Features of fine arts in elementary school. Studying folk art in elementary school in fine arts classes; the influence of Russian folk toys on the formation of a child’s personality

Vanguard(from the French "avant" - "forward" and "garde" - "guard") - a military unit sent forward to prevent a surprise enemy attack on the main forces.

Agora- a city square in Greek cities, including Athens.

Hades- according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, the underground kingdom of the dead.

Akinak- the traditional weapon of the Iranian peoples (including the Scythians) is a short sword, which is more accurately called a long dagger.

Acropolis(from the Greek "akropolis" - "upper city") - an elevated and fortified part of the ancient Greek city, the so-called upper city; fortress (shelter in case of war). On the acropolis there were usually temples to the patron deities of a given city. The most famous is the acropolis in Athens.

Ala(“wing”) - until the beginning of the 1st century. BC. this was the name of the infantry or cavalry unit of the Italian allies of Rome. After receiving as a result of the Allied War of 91-88. BC. By the majority of the Italian population of Roman citizenship, scarlet began to be called an exclusively mounted unit of auxiliary troops numbering from 500 to 1000 people.

Alans- nomadic Iranian tribes related to the Sarmatians. In the 1st century AD came from Inner Asia and settled on the South Russian Plain, east of the Don and north of the Caucasus. In the 3rd century. the Alans repeatedly invaded the Roman province of Thrace; around 370 they were driven west by the Huns. In the 5th century some of them joined the Suevi and Vandals in Gaul and Spain, others crossed in 429 with the Vandals to North Africa.

Gait- movement or movement of a horse: step, trot, gallop, quarry.

Amon- Ancient Egyptian sun god, whom the Greeks and Macedonians identified with Zeus.

Anglo-Saxons- the general name of the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians, who conquered in the 5th-6th centuries. Britain. Later, the Anglo-Saxons, mixing with the Danes, Norwegians and people from the Duchy of Normandy, laid the foundation for the English people.

Crossbow- throwing weapons used in European countries in the Middle Ages: a steel or wooden bow mounted on a wooden machine (stock); the bowstring was pulled tight by the collar. In Rus' they called it a crossbow.

Argeads- a royal family in Macedonia, to which the ancient Macedonian kings belonged, including Alexander the Great.

Ariana- supporters of the teachings of the Alexandrian priest Arius, who argued that God is the Son, i.e. Jesus Christ is not equal to God the Father, but only similar to him. At the First Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church, which took place in 325 in the Asia Minor city of Nicaea under the chairmanship of Emperor Constantine, the Nicene Creed was adopted, according to which God is one in three persons and all these three incarnations (God the Father, God the Son and God -holy spirit) are equal. The teachings of Arius were declared heresy, and he and his most prominent adherents were sent into exile. Some of them preached Christianity to barbarian tribes, including the Goths. Ironically, a significant number of the Visigoths who fought at Adrianople were Arian, like their enemy Valens.

Arshak(in Greek transcription, where the sound “sh” is absent, Arsak) is the throne name of all the Parthian kings of the Arsacid dynasty, which they took in honor of the founder of the dynasty. Here we're talking about about Arshak XIII Orode.

Arsacids- Parthian dynasty in 250 BC - 224 AD

Rearguard- part of the army following behind the main forces to cover the rear.

Achaemenids- dynasty of ancient Persian kings in 558-330 BC. Founder - Cyrus II. The Achaemenid state, which included most of the countries of the Near and Middle East, reached its greatest prosperity under Darius I; conquered by Alexander the Great.

"Immortals"- the guard of the Persian king, the most combat-ready part of his army. They were so nicknamed for the uniformity of their equipment: when one guard died in battle, another immediately took his place, indistinguishable from the first. The number of “immortals” was ten thousand.

Armor- type of armor. It consisted of a long-length leather shirt, onto which metal rings or plates were sewn. For ease of riding, slits were made in the front and back from the waist to the bottom. From the 12th century gradually replaced by chain mail.

Bulla- in the Middle Ages, a round metal seal, usually sealing papal, imperial, royal acts, as well as the name of the acts themselves.

Burgundians- Germanic tribe. Kingdoms were formed: in the Rhine basin - at the beginning of the 5th century. (conquered by the Huns in 436), in the Rhone basin - in the middle of the 5th century. (conquered by the Franks in 534). The name of the historical region of Burgundy comes from the Burgundians.

Vandals- Germanic tribes. In 429-439 conquered North Africa. In 455, Rome was sacked and many monuments of ancient culture were destroyed (hence the vandalism). By 534, the Vandal state was conquered by Byzantium.

Barbarians- the ancient Greeks and Romans had a common name for all foreigners speaking a language they did not understand.

Grand Master, Master- head of the spiritual knightly order.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania- a state that existed on part of the territory of modern Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine in the XIII-XVI centuries. In order to fight the German knights, it became closer to Poland (Union of Krevo 1385). During the Livonian War, it united with Poland into one state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Union of Lublin 1569).

Velites- lightly armed soldiers dressed in canvas shirts, the youngest and poorest in the Roman army of the Republican period; before the reform of Marius (107 BC) there were 1,200 velites in each Roman legion; they were armed with six two-meter darts, a bow or a sling; were widely used against war elephants.

Visigoths- Germanic tribe, western branch of the Goths. From the 3rd century. occupied the territory from the Dniester to the mouth of the Danube. In 376, fleeing from the Huns, they received permission to settle on the territory of the Roman Empire. In 377 they rebelled against the Romans and defeated the troops of Emperor Valens at Adrianople (378). After this, they received permission to settle on the Balkan Peninsula and occupied the territories of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia. From here they launched devastating raids on Constantinople, and under King Alaric I (395-410) - campaigns in Italy. They settled in Aquitaine, where they founded the first barbarian kingdom on the territory of the Roman Empire. In the 8th century The Visigothic state fell under the onslaught of the Arabs.

Byzantium(Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, capital - Constantinople) - a state of the 4th-15th centuries, formed during the division of the Roman Empire in its eastern part (Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor, South-Eastern Mediterranean). Byzantium achieved its greatest territorial expansion in the 6th century. under Justinian I. Conquests of the Arabs, Slavs, Lombards in the 7th-9th centuries. reduced its territory mainly to part of the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. The capture of Constantinople in 1453 by Turkish troops marked the end of Byzantium.

"Crow"- a lifting boarding ladder-bridge on a Roman warship.

Horsemen- in Rome initially, in the tsarist era and in the early republican period, the nobility fought on horseback. Subsequently, the horsemen turned into the second (after the senators) estate with a property qualification of 400 thousand sesterces. The usual occupation of the horsemen was large-scale trade and collecting taxes from the provinces.

Gauls- Roman name for the Celtic tribes that settled from the 6th century. BC. significant part modern France, Northern Italy and other areas.

Hastati- soldiers of the first line of the legion's combat formation.

Getairs- Macedonian nobility who served in the army of Alexander the Great in heavily armed cavalry. The original meaning of the word is “friends, comrades.”

Hetman(or captain) - commander of an independent detachment.

Hypaspists(literally “shield bearers”) - light-heavy infantry, which was usually built on the flanks of the phalanx and was supposed to protect them.

Gladius- legionary double-edged sword.

Hoplite- warrior of the ancient Greek heavily armed infantry in the V-IV centuries. BC. He had a shell, helmet, leg armor (greaves), in his left hand he held a round shield (all made of metal, bronze or iron), in his right hand - a spear with an iron tip, which was the main type of offensive weapon. On a sling thrown over the shoulder hung a short sword, which was used if the spear became unusable.

Goths- a group of Germanic tribes that came from Scandinavia to Eastern Europe around the end of the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd century. AD and settled territories as far as the Black Sea coast in the south, the lower reaches of the Don in the east and the Danube in the west. The Goths were divided into two main groups: the eastern, or Ostrogoths, and the western, or Visigoths.

Huns- nomadic people, formed in the 2nd-4th centuries. in the Urals from the Turkic-speaking Xiongnu and local Ugrians and Sarmatians. The massive movement of the Huns to the west (from the 70s of the 4th century) gave impetus to the Great Migration of Peoples. In 451, the leader of the Huns, Attila, with all the tribes under his control, invaded Gaul, but was stopped and defeated by the troops of the Western Roman Empire and its allies on the Catalaunian fields.

Hussite movement- the struggle of the Czech people (partly the Slovak people) against the Catholic Church, feudal oppression and German dominance, which resulted in the so-called. Hussite wars 1419-1437

Bishopric of Dorpat- ecclesiastical principality in Livonia (southeast of modern Estonia) in 1224-1558. The head is a Catholic bishop. Liquidated at the beginning of the Livonian War after the capture of Dorpat and other cities by Russian troops.

Jihad- the name of religious war among Muslims. Initially, the word "jihad" meant only "an appeal to non-believers to accept Islam." It is not permitted against those with whom the Muslim sovereign previously concluded a peace treaty. Every Muslim capable of bearing arms is obliged to participate in jihad. Anyone killed in battle is revered as a martyr, who awaits rewards in heaven, described in detail in the Koran and folk legends.

Dictator- in Rome during the Republic, an official who received emergency powers for a period of no more than 6 months. Appointed by resolution of the Senate.

Dominant- unlimited monarchy established in Ancient Rome at the end of the 3rd century. since the time of Emperor Diocletian.

Ancient kingdom- the name of one of the periods in the history of Ancient Egypt (2800-2250 BC)

Dart- a short and light throwing javelin.

eat- Baltic- Finnish tribe, who lived from the middle of the 1st millennium AD. in the interior of Finland. Paid tribute to Rus' since the 13th century. under Swedish rule.

Visor- part of the helmet that covered the face.

Golden Horde- a state founded in the early 40s. XIII century Khan Batu. The Golden Horde included Western Siberia, Northern Khorezm, Volga Bulgaria, Northern Caucasus, Crimea, Desht-i-Kipchak. The Russian principalities were vassals of the Golden Horde. Capitals: Sarai-Batu, from the first half of the 14th century. - Sarai-Berke (Lower Volga region). In the 15th century broke up into the Siberian, Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan and other khanates.

Hieroglyph- non-literal writing, allegorical outline, “recording an idea,” a representative image that plays the role of writing or letters.

Iconian (Rum) Sultanate- a state created by nomads, the Seljuk Turks, on the lands of Asia Minor captured from the Byzantines after 1071. The Sultanate collapsed by the beginning of the 14th century.

"Iliad" is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer. Apparently, it arose in the 9th-8th centuries. BC. based on legends about the Trojan War (hence its name - a poem about Ilion, i.e. Troy).

Helots- state slaves in Sparta. Each Spartan was accompanied to war by seven helots. Thus, at Thermopylae there were 2100 of them.

Emperor- an honorary Roman title, which during the Republic was given to a military leader who won a serious victory over his enemies, usually after winning a general battle. After a triumph (ceremonial entry into Rome), the military leader lost the right to be called emperor. After the establishment of autocracy in Rome, the ruler made this title permanent, starting his personal name with it.

Ipatiev Chronicle- chronicle code from the 13th to early 14th centuries, preserved in the list of the 15th century.

Kaligi- Roman high soldier sandals that leave the toes exposed.

Karakitaev state- a state in Central and Central Asia (about 1140-1213). The rulers bore the title of gurkhans. Conquered by the Naiman, then under the rule of the Mongol-Tatars.

Kare- a rectangular infantry formation capable of fighting in any direction. Usually used to repel cavalry attacks.

Carthage- a city founded by immigrants from Phoenician Tire on the northern coast of Africa, opposite Sicily. The Carthaginians created a powerful maritime power; their fleet dominated the entire Western Mediterranean. Carthaginian ships went beyond the Pillars of Melqart (Strait of Gibraltar) and made voyages to Britain and West Africa. It is even suggested that Phoenician sailors could reach America.

Catapult- a throwing weapon in ancient times, it was used to throw large arrows that were directed not upward, but horizontally. It looked like a crossbow; the arrow lay in a groove, the bowstring was made of twisted guts and was tensioned using a special collar.

Cataphracts(from the Greek "kataphractes" - "closed") - heavily armed cavalry, clad in full metal armor; from the 1st century BC. cataphracts appear among the Parthians, and later in the Roman army.

Quaestor- in the Roman army, deputy commander, in charge of its supplies and financing. In the event of the death or serious injury of the chief, the quaestor could take command upon himself.

Cimbri- Germanic tribes. At the end of the 2nd century. BC. together with the Teutons, they invaded the territory of the Roman Republic in 101 BC. defeated by Gaius Marius at Vercellae.

Kishketen- personal warriors of Genghis Khan.

Wedge(pig) - a combat formation used by German crusaders. It was a trapezoid turning into an elongated triangle. At the tip of the wedge and along its flanks (sometimes in the rear) mounted knights were located. There was infantry inside the formation.

Coalition- a military-political alliance created with the aim of achieving certain one-time goals.

Cohort- a unit of the Roman army, consisting of 6 centuries (3 maniples of 2 centuries); usually its number fluctuated between 450-700 people.

Chariot- a two-wheeled combat vehicle in which the driver (and passenger) stood while moving. Its stability was ensured by the displacement of the axle to the rear of the body and the wheels placed far to the sides. To make it easier, the chariot was equipped with spoked wheels. Harnessed by a pair or four horses.

Comit("companion" of the emperor) - one of the highest court ranks.

Comitia- the people's assembly, the main legislative body of the Roman Republic, which also had electoral and judicial rights. They were divided into comitia curiata - gathered by curiae, comitia tributa - by tribes, comitia centuriata - by centuries.

Consul- consuls were the two highest officials of the Roman Republic, elected by the people's assembly for a period of one year. During the republic, consuls convened the Senate and the People's Assembly and monitored the implementation of decisions made. During the war they commanded armies. At the end of their term of office, the consuls received control of a province and the title of proconsul.

Kurultai- a congress of the Mongolian nobility to discuss important matters.

Curonians- ancient Latvian people in the western part of Latvia. In the VII-VIII centuries. repelled the Scandinavian raids. After stubborn resistance (1210-1267) they were conquered by the German crusaders.

Laurentian Chronicle- written by the monk Lawrence and other scribes in 1377. It is based on the Vladimir arch of 1305. It begins with the “Tale of Bygone Years” (the oldest list).

Legate- Roman officer, commander of the legion.

Legion- the main organizational unit of the Roman army throughout its existence; the standard legion consisted of ten cohorts (a total of 4.5-6 thousand legionnaires), a cavalry detachment of 300 horsemen, as well as throwing machines attached to it, auxiliary units of archers, slingers and dart throwers; depending on the historical period and the specific military-political situation, the Roman army could consist of 4-30 legions.

Lettas (Latgalians)- ancient Latvian people in the eastern part of modern Latvia.

Livonian Landmasterate- possessions of the Teutonic Order in Livonia. Often called the Livonian Order. Destroyed by Russian troops during the Livonian War in 1561.

Do you- Baltic people who inhabited the lower reaches of the Western Dvina.

Lorica- type of armor. It was a tight-fitting leather jacket with metal plaques sewn onto it.

Mazovia- one of the historical regions of Poland, located in the extreme northeast of the country. During the period of feudal fragmentation, it was, in fact, an independent state, with its own geographical location faced with the need to resolve complex foreign policy issues.

Mayordom(senior in the house; palace manager) - an official in the Frankish state under the Merovingians (late 5th - mid-8th century). From the middle of the 7th century. Majordomos largely concentrated state power in their hands. Mayor Pepin the Short became king in 751 and laid the foundation for the Carolingian dynasty.

Maniple- a Roman military unit consisting of 2 centuries.

Margiana- a region in Central Asia located on the Marg River (modern Murghab).

Brand- a monetary unit of weight common in the medieval Western Europe. In different places it could be approximately 210-290 grams of silver.

Medes- a people subject to the authority of the Persian king. Median warriors made up a significant part of the military forces of the Persian state.

Chief of Cavalry- in Rome, assistant to the dictator, the first person under him. Appointed dictator.

New kingdom- period of the history of Ancient Egypt (1580-1070 BC)

Noyon- the name of the leaders of the ancient Mongolian aristocratic families (XI century - first half of the 12th century), then representatives of the nobility (before the formation of the Mongolian People's Republic).

Normans- North Germanic tribes that inhabited Scandinavia and committed in the 8th-11th centuries. predatory campaigns in many European countries.

Nuker- warrior, bodyguard of the Mongol noyon or khan.

Obelisk- a monumental structure in the form of a quadrangular pillar that tapers upward and ends in a small pyramid. Egyptian obelisks were carved from red granite, smoothly polished and covered on all sides with hieroglyphs. They were usually erected in front of palaces and temples in honor of some significant events.

"Odyssey" is an ancient Greek epic poem about the wanderings of Odysseus, attributed to Homer. Created somewhat later than the Iliad (consists of approximately 12,100 verses).

Ecumene- in the ideas of the ancient Greeks, the part of the Earth inhabited by humans. For the first time, a description of the ecumene is found in the Greek geographer of the 6th - early 5th centuries. BC. Hecataeus of Miletus, who included in this concept Europe (except North), Asia Minor and Western Asia, India and North Africa.

Oirat-unnoble Mongol nomadic warrior.

Order of the Hospitallers(Johnnites) - a spiritual knightly order founded in Palestine by the crusaders at the beginning of the 12th century. The original residence was the Jerusalem hospital (home for pilgrims) of St. John. In 1530-1798. St. John on the island of Malta (Order of Malta). Since 1834, the residence of the Johannites has been in Rome.

Order of the Sword- a spiritual knightly order that operated in the Baltic states in the first half of the 13th century. After the defeat from the Lithuanians at Siauliai (1236), he became part of the Teutonic Order (1237).

Order of the Knights Templar(templars) - a spiritual knightly order founded in Jerusalem around 1118 or 1119. It received its name from the location of the residence of the grand master of the order (near the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem). In addition to military activities, members of the order were engaged in trade and usury (in the 13th century they were the largest bankers in Western Europe). In 1312 the order was abolished by the Pope.

Ostrogoths- Germanic tribes who came from Scandinavia to Eastern Europe around the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century. AD and captured territories as far as the Black Sea coast in the south, the lower reaches of the Don in the east and the Danube in the west. Having been driven out of the Northern Black Sea region by the Huns, they moved to the West and created a state in the north-west of the Balkan Peninsula, and then captured Italy. The state of the Ostrogoths fell in 555 under the blows of the Byzantines.

Pan- the deity of wild nature among the Greeks, capable, by the way, of instilling unreasonable fear in people who did not please him in some way (hence the word “panic”).

Panship- the name of the highest nobility in the Czech Republic and Poland

Parthian Kingdom- state in 250 BC-224 AD. southeast of the Caspian Sea. In its heyday (mid-1st century BC) it occupied the space from Mesopotamia to the Indus River. Rival of Rome in the East. From 224 AD its territory was part of the Sassanid state.

Patricia- (from the Latin “pater” - “father”), in Ancient Rome, initially the entire indigenous population who were part of the clan community, and then a privileged part of the citizens, the aristocracy.

Pedzetyry- foot soldiers of the Macedonian phalanx.

Pentera(or quinquereme) - a type of warship with five rows of oars. The battle line in naval battles of this time consisted mainly of penteras. Thus, in the Hellenistic era, the pentera became the main type of warship, just as the trireme (Roman name - trireme) was in the classical era.

Persian kingdom- state-political entity founded by the Persians in 553-550. BC. and existed until 330, when it collapsed under the blows of Alexander the Great. During its period of greatest prosperity, it included the territory of the Near and Middle East. It was under the control of the Achaemenid royal dynasty.

"The Song of Roland"- medieval French epic poem (the earliest and most perfect edition is Oxford, around 1170); The historical basis is formed by legends about the campaigns of Charlemagne in Spain against the Arabs. Roland, the main character of the poem, is the embodiment of chivalry and patriotism.

Pechenegs- unification of Turkic and other tribes in the 8th-9th centuries. in the Volga steppes, in the 9th century. in the southern Russian steppes; nomadic pastoralists. They raided Rus'. In 1036 they were defeated by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Some of the Pechenegs moved to Hungary.

Pilum- a Roman throwing spear on a thick wooden shaft one and a half to two meters long.

Pythia- priestess-soothsayer in the famous temple of the ancient Greek god Apollo in the city of Delphi. Sitting on a tripod, she uttered predictions in a state of ecstasy, which the priests wrote down in poetic form.

Plebeians- in Rome there was initially a free population that was not part of the clan community. As a result of a persistent struggle with the patricians (beginning of the 5th - beginning of the 3rd century BC), they achieved inclusion in the Roman people and equal rights with the patricians. IN figuratively- commoners.

Later kingdom- one of the periods in the history of Ancient Egypt (1070-525 BC).

Policy- a Greek city-state, which was also a civil community of full citizens. The territory of the policy usually included the urban center itself and the chora - the neighboring agricultural district.

Cumans- nomadic Turkic-speaking people who were part of the 9th-early 11th centuries. to the Kimak Kaganate (in Southwestern Siberia). From the middle of the 11th century, the Polovtsians occupied the Eastern European steppes, invaded the Northern Black Sea region, displacing the Pechenegs from there. From the end of the 12th century. they settle in the Volga-Dnieper interfluve, nicknamed the “Polovtsian steppe” (Dasht-i-Kipchak). From the end of the 11th to the beginning of the 13th century. controlled almost the entire territory of Taurica, carried out constant raids on Russian lands. The Byzantines called them Komans, Cumans, and Russian sources called them Kipchaks. Later, the Cumans entered the Tatar Golden Horde, constituting one of the main components of its population.

Sling- throwing weapons. It was a rope or leather belt approximately one and a half meters long with a woven, sewn or made entirely belt, with a cup-shaped widening in the middle. One end of the sling was made smooth, and the other had a loop that was put on the hand.

Praetor- in Rome the second highest ranking public position (after consul). The praetor was responsible for legal proceedings in Rome. After the expiration of the term, he received control of one of the provinces with the right of commander-in-chief.

Prefects- at different times, commanders of auxiliary detachments, military bases, formations of warships; praetorian prefect - head of the praetorian guard.

Primipil- first centurion of the first cohort, senior centurion of the legion.

Principate- in Ancient Rome, a specific form of monarchy, in which republican institutions are formally preserved. The period of the Principate, or early empire, covers the time from 27 BC. to 193 AD [rule of the Julio-Claudian dynasties (27 BC - 68 AD), Flavian (69-96), Antonin (96-192)]. Augustus and his successors, being princeps of the Senate, simultaneously concentrated the highest civil and military power in their hands. Formally, the republican structure continued to exist: the Senate, popular assemblies (comitia), magistrates, but actual power was in the hands of the princeps.

Principles- soldiers of the second line of the legion's combat formation.

Provinces- a territory under the rule of Rome and located outside Italy.

Prussians- a group of Baltic tribes that inhabited part of south coast Baltic Sea. In the 13th century conquered by the Teutonic Order, and then merged with German settlers. Prussia was named after the Prussian tribes.

Pune- Roman name for the Carthaginians; hence the wars of Rome against Carthage are called Punic.

Early kingdom- one of the periods in the history of Ancient Egypt (2000-2800 BC).

Regent- a person who actually governs the state on behalf of a minor ruler.

Saxons- a group of Germanic tribes. They lived between the lower reaches of the Rhine and Elbe rivers. In the V-VI centuries. Some of the Saxons took part in the conquest of Britain. Mainland Saxons in 772-804. were subjugated by the Franks.

Samnites- ancient Italian mountain tribes engaged primarily in cattle breeding. In the 5th century BC. part of the Samnites settled in the west and southwest of the Apennine Peninsula. In the second half of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd century. BC. waged wars with Rome, which ended with their conquest. The Samnites supported the commanders Pyrrhus and Hannibal in the fight against Rome. Almost completely exterminated by the Roman commander Sulla (1st century BC).

Saracens- in the Middle Ages in Europe, this was the name given to Arabs and some other peoples of the Middle East, as well as Muslims in general.

Sarissa- a long spear (up to 5.4 meters) with a lead counterweight at the blunt end of the shaft, which the warriors of the Macedonian phalanx were armed with.

Sassanians- dynasty of Persian shahs (kings) in 224-651. Founder - Ardashir I. The Sassanid state was conquered by the Arabs (7th century).

Satrapy- military-administrative district of the Persian kingdom, ruled by a satrap.

Shogun- the title of the rulers of Japan in 1192-1867, during which the imperial dynasty was deprived of real power.

Shogunate- government of shoguns in Japan in 1192-1867. Also called bakufu.

villages(selony) - Old Latvian tribal union, which occupied by the 13th century. lands in the south of modern Latvia and a neighboring area in the northeast of modern Lithuania. Subordinated in the 30s. XIII century German crusaders.

Semigalians (Semigallians)- an ancient Latvian tribe in the middle part of Latvia, in the Lielupe river basin. In the 13th century waged a stubborn struggle against the German crusaders, and by 1290 they fell under the rule of the crusaders. Subsequently, merging with other Latvian tribes, they became part of the Latvian people.

Senate- in Rome, a government body consisting of 600 senators - former military officials, a magistrate. The Senate approved laws and election results, controlled the activities of magistrates and gave them advice, and resolved issues foreign policy, supervised finances and observance of sacred rituals.

Syracuse- the most powerful of the Greek states of Sicily. The ruler of Syracuse owned most of the eastern coast of the island.

Scutarii ("shield bearers")- bodyguards of the emperor.

Scutum- large legionary shield; as a rule, it had a rectangular or oval shape in plan and rounded when viewed from above.

Middle Kingdom- one of the periods in the history of Ancient Egypt (2050-1700 BC).

Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)- a war between England, France and their allies over English possessions on the continent. Ended in victory for France.

Strategists- officials in Athens; ten people were elected annually by the people's assembly and represented the executive power. Their main task was to lead the Athenian militia and fleet. The word "strategist" itself means "military leader."

Strategy- development and implementation of military policy, military doctrine and military concepts; the highest branch of military art, covering the planning, organization and conduct of war, campaigns and operations.

Sum(Suomi) - an ancient Finnish tribe. Since the conquest in the middle of the 12th century. Sumi, who lived on the southwestern coast of the country, the conquest of Finland by Sweden began. Subsequently, together with other tribes, it formed the Finnish people.

Surena- Commander-in-Chief of the Parthian army.

Taborites- a radical movement among the followers of Hus, which had the majority of supporters among the peasant poor and was named after its main stronghold - the fortified city of Tabora, which was founded by peasants who fled from their estates on one of the most inaccessible peaks of the South of the Czech Republic. At the head of the military detachments of the Taborites were elected hetmans.

Taxiarch- commander of a taxis, an infantry unit in the Macedonian army, numbering approximately 1,500 people.

Tactics- a composite field of military art, covering the theory and practice of training and conducting combat by units, units (ships) and formations of all types of armed forces, combat arms and special forces. The theory of tactics studies the patterns, nature, content and methods of conducting combat operations.

Talent- a weight and counting unit in ancient times. The most common account was for the Attic talents (26.196 kg).

Tanguts- people of the Tibeto-Burman group. In the 10th century created the state of Xi-Xia in northern China. After the defeat of the state by the Mongols, they disappeared as an independent ethnic group; part of the Tanguts became part of the Tibetans of Qinghai province.

Warband- Catholic spiritual knightly order, founded at the end of the 12th century. in Palestine during the Crusades. In the 13th century in 1525, in the Baltic states, on lands seized by the order from the Prussians, Lithuanians, and Poles, the state of the Teutonic Order existed. The Order suffered a major defeat in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410. Since 1466 it has been a vassal of Poland. In 1525, his possessions in the Baltic states were transformed into the secular Duchy of Prussia.

Teutons- a Germanic tribe that lived during the time of Julius Caesar near the northeastern Roman borders. Simultaneously with the Cimbri they carried out a large invasion - an “invasion” of Gaul and Italy in 113-101. BC.

Tyranny- in Ancient Greece, a form of government established by force and based on individual rule.

Triarii- soldiers of the third line of the legion's combat formation.

Trier- the main type of warship of that time. It had three rows of oars on each side and a bronze ram. In addition to the sailors, each trireme had a boarding crew. For the Athenians, it consisted of 14 hoplites (heavily armed warriors) and 4 archers.

Thirteen Years' War (1454-1466)- Poland's war with the Teutonic Order. The victory of Poland was secured by the Peace of Torun in 1466, according to which Eastern Pomerania (with Gdansk), the lands of Chelmin, Mikhailovsk and others were transferred to Poland; The Teutonic Order recognized itself as a vassal of the Polish king.

Triumvirate- during the civil wars of the 1st century. BC. an alliance of three influential political figures and generals with the goal of seizing state power. The 1st triumvirate arose in 60 (or 59) as a private agreement between Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey and Marcus Licinius Crassus; in 56 in the city of Luka, during a meeting of the triumvirs, the alliance was confirmed. The initiative and leading role in the alliance belonged to Caesar. In fact, soon after its creation, the 1st Triumvirate became the Roman government. Disintegrated after the death of Crassus in 53. The 2nd triumvirate arose at the beginning of the civil wars after the death of Caesar in November 43. It included Octavian (Augustus), Mark Antony and Mark Aemilius Lepidus - Caesarians who united against the murderers of Caesar - Brutus, Cassius , other Republicans and the Senate. The 2nd triumvirate, unlike the 1st, was approved by the comitia, the triumvirs received emergency powers “for the organization of state affairs.” It actually collapsed in 36 (formally it existed until 31 BC).

Tumen- the highest organizational and tactical unit of the Mongol-Tatar army in the XII-XIV centuries. numbering 10 thousand soldiers; was divided into thousands, and those into hundreds and tens; was headed by a temnik.

Turks-Seljuks - a people that emerged in the 10th century. in Central Asia on the basis of a small Turkmen tribe of Oghuz Turks led by a leader from the Seljuk clan. By the middle of the 11th century. they conquered part of Central Asia, the lands of Iran, Transcaucasia, Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor.

Turcopoles- in the Christian states of the East, light cavalry (often horse archers) was recruited, for the most part, from the local population.

Tysyatsky- commander of the city militia in Novgorod, at the same time in charge of the court for trade matters and tax collection.

Umbon- metal top of the shield; umbo itself - the pommel of a Roman legionary shield; on its outer side various figures and signs were often minted or engraved, for example, the personal emblem of the owner of the shield; inside there was data identifying the legionnaire: name, unit number, etc.; it is believed that in cases where the umbon was made not of a hemispherical, but of a conical shape, it could serve in hand-to-hand combat as an auxiliary striking element

Pharaoh- literally "Great House", an allegorical designation of the Egyptian king.

Phalanx- a close combat formation of the Greek army, consisting of several rows (usually from 8 to 12) of hoplites. When attacking, the rear ranks pressed against the front ones, thereby increasing the force of the frontal attack on the enemy. The place of the warrior who fell in the front row was immediately replaced by another from the next row. To keep the formation in line, the phalanx usually went on the attack to the sound of a flute.

Franks- Germanic tribes who lived in the 3rd century. along the Lower and Middle Rhine. They were divided into Salic and Ripuarian. Under Clovis I (486-511) the Frankish state was formed.

Canaan- the ancient name of Palestine.

Hittites- an ancient people who lived in the central part of Asia Minor. Founded the Hittite kingdom. The Hittites were the first people known to us to smelt iron and trade in iron tools.

Banner- 1. Battle banner. 2. A structural and tactical unit of a medieval army, a detachment of knights who fought under one banner. The number of banners ranged from 180 to 300 people.

Centurion- the commander of a Roman combat unit of 100 people, a century, selected from experienced soldiers or appointed by the commander.

Chashniki- moderate wing of the Hussites. Having concluded an agreement (Prague Compacts) with Catholic forces in 1433, they inflicted a decisive defeat (1434) on the Taborites at Lipan.

Black Earth(Ta-Kemet) - this is how the Egyptians called their country, thereby emphasizing its difference from the kingdom of the evil god Set, the red and yellow sands of the desert outside the Nile Valley.

Scaly carapace- armor consisting of a leather base and metal plates-scales sewn onto it, like tiles.

Electr(or white gold) is an alloy of gold and silver, widely used in jewelry and later in coinage in ancient times. Could be either natural or artificial.

Hellas- traditional name of Greece.

Hellenes- self-name of the ancient Greeks.

Emir- V Muslim countries title of a ruler or person who belonged to a ruling dynasty.

Esty- the ancient name of the Estonians.

Echelon- a military part of a combat formation of troops or a marching column, in which the second echelon is located in depth or a ledge behind the first, the third behind the second, etc.

List of dates on Russian history 862 - 1618

  • 1. 862 Rurik’s calling to Novgorod
  • 2. 879 Death of Rurik
  • 3. 882 Unification of Novgorod and Kyiv under the rule of Oleg
  • 4. 882-912 Reign of Prince Oleg Kyiv
  • 5. 912 - 945 Reign of Prince Igor in Kyiv
  • 6. 945 Murder of Igor by the Drevlyans
  • 7. 945 -957 Reign of Princess Olga in Kyiv
  • 8. 957-972 Reign of Prince Svyatoslav in Kyiv
  • 9. 980 -- 1015 Reign of Prince Vladimir in Kyiv
  • 10. 988 Baptism of Rus'
  • 11. 1019 -- 1054 Reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise
  • 12. 1043 The last military clash between Rus' and Byzantium
  • 13. 1097 Lyubech Congress - the beginning of fragmentation in Rus'
  • 14. 1113-1125 Reign of Prince Vladimir Monomakh in Kyiv
  • 15. 1125-- 1157 Reign of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in Suzdal
  • 16. 1147 First mention of Moscow
  • 17. 1157 - 1174 Reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in Vladimir
  • 18. 1176 -- 1212 Reign of Prince Vsevolod Big Nest in Vladimir
  • 19. 1185 Campaign of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians,
  • 20. 1123 Battle of Kalka
  • 21. 1237 - 1242 Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus', the beginning of Mongol-Tatar rule
  • 22. 1240 Battle of the Neva
  • 23. 1242 Battle of the Ice
  • 24. 1315 -- 1341 Reign of Gediminas in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  • 25. 1327 Uprising in Tver against Baskak Chol Khan
  • 26. 1325 -- 1340 Reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow
  • 27. 1359-- 1389 Reign of Prince Dmitry Donskoy in Moscow
  • 28. 1378 Battle of the Vozha River
  • 29. 1380 Battle of Kulikovo
  • 30. 1389-- 1425 Reign of Vasily I in Moscow
  • 31. 1410 Battle of Grunwald
  • 32. 1433 Construction of the Chamber of Facets was completed
  • 33. 1462-- 1505 Reign of Prince Ivan III in Moscow
  • 34. 1478 Annexation of Novgorod to Moscow
  • 35. 1480 Standing on the Ugra, the end of Mongol-Tatar rule over Russia
  • 36. 1485 Annexation of Tver to Moscow
  • 37. 1497 Code of Laws of Ivan III
  • 38. 1505 -- 1533 Reign of Prince Vasily III
  • 39. 1514 Capture of Smolensk by Russian troops
  • 40. 1533 -- 1584 Reign of Ivan IV the Terrible
  • 41. 1547 Proclamation of Ivan IV the Terrible as Tsar
  • 42. 1549 First Zemsky Sobor
  • 43. 1550 Code of Law of Ivan IV the Terrible
  • 44. 1550 Military reform of Ivan IV the Terrible
  • 45. 1552 Capture of Kazan by Russian troops
  • 46. ​​1556 Annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate to Russia
  • 47. 1558 -- 1583 Livonian War
  • 48. 1564 The first printed book in Rus' “Apostle” by Ivan Fedorov
  • 49. 1565 -- 1572 Oprichnin of Ivan IV the Terrible
  • 50. 1581 -- 1584 Ermak's campaign in Siberia
  • 51. 1581 Decree on the introduction of reserved years
  • 52. 1576-1584 Reign of Ivan the Terrible
  • 53. 1584 - 1598 Reign of Fyodor Ivanovich
  • 54. 1598 - 1605 Reign of Boris Godunov
  • 55. 1603 Cotton's Rebellion
  • 56. 1605 Appearance of False Dmitry I
  • 57. 1608 - 1610 Reign of False Dmitry II
  • 58. 1598 - 16013 Time of Troubles in Russia
  • 59. 1612 Liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders
  • 60. 1613 Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom

List of terms

memorable historical date term

  • 1. VECHE - people's assembly in Rus'.
  • 2. PEOPLE'S MILITARY - a military formation consisting of citizens and created on a voluntary basis in the event of hostilities.
  • 3. MORES - customs, ways of life public life.
  • 4. Paganism -- religious beliefs, characterized by the fact that each tribe and people had many of their own gods.
  • 5. TRIBUTE - natural or monetary collection from conquered tribes and peoples.
  • 6. COLONIZATION - settlement, development of empty lands.
  • 7. DRUGHINA - an armed group of people who make up the prince’s army.
  • 8. PRINCE - military leader, stood at the head of the squad
  • 9. POLYUDYA - detour prince of Kyiv with a squad of their lands to collect tribute.
  • 10. Pogosts - places for collecting tribute. They were established by the reform of Princess Olga.
  • 11. LESSONS - the amount of tribute and the tribute itself in Ancient Rus'. They were established by the reform of Princess Olga.
  • 12. BISHOP - the highest clergyman in the Orthodox and other churches, the head of the church district.
  • 13. HERESY - a teaching that deviates from the dominant provisions of religious teaching, which are considered an immutable truth and not subject to criticism.
  • 14. METROPOLITAN - the title of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • 15. CHURCH STATUTE - a set of rules governing the activities of the church.
  • 16. BOYARIN - senior warrior, large landowner, owner of an estate.
  • 17. VOTCHINA - hereditary land holding.
  • 18. DYNASTIC MARRIAGE - a marriage between representatives of the ruling dynasties of different states.
  • 19. GOVERNOR - the head of local government appointed by the central government.
  • 20. BASKAK - representative of the Horde Khan in Rus'.
  • 21. EXIT - regular tribute that was collected in Rus' for the Khan of the Golden Horde.
  • 22. YARLYK - a khan’s charter, which gave the Russian princes the right to rule in their principalities.
  • 23. BOYAR DUMA - the highest advisory body under the Grand Duke.
  • 24. FEEDING - a system of maintaining officials at the expense of the local population.
  • 25. LOCALITY - the order of filling senior positions depending on the nobility of the family and the importance of the positions occupied by the ancestors.
  • 26. TAXES - obligatory payments established by the state, levied on the population.
  • 27. OKOLNICHIY - the second most important rank of a member of the Boyar Duma.
  • 28. ELDERLY - monetary collection from peasants when leaving the feudal lord on St. George’s Day.
  • 29. ESTATE - conditional land holding given for military and public service without the right of sale, exchange, or inheritance.
  • 30. LANDARDER - owner of the estate.
  • 31. NOBLEMS - people who received a land allotment for serving the sovereign.
  • 32. BOYAR CHILDREN - landowners, nobles.
  • 33. ZEMSKY SOBR - a body under the tsar consisting of representatives of various segments of the population, convened to resolve the most important state affairs.
  • 34. ORDERS - central government bodies of Russia in the XVI - early XVII I century.
  • 35. A CENTRALIZED STATE is a state in which the political and economic unification of all lands around a strong central government takes place.
  • 36. OSTROG - a point for the deployment of military detachments, fortified with a wooden fence in the form of vertically dug pointed pillars.
  • 37. VSPOLIE - the outskirts of Moscow, where the fields and meadows began.
  • 38. SERPLE LAW - such social orders in which the owner of the land had the right to forced labor, property and personality of the peasants attached to his land and belonging to him.
  • 39. DISGRACE - punishment (disfavor) of the king, which was expressed in various forms, for example, a ban on entering the palace, house arrest, deprivation of ranks, exile, imprisonment.
  • 40. OPRICHNINA - a special order of governing the country under Ivan IV.
  • 41. POSAD - part of a Russian city, usually outside the city wall, inhabited by merchants and artisans.
  • 42. PETTION - written request, complaint.
  • 43. RYADOVICH - in the Old Russian state, a person feudally dependent on the master, with whom he was bound by obligations under the “row” agreement.
  • 44. Serf - a category of feudal-dependent people in Russia in the 10th - early 18th centuries. Their legal status was similar to that of slaves.
  • 45. SMERD - category of the population according to “Russian Truth”. A peasant located outside the communal organization and directly dependent on the prince Kievan Rus during the period of the XI-XIV centuries.
  • 46. ​​VARYAGS - settlers from the Baltic region, whose representatives were present as mercenary soldiers or traders in the Old Russian state (IX-XII centuries)
  • 47. TIME OF TROUBLES - designation of the period in Russian history from 1598 to 1613, marked by natural disasters, Polish-Swedish intervention, and severe political, economic, state and social crises.
  • 48. MANUFACTURE - a form of industrial production based on the division of labor and manual craft equipment, preceding large-scale machine industry.
  • 49. SEVEN BOYARSCHINE - the name adopted by historians for the transitional government of seven boyars in 1610-1613.
  • 50. GOLDEN HORDE - an artificial state formation that was formed through the forcible seizure of foreign land.
  • 51. NUMBERS - enumerated the population from house to house, established extortions in the form of tribute, submarine and military duties.
  • 52. ULUS - a tribal association with a certain territory, subject to a khan or leader among the peoples of Central and Middle Russia. Asia, Siberia
  • 53. Podol - part of an ancient Russian city, located at the foot of a mountain in a low-lying place, usually near a river.
  • 54. ICON PAINTING is the art of depicting saints according to strictly defined canons.
  • 55. Podol - part of an ancient Russian city, located at the foot of a mountain in a low-lying place, usually near a river.
  • 56. CITY - a large populated area whose residents are usually employed outside of agriculture.
  • 57. THE ROUTE “FROM THE VARYAGS TO THE GREEKS” is the name of the water trade route in Kievan Rus that connected Northern Rus' with Southern Russia, the Baltic states and Scandinavia with Byzantium.
  • 58. TYSYATSKY - head of the city administration in Novgorod.
  • 59. GRAND DUKE - head of the great principalities in Rus' X-XV centuries. and the Russian state of the 15th - mid-16th centuries.

· 1896 - Invention of the radiotelegraph by A.S. Popov

· 1902 - Formation of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs)

· 1904–1905 - Russo-Japanese War

· 1905 May 12-June 1 - General strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Formation of the first Council of Workers' Deputies

· 1905 October 12–18 - Founding Congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets)

· 1908 - Formation of the reactionary “Union of Michael the Archangel”

· 1914 July 19 (August 1) - Germany declares war on Russia. Beginning of the First World War

· 1917, March 3 - Abdication of the leader. book Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of the Provisional Government

· 1917 October 24–25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Overthrow of the Provisional Government

· 1917 December 7 - Decision of the Council of People's Commissars to create the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Fight against Counter-Revolution (VChK)

· 1918–1922 - Civil war on the territory of the former Russian Empire

· 1920 - Soviet-Polish War

· 1930 - Beginning of complete collectivization


Autonomation- an idea put forward by I.V. Stalin in 1922, according to which all Soviet republics should become part of the RSFSR on the basis of autonomy, which violated their independence and equality. The idea was rejected by V.I. Lenin, who advocated a union of equal republics, which became the basis for the creation of the USSR, where equality in practice turned out to be formal.

Autonomy- internal self-government of a certain region (territory) of the state, differing in the national composition of the population.

Avant-garde - artistic direction XX century, advocating a break with the principles of the past and the search for new forms and means of expressing the surrounding world, which appeared in such movements as cubism, expressionism, surrealism, etc.

Rent(lat. - to lend) - renting property (land, premises, enterprises, etc.) for a certain period for a set fee for independent use.

Anarchism(Greek - anarchy) - a political movement advocating the destruction of the state as a coercive form of power and replacing it with a free, voluntary association of citizens.

Antagonism(Greek - struggle) - a form of social contradictions of opposing forces leading to political conflicts, which are distinguished by the irreconcilability of opposing interests.
Anti-Hitler coalition- a military alliance of states that arose in 1941. and opposed the fascist bloc. The coalition included the USSR, USA, Great Britain, France, China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.

Authoritarianism(lat. - power) - a system of political power that destroys democratic principles and establishes the omnipotence of an individual (authoritarian) individual, who controls all aspects of social life. Authoritarianism leads to totalitarianism; it is based on the establishment of a terrorist regime, all-encompassing centralization, command-willed methods of leadership, unquestioning submission, achieved by force and indoctrination public opinion in support of power structures.

Aggression(Latin - attack) - a military violation of the sovereignty of a state, its independence and the integrity of its borders. An armed attack on another state is carried out in order to forcefully impose one’s dictatorship on it. The country under attack is fighting a just fight. Preventing aggression is the responsibility of the entire world community. International law provides for political responsibility for aggression. It can be economic, ideological, psychological, etc.

Alternative(Latin - one of two) – one of several mutually exclusive possibilities; the need to choose a single solution from a number of possible ones.

Bureaucracy- the power of officials, a management system carried out with the help of an apparatus of power, possessing certain functions and privileges, standing above society. Characterized by arbitrariness, formalism, bribery, and fraud. The words “bureaucrat”, “apparatchik”, “official” have become common nouns.

Bourgeoisie(capitalists) – owners private property for means of production that use hired labor. Played progressive role in the fight against feudalism, contributed to the rapid growth of the productive forces, led the bourgeois revolutions and established its dominance.

Bourgeois-democratic revolution- a social revolution, as a result of which the power of the bourgeoisie is strengthened and broad democratic changes are carried out. The movement involves the masses of the people (the peasantry, the urban poor, the proletariat), acting independently and putting forward their demands. If in early bourgeois revolutions the bourgeoisie acted as the hegemon (leader), then in bourgeois-democratic revolutions the bourgeoisie often loses its revolutionary role, which passes to the proletariat as the advanced part of the working people, although the victory of the revolution strengthens the political positions of the bourgeoisie.

White Guard- military formations of anti-Bolshevik forces that acted against the Soviet republic after the October Revolution. Military strength the white movement - an association of opponents of the Soviet regime (the opposite of the Red Guard). The color white was considered a symbol of “lawful order.” It consisted mainly of officers, headed by L.G. Kornilov, M.V. Alekseev, A.V. Kolchak, A.I. Denikin, P.N. Wrangel and others.

Bolshevism– the current of political thought and political movement led by V.I. Lenin. At the II Congress of the RSDLP (1903), during the elections of the governing bodies, supporters of V.I. Lenin received a majority of votes and began to be called Bolsheviks. Their opponents, led by L. Martov, became Mensheviks by a minority of votes. Bolshevism, based on Marxist theory, advocated the victory of the socialist revolution and the seizure of power, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the construction of socialism and communism. Revolutionary practice of the late twentieth century. She rejected many of the provisions of Bolshevism as utopian.

Voluntarism- activity that does not take into account the objective laws of development, imposes its will, ignores real possibilities, when what is desired is presented as reality.

"War Communism"- socio-economic policy Soviet state in the conditions of the civil war of 1918 - early 1921, reflecting ideas about the possibilities of socialist construction through the rapid violent displacement of capitalist elements. According to Lenin's definition, “a decisive attack on capital.” This policy quickly revealed its inconsistency as a course towards building socialism, causing a political and economic crisis in the late 1920s - early. 1921 and replacement with the New Economic Policy (NEP).

"War"- an armed clash of states with each other in order to impose their dominance and resolve territorial claims. War is the result of aggression or confrontation between internal forces (civil war). Preventive war [preventive (lat. - ahead)] - the population of a preemptive strike against the enemy who has prepared his attack.

All-Russian Extraordinary Commission(VChK) - a body for the fight against opponents of Soviet power and saboteurs (1917-1922), headed by F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Local bodies of the Cheka, transport, front-line, and army Chekas were created. Members of these bodies - security officers - used methods of terror, raids, and execution of hostages. In 1922 reorganized into the State Political Administration (GPU).

Hegemony(Greek - domination) - a dominant position, the use of political force to obtain a leading role in the movement, struggle (hegemony of the proletariat). In achieving hegemony, various forces compete with each other (two blocs in the First World War; Russia and Japan at the beginning of the 20th century in the Far East).

Geopolitics(Greek - land + politics) - concept in theory international relations, according to which geographical factors play a major role in the development of a state or group of states: the presence of minerals, access to the sea, climate, etc.

Publicity- openness, availability of information for public review, discussion and control over the activities of institutions and officials. It is a manifestation of personal freedom, is associated with freedom of the press, the abolition of censorship, is a manifestation of personal freedom, the right to express one’s opinions and beliefs. An important role is played by the media, designed to provide reliable information about activities government agencies, public organizations, truthfully cover current events. Glasnost is a necessary element of democracy.

The State Duma- 1. Legislative representative body of Russia (1906-1907), established by the Manifesto on October 17, 1905. The bills considered by the Duma were discussed by the State Council and approved by the Tsar. There were 4 Dumas: 1) April 27 – July 8, 1906, 2) February 20 – June 3, 1907, 3) November 1, 1907 – June 9, 1912, 4) November 15, 1912 – February 27, 1917. 2. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is the lower house of the Federal Assembly. Acts alongside the Federation Council. Elected in December 1993 New elections took place in December 1995.

State capitalism– socio-economic structure with state intervention in economic life to establish control and accelerate the development of production. A mixed economic order in which public and private interests are combined. It was allowed in the first years of Soviet power, especially under the NEP (concessions granted to foreign firms, leasing of state-owned enterprises, private trade on a commission basis, etc.).

State Council- the highest advisory body of the Russian Empire in 1810 - 1917. Reviewed bills before their approval by the emperor. The composition was appointed by the supreme authority. After the creation of the State Duma (1906), he played the role of the upper house of parliament and was partially elected, discussed bills adopted by the Duma before being approved by the Tsar.

Civil War– the most acute form of social struggle of the population within the state (citizens’ war) for power and the decision of the main life problems warring parties (for example, the civil war at the beginning of the 17th century, associated with the campaign of False Dmitry against Moscow and the subsequent events; in 1918 - 1922 there was a clash between anti-Bolshevik forces and the Soviet regime).

Civil society is a society with developed economic, cultural, legal and political relations between its members, independent of the state, but interacting with it, a society of citizens who create developed legal relations together with the state.

GULAG(Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps, Labor Settlements and Places of Detention) - formed in 1934 under the jurisdiction of the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs). All correctional labor institutions of the People's Commissariat of Justice were transferred to him. Existed until 1956. The term “GULAG” is used as a system of all camps and prisons where victims of mass repression and tyranny were kept.

Dual power- a kind of intertwining of two powers in Russia after the February Revolution (March 2 – July 4, 1917). The period of struggle between two dictatorships for autocracy. The provisional government implemented the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the part of the landowners supporting it, and sought a parliamentary monarchy. The Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies carried out a revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of the peasantry proletariat and fought for the establishment of a republic. It ended with the shooting of a workers' demonstration in Petrograd on July 4, 1917. by the forces of the Provisional Government in agreement with the leadership of the Menshevik-SR Soviets.

Decree(Latin - decree) - a normative act of the highest bodies of the state (example: Decree on Peace, Decree on Land - adopted by the Second Congress of Soviets on the night of October 27, 1917).

Demilitarization– liquidation, on the basis of an international treaty, of military installations in a certain area and a ban on maintaining military bases and troops there.

Democracy– democracy; political system, based on the recognition of political freedoms, civil rights of the individual, as well as the following principles:
- separation of powers;
- legality of the opposition;
- rule not of persons, but of law;
- independence from the media authorities;
- resolution of conflicts through constitutional means.

Denomination(Latin – cancellation, change of name) – change in the nominal value of banknotes in order to stabilize the currency, simplify payments. Prices, tariffs, salaries, and various payments are recalculated accordingly. In the Russian Federation, it was carried out on January 1, 1998, in connection with which the ruble and kopeck were reintroduced (1000 rubles in old money = 1 ruble - the nominal value decreased 1000 times).

Deportation- during the period of mass repressions of the 20-40s. – violent and illegal expulsion of many peoples of the USSR from their territories.

Dictatorship- unlimited political, economic and ideological power exercised by a strictly limited group of people or one person.

Dictatorship of the proletariat- in Marxist theory - the political power of the working class, exercised in alliance with the working peasantry and other layers of the working people. It is established as a result of the victory of the socialist revolution and covers the transition period from capitalism to socialism, characterized by the transformation of society and the creation of a non-antagonistic formation, gradually developing into communism. According to the teachings of Marx and Lenin, the dictatorship of the proletariat begins with the destruction of the old bourgeois machine, the suppression of the resistance of the exploiting classes and their destruction. The first attempt to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat was the Paris Commune (1871). In 1917 In Russia, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, which lasted 20 years and developed into an authoritarian regime of a totalitarian state.

Dissident(Latin - dissenter) - a dissenter who opposes his beliefs to the official ideology of the country. In the 50s - 70s. XX century in the USSR, the activities of dissidents were aimed at criticizing Stalinism, defending human rights and democracy, carrying out fundamental economic reforms, and creating an open, rule-of-law state. The struggle contributed to the transition of the USSR from totalitarianism to democracy.

"Iron curtain"- a term denoting the isolation of the USSR from the capitalist world. How political concept first introduced in the 20th century by H. Wells in the book “The Time Machine”, and in Russia by the philosopher V.V. Rozanov after the revolution of 1905 - 1907. to mark the end of history and culture. In Soviet times, the term was used as a concept of a wall separating socialism and capitalism - irreconcilable systems. After World War II, the term came to mean the border between the "free" and "communist" worlds.

Strike- one of the ways to resolve a labor conflict, putting forward both economic and political demands by a group of workers and employees who stopped working until they were satisfied. The first strikes in Russia have been known since the 70s. XIX century.

"Greens"- persons who hid in the forests during the Civil War, evading service in the white armies. In 1919 – 1920 “Red-Greens” - participants in the partisan movement against the White Guards in the Black Sea region and Crimea. The “White-Greens” consisted of wealthy peasants and remnants of the defeated white armies. Liquidated after the end of the civil war.

Ideology(Greek - doctrine) - a system of views, ideas, expressing the attitude towards reality of people, classes, groups, parties, constituting their worldview, developed by theorists and ideologists. Has an active influence on society.

Imperialism(Latin - domination) - a stage of capitalism, characterized by the replacement of free competition by the dominance of monopoly and financial capital, the formation of a world capitalist economic system. The transition to imperialism occurred at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. Significantly developed the productive forces and increased the socialization of production.

Investment(Latin – dress) – long-term investment of capital in sectors of the economy within the country and abroad with the aim of making a profit.

Integration(Latin – holistic) – cohesion, merging of public and government structures for joint activities both in the field of politics and economics. After the Second World War, such associations as NATO (the military Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty), CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), EEC (European Economic Community), Warsaw Pact Organization, etc. arose. It leads to difficult to resolve contradictions between participants, as it limits sovereignty, establishes political, military, economic control over the countries included in the integration.

Intelligentsia(Latin - thinking) - a social layer of people professionally engaged in mental, mainly complex creative work, and cultural development. It arose in connection with the division of physical and mental labor, the accumulation and generalization of knowledge. The term was introduced in the 60s. XIX century writer P.D. Boborykin and became international. She takes a large part in all aspects of society, her role has especially increased in the era of scientific and technological revolution.

Production intensification– use of efficient means of production, technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, achievements of scientific and technological progress (NTP). Allows you to significantly increase labor productivity and achieve the highest results in the production process.

Intervention(Latin - intervention) - violent intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state, violation of its sovereignty. It can be military (aggression), economic, diplomatic, ideological. Intervention is prohibited by international law.

Capitalism- a society based on private ownership of instruments and means of production in the hands of the bourgeoisie (capitalists) and using hired labor. In the fight against feudalism, the bourgeoisie played a revolutionary role, leading the bourgeois revolutions of the 17th - 18th centuries, and then in the 19th century. Capitalism has significantly developed the productive forces, improved technical progress, and led to the growth of culture. Passed the pre-monopoly stage of the dominance of free competition, from the end of the 19th century. entered the monopoly stage (imperialism). Tries to resolve acute social contradictions, adapting to modern conditions of social development.

Surrender– cessation of armed struggle and surrender of the armed forces of one of the warring states.

Cartel- a form of monopoly in which participants retain commercial and production independence, agreeing on production volumes, sales of products, and hiring of labor to obtain monopoly profits. It is distributed depending on the quota - the share of cartel participants in production and sales of products. They appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Coalition(Latin – union) – 1. Political or military alliance of states for joint actions (anti-Hitler coalition). 2. Formation of a government from representatives of several parties (coalition Provisional Government in Russia in 1917). Coalition government - (from the Latin "Coalitio" - "union") - a government created on the basis of an agreement of several political parties.

The colony- territory under the full control of a foreign state.

Conservatism– a political ideology focused on protecting the traditional foundations of public life, unshakable values, denial of revolutionary changes, distrust of the popular movement.

Conservatives- defenders of the traditions of the past.
A constitutional monarchy is a government system in which the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution or parliament.

Contribution– (from the Latin “Contributio” - “universal contribution, public collection of funds”) - payments imposed on the defeated state in favor of the victorious state.

Concession– (from the Latin “concessio” - “permission, assignment”) - an agreement on the transfer for exploitation to a foreign state or company for a certain period of natural resources, enterprises or other objects owned by the state.

Corruption– (from the Latin “corruptio” - “bribery”) – use officials his official position for the purpose of personal enrichment.

Collectivization– transformation of agriculture in the USSR in the late 20s - 30s. XX century through the massive creation of collective farms (collective farms). It was carried out forcibly, at an accelerated pace, accompanied by the liquidation of individual farms, and was based on the use of illegal methods, terror, and lawlessness, which contradicted the Leninist cooperative plan. The masses of wealthy peasants (kulaks), middle peasants and part of the poor (“sub-kulaks”) were subjected to repression. It led to significant destruction of agriculture, a change in the way of life of the peasantry, subordinating it to the command-willed method of the Stalinist regime. By decree of the President of the USSR of August 13, 1990, the repressions carried out during the collectivization period were declared illegal.

Kolkhoz(collective farm) - a cooperative organization of peasants in Soviet times, created by force in the late 20s - early 30s. XX century. The collective farm is based on collective ownership of land and brutal state regulation.

Committees– committees of the poor, created in 1918 in the European part of Russia as government bodies. They participated in the implementation of the food dictatorship together with food detachments: they distributed landowners' lands, agricultural implements, carried out food appropriation, and recruitment into the Red Army. Disbanded early 1919

Communism(Latin - general) - according to Marxist theory, a society that replaces capitalism through a socialist revolution. In its development it goes through a lower phase - socialism and a higher phase - communism itself; a classless society with a high level of productive forces, consciousness and culture, when labor turns into a vital necessity and the principle applies: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” the state is replaced by self-government of citizens. According to Marx, this is the true kingdom of freedom, when “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” In Russia, after the October Revolution, an attempt was made to directly transition to communism (“war communism”), which ended in failure. In the USSR, a vulgar-dogmatic utopia in theory was combined with the practice of authoritarian-bureaucratic totalitarianism, which led to the collapse of both the USSR and the world system of socialism.

Compromise(lat.) – an agreement between opposing parties, reached on the basis of mutual concessions.

Komsomol(Communist Youth Union of the Soviet State, 1918 - 1991) - an organization that united youth from the age of 14 for ideological education under the leadership of the CPSU. Since 1924 it was called Leninsky, since 1926. – All-Union (VLKSM).

Convention(Latin – contract) – international treaty on a specific issue (for example, the 1949 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War).

Conversion(Latin – transformation) – the process of transition of defense enterprises to the production of civilian products. An integral part of the struggle for disarmament.

Consensus(Latin - unanimity) - a form of decision-making based on the consent of all participants in the discussion without voting with the full satisfaction of the parties.

Confiscation(Latin – confiscation to the treasury) – forced, gratuitous seizure by the state of a private person’s property. In Russia, as a result of the October Revolution, landowners' lands, private enterprises, etc. were confiscated. The court may confiscate property as a punishment.

Confrontation- confrontation, clash of opposing interests, opposition of parties.

Concern– one of the most common forms of monopoly in the form of a diversified complex (industry, finance, transport, trade, etc.), a decentralized management system for its constituent enterprises (by product groups and regions), and a large volume of intra-company supplies; characterized by centralization of capital investments, financial dependence in the participation system, subordination to the dominant group of monopolists.

Cooperation(Latin - cooperation) - a voluntary partnership for joint farming, organizing fishing, small-scale production, and intermediary activities. Main forms: consumer, supply and household, credit, production. With simple labor cooperation, all workers perform homogeneous work. Complex cooperation is based on the division of labor. There is cooperation in production - connections between independent enterprises for the joint production of certain types of products.

Cosmopolitanism(Greek - cosmopolitan - citizen of the world) - the ideology of world citizenship, the denial of the narrow framework of national patriotism and the praise of one’s originality, the isolation of one’s national culture. The term was used by the Stalinist regime to persecute “rootless cosmopolitans” accused of “kowtowing” to the West. In 1949, a wave of denigration of cultural figures resulted in a struggle for “communist ideology”: persecution, repression, rampant nationalism, and the artificial imposition of Russian priority in the progressive development of the world intensified.

Red Guard- armed detachments, consisting mainly of workers in industrial cities of Russia, formed in March 1917. It became the military force of the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917, numbering up to 200 thousand people, in March 1918 it joined the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army - RKKA, the official name of the Soviet armed forces from 1918 to 1946).

Fist- in the old days (according to V.I. Dahl) - a penniless trader, a reseller in the grain trade, who lived by deception. At the end of the 19th century. (according to G.I. Uspensky) - strong, peasant aristocracy. In Soviet times, a wealthy peasant who exploited his fellow villagers, an oppressor, was considered a kulak. The middle peasants and poor people who opposed violent policies in the countryside in the 1930s were called “subkulak peasants.” Both were subjected to repression during the period of dispossession - “liquidation of the kulak as a class.”

Cult of personality(Latin - worship) - the autocracy of the totalitarian regime, which developed in the USSR as the cult of I.V. Stalin. Exalting the role of one person, attributing to him during his lifetime a decisive influence on the course of historical development, when a person replaces the leadership of the party, eliminates democracy, and establishes a dictatorial regime. The sources of the cult of personality are rooted in both objective and subjective conditions that developed in Soviet society. Elements of the cult of personality continued under N.S. Khrushchev and L.I. Brezhnev.

Legalization(Latin - legal) - permission to operate previously prohibited political organizations, parties that come out of hiding and begin to operate legally (openly).
Lend-Lease is a system of loaning or renting weapons, ammunition, food, medicine, etc., undertaken by the United States during the Second World War. In 1941 The USA extended supplies to the USSR, which left 9.8 billion dollars.

Liberalism- a movement that advocated parliamentarism, political rights and freedoms, democratization of society, and expansion of entrepreneurship. Rejecting the revolutionary path of change, he sought changes in society through legal means and reforms.

Price liberalization– establishment by the authorities of free prices on the market while encouraging private entrepreneurship. Introduced in the Russian Federation
January 2, 1992

The League of nations- international organization of people's cooperation for peace and security (1919-1946). In 1934 The USSR joined, but was included in 1939 due to the Soviet-Finnish War. She pursued a policy of connivance towards the countries of the fascist bloc. In fact, it ceased to exist since the beginning of the Second World War. Dissolution was officially announced in 1946.

Loyalty(French - loyalty to the law) - respect for authorities, activity within the boundaries of what is permitted (sometimes it appears formally, outwardly); conscientiousness, goodwill, tolerance for something.

Manifesto(Latin – call) – an appeal from the supreme power to the population (Manifesto of October 17, 1905); appeal, declaration of a program of action.

Marxism- a theory developed by Marx and Engels in the mid-19th century. Marxism tried to prove the inevitable death of capitalism, the role of the proletariat as its gravedigger, the victory of the socialist revolution, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the construction of socialism and communism. V.I. Lenin became a major theorist of Marxism, under whose leadership the implementation of the theory in practice began. Life has shown the utopian nature of many of the tenets of Marxism; socialism collapsed in the USSR and in other countries. The Manchus are the indigenous population of Northeast China, where they created the state of Manzhou in the first half of the 17th century.

Masonic lodge– organization of Masons (from the French “Free”, mason).

Freemasonry is a religious and ethical movement that arose at the beginning of the 18th century. In Great Britain.

Mafia- a secret organization of criminals operating by methods of blackmail, violence, and murder. Originated on the Italian island of Sicily; in the 20th century it spread to countries where emigrants from Italy lived, especially to the USA.

Memorandum- a diplomatic document outlining the essence of an international issue.

Metropolis– a state that has colonies is a metropolis in relation to them (translated from Greek as “city”, “mother”).

Missionaries– representatives of religious organizations disseminating their religion among people of other faiths.

Militarism(Latin - military) - a policy aimed at increasing the military power of the state to solve internal and external problems by military means.

Modernization– updating, improvement that meets modern requirements and tastes (for example, modernization of equipment).

Modernism(French - newest, modern) - the general name of the trends in literature and art of the late 19th - 20th centuries, which moved away from traditional concepts and advocated a new approach to reflecting existence (expressionism, avant-gardeism, surrealism, futurism, etc.).

Monopoly(Greek - I sell one) – 1. Exclusive right to something. 2. A union of capitalists who seized the exclusive right to produce and sell certain goods for market dominance, establishing high monopoly prices regulated by the market. The formation is associated with the development of free competition capitalism into monopoly capitalism at the end of the 19th century. Main forms: cartel, syndicate, trust, concern. In Russia, monopolies arose in the 80s. XIX century.

Nazism- one of the names of German fascism, derived from the name of the National Socialist Party of Germany (Nazi), which operated in 1919 - 1945. led by Hitler (since 1921), which seized power in 1933 and established a fascist regime. After the defeat of German fascism in World War II, the party was liquidated. Reborn as neo-Nazism.

Nationalism– ideology and policy of subordinating some nations to others, preaching national exclusivity, superiority, inciting national enmity, mistrust, and conflicts. It is especially dangerous in multinational states.

Nationalization- this is the transfer of enterprises and sectors of the economy into state ownership, both through gratuitous expropriation - forced deprivation of private property, also on the basis of redemption (full or partial), as well as the socialization of small property in cooperation.

Opposition (Latin - opposition) - opposition, resistance, opposition of one's actions, views, policies to other policies, views, actions. Speaking contrary to the opinion of the majority, with the prevailing attitudes, putting forward one’s own alternative (parliamentary, intra-party opposition, etc.).

Pact(Latin – treaty) – agreement, international treaty (for example, the “Pact of Four” of 1933 by France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy on consent and cooperation with the aim of creating an anti-Soviet bloc. Not ratified due to contradictions between its participants).

Parliament(French - speak) – the highest representative body of state power. The privileged position of parliament with a clear distribution of functions of legislative and executive bodies forms parliamentarism or a parliamentary republic. Parliament independently forms the government, appoints the prime minister, and constitutional oversight bodies, as a rule, elect the president. Divided into factions, reflecting the demands of certain parties and groups.

Patriotism(Greek - love for the homeland) - a deep feeling of love for the homeland, readiness to serve it, strengthen and protect it. A patriot is a person who subordinates his life to the interests of the fatherland. Patriotism is passed down through generations and is one of the main national traditions.

Pacifism(Latin - pacifying) - an international anti-war movement opposing all wars. Formed in the second half of the 19th century.
Pluralism (Latin - plural) is a democratic right granted by the political system of power to both individuals, organizations, and groups to openly express positions, opinions, and demands. Expression of interests of various segments of society is carried out political parties, trade unions, church and other organizations in parliament, the media, etc.

Populism(Latin – people) – activities aimed at ensuring popularity among the masses, based on demagogic communications and slogans; flirting with the masses to achieve cheap authority.

Pragmatism(Greek - action) - in politics, an orientation towards achieving immediate advantages, ignoring the moral content and long-term consequences of actions.

The president(lat. - sitting in front) - the elected head of the republican state, endowed with great powers provided for by the Constitution. In 1990 – 1991 The President of the USSR was M.S. Gorbachev. In the Russian Federation in 1991, B.N. Yeltsin was elected President for 4 years, and in the summer of 1996 he was re-elected for a second term.

Food detachments- an integral part of the food army - food requisition forces in carrying out the dictatorship. They consisted of armed workers, the peasant poor, united with internal security forces, with committees of the poor (committees of the poor created in villages), and used terrorist methods, causing resistance from the peasants. The organizations that sent food detachments received half of the requisitioned bread. Operated from 1918 to 1921.

Prodrazverstka(food appropriation) - a system of procurement of agricultural products during the period of “war communism” (1919 – 1921), established after the food dictatorship. Mandatory delivery by peasants to the state at fixed prices of all surplus (except for what is necessary for personal and economic needs) of bread and other products. It was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Food, food detachments, committees of the poor, and local Soviets. Planned targets were distributed across counties, volosts, villages, and peasant households. The replacement with a tax in kind caused discontent among the peasants.

Proletariat(lat. – poor, has only offspring) – the working class of personally free, property-poor hired workers (proletarians) who sell their labor power – the ability to work. The working class is deprived of ownership of the means of production and is completely dependent on hiring.

Protectionism(Latin - protection) - state policy of protecting the domestic market from foreigners by increasing exports and limiting imports, high customs duties and a number of other measures.

Unions(trade unions) are mass public organizations of hired workers, based on a community of interests and the desire to improve the living and working conditions of their members. In Russia they arose during the revolution of 1905 - 1907. Under the Stalinist regime in the USSR, trade unions were assigned the role of a “drive belt” from the party to the masses, and were fully integrated into the service of the totalitarian state.

PUTSCH(German) - an attempted coup d'etat carried out by a small group of conspirators, which, if successful, comes to power for a short or long period. On August 19 – 21, 1991, there was an unsuccessful coup attempt in the USSR, the participants of which created the State Emergency Committee (GKChP) and were arrested.

Five-Year Plans(five-year plans for economic and social development of the USSR) - from 1928 to 1990, 12 five-year plans were held, the tasks of which were approved by party congresses.

Rehabilitation(Latin - restoration) - restoration of rights, return of a good name, reputation of an incorrectly accused, defamed person. Since the mid-50s. rehabilitation of innocent people who suffered during the Stalinist regime is carried out.

Reaction– active resistance in politics to the development of social progress to preserve and strengthen outdated social orders.

Revolution(Latin – coup, turn) – deep, qualitative changes in society, economics, worldview, science, culture, etc. Social revolution is the most acute form of struggle between new and old, obsolete social relations with sharply aggravated political processes When the type of power changes, victorious revolutionary forces come to leadership, and new socio-economic foundations of society are established.

Repression– punitive measures of the state against its citizens violating their political, economic, personal rights and freedoms; an important element of control in totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

Referendum(Latin - something that must be communicated) - a form of solving an important state or public issue by universal suffrage, by vote. A popular decision.

Autocracy- an unlimited monarchical form of government of the Russian Tsar (Emperor), which finally took shape by the beginning of the 18th century and existed almost unchanged until 1905. (until 1917).

Symbolism- direction in literature and art of the late XIX – early. XX century, taking as a basis the disclosure of the surrounding symbol, the idea of ​​artistic meaningfulness of an image located beyond the limits of sensory perception (A. Blok, A. Bely, F. Sologub, M. Vrubel etc.).

Adviсe- elected political organizations that arose in the revolution of 1905 - 1907. as Soviets of Workers' Deputies, Soviets of Peasants' Deputies, Soviets of Soldiers' (Sailors') Deputies. In the February Revolution of 1917, there were Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, which in 1918 merged with the Soviets of Peasants' Deputies. Until December 1936, elected bodies of state power were considered

Councils of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies- From 1936 to 1977 – Councils of Working People's Deputies, since 1977 – Councils of People's Deputies. Since 1988 The Congress of People's Deputies became the highest body of state power (until 1991).

Totalitarian regime- state power exercising complete (total) control over all aspects of society.

Ultimatum(Latin - the very last) - a categorical requirement that does not allow objections, failure to comply with which leads to the threat of taking certain measures.

Unitary state- this is a form of government in which the territory, unlike a federation, is not divided into autonomous parts, but has only an administrative-territorial division (regions, regions). According to the Constitution, the USSR was proclaimed a federal state, but in reality it was unitary - all leadership came from one center - Moscow, and the republics and autonomies were only formally considered independent.

Federation(Latin – union, association) – 1. A union of several states, creating a new unified state with its own common authorities and administration under the sovereignty of the participants of the Federation. The Russian Federation consists of 89 constituent entities. 2. Union of individual societies, organizations (Sports Federation, etc.).

Futurism(Latin - future) - a direction in literature and art of the early 20th century, which sought to create “the art of the future”, which denied traditional culture (V.V. Mayakovsky, V.V. Khlebnikov, etc.).

Cost accounting- economic accounting, a method of planned economic management, introduced in the USSR. Consists in comparing the costs of production with the results economic activity based on self-sufficiency (expenses are reimbursed by income), self-financing, self-government. All R. 80s was proclaimed one of the main means of economic growth.

Evacuation(Latin – remove) – withdrawal of troops, military equipment, enterprises, institutions from places under threat during a war, natural disaster or from areas intended for economic transformations.

Exploitation(French – benefit) – 1. Appropriation of the results of someone else’s labor to the owners of the means of production. 2. Development, use of natural resources, transport, etc.

Currently, many aspects of the development of folk and decorative arts in school have been studied quite completely and deeply.

Aspects of mastering folk art among schoolchildren occur in decorative drawing lessons

An artistic image in folk, decorative and applied arts expresses not the individual, inherent in a specific object (leaf, flower, tree, bird, etc.), but the general - “species”, “generic”, reflecting features characteristic of the species, for example, plants at all. Thus, a tree in decorative painting is usually depicted as a tree of life, and not a specific image of an oak or birch.

A decorative image is created using special communication techniques (stylization). As a rule, this image embodies a mythopoetic attitude towards reality.

Starting from the first grade, students gradually become familiar with traditional compositional patterns for placing ornaments (linear - stripe, square, circle, mesh ornaments), as well as the main types of ornament according to the nature of the images (geometric, plant, zoomorphic - images of animals and birds, anthropomophoric image of a person).

These qualities of the ornamental structure are considered as an integral part of the image of an artistic object. Students learn to understand the “language” of the ornaments of different centers folk art(schools of folk craftsmanship).

Teaching folk and decorative arts involves changing different types artistic activity students of first to fourth grades to familiarize them with aesthetic qualities available materials. Currently, in school practice, the problem of increasing efficiency art education means of folk and decorative arts finds a call. Published new program integrated course "Fine Arts".

Fundamentals of folk and decorative and applied arts" for the first to fourth grades and for the fifth and eighth grades, corresponding to the modern level of scientific knowledge about national cultural traditions. It's created creative team under the leadership of T.Ya. Shpikailova. For the first time, folk art is becoming a subject of special study in school.

One of the main objectives of this program is the development in children of imaginative vision, aesthetic perception and exploration of the world, the cultivation of artistic taste, and the need to focus on the enduring spiritual values ​​of folk art. Therefore, the program provides different systems, different types of creativity: both professional art and folk art. The fundamental basis of this course is the image of an artistic object created by the hands of folk craftsmen.

One of the effective ways to develop a person’s creativity is to master the techniques of artistic activity based on the principles of folk art: repetition, variations, improvisation. Therefore, the program includes a system of tasks related to the characteristics of folk collective creativity. Rotation and variations are considered as a necessary condition aesthetic education and development of student creativity.

The content of the new integrated educational course will help to significantly bring children closer to the traditional culture of their people, give them an idea of ​​the beauty and role of ornament, the power and significance of folk culture as a whole. This content, introduced into the framework of the permanent sections “fundamentals of artistic representation,” at the same time constantly varies and is enriched: the materials with which children work change, the types of activities that are studied in the lesson change. All this stimulates interest junior schoolchildren to a figurative system of knowledge of the world, encoded in the symbolic system of folk art.

Another program of an integrated course in decorative painting led by N.M. Solkonikova considers knowledge and skills as a means of achieving expressiveness in educational and creative work of ideas.

It is a system of teaching aids, organically interconnected, which allows one to successfully solve the educational tasks of modern art pedagogy.

The complex includes tables and methodological recommendations for them on various types of folk art in Russia.

Folk art should have a worthy place in the pedagogical process. It should be considered, according to M.A. Nekrasova, “as a special type of artistic creativity.”

The idea of ​​developing schoolchildren’s historical memory and creative activity through the means of folk and decorative arts is fundamental in a number of experimental programs for teaching fine arts, for general education for schools with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle.

The development of labor skills in the process of mastering folk artistic traditions is a necessary condition for students’ creativity, since the creation of products is possible only with a deep study of folk art.

Mastering the art of artistic processing of fabric, natural and other materials involves the use of ethnopedagogy traditions in the learning process. Mastering processing techniques various materials, schoolchildren master expressive means and figurative and plot content of products of folk craftsmen. The development of the entire body of knowledge about folk art, skills and abilities occurs from early childhood, surrounded by folk art objects for everyday use.

Enriching the emotional and aesthetic experience of students in the process of studying folk and decorative arts also contributes to the development of their artistic creativity, and promotes interest in folk art.

The method of forming artistic experience is based on the creative principles of folk art itself.

Educational tasks in decorative drawing lessons include artistic work on modeling, painting, drawings on folk theme based on stylistic features in the works of decorative and applied arts artists.

Familiarization with the work of folk craftsmen and the work of artists in the field of art industry opens up a huge world of material and spiritual culture of humanity for students.

Russian influence folk toys on the formation of the child’s personality

The traditional toy has at all times had an important and, in many ways, decisive influence on the formation of the personality and soul of the Russian child. In this context, it is worth recalling one historical example, and I will say a few words about the “game of spillikins,” the true meaning of which only a few medievalist historians know today. This game was quite popular in Russian traditional families back in the 30-40s of our century. Having its own “practical task” - teaching children patience and the ability to concentrate attention, the game at the same time transmitted complex system metaphysical guidelines, gave an idea of ​​the complexity and deep interconnection of all processes occurring in the universe.

“Spillikins” were a handful of evenly cut straws with a straw hook; The idea of ​​the game was that the players gradually pulled out the straws, trying not to touch the entire pile with which the straws were poured. If the heap did fall apart, then the next attempt was made by another player. Thus, the child received an idea of ​​how difficult it is to change something in each individual case without destroying the entire complex system of world relationships.

As for the system of influence of a traditional toy on a child’s consciousness, it was just as thoughtful and multifaceted as the toy just described, affecting all levels of sensations - tactile, visual, sound. The material from which the toys were made was of particular importance. For example, it is known that a rag doll, unlike a plastic one, removes the psychological barrier between the child and the “world of big things” and fosters an affectionate, fearless attitude towards the world. On the other hand, toy “whistles,” also designed to ward off evil spirits and demons from the child, were also the first “musical instruments” that the child encountered.

And considering the figurative and symbolic system of the ancient Slavs, in relation to toys, we can recall that many clay figurines depicting animals are literally strewn with clay or made images of birds. For example, a dog, deer or lynx, strewn with “bird” signs, meant that the subject of the image, “copying” in the toy was not some “random animal”, but its original image, the image of the Primordial Animal. They all had their roots in Magic world fairy tales, which for centuries served as a kind of “schoolmaster to Christ” for the Russian child. It is no coincidence that St. Sergius of Radonezh often made clay toys “as a consolation” for children who, together with adults, came to the monastery he founded. And to this day, at the heart of traditional toys made by craftsmen from villages located near Sergiev Posad, you can see the outline of the Cross.

Post-war hungry provincial childhood was warmed by the warmth of market days and fairs. People flocked from the surrounding villages to buy and sell horses, agricultural implements, calico, livestock or food. Horse harness, satin ribbons in the tails, the smell of horses and hay; sparkling, crunchy snow; riot of colors; a cheerful hubbub of people, birds, animals, and toys, toys... Wooden and clay, straw and rag, birch bark and wicker - they whistled, crackled, rustled and clicked. A real sunny celebration of folk ingenuity and folk art.

Made from natural materials, a toy from the first days of life introduces a child to nature and educates

creative attitude towards the world. But this is not only a subject for admiration, admiration and fun. The toy introduces the baby to the world of abstract mathematical images and ideas.

The basis of the system of mathematical knowledge and the precursor to arithmetic are the concepts: set, element of a set, union of sets, addition. The child is attracted not only by the many objects themselves, but also by the many sounds, movements, shapes, shades of color, rhythms of patterns, etc.

The first age toys that introduce a baby to the world of sounds and shapes are rattles: a mature poppy head or a pea pod are the patriarchs of rattles. Fairytale clay hollow rattle dolls are made simply: ceramic balls or pebbles are placed inside the two halves, and the seam is smoothed. While listening to a rattle, the child makes one movement and many intense noises.

Elegant, proportional and harmonious, the Dymkovo toy made it possible to formulate the concept of plurality. Ladies, water carriers, hussars, ducks, skates were displayed in front of the child on a table, board, tray, bench or chest of drawers according to a certain principle: these are ducks, these are birds, these are fish, these are pots, and these are dishes. The Dymkovo toy was echoed by: clay horses, deer, capricorns, magical birds, the shores of Kostroma; jugs, pots, washstands, cups made of black-polished clay from Pokrovsk; whistles from Kozhli, Filionovo, Ukhta; Kargopol clay cats, dogs, bears, ladies, pots, bowls; Kargopol roe made from salty dough, Primorye - from rye; Arkhangelsk gingerbread in the form of fish and animal figures; Ryazan "larks" and Kursk "waders", etc.

In the work program “VISUAL ARTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL” an explanatory note is presented, which gives general characteristics academic subject in accordance with the new standard, the basic principles of the educational complex “School of Russia” are indicated, the value guidelines of the content of the educational subject are determined, personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject, the main content lines of the course “Fine Arts”, as well as the content of the course “Fine Arts” " (1 class).



State educational institution

Secondary school No. 854

Agreed Approved by order

On the method. association of the head

2011 educational institution

Chairman No. _____from ________________

join method


Working programm

Fine arts in primary school

1-4 grade

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Plotnikova S.N.

FULL NAME. teacher-developer




General characteristics of the subject

primary goal educational course “Fine Arts” - the formation of the artistic culture of students as an integral part of spiritual culture, that is, the culture of world relations developed by generations. These values, as the highest values ​​of human civilization, should be a means of humanization, the formation of moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in life and art, that is, the vigilance of the child’s soul.

Course objectives:

Nurturing aesthetic feelings, interest in fine arts, enriching moral experience, readiness to express and defend one’s position in art and through art;

Development of imagination, creativity, abilities and skills of cooperation in artistic activities;

Mastering initial knowledge about the plastic arts, their role in human life;

Mastering basic artistic literacy, gaining experience in various types artistic activities and various materials.

The objectives of the implementation of the subject area are the development of abilities for artistic, imaginative, emotional and value perception of works of fine art and the surrounding world, expression in creative works of one’s attitude to the surrounding world.

The work program is based on the program “Fine Arts and artistic work", developed under the leadership of the People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education B. M. Nemensky and an exemplary program for fine arts (Series "Second Generation Standards", directed by A. M. Kondakov, L. P. Kezina). The program involves a holistic integrated course, including types of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, folk and decorative arts, and is built on the basis of domestic traditions of humane pedagogy. The goals of art education are to develop the emotional and moral potential of the child, to develop his soul by means of familiarization with artistic culture as a form of spiritual and moral search for humanity.

The program is based on the ideas and provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the basic principles of the educational educational complex “School of Russia”:

  1. The principle of citizen educationensures the implementation of the ideological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard - the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, which formulates the modernnational educational ideal. This is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, strengthened in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.
  2. The principle of value guidelinesprovides for the selection of educational content and types of activities for junior schoolchildren, aimed at forming a harmonious system of personal values ​​in the process of learning and upbringing. The basis of the formed value system isbasic national valuespresented in the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen.
  3. Learning principle in activities assumes that the achievement of the goals specified in the Standard and implemented in the educational complex “School of Russia” is ensured, first of all, by the formationuniversal educational actions (UAL): personal, regulatory , cognitive , communicative, which act as the basis of the educational and educational process.
  4. The principle of working for resultsmeans purposeful and consistent activities of teachers and students to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. For this purpose, the structure and content of textbooks includestask system,aimed at including younger schoolchildren in the activity-based mastery of educational material in order to master educational learning and develop the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including leading educational competence - ability to learn.
  5. The principle of synthesis of tradition and innovationmeans relying on the besttraditions of the national school in combination with innovative approaches, ensuring the development of education at the present stage of the country’s life.
    IN training courses The educational system “School of Russia” widely and consistently applies such innovations as the formation of universal educational activities, the organization of project activities, work with various media, the creation of student portfolios, final complex works and others, which are both general and subject-specific in nature.
    Based on the development of the traditions of Russian art education and on the basis of a modern understanding of the requirements for learning outcomes, the School of Russia has built a
    complete subject line of textbooks "art» (the principle of relying on personal experience child and expansion, enriching him with the development of culture is expressed in the structure of the textbook material):


Construction of textbook material

Nemenskaya L.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 1 class

Textbook for 1st grade"Art. You depict, you decorate and build” reveals everyday actions and games as a potential expression of artistic activity that organizes the subject-spatial environment of our lives, forms of communication and artistic observation of reality

Koroteeva E.I. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 2kl.

Textbook for 2nd grade"Art. You and Art" reveals the connection between feelings, emotional and moral experiences with their expression in art

3. Goryaeva N.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 3 grades

Textbook for 3rd grade"Art. Art around us" shows the artist’s activities in organizing the subject-spatial environment in the house, on the street, at a festival, in the theater and museum, that is, in the life around a person

Nemenskaya L.A. (edited by Nemensky B.M.). Art. 4 grades

Textbook for 4th grade"Art. Every nation is an artist” first introduces the uniqueness of the national traditional artistic culture, and then the originality of ideas about the beauty of the peoples of the world

In accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, textbooks for grades 1-4 in fine arts are aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results by students.

The course is designed asa holistic system of introduction to artistic cultureand includes, on a unified basis, the study of all main types of spatial (plastic) arts: fine arts - painting, graphics, sculpture; constructive - architecture, design; various types of decorative and applied arts, folk art - traditional peasant and folk crafts, as well as understanding the role of the artist in synthetic (screen) arts - the art of books, theater, cinema, etc. They are studied in the context of interaction with other arts, as well as in the context of specific connections with the life of society and man.

The systematizing method isidentifying three main types of artistic activityfor visual spatial arts:

- visual artistic activity;

Decorative artistic activities;

Constructive artistic activity.

Three methods of artistic exploration of reality - pictorial, decorative and constructive - in elementary school act for children as well-understood, interesting and accessible types of artistic activity: image, decoration, construction. The constant practical participation of schoolchildren in these three types of activities allows them to systematically introduce them to the world of art.

These three types of artistic activity are the basis for dividing visual-spatial arts into types: fine arts, constructive arts, decorative and applied arts. At the same time, each of the three types of activity is present in the creation of any work of art and therefore is the basis for integrating the entire variety of types of art into unified system, divided not according to the principle of listing types of art, but according to the principle of distinguishing one and another type of artistic activity. Highlighting the principle of artistic activity focuses attention not only on the work of art, but also onhuman activity, identifying his connections with art in the process of daily life.

It must be borne in mind that in elementary school three types of artistic activities are presented in a playful form as Brothers-Masters of Image, Decoration and Construction. They first help to structurally divide, and therefore understand, the activities of the arts in the surrounding life, and to more deeply understand art.

Thematic integrity and consistency of course development help to ensure transparent emotional contacts with art at every stage of learning. The child rises year after year, lesson after lesson, through the steps of learning personal connections with the whole world of artistic and emotional culture.

The subject “Fine Arts” involves the co-creation of teacher and student; dialogical; clarity of tasks and variability of their solutions; mastering the traditions of artistic culture and improvisational search for personally significant meanings.

Basic types of educational activities- practical artistic and creative activity of the student and perception of the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art.

Practical artistic and creative activities(the child acts as an artist) andart perception activity(the child acts as a spectator, mastering the experience of artistic culture) are creative in nature. Students master various art materials (gouache and watercolor, pencils, crayons, charcoal, pastel, plasticine, clay, various types of paper, fabrics, natural materials), tools (brushes, stacks, scissors, etc.), as well as art techniques (applique, collage, monotype, modeling, paper plastic, etc.).

One of the tasks is constant change of art materials,mastering their expressive capabilities.Variety of activitiesstimulates students' interest in the subject, the study of art and is a necessary condition formation of everyone's personality.

Perception of works of artinvolves the development of special skills, the development of feelings, as well as mastery figurative language art. Only in the unity of perception of works of art and one’s own creative practical work does the formation of figurative artistic thinking children.

A special type of student activity is the implementation of creative projects and presentations. This requires working with dictionaries and searching for a variety of artistic information on the Internet.

Development of artistic and imaginative thinkingstudents is built on the unity of its two foundations:development of observation skills, i.e. the ability to peer into the phenomena of life, anddevelopment of fantasy, i.e. the ability, based on developed observation, to build an artistic image, expressing one’s attitude to reality.

Observation and experience of the surrounding reality, as well as the ability to understand one’s own experiences, one’s inner world are important conditions for children to master the course material. Ultimate target - spiritual development of personality,that is, the formation in a child of the ability to independently see the world, think about it, express his attitude on the basis of mastering the experience of artistic culture.

The perception of works of art and practical creative tasks, subordinated to a common task, create conditions for deep awareness and experience of each proposed topic. This is also facilitated by appropriate music and poetry, which help children in the lesson to perceive and create a given image.

The Fine Arts program provides for alternating lessonsindividualpractical creativity of students and lessons

Collective forms of work can be different: work in groups; individual-collective work, when everyone does their part for a common panel or building. Joint creative activity teaches children to negotiate, make decisions and decide general tasks, understand each other, treat each other’s work with respect and interest, and the overall positive result provides an incentive for further creativity and self-confidence. Most often, such work is summing up some kind of big topic and the possibility of a more complete and multifaceted disclosure, when the efforts of everyone, put together, give a bright and holistic picture.

The artistic activity of schoolchildren in the classroom finds various forms of expression: depiction on a plane and in volume (from life, from memory, from imagination); decorative and constructive work; perception of reality and works of art; discussion of the work of comrades, the results of collective creativity and individual work in lessons; studying artistic heritage; selection of illustrative material for the topics being studied; listening to music and literary works(folk, classical, modern).

Artistic knowledge, skills and abilities are the main means of familiarization with artistic culture. Means of artistic expression - form, proportions, space, light tonality, color, line, volume, texture of material, rhythm, composition - are mastered by students throughout their studies.

In the lessons, play dramaturgy is introduced on the topic being studied, connections with music, literature, history, and labor are traced.

The systematic development of the artistic heritage helps to understand art as the spiritual chronicle of humanity, as an expression of man’s relationship to nature, society, and the search for truth. Throughout the course of study, students become familiar with outstanding works architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts, study classical and folk art different countries and eras. Understanding the artistic culture of your people is of great importance.

Discussion of children's worksfrom the point of view of their content, expressiveness, originality, it activates the attention of children and forms the experience of creative communication.

Periodic organization of exhibitionsgives children the opportunity to see and appreciate their work again and feel the joy of success. Student work completed in class can be used as gifts for family and friends, and can be used in school decoration.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

The Fine Arts curriculum is designed for grades 1 - 4 of primary school.

1 hour per week is allocated for studying the subject, a total of 135 hours per course.

The subject is studied: in grade 1 - 33 hours per year, in grades 2-4 - 34 hours per year (at 1 hour per week).

Value guidelines for the content of the academic subject

The priority goal of art education in school isspiritual and moral developmentchild, i.e. the formation in him of an emotional, value-based, aesthetic perception of the world, qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity, kindness and cultural usefulness in the perception of the world.

The culture-creating role of the program also consists in educatingcitizenship and patriotism. First of all, the child comprehends the art of his homeland, and then gets acquainted with the art of other peoples.

The program is based on the principle “from the native threshold to the world of universal human culture.” Russia is part of a diverse and integral world. The child opens step by stepdiversity of cultures of different peoplesand value ties that unite all people on the planet. Nature and life are the basis of the formed worldview.

Connections between art and human life, the role of art in everyday life, in the life of society, the importance of art in the development of every child is the main semantic core of the course.

The program is structured to give schoolchildren a clear understanding of the system of interaction between art and life. Widespread involvement is envisaged life experience children, examples from the surrounding reality. Working on the basis of observation and aesthetic experience of the surrounding reality is an important condition for children to master program material. The desire to express one’s attitude to reality should serve as a source for the development of imaginative thinking.

One of the main objectives of the course is the child’s developmentinterest in the inner world of a person, the ability to deepen into oneself, to become aware of one’s inner experiences. This is the key to developmentempathy abilitiesI through fairy tales, parables, situations from life, literary and musical series.

Any topic in art should not just be studied, but lived, i.e. passed through the student’s feelings, and this is only possible in an active form, in the form of personal creative experience.Only then, knowledge and skills in art become personally significant, are connected with real life and are emotionally colored, does the child’s personality develop, and his value attitude to the world is formed.

The special nature of artistic information cannot be adequately conveyed in words. Emotional, valuable, sensory experience expressed in art can only be comprehended through one’s own experience -living an artistic imagein the form of artistic actions. To do this, it is necessary to master artistic-figurative language and means of artistic expression. The developed ability for emotional assimilation is the basis of aesthetic responsiveness. This is the special power and originality of art: its content must be appropriated by the child as his own sensory experience.On this basis, the development of feelings, the mastery of the artistic experience of generations and the emotional and value criteria of life occur.

Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject

As a result of studying the course “Fine Arts” in primary school, certain results should be achieved.

Personal resultsare reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the academic subject in the “Fine Arts” program:

  • a sense of pride in the culture and art of the Motherland, one’s people;
  • respectful attitude towards the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;
  • understanding the special role of culture and art in the life of society and each individual;
  • formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking, observation and imagination;
  • the formation of aesthetic needs - the need for communication with art, nature, the need for a creative attitude towards the surrounding world, the need for independent practical creative activity;
  • level of skills:
  • mastering the skills of collective activityin the process of joint creative workin a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;
  • ability to collaboratewith comrades in the process of joint activity, correlate your part of the work with the general plan;
  • the ability to discuss and analyze one’s own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the perspective of the creative tasks of a given topic, in terms of content and means of expression.

Meta-subject resultscharacterize the level

the formation of students’ universal abilities, manifested in cognitive and practical creative activities:

  • mastering the skill of creative vision from the position of an artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;
  • mastering the ability to conduct dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;
  • the use of information technology tools to solve various educational and creative problems in the process of searching for additional visual material, performing creative projects and individual exercises in painting, graphics, modeling, etc.;
  • ability to plan and implement effectively learning activities in accordance with the task, find solutions to various artistic and creative problems;
  • ability to rationally build independent creative activity, ability to organize a place of study;
  • conscious desire to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and more original creative results.

Subject resultscharacterize the experience of students in artistic and creative activities, which is acquired and consolidated in the process of mastering the academic subject:

  • knowledge of types of artistic activity: fine (painting, graphics, sculpture), constructive (design and architecture), decorative (folk and applied arts);
  • knowledge of the main types and genres of spatial-visual arts;
  • understanding the figurative nature of art;
  • aesthetic assessment of natural phenomena, events of the surrounding world;
  • the use of artistic skills, knowledge and ideas in the process of performing artistic and creative work;
  • the ability to recognize, perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate several great works of Russian and world art;
  • the ability to discuss and analyze works of art, expressing judgments about the content, plots and means of expression;
  • mastering the names of leading art museums in Russia and art museums in their region;
  • the ability to see manifestations of visual-spatial arts in the surrounding life: in the house, on the street, in the theater, at a festival;
  • the ability to use various artistic materials and artistic techniques in artistic and creative activities;
  • the ability to convey in artistic and creative activity character, emotional states and one’s attitude towards nature, man, society;
  • the ability to compose a conceived artistic image on the plane of a sheet and in volume;
  • mastering the ability to apply the basics of color science and the basics of graphic literacy in artistic and creative activities;
  • mastering the skills of paper modeling, plasticine modeling, image skills using appliqué and collage;
  • the ability to characterize and aesthetically evaluate the diversity and beauty of nature in various regions of our country;
  • ability to reasonabout the diversity of ideas about beauty among the peoples of the world, human abilities in a variety of natural conditions create your own original artistic culture;
  • depiction in creative works of the features of the artistic culture of different (familiar from lessons) peoples, conveying the features of their understanding of the beauty of nature, man, and folk traditions;
  • the ability to recognize and name which artistic cultures the proposed (familiar from lessons) works of fine art and traditional culture belong to;
  • the ability to aesthetically and emotionally perceive the beauty of cities that have preserved their historical appearance - witnesses of our history;
  • ability to explainthe importance of monuments and the architectural environment of ancient architecture for modern society;
  • expression in visual arts its attitude to the architectural and historical ensembles of ancient Russian cities;
  • ability to give examplesworks of art that express the beauty of wisdom and rich spiritual life, the beauty of the inner world of man.

Main content lines of the course “Fine Arts” grades 1-4 (135 hours)

The educational material is presented in four blocks:

"Types of artistic activity"(reflects the content of the educational material):

Perception of works of art (artistic image - H.o.);

Drawing (graphics, materials, means of expression, working techniques - G );

Painting (materials, color basics, means of expression - Ts);

Sculpture (materials, working methods, means – WITH );

Artistic construction and design (variety of materials, work techniques, modeling and design in human life, here architecture is A );

Decorative and applied arts (origins, synthetic nature of folk culture, fairy tale images and the image of man, folk crafts of Russia - DPI);

"ABC of Art"(gives tools):

Composition (elementary techniques, compositional center, main and secondary, symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, transmission of movement in composition - TO );

Color (color - primary and composite colors, warm and cold, color mixing, emotions and color), drawing (line, stroke, spot, tone, emotionality of lines) - C;

Form (variety of forms of the objective world, geometric forms, natural, influence of form on the character of the image, silhouette, proportions - F);

Volume (in space and on the plane, methods of conveying volume, expressiveness of volumetric compositions, perspective - horizon line, basic laws - P);

"Significant Arts"(outlines the spiritual, moral, emotional and value orientation of the assignment topics):

The earth is ours common Home(observation of nature, landscape, buildings in nature, perception of works of art, vibrant cultures of the world, the role of nature in the nature of cultural traditions - Z);

My homeland is Russia (the nature and culture of Russia, the unity of the decorative system in decorating the home, household items, costume, human beauty, the image of the defender of the Fatherland - R );

Man and human relationships (image of man in different cultures, portrait, images that awaken the best human feelings, evil feelings, themes of love, friendship, family – H);

Art gives people beauty (types of art, artistic materials and means of expression, role in human life, still life, artistic design - AND );

"Experience in artistic and creative activity"(contains types and conditions of activities where artistic and creative experience is acquired):

Ability to learn - U (organize a workplace, plan work time, bring work to a result, restrain emotions, take into account others, summarize the work);

Participation in various types of visual, decorative, design activities;

Mastering the basics of drawing, painting, sculpture, creative arts;

Mastering the basics of artistic literacy;

The choice and use of expressive means to realize one’s own idea (creative idea - Tk ), various artistic techniques and materials;

Conveying mood using color, tone, composition, space, line, stroke, spot, volume, texture of material;

Discussion and expression of your attitude to the work

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade





You're pretending. Acquaintancewith Image Master

Images are all around us.

The Image Master teaches you to see.

Can be depicted as a spot.

Can be depicted in volume.

Can be depicted with a line.

Multi-colored paints.

You can also depict what is invisible.

Artists and spectators (summarizing the topic).

What and how do artists work?

The three main colors are red, blue, yellow.

Five colors - all the richness of color and tone.

Pastels and colored chalks, watercolors, their expressive capabilities.

Expressive application possibilities.

Expressive capabilities of graphic materials.

Expressiveness of materials for working in volume.

The expressive possibilities of paper.

For an artist, any material can become expressive (generalization of a theme).

Art in your home

Your toys were designed by an artist.

The dishes are at your home.

Mom's scarf.

Wallpaper and curtains in your home.

Your books.

Greeting card.

What the artist did in our house (summarizing the theme).

Origins of native art

Landscape of the native land.

Harmony of housing with nature. The village is a wooden world.

The image of human beauty.

National holidays (topic summary).

You decorate. Meet the Master of Decoration

The world is full of decorations.

You need to be able to notice beauty.

Patterns that people have created.

How a person decorates himself.

The Decoration Master helps to make a holiday (summarizing the theme).

Reality and fantasy

Image and reality.

Image and fantasy.

Decoration and reality.

Decoration and fantasy.

Construction and reality.

Construction and fantasy.

Brother Masters Images, decorations and Buildings always work together (summarizing the theme).

Art on your streets


Architectural monuments are a heritage of centuries.

Parks, squares, boulevards.

Openwork fences.

Lanterns on the streets and in parks.

Shop windows.

Transport in the city.

What did the artist do on the streets of my city (village) (summarizing the topic).

Ancient cities of our Earth

Old Russian fortress city.

Ancient cathedrals.

An ancient city and its inhabitants.

Old Russian warrior-defenders.

Cities of the Russian Land.

Patterned towers.

Festive feast in the chambers (summarizing the theme).

You are building. Meet the Build Master

Buildings in our life.

Houses are different.

Houses that nature built.

House outside and inside.

We are building a city.

Everything has its own structure.

We build things.

The city in which we live (summarizing the topic).

What does art say?

Expression of the character of the animals depicted.

Expression of a person’s character in an image: a male image.

Expression of a person’s character in an image: a female image.

The image of a person and his character, expressed in volume.

Image of nature in various states.

Expression of a person's character through decoration.

Expressing intentions through decoration.

In an image, decoration, or construction, a person expresses his feelings, thoughts, mood, his attitude to the world (generalization of the topic).

The artist and the spectacle

Artist in the circus.

Artist in the theater.


Puppet Theatre.

Playbill and poster.

Holiday in the city.

School holiday-carnival (summarizing the theme).

Every people is an artist

Land of the Rising Sun. An image of Japanese artistic culture.

Art of the peoples of the mountains and steppes.

An image of the artistic culture of Central Asia.

An image of the artistic culture of Ancient Greece.

An image of the artistic culture of medieval Western Europe.

The diversity of artistic cultures in the world (summarizing the topic).

Image, decoration, construction always help each other

The Three Master Brothers always work together.

"Dreamland". Creating a panel.

"Spring Festival". Paper construction.

A lesson in love. The ability to see.

Hello summer! (summarizing the topic).

As art speaks

Color as a means of expression. Warm and cool colors. The struggle between warm and cold.

Color as a means of expression: quiet (dull) and ringing colors.

Line as a means of expression: the rhythm of lines.

Line as a means of expression: the nature of lines.

The rhythm of spots as a means of expression.

Proportions express character.

The rhythm of lines and spots, color, proportions are means of expression.

Summary lesson of the year.

The artist and the museum

Museums in the life of the city.

Art. Landscape painting.

Portrait painting.

Still life painting.

Historical and everyday paintings.

Sculpture in the museum and on the street.

Art exhibition (summarizing the theme).

Art unites peoples

All nations glorify motherhood.

All nations sing of the wisdom of old age.

Empathy - great topic art.

Heroes, fighters and defenders.

Youth and hope.

Art of the peoples of the world (summarizing the topic).

Theme of the year: You depict, decorate and build

Three types of artistic activity (visual, decorative, constructive), which determine the entire diversity of visual spatial arts, are the basis for understanding the unity of the world of these visual arts. A playful, figurative form of introduction to art: three Brother-Masters - Master of Image, Master of Decoration and Master of Construction. To be able to see the work of one or another Brother-Master in the life around us is an interesting game with which the knowledge of the connections between art and life begins. Primary mastery of artistic materials and techniques.

Section 1. You are pretending. Meet the Image Master (8 hours)

The Image Master teaches you to see and depict. Primary work experience art materials, aesthetic assessment of their expressive capabilities.

Spot, volume, line, color are the main means of image.

Mastering the primary skills of depicting on a plane using line, spot, color. Mastering the primary skills of visualization in volume.

Images are all around us

Images in human life. By depicting the world, we learn to see and understand it. Development of observation and analytical capabilities of the eye. Formation of a poetic vision of the world.

Subject "Fine Arts". What will we learn in art lessons? Art cabinet - art workshop. An exhibition of children's works and the first experience of discussing them.

Meet the Image Master.

The Image Master teaches you to see

The beauty and diversity of the natural world around us.

Development of observation skills. Aesthetic perception details of nature.

Introduction to the concept of “form”. Comparison of the shape of various leaves and identification of its geometric basis. Using this experience to depict trees of different shapes.

Comparing the proportions of parts in composite, complex forms (for example, what simple forms make up the body in different animals).

Can be depicted as a spot

Development of the ability of holistic generalized vision.

Spot as a method of image on a plane. Image on a plane. The role of imagination and fantasy in spot-based imagery.

A shadow is an example of a spot that helps to see a generalized image of a form.

A metaphorical image of a stain in real life (moss on a stone, scree on a wall, patterns on marble in the subway, etc.).

An image based on a spot in illustrations by famous artists (T. Mavrina, E. Charushin, V. Lebedev, M. Miturich, etc.) for children's books about animals.

Can be depicted in volume

Volumetric images.

The difference between an image in space and an image on a plane. Volume, image in three-dimensional space.

Expressive, i.e. figurative (resembling someone), three-dimensional objects in nature (stumps, stones, snags, snowdrifts, etc.). Development of observation and imagination in the perception of three-dimensional form.

Integrity of form.

Techniques for working with plasticine. Modeling: from creating a large form to working out the details. Transformation (change) of a lump of plasticine using methods of pulling and pressing.

Modeling of birds and animals.

Can be depicted with a line

Introduction to the concepts of “line” and “plane”.

Lines in nature.

Linear images on a plane.

Narrative possibilities of the line (line - narrator).

Multi-colored paints

Getting to know color. Gouache paints.

Skills in working with gouache.

Organization of the workplace.

Color. The emotional and associative sound of color (what does the color of each paint resemble?).

Sample of colors. Rhythmic filling of the sheet (creating a colorful rug).

You can also depict what is invisible (mood)

Expressing mood in an image.

You can depict not only the objective world, but also the world of our feelings (the invisible world). Emotional and associative sound of color. What mood do different colors evoke?

How to portray joy and sadness? (Depiction using color and rhythm can be non-objective.)

Artists and spectators (summarizing the topic)

Artists and spectators. Initial experience of artistic creativity and experience of perceiving art. Perception of children's visual activity.

We learn to be artists, we learn to be spectators. The final exhibition of children's works on the topic. Initial formation of skills of perception and evaluation of one’s own artistic activity, as well as the activities of classmates.

Initial formation of skills in perceiving easel paintings.

Introduction to the concept of “work of art.” Painting. Sculpture. Color and paints in artists' paintings.

Art Museum.

Section 2. You decorate. Meet the Master of Decoration (8 hours)

Decorations in nature. You need to be able to notice beauty.People rejoice in beauty and decorate the world around them.The Master of Jewelry teaches you to admire beauty.

Basics of understanding the role of decorative artistic activity in human life. The Master of Decoration is a master of communication; he organizes communication between people, helping them clearly identify their roles.

Primary experience in mastering art materials and techniques (appliqué, paper-plastic, collage, monotype). Primary experience of collective activity.

The world is full of decorations

Decorations in the surrounding reality. Variety of decorations (decor). People rejoice in beauty and decorate the world around them.

Meet the Master of Decoration. The Master of Jewelry teaches you to admire beauty and develop observation skills; it helps make life more beautiful; he learns from nature.

Flowers are the decoration of the Earth. Flowers decorate all our holidays, all events of our lives. A variety of flowers, their shapes, colors, patterned details.

You have to be able to notice beauty

Development of observation skills. Experience aesthetic impressions of the beauty of nature.

The Master of Decoration learns from nature and helps us see its beauty. Bright and discreet, quiet and unexpected beauty in nature.

The variety and beauty of shapes, patterns, colors and textures in nature.

Acquaintance with new possibilities of art materials and new techniques. Development of skills in working with paints and colors.

Symmetry, repetition, rhythm, free fantasy pattern. Introduction to the technique of monotype (imprint of an ink spot).

Graphic materials, fantasy graphic patterns (on the wings of butterflies, fish scales, etc.).

Expressiveness of texture.

Relationship between spot and line.

Volumetric applique, collage, simple papermaking techniques.

Suggested subjects for assignments: “Patterns on the wings of butterflies”, “Beautiful fish”, “Decorations of birds”.

Patterns that people have created

The beauty of patterns (ornaments) created by man. A variety of ornaments and their application in the human environment.

The Master of Decoration is a master of communication; he organizes communication between people, helping them clearly identify their roles.

Natural and figurative motifs in the ornament.

Figurative and emotional impressions from ornaments.

Where can you find ornaments? What do they decorate?

How a person decorates himself

A person's jewelry tells a story about its owner.

What can jewelry tell? What kinds of jewelry do different people have?

When and why do people decorate themselves?

Jewelry can tell others who you are and what your intentions are.

The Decoration Master helps to make a holiday (summarizing the topic)

There is no holiday without holiday decorations. Preparing for the New Year.

Traditional New Year's decorations. New Year's garlands, Christmas tree toys. Decorations for the New Year's carnival.

New skills in working with paper and summarizing the material of the entire topic.

Section 3. You build. Meet the Master of Construction (11 hours)

Primary ideas about constructive artistic activity and its role in human life. Artistic image in architecture and design.

The Master of Construction is the personification of constructive artistic activity..The ability to see the structure of the shape of an object is the basis of the ability to draw. Different types of buildings. Primary skills to see the structure, i.e. the construction of an object.

Primary experience in mastering art materials and design techniques. Primary experience teamwork.

Buildings in our life

Initial acquaintance with architecture and design. Buildings in the life around us.

Buildings made by man. They build not only houses, but also things, creating the desired shape for them - comfortable and beautiful.

Meet the Build Master, who helps you figure out what different houses or things will look like, who to build them for, and from what materials.

Houses are different

Variety of architectural buildings and their purpose.

The relationship between the appearance of a building and its purpose. What parts can a house consist of? Components (elements) of a house (walls, roof, foundation, doors, windows, etc.) and the variety of their shapes.

Houses that nature built

Natural buildings and structures.

The variety of natural structures (pods, nuts, shells, burrows, nests, honeycombs, etc.), their shapes and designs.

The Master of Construction learns from nature, comprehending the forms and designs of natural houses.

The relationship between shapes and their proportions.

House outside and inside

The relationship and relationship between the appearance and internal structure of the house.

The purpose of the house and its appearance.

The internal structure of the house, its contents. Beauty and convenience of home.

Building a city

Construction of a game city.

The Construction Master helps you come up with a city. Architecture. Architect. City planning. Activities of an artist-architect.

The role of constructive imagination and observation in the work of an architect.

Techniques of working in paper-plastic technique. Creation of a collective layout.

Everything has its own structure

The design of the item.

Formation of primary skills to see the design of an object, i.e. how it is built.

Any image is an interaction of several simple geometric shapes.

We build things

Design of household items.

Development of primary ideas about the constructive structure of household items.

Development of constructive thinking and paper construction skills.

Introduction to the work of a designer: The Master of Construction comes up with shapes for everyday things. The Master of Decoration according to this form helps to decorate things. How do our things become beautiful and comfortable?

The city we live in (topic summary)

Creating an image of the city.

A walk around your hometown or village in order to observe real buildings: examining the street from the perspective of the creativity of the Master of Construction.

Analysis of the shape of houses, their elements, details in connection with their purpose. Variety of urban buildings. Small architectural forms, trees in the city.

Creating an image of the city (collective creative work or individual work).

Initial skills of collective work on a panel (distribution of responsibilities, combining parts or elements of the image into a single composition). Discussion of work.

Section 4. Image, decoration, construction always help each other (5 hours)

The common principles of all spatial-visual arts are spot, line, color in space and on the plane. Different uses of these elements of language in different types of art.

Image, decoration and construction are different aspects of the artist's work and are present in any work that he creates.

Observation of nature and natural objects.Aesthetic perception of nature.An artistic and imaginative vision of the surrounding world.

Skills collective creative activity.

The Three Master Brothers always work together

Interaction of three types of artistic activity.

Three types of artistic activities are involved in the process of creating practical work and in analyzing works of art.

Three types of artistic activity (three Brother-Masters) as stages, the sequence of creation of a work. The Three Master Brothers are inseparable. They constantly help each other, but each Master has his own job, his own purpose (his own social function).

In a particular work, one of the Masters is always in charge; he determines the purpose of the work, i.e., whether it is an image, decoration or building.

Exhibition of the best works of students. Discussion of the exhibition.

"Dreamland". Creating a panel

Creation of a collective panel.

Image of a fairy-tale world. Masters help you see the world of a fairy tale and recreate it.

Collective work with the participation of all students in the class.

The expressiveness of the placement of elements of a collective panel.

"Spring Festival". Paper construction

Designing nature objects from paper.

Development of observation and study of natural forms. Spring events in nature (the arrival of birds, the awakening of bugs, dragonflies, insects, etc.).

Designing natural objects from paper (birds, ladybugs, beetles, dragonflies, butterflies) and decorating them.

A lesson in love. Ability to see

Perception of the beauty of nature.

Excursion into nature. Observation of living nature from the point of view of three Masters.

View slides and photos with dramatic detail spring nature(branches with budding buds, flowering catkins, blades of grass, snowdrops, tree trunks, insects).

Repetition of the theme “Masters of Image, Decoration and Construction learn from nature.” Brothers-Masters help to consider natural objects: structure (how it is built), decor (how it is decorated).

Hello summer! (topic summary)

The beauty of nature delights people; artists glorify it in their works.

The image of summer in creativity Russian artists. Painting and sculpture. Reproduction.

The ability to see. Development of spectator skills.

Creating a composition based on impressions of summer nature.