Organizing a full menu for a girl to gain weight: recommendations from nutritionists. Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass for girls with an example menu for the week

There is probably not a single female person who is 100% satisfied with her figure. While some are trying to get rid of extra pounds, others are trying in every way to gain weight. And this is even more difficult to do, because no one wants to get cellulite or fat folds on the body. The path to attractive muscle definition is long, but training and proper nutrition for a girl to gain weight can help significantly speed up the process and lead to visible results in just a couple of months.

When should you think about gaining weight? Causes of underweight in girls

In medicine, a fairly accurate indicator of the need to gain or lose weight in a person has been developed. This is the body mass index, which is calculated by the formula:

BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m) 2.

The norm is 18.5 – 25, respectively, everything below it is underweight, everything above it is pre-obesity and obesity.

If a girl is underweight, she first needs to determine the cause. Lack of body weight can be caused by both the constitution and various diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, allergies, malignant processes, and helminthic infestations. The latter is especially true for lovers of sushi and rolls with raw fish or rare steaks. When, in addition to thinness, a girl’s menstruation suddenly disappears, she urgently needs to be examined by a gynecologist.

If no pathological processes are detected in the body, we can conclude that lack of weight is only a feature of the structure of the body. But contrary to the constitution, even thin and “bony” young ladies are capable of acquiring appetizing feminine forms, you just need to make an effort.

Where should a girl start gaining weight?

So, you have firmly decided to gain weight so that it is distributed correctly over your figure, making it feminine and sexy. To begin, take a full-length photo in profile and frontal view in a swimsuit, write down your weight, measure your chest, waist, hips and leg circumference at mid-thigh. In the future, try to track changes in your body: weigh yourself and take measurements of your parameters once a week. If the weight gain is about 400 - 500 g per week, this is ideal.

A special menu for weight gain and strength training are two components of success in achieving the desired result. In an effort to gain weight, you first need to change your eating habits, but you should not take sudden steps so that the body does not end up in a state of stress. For example, if you have always eaten only three times a day, then add the fourth meal first, after 5 - 7 days you can introduce the fifth, and then the sixth. For increased growth of muscle tissue, a fast metabolism is needed, and the girl herself can speed it up by eating small portions, but often, every 2.5 - 3 hours.

Energy and nutritional value of a girl’s daily diet for weight gain

Features of women's proper nutrition for weight gain, i.e. muscle mass consists of the presence of proteins in every meal and an increase in the total calorie content of the daily diet.

It is believed that to gain weight smoothly, you need to consume 300 more calories than to maintain a constant weight. The calculation uses the formula weight (kg) x 30 + 300. That is, for example, a girl with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 50 kg, subject to physical activity (which ones, we will say below), needs to consume 1800 kcal per day to gain weight. In this case, the bulk of the daily calories should be “eaten” before 16:00.

The main emphasis in a weight gain nutrition program is on proteins. Breaking down into amino acids in the body, they form a substrate for building new muscle fibers. But to provide the training body with energy, a large portion of “complex” carbohydrates is also necessary. On average, for every kilogram of her own weight, a girl needs to consume 1-2 g of protein and 3-4 g of carbohydrates. All food eaten per day is distributed as follows: carbohydrates - 50-60%, proteins - 20-30% and fats - 10-20%.

Sample fitness menu for a girl trying to gain weight

So, six meals a day for weight gain consists of breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The sixth meal is 300 g of kefir before bed. In between meals and always during training, you need to drink clean non-carbonated water, at least 2 liters per day. Below is a daily menu option for a girl to gain weight with comments from a nutritionist.

The first breakfast is the “highlight” of a healthy eating program for weight gain

The first breakfast should take place no later than an hour after getting up, preceded by a glass of water with a slice of lemon.

  • Oatmeal with milk and sugar;
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • whole grain bread with peanut butter;
  • tea or coffee.

Doctor's comment: “A very suitable option for breakfast. One serving of oatmeal contains almost 1/5 of the entire daily requirement for protein, so it is a good source not only of energy in the form of “complex” carbohydrates, but also of protein - the building material for muscles. Among analogues of animal origin, egg white is the “gold standard” in terms of digestibility and nutritional value for the human body. But it’s still better to boil the eggs hard to be sure of their safety. Peanut butter is a highly nutritious product that is cholesterol-free because it is plant-based. It contains 25% protein, 20 g per loaf of bread in the morning meal - ideal for consumption.”

There are days when there is very little time in the morning, and there is no opportunity to spend it on cooking. But it is breakfast that is the “highlight” of a girl’s proper nutrition for weight gain; it triggers the acceleration of metabolism after the night, so skipping it is not recommended. In such cases, instead of boiling oatmeal, mix it in a blender with kefir or fermented baked milk, a banana and a handful of nuts. The result is a homemade protein shake that you can drink as quickly as you make it.


  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • any fruit.

Doctor's comment: “A good option for reinforcement when lunch is still far away. In addition to the fact that cottage cheese contains up to 18% protein, it also contains a lot of calcium, which prevents the occurrence of cramps and spasms in the muscles, which is especially important after strength training. Unflavored yoghurts are a better choice because they don’t add artificial additives to your diet.”


  • grilled chicken breast;
  • chickpea puree;
  • vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • berry juice and pineapple rings.

Doctor's comment: “The formula for an ideal lunch in the diet of a girl seeking to increase muscle mass is this: protein + “complex” carbohydrates + fiber. And this choice of dishes fully corresponds to it. Chicken breast is 23% protein. In addition, it contains a lot of niacin, which increases muscle strength and endurance, and zinc, which is responsible for the level of anabolic hormones in the blood. All this makes chicken breast an indispensable product for athletes and those who want to make their body more sculpted.

Chickpeas stand out among all legumes for their high content of vitamins A, E, C, PP, group B, as well as iron and calcium; their benefits for building muscle tissue have already been mentioned. Moreover, it is both a carbohydrate and a protein product: 63% and 21%, respectively, make it super nutritious.

Vegetable salad is an excellent source of fiber, but it is advisable that it be made from seasonal vegetables, otherwise there is a risk of getting a dish with nitrates. Olive oil is valuable for its content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the condition of the circulatory system and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. And for muscle growth, healthy blood vessels are needed first. Vitamin E is also important for women because it is responsible for skin elasticity and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Pineapple contains the substance bromelain, a catalyst for protein and fat metabolism reactions. Therefore, the pulp of this fruit accelerates the construction of new muscle tissue. It’s best to eat fresh – when canning, most of the bromelain is destroyed.”

Afternoon snack

  • bread with cheese;
  • almonds;
  • coffee with milk.

Doctor's comment: “Cheese is a source of calcium and protein, a good option for a snack before strength training. Almonds, like all nuts, contain vegetable protein and vitamin E; in combination, they further accelerate muscle growth. Caffeine has analgesic properties and is good before physical activity - it will give you a boost of energy and prolong the duration of your workout, reducing muscle pain.”


  • baked salmon with lemon;
  • asparagus with tomatoes;
  • green tea.

Doctor’s comment: “In girls, the process of anabolism, i.e. the construction of new cells, in this case, muscle tissue, mainly occurs at night during sleep. Therefore, dinner should consist of easily digestible protein and fiber. Fish for the evening is an ideal protein: 25 g per 100 g, while its digestibility is much faster and easier than that of chicken or meat. Salmon also contains omega-6 fatty acids, which improve the functioning of not only skeletal muscles, but also the heart. Vitamin D binds calcium and strengthens bones.

Asparagus is one of the leaders among vegetables in terms of protein content: 5g per 100g of product, as well as a source of potassium, zinc, and, of course, fiber. Green tea will fill the body with antioxidants, speed up the elimination of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles during training, and therefore relieve pain.”

It is worth knowing a few more important points regarding healthy eating to increase muscle mass. For example, that large doses of protein are a serious burden on the kidneys, so before switching to a protein diet to gain weight, consult with a therapist, take a blood test for urea, creatinine and a general urine test. These tests will show whether your excretory system is normal.

The diet should be varied, there is no need to turn protein into a cult. In an organism deprived of the main sources of energy - carbohydrates and fats, but oversaturated with proteins, rotting processes can begin.

Workout for a girl to gain muscle mass

The gym is a whole world! But this awareness does not come immediately, but after a couple of months, along with the first noticeable results. Having regular physical activity, you can not only achieve the desired figure, but also significantly improve your well-being and health.

In order to gain muscle mass, exercise in the gym must include basic multi-joint exercises with free weights. Ideally, for proper execution, you need the supervision of a personal trainer, but you can also turn to fitness instructors who are “publicly available” in the gym.
Strength training is necessary for muscle growth. These are exercises such as:

Tips for a weight gain program for a newbie girl You need to do 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions. Training programs for weight gain are designed mainly for 3 or 4 sessions per week of 45 minutes each with mandatory muscle recovery and rest days. You should alternate exercises for different muscle groups, for example, on Monday, train the muscles of the chest and back, on Wednesday – the muscles of the legs and buttocks, on Friday – the muscles of the arms and shoulders. The workout should be preceded by a warm-up of 10–15 minutes of cardio exercises (treadmill, bicycle) and joint exercises. Over time, you need to gradually increase the load, i.e. working weights in exercises or number of repetitions.

A good help for girls who dream of beautiful muscles is protein in the form of cocktails and bars. They can be consumed immediately after training, preventing the destruction of muscle protein in the process of replenishing spent energy.

Also, after strength training, eat something carbohydrate, for example, a sweet muesli bar, a couple of bananas or rice porridge with jam, etc. This way you will replenish the energy spent not from muscles, but from “fast” carbohydrates from the outside. At the same time, muscle growth will continue.

Another trick bodybuilders use is baby formula. They contain a very large amount of easily digestible protein, vitamins, and are enriched with microelements and inulin. No wonder they are produced as an alternative to mother's milk. For athletes, a glass of this milk mixture before bed can also be a good additional source of amino acids.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

How to gain a few kilograms? After such a statement, be sure that they will look at you with misunderstanding. After all, many girls go on strict diets and go to the gym to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters, and they will never understand how you can want to gain weight. However, there are people who suffer from lack of weight, and because of this they even develop complexes.

So, if you belong to the category of people who want to gain the coveted number of kilograms, then today’s article is just for you. Today we will help you create a daily diet and determine a list of foods that contribute to weight gain.

Let's first figure out what foods help increase weight.

White bread and buns

White bread and fresh rolls will easily help you gain extra inches on your waist. They are baked from white flour and therefore have great nutritional value.

Boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters and wieners

Sausages, sausages and other deli meats are popular products that should be in your diet. They contain pork skin, natural fat and lard - the content of these ingredients in the listed products ranges from 25 to 35%.


Hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts are a favorite treat for many. All nuts are very healthy, as they contain vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vegetable proteins. But the main thing is that nuts contain a lot of fat, so they are classified as high-calorie foods.


In addition to the fact that dairy products are healthy, they also have a high percentage of fat content, which in turn contributes to weight gain. For example, sour cream contains 25-40% fat.

If you safely consume dairy products, then drink milk with honey at night. This will not only help add calories to your daily diet, but will also serve as an excellent natural sleep aid.


Hard and processed cheeses are always nice to eat with bread in the morning. In addition, modern cheeses, and especially imported ones, have a fat content of about 45-50%. So, to acquire the desired forms, cheeses should be included in the diet.


The percentage of fat content in lean and regular pork exceeds 30%, and in fatty beef it is 25-30%. Therefore, to gain weight, consume these types of meat.

Vegetable oils and fats

If you think that vegetable oil can be low-fat, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, all types of oils: butter, refined, vegetable, etc. contain almost 100% fat. To gain weight, nutritionists recommend combining raw nuts with coconut oil. For example, prepare desserts based on dried fruits, nuts and coconut oil.


No one can resist ice cream, cookies and cake. And in our time, these are simply culinary masterpieces that are oversaturated with sugar and fats. Therefore, consuming them regularly will help you gain calories and gain weight.

We have given you a small list of foods that promote weight gain. By adding them to your diet, you can easily gain the pounds you need.

However, it is important not only to eat these foods, but also to combine them correctly, since an excess of any nutrients can negatively affect the functioning of the body.

It is also important to observe 5-6 meals a day, at regular intervals, and not allow feelings of hunger to appear. And if you are hungry, then immediately have something to eat.

Diet for weight gain

Now let's look at what the daily diet of a person who wants to gain weight might be. First, we note that before each meal, stimulate your appetite by drinking vegetable or fruit juice, and then proceed directly to the meal.


You can't skip breakfast! Prepare a portion of oatmeal with nuts and honey, or full-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits. Eat a sandwich with butter and cheese, and wash it down with two cups of cocoa.


Drink 200 grams of yoghurt or fruit juice with a sausage sandwich.


Lunch must be complete, so start it with a salad to “stimulate” your appetite. Then eat a thick, rich vegetable or meat soup. For the second course, prepare a large portion of meat or fish with mashed potatoes or pasta seasoned with butter. Finish your meal with a sweet dessert and a cup of coffee with cream.

Afternoon snack

Between lunch and dinner, you should have a snack of cottage cheese with sour cream, or full-fat yogurt or coffee with cream. You can also prepare any vegetable salad. The main thing is not to overdo it, because by dinner you should have a good appetite.


Dinner should be satisfying at the same time, but not too heavy on the stomach: sleeping on a full stomach is still a pleasure. We recommend having an omelette with tomatoes and ham for dinner. Vegetable salads or various types of cereals are also suitable. Feel free to eat white bread. Wash down with half a liter of high-fat milk.

Late dinner

Before going to bed, it would be a good idea to eat a pear or an apple. Also throughout the day, if you feel a sudden feeling of hunger, you can additionally snack on fresh fruits, nuts or seeds.

In conclusion, I would like to note that you should not forget about the right lifestyle. To ensure that the weight you gain is evenly and beautifully distributed throughout your body, it is advisable to visit the gym. But you need to engage in a bodybuilding program, and this applies not only to males. Let us remind you once again: if you have made every effort, but your weight does not increase, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor!

Always be irresistible!

Low body weight greatly affects a person’s mental state. This is the first significant signal that warns of the presence of hidden dangerous diseases of the body. In case of sudden weight loss, immediate action must be taken as these changes can lead to a catastrophic or fatal outcome. Gaining weight is possible through a special diet, which allows you not only to increase weight, but also to control the condition of the entire body as a whole. To avoid any problems with weight, the diet should be constant or periodic, depending on the characteristics of the body.

A weight gain diet for men is a special diet that helps support the body. This diet consumes foods that are high in calories. It is first necessary to undergo a medical examination to reveal the causes of weight loss. Only then can appropriate treatment begin. The correct approach to an advanced disease will give significant weight gain and improve overall dynamics. This increase can reach up to 2 kg in 1 month.

An effective method for gaining weight

When pathological changes begin to occur in a man’s body, problems with weight appear, it is necessary to apply the right, thoughtful decisions and try to avoid further mistakes. Gaining weight is not always easy for men. The first mistake is to try to do this by sharply increasing the amount of product consumed.

This decision is not correct enough, because it threatens to disrupt digestive function. This method will not help you gain weight, but will lead to significant disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including aversion to certain foods.

To gain the missing body weight, it is necessary to increase the caloric content of the product, and not the volume of its consumption. Gradually adding 200 calories per day will make a huge difference in your weight gain. High-calorie foods introduced into the diet gradually will help you gain weight. Small high-calorie portions of fractional nutrition are better accepted by the exhausted human body.

Eating for weight gain involves starting the morning habit by drinking a glass of water about 30 minutes before meals. Water can be replaced with fresh juice or candied dried fruit compote. It is not recommended to consume foods with a glass of juice. Initially, fluid must enter the body. For proper weight gain, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, since the male body requires special attention. It is easier and faster for a woman to gain weight.

You should not exercise after eating. Food products should be healthy and necessary, enriched with proteins and carbohydrates. The diet should include various cereals prepared with milk, flour or pasta, beans, honey or sugar essences, and fruit juices.

A weight gain diet for men requires more vitamins, which should come along with eating your favorite foods.

For example, to mashed potatoes with a cutlet, you can add a salad well seasoned with rich sour cream. There is practically no difference in men's and women's diets. You can sprinkle pasta with healthy cheese and add dietary pork sausage.

Sample menu

Consider the menu for weight gain.

Diet No. 1

In the morning - oatmeal with boiled milk. This is the most useful and dietary product. You can add honey instead of sugar to the porridge and season it with a handful of raisins or nuts. For weight, a man needs white bread, buttered. You need to put a piece of cheese on top. Wash it down with a glass of hot milk or coffee with milk. This is quite enough for gradual weight gain.

Weight gain is possible with a rich and high-calorie lunch. These are fresh cabbage soup in meat broth, mashed potatoes, seasoned with butter. Vegetable salad with rich sour cream. Freshly squeezed fruit juice.
An afternoon snack will help a man gain weight. Here it is recommended to drink a glass of milk with waffles or cookies.
Dinner - buckwheat with boiled milk and candied fruit, hot sweet tea with white bread spread with butter.

Diet No. 2

The first breakfast is millet milk porridge, vegetable caviar, white bread spread with butter, and cocoa boiled with milk.

Second breakfast - a sandwich, white bread, buttered, with boiled sausage. In addition to the second breakfast, fresh juice is used.

For lunch, to gain weight, you can eat borscht cooked with meat broth. For the second course - meatballs or cutlets with pasta, seasoned with cheese. After eating the main meal, a sweet compote of dried fruits is recommended.

For an afternoon snack to gain weight, you can make a vegetable salad with grated cheese and olive oil.

Consulting an experienced nutritionist will help you gain weight correctly. You can gain weight not only from fatty meats or dairy products with a high fat content. If you increase the amount of food consumed gradually, you can see positive dynamics in weight gain.

But for such a diet it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude diseases of the pancreas, esophagus and liver. Some men gain weight by using appetite stimulant medications.

This should only be used with appropriate permission and supervision from a physician. You need to gain weight slowly, following the necessary recommendations.

There is currently a huge amount of useless information on the Internet regarding gaining muscle mass for girls, and on the contrary, there are a lot of myths, which for the most part are not supported by any facts at all.

To gain muscle mass we need proper diet And the right training plan.

As for nutrition for gaining muscle mass, it is worth noting that the regimen and the range itself are practically no different from those for men. But in any case, it is worth paying special attention to this issue, because if the goal is to gain muscles, then it is necessary to take into account the laws of proper nutrition, which will help increase self-esteem, improve health, and acquire a sculpted, toned and sexy figure that will be admired by all passers-by.

How to gain muscle mass for a girl, overview video:

To increase muscle mass, you need:

  • Carbohydrates, which are pure energy
  • Protein as the main building material

In order for muscle growth to be possible, any person needs excess energy, excess calories. Thus, it becomes clear that the body will require more calories than were previously received; in any other case, there will be no gain in muscle mass.

It is worth understanding the following:

  • To build muscle mass you need a calorie surplus
  • To burn fat, you need to consume insufficient calories

It is worth noting that such basic things are familiar to everyone, but they are still worth understanding and remembering. During the period of gaining muscle mass, you need to consume much more calories than before. For example, you can imagine if before going to the gym or starting sports you ate three times a day, now you will have to increase your daily diet by at least 2, or even 3 times, and just before bed, you can eat I also add cottage cheese. Moreover, these are MINIMUM requirements. If you have the opportunity to add two or three more meals to these meals, feel free to act, it will not make you worse, but will only be beneficial if you are going to work on muscle mass. It is worth understanding that frequent meals speed up the metabolism in the body, which means muscle growth increases. This must be remembered and taken as a basis, because many people eat only a couple of times during the day, and even then they are not of sufficient quality, so in this case, gaining muscle mass is out of the question. You need to understand that nutrition is an integral part of gaining muscle.

It is necessary to understand that when we talked about gaining muscle mass and increasing nutrition, this does not at all refer to the fact that you can eat whatever you want. Yes, you really will have to eat a lot, but only the food that will provide building material for muscles, and not excess fat.

Now it’s worth paying special attention to EXCESS CALORIES. Initially, it is worth noting that it is impossible to calculate everyone with one brush, and each person in this case is individual: genetic, anthropometric, given and body type, all this suggests that it is almost impossible to give any specific advice that is suitable for everyone . Therefore, decide how much you need to eat in order for muscle mass to grow. You must independently calculate the number of calories consumed per day based on your weight.

To make this possible, it is necessary to apply the following formula: WEIGHT (in kg) X 30 = .... Kcal

This figure, which should ultimately be obtained, is an approximate and constant amount of calories consumed. But , if you are interested in gaining muscle mass, then this will require a large amount of energy, so you need to add to the amount received per day another 500 calories. By the way, it is also worth taking into account your body type, if the girl is very thin, then it is recommended to add 1000 kcal, and if the girl is already curvy, then 500 kcal will be enough for her, so she will not be able to gain excess fat, and all the energy will be processed into gaining muscle mass.

For example: if a girl’s weight does not exceed 40 kilograms, then according to the formula provided above, it is enough for her to take 1200 kcal per day in order for her weight to remain normal, but if she pursues the goal of gaining muscle, then she needs to add another 500 kcal and Thus, her daily diet will be 1700 kcal. In this way, the girl will be able to start gaining weight relatively quickly, but again, then it will be necessary to talk about those foods that will contribute to the gain of muscle mass, and not empty calories that only hinder this.

It is after your daily calorie intake has been successfully selected that you need to move on to those products that will contribute to the proper functioning of the body and how to count these products in order to ultimately get the required 1700 kcal.


In order for your diet to contribute to the speedy achievement of your goals, you must adhere to the following percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and fats:

  • Fats – 10-20%
  • proteins – 20-30%
  • carbohydrates - 50-60%

This proportion for muscle growth can be considered optimal without worrying about your health. But in order to correctly understand this proportion, it is worth first noting for yourself what carbohydrates, proteins and fats are. It is also worth understanding that we are talking specifically about a dry set of muscle mass, in other words, no cellulite or fat is implied. And in order to do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the following concepts and definitions:

Carbohydrates There can be two types: FAST (simple) and SLOW (complex). In the case of gaining muscle, it is necessary to give preference exclusively to slow carbohydrates, because fast ones are very harmful to the body and contribute to the formation of fat and cellulite, which is undesirable.

PROTEINS are building materials and are very important in the case of muscle growth. It is necessary to eat mainly only animal proteins, because unlike plant proteins, they are much more useful.

Fats are also an important element, but here it is necessary to very carefully divide them into good and bad. BAD FAT (saturated): represents everything that is so difficult to refuse, these are the most delicious dishes and their components: butter, fried chicken, mayonnaise, etc. Such fat should not be consumed under any circumstances. You only need to use GOOD FAT (unsaturated): products that have it are not as tasty and attractive as the previous ones (vegetable oils, omega-6 and -3, etc.) such fats are considered healthy and necessary for gaining muscle mass.

If you pay deeper attention to the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on specific foods, you can do this as follows:

  • COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES(rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, oatmeal, potatoes).
  • PROTEINS(eggs, beef, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, milk, kefir).
  • CELLULOSE(cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. only without mayonnaise dressings, etc.)
  • WATER(water without gas)


As for practical material, the following points should be included here:

  1. How to correctly count food products and, accordingly, the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in them, in order to find out whether the required number of kcal per day has been accumulated.
  2. WHEN and WHAT TO EAT? (CONCRETELY and CLEARLY in practice)

So, you need to start with how exactly you need to count food.

From carbohydrate foods, in this example it will be use mainly rice, buckwheat porridge and occasionally OATMEAL OR PASTA (but only in the morning as breakfast). Thus, it is not difficult to calculate where 100 grams of dry product is taken as a basis:

Rice: 76 g carbohydrates + 8 g protein = 345 Kcal

Buckwheat: 61 g carbohydrates + 12 g protein = 310 Kcal

Oatmeal: 66 g carbohydrates + 13 g protein = 371 Kcal

From protein products, We We will use eggs, meat, poultry, fish, milk, cottage cheese. (contents per 100 grams of product are indicated:

Eggs: TWO eggs contain 12 g of protein + 0.7 g of carbohydrates = 157 Kcal, respectively, ONE EGG contains = 6 g of protein)

Meat: 20 g protein + 0.0 g carbohydrates = 200 Kcal

Bird: 21 g protein + 0.0 g carbohydrates = 140 Kcal

Fish: 17 g protein + 0.0 g carbohydrates = 75 Kcal

Milk: 1 liter contains = 28 g protein = 580 kcal

Cottage cheese: 16 g protein + 2 g carbohydrates = 100 Kcal

Next, you need to calculate the amount of food relative to the daily intake, taking into account the daily caloric intake of food for your weight (as in the previous example of calculating kcal intake = 1700 kcal). Below, for clarity, calculations will be given for an average weight of 75 kg, but in any case, for your individual weight, making the necessary calculations using this example is very simple.

For ease of understanding, there will be a separate emphasis on PROTEINS and CARBOHYDRATES separately, from meat we will take chicken breast, but if necessary, you can use any other product, but in this case you need to make calculations based on its calorie content.


Eggs= 8 pieces = 48 g protein = 500 kcal

Chicken breast= 400 g (finished weight) = 84 g protein = 560 Kcal

Milk= 1-1.5 cups = 200-300 grams = 120-220 Kcal

Cottage cheese= 200 gr. = 48 g protein = 300 Kcal

Total: 180 g protein + 1.480 kcal


boiled rice= 200 gr. = 150 g carbohydrates = 720 Kcal

Buckwheat= 100 gr. = 60 gr. carbohydrates = 300 Kcal

Oatmeal= 100 gr. = 66 g carbohydrates = 371 Kcal

Total: 276 g carbohydrates + 1.391 kcal.

TOTAL AMOUNT: 180 g protein + 276 g carbohydrates = 2.871 Kcal.

So, in the end, the result is the following: in the end, by 75 kg there was even a slight excess of 100 grams, but that’s even good. But it is worth noting once again that all calculations must be carried out exclusively according to your weight, starting with the DAILY CALORIE CONTENT (according to the formula given earlier), after which it is necessary to calculate the QUANTITY OF PRODUCTS per day, based on the resulting calorie content.


In fairness, it is worth noting that it is very scary for a girl to gain an extra gram of fat, and the purpose of this article is to help minimize such consequences as much as possible, so below we will propose a simplified scheme that you can work with, but it will also be built on the basis of the required number of calories. In the previous diagram, we found that then the final daily amount of calories was exceeded by 100 grams, taking into account the growth of muscle mass, but it is worth noting that this was just an average approximate guideline, a scheme according to which it is necessary to work. In any case, in each individual case it is necessary to substitute your own weight parameters, your own graph, in general, for clarity, below is an example of such work:

RISE 9.00 - as soon as you get back on your feet, you immediately need to replenish your supply of water (in no case carbonated), this, by the way, will start the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You cannot start breakfast immediately after this, since the stomach will begin to work at full strength only after 30 minutes of wakefulness and drinking a glass of water.

9.30 – breakfast (100 grams of oatmeal with milk (1 glass) + 1 banana cut inside OR serving of durum pasta (100 grams) + 30 grams of whey protein with milk.

11.30 – snack 50 gr. RICE + 50 gr. meat + vegetables

14.00 – lunch (100 gr. BUCKWHEAT) + 100 gr. Meat (for example, chicken breasts) + VEGETABLES.

16.00 – snack (50 gr. RICE) + 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

TRAINING AT 17.00-17.45 (TRAINING TIME - 40-45 minutes)

17.50 (i.e. after training) – at this time, in principle, you can refuse to eat, but if you are very unbearable, then you can even treat yourself to something tasty, the main thing is to eat it immediately after training and in no case before bed, otherwise all these things will result later in the presence of fat. It is worth noting that at any other time during the day, it is best not to eat sweets, because this will immediately cause problems with subcutaneous fat. It is especially worth noting the second half of the day, after 3 o’clock, no simple carbohydrates.

19.00 – dinner (100 gr. RICE) + 150 gr. Meat + 2 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

21.00 – snack (50-100 grams of meat + 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES).

23.00 – snack (before bed) – 200 grams of cottage cheese (can be mixed with kefir).

As for water, it is worth noting that drinking it should be no earlier than an hour after eating, and during the day at least 2, or even 3 liters .

SLEEP 23.05 – 9.00, if during the day you have the opportunity to sleep for an hour or two, then this will only be beneficial.

This is what a daily diet for gaining muscle might look like for overweight girls. 75 KILOGRAMS, but you have to do the calculations based on your weight. From this example it is clearly seen that portioned nutrition is used, which consists of 7 meals during the day (this way, metabolism is accelerated, and therefore muscle mass gain is accelerated). It was also possible to achieve an excess of calories per day, due to which a constant and gradual increase in muscle mass occurs, while the amount of fat in the diet is reduced to the maximum; in fact, only carbohydrates (complex) and proteins are eaten. If you look closely, carbohydrate foods predominate in the first half of the day, and towards evening they become less and less. Such a system was not created by chance, because it is in the first half of the day that a person needs the maximum possible amount of energy, and proteins as a building material, towards the end of the evening. It is thanks to this system that fat accumulation is reduced to zero. But at the same time, I will not tire of repeating that all examples are given from average statistical calculations; we can speak more specifically when you make calculations based on your weight and daily calorie intake, so that there is an excess of calories based on carbohydrate and protein foods.

In general, you have successfully learned everything you needed to learn from the system of proper nutrition, food products, BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and the daily schedule. If you do everything according to the plan in addition to regular training and the gym, you will definitely get the necessary results. Now it’s worth talking directly about the gym and exercises for gaining muscles.

Mass gain workouts for girls

Before moving directly to specific exercises and workouts, it’s worth mentioning that, in principle, all training complexes for girls actually do not have any special differences from men’s. Yes, yes, that's exactly it. Despite the fact that you can often see girls lifting light weights and doing cardio exercises in the gym, in fact the reason for this is the lack of awareness among the girls themselves. Because of this, they often do not achieve the results they are moving towards.

Therefore, you should forget all the obviously false instructions from your TV screens and start training competently in order to achieve results. In fact, there is nothing difficult about this; for this you just need to very carefully re-read all the information and train according to this type.

Remember once and for all: There can be no talk of any gain in muscle mass, both in men and women, without the use of basic multi-joint exercises. It is worth noting that numerous repetitions of light weights, conventional machines and cardio training will not provide the necessary load to ensure muscle growth. Only with the use of free weights, gradually increasing the load, can you ultimately achieve the desired result. This is in a nutshell, but then we will talk specifically about each such exercise that will promote muscle growth.

Basic exercises for girls - Video:



Gaining weight or muscle mass is as difficult for some people as losing extra pounds is for others.

However, simply supplementing your diet with certain foods will help achieve positive results.

1. Homemade protein shakes

Homemade protein smoothies are very nutritious. This is one of the best ways to gain weight quickly.

It's best to make your own smoothies, since store-bought versions often contain a lot of sugar but not enough nutritional elements. In addition, home cooking will allow you to vary the shades of taste and aroma, as well as diversify the set of different macro and micro elements.

Here are some delicious recipes. You can add two cups (470 ml) of milk or choose another alternative such as almond milk.

  • Chocolate banana shake with nut flavor: Take 1 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate-flavored protein whey, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) peanut or other nut butter.
  • Vanilla-berry shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen berries, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) high protein natural yogurt and 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein.
  • Chocolate and nut shake: Take 15 oz (444 ml) chocolate milk, 1 scoop chocolate-flavored protein whey, 1 teaspoon (15 ml) hazelnut butter and 1 avocado.
  • Caramel Apple Shake: Combine 1 sliced ​​apple, 1 cup (237 ml) plain yogurt, 1 serving caramel or vanilla whey protein, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) caramel sauce or sugar-free flavoring.
  • Vanilla blueberry shake: The next cocktail is prepared under similar conditions. Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein, 1 cup (237 ml) vanilla yogurt. Add sweetener if desired.
  • Super green shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) crushed pineapple and 1 serving vanilla flavored or unflavored whey protein.

All of these shakes contain 400-600 calories, as well as plenty of protein and other vitamins and minerals.

There are many recipes for making delicious aromatic cocktails. Try to avoid commercial versions, which are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

2. Milk

Be sure to drink milk. It will help you recover faster and supply the body with calcium.

Milk provides the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is a good source of vitamins, calcium and other minerals.

For those looking to build muscle, milk is an excellent protein resource, providing casein and whey protein. Research shows that when combined with the right exercise and training program, milk helps you gain weight.

In addition, experiments have shown that milk or a combination of casein with whey protein can increase weight more effectively than many other protein sources.

Try drinking one or two glasses throughout the day, with meals, and before or after exercise if you exercise.

Milk is a good source of proteins. It contains casein and whey protein.

3. Rice

Rice is a good source of nutrients that is low in carbohydrates. It is great for helping you gain weight. Just 1 cup (165 grams) of cooked rice contains 190 calories, 43 grams of carbohydrates and very little fat.

In addition, this is a very high-calorie product that is perfect for gaining weight. That is, you can get a large amount of carbohydrates and calories in one serving. This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly.

If you're on the go or in a hurry, microwaved rice can be added to other sources of protein.

Another good way is to cook a large container of rice for the week and combine this dish with other healthy foods containing proteins and fats.

However, eating extremely large amounts of rice is not a wise decision due to the potential arsenic and phytic acid content. Arsenic acid can cause the deposition of heavy metals in the body, and phytic acid reduces the quality of absorption of zinc and iron.

Rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates that is easy to eat and digest. However, some types of rice contain a lot of arsenic acid.

4. Nuts and nut butters

Nuts and nut butters are an excellent choice if you are trying to gain weight.

Just a small handful of almonds contains more than seven grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats.

Since this product is very high in calories, it is enough to eat only two handfuls per day. This will allow you to get a lot of calories.

You can also diversify your diet with nut butter by adding it to smoothies, yogurts and all kinds of dishes.

But make sure to choose a 100% nut butter that contains two or three ingredients, no sugar or extra oil.

Nuts and nut butters are very tasty and high in calories. They are a great addition to any menu.

5. Red meat

Red meat is probably one of the best muscle-building foods available.

For example, steak contains about 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces (170 g). Leucine is a key amino acid that the body needs to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle gain.

In addition, red meat is one of the best sources of dietary creatine, which can rightfully be called the world's best dietary supplement for muscle building.

This product is also much higher in calories and contains more fat than lean meat. This helps you consume extra calories and gain weight.

One study was conducted in which 100 women took part. They supplemented their diet with 6 ounces (170 g) of red meat and performed strength training 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

As a result, they were able to gain weight, increase strength by 18%, and increase the level of the hormone IGF-1, which is involved in building muscles.

Both lean and fatty meats are an excellent source of protein. However, fatty meat provides more calories, which helps you gain weight.

Red meat is an excellent source of protein, which helps you gain muscle mass. It contains leucine, an amino acid that stimulates protein synthesis in muscles. This meat is fattier and higher in calories.

6. Potatoes and starch

Potatoes and other starchy foods are another good source of calories.

Try supplementing your diet with these healthy sources of carbohydrates:

  • Quinoya;
  • Cereals;
  • Corn;
  • Buckwheat grain;
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes (bagat);
  • Pumpkin;
  • Winter root vegetables;
  • Beans and green peas.

Moreover, this will not only help you diversify your diet for weight gain, but also increase your glycogen reserves.

Glycogen is the predominant fuel resource for many sports activities.

Many of these carbohydrate sources also contain nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which provides nutrition for beneficial gut bacteria.

Healthy, starchy foods are a great way to get calories and fiber, increase your calorie intake, and increase your glycogen stores.

7. Salmon and oily fish

Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are considered excellent sources of protein and fat.

Of all the nutrients these foods contain, omega-3 fatty acids are among the most important and well-known.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the heart and cardiac system, brain and improve metabolism, allowing you to maintain health and fight various diseases.

Just 6 ounces of salmon fillet provides about 350 calories and 4 grams of omega-3s, as well as 34 grams of quality protein to help you gain muscle quickly.

Salmon and other fatty fish are excellent sources of healthy omega-3 acids. In addition, these products contain a lot of protein, which is the main building block for muscles.

8. Protein food supplements

Protein supplementation is a common strategy used by athletes and bodybuilders who are looking to increase muscle mass.

Special serums containing proteins help you gain weight easily and effectively, especially when combined with strength training.

Some people believe that this kind of protein is unhealthy and unnatural, but this is not true. Whey is made from dairy products. In addition, it helps reduce the risk of many diseases and improve health.

Whey protein is an extremely important product, especially if you exercise, as your daily protein requirement increases. Just like meat or other animal products, the protein supplement contains all the essential amino acids to help stimulate muscle growth.

You can consume protein before or after exercise, or at any other time during the day.

Protein supplements are a simple and affordable way to increase your protein intake.

9. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a high-calorie product that also contains antioxidants and microelements.

There are many varieties of dry fruits.

Since they contain a lot of sugar, they are not suitable for those people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

However, this is an excellent snack for those who want to gain weight. Dry fruits have excellent taste and are easily digestible.

Many people believe that fruits lose their beneficial elements after drying, however, this is not the case. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Try combining dried fruits with protein sources such as meat or whey. Plus, they pair perfectly with nuts and natural yogurt, providing healthy fats, proteins and other important vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits are high in calories, fiber and antioxidants. This is a great way to get additional microelements.

10. Bran bread

Bran bread is another good source of carbohydrates to help you gain extra pounds.

Try combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat and cheese. This means eating a balanced diet, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

When buying bread, give preference to natural bread with grains. One of the best is Ezekiel bread, which is available in many stores.

Bran bread is very effective for weight gain, especially when combined with good sources of protein.

11. Avocado

Avocados contain a lot of fat.

Unlike many fruits, avocados are very high in calories. This is an excellent fruit that allows you to quickly establish a high-calorie diet for weight gain due to the large amount of healthy fats it contains.

One large fruit (200 g) provides 322 calories, 29 g fat and 17 g fiber.

In addition, they are very rich in vitamins, minerals and various nutritional compounds.

Try adding avocados to different dishes, such as omelettes or sandwiches.

Avocados contain many healthy fats. These fruits go well with various dishes or are eaten separately.

12. Useful cereals

Healthy grains are considered an excellent source of carbohydrates, calories and all kinds of nutrients.

However, try to give preference to healthy types, such as oatmeal. Eliminate processed grains that contain a lot of sugar from your diet.

When shopping for grains, focus on healthy options:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Granola;
  • Multigrains;
  • Bran;
  • Ezekiel (bread).

Be sure to check the label and try to avoid refined grains with added sugar.

Eating grains can increase body weight. In addition, they contain fiber. Try to choose healthy grains, such as oatmeal.

13. Cereal tiles

Some healthy cereal bars make excellent snacks when you're on the go.

They are also an excellent choice if you need a pre- or post-workout snack, as they contain a variety of carbohydrates.

As with cereals, try to choose healthy products with whole grains. Plus, you can find bars that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds.

If you are using these bars as a snack, try combining them with other protein sources such as yogurt, boiled eggs, sliced ​​meat or a protein shake.

Opt for healthy cereal bars made from whole grains and other healthy ingredients such as dried fruits and nuts.

14. Black chocolate

Quality dark chocolate provides many antioxidants and other beneficial elements.

Like other foods with a high concentration of fat, chocolate is very high in calories. This means that even a small amount provides a lot of calories.

A 100g (3.5oz) chocolate bar provides about 600 calories. In addition, it contains many beneficial microelements and other substances, such as fiber, magnesium and antioxidants.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and is also very high in calories and delicious.

15. Cheese

Cheese has been a staple for centuries.

Like dark chocolate, it is high in calories and fat. If you consume it in large quantities, it is also a good source of protein.

Since cheese has excellent taste, you can add it when preparing various dishes or eat it separately.

Cheese is an excellent source of protein and fat. Add it to various dishes to improve taste and get more calories.

16. Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods for building muscle mass. They provide an excellent combination of various vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

In addition, it is important to eat a whole egg, discarding all prejudices inspired by old myths and the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system.

In fact, almost all the nutritional elements are contained in the yolk.

If you do not have an individual intolerance to this product, there is no need to eliminate it from your diet. You can easily eat three eggs a day.

In fact, many athletes and bodybuilders eat 6 eggs a day.

Eggs are one of the best foods that provide the necessary nutrients for gaining muscle mass. There is no need to limit them.

17. Full fat yogurt

Full-fat yogurt is another great source of micro and macro elements. It provides a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

There are numerous recipes for preparing delicious dishes, one of the main ingredients of which is yogurt. Here are just a few of them:

  • Yogurt with fruit: Mix two cups of yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. You can also add nuts, seeds, honey, granola or coconut.
  • Chocolate Hazelnut Pudding: Take two cups of yogurt, cocoa powder, nut or peanut butter and sweetener. You can also add a serving of protein whey.
  • Dessert with yogurt: Two cups of yogurt, granola and berries. This is a great nutritious breakfast or light snack.
  • Cocktails: Yogurt is also a great addition to any smoothie. This will increase the protein level and make the shake more creamy.

Full-fat yogurt is an excellent ingredient that will enrich the flavor palette and add extra calories and protein. It tastes great on its own. But it also goes well with various ingredients, which allows you to prepare new delicious dishes.

18. Healthy fats and oils

Healthy fats and oils are the most calorie-dense foods on the planet.

Simply adding a teaspoon (15 ml) of oil to sauces, salads or when cooking various dishes will provide 135 additional calories. In addition, thanks to these oils, any food acquires a wonderful flavor.

Try to avoid processed butter. Opt for products such as olive oil, avocado oil or coconut oil.

It is important to include healthy fats and oils in your diet. Especially for those who are trying to gain weight. Eliminate refined oils. Choose olive, coconut or avocado oil.

The main secret of success

The main secret to gaining weight is to consume more calories than the body burns in a day. If you get less energy from food than you expend in a day, you will not be able to gain a single kilogram of body weight.

It's also important to do strength training so that the calories are used to build muscle rather than gain fat. It doesn’t matter whether it’s training at home or visiting the gym, try to choose an effective complex.

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