This is my childhood country! Essay my country of childhood A short story on the topic of my country of childhood.

Collective project of 4th grade students



Collective project of 4th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 17”

Project manager N.V. Yarulina

Project topic

"Country of Childhood"



Project result:

Creation of an essay-reasoning “My Country of Childhood”.


1. The border to the Land of Childhood is open to some adults.

2. Each child has his own idea of ​​the world of childhood.

Project progress:

The cherished country lives in your soul:

It contains joy, life, love,

Like a thousand lights.

Here moms and dads played, had fun,

Forgetting about troubles and eternal affairs.

Here thoughts of a dream settled forever,

There is laughter and tears, sun and play.

We present the project of 4a grade students of gymnasium No. 17 “Childhood Country”.

What kind of unusual country is this? You won't find it on any geographical map. But each of us must have visited it.

Project goals:

  • To identify the features of the depiction of children in the Land of Childhood in M. Tsvetaeva’s work “The World”.
  • To prove that the world of childhood is “a cherished country in the human soul.”

Project objectives:

  • Define what the Country of Childhood is.
  • Expand the concepts of “portrait of childhood”, “world of childhood”.
  • Write an essay on the topic “My Country of Childhood.”
  • Present your work to your classmates.

We suggest going on a trip to the Land of Childhood. Our literary journey requires neither a map nor a compass. Desire and interest are required.

The desire to immerse yourself in the world of poetry and interest in the poet’s word.

How we worked on the project.

We have put forward first hypothesis:

The border to the Land of Childhood is open to some adults.

Is it so?

Some adults have not lost their sense of childhood; their souls, as in childhood, are open to miracles and revelations. These are the adults we met in our literary reading lessons this year. Or rather, we got acquainted with the world of childhood in Marina Tsvetaeva’s work “The World”.

Biographical information about Marina Tsvetaeva.

Tsvetaeva began writing poetry at the age of six (not only in Russian, but also in French and German), and publishing at the age of sixteen.

The heroes and events of the surrounding world continued their “work” in her soul. Little, she wanted, like any child, to “do it herself.” Only in this case, “it” was not playing, not drawing, not singing, but writing words. Find a rhyme yourself, write something down yourself. Hence the first naive poems at the age of 6-7 years.

In October 1910, Marina Tsvetaeva’s first book of poems, “Evening Album,” was published in Moscow.

In “Evening Album” Tsvetaeva said a lot about herself, about her feelings for people dear to her heart, primarily about her mother and sister Asya.

All children's poems, that is, poems for children and about childhood, were mainly included in this first collection of poetry. The poems convey the charm of childhood impressions, the girl’s feelings, and her first dreams.

“Evening Album” is a book of parting with childhood.

We present to you Marina Tsvetaeva’s work “Mirok”.

Children are the glances of fearful eyes,
The sound of playful feet on the parquet,
Children are the sun in cloudy motifs,

Eternal disorder in the gold rings,
Whispers of affectionate words in half sleep,
Peaceful pictures of birds and sheep,

Children are an evening, an evening on the couch,
Through the window, in the fog, sparkles of lanterns,
The measured voice of the tale of Tsar Saltan,

Children are a rest, a short moment of peace,
A reverent vow to God at the crib,
Children are the world's gentle mysteries,

In her work, the poetess reflects on who children are, line by line revealing her idea of ​​the children's world (“the little world,” as Marina Tsvetaeva affectionately calls it).

The entire poem can be mentally divided into three semantic parts. Let's look at each of them.

Part 1

Children are the glances of fearful eyes,

The sound of playful feet on the parquet,

Children are the sun in cloudy motifs,

A whole world of hypotheses of joyful sciences.

Eternal disorder in the gold rings,

Whispers of affectionate words in half sleep,

Peaceful pictures of birds and sheep,

That in a cozy nursery they are dozing on the wall.

Does M. I. Tsvetaeva give a complete description of the children's world?

No, she doesn't need it. She talks about those childhood moments that she remembers. There are enough of these moments to imagine the world of childhood. The poet managed to capture the bright touches of childhood. She uses nouns, listing them creates a “portrait” of childhood.

Our conclusions for part 1:

1) The poet does not give a complete description of the children's world.

2) The poet talks about his childhood moments.

3) The poet uses nouns (creates a “portrait of childhood”).

Part 2

Children are an evening, an evening on the couch,

Through the window, in the fog, sparkles of lanterns,

About the sister mermaids of the northern seas.

The children's world narrows down to the size of a “cozy nursery”, because this is where love for the child reigns. It is here that “a whole world of hypotheses of joyful sciences” is born.

The picture of the children's world is the same as Tsvetaeva saw it in her childhood. She remembers this: she talks about her childhood dreams in the evenings (the word “evening” is repeated twice in the first line), about books that aroused strong feelings in the girl’s soul. Here there is a mention of the work of the beloved poet A.S. Pushkin (although his name is not mentioned).

Our conclusions for part 2:

1) Children's world is a cozy children's room.

2) Children's dreams in the evenings.

3) Children's reading.

Part 3

Children are rest, a short moment of peace,

A reverent vow to God at the crib,

Children are the world's gentle mysteries,

And in the riddles themselves lies the answer!

Children especially like this stanza because in it the author writes about the power of childhood. This strength is expressed in faith in kindness, love, honesty (it is no coincidence that God is mentioned here).

The poetess’s choice of the epithet “tender riddles” is interesting. We believe that many of the actions and thoughts of children are not understandable to adults. They are mysterious to them. Adults often play along with children. They play along because they are afraid to offend or destroy the child’s world. Adults, thanks to their love, simply try to protect children, so they treat every discovery of their son or daughter with tenderness and warmth.

Marina Tsvetaeva, describing a children's world, used metaphors in the poem, equating incomparable things:

“Children are evening...”;

“Children are a rest, a short moment of peace...”;

“Children are the world’s gentle mysteries...”

Our conclusions for part 3:

1) The power of childhood is kindness, love, honesty.

2) The poet uses epithets and metaphors.

The poet’s ability to assemble a “children’s world” and the melodiousness of his speech allow the reader to catch a happy moment of childhood.

Thus, the first hypothesis was confirmed.

We have put forward second hypothesis.

Each child has his own idea of ​​the world of childhood.

To this end, we began our own work on the topic “My Country of Childhood.” Based on our impressions, recalling the brightest moments in our lives, we talked about the amazing world in which we live.

We present our works.

1. This is how our classmate Diana Kazantseva sees the Country of Childhood.

Childhood means hands covered in paint.

These are moms bedtime stories.

Childhood is tag, hide and seek,

These are patches on the pants.

We need to help mom:

Wash dishes, sweep,

Wash the floor, put away the toys,

And then run to your friend.

As a child I want to dream,

Have fun and walk!

2. I am Smirnova Anna. I will tell you about my Country of Childhood.

Somewhere far over the rainbow there is a magical land. In this country, dolls happily eat sand cakes and dance with handsome princes in airy dresses made of scraps. Painted pictures come to life before our eyes. A plush hare and a plush fox go to visit each other and drink tea together.

In this country the sun always shines and dreams come true. All residents of this country are friends and never, I repeat, never quarrel. All residents are not seriously ill. And every day is a real holiday.

But we get older and forget the way to this fairy-tale world. But in order to remember this, you need to look at the rainbow more often and then this fairy-tale world will live in your soul.

3. I am Elizaveta Myshkovskaya. My Childhood Country seems like this to me.

My Country of Childhood is a world where people live carefree. Every day is enjoyed here.

The Land of Childhood is a world where there is never war or quarrel, where human thoughts, like fireworks, turn into multi-colored ribbons with bells at the ends.

In my Country of Childhood, all residents help each other and everyone’s cherished desires come true.

4. Victoria Grebenkina describes the Land of Childhood as follows.

Everyone has visited my childhood country - both children and adults, because children were also children once, but many, unfortunately, do not remember this.

Childhood, in my opinion, is a life without worries, hassle, tears, resentment, grief, sadness, quarrels and evil.

In the Land of Childhood, the sun shines brighter for all residents, the sky is lower, the stars can be touched with your hand, the sea is wider, and the night is shorter.

This country is closed to boring people who don't like to dream.

In the Land of Childhood there are no wars, illnesses, grief or disappointments, and people live forever.

5. And Dima decided to tell Pokidov in poetry.

Childhood is a wonderful country

Shrouded in magic.

All the toys in it are alive,
Bears and bunnies are groovy.

Elephant, panther, hippopotamus

At night the fairy tale will come to life.

My iron locomotive

It will take me into the distance into my dreams,

Where hopes come true

And bridges are being raised.

You can have fun when you're a kid

Run, jump and gallop.

Fly a kite with dad.

Childhood is a wonderful country

Shrouded in magic.

Balls, garlands,

Lights, lanterns

Lights up the heart

Big and small.

6. I, Ostrovsky Nikolay, will tell you about my Country of Childhood.

In my Country called Childhood, there are blue skies, bright sun, green grass. And also – my mother and father are young and cheerful, my kind and affectionate grandmother, my funny younger brother.

My Country is warm and cozy, smells of sweets and pies. Here I ride a bicycle and scooter, sled down the mountain, measure puddles with my boots and laugh heartily.

Sometimes I cry out of resentment and grief: I don’t want to eat semolina porridge and drink bitter medicine. But I still love my Country of Childhood and don’t want to part with it.

7. Our classmate Irina Ovdenko represents the Land of Childhood in this way.

My Country of Childhood is fun and fantastic. The clouds are like cotton candy, the sky is clear like a spring stream, and the grass is like emerald. The golden sun looks like a sparkling yellow dandelion. He gives warmth and light to everyone around him, like his own mother.

In my Country of Childhood, all the inhabitants are friends and help each other. And everyone loves to dream. I dream of building a time machine and actually visiting the USSR to feel like a pioneer.

This is such a beautiful country - the country of my childhood!

Thus, we can conclude that the Land of Childhood in the imagination of our classmates is different, but it has common features. There are children in this country who love to dream about the possible and the impossible. There is a lot of light, warmth and joy in this country. And in this country they love fairy tales, read poetry and laugh out loud.

Thus, the second hypothesis was confirmed.

Concluding our speech, we want to say that in the Land of Childhood there is a place for anyone who understands children's joys and believes in dreams, even the most incredible ones.

More than anything in the world I love my parents, sister and grandmother. I love life and my family. I really love everything that God created - the air, the sun, the sky, the stars. I admire the rainbow after the rain, I love running towards the wind.

I love my village, my grandmother’s cow, which gives warm milk, the vegetable garden, the chickens, the dog in the kennel. And how beautiful the Angara is, how wonderful it is to relax there and splash in the water!

I love to play checkers and chess. I like to ride a bike, jump rope and swim. I really like to read books, especially about animals, because I love cats, dogs and horses. They are kind, sweet, and the most loyal animals.

I love ice cream, like all children. I love my animals. I love holidays, especially if they are sweet. I like to play chess, checkers and other board games with the whole family. I like to go to the movies and birthdays with my dad, and give homemade gifts.

I love giving joy to people. I love babies, because they are such sweethearts and cuties. I love my family, I love being loved. I love nature and everything around me. I love World!

I love my parents and my family and don't like it when any of them get sick. I love summer, because there are holidays in the summer, you can swim and take long walks, but I don’t like spiders and cobwebs, they are unpleasant and scary.

I love different goodies: ice cream, jelly, cotton candy. I don't like pepper, mustard, horseradish, garlic and onions.

I love my cat Senya, he is like a brother to me. I like to sleep late and don’t like waking up early when the alarm clock is annoying.

For me, happiness is when my whole family gathers for some holiday. When we communicate, they understand and support me. Happiness is when everything works out for me. When my mother is happy for me if I do some good deed. Happiness is when everyone is healthy, when there is peace on earth, when it is warm and the sun is shining, when everyone smiles at you. Happiness is when they love you for who you are and pray for you. It’s happiness to know that your Guardian Angel is always nearby.

Happiness for me is that moment in my life in which I can rejoice as much as I have never rejoiced. Rejoicing means feeling like the happiest person in the world! This is what happiness is.

Happiness for me is when mom, dad and Olya are nearby. When all dreams come true. When the girls and I meet at school. When you get straight A's. When is the birthday and New Year. When grandma kisses me. That's what happiness is for me.

For me, happiness is when my mother is next to me. I cuddle up to her and think that my mother will not leave me anywhere. Happiness is when my mother strokes my head and says kind words. For me, happiness is my mother.

Happiness is when I come home and my brother is already waiting for me. I go to school, but the feeling that someone is waiting for me, someone very dear and younger than me, remains. When I return, my brother shouts: “Lida!” Lida! It’s so loud that it hurts your ears, but there’s joy in your soul. And then the mood is joyful all evening!

What is happiness?

Who will answer me?

Happiness is a miracle

Joy in me.

This is no place for sadness

Anger and suffering

Anger and resentment.

Joy sparkles here

And love and laughter.

What is happiness?

Tell everyone!

The world of childhood is a wonderful country

Naive, kind and happy,

There are surprised eyes

They look out from under long eyelashes.

And they ask a hundred questions

And they themselves give the answers...

Good fairy tales live there,

There is laughter, warmth and a lot of light.

All the adults have been there.

You just have to look back -

A girl with a childhood dream

It's calling you to come back.

There is one country in the world where children live. In different houses - some in a mushroom, some in a flower. The children are all friends with each other. They have laws, rules. They also have a palace where the Childhood Queen is alive. Every day new residents come to them and houses have been prepared for them. This country has seas and oceans where children swim. Animals there talk to people. This is a country called Childhood!

In my country of childhood, little people are joyful children, and toys are their pets. People in my country don't like dark colors. The sky there is pure blue. The trees are red and yellow. And the houses are bright purple, pink, multi-colored. And this is the whole country for children.

There is one kingdom on Earth. It is home to penguins who love fish, as well as mermaids and the firebird. And Queen Fantasia is always there. Everything in this kingdom is of different colors: blue, shiny, gold. But most of all the garden is beautiful. All sorts of flowers grow there: a fairytale rose, a poetic lily, and even mathematical bells. This kingdom is called Childhood.

There is such a country -

It's called childhood.

Don't ever leave us,

We love you always.

The sun is warmer there

And the grass is greener.

There are all the colors of the rainbow there.

There the sun shines all day.

Everything is fine there

Thank you, childhood, for everything!

My country of childhood is unusual, it is magical. In this country, animals and plants can talk, and the people there are always kind. The rains are warm, and there are never thunderstorms. After the rain a rainbow appears. Most of all in the country of Childhood I love to walk, especially in the forest. There I communicate with animals, and they give me forest gifts that will always remind me of the country of Childhood.

Childhood is a wonderful, magical, charming country!

She can't stand boredom

She doesn't like to sleep

But he loves chocolates

All adults want to get into it.

A country where, instead of pens,

There is sweet chewing gum.

A country where gumdrops ripen on trees.

This country is eternal -

My childhood is endless!

Childhood is a very bright and unusual country. This country is inhabited by babies and toddlers. Toys come alive there...

In my country of childhood, all children play and never fight. In my country, everyone is happy, cheerful, loves to play and already knows everything, so they don’t need to study. And if they don’t know something, they can put their hand on some smart book and they will immediately find out everything. In my country there are no bandits, there are no bad, greedy and pugnacious people. Magical gnomes live there, who play with children and make all their wishes come true. Only desires must be good. For example, I want candies to appear in my hand, and they will appear immediately. Or you wanted to tame an animal, met it in the forest, but it wasn’t afraid of you, didn’t touch you, but began to play with you. And if you want to go to some beautiful place in the world, then suddenly wings grow and you fly there... This is my childhood country!

Amazing country of childhood

My childhood country is amazing. You will ask why? I believe that at no age are people surprised as much as they are in childhood. They are surprised by technical innovations and natural phenomena, cosmic distances and the unique planet Earth. I am also surprised by many things. Take, for example, a telephone. People talk to each other, being at a distance of tens, hundreds of kilometers - and they can hear everything well. It’s as if people’s voices are sweeping across seas and oceans, mountains and deserts.

But most of all I am surprised by the kindness of my mother. She is the best person in the world. She will always understand me and help me. Even if I do something wrong and my mother talks to me sternly, I am not offended by her, I know that she only wants the best for me.

Friends from my childhood country

There are many good people living in my childhood country. These are mom and dad, grandparents, my teachers, comrades. These are people I meet almost every day, and I'm glad that this happens.

And books also live in my childhood country. Books are my friends. Every day I make sure to read and learn a lot of new things. Without reading, the day seems uninteresting to me. Not long ago I signed up for the library. The library is a real kingdom of books. Choose what you like. There are science fiction, adventures, funny stories. Lately I've been picking up books about space. We live in the age of space exploration, and even women are going into outer space. This is cool!

Man from the land of childhood

When one adult was asked where he was from, he replied: “There is a country called “Childhood.” I am originally from this country. This country has high, reliable walls, and I was under great, high protection. When I became an adult, I set out on my own.”

After listening to this story, I thought how good it is that there is such a country as “Childhood”. You must be able to live in it in an interesting and fun way. Everything about it is wonderful: not a single summer, not a single winter is similar to the previous ones.

In my country “Childhood” everything is changing quickly. What seemed incomprehensible and difficult to me yesterday has become interesting and familiar. For example, I used to love it when my mother called everyone to the table. And now I’m much more interested in helping her and finding out how you can cook a real, tasty soup from simple water and a piece of meat. By what laws does this happen?

In my childhood country there are many necessary and obligatory things. Every day I go to school. School is my second home. I spend a lot of time in it. I have a favorite teacher. I am especially attentive during her lessons. Maybe when I move from the country of my childhood to another country, the country of adults, I will become a teacher.

Olga Malchikova
I invite you to the country of “Childhood”

Childhood is a wonderful time, carefree, wonderful time.

This is a world of discovery.

Children live there, small, fragile and very trusting, inquisitive, perky, cheerful. They look at the world with wide open eyes. They are not alone in this world. We adults walk hand in hand with them, support, hope, faith for every little person. Small ones. defenseless, they believe in us adults, trust us, love us. We adults love our children too, don't we, and we should show them this. Love, mutual understanding, trust, important qualities that live in country« Childhood»

Childhood is my country!

Not far away, not beyond the forests

Not across the big river

There is one a country which is with you

We call childhood country!

This the country opened its doors to me

I went there boldly

And inspired with faith, with hope

I started my journey there!

This the country is filled with light

Lights the way for me

In this I found my way to the country

To your bright dream!

Childhood is my country,

Childhood is my country!

Where it's always light and clear

And happy kids!

My Country of Childhood.

If you look at a world map, you can see different countries, continents and islands. And you will not find such an unusual and wonderful country as the Country of Childhood anywhere. Each of us has our own Country of Childhood. My Childhood Country is a small country where it is always warm and sunny. There are a lot of flowers here, with colorful butterflies flying over them. And next to the orange forest there is the Sea of ​​Love. Behind the forest there are purple Joy Mountains. If you climb them, you can see how a small stream turns into a large mountain river called Laska. Reaching the edge of the cliff, it turns into a huge waterfall of Tenderness. There is always a seven-color rainbow above it, on which good fairies and angels ride. My mother and father, grandmother and grandfather live in my Childhood Country. They give me their love, affection and care. My friends also live here. We play, laugh and dream together. (Chukanov Stanislav)

In a distant country

A mole crawled out of the hole.

He rose to the surface

To take a hike!

To the magical miracle girl

He's in a hurry to leave.

The whole forest is about this girl

He repeats incessantly.

Ripe ripe berries

He puts it in a basket.

Bouquet of beautiful flowers

He takes it with him.

The story is magical

This concludes

But friends are with us

They don't say goodbye...

(Lifentseva Diana)
Childhood is the happiest time of a person. Having run your fill, you sit at the table, in your chair, and drink tea. Sleep closes my eyes, but I don’t move from my place, I sit and listen to my parents’ conversation. I squint my eyes and doze at the table. After a while, I close my eyes and feel a gentle hand touching me. You will recognize her by one touch. Mom said she would wake me up, but then she carried me and put me in bed. I no longer move and fall asleep even more deeply. The next day I wake up again with the same carefreeness and freshness and remember the previous day. (Dmitrov Alexander)
The land of oblivion and dreams.

There are no worries or sorrows in her,

It's so cozy and warm.

Days pass carefree there

And dreams come true.

Everyone will visit it in their life!

And everyone will recognize happiness in her!

After all, everyone is small...

(Gurina Katya)

When I was in kindergarten, I dreamed of making a rocket out of all sorts of broken car wheels, buttons, glass and plastic and taking my parents, friends and their parents with me. And we would fly to another planet and begin to live there. But it didn't come true.

And at school I dream of making an airplane out of pens, pencils, rubber bands, rulers and batteries. And take your grandmother with you. Look at all the cities, villages, countries, continents, seas, forests, rivers, states. But this is unlikely to come true... (Anna Nazarova)

It's good to be a child:

Have fun and be naughty

There are sweets and jam,

Jump, run and make noise.

Wear any things

To amuse mom and dad.

Go out for a walk in the rain,

And jump through the puddles.

Scare mom to death

A dirty face.

And then go wash

And fall asleep in the sweetest sleep.

And in a dream see a fairy tale,

A fairy tale from your childhood.

(Voropaeva Yulia)

Life in childhood is very interesting and fun. Lots of fun, friends... I often play football with my friends. And one day my dad and I went to the park. There we ate ice cream and rode the carousel. Dad invited me to jump on the trampoline. At first it was scary, but then I liked it. When you jump, it seems like you are flying far into the sky. In winter you can go sledding, play snowballs, and build a snowman. In spring - catch butterflies and grasshoppers. And when you grow up, this won't happen. An adult should go to work and take care of his family. (Sergey Samoilenko)
I know one fairy-tale country - the Land of Childhood. This country is beautiful. Green forests, flowering meadows, snowy mountains, the gentle sun shines here, the water in the river is warm and clear, you can swim all day, and after the rain it’s so great to run through the puddles. There is no sorrow in this country, everyone lives friendly and cheerfully, plays ball, hide and seek and other interesting games. This is the best country in the world! (Surzhenko Katya)