Scenario of the event for Evgeniy Permyak. Extracurricular activity on literary reading "in the world of stories by Evgeniy Permyak"

Library hour script for elementary school on the theme “You and I are true friends”

Description of material: I offer you a script for a library hour for students in grades 2-3 on the topic “You and I are true friends.” To achieve the goals of moral education, a good book has a special place. Therefore, it is very important, through reading works of fiction, to gradually acquaint children with moral standards and develop the personality qualities necessary for life in modern society. As part of the implementation of hours of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school, this scenario can be used in the course of spiritual and moral direction - “Library hour”. This material will be useful to organizers of extracurricular activities, primary school teachers, and librarians.
Formation of children's concepts of friendship. Fostering friendly feelings, the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.
To contribute to the expansion of knowledge about relationships between people and friendship through work on literary works.
Reveal the essence of the concept of “friendship”. Show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives.
Based on examples of life experience, show the value of true friendship.
Demo material:
Recording of the song “True Friend” lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev; at the “Tree of Goodness” stand with leaves and flowers, sun; book exhibition.
Envelopes with proverbs and sayings about friendship; cards with problem situations; rays.
During the classes:
Guys! In previous classes, we talked about kindness and politeness. They wrote kind words on pieces of paper, polite words on flowers, and drew. Look how beautiful our “Tree of Goodness” has become! But for it to bear fruit, it needs warmth - the sun. A good friend is like the sun; with him it is always light and warm. And today we will talk about friendship.
Let's hold hands and stand in a big circle.
Children join hands and stand in a circle around the tables. The song “True Friend” is playing. Children sing holding hands.
Did you feel the warmth of the hands of your classmates? We will keep this warmth until the end of the lesson. We sang a wonderful song about friendship. What do you think the word “friendship” means? (Children's answers). Every person needs good, loyal friends. The first real friends usually appear from school. And it is school friendship that is sometimes the strongest and lasts for many years. I think many of you already have friends among your classmates. And today we will talk to you about what friendship is, what qualities a true friend should have.
Guys! Pay attention to our exhibition. It presents books that talk about true friendship. If you haven't had time to read them yet, be sure to read them.
Listen to V. Oseeva’s story “Before the first rain.”
1. Why did Masha blush and why did Tanya blush?
2.Were the girls friends?
3. Why did the teacher tell the girls that theirs was “friendship until the first rain”? (Children's answers).
Listen to E. Permyak’s story “The Worst Thing.”
1. How did Vova treat those around him?
2.Was Vova really a brave, courageous boy?
3.Would you like to be afraid of you?
4. Why did everyone turn away from Vova?
5.What should Vova do so that the guys play with him and his grandmother talks? (Children's answers)
Without friends a person is lonely, but with friends he can cope with any trouble. Therefore, friendship should be valued. In order not to lose your friends, it is important to be able to be friends: to be the kindest and most responsive. What other qualities should a friend have? I will name the qualities of a person - you choose those that your friend should have. (Clap your hands.)
Kind, timid, happy, cheerful, smart, stingy, friendly, honest, greedy, generous, beautiful, cheerful, sad, touchy, fair, truthful, capricious, frank, bully, sensitive, sympathetic, able to keep secrets.
You all chose only positive qualities. I think you should have these qualities too. Let's write all the positive qualities of a friend on the sunbeams and remember them. Let these human qualities warm your friendship. (Children work in groups.)
Read the best qualities of a friend that you wrote on the sunburst. Now give this ray of sunshine to someone who, in your opinion, has these qualities. (Children hand over rays) Tell me, guys, was it nice to receive and give a ray of sunshine? I think that these rays made you all feel warmer. Let's attach our rays to the sun, and let it warm and make us all happy. Let magical fruits ripen on our “Tree of Goodness”. (The sun with rays is hung on the stand).

There is no people that does not have legends, proverbs and sayings about friendship. Let's remember these proverbs together and collect them. Halves of proverbs are written on the cards. You need to connect them, read them and explain their meaning. (Work in groups)

Proverbs and sayings about friendship:
If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him
A tree lives by its roots, and a man lives by friends
Having a friend means not feeling sorry for yourself
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends
One for all and all for one
A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.
an old friend is better than two new ones
Friendship is friendship, and service is service
Guys! When we say the word “friendship,” we remember not only our best friends, but also funny cartoon characters and book characters. In a fairy-tale land there are many heroes who are friends with each other. Now we will find out if you know them. I will name the fairy-tale character, and you guys, in unison, name his friend.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Funny Carlson and (Baby)
Trusting Pinocchio and (Pierrot, Malvina)
Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)
Crocodile Gena and (Cheburashka)
Uncle Fyodor and (Cat Matroskin, Dog Sharik)
Vintik and (Shpuntik)
Mowgli and (Balu, Bagheera)
If you've read these books, you probably remember the difficulties the friends had to overcome. Situations constantly arise in our lives when we need to make some kind of decision. Let's look at some situations. Think and tell me what you would do.
Discussion of problem situations in groups:
1.Your friend hasn’t done his homework and asks you for a notebook to copy.
2.Parents think that your friend is a bad student and therefore do not allow you to be friends with him.
3.Your friend offended the girl.
4.Your friend doesn’t want you to be friends with anyone else.
5.You and your friend had a fight.
If you have a friend, take care of your friendship with him, value it. It's easy to lose a friend, much harder to find one. We say the word “friendship” and immediately remember our friend. I think each of you has a friend. Tell us about your friends. What's his name? When did you become friends with him? How do you help each other? (Children's stories)
I see that many of you are friends with your classmates. I think you know well the best character traits of your classmates. I have a magic apple in my hands. As soon as it falls into your hands, everyone will immediately see your best qualities and name them. (Children pass the apple around and name the best character traits of their classmates).
Guys! Today we saw how much good and kindness there is in each of you. Let's always notice more good things in each other and talk about it. Let's live in peace!
Now let’s listen to poems about friendship that your classmates will tell. (Children read poems)
Poems about friendship
V. Orlov “If you value friendship”
If friendship
You can argue
And be friends.
And it won't flare up
From any dispute!
Y. Entin “About Friendship”
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel
E. Stekvashova “Friends”
As soon as I start eating candy,
I have countless friends.
And we're out of candy
And there are no friends in sight.
For candy every friend
So he tears it out of his hands.
Well, why do I need this friendship?
I love candy myself.
A. Barto “My friend”
He has a carriage of merits,
There are almost no shortcomings
It costs him nothing
Bring you a smile.
He wants to give, not take,
He is strong, not weak,
I wrote a thick notebook about him
I could write it all down!
He knows how to win
Not afraid to lose
“He’s learning very quickly!”
I wrote it down in my notebook.
He repaired the bird's cage,
Gave the kitten milk.
He knows how to apologize
It's not easy either!
I. Mednin “Let’s be friends”
Let's be
Be friends with each other
Like birds with the sky,
Like the wind with the meadow,
Like a sail with the sea,
Grass - with rains,
How the sun is friendly
With all of us!
Guys! What wonderful words were spoken about friendship! I think that today we have become a little closer to each other. I believe that every year the friendship in your class will only become stronger. And on our “Tree of Goodness” magnificent fruits will certainly ripen.

Tatyana Morozova
Scenario of a literary evening dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Evgeny Permyak “How to become big?”

Literary evening, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of his birth

Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak

"How get big

Target: to develop in children the ability to understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of other people through reading stories and fairy tales by E. A. Permyak. Show children that the topics raised by the author are relevant in the life of every person.

Tasks: introduce children to the biography and work of the writer. Using the example of the heroes of the writer’s works, show the importance of work in achieving goals, that beauty and wisdom (adulthood) a person “... not in clothes, not in curls on an empty head, not in a sleek hand, but in what these hands can do”; convey to children the concepts of honesty, responsibility, hard work and self-confidence. Enrich the moral experience of older preschoolers.

Progress of the evening

1. Introductory word about the writer.

Evgeniy Andreevich Vissov(Permyak) born October 31, 1902 in the city Perm in the Urals. This city played big role in his life: It’s not for nothing that the writer preferred a pseudonym to his real surname Permyak.

His father died when he was three years old. His childhood and teenage years were spent in the small town of Votkinsk, where the boy lived with his grandparents and aunt, who loved him very much and took care of him.

In Votkinsk, Zhenya studied at school, secondary school and gymnasium. There he mastered five crafts: carpentry, plumbing, shoemaking, blacksmithing and turning. In Votkinsk he began to write his first notes and poems. Signed with a pseudonym "Master Nepryakhin".

He lived in the Urals for more than thirty years, studied five crafts: carpentry, plumbing, shoemaking, blacksmithing and turning. In 1930 Evgeniy Permyak graduated from the pedagogical faculty Perm University. Soon he left for Moscow and became a writer. I started writing stories, short stories and fairy tales. Wrote thirty books. Almost all books are about working people, masters of their craft, about people who decorate the earth with their labor. The writer really wanted young readers understood: the beauty of a person “... is not in clothes, not in curls on an empty head, not in a sleek hand, but in what these hands can do.”

During the Great Patriotic War Permyak was in Sverdlovsk. There he became friends with the famous writer Pavel Bazhov.

Died Evgeny Permyak in 1982.

The ability to see the world through the eyes of children, communicate with them easily, so that the children love and understand you - priceless gift. The Ural storyteller and wise writer possessed this gift. Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak.

2. Book exhibition

I start a sentence, and you continue:




"Alien... gate",



“About the nose and ... tongue”,

"Grandfather's glasses"


3. Literary story quiz Permyak

* Who you are? Name the hero of the story E. Permyak.

A) You are growing up to be a diligent, caring and hard-working boy. You are very loved in your family, but more Grandfather loves you all. Loves and helps become a good person. ... Supporting all your undertakings, your grandfather demanded one thing from you... “If you take on a task, bring it to the end. And if you see that it’s too hard for you, wait until you grow up.” Who you are?

(Alyosha Khomutov. "Alien Gate")

*What color did Alyosha Khomutov paint the gate?

(in blue)

B) He grew up as a quiet and silent boy, not thinking about any exploits. Like all the kids, he loved to go to school along the short route across the Bystryanka River.

(Sema Pichugin. "Pichugin Bridge")

*Why in the story "Pichugin Bridge" Was the bridge given that name? Why did the bridges change, but the name remained the same?

(Based on the boy's last name, Semyon Pichugin)

C) This girl really wanted to grow up, really. But she didn’t know how to do it.

(Masha. “How Masha became big» )

What helped Masha get big?

*Why did teacher Maria Ivanovna thank you in a special way - she shook hands - with the unsociable boy Vasya Sapunov, calling him a real man?

(Every day he brought two buckets of water and two armfuls of firewood to her old mother)

*How grandma responded to Katin question: “Why do I have two of everything, but one tongue and one nose?”

*Whom they wanted become boys Vasya and Vanya from the story "Bird houses"?


*Who did Santa Claus give magical colors to once every hundred years?

(To the kindest boy)

*What advice did the father give to his son in the story? "Hasty Knife"?

(You need to learn patience with a knife)

4."Black box"- items from stories

From which works of the writer Perm these items?

1. Knife - "Hasty Knife"

2. Broom – “How Masha became big»

3. Paints – "Magic colors"

4. Fish - First fish"

5. Hammer and nails – "Bird houses"

What story are these items from?

How are they connected to the hero?

What good qualities did the children develop?

5. Dramatization of stories:

* "Who?"- preparatory group

*Fairy tale "Mother-Stepmother"- senior group

6. Watching a cartoon "Golden Nail"

Final word

Our the evening is called"How get big

Who will answer this question? (Children's answers)

What the works teach Evgeniy Permyaka? (Industriousness; every, even the smallest work is important)

“If you suffer for a long time, something will happen”

“Every skill comes from hard work”

“The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor”

Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak using the example of his heroes I wanted to show that beauty and wisdom (adulthood) a person “... not in clothes, not in curls on an empty head, not in a sleek hand, but in what these hands can do”; even the smallest work is important in big deal.

Used literature: Internet resources


Dear colleagues. On April 21, Friday, a reading competition dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth was held at the district level.

Goal: to generalize and deepen knowledge about the work of K. I. Chukovsky, to introduce the history of the creation of some works, to develop in children.

Regulations on the review-competition of vegetable gardens on the windowsill, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of K. I. Chukovsky 1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the competition, the procedure for its organization, conduct, and summing up.

The ability to see the world through the eyes of children, to communicate with them easily, so that the children love and understand you is an invaluable gift. The Ural storyteller, wise writer Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak possessed this gift. Our quiz is dedicated to this wonderful author.

The quiz on the works of E. Permyak contains 11 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. Which cycle of works was written by Evgeny Permyak?

“Magic Stories”, “Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven Masters”, “The Thin String” +

“Life’s tricks”, “Fairy tale stories”, “Rainbow of fairy tales”

“Magic String”, “Alien Gate”, “Smart Glasses”

2. Which fairy tale is this excerpt from?
“But coal behaved simply. I wasn't arrogant. Didn't turn up his nose. He was calm and happy that he was doing good.”

"The Tale of the Burning"
“The Tale of Gas” +
“About birch fog and a stupid argument”

3. Who married water in the famous fairy tale by Evgeny Permyak?

Fire +
Aspen firewood

4. Which statement seems true to you?
In the story “The Childhood of Mavrik” the writer talks about a boy:

Growing up on the vast expanses of the steppe
Growing up in the region of factories, mines and mines +
Growing up in the Far North

5. What was the name of the “rich, very rich rich man” in the fairy tale “The Beginning of All Beginnings”?
Zolotov +

6. Name three works by Permyak that begin with the word “first”?

"First smile" +
"First fish" +
"First watch" +

7. In one of Permyak’s stories, the girl Tanya planted a berry bush in the front garden. Her grandmother helped her. What berry did Tanya grow?

Currant +()

8. What was the name of the grandfather in one of the fairy tales of Evgeniy Permyak, who helped everyone, appeared to people either in the form of an old wanderer, or a merry old woman, or a goat or a starling?

Grandfather Samo +
Grandfather Vesel
Grandfather Tisha

9. Give the correct answer:

Evgeny Permyak – storyteller of the 19th century
Evgeniy Permyak – storyteller of the 20th century +
Evgeniy Permyak – storyteller of the 21st century

A.S. Pushkin
P.P.Bazhov +
Agniya Barto

11. What is the real name of Evgeniy Andreevich Permyak?

Vissov +

It is difficult to imagine that such a bright, touching and poetic work as “Scarlet Sails” was written in a hungry, cold, gloomy Petrograd, empty after the revolution and the Civil War, by an author whom his neighbors characterized as a closed, inhospitable hermit. He called “Scarlet Sails” an extravaganza story and dedicated it to his beloved woman, Nina Mironova. Alexander Green met her in 1918, and in 1921 they met by chance, when a young widow, desperately in need of at least some money for food, was selling her belongings. A month later, the writer and his muse got married and never separated for a single day. For the sake of his wife, Green even moved from Petrograd to Crimea so that she could improve her health. It is not known whether the writer subsequently learned that Nina felt ill only after her husband’s drunken revelry in St. Petersburg, and did not find any other way to stop them than to say sick. With Green's fees, they managed to buy an apartment in Feodosia, and this ended the “era” of the family’s material well-being. Actually, it did not last long and happened thanks to the NEP. In the 20s, the writer was actively published and did not feel the pressure of the ideology of the new system, into which he failed to “fit in.” He felt it very soon, because there was practically nothing to live on. The Writers' Union limited the author's publishing opportunities to one work per year and denied a pension. The Greens had to move from Feodosia to a small house in Old Crimea; they practically starved and were often sick. The writer even tried to hunt birds with a bow, but could rarely boast of catch. The romantic and symbolist Green could not and did not want to compromise with the imposed socialist realism. With a complete lack of money, he refused a paid interview in the magazine “Atheist”, and in 1932 he died of stomach cancer. He had no desire to live and fight for free creativity. Two years later, having met 39-year-old Nina Green at the Paustovskys, the writer Malyshkin knelt before her with the words: “Assol! Why are you gray-haired?” But his widow still had the strength to fight for the writer’s legacy. She wanted to create a Green house museum, although her efforts in the pre-war years did not bring any results. When Crimea was captured by the Nazis, Nina, looking after her elderly mother, had to work in the occupation newspaper “Official Bulletin of the Staro-Krymsky District.” She was then taken to forced labor in Germany and returned home in 1945, being in the American occupation zone at the end of the war. Came back for a while. Almost immediately, Nina Green was sentenced to 10 years in the camps for collaboration and treason with confiscation of property and served almost the entire sentence. Having been released in 1955 under an amnesty and returning to Crimea, she learned that the secretary of the Starokrymsky district party committee, L. S. Ivanov, had turned their adobe house into his own chicken coop. After Stalin's death, the ban on Green's publications was lifted, and Nina Green, with enthusiasm and with the help of her writer friends, renewed her efforts to create her husband's house-museum in Crimea. But the new owner of the “real estate” did not intend to part with his chicken coop and initiated the persecution of Nina. In pursuit of the writer’s widow, “conscious” local citizens hissed “fascist,” causing her to have a stroke. But on Green’s 80th birthday, Nina still received a warrant and the keys to their old house in Old Crimea, where a museum of the romantic writer was opened. She has lived in it for the last 10 years. In 1970, after writing her memoirs, Nina Green died. She bequeathed to bury herself next to her husband, but this desire was not supported by the “responsible persons.” Another place was allocated for the grave. But the following year, on Nina Green’s birthday, six of her friends reburied the body at night in accordance with the will, and since then Alexander Green and his “Assol” have rested nearby. Nina Green was rehabilitated in 1997. Next to her, the writer created his best, according to literary critics, work - the novel “Touchy”, which was never finished.

On the eve of the birthday of the wonderful children's writer Evgeniy Permyak, a meeting was held with library readers at which students got acquainted with the exhibition prepared in honor of the writer's anniversary. Librarian L.L. Popova told interesting facts from the life of the writer, and introduced her to books included in the golden fund of children's literature.

Permyak is the literary pseudonym of Evgeniy Andreevich Vissov, who was born in Perm. In the very first days after birth, he and his mother were brought to Votkinsk. Most of his childhood and youth passed in Votkinsk, where he studied at a parochial school, a pro-gymnasium and a gymnasium. Before becoming a writer, he mastered many professions. The writer talks about the huge “kingdom of labor” in the book “Who to Be,” where introduces the young reader to a huge number of professions existing on earth. This book opened him as a children's writer.

Permyak is the author of popular science books for children “From the Fire to the Cauldron” (1959), “The Tale of the Country of Terra Ferro” (1959), “The Tale of Gas” (1957), a collection of fairy tales “Grandfather’s Piggy Bank” (1957), “Lock Without a Key” (1962), etc.; journalistic books on economic and political topics: “About the Seven Heroes” (1960), “The ABC of Our Life” (1963). United by the idea of ​​the importance of labor, they show the “mystery of the price” of human labor, the need to become involved in labor from childhood, because hardworking little Soviet citizens will grow up to be good people, masters of their country and destiny.
Permyak is also considered one of the creators of the modern Russian fairy tale. Fiction, bold fantasy in Permyak’s fairy tales is real, practically justified, and as close to life as possible. The heroes of Permyak's fairy tales do not seek help from magical forces. Only through labor can happiness be achieved, only through labor can man’s power and the source of his life be achieved.

Evgeny Permyak is rightfully considered one of the creators of the modern literary fairy tale.

After the presentation of the book exhibition “We will open wonderful fairy tales,” all the children took E. Permyak’s books to read and play the game “We read Permyak’s fairy tales and answer questions.” The children read fairy tales and short stories and answered quiz questions. The best experts on Evgeniy Permyak's fairy tales were 5th grade students Alesha Astapenko and Ksenia Ionova.

The final event in honor of the anniversary of the Ural writer was the literary game “Clever Men and Clever Girls” based on the script of Svetlana Yuryevna Demidova.

The participants of the game talked about their favorite stories, favorite characters, and demonstrated their knowledge of the works of the children's writer by confidently answering questions. Alyosha Astapenko and Arman Bukharbaev reached the finals of the game. Bukharbaev Arman confidently answered the final questions without a single mistake and won the literary game based on the works of E. Permyak.