Musical lesson in the second junior group. Music classes for younger kindergarten groups

"Municipal budgetary preschool institution

kindergarten No. 9, Balakovo"

Music lesson notes

in the second junior group

"Introduction to musical instruments."

Prepared by:

Musical director

Rafikova N.H.

Program content

  • Training tasks:
  • distinguish timbres musical instruments;
  • distinguish charactermusical piece, perform the appropriate movements;
  • develop singing skills,start off singing after the introduction, sing harmoniously in the ensemble, clearly pronounce the words of the songs.
  • build skillsgameson children's musical instruments;
  • Developmental tasks:
  • developemotional responsiveness,
  • sensory abilities and pitch hearing,
  • develop a sense of rhythm and fine motor skills.
  • develop a singing voice and expressiveness of movements.
  • Educational tasks:
  • cultivate love and interest in music;

Material for the lesson

  • screen
  • 3 toys (bird, bunny, horse) and, accordingly, music b nal instruments (triangle, tambourine, wooden spoons).


Musical director.Hello guys! Do you know what “Hello” means? This word comes from the word “Health” - “Health”. What should you do to be healthy?

Children answer.

Musical director.Let's do some exercise now to stay healthy.

Valeological chant songwith wellness massage "Good morning"(lyrics and music about Arsenevskaya)

1. Good morning! spread their arms to the sides and lightly
Smile soon!
bow to each other
And today all day
It will be more fun.
raise their hands up

2. We will stroke the forehead,perform movements on the text
Wear and cheeks.
We will be beautiful
tilting the head to the right and left
Like flowers in the garden!
shoulder alternately
Let's rub our palms together
movements on the text
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
Now we'll rub our ears
And we will save your health.
Let's smile again
Be healthy everyone!
spread their arms to the sides

Musical director.Guys, we have guests today. To make them appear, you need to solve riddles(Riddles about a bird, a bunny, a horse).

Children solve riddles, the music director shows toys.

Musical director.

Our guests have been waiting for a long time
And a little tired.
I need to take off and play
And show the movements.
What is the bird doing?

Children. Flies.

Musical director.How can we show it?

Children. Run easily, on your toes.

Musical director. And the bunny?

Children. Jumps.

Musical director. Horse?

Children. Straight gallop.

Musical director.And each movement has its own music, and now I will play, but listen carefully, the music will tell you what movement you need to perform.

Music sounds for easy running, jumping, straight gallop (at the discretion of the music director), children perform the appropriate movements.

Musical director.

That's how fun they danced
And a little tired.
Let's sit down and relax
Let's go to the chairs.

Musical director.Guys, our guests did not come empty-handed today. Each guest has his own favorite musical instrument, and you will understand which one when you recognize this instrument by its sound.

He goes behind the screen and plays the instruments: Bird – triangle, Bunny – tambourine, Horse – wooden spoons.

Musical director.Now we’ll listen to music, and you’ll tell me what mood it’s in.

We sit quietly and prepare the ears,
Because we want to learn to listen.

The musical director performs the melody of the Russian folk song “Ah, you, canopy.” Children talk.

Musical director.What can you do with it?

Children. Dance.

Musical director.The music is danceable, cheerful, perky. Guys, you probably noticed that the music didn't always sound the same.

Children's answers.

Musical director.That's right, I played sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Now we will take musical instruments and play the way the music sounds.

Children play musical instruments.

Musical director.Well done! Do you and I also have a musical instrument - is this our voice? What do we do with our voice?

The children answer.

Musical director.Certainly. But in order to sing beautifully and not harm your voice, you first need to warm up your voice. We will sing a musical warm-up, be attentive, sing without shouting, listen to the music and each other.

"Musical warm-up"(music and lyrics by E. Makshantseva, arranged by L. Kalbus)

Musical director.Okay, warm up your voice, find out what kind of song I’m going to play for you now.

Children name a familiar song based on the intro.

Musical director.Right. Let's all sing together.

Song "Sparrow" (music by V. Gerchik, lyrics by A. Cheltsov)

Musical director.

And now you, children,
A fun game awaits.
One two three four five
We need to get into the circle as soon as possible.

Game "Have Fun Kids"(Estonian folk song arranged by T. Popatenko, Russian text by I. Chernitskaya)

Musical director.Well done boys! And now I invite you to an amazing forest. Get up one after another, let's follow me like a train.

A set of preventive exercises for the upper respiratory tract(O. Arsenevskaya) The exercises can be accompanied by showing illustrations or slides.

The locomotive brought us to the forest.
Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!
(walking around the hall with arms bent at the elbows)
It's full of miracles.
(say “mm-mm” in surprise as you exhale, while simultaneously tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose)
Here comes the angry hedgehog:
P-f-f-f, p-f-f-f, p-f-f-f!
(bend low, clasping your chest with your arms – a hedgehog curled up in a ball)
Where's the nose? You won't understand.
F-f-r! F-f-r! F-f-r!
Here's a happy bee
She brought honey for the children.
Zzzz! Z-z-z
! (direct sound and sight according to the text)
She sat on our elbow,
Zzzz! Zzzz!
Flew onto my toes.
Zzzz! Zzzz!
The donkey scared the wasp:
Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah!
(strengthening laryngeal ligaments, preventing snoring)
He shouted to the whole forest:
Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah! Y-ah-ah!
Geese are flying across the sky,
Geese honk at the donkey:
G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u!
G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! G-u-u! (
walking slowly, raising your wing arms while inhaling, lowering them with a sound)
Tired? Need to rest,
Sit down and yawn sweetly.

Children sit on the carpet and yawn several times, thereby stimulating the laryngopharyngeal apparatus and brain activity.

Musical director.Have you rested? Now you can go for a walk. Our lesson has come to an end, let's say goodbye.

Musically rhythmic movements:

– Teach easy jumping to music without your heels touching the floor.
– Exercise children in rhythmically stamping one foot, then the other, in circling while walking.

Musical didactic game: introduce the sound of musical instruments. Learn to identify them by ear.

Perception of music (listening):

– Evoke an emotional response to a musical image.
– To form ideas about the means of musical expression.

Singing, development of singing skills: teach singing skills: singing along, singing in an ensemble, the ability to open your mouth wide (work on sound formation).

– Cultivate friendly relationships between children.
– Teach how to dance in pairs, shaking hands with each other.

Game: to teach to distinguish different parts of music and to move in accordance with this character: quietly - walk softly, loudly - run fast.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall, stand freely, positioned throughout the entire space of the hall.

“Game with two bunnies.”

Bunny: Hello, kids! I, a bunny, can jump easily, just like that! One, two, jump! (“He jumps over,” at this time, on the other side of the hall, exactly the same bunny Bi-ba-bo appears in the hands of the music director, we repeat twice.)

Do you know how?

(The teacher places the bunny toy Bi-ba-bo on a stand, behind a small screen, and speaks on behalf of the bunny.)

Educator: Guys, put your soft paws on, rise on your toes, your heels do not touch the floor, we will jump easily, like bunnies. The music will stop, and our legs will stop too. (Annotated demonstration by the teacher.)

Play: “Bunnies” music by T. Lomova.

Bunny: Well done, guys! Do you know how to dance?

Educator: Look, bunny, how our guys can spin around slowly, just like me! (Teacher demonstration.)

Play: “Spin” music by T. Lomova.

Educator: Well done, guys! Oh, what are you holding in your little bunny paws?

Bunny: This is a rattle, listen, guys, how the rattle rings. (Rings.)

Bunny: Oh, I have another one, this drum. (Knocks.)

And now, I want to play with you. I’ll play, and you guys, tell me what I’ll play for you now.

(The bunny plays a drum, a rattle, behind a screen. Children guess.)

Bunny: Well done, you guessed it! It's time for me to run into the forest and my friends. (Runs away.)

Educator: So the bunny ran away, and you and I will go and sit on the chairs (the children pass by and sit on the chairs near the piano).

Music director: (Musical director.)

Guys, listen to the riddle:

“Under the pines, under the fir trees
Is there a bag of needles lying around?” (Hedgehog. A toy hedgehog appears.)

Look how sharp its spines are, and how small and fast its legs are.

Guys, sit down correctly, just like me!

Listen to the musical work “Hedgehog” by composer D. Kabalevsky. The music sounds fun, fast, like that!

(Musical fragment 1–4 measures, the teacher puts out a card - modeling.)

Music director: The music is cheerful (card - modeling), fast (card - modeling), prickly, cautious (card - modeling). And at the end the hedgehog says: “I’ll prick!”

Play: “Hedgehog” music by D. Kabalevsky.

Music hands: Tell me guys. What kind of hedgehog do we have, happy or sad?

Children: Cheerful.

Music Ruk.: Right, so the music sounds like it’s fun or sad?

Children: Funny.

Music manager: Correct! Do the hedgehog’s legs run fast or slow?

Children: Quickly.

Music hands: That's right, so does the music sound fast or slow?

Children: Quickly.

Music hands : Sit down, just like me! Listen to the musical piece “Hedgehog” again.

Play: “Hedgehog” music by D. Kabalevsky.

(The music director brings the hedgehog toy to his ear, listens, speaks.)

Music hands: The hedgehog told me that you defined everything correctly. Oh, and he also asks you to sit comfortably, like this!

Hedgehog: Children, do you know a song about my friend Cockerel?

Children: Yes, we know.

Music hands: Guys, help me, sing along to the song.

Song: “Cockerel” Russian folk melody.

Bunny: Well done, now I also know this song.

Music hands: Listen to Hedgehog another song about winter. Let's teach our Hedgehog to sing a song with his mouth wide open, just like me! (Showing Musical Hands..)

Bunny: Well done, now I can also sing with my mouth wide open. (The hedgehog runs away.)

Music hands: So our Hedgehog ran away, and left us this small Christmas tree as a gift (the teacher makes the Christmas tree visible).

We will sing together, but we will not shout.

Song: “Christmas tree” music by M. Kraseva.

Music hands : Now, let's dance. Go out to the middle of the hall.

Educator: Look what kind of dance we will dance. (Showing the teacher and the child.)

Educator: Find yourself a friend, stand in pairs. (Children stand in pairs.)

Educator: Oh, but what happened to my guys, they quarreled, their lips pouted, their eyebrows furrowed, and they started stomping their feet.

Dance: “We became friends” music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

Educator: And the hands should be presented like this, palms up (shows), spin slowly in a step (shows).

Dance: “We became friends” music by T. Vilkoreiskaya. (Musical excerpt, dance part 2.)

Educator : Oh, look, Mishenka came to visit us and wants to play blind man's buff with us. (Seats Mishka in the center of the hall and blindfolds him.)

Educator: Stand in a circle around Mishenka. Prepare your fingers. With quiet music we will slowly walk towards Mishenka, and with loud music we will move back, like this. (Teacher demonstration.)

Now, let's play.

Game: “Zhmurki” music by M. Flotov. (The game is played 2 times.)

Educator: Let's take Mishenka with us to the group and play with him.

Music hands: I liked the way you sang, danced, and played. Goodbye, guys.

Summary of a musical lesson for children of primary preschool age "In search of chickens"

Target. Promote the development of an emotional response to music through theatrical activities
To develop children's responsiveness to music of different types, to encourage them to convey playful images, changing movements in accordance with the change in the nature of the musical work;
To develop vivid artistic impressions in children, encouraging children to take an active part in the action through theatrical performances;
Stimulate and support independent manifestations of activity in theatrical activities using expressive means: facial expressions, gestures, dance improvisations;
To promote the development of creative manifestations in various types of musical activities.

Progress of the lesson
Children of the second younger group enter the hall and say that they received a video letter, but cannot read it, since their group does not have equipment. The music director offers his help. Children watch a video on the big screen.
Content of the letter:
“Near the house in the garden
The Corydalis hen cries:
- Where are you? Where are my guys?
My yellow chickens?
Co-co-co, co-co-co!
They ran far away!
Help! Help!
Find my children!”
Musical director
Guys! What a disaster! The chickens are very small!
What could happen to them?
Yes! They need help!
Well, where to look for them?
Let's see where this path leads?
Can they escape into the forest?
Will seek? Then let's go!
Exercise “Walk” music. T. Lomovoy

During the exercise, a curtain opens behind which is the scenery of the forest: trees, flowers, insects. There is a screen-hill in the right corner. There is a Christmas tree in the left corner, flowers near the stump. A soundtrack of birds singing and bees buzzing sounds.

Look how tall the grass is! Maybe the chickens got lost
in it? Let's look for them!
Communicative-tactile game "ON THE GRASS" words by M. Karem.

Educator(pays attention to the hillock)
The mosquitoes are buzzing, the kids are not afraid.
Butterflies arrived and began to dance,
They are spinning around and thinking, who else to call?
There's a carnival in the clearing, have you seen anything like this?
Let's slowly approach and see what's going on here! And then we'll ask about the chickens.
(children approach the screen and sit on the rug.)
Active listening with a toy theater show “Carnival of Insects”
music V.A. Mozart

Well, who's brave? Who will ask the question?
Children ask questions, insects send them to the Christmas tree.
We flew, we danced,
But we didn’t see any chickens
You ask the Christmas tree
Here she stands, go!
Children find bunnies and Christmas trees under the Christmas tree (mitten theater)
Look, bunnies live under the Christmas tree
And small Christmas trees also grow here.
Let's put mittens on our hands and tell how the Christmas tree grew in the forest, and about the bunny, and about the bear, and about the fox.
The song “The Christmas tree stood” using the mitten theater

At the end of the song, the children meet a fox (a puppet from the Parsley Theater), who collects bunnies and Christmas trees in a basket.
Musical director
Foxy sister! Have you seen any chickens in the forest?
Fox (in the voice of the teacher). What kind of chickens?
Children explain
I’ll tell you everything, everything, everything, or better yet, I’ll show you!
Don’t yawn, help me tell it!
Rhythmic exercise “I was walking along a path through the forest”
Musical director
Goodbye, Lisichka, thanks for your help.
But there are so many flowers near the stump, let’s rest here for a while
Children approach the stump and put on gloves with daisies and bugs.
Song “Daisies and Bugs” by the muses of Razdobarina
with the design of the plot using figurative plastic and theater gloves
After the song a large chamomile appears (life-size doll)
Musical director
Oh, what a big daisy! She probably knows exactly where the chickens are. Let's ask her.
Children ask
Chamomile(life-size puppet in the hands of an adult)
I woke up early, early
Looked around
And I saw chickens running out into the meadow.
Look under the bush, find them quickly!
Children find a basket with chickens (puppet theater)

Oh, you poor chickens,
Mom is crying, looking for you!
The kids will help you, take you home now!
Guys, take the chickens and let’s take them to the mother hen as soon as possible.
Children take the chickens by the sticks and lead them to the chicken's house to the music.
Puppeteering to the music of Filippenko “Chickens”
At this time, the curtain closes and a chicken comes out (a puppet in the hands of an adult).
So thank you guys
Help my chickens
Don't rush to leave, stay with me here
I will give you water and food,
Take him for a walk in the forest.
Guys, do you want to turn into chickens and live with the hen for a little while?
Corydalis? Then put on your masks and close your eyes. We will live in
fairy tale
Children choose masks of chickens, cockerels, and cats. The role of the hostess is played by the teacher
Rhythmoplastic performance “Chicken Trouble”

Well, guys, now it's time for us to go home.
Musical director
Or maybe we'll invite the chickens to visit us and show them the band.
The children take the chickens and go into the group.


1. Teach children to keep a circle, narrow it in fractional steps. Enrich motor experience, the ability to meaningfully use expressive movements in accordance with musical and gaming images.

2. Development of auditory attention, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the nature and tempo of the music.

3. Cultivate interest and the need to move to music.

Integration: Educational area: “Communication”, “Health”.

Target: Consolidation of sound pronunciation; enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Toys”; formation of correct breathing.

Equipment and materials: screen, Christmas trees.

Demo: toys – hedgehog, mouse, hare, bear.

Dispensing: autumn leaves.

Preliminary work: learning the song “Autumn” musical lyrics. N. Luneva, learning “Pair Dance” and “Dance with Leaves”.

Progress of the lesson.

M.r.: A knock is heard from the door.


Open the doors

Let the children into the hall!

Cheerful kids

Girls and boys!

The children follow the teacher into the hall, moving “like a train.” The song “Train” by T. Babajan - N. Metlova is playing.

Vos.: Here we are. Look at the guests! Let's make friends with them.

Here we go out into the meadow.

(They walk in place).

I am your friend and you are my friend!

(Hands stretch forward and point to themselves.)

They reached out to the sun together.

(Hands pull from “Sunny”).

We hugged and smiled.

(Hug each other and smile).

M.r. Guys! You came here by train, and now I suggest you fly in a hot air balloon. Our ball is large and round. Here's what it is. (Children join hands and form a circle. During the formation, musical hands: A ball flies and flies across the sky, a ball flies across the sky. And we know that this ball will fly around the whole earth).

M.r: Our ball flew and flew (they go in a circle) and fell to the ground. A mouse ran past. (Children run in a circle like mice and squeak “pee-pee-pee”) She saw a ball, thought it was cheese, bit it with her teeth (Children: “am”) and the ball deflated. (Children at the “fractional” step narrow the circle). We'll seal it and inflate it again. (Children imitate with their hands, “inflate”, move back, expanding the circle). This is what a beautiful ball we got. Our ball flew on. He flew and flew, got tired and landed in a clearing in the forest. A hedgehog ran past (Children walk like hedgehogs and snort: “phish-phish”), pricked him with his needle (children: “Oh!”), the ball deflated. We will seal it, inflate it and release it into the sky. Wave your hands to our balloon goodbye (Children wave).

Vos.: Look, guys, how many leaves fell in the clearing, what color they are. Why are they multi-colored? (Children's answers). That's right, because autumn has come. A breeze blew on the leaves, they flew and spun in a beautiful dance.

A dance with leaves “Sway over me” is performed, at the end the children collect them into a bouquet.

Vos.: Guys, look at someone sitting under a bush. Who is this? (Children: “Bunny”), and under the Christmas tree? (Children: “Bear”). What kind of paws does the bunny have? (Children: “small”), and the bear (Children: “Big”). Let's show how big legs and little legs walk.

Exercise “Big and small legs”

Our legs are tired of walking along the path

Let's lie down, lie down, and look at the sun.

(Children lie on their stomachs and swing their legs, the first verse of “Songs of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” sounds).

Music sounds and a Fox doll appears on the screen.

Fox: Oh, there are so many hares here. I can eat anyone.

Muz.ruk: Don’t eat our fox rabbits, it’s better to play with us.

Dance-game “Bunnies and fox”.

At the end of the game the fox “says”: Bunnies, don’t be afraid of me. I still want to dance with you.

Spanish "Pair dance"

Fox :

It's fun to play with you.

It's fun to dance with you.

It's time for me to go to the forest guys.

Goodbye kids. (Runs away)

Playback Our journey has also come to an end. Winter is coming soon and as a farewell let's sing a song about autumn.

Spanish song "Autumn".

Music hand. Well done boys. Who did we meet on our way? Did you like it? Now let's go to the group.

Summary of an open musical lesson for children 3-4 years old “Our bus speeds forward, where happiness lives!”

The summary will be useful to music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: Formation of musical abilities of preschoolers in familiar songs and games.
1. Strengthen correct posture, the ability to walk, easily on your toes.
2.Develop pitch hearing and attention.
3. Convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the songs in singing.
4.Form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flight of voice.
5.Create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere.

Progress of joint activities

Organizing time:
(Children are in front of the entrance to the music room)
Musical director:
Hello children. Do you love to travel?

Yes Yes Yes.
Musical director:

Today we will go on a journey, and a magic bus will take us. Please tell me what every passenger should have?
Musical director:
Well done.
I'm giving out tickets
On the road - I call everyone on the road.
(Musical director: and the teacher hand out tickets and take their seats)
Main part:
You have a ticket in your hands,
He's handsome - no doubt about it.
We'll breathe on him
So that he can come to life again.
(back straight, breathe through your nose, mouth closed, slowly release air)
Breathing exercises: “Blow on a ticket”
Musical director:
So we got on the bus
And we'll go far
And along the way we will meet friends,
Let's play, what else?
And we will also sing for you
And let's dance from the heart.
We will tell the guests everything together:
“Hello, thank you for coming!”
Wait, don't rush,
I know: someone will come to us
And he will collect tickets.

(music plays, the Conductor enters and collects tickets)
Musical director:
Buses, buses
They're running down the alley
We're having fun, we're having fun
We're going for a walk!
Musical director:
We rode with the breeze,
Now let's go on foot.
We get off the bus
And we'll look around. (they approach the “store” easily on their toes)
What kind of house do you think this is where different goods are sold?

Children's answers
Musical director:

Well done, this is a store. Here there are food, books, toys, and there are also handkerchiefs. They will be useful to us for dancing.
The boy will find the girl
He will dance with her!
Dance in couples “Stamp my foot”
Musical director:
How you danced merrily
And not a bit tired!
What awaits us ahead?
Take the steering wheel in your hands quickly.
Plastic exercise:
“I turn the steering wheel,
I spin, I spin,
Drive further
I want".
(“they are approaching the Lesnaya Polyanka”)
Musical director:
All guys, stop-
Let's rest a little now.
The stop is not easy -
And the forest clearing.
We sit comfortably so that no one disturbs anyone. I’ll play some music for you, and you’ll try to say: who’s in a hurry to come to us? Who does the music represent?
The children close their eyes,
Who is this - they call:

Listening: (music sounds like a bunny jumping)
Children's answers:
Bunny, bunny!
Musical director:
That's right, Bunny.
How did he come to us?
Will you show us all?
Movement exercise: “Bunny, bunny”
Jump and jump."
Musical director:
Children, music turns out to be magical! She told us, using only musical sounds, that it was the Bunny who was hurrying towards us, and not a wolf or a fox. And now the music will reveal to us the secret: who is Bunny’s friends with? Come closer to me so that everyone knows everything.
(the melody of the song “Merry Little Bears” sounds)

Children's answers:
Musical director:
Of course, these are funny bear cubs!
Attention! Attention!
I'll say a spell:
“You are not easy children now,
And the bears are funny" (we put on bear hats)
Who will I be now? -
I will be your mother.
Chanting, singing: “Happy Little Bears” (performed) (E. Poplyanova)
The little bear cubs got frisky
We fortified ourselves with delicious honey.
And they decided to play pranks:
Wake up daddy bear!
Game: “The little target is sitting in the den” (played 1-2 times)

Musical director:
Well it's time for us to return
And turn into kids.
(take off our hats)
We get on the bus, take our seats - it’s time to go back to kindergarten.
(“the driver” will be one of the children)

Singing with movement “Here we are sitting on the bus”
Musical director:
Our magical journey has ended. Did you like it?
Let's remember: who did we meet on Forest Clearing?
Children's answers
Musical director:
Fine. Yes, music is magic! Who did you turn into during your journey?
Children's answers
Musical director: Well done.
But it's time to say goodbye
Children should return to the group.