these pictures and photographs, which were not entirely pleasing to the eye, at the deputy minister level and voiced them. Everything there requires a complete reorganization, a complete replacement, of course.

Let's hope that soon we will enter our updated drama theater. As for rural clubs, over the past two years a lot has been done to put some rural cultural institutions in order. What's ahead?

Today, on such a day, we can say that God sent us, and our region entered along with the initiators from the party “ United Russia" on the highest level We entered the “Local House of Culture” program, which is designed for at least three years, and our region will receive funding in the amount of 27 million. These are exactly the funds that will be used to ensure the material and technical base of our rural cultural centers. Some of them will go to current repairs, some - for the purchase of musical and lighting equipment, theater seats, stage clothing - everything that institutions are so lacking.

Are municipal authorities your allies? Do they help you well?

Absolute allies. No matter how many times I meet with heads, I have never met a single head who doesn’t understand the importance of culture. They have very close interaction, they support each other. So far there has been no such precedent.

This year there will be interesting events in the region - the Transbaikal Film Festival, first of all, which is being revived and which we are looking forward to. It will be September, right?

What to expect from the film festival? Do you already have information?

Eat. This concerns the timing: from September 14 to 17, we are expecting guests. The festival map will be much wider: we plan to involve ten of our districts, primarily those who received digital film equipment under the federal program last year - that’s six districts. And several particularly remote areas, including the Krasnochikoysky district, where I recently visited and held negotiations regarding the film festival. The Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district also wants to participate.

So the film festival is becoming a regional one?

Regional and national. This is the setting of our government. It is also interested in this new format for holding a film festival. I would also like to say an important thing: when we initially planned all this, we planned that the festival would be held with sponsorship funds, and so it will be. That is, not a penny will be spent from the regional budget.

There is still a jazz festival and May holidays ahead. There are also innovations in holding celebrations for Victory Day. There will be not two, not three sites. How much?

This is the first time in a while last years— Chita residents will have a wide choice of where to go.

Yes. Throughout the day, starting from the very morning, from the parade, until the evening. That is, within 12 hours something will happen, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes in turn. But, nevertheless, theatrical mass performance it will definitely be at the Lokomotiv stadium. Therefore, let the Chita people not be afraid - we just changed our location and that’s it.

Watch out for advertisements. We will also tell you what awaits you on May 9, dear TV viewers. Well, for any creative team, touring is a sip fresh air. It's coming now big job to restore the tour card. What will happen in the near future?

Firstly, I want to say that big event there will be a tour of the Maly Theater, which, in fact, became possible thanks to the initiative of the drama theater and the returning director Yuri Ivanovich Poyarkin - many thanks to him. I had negotiations with the deputy director of the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater regarding exchange tours between our theaters. This will be in early June. The artists are bringing us four performances, mostly ballets. Our theater brings several performances to Buryatia. We looked at the festival map of our regional festivals. In some places it is already difficult to hold annual festivals. For example, they decided to hold the Semeysk round-robin once every two years. We also discussed this on my previous trip to Red Chicoy. In Petrovsk-Zabaikalsk they want to hold an annual festival “In the depths of Siberian ores.” We support them in their aspirations and aspirations. In June we launch new project“Onon: Connection of Times and Peoples” is a festival that will unite those cultural institutions and those groups that are located in the bed of the Onon River. I think that this work that we have begun will give rise to a new vibrant creative festival that will unite all cultures and nationalities living in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

I will probably not be wrong if I say that the most optimists work in the cultural sector; they are not afraid of either difficulties or low salaries. Today, on such a festive day, what would you like to say? big army cultural workers, what can you wish them?

Despite all the difficulties that we have in the industry, I am confident that thanks to our enthusiasm, dedication, faith in a bright future and optimism, the culture of our region will only flourish. Because I have not met a single pessimist among cultural workers. I am ready to bow to them from the very waist, because they are great fellows.

Just to show the staff turnover, which is minimal in this industry, already indicates that people who work there are dedicated to their profession.

And, strictly speaking, culture is the industry that instills optimism, hope and maintains faith in people.

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Elena Mikhailova Minister of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Elena Vladimirovna Mikhailova was born on June 6, 1961 in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region.

In 1982 she graduated from the New Siberian Musical School, in 1989 - from the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute for Special Education -ti "Conducting a folk choir", in 2003 - the inter-national business school "Link" in the specialty "Manager". Enlisted cultural worker of the Chita region.

She began her career in 1981 as a teacher and concert-master at a music school in the village of Koltsovo, New Siberian region. Since 1982 - teacher at the children's art school in the village of Gorny, Chita region. Later - choir-master of the song and dance ensemble "Zabai-Kal'skie Cossacks", choir-master-master of the mu-nitsi-pal-no-th ensemble "Zabai-Kal'skie Patterns", director, artistic director tvenny director of the folk theater “Zabai-Kalye”.

In October 2016, the governor of the Zabay-kal-sk region, Natalya Zhdanova, signed the order for the appointment of Elena Mikhai-lo-voy mini-nis-trom culture of the Trans-Baikal region.

You could ask your question until May 2.

Valery Bogdanov, April 25, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, please tell me whether the ministry has plans to hold a large folklore festival near Chita, for example in the village of Zasopka or in another beautiful place near Chita in summer period, with the invitation of groups from Siberia or all over Russia. I think that the Semeyskaya Krukovaya festival is not enough for Transbaikalia, and logistics and accommodation in Chita are much easier to organize for a large-scale festival than far from Chita.

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Valery! The festival map of the Trans-Baikal Territory is quite diverse. In addition to the Semeyskaya Roundabout, there is an urban environment festival, the Assumption Festival on the Nerch, and a Cossack festival, Love the Trans-Baikal Region! The festival dedicated to the Decembrist heritage “In the depths of the Siberian ores...”, which started last year in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, will be held in August of this year with the financial support of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
Some of these festivals have already become famous not only in the region, but also beyond its borders. Last year, more than 600 people took part in the festival project: creative teams and individual performers from The Republic of Belarus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of Buryatia, Khabarovsk Territory, China; teams from 25 districts of our region. In total, more than 13,000 spectators attended the festival events. At the initiative of the Onon district, in early June we will hold a new ethno-ecological festival “Onon: a connection of times and peoples” in the village of Nizhny Tsasuchey.
In the village of Zasopka, it is indeed possible to hold a festival of Cossack culture. But, given that holding an event of this scale will cost the budget of the Trans-Baikal Territory approximately 600,000 rubles, it is not possible to hold it this year without the necessary funding. We'll try to plan for next year.

Anna Konstantinovna, April 25, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, who do you think is a cultured person? Are there any in Transbaikalia? What do you intend to do to make their number grow?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Anna Konstantinovna. Culture is the ability to live for others and respect others. A cultured person, in my opinion, is, first of all, spiritual person, constantly evolving. It is not the one who thinks one thing, says another, but does a third. He is whole and does not compromise with his conscience. What you understand high art, will not make you truly cultured. It seems to me that even a simple janitor can be cultured. Fortunately, the people in Transbaikalia are not as spoiled by civilization as in central Russia, and in our outback cultured people- absolute majority. They honor traditions and sincerely worry about the fate of the country. And it all starts with educating the younger generation. I intend to support all traditions and initiatives in the field of development of children and youth creative teams.

Dr. Brad, April 25, 2017

Good afternoon

Elena Mikhailovna, one question, why can’t culture in the Trans-Baikal Territory make money? Do you have a development plan aimed specifically at monetization, and not stupidly wasting budget money for various events?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello! Let's decide what culture is for.
For an entrepreneur, the main goal is to make a profit, final result The work of any cultural institution is to satisfy human cultural needs. The answer to the question “Can culture make money?” ambiguous. On the one hand, like many areas of human activity, the culture industry creates and satisfies the demand for free time, leisure Definitely profitable mass art, focused heavily on entertainment forms. But it is unlikely that one should and can make money from cultural services in the field of intellectual leisure. Such activities cannot even be self-sustaining, let alone extremely profitable. It is also impossible to talk about the self-sufficiency of programs in the field of academic art. Subsidies have always been needed for their creation and “rental”. This is world practice. And yet, each of our institutions has a plan for providing paid services. Behind last year They earned 123 million rubles from the extra-budget.

Sergius Ononsky, April 25, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, good afternoon! When K.K. Ilkovsky was governor, he visited the village of Kholuy-Baza in the Ononsky district and promised to build a new KFOR center to replace the old dilapidated House of Culture. But as they say, the matter with dead center nothing has changed. Should the villagers wait for a new club?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Sergiy Ononsky!
The situation with rural cultural centers is very difficult. Today, the need for new construction in the region is about 50 buildings, and about 300 buildings need reconstruction and major repairs. In total, according to preliminary estimates, 2.3 billion rubles need to be allocated for this; an amount unaffordable for the regional budget.
But, despite the difficulties with financing, since 2014, 7 rural cultural centers have been built and put into operation, 4 cultural centers are planned to be put into operation this year, 14 cultural centers have been renovated, and repairs are planned to be carried out using federal funds this year in another 12 cultural centers.
Unfortunately, currently the regional budget does not provide funds for the construction of cultural facilities due to shortages. And in order to receive subsidies for the construction of a rural cultural center from the federal budget, it is necessary to have developed design and estimate documentation for the construction of the building with a positive conclusion from the state examination. The regional government has decided to develop a standard design for the building of a rural cultural center, after the development of which a competitive selection will be held for the construction of rural clubs in a particular area.
The House of Culture in the village of Kholui Baza Ononsky district is included in the list of cultural institutions that need to build a new building.

All the same, April 25, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, you are a very beautiful woman. It's always a pleasure to just admire you. Please tell me what modern Internet culture is missing and whether it exists as such.

Elena Mikhailova

Thanks for the compliment! As for Internet culture, of course it exists, that’s obvious! First of all, it must be perceived as a tool for communication. This concept includes both the culture of creators and the culture of consumers. We, as consumers, are responsible for everything that spills out into the Internet space. This is dangerous because it gives a person a feeling of imaginary freedom and impunity. Don't think that you can write whatever you want. There is a law of cause and effect: what you sow is what you reap! Every user has a choice!

Pugachev Viktor Alexandrovich, April 25, 2017

Hello Elena Vladimirovna! I am a retired military orchestra conductor, I live in the village of Yasnaya, Olovyanninsky district, I could organize a brass band, help with a set of instruments, thank you!

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Viktor Alexandrovich! A very relevant and interesting proposal for creating a brass band. Your willingness to help develop culture only confirms what we have already discussed with Anna Konstantinovna, who asked the question above: in our outback, cultured people are the absolute majority, they sincerely worry about the fate of their small homeland, are ready – often on a voluntary basis – to solve the most difficult issues. I suggest you become a member of the Trans-Baikal branch of the All-Russian Brass Society (its chairman is Lidiya Nikitichna Shiryaeva) and try, through this society, to resolve the issue of equipping the group with instruments. There is another option to attract sponsors to implement a significant project to create a brass band. In any case, stay in touch with us.

Librarian, April 25, 2017

Why do library employees? A.S. Pushkin stopped paying incentive payments? Our salaries have decreased significantly. But the director is growing by leaps and bounds.

Elena Mikhailova

Good afternoon, dear librarian!
In accordance with current labor legislation, the system wages, the conditions and amounts of incentives for employees based on the results of their activities are established by the institution itself, taking into account the opinions of employees, within the limits of funds allocated to the institution from the budget and funds received from the provision of paid services. An analysis of the costs of your institution for paying wages to employees does not show a significant decrease in the wage fund. And setting the salary of the director of an institution is the authority of the Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory; the director cannot independently increase his salary. The fact that wages are calculated within the limits established by the ministry is confirmed by financial statements.
If you are not satisfied with this answer, you are welcome to see me.

Lili Marlene, April 25, 2017

I would like the Rodina building to be given to the cinema! Is it possible?

Elena Mikhailova

This is no longer my competence. But I would like this building to be preserved with its current functions. Today, about 400 children attend the Rodina CDC. The artists of the Transbaikalia Theater share their experience with them. This is our future and our culture.

Alexey Petrovich., April 25, 2017

Good health, Elena Vladimirovna!

Important fact of that, that our educational institutions, institutions that produce actors, vocalists, readers, folklorists, do not even suspect the existence of commercial festivals-competitions (in others cities of Russia, international level), which will help glorify the participants themselves and, accordingly, educational establishments who prepared them. One employee of your ministry could collect the entire list and programs of almost all significant festivals. How realistic is it to create a list of such events on the website of the Ministry of Culture?

Elena Mikhailova

Information about international, all-Russian and regional competitions and festivals is regularly posted on the official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory in the section “Activities, activity planning, “Festivals and competitions” (link - http://mèíêóëüòóðà. st_planirovanie/festivali_i_konkursy. html).

Finally adequate, April 25, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, I would like to support you in your new position. Watching you at various events, I am finally not ashamed of either your speech or your appearance Minister of Culture. Thank you for the personnel changes in regional institutions. We hope that Minister Syrovatka’s tradition of squeezing specialists out not only from institutions, but also outside the region, is irrevocably gone. What, in your opinion, is happening to young specialists? Who and how many of them remain in the city? Is it possible to invite modern, creative, classically educated specialists to the region and provide them with housing? Or is this a utopia for Trans-Baikal culture?

Elena Mikhailova

Good afternoon Thanks for support. Today, graduates of our specialized schools strive to continue their studies at leading universities in Russia - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok. And that's their right! For example, 60% come from art school! graduates. Of course, not everyone returns home. But there are still positive trends. The preliminary placement that took place at the regional art school surprised and pleased us: this year almost all the students remain in Chita, only 2% of graduates will continue their studies outside the region. This means that children's art schools, music schools, and the Lyceum for creatively gifted children will receive young teachers. From the cultural school, about 15% of graduates plan to continue their studies, about 30% will return to villages, the rest will join the cultural sphere of Chita and nearby regional centers.
As for inviting specialists to the region, as we see, this is possible. The teaching staff of the art school, for example, was replenished with two teachers with higher education. The premiere of a new play has just taken place at the regional drama theater. artistic director Nikolai Gadomsky, new composition of the ensemble named after N.P. Budashkina - musicians continuing their studies in Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok.
For the future, it is necessary to develop both the wind direction and the art of violin in the culture of the region. The formation of a children's chamber orchestra, created through the efforts of musicians from various institutions of the city at the Central Children's Music School, will require the inclusion of cellists and violists. The drama theater troupe needs to be replenished; other areas need specialists who are not trained in Chita. And I don’t consider attracting such specialists a utopia. The current economic crisis will not last forever. The solution to these issues is possible within the framework of strategic comprehensive plans, coordinated with the development of social and economic infrastructure at the level of the Government of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Just a question, nothing personal, April 25, 2017

Of course, like all smart and progressive managers, you are far from appointing a person to a position based on tribal ties (family, clan, compatriots, friendships, love, kinship, etc.), then how is personnel policy structured in the Ministry of Culture, for example in in relation to deputy ministers, heads of departments, and ministry employees in general, as well as directors of regional institutions and their deputies who sit in the chair through your approval for this position?

Elena Mikhailova

Thank you for your question! Personnel policy simple - professionalism and human qualities and dedication to your work!

Sergey Vasilich, April 25, 2017

Maybe try to create an analogue of “Asia Dausa”, taking its ideas as a basis. How do you like this?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Sergey Vasilich!

Thanks for the offer. The international Kazakh music festival “Asia Dausy” ceased to exist due to lack of demand. I think that you need to go from your roots, and not artificially implant something exotic, especially something that has long since become obsolete.

caring villager, April 26, 2017

Hello, Elena Vladimirovna. Please tell me how digital film projectors, a screen and sound equipment will be installed in the rural cultural center. The “cinema booth” in the cultural center was dismantled and the premises were given over to other needs - this is a crime! The recreation center is in disrepair. There are about 1000 people in our village. The youth plunged headlong into social media, alcoholism and drug addiction are on the rise. The youth need to be pulled out, we have already reached, or almost reached the bottom. We need to save the village. Help us, include us in the program of equipping this equipment and repairing the building. The multimedia school shows a film once a week. The children go with joy. But I would still like more. It is necessary to accustom the new generation to culture, to instill beauty as it was in Soviet times. I personally would agree to work as a projectionist (I have experience). Thank you.

Elena Mikhailova

Dear caring villager, thank you for your participation in the fate of village culture.
To make a decision on your request to revive film screenings in the House of Culture, you need to at least know which village you are talking about. Respond!

Librarian of the Central Library, April 26, 2017

When will city libraries begin to complete new books, equipment, furniture, go to any library, only dilapidation and rags

Elena Mikhailova

Dear CLS librarian! The issue of organizing library services for the population of the city of Chita municipal libraries, included in the structure of the Centralized library system, logistics, acquisition of funds falls within the competence of the urban district "City of Chita" in accordance with federal law No. 131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".

Librarian, April 26, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna! I admire you very much and believe in your abilities and capabilities. I would like to invite you to hold competitions for positions in regional cultural institutions (and not only regional ones). Otherwise, in the end, many positions, such as in the Pushkin library, were left to people who had little ability for anything and who were in plain sight. Although there are both in the city and in the team who are more active and experienced in librarianship specialists.

Elena Mikhailova

Dear Librarian, if you are driven not by personal mercantile interests, but by an objective vision of improvement library work, ready to listen to your suggestions at any time of the day or night.

Icicle, April 26, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, why, when mentioning the cinemas “Ekran” in Karymskoye and “Cosmos” in Baleya, do they not say that the Chita State Film Company was directly involved in their modernization?

Elena Mikhailova

Dear Icicle, we in no way belittle the merits of the Chita State Film Company. There are real professionals working there, people who are passionate about their work. Today they have installed digital cinema equipment in 6 districts of the region. And the fact that they don’t trumpet this on every corner - what can you do - they are people of deeds, not words!

Lyudmila Ivanovna, April 26, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna! What can you say about future fate Museum of the Decembrists? You can hope that you will come to its defense in any attempt on anyone’s part to “close”, “transfer”, “transfer”, etc. Is it finally possible to close this topic altogether and leave the museum, its employees and all those who are worried about its future alone?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Lyudmila Ivanovna! Of course, the Decembrist Museum must be preserved and developed. Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the few places where the contribution of the Decembrists to the cultural development our territory. The other side of this issue is the building of the Staro-Chita St. Michael the Archangel Church. This object belongs to the property religious purposes, which means that decisions must be made in accordance with the law. And I think that “closing” this issue, as you suggest, only taking into account the opinion of one side, would not be entirely correct. It is necessary to find a solution that would suit both parties.

Not a family culture, April 26, 2017

After you left the Transbaikalia folk theater, who now acts as an employer there?

Elena Mikhailova

Director - Ulanova Natalya Borisovna.

Theater Man, April 27, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna, say a few words about the renovation of the drama theater. Is it all true that the authorities’ decision is reinforced concrete and in a couple of years Transbaikal residents will go to a modern theater, i.e. technical equipment, a beautiful and cozy hall, creativity at the highest level. Not a fairy tale - reality!

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Theater Man. Reality!

Nikolai Likhanov, April 27, 2017

Hello, When will the Shilinga house, st. Podgorbunsky 40, metal garages in front of the house have been removed (there was information in the media that money has been allocated from the federal budget for repairs). Is it possible to seize the building from the Federal Property Management Agency and transfer the Shiling house after repairs to a regional institution under kindergarten or manger?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello, Nikolai Likhanov. Schiling House is a monument cultural heritage federal significance. Documentation for its restoration has been developed and approved. After restoration work It is planned to use it as a branch of the regional museum of local lore.

Librarian, April 27, 2017

Good afternoon Tell. Please, is it possible to return the former Zabaikalets cinema to its former historical architectural appearance - without plaster. With the building of Narkhoz in one brick image, it would become decoration of the city, a piece of old Chita.

Elena Mikhailova

Hello Librarian. Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the answer is no. As an object of cultural heritage, the Zabaikalets cinema was staged on state security V that form, which the building received as a result of restoration after a big fire that occurred in January 1913 . Only the first floor of the once two-story store was restored.

Future artist, April 28, 2017

Dear Elena Vladimirovna , how do you feel about the idea , that actors with GITIS diplomas will work in our theater . , i.e. . idea dialing correct, but will it be supported by the governor’s authority or will it go down on the brakes as always?

Elena Mikhailova

The idea is wonderful - our Transbaikal residents study at GITIS ( RATI)! I am confident in the Governor's support.

musicians, April 28, 2017

Dear Elena Vladimirovna! Thank you very much for the positivity , smiles , which reign with your arrival in our institutions . People began to enjoy going to work , there are more bright good projects . THANK YOU!!

Elena Mikhailova

And thank you!

Natadj, April 28, 2017

Why artists « ZabUzorov" , « Transbaikal Cossacks » and others travel very little with concerts in the regions of our Trans-Baikal Territory? We are always very happy to see them visiting us!

Elena Mikhailova

Hello , Natadj! I hasten to inform you , that our bands are actively touring in the region and beyond . So , since the beginning of this year « Transbaikal Cossacks » visited Krasny Chikoy , Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky , Pervomaisk , Nizhny Tsasuche , in Ulety and from April 28 they are touring the Amur region . « Amar sain » gave concerts in Chita , ABO areas , in Ulan-Ude and villages of Buryatia . In the near future « Transbaikal patterns" - Chara , Chernyshevsk , Tynda and Red Chikoy . For these bands to tour , not only an interest in their work is needed , but also the payback of such short trips . Therefore, holding concerts in the regions is also a lot of local work. , and above all - with the audience.

Matilda Shnurova, April 29, 2017

Dmitry Medvedev held a forum in Omsk « Culture is a national priority" . You , Certainly , were keeping an eye on him . What actions will you take to implement the decisions made at the forum? . For example , by rural clubs . Thank you

Elena Mikhailova

Hello . Today, our ministry is forming consolidated applications from the Trans-Baikal Territory to receive federal support in 2018 . Federal funds under the program « Local community center » will be distributed to the districts of the region in proportion to the approved criteria in accordance with targeted applications from local governments.

cultural worker, April 30, 2017

Hello , Tell me please , Will the government of the Western Territory and the Ministry of Culture manage to implement the May decrees in our area by 2018? . You are talking about stimulating employees in institutions , but the human factor plays a role , management encourages those who please . Tired of waiting and hoping for change . Forced to leave.

Elena Mikhailova

Hello . Our ministry and the regional government are working to attract federal funds to implement « May decrees" . As for the second part of the question - sorry! Our subjective-objective opinion is that bosses are never good! hope for better life V somewhere else, In my opinion , Utopia . It's good there , where we are not!

Good movie lover, April 30, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna , Thank you very much for supporting Transbaikal cinema! Good, friendly atmosphere at the film presentation « Cache of Red Stones » Krasnokamensk director Valery Bulatov once again showed the attitude of the Ministry of Culture towards talented fellow Trans-Baikal residents . Beautiful , good movie, full of humor and optimism , good deep philosophy , created by enthusiastic guys without a penny of budget funds - a perfect example , confirming your words about the talented and selfless people of Transbaikalia . I want to , so that our films are shown in the regions , and in some kind of from cinemas at the Transbaikal International Film Festival in the fall.

Elena Mikhailova

I have always helped and will continue to help talented people . Regarding this particular film, the decision has already been made: it will be shown in regional cinemas , in villages the film can be watched in a small mobile cinema , which began its work in the region in early April . Negotiations are also underway with the Moscow organizing committee on organizing a platform for Transbaikalian cinema at the VI Transbaikalian International Film Festival . The list of films on this site includes the work of Valery Bulatov « Cache of red stones."

Tatyana Apushnikova, May 01, 2017

Dear Elena Vladimirovna , On March 6 of this year I purchased a ticket to the concert of pianist O. Polyansky . I was flying with happiness and couldn’t contain my delight!! The powerful pleasure of music covered me and still does not let go. Thanks to O. Polyansky!! The concert organizers worked hard « 2" , empty hall , about 30 listeners , the concert time was bad , Sunday 19-00 ( why not 17-00). On the Philharmonic website there is a complete lack of information on the concert and the performer , no reviews . An amazing pianist with a worldwide reputation! I think , what the Philharmonic should be like « prayed place , place of power, peace of mind , cleansing , spiritual flight! The repertoire must be balanced , what can’t be said about the Transbaikal Philharmonic --- a lot show programs, lack of children's classical programs . Each of us has our own musical preferences, but there are masterpieces , I want to listen to them again and again , classic is timeless!! Elena Mikhailovna , Tell , Does the Ministry of Culture take part in approving the repertoire of the Philharmonic? How do you feel about that , that there are fights without rules on the Philharmonic grounds?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello , Tatiana! You are absolutely right - the classics are eternal! Some statistics . Academic music concerts are held every month at the Transbaikal Philharmonic . So , in April in addition to events « Blooming wild rosemary » projects were implemented « Organ School » for young listeners , concert of Philharmonic soloists Grigor Vardanyan and Elena Chuprova « The queen of music is the violin" , where only classical works were played . Besides , creative teams of the Philharmonic regularly present programs specifically for children's audiences .
The repertoire as a whole is approved by the artistic council , which includes representatives of our ministry.
As for your justified complaint - not everything depends on us - the timing of such concerts is directly related to the logistics of the routes .
On the final question - circus « Chapiteau" is a structural subdivision of the Philharmonic and involves the holding of entertainment , including sporting events . As I know , mixed martial arts competitions are not fights without rules . Anyway , thank you for your concern!

District music school, May 01, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna , I work as a teacher in a rural music school , I already have a lot of work experience . I’m getting ready to retire and I’m worried about this question: which of the young teachers will remain after us? , when will the old generation leave? Are you ready to resolve the issue of retaining young specialists in music schools in the regions of the region?

Elena Mikhailova

Undoubtedly , but to resolve personnel issues in rural areas, the participation of local authorities is also necessary . For targeted training graduates of your school need to conclude an agreement between the institution vocational education, the head of your district and directly the future student . One of the terms of the contract should be the return of the future student to work at his home school.

From art school teachers, May 01, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna , Previously, there was a methodological office at the Ministry of Culture of the Territory , who supervised the work of methodological sections in the areas . Training seminars were systematically conducted , master classes . Why is it lost today? , When did the need for them continue?

Elena Mikhailova

Good question . Today, the regional Educational and Methodological Center of Culture and Folk Art operates in the city - « think tank » all methodological and educational activities . He is working to coordinate all educational and methodological activities at the regional level , a 3-year plan is being built holding events, which will include competitions in areas of creativity , courses advanced training, training seminars . We are waiting for your applications! Part of the work on interaction with music schools is traditionally carried out by the College of Arts . They have it set to good , professional level through a supervision system in each of the 63 schools in the city and region.

Conductor, May 01, 2017

Elena Vladimirovna , Not long ago, a concert with a presentation of a chamber symphony orchestra was held at the central children's music school . Don't you think , that in the conditions of our region this idea itself sounds utopian: a city , where there is no tradition of performing with a bow , is taken , May be , not really minding your own business?

Elena Mikhailova

Good afternoon , Dear Conductor! Not simple , but a very interesting question . Traditionally it happened like this , that our region is famous for its performing traditions in the field of folk art . There are many creative groups , working in this direction . But the creation of a string violin school in the region is very important! I can quite reasonably say , that there is a great demand in music schools for violin lessons . We have teaching staff! Respectively , predicting the situation for the future , I can say with confidence , that some talented children will definitely go to art school . I have a positive attitude towards the initiative to create a chamber orchestra . The chicken is pecking at the grain!

Elena Vitalievna, May 02, 2017

Hello! Are there plans to open a cultural center in the village of Smolenka? And why , to the question « finally adequate » you did not express your opinion about the work of Minister Syrovatka , when he tried to denigrate her? Did you pretend or did you just ignore this episode?

Elena Mikhailova

Hello , Elena Vitalievna . No comments.