Why does Chopin's heart not shut up? Music lesson "Chopin's sensitive heart is not silent..."

Entertainment in the second younger group on the topic " Winter fun»

Target: bring joy to children from fun games, songs, dances; give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their physical abilities and emotional sensitivity; help children understand that group games are always more interesting.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about winter, about winter games, fun.

2. Develop motor skills in children; learn to coordinate your movements.

3. Develop auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with words.

4. Stimulate joint musical and gaming activities. Develop emotional responsiveness. Encourage children to actively participate in entertainment.

Equipment: Snowman costume, Snowman house. Audio equipment.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading asks a riddle:

The streets were covered with snow,

That's it.

She was in a hurry to visit us,

Winter... (winter).

Leading: Children, do you like winter? What do you like to do in winter? Do you like skiing?

Then pick up the sticks. Turn behind each other, let's go skiing.

(Children imitate skiing to the music.)

The whole earth is covered in snow,

I'm skiing.

You're running in winter

It's good in the forest in winter!

Leading: Do you like sledding? Become in pairs, hold hands, sit on the sled. Go!

(Children ride sleds to the music and fall. They dust themselves off and change places.)

There is a mountain in the yard,

We've been riding since the morning!

We've arrived!

Leading: Guys, do you like to sculpt from snow? Guess the riddle, who are we going to sculpt now?

We made a snowball

The hat was made later.

The nose was attached and in an instant,

It turned out... (snowman).

To the soundtrack “Raking up fluffy snow” - children make a snowman .

We shovel fluffy snow,

Let's sculpt, sculpt the first piece.

And once again we rake,

We sculpt, we sculpt another one.

We sculpt, we sculpt the third lump,

He will be a snowman!

Eye-eye, nose like a carrot,

Big mouth, upside down!

It turns out that the Snowman is coming out of the house.


I'm Snowman guys,

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me cleverly,

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

I'm not a simple snowman.

I'm cheerful and mischievous!

I will play with you.

Have fun and dance!

Snowman: The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand! Probably frozen? Now let's warm up.

A game"Let's warm ourselves up"

It's frosty outside-

Well, everyone rubbed their nose... ( rub your nose)

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Everyone quickly grabbed their ears ( let's grab our ears).

Twisted and turned.

So the ears flew off ( twist our ears).

They shook their heads ( download),

They knocked on my knees ( knocking).

Patted on the shoulders ( clap),

And now they've drowned ( stomp their feet).

Snowman: Who is not afraid of Frost? Put your hands up. And as soon as I touch you, quickly remove them.

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

I walk, walk, walk!

I'm looking for a small nose!

I'll freeze it now! ( freezing nose).

I walk, walk, walk!

I'm looking for the guys' ears!

Who hasn't hidden their ears? ( freezes ears).

(Cheeks, arms, legs.)

Snowman: A do you like to dance?

(Children with a teacher perform New Year's modern dance )

Snowman: Well, you are having fun and are not afraid of Frost! Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye and get ready for the journey. Happy New Year kids! Goodbye, kids!

(D The children say goodbye to the Snowman and go to the group.)

Evgenia Leonicheva
Entertainment for the second younger group “Winter fun”

Entertainment for the second younger group« Winter fun»


bring joy and pleasure to children sporting event and thereby form a value-based attitude towards physical education.


Improve motor skills capabilities: practice jumping, develop a good eye, speed of reaction.

Cultivate friendly relations with each other, a sense of camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

Presenter 1.

Good afternoon dear guys!

Winter has come

It's time for us to remember

What can he do?

Kids at this time?

Can I skate?

Children: Yes!

Breathe fresh air?

Children: Yes!

Play in the snow, run?

Children: Yes!

And sunbathe on the river?

Children: No!

In December, in the last days,

Dancing around the Christmas tree?

Children: Yes!

Is it a good idea to pick strawberries in the forest in winter?

Children: No!

Swing on a swing?

Children: No!

And on a sled down the mountain?

Children: Yes!

And the ski track has long been ready for your beloved children?

Children: Yes!

Can kids play badminton in winter?

Children: No!

On a snowy window

Draw a little man

Children: Yes!

Take shelter under an umbrella in a snowstorm

Children: No!

Walk through the snowdrifts

Children: Yes!

Very cool, friends,

You were a game to play with!

Snow Baba appears to the music

Snow Baba:

Sometimes I feel embarrassed for myself,

There's a carrot sticking out instead of my nose,

The bucket is placed askew on the top of the head,

Around his neck is a scarf of an unknown color.

But the kids don’t let me be discouraged -

Rosy Grishki, Irishki, Marishki.

No wonder Seryozha told me today,

That I am very similar to the Snow Maiden.

Of course, it’s nice, but it’s hard to believe.

I'm just a cheerful Snow Baba!

Snow Baba: Oh, where did I end up? Who are you? What are you doing here?

Children's answers.

Snow Baba: What games do you like to play in winter?

Children's answers.

Snow Baba: Oh, guys, you are all so rosy! And I want such a blush

Presenter. Snow woman, we invite you to do a warm-up with us.

Snow woman. With pleasure.

There is a fun warm-up accompanied by music.

"We're kicking stomp, stomp

We clap our hands, clap

we are the eyes of a moment, a moment

we shoulders chick, chick

one here, two here (torso turns to the right and left)

turn around yourself

sat down once, stood up twice

sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

as if they became a roly-poly

and then they started galloping (running in circles)

like my elastic ball

one, two, one, two (breathing exercise)

So the game is over."

Guys, let's invite Snow Baba to have fun with us!

Snow Baba, do you want to play with us? Then join us!

1. Game “Collect snowballs!”

2. Game "Make a Snowman"

3. Game - attraction "Through the Ice Tunnel".

4. Game "I'll freeze it"

5. Game “We’ll go skiing into the forest”

Much for us wonderful fun

Winter gives winter

We're sledding

And we play hockey together

And we fly from the mountains on skis,

And it's time for us to go to kindergarten,

But we don’t want to at all!

Snow woman.

Dear kids!

Now the moment of farewell has come

I'm telling you: "Goodbye."

Thank you all for your attention

And for fun competitions!

Publications on the topic:

Design of the “Winter Fun” area for the first junior group“We got down to business together!” with our constant helpers - parents. And they created 11 snow buildings for different purposes for children.

Project for the first junior group “Winter Fun” GBDOU “ Kindergarten No. 1” Developed by teacher Mikhailova E. N 2018 Project participants: children 1 ml “Smile” gr, parents, teacher.

Entertainment in the younger group "Winter fun" Purpose: To call positive emotions, create a joyful mood. The children and their teacher come.

Entertainment in the second junior group “Winter fun” Goal: to bring joy to children through fun games, songs, dances; give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their physical and emotional abilities.

Sports entertainment for older children with Baba Yaga and the Snowman “Winter Fun” Sports entertainment for children senior group. Goal: Develop a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Objectives: Develop physical skills.

Sports entertainment for children of the middle group on the street “Winter Fun” Sports entertainment for children middle group on the street “Winter fun” This leisure time is spent on the street, so that participation would be interesting.

Goal: To develop preschoolers’ interest in competitive activities. To consolidate knowledge about winter sports and entertainment.

Presentation "The Heart Will Not Be Silent" sensitive Chopin…"

Polonaise, mazurka, waltz.

Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849) Poland

A unique phenomenon in the world of music - he did not leave a single symphony, not a single opera, not a single symphonic overture. The composer composed almost exclusively for piano.

Chopin was born in musical family: his father played the violin and flute, his mother sang well and played the piano a little.

First successes

Portrait of Chopin by E. Delacroix

The composer's piano and one of the last photographs.

Chopin was no longer able to perform his last mazurka, but only wrote it down with notes...

Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris: the composer's grave.

The Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw is the final refuge of Chopin's heart.

And now about dancing...

Ceremonial dance-procession in moderate pace of Polish origin. It was performed at the beginning of the ball, emphasizing the solemn nature of the holiday. The couples moved along the established geometric shapes. Musical size – ¾.


Originated in Poland in the 15th century and at first was exclusively wedding dance. Then it became an attribute of any folk celebrations.

Interestingly, the dance is known under different names: hozon (pacing), gensiy (in single file), great (big, great), rounded (smooth), free (slow), hodzonny ze light (walking dance with a candle).

The polonaise turned into a magnificent palace dance only at the end of the 16th century.

Polish folk dance, distinguished by a melody with a sharp rhythm, rapid and dynamic, militant and lyrical at the same time, size ¾.

It originated in the plains of Mazovia on the basis of several dances: Masurian, Obertas and Kujawiak. These dances had common rhythmic and choreographic features.

The mazurka became a European ballroom dance in the 19th century.

Mazurka had a huge influence not only on the development of Polish dance, but also on the entire Polish culture. By the way, it is part of the Polish anthem created in 1797.

Chopin's Mazurkas

Chopin's Mazurkas are the most famous in the world. All his devotion and love for his homeland is in his mazurkas. They have a unique style and combine three types: lyrical, urban and rural.

Pair dance, where the main movement is smooth twirling, time signature¾, tempo from slow to fastest.


The ancestors of the waltz are the Austrian folk dance Ländler and the French dance volt, both dances are paired and measure ¾. In Landler, the partner rotated his partner around himself, and in Volta, jumps predominated, to which quick turns and rotations were added. Mixing Landler and Volt formed new dance, which became popular in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria. Got the dance new character– wide, sliding and smooth movements, got rid of jumping and got the name - waltz.

His victorious march through ballrooms the waltz started at early XIX century.


"Soul of the Piano" - that was the name of the Polish genius. Why?

The Poles cherish the silent heart of F. Chopin. Is it silent?

What, besides the dance character, did the composer put into his dances?

What do you think unites these dances, which are so different in character and sound?

Thank you everyone for your attention and support!

This presentation was prepared by a music teacher from MBOU Secondary School with UIOP No. 12

Melentyeva Irina Viktorovna

And so guys, now let's look at the map in the environmental textbook. world on page 145 and we will find small country to the west of our Russian border is Poland. Why do you think we started talking about her? That's right, guys. What is the name of the capital of Poland?

Now we will listen to the guys who prepared a message about Frederic Chopin.

202 years ago in 1810, a genius was born in a small town near Warsaw. His name is Frederic Chopin. The father is French, the son of a peasant.

Her mother was Polish, she was musical, played the piano well, and had a beautiful voice.

It was she who instilled in her son a love of folk melodies.

He had three sisters - diversified.

Chopin also loved to study. His genius manifested itself very early; he amazed everyone with his abilities, musical obsession, and inexhaustible imagination. Musical impressionability manifested itself violently and unusually: he could cry while listening to music, jump up at night to pick out a memorable melody or chord. The parents were wise and took very good care of their child.

At the age of 6, Chopin began to study piano professionally with Wojciech Zywny, a pianist of Czech origin. The classes were serious, despite the fact that Chopin, in addition, studied at one of the Warsaw schools. The boy's performing talent developed so quickly that by the age of twelve, Chopin was on par with the best Polish pianists. Zhivny refused to study with the young virtuoso, declaring that he could teach him nothing more. Almost simultaneously with the onset of serious music training the first essay appears. And at the age of 8, her first public performance took place.

Frederic Chopin is the world's greatest melodist. He lived in a difficult but interesting era.

He was called the most romantic and poetic musician of the 19th century, and was also called the soul of the piano. The Lord gave him a divine musical gift. But around the age of 19. Chopin begins to cough, cough heavily... He turns to the doctors and it turns out that he has tuberculosis, a terrible form, the last stage... And when Chopin tries to find out how long he has left to live, the doctors cannot say anything concrete in response, and in the end In the end they answer - a year, a year and a half...

Tuberculosis is a disease of the lungs. Now this disease is curable. Children are observed by doctors for the Mantoux reaction, and children from 14 years of age and adults undergo fluorography of the lungs once a year.

Chopin lives for another 20 years!!!

Why? Doctors made a mistake, is medicine at a low level? No! Everything is fine, the diagnosis is correct. Tuberculosis or consumption, as they said then, had no cure at that time, and was a deadly disease. And Chopin himself was such a fragile and sickly person that his body simply did not have the strength to fight. But still…. I lived for 20 years, although they promised only a year and a half.

What's the secret? We find the answer in some sources. George Sand, Chopin's beloved, with whom he lived in Paris, recalls for more than 10 years that when Chopin played and composed, he did not cough! You can imagine - when Chopin composed and played, he did not cough. And he was either composing or playing almost all the time. So this is the answer: these 20 years lived because he spent almost all the time composing or playing, which means he didn’t cough. Music taught him to breathe, or rather, he breathed through the music. This is probably why Chopin’s music is the most airy, the most breathable. His works are so filled with breath that it seems that you are not only breathing, but also smelling all the smells. But the disease progressed, his health deteriorated sharply, and on October 17, 1849, Chopin passed away.

Guys, tell me, did you want to hear Chopin’s music?

Today we will get acquainted with the world famous works Frederic Chopin. So what was the composer’s favorite instrument?

As I already said, Chopin composed his favorite works on it: polonaises, waltzes, mazurkas. What do you think this is? Now you guys will work in groups. Let's listen to these works and make a short verbal description of each dance. Each group should have three columns: polonaise, waltz, mazurka.

We all listen carefully to the polonaise music.

Waltz and mazurka.

We listened to three types of dance music. Let's draw lots. And so group 1 gives characteristics..., group 2..., group 3...

Well done boys! And now you have three definitions, each group finds a definition for each dance.

... dance - procession ceremonial entrance to Big hall court balls opened.

ballroom dance with smooth rotational movement of steam.

... a cheerful, lively dance.

Let's check.

Let's move on to the practical part. Polonaise dance, learn the polonaise step. To the proud, majestic sound of music - a kind of solemn march. A long line of dancers performed, gracefully curtsying at the end of each measure of the music. In addition to the courtier, there was also a peasant polonaise - calmer and smoother.

Ageless, forever young - waltz! Chopin's waltzes sound poetic and tender. Imagine yourself as a conductor, using your hand movements to convey the feelings that the waltz music conveys.

The culmination of the ball was the mazurka. Mazurka (from the name of the Polish region of Mazovia).In A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” the following words are heard about the mazurka: The Mazurka rang out. It happened
When the mazurka thunder roared,
Everything in the huge hall was shaking,
The parquet cracked under the heel,
The frames shook and rattled...
- Let's watch a video of the mazurka dance.

Frederic Chopin is the world's greatest melodist. He wrote not only dance music, but Chopin has an early song work.The song “Desire” was written by F. Chopin to the poems of his friend, the Polish poet Stefan Witwicki. Listen carefully to the song “Desire” and tell me why Chopin gave it such a name?

The work of Frederic Chopin is huge world extraordinary beauty. First of all, He teaches us to feel and love.

What time of year is it now? Chopin has something wonderful musical composition"Winter". What was your homework?

It's winter outside, we read poems about winter to Chopin's music, but what would we do without a song.

Now we’ll sing a song about winter that we learned in the last lesson, “Silver Snowflakes.”

Well done!

Guys, look at these dates 1810 - 1849 and tell me how many years you lived great composer Frederic Chopin. Only 39 years is very young. Chopin died far from his homeland, but carried his love for it throughout his life.

Chopin buried in Paris, and his heart, as he bequeathed, was sent in a vessel to Poland, to Warsaw, where it is still carefully preserved in the Church of the Holy Cross.

Guys, let's answer main question lesson, why won't he be silent? sensitive heart Chopin?

One of the remarkable properties of Chopin's music is its clarity; it seems to come from “heart to heart.” Let's answer the crossword questions.

Crossword: “Chopin” - vertically.

Name the birthplace of the great composer Frederic Chopin. (Poland)

  1. What dance is it about? we're talking about: “Solemn ballroom dance - procession”? (Polonaise)
  2. Name a song by Chopin?
  3. Chopin's favorite instrument. (Piano)
  4. What kind of music was it? leading place in the works of F. Chopin? (dance)

Guys! I suggest you draw a picture at home that arose in your imagination when perceiving the music of Frederic Chopin

1. today I found out...

2. it was interesting…

3. I wanted…

We still have so many new and interesting things ahead of us. And ours musical journey will continue in the next lessons. And now our lesson is over, and I suggest you leave the music room to the music of Chopin (“Polonaise” sounds).

Lesson developed by teacher primary classes Sorokina Maria Alekseevna

Slide 1

“Chopin’s sensitive heart will not be silent”

Slide 2

Frederic Chopin

Slide 3

Slide 4

Born into a mixed French-Polish family; Chopin's native language was Polish.
At the time of Chopin, Warsaw had 100 thousand inhabitants and was cultural center, which was under the rule of the Russian Kingdom of Poland.

Slide 5

Young Fryderyk entertains his assembled friends with his piano playing skills, which are unusual for his age.

Slide 6

19-year-old Chopin plays in Berlin in front of a select audience in the salon of Prince Anthony Radziwill. Radziwill himself was also a gifted cellist, guitarist and composer. Having become friends with Chopin, he contributed to his further career.

Slide 7

The fate of this man was tragic, because... most his short (about 40 years!) life and last days he spent in a foreign land, far from his beloved Motherland, which he loved very much, yearned for it immensely and dedicated all his music to it.

Slide 8

In August 1849, Chopin moved to luxury apartment at Place Vendôme (Paris).
“...My dear, distant, only one! Why is our life arranged in such a way that I have to be away from you, separated from you? I remember the rustle of every leaf, every blade of grass, I see faces dear to me, I feel you, my dear homeland... Every night you come to me with an unclear melody of either a song or my favorite dance - the mazurka, and I really want this dream to never happen. didn't end..."

Slide 9

Love for the Motherland of this talented person was so great that after his death, at the request of F. Chopin, his heart was taken out of his chest and, like a sacred relic, transported to his homeland, Warsaw. Today it is walled up in the wall of one of the main churches (temples) in Warsaw, and this is evidenced by the following poetic lines:
“There is a church in Warsaw, There a wall hides a shrine to humanity -
Chopin’s heart – Silence is still filled with the beating of this heart!”

Slide 10

“The soul of the piano” was the name of the Polish genius.
Works for piano - Waltzes Polonaises Mazurkas Preludes Etudes

Slide 11


Slide 12

Dancing, dancing, dancing...

Slide 13

check yourself
...Chopin - say the name
How is polonaise translated?
Where was Chopin born?-
Zelazowa Wola, near Warsaw
What is Chopin's favorite instrument?
List what Chopin wrote for the piano?
Waltzes, polonaises, etudes, mazurkas, preludes

Slide 14

Cranes, poplars Bread and salt, the face of the Kremlin It's you, my Motherland It's you, Russia Children's laughter, dancing. The kindness of blue eyes. It is you, my Motherland. There is nothing more beautiful in the world. Russia, Russia - you are my star Russia, Russia - you are my destiny Russia, Russia - I will repeat again Russia, Russia - you are my love!
Khokhloma, the Volga reach, the expanse of fields, the cry of birches. It's you, my Motherland, It's you, Russia. Domes, sky high. Our life is for you. It is you, my Motherland. There is nothing more beautiful in the world. Russia, Russia - you are my star Russia, Russia - you are my destiny Russia, Russia - I will repeat again Russia, Russia - you are my love!
"Star of Russia"