An entertaining disco scenario for children. Scenario of the themed summer holiday “Green Disco”

"Awesome party" Scenario for a children's disco


1. Plates with team names.
2. Newspapers.
3. Disposable plates, rims with springs.
4. Masks.
Hello friends! What a heat!
Let's start the party, but not until the morning!
You and I will dance,
Sing, have fun and play!
To immediately become more fun,
We will get into circles faster and faster!

Now I will place several records on the floor, and you, dividing into teams as desired, will stand next to them.

Music is playing. Children form teams around the records.
Leading. Dear friends! Greetings to lovers of fiery discos!

There is applause.

Presenter: Pay attention to the records. Each of them has its own name written on it. At my signal, each command says it loudly out loud.
The teams introduce themselves.
Variants of names written on records:
4) Fanta.
5) Pepsi.
6) Eskimo.
Leading. Well, having shown diligence,
Let's start the dance competition!
Who will pass all marathon,
Will be awarded a prize!
Your energy should be positive
Let's see which team is active.
So, let's start to light up,
To become the best today!
A dance is being performed.

Leading. The songs today sound catchy.
Do you sing like that yourself?

Children's answer.
Leading. Which team is ready now?
Sing us a song without words?
To those who guess it,
The prize falls into your hands.
Competition "Guess the song without words."
Determination of the winning team. The award ceremony takes place.
Leading. Let's keep dancing
We need to win a prize!
Now you have to try
Hold on to the newspaper.

Dance competition "Dance on the newspaper".
The winners are awarded.

Leading. I see everyone gets excited about the songs,
Let's dance, everyone who knows how!
Discs, DJ, charge us now,
Fire dance light us up!

A dance is being performed.

Leading. Cool teams gathered here!
We are even ready to call them for an encore!
And yet, in order to conquer us completely,
You still have to surprise everyone more than once!
In the team we are now choosing a leader,
We repeat the movements exactly after him.
The main thing for you is to catch the wave here,
Synchronicity is in full swing today!

Dance competition “Repeat after the leader.” Determination and awarding of winners. Leading. You can’t surprise the craftsmen with earthly dances,
I wish I could do the alien dance!
If only the plates would fly here,
We could dance in space!

Music is playing. Held dance competition“Aliens” Those who wish are given disposable flat plates and headbands with springs. Participants in the competition, wearing a headband and standing with one foot on a plate, demonstrate the alien dance.
Who can stay on one leg longer?
The most persistent person is rewarded.

Leading. You hear familiar songs here!
Could you perform the entire hit of the year for us?

The answers are coming.

Leading. Then don't waste time,
Sing and dance as a team!
Who will sing the song loudest now?
He won’t leave us without a gift!

Song and dance competition “Who can sing loudest?” The activity of the entire team is taken into account: performance volume sounding song, original dance moves. Award ceremony takes place best team.

Leading. Friends! Well you can sing!
Now I suggest you put on masks
And then dance until you drop,
Until the reward for your work comes to you.
Like there is only a break in music,
I give you permission to sit down right now!
“Dance in Masks” is performed to rousing music. Masked participants dance in pairs. As soon as the music stops, one of the participants gets down on one knee, and the second, running around his partner, sits on his knee.
The last pair to complete the task is eliminated from the game.
The game continues until there is only one pair left on the circle.
She becomes the winner.
Leading. You are advanced in dancing, it shows.
And many here in the hall are even envious.
They would also like to stand next to each other
And let’s rock out to the music with you.
Get on the trains quickly, friends,
You will immediately dance around the hall.
Who will pick up the most passengers now?
He will quickly win with us.

The dance competition “Locomotive” is being held.
The longest “composition” wins a prize.

Leading. Disco, guys, we continue,
Let each of you try to be the best!

Music is playing. The disco continues.

The basis for introducing a pedagogical event:

Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on physical development children No. 31" of the Asbestovsky urban district.

Section of the program within which the pedagogical event is held:

Artistic and aesthetic direction - music.

Age of event participants: children six to seven years old (preparatory group).

Event participants:

Children preparatory group"Fidgets" from 6 to 7 years


List of participants: group.

Type of event: creative (musical and artistic project).

Event customers: parents of children from the “Fidgets” preparatory group.

Event duration: short-term (1 lesson).

Duration of the event : 02.06.2014.

Purpose of the event: optimizing conditions for the development of positive qualities in children emotional mood through the use of non-traditional forms of musical development.

Objectives of the event:

  1. creating an atmosphere that encourages children to participate in non-traditional forms of musical activity;
  2. learn to hold yourself freely during a performance. An informal atmosphere allows you to increase motivation for musical activity;
  3. develop attention;
  4. foster partnerships in play;
  5. develop motor activity of children;
  6. induce a positive emotional attitude in children.

Equipment necessary for the implementation of the pedagogical event:

Musical instrument (piano);

Music Center;


Attributes (A4 paper, green markers, 2 easels, pictures, green handkerchiefs, colored paper, balls, treats for children).

Relevance of the pedagogical event:

Today, when a reassessment of values ​​is taking place, there is an active search for new methods of mass artistic and music education and education, the task of nurturing the child’s personality and the formation of his emotional responsiveness comes to the fore.

Planned result:

Activation creative activity children, development of their emotionality, individuality, artistic and aesthetic abilities, increasing creative potential.

Children's participation in this pedagogical event helps the development of a positive emotional attitude, creates an atmosphere of internal emotional well-being of the child.

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall under cheerful music, sit down along the side walls of the hall. Children's clothing predominates green color. The presenter appears.

Leading: Hello guys! Do you like to dance? Today we will have a disco! And since it’s summer now and everything around is green: the meadows, the forest, the grass, and the leaves on the trees and bushes, then we have a green disco today.

I see you are wearing green clothes today, tell me who is wearing green.

The children answer.

Leading: What else is green?

The children answer.

Leading: Now let's play a game. I'll call different words, and you say whether it is green. (Not really)

Leading (praises the children).

Runs in to cheerful music " Green clown».

Clown: Hello friends! Here I am! You recognized me correctly. I am the green clown. I came to you to have fun at the green disco. ABOUT! There are so many guys here! And everyone is looking at me! I wonder who is more here, girls or boys. When I shout: “Girls,” all the girls will shout: “Hee-hee-hee!” And when: “Boys!”, all the boys will shout: “Ha-ha-ha!”

Children complete the task.

Clown: I warn you in advance, the green competition begins. If you haven't fallen asleep yet, then dance while sitting on a chair!

Dance on the chair.

Clown: I am announcing a green drawing competition. Who can draw a cucumber (Christmas tree) faster?

Clown: One two three four five

We will play again!

Collect pictures

Lay them out on the floor.

A game "Collect green pictures"(rolls with different illustrations. The children's task is to choose from them what is green).

Clown: And now it's time

Let's dance, kids.

Dance “Summer” (based on the clown show).

Clown: If you like to dance,

Dance with me again!

Dance “Washing” (with green handkerchiefs, based on the Clown’s show).

Clown: There's another game

You'll like her.

Don't turn your head

Follow the path along the leaves.

A game “walk along the leaves” (leaves of green paper are laid out on the floor in a chain. Task: walk along the leaves to the toy).

Clown: I really love bright, cheerful balloons,

But I especially love green balls.

A game “Move the balloons between their bellies” (2 teams. Children use balloons to press a green balloon between their bellies and run to the toy and back. Pass the ball to the next pair).

Clown: You danced and played, but wouldn’t like to drink?

Our drink is not simple, it is so green.

Where's my green bag? Let's say together: “One - two - three!” And let's see what's inside. (juice or green soda).

Clown: Well, now... the disco continues. Hurry up, all the guys, stand in a circle quickly, we will dance together, it will be more fun together!

Disco, the Clown says goodbye, the holiday ends.

Ministry of Culture Russian Federation

municipal department for culture and interethnic issues of the Pavlovsky administration municipal district Voronezh region



I affirm:

Director of MKUK "DK "Sovremennik"

A.D. Skrynnikov

Children's disco

Compiled by screenwriter:

Co.Mpaneytseva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

methodologist for working with children



Date: 08/30/2015

Time spending: ____

Venue: Palace of Culture "Sovremennik"


Presenter 1 –

Presenter 2 –

Veselushka –

Presenter 1: Dear friends, I welcome you to our super-duper disco – a celebration of music and dance!

Presenter 2:

Make jokes, sing, laugh.
At our holiday,
Dance whatever you want
The desired hour has come.

Smeshinki - fun
They call us to dance,
And the songs are familiar
We'll sing along.

Music block. (Song from the cartoon Masha and the Bear)

(3 – 5 songs)

Presenter 1: This means that at our disco everyone should be cheerful, smiling, active and the most energetic.

Presenter 2: Let us all show together what can and cannot be done at our holiday. I will tell you, and you listen carefully and show me everything.
At our disco you cannot:
- to be bored and sad;
-whine and roar;
- frown and get angry;
- make faces and stick out tongue...
- stomp your feet loudly;
- clap your hands loudly;
-screaming and hooting;
-smile at each other...

Presenter 1: Today you will find not only dancing, but also fun games. First, let's all do a dance warm-up together.
(Charging melody sounds)
There lived a parrot in the world,
Spread your wings wider.
(Arms - to the sides, left, right)
He loved to fly higher than everyone else
Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.
(Stretch on your toes, arms up.)
He flew to visit the children,
I rested with them.
Jumped, bowed, played pranks
And he spoke to the children.
(Tilt the head and torso forward and backward).

Presenter 2: We live according to a schedule
In the morning we do...
We are always in the heat and cold
Very physical...
(we're friends).
The skating rink doesn't bother us
Do it on time...
We are skipping down the hill,
In the diary we carry...
We never lose heart
At home mom...
(we help).
Let's not waste time,
We follow the regime...

(a cheerful circus melody sounds and Veselushka comes out)
Presenter 1:

Everyone is quickly in place,
A guest has come, children, to us.
Hello. Let me get to know you.
Veselushka: Hello.(shakes hands with the presenter) I'm a girl - Veselushka!
Presenter 2: Veselushka, why didn’t you say hello to the guys?Veselushka: Didn't say hello? Yes, this is my favorite thing to do - say hello!(Veselushka shakes hands with several guys.) I'm even with eyes closed I know how to say hello, look.(Greets children by the nose, ear, leg, etc.)
Presenter 1: Wait, is that really how people say hello? Let's start all over again and say hello to everyone at once. Watch me do it. Hello kids, girls and boys!
Veselushka: Ah-ah-ah! Understood!
Hello guys, pink heels! No, not like that.
Hello kids, potato noses! No, not like that.

Hello kids, polka dot panties! No, not like that.
Hello, little babies, chubby little bellies! No, not like that.
Hello children, the best in the world!
Presenter 2: This is another matter.
Veselushka: What's going on here?
Children: Disco!
Presenter 1: What is a disco? Will you teach me to dance?
Children: Yes!
Presenter 2: There's no time to lose
Let's start dancing.

A music block sounds, children dance (2 melodies)

Veselushka: And now, I will show you my dance. Don’t yawn, repeat after me.

Any active dance with comical movements

(e.g. “I dance to the right”).

Veselushka and the presenters play games:

Game "Piggy Bank".

2 teams of 6 people play. A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member's foot. The player tries to carry it from the start line to the finish line without dropping it and throw it into the piggy bank. The player who dropped starts over.

Music block (1 song).

Game "Apple Relay" .

Competition between two teams. One player from the team sits on a chair, the rest line up behind him. The person sitting holds an apple in his hands and one under his chin. The first person standing behind the chair goes around it and, having taken all three apples (he takes two apples with his hands, and the third with his chin), sits down on the chair. The one who gives up his place goes to the end of the column. The team that passes all the apples to each other the fastest wins. If the apple is lost, the team is awarded penalty points or after the game, the one who dropped the apple grants the opponents’ wish.
Music block (1 Song).

Riddles - deceptions Presenter 1: Do you like riddles?
Guess them then.
And in riddles there is a secret -
Give the correct answer.
There is no need to hesitate here at all,

Answer quickly, friendly!
On the fence in the morning
(No - rooster).
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Did you guess it? This is...a whale
(No – bear).
Eating flies and mosquitoes is healthy,
A cow is croaking in the swamp.
(No – frog).
He walks with a red mane,
The king of animals, of course... is the elephant.
(No – lion).
He knows a lot about raspberries
Well, of course, it's... a wolf.
(No – bear).
Gray and big, like a closet,
It's called... giraffe.
(No - elephant).
Cheerful company, double your attention!
Rhyme used to help, but now it has become insidious.
Don't rush, my friend, don't get hooked!
All black, like a rook, climbing from our roof
…(Chimney sweep)
Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight
I set off brave and strong...
I've already planted hundreds of roses
In the city garden...
Rolls for us and rolls

They bake every day...
Cooks porridge and broth

Good fat one...
Arius, opera composer
It's called...
There are three shifts at the factory
Standing at the machines...
Trains lions and dogs
Our brave, brave...
Who grazes the cows and sheep?
Sweeps the yard clean
At six in the morning, of course...
(Street cleaner)
Folds, pockets and smooth edging -
I made a beautiful dress...
Plant new seedlings in the spruce forest
Will leave again in the morning...
A knight and a rook move across the squares -
Preparing his victorious move...
(Chess player)

Music block (2 songs).

Game "Shepherds".

To play you need 2 chairs, 10 balloons two colors and 2 empty plastic bottles. Place chairs 10 meters apart. At the signal from the leader, 2 shepherds must drive their sheep (balls of a certain color) into their barn (that is, onto their chair) with a plastic bottle. This must be done quickly and not lose a single sheep.

Music block (3 songs)

Presenter 2:

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be brief:

We tell you: goodbye!

And childhood memories

Try to save!

Presenter 1: See you again!

Veselushka: Bye Friends!

Natalia Odintsova
Scenario children's party « Naughty disco for children"

Presenters holiday- Alenka the entertainer and Carlson.

The children gather in the hall. Cheerful music is playing.

Alenka the entertainer appears and greets the assembled guys.

Alenka. Hello, dear guys, we are glad that you came to our fun holiday where you can sing, play and have fun.

Carlson appears.

Carlson. Well, you say the same - holiday, holiday. It's so boring! Is it really difficult to come up with some interesting name?

Alenka. What would you, Carlson, call our holiday?

Carlson. For example, « Children's library» !

Alenka. What is it « children's club» ? I know the library. Guys, what is it? "library"?

The children answer that this is a place where books are kept and read.

Alenka. A « disco» ?

The children answer that this is the place where everyone dances.

Alenka. What is it « children's club» ?

Carlson. And in children's library - and dance, and play. And all this is done by children. Clear? That's why it's called that. Here we are today play and dance on holiday.

Dance block.

Alyonka: Well done! Carlson did very well with you, and now I propose to play fun game, which is called "Starts with hoops".

The game is being played

Carlson. I don’t know this game, but childhood I played very interesting game which none of you knows and it’s called "Ball - nose".

Alenka: Now let's dance a little.

Dance block.

Alenka. Aren't you tired? No? Then I suggest you go shopping. We will only buy food and not take everything else. For words denoting products, we raise our hands up and clap our hands. And if I name other signs, wave head: No no no". Attention, let's start.

"Edible - inedible"

We buy little by little

Onions, carrots and potatoes,

Spicy herring in a jar,

Salt, dill and frying pan,

Marmalade, head of cabbage.

Bread and light bulbs for a chandelier.

Tea, napkins, marshmallows,

Soap, sewing needle.

Sweet children's cottage cheese

And washing powder.

Well done, you did the job well. You will be rewarded with a cheerful dance.

Dance block

Alenka: Guys, do you want to go to trip around the world like a train made of chamomile, then let's do it right now. The game is being played "Locomotives".

Carlson: And now the engines each stopped in their place two widths apart.

The game is being played "Pass the ball".

Dance block.

Alenka. Well done guys, you played so well today, had fun and danced. But unfortunately the time has come to say goodbye. Now you have holidays, many good fun days.

Carlson. Let them be sunny, warm and very, very interesting. Goodbye, see you again!

Goals and objectives:

Introduce children to the world of cinema;

Create conditions for children to express themselves and realize themselves in creative activities.

To develop children’s artistic, aesthetic, theatrical abilities and imagination;

Foster in children a culture of relationships and respect for peers;

Time spending: 2 hours.

Location: dance hall.

Props: video camera, cassette, invitation cards, air balloons, pumps for rubber boats, tape, sheets of paper, markers, rolls of toilet paper, costumes of fairy tale characters, diplomas.


Yan Savitsky, film director.

Mikhail Pankratov, videographer.

Any disco, catchy music sounds. Two presenters come out.

1st presenter. Good evening!

2nd presenter. Hello, hello, hello!

1st presenter. Let me introduce myself! Main director Film studio "Kadr" Yan Savitsky!

2nd presenter: Iya, film studio videographer Mikhail Pankratov. (Films the guys on camera.)

1st presenter. Actually, guys, everything is very simple. Today at camp we will be filming a movie, and it’s called “ Summer fairy tale Princess Almivia." Your applause!

2nd presenter. And we came here to choose among you the most worthy, the most artistic, the most, the most talented in main role in film...

1st and 2nd presenter (together). "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale".

2nd presenter. How will we identify talented children among all these boys and girls?

1st presenter. As usual, Mikhail, we will hold something like a casting. And now I invite three boys to this stage.

2nd presenter. There is a scene in our film where main character rides on a horse to save Princess Almivia from the dirty clutches of the Evil-Looked Barbun Krivchak. So, they are the first participants in our competition. Let's support them with applause!

1st presenter. Yes, I forgot to say that if you win the competition, you will receive this invitation card (shows), which will give you the right to star in a film called...

Together). "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale"!


The presenter places 3 chairs on the stage and places pumps for inflatable boats on the seats. Uninflated balloons are placed on the ends of the hoses and secured with tape. On command, the guys jump on the pumps, holding the hose in their hand. The balloons must be inflated, and whoever bursts the balloon first wins. During the game, the contestants must make a joyful neighing noise from the horse on which they are supposedly jumping. This competition, like all subsequent ones, is filmed by a videographer.


1st presenter. And we continue our program, we continue to choose the very best. And I ask: what do they like to give? famous artists movie? That's right, autographs. And now let’s imagine that everyone who is in this room is the superstars of such blockbusters as “Titanic”, “Rimbaud”, “Terminator”, “Die Hard”, and our four new contestants will take your autographs.

The guys get up on stage.

Participants in the game are given sheets of paper and markers; on command, the contestants run into the hall and collect signatures from the children; only legible signatures are counted. Whoever collects the most autographs in 1.5 minutes will win.

The winner is awarded and given an invitation card. Musical break - 2 songs.

Mummy in love

1st presenter. And our casting continues. Recently, my film crew and I went to Egypt and met a mummy there. And you don’t need to go anywhere because you will see this mummy here, in our camp. For the next competition I need four boys and four girls.

The participants go up to the stage.

The presenter divides 4 pairs into 1st and 2nd numbers, the result should be 2 girls and 2 boys, who will be the first numbers, and he gives rolls of toilet paper to the second. On command, the second numbers are made from the first mummies. This task is given 3 minutes, after the mummies are ready, the presenter asks the DJ to turn on a slow dance, mummies boys Mummy girls are invited to dance. After the dance, the mummy with the most paper remaining is declared the winner.

The winner is awarded and given an invitation card. Musical break - 2 melodies.

Voice acting

1st presenter. And we continue to prepare for the filming of a film called...

The guys shout: “Princess Almivia’s Summer Tale!”

Right! Well done! But tell me, what do they do with the film when they finish filming it? That's right, they voice it. And the next competition is called “Voice Acting”. I invite you to voice situations that are probably familiar to you.

The presenter invites 3 players onto the stage, their task is to voice the most believable text that is read to them.

Text options:

1. Morning came in the camp, the leader of the second detachment Vasily woke up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, woke up the children, they reluctantly got up, went to exercise, birds chirped happily on the street, they jumped and fed on worms, suddenly there was thunder, it started to rain, the detachments with They ran to the counselor's building with joyful cries. Olya had a terrible dream.

2. It was time for lunch in the camp, the fifth squad with their chant entered the dining room, but lunch had not yet been served, the eighth squad was having lunch at the next table, the girls crunched cucumbers, the boys drank Compote, dogs barked joyfully outside the windows, the watchman brought them bones, drove by bread truck, the children's teeth were chattering from hunger, but then lunch was quickly served, happy children sat down at the table, counselor Anton had a terrible dream.

3. It was evening in the camp, the first squad went to the disco, the DJ was on fire, the girls squealed with delight, the boys were pulling the girls’ pigtails, the counselors were counting the children, cows appeared on the camp territory, the guard threatened the cows, and together with the guys tried to drive them out of the territory camp, the cows resisted, and DJ Max kept rocking and rocking, the guys were having fun from the heart, counselor Alina had a sad dream

1. Night, in the village of Kantemirovka the wind was quietly howling, a rooster crowed, the yard dogs immediately barked, the chickens in the chicken coop clucked sluggishly in response, the sound of footsteps was heard, the sun appeared over the horizon.

2. Early morning, Doctor Aibolit sits in the room, grunting affectionately, a pig appears in the room, Aibolit gently scratches its belly, the pig squeals with pleasure, woodpeckers tap rhythmically, Kudro the parrot begs for sugar in a hissing whisper, the sun rises.

3. Evening, behind the scenes of the circus you can hear thunderous applause, the inhuman laughter of a clown, tigers growl in fear, an elephant steps on the caretaker’s feet in surprise, the sound of an ambulance siren is heard, the sun sets.

The winner is determined by applause.

The winner is awarded a musical break.

Dancing with balloons

1st presenter. So, there are only a few minutes left before the shooting of our film begins. But first, let's have one last competition. There is a scene in the film where the princess dances with the king. Well, who loves to dance, get on stage.

Dancing couples go up to the stage.

Each couple is given balloon. On command, the couples clamp the ball with the part of the body that the leader names, for example: head, knees, little finger, back of the head, heels, back, and begin to dance. The children's task is not to drop the ball and dance better than others; they cannot support or correct the ball with their hands.

The winners are awarded. The presenter asks the winning guys not to leave the stage.

1st presenter. The moment that we have been waiting for so long has come. I invite everyone who has invitation cards to film “Princess Almivia’s Summer Tale” to the stage.

7-8 guys with tickets come onto the stage, the presenter announces a musical break in 3 melodies, and he and the artists leave to give the guys costumes and explain to them their acting task.

So, the hour has come when we will finally shoot our film. And I want you to greet our artists with thunderous applause. Here they are, meet them!

Guys come on stage dressed as the characters they will play.

Meet us!

Children artists, when their name is called, come forward and bow.

In our film you will meet such characters as: King Yes Above All, Princess Almivia, old witch The stalling Shlyamba, negative character Evil-eyed Barbun Kravchuk, horse Koberul, positive hero Mossy Maklohiy. And the omnipresent police! So let's get started, is the camera ready?

The videographer nods.

Yes, I completely forgot: everyone who does not participate in the film will be our extras. (Addresses the audience.) When you hear the phrase: “Everyone is noisy,” shout loudly, clap your hands, stomp your feet. Let's rehearse. Everyone is dumbfounded!

Screams, noise, roar.

Well done, the extras are ready, the artists are ready! Camera, let's go!