Essay on the topic: What lesson do I like most and why? Essay “My favorite lesson is literature.

Math is my favorite school subject from first grade. I like solving examples and problems, finding answers to logical questions.

I love mathematics because everything in it follows certain rules that are easy to understand and which are the same for absolutely everyone. Mathematics has its own, unchanging laws that apply at all times and in all countries. Mathematicians can exchange solutions, equations and interesting examples, even if they don't speak the same language. The same formulas, the same signs are accepted all over the world, and this makes people closer.

Mathematics is needed in absolutely all areas of life. Every day we use simple arithmetic operations to shop, to plan your time. Every profession uses mathematical calculations in one way or another, even if it is not noticeable at first glance. Many professions require deep knowledge of mathematics, for example, engineers, programmers, physicists.

Mathematics is the basis for all sciences. It is impossible to study physics, chemistry, biology if you do not know how to do the necessary calculations. To succeed and get a good education, you need to know mathematics well.

(Painting by Bogdanov-Belsky "Oral calculation")

It can also be noted that constant mathematics classes help develop logical thinking. They say that good mathematicians always play great chess and become the best military strategists. Even in Everyday life The ability to think sensibly and logically and look for solutions to problems helps a lot.

Math can also be a great hobby. There are various circles, communities, clubs where you can solve complex mathematical problems and communicate with people who are also interested in this.

Mathematics moves the world forward and helps develop science. This is the basis for scientific and technological progress, the basis for our new, future world.

IN Lately I fell in love with the lessons of fine arts, or Fine Arts, as everyone calls this subject for short. I used to dislike them, because the drawings I made were ugly, even awkward, one might say. But moving from primary school In fifth grade, we got a new art teacher. This radically changed my attitude towards drawing.

The teacher started from the very basics, from what any drawing is based on - from perspective, proportionality, a sense of color, and the correct depiction of shadows. I diligently repeated all the actions after the teacher, learned new techniques, and my drawings changed strikingly: they could now be looked at without shuddering or pity.

Previously, the teacher took my work with some kind of disgust or doubt in my abilities, but now the new teacher sometimes shows my drawings as an example for others. At such moments I feel proud of my success.

Love for lessons depends on how much you like the subject and how the teacher teaches it. Let me not have

only “B” in fine art, but I know that my teacher’s “satisfactory” grade is always deserved and honest. In such cases, I have always tried and will continue to try to correct the assessment, make the work more successful, and redraw it.


- essay on the topic in which lessons I am never bored, 3rd grade

- an essay on the topic in which lessons I am never bored

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– ESSAY In which lessons am I never bored?

– why I love lessons most of all

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Option 1

At school we study many subjects that give us information about different phenomena in the world. We learn a lot of new things in our lessons. I like some items more, some less. Largely due to how interesting the lessons are.

My favorite lesson is literature, both Russian and foreign. What I especially like is that it seems to transport us to another time and another culture. The figures of writers and poets of past centuries appear before us; on the pages of their works we see the lives and characters of people who once lived before us. Exactly at literary works fictional characters appear before us as if alive, filled with their thoughts and feelings. Together with them, we experience exciting, and often tragic, events, as if becoming part of history.

I like it when in a literature lesson we learn about the life of the writer or poet himself, about the events that prompted him to write a work. In addition, I like reading by roles and compiling character characteristics. I love to memorize beautiful poems about nature or people. They seem to convey to me the feelings that the poets experienced when they created them.

Literature lessons are not only educational, they also develop the ability to speak correctly and beautifully, empathize with the characters, and also open up to us amazing world events we would not otherwise have been to, and people we would not have met otherwise.

Option 2

Among all the subjects that we study at school, I love literature lessons the most. WITH early childhood I really like to read different books. They are like a parallel universe most interesting people and events. And besides this, literature is closely related to real life and highlights its various aspects. Great writers and poets in their works raise important issues of man and society, are trying to answer philosophical questions love, justice, goodness.

For me, a literature lesson is not just an introduction to the work of another writer. It’s also like getting to know him personally. As the Bible says, “a tree is known by its fruit.” Likewise, a person who has found himself in literature can be best recognized by the fruits of his creativity. Writers and poets often endow the heroes of their works with their own character traits, thoughts, feelings and desires.

In addition, the literature lesson reveals to us how and under what conditions this or that work was born, what prompted its creation. Study of composition and artistic means helps to understand how the work took its form. You can learn from great masters the grace of speech and the creation of images, so that one day, perhaps, you can write your own book.

Although it takes a lot of time to prepare for a literature lesson, this is not a problem for me at all, since reading is my favorite way to spend time. And when preparing for a lesson, I rather relax than work hard. And, in my opinion, this is very good, because it always turns out better when you do what you like.

I really love literature lessons. You learn a lot of interesting things about writers, poets, and their works. This subject fosters a love of books. I'm sure she must take great place in the life of every person.

The book has its roots in the distant, distant past. When our ancestors more or less consciously began to study the world around them, they began to capture everything they saw. Primitive “literature” has come to us in the form rock paintings, literature of ancient civilizations - in the form of clay tablets, stone steles.

Later, with the increase in the flow of knowledge, people began to need to preserve their works, discoveries, and history for posterity. For this, our ancestors invented books. The first manuscripts were cumbersome and inconvenient. A lot of time passed before they turned into elegantly illustrated, easy-to-read books accessible to everyone.

Captured in scientific and artistic works world history and reflects the knowledge that humanity has accumulated during its existence.

The books contain everything: from fairy tales, adventures, science fiction to serious scientific works. The book helps us study, work and brighten up our leisure time. In encyclopedias and dictionaries we find answers to any questions. The book helps to choose the right path in life and can guide the lost to the true path.

Literature lessons help us navigate huge world works, learn to understand them. In addition, we learn to distinguish good books from “dummies”, enjoy reading talented works. (205 words)

Essay on the topic: What academic subject do I love most and why?

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