Museum of the Venevitinov estate. Museum-Estate of Dmitry Venevitinov, a division of the state budgetary cultural institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh Regional Literary Museum named after I.S.

The exposition of the museum-estate tells about the life and work of the outstanding Russian poet, philosopher and critic Dmitry Venevitinov and other representatives of this noble family.

Ticket prices:

For persons over 14 years old – 115 rub.
For pensioners - 60 rub.(50% discount on ticket price)
For children - 50 rub.


in a group of more than five people:

  • for persons over 14 years old – up to 175 rub.,
  • for children - 70 rub.

in a group of less than five people:

  • for persons over 14 years old – up to 230 rub.
  • for children - not available

Free (upon presentation of identification documents):

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equivalent to them;
  • non-working disabled people of groups I and II;
  • combat veterans;
  • conscripts;
  • cadets of military educational institutions of professional education before concluding a contract with them;
  • orphans and children without parental care, disabled children;
  • elderly citizens living in boarding homes;
  • children under 7 years of age;
  • employees of museums of the Russian Federation;
  • The first Wednesday of each month - in the mode of independent inspection of expositions and exhibitions by persons studying in basic professional educational programs, upon presentation of their student card.
  • The last Wednesday of each month - for persons under eighteen years of age, upon presentation of a passport or birth certificate
  • The first Thursday of every month is for large families, including free excursion services.

How to find us:

396034, Voronezh region, Ramonsky district, village. Novozhivotinnoe, st. Shkolnaya, 18

Opening hours

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – 10:00-18:00
Thursday – 12:00-20:00
Monday Tuesday- day off

The ticket office closes 30 minutes before. before the end of work

Description of the object:

The estate museum is a complex of residential, utility and park buildings from the 17th – early 20th centuries. Currently, the total area of ​​the museum-estate is about three hectares and includes a two-story mansion, an outbuilding and a park area.

The estate belonged to the old noble family of Venevitinovs. The Russian poet of the early 19th century spent his youth here. D.V. Venevitinov.

Other famous names are closely associated with the estate - historian, archaeologist, poet, writer and public figure Mikhail Venevitinov, nephew of Dmitry Venevitinov, as well as English writer and composer Ethel Lilian Voynich, author of the famous novel "The Gadfly", who has been in the Venevitinov family since 1887 She worked as a governess and teacher of music and English for two years.

Rare materials from its collections are exhibited in the halls of the museum: original decrees of the Peter the Great era, rare maps of the 18th century, works of M.A. Venevitinov, works by D.V. Venevitinov, antique furniture, rare books, family portraits and much more.

The estate is a wonderful place for relaxation and contemplation, where the silence and romance of the world of a noble estate helps you forget about the bustle for a while and leaf through the unique pages of “Voronezh antiquity.”

Dmitry Venevitinov was Alexander Pushkin's fourth cousin and became the prototype for Vladimir Lensky in Eugene Onegin.

The Venevitinov estate is the only Russian noble estate in the Voronezh region that has been preserved in the most complete condition, the years of its foundation going back to the pre-Petrine era of the mid-17th century.

The estate museum is a historical and architectural monument of federal significance.

The Venevitinov estate in Voronezh is a complex of park, residential and outbuildings, most of which were built in the 18th century. Once upon a time this entire territory belonged to a famous noble family.

The estate is located on the left bank of the Don, 27 kilometers from Voronezh. It is part of the Nikitin Literary Museum. And this huge complex, in turn, is one from important cultural centers of the Voronezh region.

Literary Museum named after Ivan Nikitin

The main purpose of the complex is to preserve the literary heritage of the region. The museum was founded in June 1922. The first exhibition was placed in the house of the poet Ivan Nikitin. This building was seriously damaged during the Second World War. It was restored in the fifties. The museum received its current name in the mid-nineties, at which time the estate became part of it.

An old noble family

The ancestor of the family, whose representatives once owned the estate, is a man named Terenty. He was born at the end of the 16th century. In 1622, Terenty Venevitinov received land for his service, and later built a family estate.

Another branch of the old noble family is known. It is mentioned in historical documents related to the Novgorod province. Its founder, according to some sources, is Gordey Venevitinov. This man lived at the beginning of the 18th century.

Most experts are inclined to the first version. After Terenty was granted land in the "Voronezh dachas", he built a house here. His wife and his son looked after the household. Terenty was a military man and did not stop his service. But the village of Novozhivotinnoye was founded by the aforementioned Lavrenty Gerasimovich, who was the grandson of the founder of the noble family.

He, like his grandfather and father, carried out garrison service in Voronezh and was one of the wealthiest citizens. For two years, Lavrenty was a governor in the small town of Orlov.

In 1685, his son, Anton Venevitinov, was summoned to Moscow, and from there he was sent to the Don. He was instructed to bring the Cossacks money granted by the sovereign, in addition, cloth, wine, etc. In the eighties of the 17th century, Anton Venevitinov got married and retired from service. But not for long . Peter I soon set about creating the Russian Navy. Then Anton Lavrentievich not only continued his official activities, but also took over the management of the ship's scaffolding. In documents that tell contemporaries about the times of the creation of the fleet, his name is often mentioned.

Like every noble family, the Venevitinovs had their own coat of arms. In the image below you can see what it looked like.

Construction of a family estate

So, representatives of the Venevitinov family settled on the lands that are today part of the Voronezh region in 1622. Several decades later, one of them, Lavrenty Gerasimovich, acquired land on the left bank of the Don, to which he resettled several peasant families. The new village was named Novozhivotinnoye. The first church appeared here in 1703.

In the 18th century, the estate, which today is one of the most visited museums, had not yet been built. But there is already a park here and a small pond. The manor house, according to most local historians, appeared in the 60s. The estate was built of stone. At the same time, a church was erected, which received the name Arkhangelsk.

At the beginning of the 19th century, here, in addition to the manor house, there was an outbuilding, a cellar, and a stable. In addition, there was a barn and a hut for peasants. The estate was surrounded by a blank brick wall. And near the house they built and plastered a brick gazebo.

First restoration

Over its long history, the estate, of course, has undergone many changes. It was first rebuilt by its owners at the beginning of the 19th century. Then a second floor was added to the manor house, and in the 70s of the same century a major renovation was carried out. They replaced the roof, floors, and plastered the walls.

The appearance of the estate in the 19th century

The main information that contemporaries have regarding the Venevitinov estate in Voronezh was obtained thanks to architectural and archaeological research conducted in the sixties of the 20th century. It is known that in the 19th century the size of the house was much smaller than today. There was also a third floor - a mezzanine, in other words, a mezzanine.

The first floor was quite low. There were vaulted ceilings, some of which have survived to this day. But most of it was demolished during reconstruction back in the 19th century. The ceilings of the second floor were much higher, and the mezzanine had small square windows.

Estate of Dmitry Venevitinov

One of the representatives of an old noble family is a poet who lived at the beginning of the 19th century. However, Dmitry Venevitinov was born in Moscow and died in St. Petersburg. Among the nobles it was difficult to find two people who had absolutely no family ties with each other. So, Dmitry Venevitinov had to distant relatives Alexander Pushkin.

Second restoration of the building

At the beginning of the 19th century, the poet’s father lived on a family estate in Voronezh. There is an opinion that it was this man, and his name was Vladimir Petrovich, who carried out a significant restructuring of the estate. It was during the years of his life that the mezzanine floor disappeared, but open balconies and side galleries appeared. Fortunately, the inventory of the estate has survived to this day. Thanks to these documents, it is known that in 1826 the manor house had two floors. The dimensions of the house indicated in the office fully correspond to the current state of the Dmitry Venevitinov Estate.

After the revolution in Russia, most of the estates were destroyed. Fortunately, the Venevitinov family estate avoided a similar fate. But the estate, of course, was significantly rebuilt. In the thirties, a school was opened in the premises of the former manor house. This required internal planning.

The appearance of the estate changed several times throughout the 20th century. For some time, a home for orphans was organized here. And during the first period of the Great Patriotic War, a military unit was located in the Venevitinov estate. From that moment until the mid-eighties, no renovation work was carried out on the house.

Estate as part of the museum

Another restoration began after the local authorities decided to transfer the former noble estate to the Nikitin Museum. By that time, the western gallery and southern balcony were completely lost. The restoration work was led by the architect T. Sinegub. The concept of the future museum-estate of Venevitinov was developed by one of the leading employees of the literary museum.

The authors of the project were faced with the following tasks: to refurbish the estate in such a way that its contents would become much broader than the contents of an ordinary noble estate. The village of Novozhivotinnoye, once founded by one of the Venevitinovs, has, from a tourist point of view, quite convenient location. And therefore it is one of the points of many routes.

The Venevitinov estate is not just a monument to Russian noble culture. The work of the poet, one of the representatives of an ancient family, and the peasant culture of the region are reflected here.

The last large-scale reconstruction was carried out in 2010. And five years before that, a monument to the poet Dmitry Venevitinov was opened on the territory of the estate. Author monument - Maxim Dikunov.

Among the many museums and architectural monuments on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Venevitinov estate (Voronezh) especially stands out. Built almost three centuries ago, it gives visitors a sense of mystery, immersing them in an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. Since its foundation, little has changed in the building, but even regular visitors every time discover some new, previously unnoticed detail. The Venevitinov estate is famous not only for the beauty of its external design and interior decoration. Nowadays it houses a branch of the Voronezh Regional Literary Museum named after Nikitin.

Today this monument is open to the public. The Venevitinov Estate Museum almost every day receives newlywed couples who order a photo shoot on the estate.

Branch of the Voronezh Museum

Actually, the poet’s estate is not limited to just a residential building. Within its boundaries there were also a park, a stable, multiple outbuildings, and an outbuilding. The branch of the museum, which was once the abode of the family, is located on an area of ​​three hectares.

The Venevitinov estate is one of the few buildings of its time that has survived to this day in almost perfect condition.

On the first and second floors there are exhibitions that present to the visitor's attention episodes from the life of Dmitry and his family, and the work of the poet. In addition, the doors to the park area and the surrounding area of ​​the house are open to visitors. You can walk around these places on your own. The only thing is that you must adhere to strict rules of behavior: do not damage property, do not take away any items taken from the museum. There is also a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs.


The Venevitinov family itself appeared on the territory of the modern Voronezh region at the beginning of the 17th century. The first owner of the estate in these open spaces was Lavrenty Gerasimovich and his son. They acquired about 10 thousand acres of land on the left bank. Several peasant families were immediately resettled to this place. The new residents were from the village of Zhivotinnoye. In order to preserve the memory of their small homeland, it was decided to name the new settlement Novozhivotin.

Later the church was moved here, so the village turned into a village, which became the main settlement in the surrounding area.

But the residential building itself did not exist yet. Only at the beginning of the 18th century a pond was dug and a park was planted on the site of the modern building. Venevitinov's estate, according to experts, was built in the 60-70s of the 18th century. Another decade later, the Archangel Church was also renewed. Since then she has become stone.

From a household book from the early 19th century we learn that, in addition to the residential building, there was also a cellar, a couple of outbuildings, an icehouse and a barn.

Subsequently, the history of the building was more than eventful. The owners re-plastered the facade and demolished the second floor. During the Soviet era, the Venevitinov estate served the needs of a school and an orphanage; during the Second World War, military personnel were stationed here. Accordingly, each new owner changed the layout depending on the purpose of the building.


By the time of restoration, the room was unrecognizable compared to the original version. Venevitinov's estate was rebuilt several times before it acquired its present shape. The first redevelopment was carried out only in 1988. The work lasted 6 years, so that Venevitinov’s museum-estate would then be located here.

This family took part in many charitable events and also made a significant contribution to shipbuilding. However, the most famous representative of the family was Dmitry Vladimirovich - poet, philosopher, prose writer.

Since 2005, a monument to him by Maxim Dikunov was erected on the territory of the estate.

The museum-estate of D. Venevitinov (Voronezh, 27 kilometers from the estate) seems to be looking at its owner, imprisoned in bronze.

Voynich in the museum

However, this is not the only thing the estate is famous for. Another famous representative of this family is Dmitry’s nephew Mikhail. He was a famous archaeologist and historian.

The estate of Count Venevitinov is also associated with the name of Ethel Lilian Voynich, who worked as a governess in this house. She taught children English and literature, and also taught manners.

It was after the writer visited Russia that she wrote her legendary novel “The Gadfly.” Ethel became so imbued with the life of the local population, their experiences and discontent even after reading the book “Underground Russia” that she transferred her experience of being in the country to paper, changing the names and geography of the novel.

Afterwards, she began working in the editorial office of the emigrant magazine “Free Russia” and continued to keep in touch with her foreign friends from St. Petersburg.

and interior

The Venevitinov estate (Voronezh excursion bureaus organize trips) is a monument of federal significance.

Today the house has two floors, the interior has been almost completely restored. It owes its current appearance to the artist-restorer. The spirit of the 19th century was restored as much as possible. The renovated exterior of the building invites museum visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of those times. The most modern technologies were used for the restoration, thanks to which the Venevitinov estate museum has become a popular pastime place for many Voronezh residents.

In the evenings, silhouettes of the moving aristocracy can be seen in the windows, and holographic images in the dark are broadcast onto the façade of the building. It feels like some kind of social event is taking place or the owners decided to invite their friends to the ball.

The pond and parkland have also been restored. The paths that go around the building and wind through the park are tiled and create exactly the same pattern as it was under the first owners.

The Venevitinov estate, the photos of which are stunningly beautiful, has become one of the most beautiful and popular places in the Voronezh region.

Museum exhibits

3D images not only broadcast events from the life of the famous family in front of the house, but also create three-dimensional figures of objects that once belonged to the family, but have now lost their appearance or disappeared altogether.

On the first and second floors, restorers tried to restore the interior that was in place during the life of the owners. But, in addition to the everyday life of its inhabitants, the estate of Dmitry Venevitinov will tell about how the nobles of the 18-19 centuries spent their time, about the creation and existence of a typical musical and literary salon in Russia, and will even dive into the history of shipbuilding in the Voronezh region.

The park of the Venevitinov estate with its restored landscape will provide an opportunity not only to relax mentally, but also to admire historical places. And who knows, maybe your imprint will fall exactly on the trail of Dmitry Vladimirovich or his friends.

Modern building life

A favorite place for romantics and dreamers is the Venevitinov estate. Voronezh is rightfully proud of the pearl of the region. Almost every day you can see a wedding procession at the gate, regardless of the time of year.

Unauthorized photography is prohibited here. Before you start filming, you must agree with the administration.

The Venevitinov Estate Museum (Voronezh is an hour's drive) is open to the public every day except Monday and Tuesday. It is also necessary to clarify the schedule in advance, since it differs at different times of the year.

How to get there

The territory of the museum occupies a very advantageous position - it is not far from Voronezh, and at the same time it is located at a sufficient distance for the visitor to escape from the noise and bustle of the city.

The Venevitinov estate is located just 23 kilometers from Voronezh. Every local resident knows how to get there, because to do this you just need to take the M4 Don highway and then turn at the sign for Novozhivotinnoye.

If you do not have a personal car, then there are daily buses from the Voronezh Central Bus Station.

You can also look at the schedule of excursions, since Voronezh cultural activists often organize trips to Novozhivotinny by a separate bus.

Cost of excursions

Depending on age and personal whims, a visitor’s excursion will cost from 45 to 220 rubles per person. Entrance ticket for a child is 45. Discounts are provided for schoolchildren and students.

If you do not want to go in a crowd, but want to learn about the sights from a personal guide, you will have to shell out 220 rubles. It is worth noting that this way you will be able to see much more. On an individual basis, visitors can visit places that are closed to group excursions.

Audio version for the visually impaired


  • Dmitry Venevitinov’s Memorial Estate

The museum-estate of Dmitry Venevitinov is an architectural monument of the 18th century. federal significance. The estate complex consists of a two-story mansion, a park with a pond, a rotunda and an observation deck on the Don River. The museum-estate is named after the most famous representative of the Venevitinov family - poet, critic, philosopher Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov. The estate was founded at the end of the 17th century by Anton Venevitinov. The first buildings were wooden. In the middle of the 18th century, Anton's son Thaddeus built a one-story brick house and laid out a park. At the end of the 18th century. The house was expanded and a second floor was added. Today, of all the buildings of that time, the house, kitchen outbuilding and entrance gate have been preserved. At the beginning of the 19th century, a gazebo, an observation deck, and an artistic stone fence appeared in the park. A large garden was planted next to the park.

In the middle of the 19th century. under Mikhail Venevitinov, the estate was again rebuilt and acquired a modern look. At the same time, 100 oak trees were planted, only one of which has survived to this day. After 1917, the estate was nationalized, and furniture and household items were taken away. In the 20th century, the purpose of the estate changed several times. In 1924, a gardening partnership organized by heroes of the Civil War was located here. They restored the estate, which was damaged during the battles with the Mamontov and Shkuro gangs. In 1931, a branch of the Polytechnic Institute named after N.K. was opened here. Krupskaya, which was located until the summer of 1942. In 1942-1943, units of the 232nd Infantry Division were stationed on the territory of the estate and the village of Novozhivotinnoye. During these years, most of the estate buildings were destroyed by bombing, and the roof of the mansion was seriously damaged. In the summer of 1943, a secondary school began operating in the mansion. During these years, a school museum was created in the kitchen wing. The school was located here until 1979. In 1979, the estate was registered with the Inspectorate for the Protection of Monuments as an architectural monument of the 18th century.

From 1979 to 1988, the estate buildings were not used. In 1988, restoration and restoration work began. Based on drawings, drawings, diaries, letters and other archival materials of the 19th century, the estate was restored in the form in which it was under Mikhail Venevitinov. In 1994, the Dmitry Venevitinov Museum-Estate was opened in the restored mansion. In 2005, a monument to the poet and philosopher was erected in front of the house. The author of the monument is Voronezh sculptor Maxim Dikunov.

In 2010-2013, a new large-scale reconstruction was carried out in the estate. Now the Dmitry Venevitinov Estate Museum is a modern museum of European level, included in the international tourism project “Russian Estate”.


The Venevitinov noble family played a historically significant role in the social, cultural and political life of Russia. According to one version, the ancestor is considered to be Terenty (Tereh) Venevitinov, according to another - Nikifor Venevitinov. At the beginning of the 17th century they moved from the Venev fortress, from near Tula. The Venevitinovs were atamans of boyar children and lived in the Belomestnaya (Troitskaya) settlement at the northern border of the palisade of the Voronezh fortress. The governor of the fortress paid them a monetary salary for their service and gave them land plots near Voronezh, and also allowed them to engage in duty-free trade.


The sightseeing tour includes a tour of the eleven exhibition halls of the mansion. During it, there is a story about the most famous representatives of the Venevitinov family, their life path and activities. The tour begins in the lobby, where they introduce you to the history of the estate complex. The halls of the 17th-18th centuries tell about the service of the Venevitinovs in the Voronezh fortress and about their participation in the construction of the first Russian military fleet at the Voronezh shipyards. Next we talk about the history of the Venevitinov family: from the ancestor to modern descendants.


Literary and musical lounges are inherently unique and what makes them so is not only the performance of works that are not found in the repertoires of other performers, but also the very sound of the piano from the Schröder factory, which is over 130 years old. The estate museum is one of the few places in Russia where a music salon in the traditions of the 19th century is still held.


The museum-estate annually hosts festive and family events. They are popular and have great success with museum guests.

The Venevitinov estate is the only Russian noble estate of the 18th century in the Voronezh region that has been preserved to such an extent.
The total area of ​​the estate is about three hectares. The origin of the estate dates back to the end of the 17th century. In the middle of the 18th century. a park and a pond were built. And in the second half of the 18th century, in 1760-1770, a stone house and a stone Archangel Church were built.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century. the house was rebuilt into a two-story one, and a garden was laid out. It is believed that it was during this period that side galleries with open balconies appeared. Numerous inventories of the estate of that time have been preserved.
D. Venevitinov’s childhood is connected with the estate. The owner of the estate was his father V.P. Venevitinov (1777-1814). In correspondence with his relatives, the poet more than once recalled his impressions of the enchanting Don nature. “The nature here is still beautiful,” wrote D.V. Venevitinov in one of his letters, “it alone met my expectations...” The last time he visited the estate was after graduating from Moscow University in August-September 1824.

Entrance to the estate
rice. A.V.Venevitinova, 1853

The fate of the poet’s brother, Alexei Vladimirovich Venevitinov (1806-1872), is also connected with the estate. Senator, Privy Councilor A.V. Venevitinov lived constantly in St. Petersburg, but as the owner of the estate he often visited Novozhivotinnoye. It was he who owned four drawings with views of the estate and village from the early 1850s.
In the 1870s. family estates in the Voronezh province were managed by the son of A.V. Venevitinov (1844-1901), a famous historian, archaeographer, and museum organizer.
After 1870, exemplary order was established in the estate. The house has undergone a major renovation. The building was plastered, a new roof and new floors were installed. On the ground floor, storage rooms were converted into living rooms. Some of the vaults were dismantled during the renovation. Several rooms in the house were covered with wallpaper. All this is known from descriptions of the building’s interiors.
Vladimir Alekseevich Venevitinov (1846-1885), the younger brother of M. A. Venevitinov, was a diplomat and, from 1883, a master of ceremonies at the imperial court, but occasionally visited Novozhivotinnoye. He and his wife Emilia Ivanovna had seven children. In 1887, a governess was invited to the estate for their upbringing and education. She turned out to be Ethel Lilian Boole, later a famous English writer (1864-1960).
In 1965, an architectural and archaeological survey of the estate was carried out, thanks to which it was learned that the original dimensions of the building were slightly smaller than today. It was brick, two-story. There was also a third, mezzanine floor, or mezzanine. The first floor was low, with vaulted ceilings, which have survived to this day in several rooms and the corridor. The main second floor had high ceilings, while the mezzanine floor had low ceilings and small square windows. In addition to the main building, there were outbuildings on the estate. The entire estate was surrounded by a blank brick wall. Above the Don there was a brick plastered gazebo, from which there was probably a staircase leading down to the river. Architecturally, the Venevitinovs’ house was designed in the forms of classicism.
The last owner of the estate before its nationalization in 1918 was the leader of the Nizhnedevitsky district, collegiate adviser to the chamber cadet Yu. V. Venevitinov (1879-1954). He emigrated to France and lived in Paris.
The descendants of the Venevitinovs visited the family estate in the 1990s and maintain connections with the Museum-Estate of D. Venevitinov.
In our century, the building has undergone many changes. In 1930, the house was converted into a school, partially changing the internal layout. In 1937, a music school was located there. In 1939, the building was occupied by an orphanage where Spanish children and Russian orphans lived. In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, a military unit was located on the estate.
From the beginning of the war until 1986, the Venevitinovsky house was gradually destroyed. The western gallery was lost, as well as the southern balcony, which were later restored.
Restoration work on the estate began in 1988, after the Voronezh Regional Executive Committee decided to transfer it to organize the D. Venevitinov Estate Museum. The author of the restoration project is the architect T. N. Sinegub.
In 1994, after the restoration of the Venevitinov estate in Novozhivotinny and the improvement of the ground area, a branch was opened - the D. V. Venevitinov Museum-Estate. Its exhibition includes the decoration of the halls of a noble estate of the 19th century. and everything connected with the Venevitinov family.

Museum interior. Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov

On the ground floor of the house there is a book and souvenir shop, next to it is an exhibition hall. There are seven halls on the second floor.
The first of them is a fireplace room; in addition to exhibition purposes, the hall is intended for holding literary, musical and other evenings or celebrations. The interior design and decoration of the hall are made in the spirit of the time when D. Venevitinov was here.
The second hall - the formal dining room, designed in stylistic unity with the first hall, performs an interesting substantive task, presenting the visitor with a typological noble estate in central Russia.
The next three rooms are dedicated to the life and work of Dmitry Venevitinov. The exposition of the third hall is called “Venevitinov and the Voronezh Region”, showing documents related to the ancestors of D. Venevitinov, letters from D. Venevitinov to Moscow, written by him in Novozhivotinny in August-September 1824, drawings by D. Venevitinov made in Novozhivotinny. In the same exhibition is a poem by D. Venevitinov, dedicated to his sister and inspired by impressions of Novozhivotinny.
The fourth hall can be conditionally called “Venevitinov and Moscow”. Among its exhibits are a deed of purchase for a house in Krivokolenny Lane, translations of young D. Venevitinov from Greek and Latin, his first poems, a letter from the poet about the work of the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine.
The fifth hall is dedicated to the St. Petersburg period of the poet’s life. The exhibition contains materials about the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, where the poet served, letters from D. Venevitinov about meetings with V. Odoevsky, A. Delvig, with the parents of A. S. Pushkin and sad documents with a message in the Moskovsky Vestnik about the death of the poet with his poem “The Poet and the Friend,” the poet’s last letters, a photograph of his grave.
The sixth hall of the museum presents the diorama “People's Holiday”. According to the authors of the exhibition, this hall should tell about the interaction of nature and culture, past and present in the formation of various aspects of the environment.
The last, seventh, hall on the second floor is called “Library”. There is an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the poet’s nephew.
The museum has a corner dedicated to it, where the piano on which she played has been preserved, photographs and works of the writer are exhibited.
Another exhibition in the museum is dedicated to A.I. Ertel.

In 2005, in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Venevitinov, a monument to the poet was unveiled on the estate. The bronze monument is made in the best traditions of Russian monumental art. The figure of a seated poet is installed on a granite pedestal with the inscription: “Dmitry Venevitinov.” A cloak is thrown over the back of the chair. At Venevitinov’s feet there is a top hat and a cane. The poet’s young face seems to be illuminated by inspiration itself. The author of the monument is Voronezh sculptor M.I. Dikunov.

At the opening of the monument. To the 200th anniversary of D. A. Venevitinov, 2005

Since 1997, the Poetry Lovers Club “Wednesdays at Venevitinov’s” has been operating in the Estate Museum. Poets, musicians, actors, and local historians perform at club meetings.
On September 30, 2009, the first Venevitinov readings were held in the Fireplace Hall of the Venevitinov House, dedicated to the 204th anniversary of the birth of the poet D.V. Venevitinov and the 15th anniversary of the D.V. Venevitinov museum-estate.
was held by the Museum-Estate of D. Venevitinov, the Voronezh branch of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Club of Poetry Lovers “Wednesdays at Venevitinov’s”.
Writers V.V. Budakov and E.G. Novichikhin, professors V.V. Varava (VSU) and E.P. Belozertsev (VSPU), researchers of the D.V. Venevitinov Estate Museum, local historians, as well as director of the historical and art museum A. S. Khomyakova from the Bogucharovo estate in the Tula region. Venevitinov's readings marked the beginning of friendship and cooperation between two related estates, connected by the close friendship of two brilliant contemporaries - D. V. Venevitinov and A. S. Khomyakov.
The estate is a historical and architectural monument of federal significance.
Novozhivotinnoye fits organically into the scheme of tourism development in the Voronezh region. It may well become one of the interesting centers of such tourist routes as Voronezh - Novozhivotinnoye - Ramon - Starozhivotinnoye - Voronezh State Nature Reserve or Voronezh - Ramon - Novozhivotinnoye - Semiluki - Kostenki - Divnogorye - Liski - Bobrov - Khrenovoe.


Approaches the Don without fear
Novozhivotinnoe village.
Tell me a fairy tale about him, perhaps?
Only fairy tales are covered with snow,
The Don burial mounds were covered in snow,
Both the fields and groves were covered in snow.
And - like summer - the fogs are falling
To a large Russian village.
And the village becomes invisible,
Until the sun takes off.
And only the manor house, ancient
It appears like the ark is floating.

The Don, flowing silently and peacefully, like happiness, -
This is what the poet Venevitinov wrote in letters to his sister.
He was young, and he wished for fate, overshadowed by passion,
Yes, untimely early, I leafed through the pages of my life.
But for now he went to the overgrown bank of the Don,
And the eagle circled and circled over the July harvest,
And the crown of the epic oak leaves at its zenith
She whispered to him that he would be forever young.
And the capitals -
far from the Don peasant region,
And, like a bird on takeoff, life accidentally falls...
I’m standing by the Don, belatedly and silently calling out:
“His young life, you will turn out differently!”
V. V. Budakov


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