Who is Anna Pletneva? Syrov Kirill Konstantinovich

Anna Pletneva is a well-known singer from the group “Lyceum”, in which the girl became famous and became recognizable and famous. When the girl was studying ballet, she saw her idol, Alla Pugacheva, behind the scenes and did not hesitate to come up and express admiration for her favorite singer. Pugacheva advised Anna to work harder to achieve success.

Anna remembered these words for the rest of her life and works tirelessly. Although Pletneva has a large family, this does not stop her, and the girl achieves her desires and goals.

Fans of the female half are interested in Anna Pletneva’s height, weight, age, how old, because the singer looks like Thumbelina, to the envy of everyone. With a height of 151 cm, she weighs 46 kg and Anna Pletneva is getting prettier every year. The singer’s photos in her youth and now differ significantly.

If earlier we saw a curly-haired cutie, now Anna is a fatal beauty who flaunts in revealing outfits and drives most of the male half crazy. Although Pletneva turns forty-one this year, she is not yet thirty years old.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Pletneva

The biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva was not always colorful and cloudless. A girl was born into a family of musicians on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Father - Yuri Pletnev and mother always supported their daughter in all endeavors. After graduating from school, where one of the main subjects was music and choreography, she entered the State Academy of Arts for pop-jazz singing.

In 1997, Pletneva became a member of the Lyceum group, where she worked for eight years. During these years, Anna meets Sergei, whom she later marries and gives birth to a daughter. But the marriage did not last long, and the couple separated.

Later, Pletneva meets her second future husband, Kirill, who gives her not only love, but also faith in herself. After his convictions, Anna begins a solo career and creates the Vintage group, with the financial support of her husband. During her solo career, the singer has released five albums and is not going to stop there.

Family and children 👉 Anna Pletneva

Who supports the singer in life is the family and children of Anna Pletneva. A woman is happy when she is happy at home. Her husband is a stone wall, who protects and takes care of his beloved, and children who bring her happiness. A mother of many children, who, thanks to her loved ones, did not give up her career, is infinitely grateful to them.

Now the family lives in a four-story country house, away from the bustle of the city, where they enjoy happiness. Anna has a devoted husband, beautiful children and a beloved mother, whom she loves madly.

Son 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s son, Kirill Syrov, was born in 2009 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. The couple really wanted a son, because they already had two girls, so the long-awaited boy pleased the parents. Anna, being pregnant, said that if it was a son, she would name him as her beloved husband.

Kirill Jr., as he is called in the family, is a very calm and friendly boy. “My girls are not like that,” Anna laughs, “But he is so gentle and sweet.” Anna shares that when children hug her, these are the sweetest moments.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Varvara Pletneva

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Varvara, was born in 2003 in the singer’s first marriage. When she was pregnant, she devoted all her time to work and the stage. Anna was working in her fortieth week, and almost gave birth to a girl on stage. After giving birth, the girl was already performing two weeks later, and the grandmother stayed with the baby when the singer went to concerts.

Pletneva believes that her daughter will follow in her footsteps, since she has been a musical child since childhood. She is not indifferent to the guitar, she loved to touch the strings and listen to her mother play and sing.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Maria Syrova

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Maria Syrova, was born in 2005 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. This pregnancy, compared to the first, was calm and easy. Anna was often on vacation, breathing fresh air and enjoying her position.

Maria is very friendly with her sister, because they are only two years apart. Of course, there are arguments and shouting, says Anna, but they quickly pass it by. If earlier the singer emptied stores for herself, now she pampers her girls, buying them the best outfits.

Ex-husband of 👉 Anna Pletneva - Sergei

Anna Pletneva’s ex-husband, Sergei, was married to the singer for a short time. The couple met, they had a good relationship, and the lovers decided to register their marriage. When Anna found out about her pregnancy, the future father was afraid of responsibility; he was not ready for this and left his wife after she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara.

Pletneva recalls with horror those terrible times for her, she was completely at a loss, and the pain that she was betrayed by her most beloved and dear person did not go away for a long time.

Husband 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s husband, Kirill Syrov, sought his love on every occasion, which brought their fate together for fifteen years. These were fleeting meetings that Anna did not pay attention to and did not take the man seriously. But the fateful next meeting of the couple happened when the man bought Pletneva’s hotel room and Anna had nowhere to live, and then closer communication began, in which the girl was able to appreciate her future husband.

In 2005, Anna and Kirill got married, and in the same year they had a daughter together, Maria. Syrov is an exemplary and loving family man who became his wife’s producer.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Pletneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Pletneva are the favorite pages of fans who will be interested in learning all the news of their favorite singer. Anna enjoys maintaining contact with her subscribers by posting photos of her family. Like any loving mother, most of the pictures can be seen in which her children pose for the cameras.

Also, for those interested in the work and biography of Anna Pletneva, on Wikipedia you can find out all the details of her life path, her years of activity, discography and awards.

Anna Yuryevna Pletnyova was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Anya was fond of music since childhood, was artistic, and aspired to the stage. The girl also had an idol - Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Young Anya went to all the performer’s performances and carefully kept the piece of paper with his autograph.

Already when the girl became famous, she crossed paths with her childhood idol on tour. In a friendly company, Anna told the singer about her former crush on him and her dream of singing together on stage. The dream came true that same day.

Vladimir invited Anna to sing with him one of the compositions from his repertoire. Anna admits that the period of her passion for Presnyakov was not in vain. This encouraged her to strive to get into show business, to constantly develop and improve.

The beginning of a singing career

Pletneva’s singing career started in 1997 in the Lyceum trio. She took the vacated place of Elena Perova. The team at that time was already known and loved, so Anna immediately plunged into the atmosphere of tours, rehearsals, interviews, and public adoration.

Anna Pletneva with other members of the Lyceum group

Anna worked at the Lyceum for 8 years. During this time, she learned all the nuances of show business, grew stronger creatively, and developed a solo career. The rapid desire to develop further prompted Anna to leave the group. There is another version of her leaving. Anna’s departure from this group coincided with the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine and they say that Ms. Pletnyova refused to speak out in support of the protesters.
In parallel with her activities in the Lyceum trio, Anna managed to master the profession of a sculptor and become a vocal teacher.

Anna Pletneva on the set of the video "Strong Girl"

The second musical group in Anna’s career was the “Coffee with Rain” band. The next and rather successful step was the creation of the Vintage team. In addition to Anna, the group also included Alexey Romanof (singer and sound producer) and dance performer Miya.

Anna Pletneva and Mikhail Galustyan in the video "When you're near"

In 2016, our heroine left the Vintage project and began performing under the name Anna Pletnyova. Moreover, her name is considered a stage brand and implies two performers, Anna herself, as well as her faithful colleague in the work of Alexei Romanof.

Anna Pletneva and Marina Fedunkiv in the video "Girlfriend"

Anna is no stranger to shocking. The singer is not afraid of revealing outfits, provocative songs, or intriguing events. For example, in 2016, Anna published a photo on her Instagram from the delivery room, where she, while on a gynecological chair, was holding a newborn baby in her arms. Many fans began to write congratulations to Anna. Enjoying the excitement that the news generated, Anna announced that she had posted a photo from the filming of a new video. At the same time, she thanked all the people who congratulated her, saying that she actually did not deceive anyone. Each clip is essentially a mini-birth.

Personal life

Anna has three children, daughters Varvara and Maria, son Kirill. Anna's first husband (Varvara's father) left the family almost immediately after the baby was born. The singer says that the man was not ready for family life and raising his daughter; at heart he was still a child. Anna then went through difficult times. She had to work on stage until the 40th week of pregnancy, while still struggling with bouts of depression. She realized that she would not have to wait for help from her husband while still carrying her daughter.

Anna Pletneva with her second husband Kirill Syrov

Anna's second husband and father of her two youngest children, Kirill Syrov. The man is engaged in business; he is one of the co-owners of the Valenta company, which occupies a leading position in the domestic space in the production of medicines.

People close to the musical community say that the “Vintage” project was created with the financial support of Mr. Syrov. There is practically no public information about Anna’s wife; it is only known that his wealth is sufficient to be called an oligarch. Already married, the couple, while on vacation in Tahiti, ordered a wedding ceremony according to local customs, probably to cement their relationship even more reliably.

Anna Pletneva with daughters from her second marriage

According to the zodiac sign Anna is Leo, according to the Chinese horoscope it is Snake.

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The lead singer of the Vintage group shocked her fans with unexpected news. Anna Pletneva published a photograph in which she is depicted on a gynecological chair, presumably after giving birth. The singer holds a newborn baby in her arms. The child's father stands next to her. "Girl!" - the star signed the photo.

Needless to say, the singer’s fans were shocked by the happy news. The fact is that Anna did not show the slightest signs of pregnancy in her latest photos on Instagram.

By the way, many young mothers hide their interesting situation until the last moment. Girls even post pictures from months ago on social networks, passing them off as new. This is done so that no one will realize that their belly is actually growing. Therefore, Anna’s fans easily believed that she gave birth to a fourth child.

“Oh, I saw Anna a month ago. Hmm... Not a hint of a tummy... Please accept my sincere congratulations,” “Come on! I went to Wikipedia and was stunned, do you already have three children? And now there are four? Even if this is a joke, I’m still completely shocked and delighted by your figure and your professional activities!”, “Anya, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Health to you and your baby”, “Congratulations! So unexpected, let everything be fine,” fans of the star wrote.

Pletneva did not deceive subscribers for long on her microblog and revealed the secret of “pregnancy.” Following the photo, she published a video that demonstrates that the scene with the baby is just an episode of the new “Vintage” video.

“Thank you, my children, for your congratulations! Each clip is a small birth! Expect your baby by September,” the singer captioned the video.

Interestingly, this is not the only example where Anna behaves somewhat shockingly. Thus, a girl often chooses provocative outfits for performances and filming videos, which confuse the public. In addition, on stage and during the recording of music videos, Pletneva allows herself ambiguous behavior.

It is worth noting that in life the singer behaves completely differently. She is the mother of three children and an exemplary wife.

Anna Pletnyova is a fairly popular Russian pop singer. She became famous during her years of work in the group “Litsa”. Currently, the woman sings in the group “Vintage”. She actively performs, gives concerts, records songs and films videos.

Currently, our heroine is happy in her personal life. She lives with Kirill Syrov. This is the artist's second marriage. Before that, she was married to a man about whom almost nothing is known. The Vintage star is raising two daughters and a son. The artist does not rule out that if God allows, she will be able to become a mother again.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Pletneva

Recently, a popular pop singer was featured in one of the programs. Anna's fans found out what her height, weight, and age are. How old Anna Pletnyova is is not a secret. It is easy to answer the question by doing some simple arithmetic. In just a few months, the singer will cross her 40th birthday. In honor of this event, songs are already being recorded and videos are being filmed.

Anna Pletnyova, whose photos in her youth and now can be seen on her Instagram page, are beautiful, young and petite. She is of small age, which is only 153 cm. And the singer’s weight is only 47 kg.

Food always plays a big role in the life of an artist. She cooks excellent dishes, mainly Russian cuisine.

Biography and personal life of Anna Pletneva

The baby was born in the late 70s. Father and mother paid great attention to the girl. They tried to develop her creative talent. In the mid-80s, Anechka studied at a school in the capital, where she studied musical and choreographic art in depth. At this time, Pletnyova became a member of the Ostankino ballet studio. She performed as part of the team at many events.

The girl loved to sing. Her dream was to sing in a duet with Igor Nikolaev. Only after many years did this come true.

After graduating from school, she studied at one of the capital’s universities, where she learned the basics of singing in the pop-jazz style. Then for some time she was a teacher at the State Classical Academy. In mid-1996, the girl was offered to become a soloist of one of the very popular pop groups “Lyceum”. At this time, Lena Perova left the team.

Our heroine worked in a group for 8 years, and then began to engage in solo work. Since 2006, the singer became a member of the newly created Vintage group, in which Alexey Romanof began singing with her. Since that time, the artist has become incredibly popular. She performed, traveled to cities in Russia and neighboring countries, and recorded new compositions.

In mid-2009, the artist graced the page of Maxim magazine. Pletnyova was recognized as the sexiest girl in the world.

The biography and personal life of Anna Pletnyova currently represents a lot of interesting and idle gossip. The pop star is married to her second husband, Kirill Syrov. The married couple has a son and two daughters.

Family and children of Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva’s family and children currently occupy all the artist’s attention. The woman, despite a fruitful artistic career, raises children herself. And the husband for our heroine is a true friend and loved one.

Mom worked as a music teacher in an ordinary metropolitan school. She noticed the girl’s talent and began to actively develop it. Currently, the woman is raising her grandchildren while her daughter goes on tour.

Anna's father worked at one of the enterprises in Moscow. The man now leads the life of an ordinary Russian pensioner. He enjoys digging in the soil, planting plants, and raising chickens. Our heroine's dad loves to go hunting and fishing.

Son of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

In 2009, our heroine became a mother for the third time. This time a boy was born. His weight is 3 kg 750 g, and his height is 57 cm. The baby developed quickly. For his sake, the woman left artistic activity for some time. She did an excellent job with her role.

The boy is currently studying at school. He enjoys learning to read, write and count. In his free time, Anna Pletneva’s son, Kirill Syrov, attends a music school and sports section. He dreams of becoming a football player. The boy knows all the football stars and collects their photographs. Among Kiryusha's treasures is the autograph of Christian Ronaldo and Pele. And the boy is a fan of the Lokomotiv football club.

Anna Pletnyova's daughters – Varvara and Maria

The daughters of Anna Pletnyova, Varvara and Maria, were born in different marriages of the Vintage star. The girls are studying at school. In their free time, they spend all their time together and with their younger brother.

Varya was born in 2003. But the birth of a daughter did not save her parents’ first marriage. Soon they separated. Currently, Varya enjoys dancing and singing. She dreams of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a singer.

Maria was born in the woman’s second marriage. The girl is thinking about becoming an actress. In the meantime, he often performs in theatrical productions of the school drama theater. Masha can play any character.

Former husband of Anna Pletneva

Almost nothing is known about the first wife of the popular pop singer. Even the man’s name is hidden from the attention of fans.

According to the singer herself, she met a guy at one of her corporate performances. Anna performed there, and the young man was a guest. After meeting, the lovers began to meet secretly. After our heroine became pregnant, they got married. The wedding passed quietly. There were only a few guests there.

After the birth of their daughter Varya, Anna Pletneva’s ex-husband began to feel burdened by his paternity. He expressed displeasure when the baby cried. This led to the divorce. Currently, the man does not take part in Varya’s life and does not communicate with his ex-wife.

Anna Pletnyova's husband - Kirill Syrov

The artist’s first meeting with Kirill Syrov took place during her student years. Then they separated. During this time, the young man started a family and became a father, and then separated.

After breaking up with her first husband, the Vintage star met Kirill again by chance. The man began to persistently court the girl. At first she ignored his advances, and then she realized that she could not live without him. Soon the family was replenished with a daughter, Mashenka, and a few years later also with a son, Kirill, named after his dad.

Anna Pletnyova's husband, Kirill Syrov, is engaged in business. He has a company that is doing quite well. A man often surprises his beloved, giving gifts and flowers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva’s Instagram and Wikipedia are of interest to the woman’s many fans who want to learn about the singer’s life.

The artist runs pages on social networks. She works on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Instagram. Subscribers can view photos of the “Vintage” star’s loved ones and her friends. More than 300 thousand people have subscribed to the page, who actively like pictures and write wishes to her.

The woman, like other creative people, has a Wikipedia page. Here you can find out a lot of information about the singer’s career. But on the page you cannot find out about Anna's parents. However, you can find out about Pletneva’s second husband and her three children.

Anna Yuryevna Pletneva is a Russian actress and singer, previously a vocalist in the groups “Lyceum” and “Vintage”, and recently began a solo career. The girl's whole life was connected with art.

She graduated from music school, toured with a children's ballet group in her youth, and writes songs herself. It was Anya who composed the soundtracks for such TV series as “Kadetstvo” and “Kremlin Cadets”. The artist always managed to achieve her desired goals. This was helped by persistent character, perseverance and desire to develop. A talented woman was born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow.

Childhood and falling in love with an idol

Little Anya grew up in a family of musicians. Parents constantly had to worry about the girl’s unpredictable character. Surprisingly, as a child she had almost no interest in music.

As often happens, chance changed everything. As a teenager, Pletneva fell in love with Vladimir Presnyakov. The girl attended all his concerts and most of all dreamed of one day sharing the stage with her idol, so she took up music seriously.

The future artist had the singer’s autograph, which her brother managed to get. Every night before going to bed, she pulled it out from under her pillow and examined it. As a result, the paper crumbled into dust. But the girl still managed to sing with Vladimir, although not right away. One day they were flying together on tour, and Anya told Presnyakov about her childhood dream. That same evening they performed the composition “Zurbagan” together.

Anna studied at specialized school No. 1113, which provided for in-depth study of choreography and music. In addition, the girl went to music school and studied ballet in the Ostankino group. Already during her school years, she sometimes had to break loose and go on tour.

In 1995, Anya graduated from school, then she decided to enter the State Academy of Arts named after. Maimonides majoring in pop-jazz singing. After finishing her studies, she remained at this institution, but as a teacher. At the same time, the girl studied to become a sculptor; she managed to combine her higher education with touring the Lyceum group.

Cooperation with the Lyceum

The girl was first seen on stage after her appearance in the Lyceum group. Pletneva became one of the soloists; she was hired instead of the fired Elena Perova. At that time, the team had already received several awards, including “Silver Microphone”, “Ostankino Hit Parade” and “Ovation”. The group was also recognized as the best in the country according to the Music Exam program.

For eight years, Anna was a member of the Lyceum group, then she realized that she was ready for a solo career. The girl does not regret the years she spent as part of the group; she believes that they helped her develop creatively. Pletneva compares leaving the Lyceum with receiving a professional diploma. By the way, it was at this time that she received a diploma as a teacher and sculptor.

Career in the Vintage group

After leaving the Lyceum group, the girl was in a confused state. She created the “Coffee with Rain” project, in which Pletneva was a producer and soloist. A year later, in 2006, this team broke up without receiving recognition from the public. At this time, Anya accidentally meets her friend Alexei Romanov, who at that time was performing as part of the Amega group. He was the author of the song “Nine and a Half Weeks,” which Anna performed in the “Coffee with Rain” project.

They talked and realized that they had many similar views on music. Shortly after this, a project called “Vintage” was created. It is noteworthy that the creation of the group was partially sponsored by Anya’s future husband Kirill Syrov. He is one of the owners of the pharmaceutical company Valenta.

In addition to Pletneva and Alexey, the group included dancer Mia. For a long time, the musicians could not decide on a style, so they often experimented, and the singer constantly took advice from arrangers and professional composers. Each album of the group contained songs that were completely different in genre. As a result, Vintage became a fashionable group playing dance music, and their videos were full of sexuality.

On May 27, 2007, the first single entitled “Criminal Love” was released, it was well received by listeners and critics. Shortly after this, the public was able to see the scandalous video “Bad Girl”, in which Elena Korikova starred. For some time, the actress even went on tour with the group.

The composition “Eva” gained particular popularity, which is an allusion to the work of one of Anya’s favorite groups, namely “Guests from the Future”. The song is among the top 20 most striking hits in Russia over the past twenty years. Eva Polna inspired the future artist as a child, so Anna wanted to express her gratitude through creativity.

Worldwide recognition

In the fall of 2009, the album “Sex” appeared on the shelves of music stores. The songs raised relevant topics related to the title. Among them are such compositions as “Striptease”, “Lunatics Girls” and “Hurt Me”. A year later, the singer decided to touch on the topic of the show business industry. The group recorded Russian and English versions of the song “Mickey”, dedicating it to Michael Jackson. In the video, the girl was constantly transforming; by the end of the video, she turned from an ordinary toy into a glamorous character. But the essence did not change at all; this is exactly what the musicians tried to show with their single.

Anya has always attracted attention thanks not only to her talent, but also to her bright appearance. That is why in 2009 Maxim magazine gave her a place in the top five sexiest girls in Russia. In 2012 and 2014, the singer was also included in the top ten most attractive women on the planet according to FHM magazine. Her karate skills help her defend herself from overly intrusive fans.

In January 2016, Elena Rykhalskaya, Pletneva’s psychiatrist, invited her to the “Dreams” project. This series tells about the work of a team of somnologists. Anya recorded a soundtrack of the same name, and also demonstrated her own dreams on the screen. Her filming partners included such actors as Andrei Zhurba and Yana Lyakhovich.

Shortly after this, the singer decided to pursue a solo career, and “Vintage” acquired four new soloists. The girl did not make loud official statements; they remained friends with the musicians. The departure was due to the fact that Anna’s work no longer fit into the usual framework of the team. She did not want to limit herself to dance music; she had accumulated quite a lot of unusual material. Pletneva released the single “Strong Girl”; she is now recording her debut solo album.

Family and personal life

In the summer of 2003, the artist became the wife of a businessman whose name was Sergei. Soon the marriage broke up because the man was not ready for family life. However, after this unsuccessful relationship, the girl still had a daughter, Varvara. It is noteworthy that Pletneva did not stop performing even at 40 weeks; the girl was born practically on stage. After the divorce, the singer lost 10 kilograms and had prolonged depression.

In 2005, Anna again became a married woman, this time she connected her life with Kirill Syrov. The couple had known each other for 15 years before the wedding, but things always didn't work out. Kirill approached Anya first and asked for her phone number. The girl gave the wrong number, and only three years later the second meeting took place. At that time, the businessman already had a child and was in the process of divorcing his wife. Pletneva again ignored the man’s hints.

And only during the third meeting did Kirill finally get lucky. Ten years after an unsuccessful acquaintance, the future spouses met on a plane on the way to Dnepropetrovsk. The businessman stood near Anya’s chair the whole way, but she ignored him again.

However, they crossed paths again in a Dnepropetrovsk hotel. Syrov bought the woman’s reserved room, then helped her with advice, and little by little communication improved. Anna was worried for a long time that Varvara would not like Kirill, so she did not introduce them and did not risk living with him. But the man got along well with her daughter, and soon they had a second girl, she was named Maria. A little later, their son Kirill was born.