The hen pecks at the grain, the proverb is complete. What does the expression “the hen pecks at the grain” mean? I don't have a good education

Nothing hesitating (doubting)

Nothing hesitating (doubting)

Translation: Not at all (not at all, not at all) without doubt.

From the Bible (Church Slavonic text): Gospel, Epistle of the Apostle James (chapter 1, art. 6) (Russian translation): “But let him ask in faith, without any doubt, because he who doubts is like a sea wave, blown by the wind lifted and fluttered."

Playfully and ironically: without any doubt, without much thought, simply, simply.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Nothing doubted (doubted)” is in other dictionaries:

    Translation: Not at all (not at all, not at all) without doubt. From the Bible (Church Slavonic text): Gospel, Epistle of the Apostle James (chapter 1, art. 6) (Russian translation): “But let him ask in faith, without the least doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Book Joking. or Iron. Without any doubt, without hesitation. /i>

    nothing without hesitation hesitating- nothing even sumn yashesya (summn yasya) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Boldly, without hesitation, without hesitation, without hesitation, calmly, decisively, without hesitation, without hesitation, without hesitation, calmly Dictionary of Russian synonyms. without hesitation adverb, number of synonyms: 11 without hesitation (... Synonym dictionary

    without hesitation- Nothing / same hesitation / hesya (doubtful), bookish. Without hesitation, without hesitation, without hesitation. I bought it without hesitation. They accused me without hesitation... Dictionary of many expressions

    Nothing hesitating (doubting). Book Joking. or Iron. Without any doubt, without hesitation. /i> Expression from the Epistle of the Apostle James (1, 61). BMS 1998, 559; FSRY, 463 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    - (hesitatingly). Wed. For her, this beautiful courage of modern man was clear, with which he, without hesitation or hesitation, solves big questions and draws final conclusions. A.P. Chekhov. At dusk. Misfortune. Wed. Together with my... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

How many human destinies was spoiled because of people's doubts! Unbelief prevents you from taking a decisive step that can change your whole life. Therefore, there is no need to always doubt, or, figuratively speaking, to doubt nothing. We believe some people are puzzled by this phrase. What does “without hesitation” mean? You will learn this in this article.

“No doubt about it”: the meaning of phraseology

Perhaps this phrase seems incomprehensible due to the fact that it is expressed in Church Slavonic. If pronounced in modern Russian, then it represents the phrase “without any doubt.” Thanks to this translation, the meaning of the phraseological unit becomes immediately clear. It means "do not doubt." It is also interpreted in synonymous words: without hesitation, decisively, without hesitation, without thinking for a long time, etc.

History of the origin of the expression

Faith plays a big role in the life of every person. It is especially significant in religion. It is no coincidence that the expression we are considering came to us from the Bible. In it, namely in the Gospel, in the Epistle of the Apostle James, it is said that the one who asks must ask with faith, without hesitation.

It is worth noting that in Old Slavonic language there was no double negative, as in our time. Perhaps this is why the expression does not seem entirely clear and at first it may seem that it translates as “somewhat doubtful.” But it won't be right. After all, there should be no doubt.

Examples of using the expression

Due to the fact that the phraseological unit is in the Old Church Slavonic language, in modern speech it sounds somewhat comical. Perhaps it is for this reason that it is used in a humorous, ironic form.

Phraseologism is found in the media and various literature. IN colloquial speech it is not used often.

We can find this stable combination of words in everyday life among classical writers, in their works, as well as in modern fiction. For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov uses it in his letter of 1894. He writes: “...while I’m rocking, I have lunch without hesitation.”

The Russian writer Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, in his 1867 story “Kotin the Milker and Platonida,” also used this stable expression: “... they bound books, painted, tinned pots - and they did all this without hesitation, and cheaply, and badly.”

Daria Dontsova in her ironic detective story “Dollars of the King of Peas” also uses this phraseological unit. She writes: “... its owners, without hesitation, rename themselves Clara.”

And some writers use this expression as the title of their work. For example, prose writer Ellina Akhmetova - “They break destinies without hesitation.” Journalists use it in their articles and headlines. For example - “The MTS Ukraine operator deprived Ukraine of Crimea without hesitation” (in the publication we're talking about that the company published a map of Ukraine without Crimea).


The phraseological unit “without hesitation” refers to catchphrases, which came into our speech from the Bible (Biblicalisms). However, over time, it lost the sacred meaning contained in its source. The apostle's expression meant unconditional faith in God. The Bible said that there should be no doubt in matters of religion, they do not lead to anything good. That is, the main meaning of the expression is not to doubt at all.

But in literature and other industries we encounter a playful, ironic tone when using this phraseological unit. It is often used to denote confident, decisive and even rash actions. The practice of using phraseological units has expanded the scope of application of stable phrases.

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The chicken pecks one grain at a time and is full. Since childhood, we have heard proverbs and sayings that are completely opposite in meaning on the topic of Money-Wealth-Poverty-Poverty.

In the reality surrounding us today, many of them have for some time already had a certain mythical connotation. Not in the sense that it is " ancient times legends”, but in the fact that this no longer corresponds to the reality (reality) of our days.

We won’t touch on the reasons now. Let's take a look at some examples of this folk myth-making. And the messages hidden in them.

The chicken pecks one grain at a time and is full.

Drop by drop, the ocean fills up.

All this is about the fact that there is no need to rush. You just have to save up - “Penny by penny, there will be a ruble.” There have been no “kopecks” for a long time. Unless collectors or a bank will give you an amount accurate to the penny (in the literal sense of the word).

The problem is that our subconscious perceives this LITERALLY. From here we have two consequences:

  1. Count pennies and be happy that the money is accumulating
  2. It will take a very long time to accumulate wealth in this way. One human life definitely not enough.

The rich have short-lived joy - they have to pay for everything.

And again two consequences:

  1. It may be necessary, but so far it has not been necessary - they live in abundance and enjoy coziness, comfort, quality food and clothing. Their children receive a good education, etc.
  2. We see quite a lot of fairly wealthy people now. And we also see that the more wealthy they are, the less and less they have to “pay”.

And how many people live in poverty and their only joy in life is to wait for the “rich” to “pay” for their “ sweet life" They pay with their poverty for the dubious opportunity to have the dubious pleasure of enjoying the sight of the “suffering” of the former rich.

Hidden Message - Wealth = Misfortune

The more money you spend, the more money comes to you

Allegedly, there is some homespun (sorry – “higher cosmic”) truth. To buy an expensive iPhone (car, penthouse, yacht), a person took out a loan (mortgage) for several years. And (again) supposedly, this will stimulate a person to earn more money. And that's not so bad. Allegedly, the money will directly find its way to it.

But somehow I haven’t met people who received a lot of money after they went head over heels in loans. And you? And what do we get in the bottom line?

Hidden instruction: “Live beyond your means.”

Not a single sane businessman (and not even a businessman, but just a sane person) will ever spend a penny more than he can afford. Because he understands perfectly well that if he spends more than he can afford, then sooner or later he will inevitably end up in debt.

As soon as you start living beyond your means, money shuns you like lepers. Because you don’t know their laws, you don’t know how to deal with them.

Now I don't need money. When you need it, then I’ll earn it

And so they continue to “not make money.” Because “what if you can’t earn decent money?” But what about self-esteem? Surroundings
they will laugh.

Challenge your fear of failure. Smart people they will support you even if you fail; they will tell you - analyze your mistakes, correct them and go on to the next attempt.

Hidden message - I don't need money.

After all, we live in a continuous “Now”.

Wealth is a sin

Another option is Money is a sin (evil). Why did you decide that? Who told you this heresy? Neither the Bible, nor the Koran, nor the Torah says that you (as an adherent of a particular religion) should live in poverty. Another question is that all these books contain instructions on decency towards other people when you earn your capital.

The sin of money.

In money itself there is no evil, no sin, no good, no good. All this is IN THE HEAD of the one who holds this money in his hands. Depending on the contents of the head, money RECEIVES one direction or another. Although, however, if for you money is evil and sin, do not touch it, do not earn it, do not desire it. Let someone else get them. They will thank you very much for this. Or maybe they won't say. And they will be right. What should I say thank you for? Because they took what you completely voluntarily refused?..

A long ruble shortens life. My health is more important to me

Wake up! You work no less hard for your very modest salary than a rich man does for his millions. And you get sick no less. And you also need rest, but you cannot afford such luxury. This approach just touches me!!!

After all, if you turn on your brains (use them for their intended purpose), what good health consists of:

  • quality food
  • quality medical care
  • absence of constant anxiety (fear) about what your children will eat tomorrow and what to buy them with new clothes how to pay for their education, etc.

But you don’t have money for normal treatment and quality food. And he has it. Whose health will be better in the end?

Another option - big money - big problems. And again - WAKE UP! Yes, wealthy people have problems too. Do you know what the difference is between the problems of the poor and the rich? - The vast majority of problems in modern world Quite easily solved with money (I don’t mean bribes).

Hidden message - Lots of money = no health.

But without money, your health is simply ruined!

I don't have a good education

The first thing that comes to mind is, well, get this very “good education.” You are an adult.

Secondly, history and modern times know quite a few examples of how “C” students became (and still are) successful people and live very prosperously. And there are excellent students with honors who can barely make ends meet.

Obviously, the problem is not in education, but in something else. For example, having intelligence, energy and a willingness to work for your own benefit.

Having a lot of money, I condemn other people to poverty

Maybe. However, having a lot of money, no one forbids you to take under your patronage Orphanage, or pay for the studies of a talented
a child from a low-income family, or pay for someone’s treatment and save that person’s life. And also give jobs, for example, to a personal driver, housekeeper and pay them good salary. Or pay a decent salary to the people who work for you.

The hidden message is poverty = clear conscience.

You need to have good starting capital

The options are to find a treasure, or receive a large inheritance.

Again, history and modernity know a lot of examples when people happened to find a treasure, or receive an inheritance, or win an amount of money quite sufficient for starting capital. And they completely mediocrely “wasted” this money on anything, on all sorts of nonsense, and safely returned to their original, very modest existence.

Hidden message - I can’t make money because I don’t have money.

All. The brain froze tightly. The problem cannot be solved with such initial data.


How to attach this to Tarot cards (Lenormand, etc.) to runes, etc., if a person talks about money in terms of various esoteric techniques, observing all kinds of “money” signs and traditions, but still has no money (or maybe is this your personal situation?..)

  1. Ask the first proverb about money that comes to his mind. There is a high probability that he is guided by this very proverb in everything that concerns money.
  2. Make a breakdown of this person’s relationship with money. What kind of relationship is this? We should be more interested in information about the relationship of the questioner to money (and not money to him). What is he in relation to money?
  • Thinks
  • Feels
  • Does

This will give you a more accurate understanding of the questioner's money problems. And it will make your work easier to find a solution (if, of course, the questioner really wants to solve this problem, and not just talk and lament about it).


P.S. Although my personal opinion about working with beliefs is one of “400 relatively honest ways to take money from the population.” I am more than sure that those who have a good income do not have it because they have worked through “wrong” beliefs.

Perhaps they are driven by 2 magic words"Necessary!" and “I want!”, and they pump all their strength and energy into these 2 words. And not in the word “I’m afraid.” And one more obvious fact - money comes from OUTSIDE, and by delving into your beliefs you dive (are you being immersed?..) even deeper INSIDE.

And there will be no end to this. Because you will inevitably find that your “poverty mindset” takes its origins from your mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and then it turns out that you need to work with your family, do theta-hilling, or look through past lives and look for reasons there. And if you don’t find it there, then take some other “journeys within yourself.”

And everything would be fine. Yes, but all this time you will be turned INSIDE. And other people will earn money IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD.

You are NOT INTERESTED in making money. You are interested in HAVING them and merging them.

After all, you find time and ways to do what you are really interested in? That's why you don't make a lot of money. You are simply NOT INTERESTED. And they don’t accumulate for the same reason.

Interest is a directed and sustained ATTENTION to something. And you remember about money only when you need it (when you need to spend it).


For advice, questions about training, and questions about the layouts that are posted on my website write or call me on whatsapp. Or (your message will be sent directly to my email; it will not be published on the website). Just indicate your valid email. address. Otherwise, my answer will go to my grandfather’s village and you won’t be able to read it.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

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