Summer paint entertainment. Scenario for the event “all the colors of summer”

Elena Efremova
Holiday-entertainment “Colors of Summer”

To Shainsky's song "Smile", the children stand in a semicircle.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have an unusual game, because they will play with us paints. They sent us this seven-flowered flower. This flower is not simple, it is a message with tasks that we must complete with you.

Teacher in green:

(tear off the first petal)

Guys, do you like summer? (Yes) Do you like to draw? (Yes) I suggest you draw a summer picture. You will draw with colored crayons. Do you agree?

Then get to work. Good luck!

Teacher in blue:

(Tear off the next petal.)

Guys, you need to put the colored circles in your houses. Be careful!

Educator in red:

(tear off the petal)

Now you and I must solve the riddles. Listen carefully and give correct answers.

What a miracle rocker

Did it hang after the rain?

Very bright, colorful,

A how beautiful!

Multi-colored arc



You warm the whole world

You don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone is calling you.


Without a path and without a road

The one with the longest legs walks.

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground.


Above the forest, above the mountains

The carpet is being laid out.

He's always, always spread out

Above you and above me

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is blue,

It's bright blue.


Across the skies in a horde

Sacks with holes are running,

And it happens - sometimes

Water flows from the bags.

Let's hide better

From the holey one.


What is it, what happened?

The sky turned to mush.

The porridge is so white and light,

Like lambs. (Clouds)

What a miracle- beauty!

painted gate

Showed up on the way

You can't drive into them or enter them.


Well done! We completed the task!

Teacher in green:

(pluck the next petal)

Guys, name the colors of the rainbow. (Children's answers).

I'll help you a little, remember the poem. (Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits

All teachers:

(pluck the next petal)

How many colored eyes does a traffic light have?

Arrange in the correct order.

Well done, you completed the task.

Dear Guys! We had a lot of fun today and we'll bring a piece home summer! Summer colors. We wish you a good summer mood, good luck! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Children love to draw in unconventional ways using the materials that surround them in Everyday life. Unusual drawing.

Good afternoon, dear Maamites! Children's Day - first summer holiday. Unfortunately, we were not able to hold it outside, as usual.

"Summer Holiday". Theatrical playground entertainment with adults SUMMER CELEBRATION Theatrical entertainment at playground featuring adult characters

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Summary of KVN “Colors of Summer” (senior preschool age) KVN CONSUMER “Colors of Summer” (senior preschool age) Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to solve riddles. Get a given color.

Today is your holiday, guys! All children huge Earth They rush to each other with congratulations, wishing health and love! And we, dear ones, wish you...

Project "Colors of Summer" Co-author: Ekaterina Sergeevna Kosenko, teacher of the State Educational Institution JSC SDR “Zvezdochka” Goals and objectives of the project Project goals: improvement of the process.

Summer colors.

Target: Repeat the phenomena of summer, features and symptoms.

Tasks: Create motivation for cognitive activity. Learn to work in a group, develop communication skills.

Materials: finger paints, napkins, white paper.

Leading: Hello guys! I am a Fairy, I came to visit you to play with you and draw. Guys, do you like to solve riddles? My first riddle:

The meadows are turning green

Rainbow arc in the sky

The lake is warmed by the sun

Summer invites everyone to swim...(summer).

Leading: That's right, summer. (The artist comes out and looks thoughtfully at the sky.)

Artist: Everything is fine, I found the gate, I saw the sign, but is they waiting for me here? Will they recognize me? Won't they drive you away? I’ll come now and tell you right away what my name is. No, we need to say hello first. Yes, I’ll say this: “Hello, my name is Kras Karandashevich Malertov. (stops, looks at the children and says)

Artist: Hello, my name is Kras Karandashevich Malbertov. I came to visit you because I learned from your parents that there will be a “summer colors” festival here. This is true?

Children: Yes.

Artist: My guys are very a big problem. Will you help me solve it?

Leading: What is your problem, dear Kras Kandashevich?

Artist: I accidentally lost my paints, but they are magical: in winter I paint snow. I paint forests and rivers in White color. In autumn in yellow and Orange color nature. My spring is green. And summer is red and beautiful. Well, most importantly, I paint a rainbow with all colors. And imagine what will happen to our world if I don’t find my colors (grabs his head). It will rain and all the colors will be washed away and everything around will become gray and not beautiful.

Leading: Oh, guys, can we help artists find paints?

Children: Yes.

Leading: Kras Karandashevich our children are ready to help you find paints and suggest starting with blue paint.

Child in blue:

My doll has blue eyes

And the sky above us is still bluer

It's blue like a thousand eyes

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.

Leading: And there are also clouds in the sky, and it rains from them. Guys, let's teach Kras Karandashevich to hide from the rain. Game “Rain” - while the music is playing, children run around, and as soon as thunder rumbles and it starts to rain, everyone hides under an umbrella. After the game, the child brings blue paint to the artist.

Leading: Listen to my next riddle:

In an overturned well

Shaggy clouds round dance

The sun sets there during the day

At night the month will float by... (sky).

Let's start painting our picture. Prepare your palms and dip them in blue paint and leave your fingerprints on the paper. Clear, blue sky.

Now let's look for yellow paint.

Child in yellow:

The yellow sun looks at the earth,

Yellow pears hanging on branches

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

The child takes out yellow paint.

Leading: And so is mine next riddle:

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know tiredness

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... (sun).

Artist: Well, now we can draw the sun. Let's continue drawing our pictures. We dip our palms. What a radiant sun it turned out to be.

And the most interesting thing is that if I mix two colors, blue and yellow, I get green.

Child in green:

Green leaf and grass

The tree is always green

We will mix yellow and blue

We get green color.

Brings green paint.

Game "Pass it to someone else."

Artist: Do you like apples? Caterpillars also love apples. And birds love caterpillars. And birds are afraid of cats. And the cat is a dog. Let's play the game "Pass to the Other" - an apple, a caterpillar, a bird, a cat and a dog are passed around in a circle. It is necessary to pass quickly without dropping, so that more than one toy does not catch up with the previous one.

Presenter: Listen to my tracking riddle:

She dies in the fall

And comes to life again in the spring

The cows are in trouble without her,

She is their main food. (grass)

The grass is green, get your palms ready. Look what a beautiful clearing. What's missing?

Children: Colors.

Presenter: Let's look for paint for flowers.

Child in orange:

And I want to note that the color orange

The best in the world

After all, all oranges are in winter and summer

They burn the most bright color. (the child brings orange).

Leading: Let's draw flowers. Get your palms ready and let's draw them in our clearing.

Artist: Oh, you are so good and cheerful, but I want to learn to dance with you, can you teach me?

Children: Yes.

Game "Dance and freeze."

While the music is playing, everyone dance, the music ends, everyone must freeze.

Artist: Oh, how good it is to be with you guys, it even lifted my spirits. And there are already so many colors.

Leading: Well, almost all the colors have been returned to you guys.

Artist: Yes, of course there are still a few missing, but I’ll probably manage.

Presenter: Don't be sad artist! I think I know how to help you. I will ask riddles and you and the children will solve them.

- Seeing it under the eye,

They want a fighter right away,

And here is the eggplant and plum
They are happy and beautiful with him. (purple)

- Every sighted boy will say

About him that he is girly

If we dunk the stork

He will become like a flamingo. (pink)

- Sign of a talking fish

It was hidden in a box for a while,

There is in the crown and in the ring,

And on the fabulous porch (golden).

- It is found in coffee, lentils,

There is also in chocolate -

You can't eat it without it (brown).

- He lies on the roof with snow,

They draw and write on it,

He is in cow's milk

Both in setan and in flour (white)

- Even though it's hiding in the chimney,

It is always in fashion among panthers,

And the Negro loves him

He carries it with him every day (black).

It looks like your meter is full. And you can already draw whatever you want.

Artist: Yes, thanks guys, and now I want to draw something for you.

Look at the rainbow I got and all my paint friends are together again. Thank you very much for helping me find my friends. Now I will never part with them and will always carry them with me. And you know how to be friends. Show?

Game "Friendship".

An elastic band with tied ends should fit the entire group.

Artist: Guys, it's time for me to return, thank you again for helping me.

Leading: Goodbye Kras Karandoshevich, come see us again!

Guys, our holiday has come to an end. But it's not the end of the day yet. Today the whole day is your holiday and there is light in the blue sky for you yellow sun, leaves turn green on the trees, water splashes in blue rivers, blossoms colorful flowers and of course the best orange mood. And as we leave, I give you sweetness and a lot of music. Goodbye!

Scenario plot - game program « Magic colors summer"

Lygalova Olesya Alekseevna, teacher additional education MAU DO CDT "Rhythm" in Perm
Target: Creating a joyful mood, making children realize that living in friendship is better than living in a quarrel.
Tasks: To foster friendly relations between children and a friendly attitude towards the world around them
Develop children's imagination
Develop the ability to help and sympathize
Purpose of the material: This scenario will be useful for organizers of children's leisure activities.
Heroes: Rainbow - leading, colors. In my script, all the roles are played by children. Rainbow is a girl from high school.

"Magic colors of summer"
(The melody of the song “This is what our summer is like” sounds, the presenter comes on stage and sings)
Presenter: Good afternoon and good hour,
I salute you all!
Greetings boys,
Greetings girls!
It was not by chance that I came to you
This ringing holiday!
1. Our summer has come again,
In the summer we bought tickets for everyone.
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer is breathing with the breeze!
pr: Summer purple, green, burgundy,
Summer is very different, orange, red!
We always look forward to summer - a sea of ​​light,
Looking forward to hiking and camping in the summer
Sonorous songs - sonorous until dawn
And holidays for children!
Pr: Summer lemon, golden, yellow.
Bright, blue, everything around is beautiful.
Bright, colorful, golden summer!
Rainbow: Let me introduce myself, my name is Rainbow! And we will get to know you with the help of a multi-colored ball. Whoever gets my ball in his hands throws it back to me and tells me his name. I am a rainbow, and you... (and so on three, four times). No, so I’ll get to know you for a whole week. It’s better that I throw the ball up in the air now, and you, in unison, say your names loudly! Ready? (I couldn’t make out anything at all, let’s try again, and now only girls, and now only boys) Well, that’s another matter. I see you guys are funny. Of course, how can you not have fun when summer and the long-awaited holidays have finally arrived! Do you love summer? I also really love summer. Do you know that there is a place on earth where there is no summer like ours. This North Pole, and flowers don't grow there. But my best friend, Ice, lives at the North Pole. She had never seen summer and really asked me to tell her what it was. To make it easier for her to imagine all this, we will paint a picture for her. You'll help me, won't you? But we will not paint a picture simple colors, but magical.
(Colors appear, sing to the melody of the song “Box of Pencils”)

Rainbow: Here it is in front of you - a box of miracles.
They live in it, as if in good fairy tale,
Beautiful, bright colors.
Blue: Each has its own name,
Yellow: Everyone has their own calling,
Green: And everyone does their best,
Orange: He draws with great desire.
Green: With a wave of green paint, the meadows will be dressed,
And there will certainly be a Christmas tree in the forest, and the first maple leaves.
Yellow: And the yellow sun will wake up, and the dandelions in the field.
And the sail will color in the sea, and the summer will be joyful.
Red: Red colors roses and children's cheeks from the frost,
Autumn leaves in the parks, bows of long-awaited gifts.
Blue: And let’s face it, the blue one will draw the mother’s eyes
There is a cornflower flower by the road and the sky on a hot day.
Rainbow: In a box of miracles, see for yourself quickly,
Fun and fairy tales live - bright, kind colors.
Rainbow: Dear paints, help us paint a summer picture for Icy.
Green: Summer? I will help. I'm the most important one here. After all, the grass and leaves are green in summer.
Blue: What's worse about me? Yes, I'm in charge! Everyone is waiting for summer, so what?
All: Jump, run, relax, sunbathe, lie down, ride, play around.
Blue: Bathe! In the sea, and in the river... and they are blue.
Yellow: Hello, here we come, actually, I am more important than everyone else. Without bright hot, big sun, it wouldn't be summer! And the sun... is yellow! Clearly understood?
Red: Sun, river, grass! The most important thing is vitamins!!! Red strawberries! Red strawberries! Red currants. Red apples, red watermelon.
Orange: That's it! Vitamins!!! Oranges, tangerines, pumpkin, carrots!
Yellow: Yes, without the sun, no oranges, tangerines and carrots would ripen!
Green: It all starts with me, with me! All your vitamins start with me, with green sprouts!
Yellow:(green) Don’t brag too much here! If I connect with blue, I will become green, and we don't need you!
Green: And you first agree with the blue one!
Yellow: I'll agree!
Blue: Again, I won’t negotiate with anyone! I’m the most beautiful and I’m not going to mix with just anyone! And in general I draw.
(they look at each other, take out brushes like weapons, run to the picture, start drawing, pushing each other.)
Rainbow: Dear paints, don’t quarrel, paint together. Remember that we need to give this picture to Ice, who has never seen summer. Just try your best.
Paints: We'll try our best.
Rainbow: In the meantime, the colors paint their masterpiece. We will remember what you can do in the summer. But first, I will divide you into 2 teams. From this side and to the middle, Tsvetiki’s team. And from that side to the middle, the Luchiki team. I will ask you questions, and if you can do this in the summer, you will hand over the cotton. Let's practice. I’m the first to clap, you’re the second, then you take turns, one after the other, don’t clap ahead of the other and don’t be late.
Is the weather warm in summer?(the guys clap in turn on both sides, whichever team passes the “Clap” faster wins, gets the point)
Is there a lot of snow in summer?
Do we play snowballs in the summer?
Are we relaxing on the beach?
Do we eat mushrooms and berries?
The night is long, do we sleep a lot? (Of course not, the nights are shorter in summer and the days are longer, but in winter the opposite is true.)
Does a bear sleep in a den in summer?
Are your feet wearing felt boots?
But go ice skating?
Can everyone swim in the sea?
Catch a beetle in a field during the day?
How about building a snowman?
Rainbow: Well done, everyone answered correctly and quickly passed on the claps. Are you ready to paint?
(The colors quarrel and take out the picture.)

Rainbow: Well, I'll tell you, miracles!
What strip is this? Yellow, sandy, poisonously juicy?
Yellow: Is it the sky that is not clear? I think everything is great!
Rainbow: The sky turned yellow
Red(laughs): So funny
Rainbow: And so ridiculous! But what is this?
Green: This is the Sea
Rainbow: Oh-oh, I feel bad about something. This is not the sea
Red: And the swamp! (laughs) so green, fragrant, foresty!
Blue: Instead of fish there are leeches in it, and it is covered with moss!
Green: Oh, what are you saying, what kind of mouse is that?
Blue: Where?
Green: Well, here she is, with a slightly blue ponytail.
Blue: And it’s not a mouse at all. This is the sun - it’s clear to everyone!
Red: The sun with a mouse tail!
Blue: So what, I decided so! The sun will now be blue!
Rainbow: And this one on the meadow, what are those little red dots?
Red: This is grass in the wind.
Green: I'm dying of laughter now!
Orange: There is no such thing as red grass!
Red: Do you have something that flies?
Orange: It's seagulls!
Red: You can also say that they look like firebirds!! (quarrel)

: Stop. Fine. Let's imagine that everything happened as shown in your drawing. The guys and I will try to prove you that you are wrong. Guys, are you ready? We will prove to you that every paint has its place. Do you agree?
Paints:(they looked at each other and said) We agree.
Rainbow: Then we begin to fantasize.
1 episode Marine(music “And the fish in the sea swim like this”, the group “Fidgets”, a fabric depicting the sea is brought onto the stage, Rainbow makes riddles about sea animals, the colors show these toys)
Rainbow: Here is the sea, the sea is blue and very beautiful
We'll guess the riddles, name the answer, and repeat the movements after us.
What kind of ball floats with spikes,
Quietly waving its fins,
You just can’t take it in your hands,
This ball of fish is a hedgehog.
Show me the hedgehog fish. Well done. Next riddle.
The sea is warm all around,
We were swimming in it, and suddenly
All my friends were blown away by the wind,
A shark swam to the beach!
Repeat after us.
We are fish, and you are sharks, try to catch us. Sharks have a huge mouth. (Host and blue paint they approach the children from both sides, the children’s palms are prepared for clapping, the leader and the paint pass their hand, as if it were a fish, between the children’s palms, as if it were a shark, their task is to catch the leader’s palm)
Let's play the next riddle.
Maybe the fish is a giant,
Launch a fountain over the water,
Who is famous for this?
An inhabitant of the ocean - a whale! Show how a whale lets out a fountain. Next riddle.
Eight arms or eight legs,
This miracle is an octopus.
Show me the octopus. And now we will be sharks. Place your octopuses on your lap and when a shark swims up to you, hide them behind your back.
Pr (play)
Looks so much like a horse
And he lives in the sea too
That's it, fish, hop, hop, hop,
A seahorse is jumping! Show me the seahorse. Then guess.
A transparent umbrella floats
There is a risk of burning, do not touch.
She has paws and a belly,
What's her name... jellyfish.
This is what a jellyfish is. With two hands. Repeat. And now I will name sea animals, and you will show them to me!
Whale, seahorse, urchin fish, shark. Jellyfish. Octopus.

Blue: There are also many living in the sea different fish, sea animals - snakes, turtles, killer whales, sperm whales, it’s impossible to list them all, and many, many other inhabitants.
Rainbow: And this is the right sea, and now, dear green paint, look what happened.
Everyone goes around this place
Here the earth is like dough.
There are sedges, hummocks, mosses,
No foot support!
And it turned out to be a swamp!
There is almost no oxygen in the swamp.
There is nothing to breathe in the swamp.
The water is dirty and hot
Not suitable for all marine life.
Mud, algae, moss grow, there is no space in the swamp.
All the inhabitants of the sea have disappeared!
Green: How did they disappear? I'll put them together and start playing with them. Here's an octopus, here's a whale, and here's a shark!
Rainbow: You are the first team, you are the second, and you are the third. Hold hands, stand in a circle, your team is octopuses, yours is whales, and yours is sharks.
You will start dancing to the music, whatever I say, you will do. If I say octopus, you all dance like this - show the tentacles of the octopus, when I say whale - you all jump, raise your hands up, when I say shark, you hold hands and walk in a circle, and when I say sea, you Everyone gets up for the paints - the train, and disperses around the hall. But as soon as the music ends, you need to stand up, the way you are standing now, your team is around the shark, you are around the octopus, and you are around the whale. Therefore, look one way and the other, remember who is standing with whom. Do you remember? Then listen carefully and be sure to follow through. Let's start!
(A game)
Rainbow: All three teams are great. Take your seats. These Marine life can only live in the sea and ocean, but not in a swamp.
Green: I realized my mistake
I shouldn't paint the sea.
Rainbow: Great. And we continue to fantasize.
Episode 2 – “Yellow Sky and Blue Sun”
Rainbow: Is the sun shining brightly in the sky? What for? So that it’s warm and somewhere hot for everyone. Nature blossoms, everything around comes to life. And the florist, gardener, and beekeeper suddenly had a lot of worries. Guys, now we will find out what summer is for. There are pictures of summer and little cards in envelopes that show what you can do in the summer. You need to correctly match the small cards to the large one. For example, here is a river drawn, and on a small card, a boy who is swimming.

1,2,3,4,5 come out and play with me. You are 5 people - one team, and you are the second. Everyone understood, then they started.
While our participants complete the task, we will go on a hike and return back. After all, summer is the time for hiking. Answer everyone together and loudly.
We can’t sit still, the world is terribly interesting,
Now we are ready to go on a hike, what awaits us ahead?
To avoid getting into trouble, we will take with us...a backpack.
There are steep banks here, and a river flows below.
It seems that this old...forest has grown to the skies.
At the rest stop, we’ll rest and build a fire together...
Try not to make noise, there’s a bear eating raspberries here.
We don’t want to go there, there’s a quagmire, there’s...a swamp.
Blades of grass are trampled here, we know we are walking along...a path.
And along the straight road, we return... home.
Well done, everyone answered correctly. Let's see how our participants coped with the task.
In summer, fruit grows on fruit trees. True 1.1
Vegetables grow in the garden. Correct.2.2
Mushrooms and berries grow in the forest. Amazing. 3.3
Spikelets for porridge bread grow in the fields.4.4
In the summer in the parks you can ride on carousels 5.5
You can play in the yards. 6.6
Bees collect nectar from flowers and then make healthy honey.7.7
The kids swim in the river and get healthy. 8.8
You can ride bicycles on the playgrounds. 9.9
After the rain there is a rainbow in the sky and all the plants are growing.10.10
Rainbow: Well, now blue paint, attention.
The sun has turned blue!
Can all this really happen?
It got so cold
And winter has come again.
Vacations are cancelled!
Paints: All the insects froze
Migratory birds have died
The squirrel has not stocked up and may die in winter
The gray hare is visible on the white snow; anyone can catch it.
All the plants withered and died, nothing grew.
Blue: I understood everything, I shouldn’t paint the sun.
Yellow: We will correct the situation. Dance, repeat the movements behind the colors, as soon as you hear a song about summer, you dance on this side, and if the song is about winter, spring or autumn, you dance on this side. All clear? Then get up and start dancing. (dance game)
Rainbow: Take your seats. You are real dancers! And we continue to fantasize.
Episode 3 "Red Grass"
Rainbow: Red grass everywhere
My head is spinning.
What is growing is not at all clear.
After all, everything around turned red!
Paints: red trees,
red bushes,
Red vegetables and berries!
red fruits,
red mushrooms,
All plants are red
Red flowers!
All mushrooms are red: You can confuse edible with inedible ones and get poisoned.
The berries are also red – it’s unclear which ones are edible and which ones are not!
The plants are all red! How to choose medications?
Red paint: I understand that I clearly overdid it!
Rainbow: That's for sure, but the guys will help us.
Red paint: Can you help?
Rainbow: As soon as I name an object that is red, you raise up right hand, if the object is not red, you raise your left hand (for little ones, if the object is red, you raise your hand up; if the object is not red, you do not raise your hand). ready? (You can also play this game by standing in a rubber band and jumping out of it, if the object is called red)
Tomato, cucumber, lemon, watermelon, currant. Camelina mushrooms, raspberries, strawberries, pumpkin, zucchini, peppers, snow, apple, leaves. (in autumn the leaves, for example on rowan, are red) milk, jam, strawberries, sand, water,
Fly agaric! Rose, cherry, tongue, clover, rosehip, carnation.
Rainbow: Well done boys.
Red paint: But everything red is beautiful.
Yellow: But nothing is clear! Please look and try to guess what kind of mushrooms these are. (The paints are taken out by the mushrooms, but they are all painted with red paint, the red paint answers everything incorrectly, the paints show mushrooms on one side in red, how the children guess them, they turn the sheet over to the other side and a mushroom is drawn there in the color it should be. 1 - porcini mushroom, red: this is a fly agaric!, 2 - chanterelle, paint: this is a pale toadstool, 3 - redhead, paint: this, well, let it be an oil can, 4 - an oil can, 5 - toadstool, paint: this is a toadstool, 6 - ... paint: I don't know)
Rainbow: You see, nothing is clear, but if you confuse a fly agaric with an edible mushroom and eat it, you can get poisoned.
Red paint: That's right, nothing is clear. I realized my mistake; I shouldn’t paint all the plants red.
Rainbow: Well done. And the guys and I will play with fly agaric mushrooms. We will divide you into 2 teams, flowers and rays. You take turns throwing the chubby into the fly agaric, if the fly agaric, and the bell hidden in it, rings, then the team is awarded a point. The team throws the rays first. Now Tsvetiki….(game) and the Tsvetiki team won with a score of 5…7. Applause, have a seat!
Rainbow: Dear colors, you are not just colors for us, you are our friends, you don’t let us get bored and every minute teach us to see how beautiful the world in which we live is. You are all, absolutely all, important to us. Each of you occupies the place where your abilities are revealed in all their glory. The grass and leaves are green, the sun is yellow, and the sky and sea are blue.
Paints: and what to do now?
Paints: I think first of all we need to stop arguing. And try to paint a picture of summer again.
Paints: Of course we will in a moment. (They draw a picture at the easel)
The final:
Rainbow: And you guys, don’t follow the example of paints, value your friendship.
Let's be
Be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky,
Like the wind with the meadow,
Like a sail with the sea,
Grass - with rains,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us.
And for all of you gifts, do you want to receive them? Then let's all clap our hands together!
Rainbow: Has everyone received gifts?
Paints: We are ready. We drew.
Rainbow: Now everything is clear here. Sea. Sun, river, forest.
It's full of miracles here.
We’ll send the picture to Ledinka, and we’ll say goodbye to you.
See you soon guys, goodbye! Summer camp shift, holiday “Colorful colors of summer”

Leading:Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we have gathered for the “Color Summer” holiday.

Word games

Summer consists of different bright colors and all our competition tasks will be dedicated to paints. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world bright, colorful, colorful and interesting. And today we will try to get the largest portion of this energy.

Leading: First, you and I will play and shout a little. And we will do it this way: our clothes are painted in different colors, I will read a color poem and if you hear the color that is in your clothes, clap loudly and shout out!!! Well, let's try, who has it?greencolor, clap and shout together...And now those guys who haveredcolor in clothes... And who wearsblue things?... Great!
Well, let's see how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poems. As soon as you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

The sky is rainy and gray
I'll quickly turn it blue.

The sun is burning in the clear sky, So hot, so red!

Beautiful flowers of unusual beauty in the garden! We will be pleased with foliage and green grass.

In winter everything is covered with frost / And the cheeks become... red.

I'll go for a walk in the meadow / I'll wear a cool dress.

I'll braid my hair / The ribbon is bright... green.

I’m bringing a bouquet to my sister Alena / And there is a flower in it. It's... blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outsmart you. You are all very friendly and attentive.
Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call “Pencils” and “Paints”. Teams will earn one point for winning each competition, which means you need to work hard to win.

Leading: I suggest you start with a small relay race.

Teams line up in columns one at a time.

Contest " Fast artist»

The first players are given a piece of chalk. At the leader’s signal, they must run to the finishing point and draw a triangle on the asphalt near it. Then, the player must run around the finishing point and run back to the team. Pass the chalk to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Bees"

On the asphalt in front of each team, it is necessary to draw 8-10 flowers with chalk in advance.
The first player, at the leader’s signal, must jump from flower to flower without opening his legs. Run around the finish point and run back. With a clap of your hand, pass the baton to the next player and stand behind the column.
The team that completes the task faster wins

Group game

If the birds sing here and there,

If the butterflies settled in the bushes,

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps each.

If you've learned your lesson by heart,

And besides, helped a friend,

Teach us to have fun, show us how to frolic,

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two finger clicks.)

If it hurts you hurt yourself on a doorframe,

If the bump on the top is like a fist,

Teach us not to cry, teach us not to gasp,

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two stamps of feet each.)

If you washed all the dishes for mom

And I didn’t break a cup or a plate,

Teach us to have fun, have fun and be proud,

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps with both hands on the knees.)

If you went into space in a dream,

If you were skipping on the moon,

Show me how you frolicked, how you frolicked, had fun,

And we will do the same as you.

(After the first and second lines, two claps of hands, at the end of singing - repetition of clicks in a row, joyful exclamations of “Ay, ah!”, stamping of feet and clapping of hands on knees.)

Competition "Christmas tree"

The buckets contain the same number of pencils. On command, you need to make a Christmas tree out of them. The first one runs the first branch, the second the other, the last trunk, whoever is faster. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each player on both teams is given one colored card from the set. One set of cards remains in the hands of the presenter.
The presenter randomly raises a colored card up and loudly calls the color. Players in teams who received a card of the same color must run up to the leader and take the card from him, whoever is faster. The player who takes the card earns one point for his team.
The team with the most cards and, accordingly, points wins.

Game with the audience “Picture”

Poem with collective response:
If you see a river painted in a picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture is sure to be called...
If you see - in the picture there is a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all the objects at once, know what it is...
(Still life)
If you see someone looking at us from a painting: either a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka - your neighbor, - The painting is sure to be called...

Competition "Confusion"

Leading: Guys! We have all the letters mixed up in the words denoting colors, we urgently need to decipher this abra-kadabra:

LOAYSYVAT – light green
VINEYRSE – lilac
DOYRYOVB – burgundy
NYLOYMIV – raspberry
VOYILIL – lilac
TOYFIOYEL – purple

Teams take turns drawing out pieces of paper with an encrypted color. They deliberate for a minute and give the correct answer.
For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point.

Competition "Plant a Flowerbed"

In front of each team, a circle with a diameter of approximately 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt. All team players are given crayons. In 1 minute, teams must “plant” as many flowers as possible on the “flowerbed”.
The team that draws the most flowers wins.

Competition "Magic Circle"

In front of each team, 15 circles with a diameter of approximately 50 cm are drawn in advance on the asphalt. All players are given colored chalk.
Teams must turn the circles into drawings. The team with the largest number original drawings(images of items that are not found in other teams

Leading:Our holiday is ending. But summer doesn't end. And let it be as bright, cheerful and colorful as you painted it!

Description of material: This project can be used as musical director, and kindergarten teachers. The project contains integration that unites all 5 educational areas. Participants in this project can be children from 4 to 7 years old.


Summer! This is an amazing time in nature, when beauty can be seen at every step. You just need to not miss the exciting moments, but show them to the children. One day, while walking, the children saw insects and noticed that they were different colors. And everything around is a different color. The guys' reaction was mixed. Some children expressed joy and genuine interest, others expressed complete indifference. During the conversation, it became clear that preschool children’s knowledge about summer as a natural phenomenon is very poor. So the problem arose: Why is summer so different? Children’s participation in the project will allow them to form ideas about summer as a season, about insects, their benefits or harm, about plants and mushrooms; will develop Creative skills and search activities.

To ensure that every child has the opportunity to live a joyful and meaningful summer.

1. To form in preschoolers an artistic and aesthetic perception of the world around them.

2. Promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and intelligence.

3. Develop children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type: information-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.

Preparatory stage includes:

1. Selection of necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

Main stage implements weekly themes:

“Beginning of Summer” (green week);

“Summer is beauty” (red week);

"Journey of a Droplet" (blue week);

“The sun is shining for everyone!” (yellow week).

The first week “Summer in the field and in the forest” (green week) includes:

1. Conversation about the nature of the native land.

2. Conversation with examination of illustrations, riddles, proverbs, sayings.

3. Volumetric applique “Grasshoppers”.

4. Drawing “Summer in the field and in the forest.”

5. Fun on the street “The crocodile swallowed the sun” ».

The second week “Summer is Beauty” (red week) includes:

  1. Conversation “Red is the most beautiful color!” (Flowers, ladybugs, butterflies.)

2. Volumetric applique “Flowers”.

3 Drawing “Insects “Ladybug”.

4. Songs: “Butterflies”, “Colored Meadow!”

5. Outdoor game “Find your flower”, “Recognize by color”.

6. Drawing “Colors of Summer”.

7. Modeling “Bouquet of Flowers”.

8. Fun on the street “Little Red Riding Hood visiting the guys.”

The third week “Journey of a Droplet” (blue week) includes:

1 . Mimio project "Journey of a droplet."

2. Application “Let’s decorate a sundress” (Gzhel).

3. Songs “Bell”, “Rain”.

4. Outdoor game “The sea is agitated.”

5. Learning proverbs and sayings about water.

6. Entertainment on the street “Visiting Captain Vrungel.”

Week four “The sun is shining for everyone!” (yellow week) includes:

  1. Conversation “The sun is clear, the most beautiful!”
  2. Drawing on the sand.

3. Musical and speech game: “Rays”.

4. Game exercise"Collect the rays."

5. Fun outside “Sun, air and water are our best friends!

The final stage consists of creating and presenting “This is what it is, our summer!”

Expected result:

  • Children name the colors of summer and their meaning;
  • Show emotions when performing a cheerful repertoire;
  • They know summer plants, insects, and animals.

In a friendly, communicative environment, involving them in games and theatrical performances, children were given the opportunity to plunge into the colorful colors of summer! The children understood the main thing that any time of year has its own charm and purpose. That summer is not called “the day of the year” for nothing, because all nature is in bloom multi-colored paints to our delight!


  1. Collection of scripts for kindergarten"A fairy tale has come to visit us"
  2. Svetlichnaya T.A. Holidays without problems. Scenarios for kindergarten Publisher: TC Sfera year of release: 2009.