Problem situation, its characteristics; types of problem situations; creation methods. Correlation of problem situation, task, question

Every teacher knows that a lesson is the main form of organizing teaching in a modern school.

Preparing a teacher for a lesson is planning a lesson, thinking through and drawing up a lesson plan and outline. Of course, every teacher needs a lesson plan. But before creating a lesson plan, I always think about it. On the one hand, a lesson plan is a personal document of the teacher. On the other hand, a lesson plan is a teacher’s dream, which will either be realized tomorrow or not.

Undoubtedly, after a good lesson the teacher is in a great mood.

What does the success of the lesson depend on?

I believe that one of the important conditions for achieving the goals of a mathematics lesson is the development of students’ mental activity. Of course, the teacher’s work methodology is of great importance in involving students in active mental activity.

My experience in school proves that the method of problem-based learning is one of the important areas of the educational process, because it promotes creative thinking in students, creating favorable conditions for the individual development of students.

Problem-based learning primarily involves creating problem situations.

The famous psychologist S.L. Rubinstein said that “the initial moment of the thought process is usually a problem situation.”

An important element of the problem situation is the capabilities of students, i.e. their level of knowledge and intellectual abilities.

T.V. Kudryavtsev pointed out that “problem-based learning consists of creating (organizing) problem situations for students, recognizing, “accepting” and resolving these situations in the process of joint activity of students and teachers with maximum independence of the former and under the general guiding guidance of the latter "

One of the important conditions for the manifestation of problem-based learning is the investigative nature of students’ work in the learning process.

The main problem of teaching is an educational problem, the essence of which is the contradiction between the student’s previous knowledge and new facts, for the explanation of which existing knowledge is insufficient; new ones are needed. The process of acquiring new knowledge through problem-based learning is associated with posing a problem and solving it.

When learning, both simple and complex problems arise.

Before solving a complex problem, you need to divide it into simple problems and solve them sequentially.

I want to show this using the example of introducing the concept of adjacent angles in a 7th grade geometry course.

1. I draw several angles on the board.

2. I ask students questions:

What do pairs of angles a) and b) have in common?

Each pair of angles has a common vertex.

Right. What else do they have in common?

They have one side in common.

What is the difference between a pair of angles a) and a pair of angles b)?

In a pair of angles b) one side of one angle is a continuation of the side of the other angle.

Amazing. In addition, a pair of angles b) are called adjacent angles.

State the definition of adjacent angles.

Students define adjacent angles.

3. I suggest drawing two pairs of adjacent angles in your notebooks.

4. I check on the board whether individual works are being performed correctly.

Problem-based learning of new educational material will be successful if students are armed with the knowledge and skills that are necessary to solve this problem. I would like to show this using the example of studying the topic “Area of ​​a Triangle” in the 8th grade geometry course.

Task. Let's find the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle.

I begin the lesson on deriving a formula for finding the area of ​​a triangle with students working independently.

I give the students a task:

“Find the area S of a right triangle if one of the legs is 3 cm and the other is 4 cm.”

Analyzing the problem, individual students guess that they, knowing the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle, will be able to solve this problem.

We repeat the theorem about finding the area of ​​a rectangle.

A problematic situation is created. Some students face a learning problem: “how to calculate the area of ​​a right triangle, knowing the formula for finding the area of ​​a rectangle?”

To solve this problem, the children suggest: complete the given triangle into a rectangle.

It explains why: if we build a right triangle into a rectangle, then we get two equal triangles that are equal on two legs.

And since the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its adjacent sides, then the area of ​​a right triangle is equal to half the product of its legs. So, (cm 2).

Now I draw students’ attention to the fact that only part of the main problem has been solved so far.

With the help of leading questions, students find a way. They propose to complete an acute triangle into a parallelogram. Completing the triangle to form a parallelogram. Then we prove that the resulting 2 triangles are equal according to the 3rd sign of equality of triangles.

I pose the question: “What is the area of ​​any acute triangle?”

Students answer that the area of ​​any acute triangle is equal to half the product of its base and height.

Well done!

We solve the following educational problem: “find the area of ​​any obtuse triangle.”

Students cope with this problem quickly.

Now we are solving the problem: “find the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle.”

Students deal with this problem on their own.

I pose the question: “What is the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle?”

Students answer that the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle is equal to half the product of its base and height.

This statement is a theorem about the area of ​​a triangle.

We have studied the theorem on the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle.


1) read the proof of the theorem on the area of ​​a triangle given in the textbook (item 52);

2) task No. 410, I explain the condition of the problem.

A problematic situation can be created by offering students a task, the solution of which requires new knowledge.

Let me give you an example.

Before studying the theorem about the midline of a triangle, a practical problem is considered, to solve which you need to be able to find the length of a side of a triangle, knowing the length of the midline of the triangle.

Task. DE – average length of triangle ABC.

Determine side AB if DU = 4 cm.

What is known from the conditions of the problem?

It is known that DE is the middle line of triangle ABC.

DU = 4 cm. You need to find the length of side AB.

Students try to solve the problem on their own, but find it difficult. A problematic situation is created, as a result of which it turns out that new knowledge is needed to solve this problem.

Using this theorem, students easily solve the problem: AB = 8 cm.


1) repeat the proof of the theorem about the midline of a triangle according to the textbook (item 62);

2) task No. 66.

The use of problem-based learning methods in the classroom allows children to engage in creative work and instill in them the skills of independent work.


1. Atanasyan L.S. and others. Geometry, 7-9/ Textbook for educational institutions.
2. Makhmutov M.I. Organization of problem-based learning.
3. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology.
4. Oganesyan V.A. and others. Methods of teaching mathematics in secondary school.
5. Kudryavtsev T.V. Psychology of technical thinking.

The most important task facing vocational school teachers is the choice of teaching technologies that would ensure the process of developing general and professional competence in students. In the modern world, a person must demonstrate such personality qualities as productivity and originality of thinking, ingenuity, the ability to see a problem, show speed of mental reaction, the ability to self-improvement in professional activities, and readiness to compete. These abilities are essentially basic for a modern specialist. And it is worth noting that they cannot be fully formed by reproductive methods alone. In traditional teaching, the teacher communicates ready-made knowledge to students: explains, shows new objects of educational material, gives examples, achieves understanding, checks the degree of mastery. The teacher’s activities are explanatory and illustrative in nature. Students perceive knowledge, memorize it, reproduce it, not always understanding its necessity. It should be noted that reproductive activity is inevitable for any type of learning, but at the same time it does not sufficiently ensure the development of the personality qualities mentioned above. One of the ways to successfully achieve your goals is to use problem-based learning technology.

Problem-based learning technology is one of the leading pedagogical technologies for the following reasons:

It allows students to organize independent activities to acquire new knowledge;

The effectiveness of problem-based learning is manifested in the formation of creative, critical thinking;

Helps strengthen the relationship between theory and practice;

Stimulates students' cognitive activity and creates interest in the educational material.

The essence of problem-based learning is to create problem situations and solve them in the process of joint activity between students and the teacher.

Let us dwell on the basic concept of problem-based learning: a problem situation.

A problem situation is a condition that arises when, in order to comprehend something or perform some necessary operations, students do not have enough knowledge or known methods of action, that is, they have an intellectual difficulty. The problematic situation is transformed into a problematic task based on analysis. A problematic task involves asking questions: “How to resolve the contradiction that has arisen? How can we explain it? A series of problematic questions transforms a problematic problem into a model for finding a solution, where various paths, methods and means of solution are considered. So, the problem method involves the following steps: problem situation → problem task → solution search model → solution.

Let's look at the main ways to create problem situations:

1. A problematic situation arises when there is a contradiction between facts or phenomena and students lack knowledge for their theoretical justification.

2. The use of learning situations that arise when students perform practical tasks. A problematic situation arises when students try to independently achieve a goal, but they do not know how to solve the problem.

3. Statement of educational problems to explain phenomena or search for practical solutions. For example, this is any research work during educational practice, since it uses knowledge in new conditions.

4. Proposing a hypothesis; formulation of conclusions, their experimental verification.

5. Creating a situation of choice. At the same time, facts are compared and contrasted, conclusions are formulated.

6. Familiarize students with historical facts. Thus, they are faced with problematic situations that occur during the development of the theory they are studying.

7. Organization of interdisciplinary connections. Often the material of an educational subject does not provide the creation of a problem situation (when practicing skills, repeating educational material, etc.) In this case, you should use facts that are related to the subject being studied.

I will give examples of creating problematic situations in the lessons of economics and accounting disciplines.

1. An example of such a situation could be a fragment of a lesson on the topic “Organizational and legal forms of enterprises.” Students are asked the question:

“Is it possible to create an enterprise if there is not enough capital to create it?”

In this case, two options are possible: take partners into the business and use their money, or contact the bank with a request for a loan. During the discussion, students came to a certain conclusion: if there is a risk of non-repayment of the loan, then an entrepreneur can create an enterprise with the help of partners.

2. When studying the topic “Determination of the net income of an enterprise,” students are asked to independently determine the amount of income, while they do not yet know how to solve the problem. Thus, a problematic situation is created, but with the help of an instruction card, which shows the items of income and expenses, students are able to solve the problem.

3. During educational practice in the subject “Financial Accounting”, students are offered various production situations for accounting at an enterprise based on their theoretical knowledge: filling out primary documentation, accounting registers, working in the 1C Accounting program. Thus, the opportunity to apply knowledge in new conditions is used, which stimulates the cognitive activity of students.

4. In the course of studying the topic “Financial stability of an enterprise,” a hypothesis is put forward about the dependence of financial stability on the availability of equity capital. When performing practical tasks, this hypothesis is confirmed, and students independently draw a conclusion.

5. In lessons on the subject “Economics of Organization”, students are faced with the need to analyze facts and compare them. This also creates a problematic situation. For example, when studying the following topics: “Analysis of the profitability of a business entity”, “Analysis of the state of equity and borrowed capital”, etc.

6. When studying the topic “Inflation and its types,” a problematic situation is created when students are familiarized with historical facts. Examples of types of inflation in different countries over different periods of time and various methods of combating this phenomenon are given.

8. When solving problems in financial accounting lessons on the topics “Payroll Accounting”, “Accounting for Settlements with Buyers and Customers”, “Accounting for Tax Payments”, etc., concepts learned in lessons on the subject “Taxes and Taxation” are used. Thus, a problematic situation is created based on interdisciplinary connections.

The structure looks like this:

1. Introductory and motivational stage.

2. Updating students’ basic knowledge.

3. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

4. Formation of skills and abilities.

During the introductory-motivational stage, the teacher sets up students for productive activities throughout the lesson.

The concept of actualization differs significantly from ordinary reproductive repetition. Its goal is to activate memory and prepare basic knowledge for the successful assimilation of new knowledge. Updating should also arouse interest in the problem under consideration, create an emotional mood, and determine the readiness of students to perceive new material. Types of student activities at this stage: oral or written presentation of previously acquired knowledge; independent work; test survey; problem solving. At the actualization stage, a problematic situation most often arises.

Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action. The name of this structural element already reflects its content; it is here that new knowledge is acquired, the essence of new concepts and methods of mental activity of students are revealed. The teacher’s activities at this stage should be aimed at creating a problem situation (if it did not arise at the actualization stage), formulating an educational problem, and managing students’ activities.

Formation of skills and abilities. Deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge occurs only in the process of applying it in practice, therefore this is the most important stage of the lesson. Here the development of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, as well as mental and practical actions take place. The third stage usually includes checking the correctness of the solution to the educational problem.

Since an indicator of the problematic nature of a lesson is the presence in its structure of stages of search activity, it is natural that they represent the internal structure of a problematic lesson:

1) The emergence of a problem situation and the formulation of the problem.

2) Making assumptions and justifying the hypothesis.

3) Proof of the hypothesis

4) Checking the correctness of the problem solution. It is the presence of this internal structure that distinguishes a problematic lesson from a traditional one.

Thus, the structure of a problem lesson is a combination of internal and external learning processes and creates the opportunity to manage students’ independent activities.

When using problem-based learning technology, the optimal combination of teaching methods and forms of organizing the educational process is of great importance. Of the variety of teaching methods, I consider the following classification to be the most acceptable:

1. Method of problem-based presentation of educational material, which is possible in two forms:

A) monologue presentation - the teacher explains the essence of new concepts and facts, doing this using a problem situation. The form of organization of the educational process is a lecture. For example, a lecture on the topic “Calculating piecework wages” begins with the question “How could you fairly distribute wages in your team?”

B) method of dialogical presentation - the teacher formulates a problem, but finds its solution with the students; they must actively participate in the discussion, put forward their own hypotheses and draw conclusions independently. The main forms are conversation, story.

2. The partial search method is as follows: the teacher selects a system of problematic questions that should cause intellectual difficulties for students. In addition, you need to come up with leading questions that will help you draw conclusions. Forms of organization - seminars, practical work.

3. Independent research activities are organized by the teacher; for this purpose, students are offered theoretical or practical tasks with a high level of challenge. They complete the tasks independently, but the teacher’s control is not excluded. Forms of organization can be very diverse: excursion and collection of facts, preparation of a report, course work.

Thus, problem-based learning ensures a more durable assimilation of knowledge (what is acquired independently is better absorbed and is remembered for a long time); develops analytical thinking (conditions are analyzed, possible solutions are assessed), logical thinking (requires evidence of the correctness of the chosen solution, argumentation)


1. Basova N.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology. Rostov-on-Don - 1999

2. Brushlinsky A. V. Psychology of thinking and problem-based learning. - M., 1983.

3. Ilnitskaya I. A. Problem situations and ways to create them in the classroom. - M., 1985.

4. Kudryavtsev T.V. Problem-based learning: source, essence, prospects. - M.: Knowledge 1991.

5. Lerner I. Ya. Problem-based learning. - M., 1974.

6. Leptina I., Semenova N. Application of effective teaching technologies // Teacher. 2003. No. 1.

7. Nikitina N. N., Zheleznyakova O. M., Petukhov M. A. Fundamentals of professional pedagogical activity: Textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education. - M.: Masterstvo, 2002.

Competence and competitiveness, creativity and mobility, the desire for self-improvement today determine the psychological and material well-being of a specialist and his confidence in the future. In these conditions, a college graduate needs to firmly master the fundamentals of the upcoming work activity, ensuring further career, professional and personal growth. Therefore, recently the emphasis in determining the goals of vocational training has shifted from students’ acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities to the formation of professional competence of graduates, which becomes the basis for the formation of a vocational education strategy, the choice of approaches, methods and means of teaching. First of all, this circumstance is manifested in a change in approaches to understanding the quality of specialist training, which today is determined by how productively a graduate uses the acquired theoretical knowledge. In this case, it is no longer possible to rely on explanatory, illustrative and reproductive teaching methods.

At the first stage, we got acquainted with a wide range of innovative teaching technologies, identified the most suitable one for effective study of our subject, and studied in depth the technology of problem-based learning. At the second stage, lessons from teachers working with this technology were attended. At the third stage, we designed and implemented a technology for problem-based teaching of economics in college.

It is well known that the study of the same scientific content of material can be carried out in different ways from the point of view of the methods, means and organizational forms used. The use of this technology makes it possible to promote the development of analytical abilities and cultivate a keen interest in independent search for information.

Thus, by systematically applying progressive methods of activating cognitive activity, which allow students to be included in the process of creative assimilation of knowledge, it is possible to promote the development of students’ creative abilities. On the contrary, if the presentation of material is limited to traditional techniques without creating problematic situations, the potential developmental opportunities of classes are not fully used. The practical implementation of the idea of ​​​​the relationship between learning and scientific research gave rise to a unique didactic system, which was called problem-based learning, since its main elements are an educational problem and a problematic task.

The analysis shows that the use of problem-based learning technology requires their special organization, is reflected in the choice of teaching methods and techniques, and also affects the structure and, to a certain extent, the content of the educational material presented. Therefore, there is every reason to interpret problem-based learning as a modern didactic system with a special technology.

Creative assimilation of knowledge and methods of activity by students presupposes:

· independent transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation;

· vision of the structure of the object to be studied;

· vision of a new function of a familiar object;

· the ability to see an alternative solution, an alternative approach to its search;

· ability to combine previously known solution methods into a new method;

· ability to create an original way of solving with known others, etc.

It is also necessary to emphasize that problematic nature is an integral feature of the pedagogical process. However, not every activity is problematic. It all depends on the scope of methods and organizational forms inherent in problem-based learning that are used in the lesson.

Problem situation a difficulty recognized by the subject, the ways to overcome which require the search for new knowledge, new ways of action. The problem situation is the source of thinking. But it does not follow from this that every psychological difficulty necessarily stimulates thinking. So, if you ask a person who has not studied economics: “Is it necessary to increase the tax burden on economic agents during a period of economic crisis?” – the thinking process will not arise because the subject does not have the necessary initial data for this. For a problem situation to become a source of thinking, it must be accepted by the subject for a decision. And this is possible if the subject has sufficient initial knowledge that corresponds to the substantive content of the situation.

In addition, a problematic situation may arise:

· when students are faced with the need to use previously acquired knowledge in new practical conditions;

· when there are contradictions between a theoretically possible solution and its practical impracticability;

· due to the contradiction between the practically accessible result and the lack of knowledge for theoretical justification;

· if the student does not know how to solve a given problem, cannot give an explanation for a new fact in a learning and life situation, i.e., he realizes the insufficiency of previous knowledge for such an explanation. In this case, the problematic situation develops into a learning problem.

Our experience shows that the most effective are those problematic situations that are identified, described and prepared for analysis by the students themselves as part of their practical training.

An educational problem is a problem situation accepted by the subject for solution based on the means available to him (knowledge, skills, search experience). A learning problem is usually expressed in the form of a question. Signs of a learning problem: the presence of a problem situation, a certain readiness of the subject to find a solution, the possibility of an ambiguous solution.

A problematic task is a learning problem that can be solved under given conditions or parameters. An example of a problematic task could be the following task: determine how the inflation rate in the Russian economy will change if the Central Bank of the Russian Federation increases the volume of money supply in the country according to the increase in the Russian GDP. (Of course, such a task will be problematic if the answer is not yet known to the students). Every educational problem and problematic task are an artificial didactic construction, since they are specially constructed for educational purposes.

Setting up a problem situation, creating conditions for its transition into a learning problem, constructing a problematic task is only the initial moment in problem-based learning. Next, students, under the guiding influence of the teacher, must independently perform the following creative mental operations:

· put forward possible options for solving cognitive activity, express hypotheses;

· theoretically or practically test hypotheses;

· formulate a cognitive conclusion.

Research conducted by students in some cases goes beyond the scope of their studies and acquires scientific and practical value. These are, for example, coursework based on the study of economic indicators of enterprises of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district, work in a creative group, didactic games “Labor Market”, “International Trade”, “Supply Planning” (Protection of educational and research work of students), “Project defense,” etc. Knowledge of the essence of problem-based learning by college teachers, despite the existing different approaches to such learning and its many facets, is dictated not only by increasing the information content of the learning process in general, but also by preparing each specialist for the creative implementation of their responsibilities and a science-based approach to solving the problems posed by life.

Based on the above, the teacher, relying on the advantages of problem-based learning as a system or individual methods and techniques of this system, will ultimately develop in future specialists a clear understanding of the logic of research, its stages, and the need to strive to build the largest number of hypotheses when solving any problem. The main line of problem-based learning in college should be an emphasis on the relaxed thinking of students, a move away from excessive standardization in approaches to solving various problems, which, unfortunately, still sometimes plagues teaching. Naturally, this looseness should in no way slide to the level of denial for the sake of denial, demagogic discussion. It should serve, first of all, to awaken the inexhaustible creative potential of the individual, whose activity is based on creation. The effectiveness of problem-based learning largely depends on the skill of the teacher, as well as on the readiness of the students themselves for problem-based learning. A prerequisite for the success of problem-based learning is the degree to which students have developed basic logical techniques: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction. However, when preparing students for a working profession, difficulties are observed in using problem-based learning technology. This is due to the specific content of the material being studied and the general tasks of professional training, which most often do not require high intellectual and analytical abilities. In addition, NPE students have a low level of preparedness and a low degree of development of logical techniques. There is a drawback in the NPO standard - the lack of hours for independent training. Limitation of independence leads to the fact that students are able to solve only ready-made problems set by someone and are not capable of independently analyzing real conditions, identifying problems, and a creative approach to their actions. Analysis of work experience convinces us that our thoughts and views sometimes become the thoughts and beliefs of students, and even the manner of presentation, generalization, evidence and argumentation is sometimes used by them as a standard. However, training should stimulate and direct the mental activity of students, make them not just witnesses, participants in discussion and search. This cannot be achieved without introducing problematic elements.

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1 Problem-based learning in economics lessons as a means of developing social and professional competencies. The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop without the help of a teacher. (E. Hubbard, English writer) The new socio-economic conditions emerging in Russia necessitate the improvement of the educational system in solving new problems. The strategic directions for the development of education are recorded in the “National Educational Initiative “Our New School”: “Modernization and innovative development are the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century and provide a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic problems, the most important personality qualities are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and the willingness to learn throughout life.” In our age of dynamic changes, the main thing is to develop the ability to learn independently. It is impossible to do this while maintaining traditional teaching methods, when the student acted as an obedient “cog”. It is difficult to surprise modern students today. The volume of information is increasing, it is impossible to absorb it all, and it is becoming outdated. We must realize this, understand and recognize the creative nature of the personality of each student, the presence of internal activity in it. It is not we who develop the child, but he who develops himself. With this approach, knowledge, abilities, skills themselves cease to be the main goal of the educational process. The purpose of training is to develop the student’s abilities and creative potential. The process of acquiring knowledge, developing skills and abilities turns from a goal into a means of developing a child’s personality. This concept can be solved by introducing problem-based learning into the educational process, which has ample opportunities for the development of logical thinking, creative abilities, and the formation of cognitive interest in a modern schoolchild. Economics is a special science. Being a theoretical discipline, it is at the same time a highly practical science. The economics course at the technical school is intended not only and not so much to fill the gap in knowledge of fundamental economic concepts and laws, i.e. theory for the sake of theory, how to create conditions for the applied use of economics in a situation of choosing a rational solution among many alternatives. Simultaneously with the training, both social and professional competencies are acquired, which is important in connection with the requirements that are presented to the graduate professional today.

2 According to T.L. Kudryavtseva “The basis of problem-based learning is the concept of a problem situation and ways to resolve it.” Problem-based learning is a system of problem situations, during the solution of which the student masters the content of the subject. How to create such a situation? Problematicism is based on contradictions that arise in the process of studying surrounding objects, phenomena, etc. A scientist, inventor discovers this contradiction himself, relying on deep knowledge, experience, etc. The contradiction causes him a certain psychological state, associated with desire establish the reasons for the existing discrepancy - a problematic situation. An idea arises, a problem, by solving which the scientist discovers new patterns, laws, etc. The student will not be able to notice such contradictions in the material. He needs help. The best means for this is a task that causes students theoretical or practical difficulties associated with certain contradictions. This type of task is called problematic. It can be presented in the form of a question, a problem, or a practice problem. The learning process, which in its essential features models the process of productive thinking and is aimed at students discovering new knowledge and methods of action, is called problematic. Its essence lies in setting a system of problematic tasks for students, understanding, perceiving and solving them in the course of joint activities of students and teachers. Science has proven that the source of problem situations and the driving force behind their solution are contradictions. Psychologists have found that favorable conditions for creative thinking arise when a person is faced with contradictions that she is not able to explain on the basis of existing knowledge and experience, when a problem arises that needs to be solved. Mental difficulty is overcome by hard work of thinking and an active search for a way out of the situation. Thinking is activated when existing knowledge is compared with new circumstances, when there is a desire to understand the causes and essence of new facts and phenomena, and to explain contradictions. So, problematic situations in the learning process arise when students are faced with contradictory factors inherent in objects and natural phenomena, or with a discrepancy between known knowledge or methods of action and unknown ones, that is, those that need to be obtained in the process of cognition. Types of problem situations used in teaching. Based on the contradictions, a number of problematic situations can be identified:

3 1. When there is a search for ways to use existing knowledge in new conditions. An example of such a situation could be a fragment of a lesson on the topic “Demand, supply, market price.” After the lesson examined the main economic factors (price of one product, prices of other goods, buyer income, tastes, buyer preferences, buyer expectations), the law of demand was illustrated using the example of cars (when the price drops from 1200 thousand rubles to 700 thousand rubles, the demand for cars increased by 200 units, and with an increase in price from 1200 to 1700 thousand rubles, it decreased by 500 units), the teacher asked the students the question: “Could a situation arise when, at the same price, that before, buyers will agree to purchase more of the good (cars)?" The students were faced with a problem that interested them. They need to use the knowledge they have already acquired in new conditions. What are these conditions? The teacher comes to their aid, using corrective information, and leads an example of an increase in demand (not the amount of demand, but the demand itself) for cars. With the help of the teacher, students come to the conclusion that in such cases an event must occur that would make this good more attractive to buyers than before. What kind of event is this? Thus, over the years, many banks began to provide car loans to those wishing to do so on attractive terms and, consequently, the number of people wishing to purchase cars has increased sharply. The next question: “Could a situation arise when, at a reduced price, buyers refuse to purchase more goods (cars)?” In 2009, an oil crisis broke out in the world, caused by a reduction in oil supplies from the Middle East. Oil became very expensive, and at the same time rose price of gasoline. Using cars became a very expensive pleasure. Then citizens who used the car mainly for personal trips, as well as poor citizens, preferred bicycles, public transport, rather than the cost of gasoline. 2. When there are conflicting judgments. In teaching the basics Economics often has to explain educational material in which judgments “possible-impossible”, “rational-irrational”, “affects the process positively or negatively”, etc. are faced. Problem situations of this type play an important role in the formation of active mental activity of students. In such a situation, there may be a fragment of a lesson on the topic “Enterprise and property. Forms of ownership and organizational

4 forms of enterprise." The teacher poses a problematic question to the students: “How to create an enterprise due to lack of capital?” To prepare students for solving various situations on this problem, the teacher emphasizes that quite often there are situations when significant working capital is needed to implement an idea, but the company does not have them. In this case, two options are possible: take partners into the business and use their money, or contact the bank with a request for a loan. Students are involved in solving two situations and come to a certain conclusion. Situation one. The bank may refuse a loan, then the time spent on requesting a loan will be lost, and production will be idle or a profitable deal will fall through. Situation two. Let's assume that the bank issued a loan. But it will not be so easy to return a significant amount, especially if it is needed for a long time (to purchase machines, and for each day of using the loan you will have to pay interest to the bank). Conclusion. If an entrepreneur is not confident in the possibility of quickly repaying the loan, then he takes partners into the business and becomes a co-owner of the business. In this way it is possible to create an enterprise. 3. When students are faced with a situation in which they need to choose the necessary ones from a variety of knowledge or methods of action. This type of problem situation very often arises when performing practical work, in the process of consolidating educational material, etc.. For example, in the process of performing practical work “Defining the structural elements of production,” students are asked to choose factors of production (land, labor, capital, ability to entrepreneurship, information) in the following production resources: Mini-bakery “Doka-pizza” (capital). Water on the Malkovo Reservoir (land). Description of the method of processing non-ferrous metals (information). Miners of the Boshnyakovo mine (labor).

5 Documentation on new cement production technology (information). Fishing trawler (capital). 4. When difficulties arise due to the influence of the “psychological barrier” of previous experience. A well-known psychological pattern - the influence of previous experience on the process of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action, is found in the scientific literature under the names "psychological barrier" of previous experience, "the phenomenon of interference" and "the phenomenon of negative transfer". Since this pattern in the educational process acts as an obstacle, a difficulty on the path to something new, the concept of “psychological barrier of previous experience” should be used. The essence of this psychological phenomenon is that the skills and abilities developed in the process of practical activity inhibit the establishment of new methods of action. Students cannot free themselves from their usual ways of acting and follow new, original solutions. There are two types of this phenomenon: associative and reproductive inhibition. Reproductive inhibition is observed when, instead of a new way of performing an action, another, previously learned one, appears. It can only be used to create problematic situations when there is a need to prevent it. Associative inhibition manifests itself when previously learned methods of action are replaced with new ones. This is a very effective means of creating problematic situations. The driving force for overcoming the influence of the “psychological barrier” of previous experience is the struggle of the opposing tendencies inherent in it - towards preservation (fixation of what has been acquired) and before its change (modification). This contradiction, under appropriate conditions, is the source of creating problematic situations. When teaching economics, such situations arise very often, especially when performing practical tasks. It is important for the teacher to see their manifestation and, if necessary, be able to aggravate them or remove them through timely intervention. Updating the necessary knowledge and methods of action contributes to the creation of problematic situations of this type. Expansion of previous ideas, knowledge and skills on the issues being considered, the use of specific guidelines prevent the manifestation of the “psychological barrier” of previous experience. There may be other types of problem situations.

6 To create a problematic situation, it is necessary to set students a practical or theoretical task, during which they discover new knowledge or methods of action. This is the first condition for creating a problem situation. In addition to this, a number of conditions must be met: 1. The problem task, on the basis of which a problem situation is created, must be based on the knowledge and skills that the students have; the task can follow from the content of the material that is being studied and be logically related to it. 2. Completing a problem task should arouse in students the need for new knowledge or methods of action. Observations show that it is impossible to organize problem-based learning without taking into account the interests and needs of students. Therefore, each planned problem task must be analyzed from both a professional and motivational side. 3. The problematic tasks that the teacher plans to solve in the lesson must be generalizing. The transition from one problem situation to the next, which contains new knowledge or a method of action, should provide for the further development of students’ actions and thinking. 4. An important condition for the successful creation of problem situations is the correct and skillful formulation of the problem problem. When formulating problem tasks, you should not use words whose meaning is poorly understood by students. At the end of each lesson, a reflective algorithm is carried out: What new things did I learn? I thought differently What I would like to learn, consider in more detail How I evaluate my work in class This helps when planning the next lessons. Homework, usually a continuation of the topic of the lesson, includes tasks for a deeper study of the problem (studying media materials, Internet resources, documents or educational scientific literature, research and analysis of the situation based on surveys, etc.)

7 The principles of meaningful learning activities are of great importance. It is the problematic situation in the lesson that allows students to feel this significance. The teacher needs to be taught to observe, compare, and draw conclusions; this helps to lead students to the ability to independently obtain knowledge, and not receive it in a ready-made form. Success situation “I found it!” is very important both for individual and group work of students. In addition, as a result of problem-based learning, students acquire professional competencies that will help in solving production situations, as well as the necessary communication and creative skills.

Topic 3. PROBLEM LESSON AS A LEADING TYPE OF LEARNING ACTIVITY IN A MODERN SCHOOL. According to the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the leading type of lesson in a modern school is the problem lesson.? What is a problem lesson?

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Symbols occurring in objects, as well as to establish relationships between the individual structural components of the object under study, implementing various information processes. D. A. Kokhanov APPLICATION OF STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL

LOGO Federal State Educational Standard Modern lesson SEMIN A R U R O K 1 “The lesson is the main part of the educational process in which the teacher daily carries out the education, upbringing and comprehensive development of students

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The main methodological goal of the lesson in systemic-activity learning is to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. Typology of lessons is an important didactic problem. She must

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Support table for lesson analysis (Konarzhevsky Yu.A.) Organizational stage I. The didactic task of the stage is to prepare students for work in the lesson. 2. Contents of the stage: mutual greetings between the teacher and students;

Description of best teaching practices "Using integrated lessons in the teaching of mathematics" The increase in mental load in mathematics lessons makes me think about how

Approximate structure of each type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard 1. Structure of a lesson for assimilation of new knowledge: 4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge. 5) Primary check of understanding 6) Primary consolidation. 7) Home information

Matrix of pedagogical analysis of a lesson Level 1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson, setting educational objectives for the lesson, including private and intermediate ones Situational Teacher begins the lesson without prior organization


Chapter. Elementary School. Teacher Bilyk Svetlana Viktorovna “The effectiveness of the lesson as the quality of improving education.” My main pedagogical task is to educate students who are able to apply their knowledge

English lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Formation of Past Simple Tense forms of regular verbs” in a systemic activity approach Compiled by: English teacher MAOU “Gymnasium 2” Shvetsova A.G.

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Foreign language lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education Elena Vyacheslavovna Burobina, English language teacher, MAOU Gymnasium

GBOU Belgorod Correctional Boarding School 23 Speech at the Moscow Region Topic: “Development of cognitive interest of students as one of the conditions for improving the quality of the educational process” Prepared by: Ershova E.L.

What developmental education resources can provide support for the continuity of a child’s learning and development? Voronina O.G., Senior Lecturer, Department of Primary Education Federal State

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FORMATION OF PERSONAL AUDIT IN CHILDREN OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE N. S. Maltseva (Ekaterinburg) Today, the priority goal of school education, instead of the simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher

Techniques for creating a problem situation in history lessons (This article is intended for publication in the district Methodological Bulletin, published by TIMO of the Sovetsky district and posted on the websites www. kadetsamara.

Speech at a meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers on the topic: “Implementation of a system-activity approach in lessons of various target orientations.” A system-activity approach is a method that

Barycheva Anna Valentinovna, Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, senior lecturer of the department of technology and general technical disciplines, tel. 8-917 4156717, email. mail: [email protected]

K.D. Ushinsky wrote: Making educational work as interesting as possible for the child and not turning this work into fun is one of the most difficult and important tasks of didactics. Podolyanskaya N.V., mathematics teacher

2016 “Project-research activities in mathematics lessons” From the experience of the mathematics teacher of “Pereyaslovskaya secondary school 9” Polyakova L.N. It's no secret that the use of various technologies is gaining

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Serbaeva Irina Alekseevna State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school 2 named after. V. Maskina railway Art. Klyavlino, municipal district Klyavlinsky,

Lesson topic. Addition of integers. 6th grade, teacher Travina O.N. Municipal educational institution secondary school 1 The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for personal self-realization of each student in the process of studying the topic “Adding integers”,

Methodology of the problem lesson Quintilian (c. 35-95) “The child must fight to achieve success in learning, but it should be done so that he really wants to achieve it.” S.L. Rubinstein “In order to

"Knowledge is the children of wonder and curiosity." - Louis de Broglie Trefilenkova N.B. teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Secondary School 14, Sergiev Posad Problem-based learning is a type of developmental education in which

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158 teaching principle, which prescribes the formation of a spiral nature of the learning process by overcoming contradictions associated with inconsistencies, misunderstandings and other gaps in the learning process,

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Varakuta Elena Aleksandrovna primary school teacher MOAU Secondary School 10 “Education Center” Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY OF PROBLEM-DIALOGICAL TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Abstract:

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow COMMERCIAL BANKING COLLEGE 6 (GBOU SPO KBK 6) Technological

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Personally-oriented learning in mathematics lessons. Derik, T.Yu mathematics teacher MBOU "Secondary School 3", Nefteyugansk General education is not the study of subjects, but the development of personality through subjects. On

Subject mathematics class 2 year Topic of the lesson Place of the lesson on the topic (in the section/chapter) Consolidation of what has been learned on the topic “Multiplication and division” “Multiplication and division” 18 of 20 Type of lesson Form of lesson, form of educational activity,

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION e “Secondary G eneral Educational School 4, B elyova Tulskaya about


Full name: Batishcheva Irina Aleksandrovna Technological map of the lesson Place of work: MBOU gymnasium named after. Academician N.G. Basova Position: teacher of Russian language and literature. Subject: Russian language. Grade: 5. Topic:

Work program for additional education “Fundamentals of Economic Science”, grades 9-11 Compiled by: Ph.D. Telepchenkova N.V. Moscow, 2016 1 Contents Explanatory note to the additional program

System-activity approach to teaching as a means of improving the quality of education Folk wisdom Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me act on my own and I will learn. (Russian

Motivation for learning activities The goal is a foreseeable result. Motive is an incentive to achieve a goal. Types of motivation for educational activities related to learning results 1. Motivation, which can conditionally

Plan for the student's speech to defend his qualifying work

It must be remembered that no matter how excellent and high-quality the qualifying work is, without a qualified and successful presentation it is impossible to receive a high mark. The assessment largely depends on how the work is presented and defended.

In his speech, the student must state:

Relevance and justification of the chosen topic,

Object and subject of research,

Research hypothesis

The purpose and objectives of the study,

Research base for VKR and research methods,

The results obtained, confirming and demonstrating them clearly (presentation),

General conclusion on the research work.

During the communication, emphasis should be placed on the following points:

Identification of promising and fruitful directions in further study of the topic,

Presentation of independently drawn conclusions reflecting the content, significance and practical effectiveness of the work,

Further prospects for the development of the topic of this study, confirming them with visual diagrams, tables, drawings, and graphs.


Sample questions for bachelors for the state exam “Theory and Practice of Social Work”

1. The management system of social work in Russia, as a set of various organizational forms.

2. Social technology: concept, types, types.

3. The relationship between theory and practice in social work.

4. Experiment as a research method and its application in social work: conducting an experiment, design, errors in the experiment.

5. Conflict management in social work organizations.

6. Methodology of social work (object, subject, principles and methods).

7. Social work as one of the types of social technologies.

8. Features of the structural and functional construction of social services.

9. Management functions in organizations and institutions of the social sphere.

10. Organizational management structures. Their advantages and disadvantages in relation to organizations in the social sphere.

11. Concepts, types, features of management functions, their connection with the organizational structure. Methods for implementing functions.

12. Deviant behavior and social work with persons with deviant behavior.

13. The essence of social therapy and its varieties.

14. Concepts, types, classification of social services in Russia.

15. Professional profile of a social work specialist.

16. Personal potential of a social work specialist.

17. Professionally important qualities of a social work specialist.

19. Social adaptation of the individual as the central problem of modern social work.

20. Reforming the social work system in Russia.

21. Social work in the structure of social sciences.

22. Technology for regulating social adaptation processes.

23. The moral and humanistic nature of social work.

24. Social policy: essence, stages of development, theoretical models.

25. The formation of a system of social services for the population in modern Russia.

26. Psychological research methods in social work: psychoanalytic methods, methods of humanistic psychology, measurement methods (testing) and its application in social work.

27. Diagnostics and analysis of conflicts.

28. Legal framework of social work.

29. Methods of socio-economic assistance and categories of the population entitled to it.

30. An integrated and systematic approach to social work.

31. The use of quantitative sociological methods in social work: the problem of reliability and representation of the study, calculation of the sample population, types of surveys and construction of the questionnaire.

32. Conflicts in the social and labor sphere. Strike: stages and forms of settlement.

33. Technologies of social work with older people.

34. Technologies for group problem solving.

35. Theory and technology of social work with disabled people.

36. Family as the central object of social work.

37. Specifics of technologies of medical and social work.

38. Consulting techniques in social work.

39. The use of qualitative methods in social work: in-depth interview method and focus group method.

40. Technologies of social and preventive work at the place of residence and at work.

41. Theory and technology of social work with women.

42. Methods of expert assessment and expert interviews and their use in social work.

43. Theory and technology of social work with migrants.

44. Theory and technology of social work with military personnel and their families.

45. Theory and technology of social work with youth.

46. ​​Theory and technology of social work with women.

47. Mediation and its role in social work.

48. Management styles in social organizations.

49. Theory and technology of social work with convicts and former convicts.

50. Targeted model of social work: essence and features of use in modern Russia.

51. Paternalistic model: essence and features of use in modern Russia.

52. Foreign models of social work.

53. Social and psychological technologies of social work.

54. Social and everyday technologies of social work.


Problem situation #1. The Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of the City of N received a call from a certain citizen that a family lived in her house, in which the child was hungry and poorly dressed. A social worker from the Center responded to the call. During the social raid there was no food in the house at all.

Mother did not exchange her old passport. The teenager also does not have a passport.

It was decided to take the family into foster care.

Reason and circumstances for registration: the child is starving; the mother has a mental illness and is registered at the dispensary. Mother doesn't work anywhere.

Single-parent family, 1 child, who is now 14 years old.

Family work plan for 2008:

1. Providing assistance with products; 2. Assistance in exchanging a mother’s old passport and in obtaining a passport for a teenager; 3. Request to the dispensary whether the mother is registered; 4. Consultation on registering the mother with the Employment Center; 5. Issuance of MDC (municipal discount card) for the purchase of food products.

Difficulty in solving this problem is that the woman has a mental illness, and the Center staff did not know what kind of illness and how to behave in this situation. In response to a request to the dispensary about what mental illness the client has, the answer was received that they do not have the right to disclose medical confidentiality, since the patient’s diagnosis is part of medical confidentiality.

Basic laws based on which solved this problem situation:

1. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 No. 124 (as amended on December 21, 2004);

2. Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” dated December 10, 1995 No. 195;

3. Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” dated June 24, 1999 No. 120 (as amended on December 29, 2004);

4. GOST R 52143-2003 Social services for the population. Main types of social services.

5. Law of the Novosibirsk Region dated December 5, 1995 N 29-OZ “On social assistance to the population in the Novosibirsk Region” (as amended and supplemented on February 9, 2005)


Sample questions for graduates for the state exam “Social work in the region”

1. The region as a political, legal and socio-economic system. Conditions and factors for the emergence of regional systems.

2. Subjects of social policy in the region.

3. Goals and objectives of regional social policy.

4. Forms and mechanisms for implementing regional social policy.

5. Features of the socio-economic development of the Siberian Federal District.

6. Social infrastructure of the Siberian Federal District.

7. Financial support for social policy in the region.

8. Specifics of socio-economic problems of indigenous and small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

9. Priority areas of social policy in the Novosibirsk region.

10. Regional target programs as a system of measures to solve social policy problems.

11. Characteristics of city and regional target programs regulating areas of social work with families and children (using the example of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region).

12. Characteristics of the activities of public organizations in the field of social work in the Siberian region.

13. Social rehabilitation services for the population in the Siberian region.

14. Characteristics of the main subjects of social work with unemployed citizens in the Siberian region.

15. Social work with orphans and children without parental care in the NSO and Novosibirsk.

16. Social guarantees for youth and young families in the region.

17. Characteristics of labor surplus and labor deficit regions of the Russian Federation.

18. Features of the regional labor market in the Siberian Federal District.

19. Features of the regional labor market in the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

20. Family in the Siberian region and Novosibirsk region: main statistical indicators (statistics of marriages and divorces, abortions and birth rates, family structure).

21. Socio-demographic characteristics of the Siberian region.

22. Conditions and procedure for conferring the honorary title of labor veteran of the Novosibirsk region and measures of their social support.

23. Organizational basis for the protection of children's rights in the region.

24. Youth Parliament of the Novosibirsk Region as a subject and object of youth policy in the region.

25. Social support for certain categories of citizens living in the Novosibirsk region.

26. City in the regional system: characteristics of megacities, large and small cities.

27. Characteristics of migration processes in the federal districts of the Russian Federation.

28. Characteristics of municipal social policy.

29. Subjects of social policy in the Novosibirsk region and Novosibirsk.

30. Social protection system for the population of Novosibirsk.

31. Features of regionalization in Russia.

32. Theory of regional studies.

33. Social status of ethnic groups of the Siberian region.

34. History of volunteering in Russia. Features of the formation of the volunteer movement in the region.

35. Characteristics of the main groups of volunteer movements and forms of volunteer activity in the region.

36. Characteristics of the city target program “On municipal support of national-cultural autonomies and organizations in the city of Novosibirsk” for 2004-2006 dated September 17, 2003 No. 300.

37. Characteristics of the city target program “Formation of an accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in Novosibirsk for 2004-2006” dated December 11, 2003.

38. Characteristics of the regional target program “Creation of mechanisms to provide housing for young families in the Novosibirsk region for 2004-2011” dated 05/27/2004.

39. Characteristics of the regional target program “Older Generation” for 2004-2008 from 10/02/2003.

40. Characteristics of the regional target program “Prevention and control of diseases of a social nature for 2004-2006” dated 10/02/2003.

41. Characteristics of the law of the Novosibirsk region “On measures of social support for certain categories of citizens living in the Novosibirsk region” dated December 23, 2004 No. 253-OSD.

42. Characteristics of the program of socio-economic development of the Novosibirsk region for the medium term (2004-2008) dated 07/07/2004 No. 215-OSD.


Stages of preparation and defense of a graduate student’s qualifying work

Preparatory stage