The process of inclusion. The process of familiarization with the values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world accumulated by previous generations is called



3) education.


3) Education presupposes:

Gaining knowledge about the world around us, society, people.

Creation of new knowledge

Mastering ethical norms and values

Studying other people's experiences

4) Humanization of education is:

Refusal to give low grades

Free attendance at schools

More attention to individual characteristics personality.

Reducing study load

5) The education system is regulated by:

By the state. 3) Social group

Society 4) Individuals

6) A person receives education as a result of:

Adaptations 3) Growing up

Socialization. 4) Aging


1) Essay “Learning is fashionable!”

2) Essay “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness!”

3) “Knowledge opens doors for us, but we must enter them ourselves.” (D.S. Likhachev)

4) “First of all, teach yourself, then you will learn something from others” (I.V. Goethe).

“The illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot write and read, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” (E. Toffler)

“...without the full assimilation of traditional literacy, computer literacy cannot be used to its full potential, a person turns into a computer.” (I.A. Negodaev)




1. Religion, concept

2. Problems of the origin of religion

2.1. Theological-technological approach

2.2. Materialistic approach

3. Signs of religion

3.1. belief in the supernatural

3.2. organization. worship of higher powers

3.3. the desire to harmonize life with the requirements of the unconditional principle (God)

4. Structure of religion

4.1. religious consciousness

4.2. religious cult

4.3. religious organization

5. Early forms religion

5.1. totemism

5.2. animism

5.3. fetishism

6. World religions

6.1. Buddhism

6.2. Christianity

7. Functions of religion

7.1. ideological

7.2. therapeutic

7.3. communicative

7.4. regulatory

7.5. cultural

7.6. integration

8. The role of religion in human life and society


Religion(from Latin religio - shrine, piety, object of worship) - internal conviction in the existence of a supernatural higher power- God (or gods) who is the subject of worship.

Cult(from the Latin cultus - cultivation, care, veneration, worship) - a system of established religious actions associated with an attitude towards the supernatural.

Magic- belief in the existence of supernatural connections and relationships between humans and things, animals, spirits, established through a certain type of religious activity with the aim of having a desired impact on the world

Fetishism- worship inanimate objects: figurines, amulets, etc.

Totemism- worship of an animal or plant as one’s mythical ancestor and protector

Animism- belief in spirits and souls existing in objects and independently of them (for example, spirits of mountains, rivers, lakes or stones, trees, etc.)

Eschatology - religious teaching about the end of the world, the death of this world. E. became widespread in Christianity and Judaism.

Sacral- a term denoting everything that relates to religious faith, religious cult. Synonyms: ritual, traditional.



1Write down the word missing in the diagram:



Place in the system of social sciences and humanities: philosophy, cultural studies


1. Art like special shape spiritual culture.

2. The main stages of the development of art in history

3. Characteristic features of art:

3.1. irrationalism;

3.2. symbolism;

3.3. subjectivism;

3.4. imagery

3.5. visibility.

4. The most important functions of art:

4.1. hedonistic (brings joy to a person);

4.2. compensatory (makes up for a person’s dissatisfaction with real life);

4.3. communicative (is a means of communication in the cultural space);

4.4. aesthetic (transformation of the world based on beauty);

4.5. educational (formation of moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual);

4.6. cognitive (forms artistic, aesthetic picture peace).

5. Main types of art:

5.1. by type of means used:

5.1.1. art of words (literature);

5.1.2. art of sound (music);

5.1.3. art of color (painting);

5.1.4. art of gesture (dance, pantomime);

5.2. by the amount of funds used

5.2.1. simple (painting, sculpture, poetry, music)

5.2.2. complex or synthetic (ballet, theater, cinema);

5.3. according to the relationship between a work of art and reality

5.3.1. fine art (realistic painting, sculpture, photography)

5.3.2. expressive (ornament, music);

5.4. in relation to space and time

5.4.1. spatial (fine arts, sculpture, architecture),

5.4.2. temporary (literature, music)

5.4.3. spatio-temporal (theater, cinema);

5.5. by time of occurrence

5.5.1. traditional (poetry, dance, music)

5.5.2. new (photography, cinema, television, video)

5.6. according to the degree of applicability in everyday life

5.6.1. applied (decorative and applied arts)

5.6.2. graceful (music, dance).

6. Universal and national in the development of art.

7. The role of art in modern world


Art- specific form public consciousness and human activity, which is a reflection of the surrounding reality in artistic images.

Syncretism- a combination or fusion of “incomparable” ways of thinking and views, forming a conditional unity.

Renaissance- an era of global significance in the history of European culture, which replaced the Middle Ages and preceded the Enlightenment. Impressionism- direction in the art of the latter thirds of the XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, which originated in France and then spread throughout the world, whose representatives sought to develop methods and techniques that made it possible to most naturally and vividly capture the real world in its mobility and variability, to convey their fleeting impressions. Aesthetics - philosophical doctrine about the essence and forms of beauty in artistic creativity, in nature and in life, about art as a special form of social consciousness.

Irrationalism– a philosophical doctrine that asserts the impossibility of knowing reality only by scientific methods, presupposing the existence of areas of world understanding that are inaccessible to reason, puts emphasis on the intuitive-emotional way of comprehending reality

Symbolism– a direction in art or the presence of fiction and convention.

Subjectivism- an ideological position that ignores an objective approach to reality or a feature of art that assumes that it always bears the imprint of the artist’s personality.

Visibility- the ability to be easily perceived visually.

Imagery- the presence of fiction and convention ; art is not intended to accurately copy life: through art a person is immersed in the world of artistic images, but at the same time he is always aware of this illusoryness and convention.


1 Choose the correct judgments about art and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Art influences a person’s worldview.

2) Art allows us to theoretically explain social phenomena.

3) Works of art help a person restore spiritual harmony and realize creative potential.

4) Art helps to attract public attention to social and moral issues.

5) The role of art is manifested in opposition to scientific concepts.

2 Illustrate the implementation with three examples educational function art. (Examples should be related to various types of art.)

3 Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the characteristics of art.

1) imagery; 2) awakening fantasy and imagination; 3) reliability and verifiability of the results; 4) focus on obtaining objective truth; 5) emotionality of perception; 6) visibility.

Find two characteristics that “fall out” from general series, and write down
in the table the numbers under which they are indicated.

4 Write down the word missing in the table.

Characteristics of forms of spiritual culture

5 Are the following judgments about art true?

A. Art reflects the world in artistic images.

B. Art orients people in a system of aesthetic values.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

6 Unlike science, art

1) affirms the value of subjective figurative perception of the world

2) helps to understand the world around us

3) establishes the patterns of development of nature and society

7 Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Spiritual culture is a unique integrity of art, science, morality and religion.

B. Within a certain historical era There have always been different cultures in the world.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

8 Art, unlike other forms of spiritual culture,

1) affirms the value of an aesthetic attitude to the world

2) creates a certain stock of knowledge about the world

3) forms a picture of the world

4) reflects reality in concepts

9 For artistic creativity it is obligatory

1) the desire for an accurate reflection of reality

2) simplicity of the form of the work

3) validity of the methods used

4) use of figurative and symbolic means

10 Are the following judgments about art as a form (sphere) of spiritual culture true?

A. The artistic image in art is important element knowledge of the world.

B. Works of art are always just the result of fiction; they reflect the artist’s inner world and are not connected with reality.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


“Art should teach to love virtue and hate vice” (D. Diderot).


Place in the system of social sciences and humanities: philosophy, ethics


1. The concept of morality

2. Development of moral standards

2.2. customs

2.3. traditions

2.4. moral standards

3. Functions of morality:

3.1. educational

3.2. regulating

3.3. stabilizing

4. Features of morality:

4.1. Support from the majority of the population

4.2. Development over several hundred years

5. The basis of morality is universal human moral norms and values:

5.1. " Golden Rule» morality;

5.2.1. good and evil;

5.2.2. duty and conscience;

5.2.3. justice;

5.2.4. honor and dignity;

5.2.5. happiness.

5.3. principles and moral standards.

6. The relationship between morality and ethics

7. Relationship between law and morality
Ethics as the science of morality

8. Morality in the modern world.


Morality(from the Latin moralis - moral; mores - morals) is one of the ways of normative regulation of human behavior, a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations.

Hedonism- a way of justifying morality, the main goal of which is to obtain pleasure and avoid suffering. As a moral principle, G. prescribes that people strive for earthly joys.

Taboo- a concept associated with primitive culture and denoting a strict categorical prohibition on specially designated objects, actions and words, the violation of which entails severe punishment from the collective.

Cynicism– a moral quality that characterizes a contemptuous attitude towards the culture of society, towards its spiritual and moral values.

Euthanasia– a term denoting the painless bringing of a hopelessly ill person to death.




“The greatness of a great man is revealed in the way he treats little people.” (T. Carlyle).
1.16. concept of social progress

Place in the system of social sciences and humanities: philosophy


1. Different views on directionality social development

1.1. Plato, Aristotle, G. Vico, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee - movement along certain steps within a closed cycle, i.e. theory of historical circulation.

1.2. Religious movements are the predominance of regression in many areas of society.

1.3. French enlighteners - continuous renewal, improvement of all aspects of society.

1.4. Modern researchers - positive changes in some areas of society can be combined with stagnation and regression in others, i.e. conclusion about the inconsistency of progress.

2. The concept of progress and regression.

2.1. progress

2.2. regression

3. Forms of social progress

3.1. reform

3.2. revolution

4. Traditional criteria for progress:

4.1. development human mind

4.2. improving people's morality

4.3. progress of science and technology

4.4. development of productive forces, including man himself

4.5. an increase in the degree of freedom that society can provide to an individual

5. Relativity of progress

6. Contradictory progress

7. Humanistic criteria of progress:

7.1. average human life expectancy,

7.2. infant and maternal mortality, health status,

7.3. the level of education,

7.4. development of various spheres of culture,

7.5. feeling life satisfaction,

7.6. degree of respect for human rights,

7.7. attitude towards nature, etc.

8. Social revolution – as a special form of social change.


Progress(from Latin progressus - movement forward, success) - a type of development from lower to higher, from simple to more complex, movement forward to more perfect.
Regression(from lat. regressus - reverse movement) - type of development from higher to lower, processes of degradation, lowering the level of organization, loss of ability to perform certain functions.

Revolution- is a complete or comprehensive change in all or most aspects public life, affecting the foundations of the existing social system.

Reform- this is a transformation, reorganization, change in any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure, leaving power in the hands of the former ruling class.



1. The dynamism of society as a system is reflected in

1) there is a connection with the natural environment

2) a set of institutions and subsystems

3) ability to progress

4) the presence of social relations

2. Using such a criterion of social development as the success of science and technology, one can show the progressive nature

1) abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861.

2) the spread of information technology in modern society

3) elimination of class privileges

4) treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

3. Illustrate with examples any three criteria of social progress. In each case, first state the criterion and then give an example.

4. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

5. Reform, unlike other forms of social change,

1) affects all spheres of public life

2) usually carried out by authorities

3) represents sharp qualitative changes

4) involves a radical renewal of social relations

6. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. The sources of progress can be the human desire for knowledge, technical improvements or social contradictions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Give two manifestations of the inconsistency of social progress. Illustrate each with an example.

8. The problem of social responsibility of scientists has become particularly acute, since

1) scientists have made discoveries that have unpredictable consequences

2) science has lost its importance in society

3) society has completely lost control over the activities of scientists

4) the state increases funding for science

9. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The social system is constantly changing: new elements appear, old ones become more complex or disappear. There are two forms of __________ (A): evolution and revolution. Scientists call __________ (B) a gradual process of the emergence of increasingly complex social entities. In the process __________ (B) social system finds itself in an unstable state, the balance of social forces is disrupted.

An important question is about __________ (D) social changes and the factors that determine them. The idea that changes in the world occur in the direction from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect, gave rise to the idea of ​​__________ (D).

As a result social phenomenon society is transitioning to a more high level material __________ (E) and spiritual development.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

2) social change

3) process

4) needs

5) evolution

6) information

7) social progress

8) social revolution

9) welfare

10. Are the following judgments about the forms of social development correct?

A. Reforms always occur “from above”, carried out by the government.

B.Revolution presupposes dramatic qualitative changes in various spheres of public life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


"Revolution is a barbaric form of progress." (J. Jaurès)

“Humanity has no purpose, no idea, no plan, just as there is no purpose in the species of butterflies or orchids. (O. Spengler)

“The progress of technology gives us ever more advanced means of moving backwards” (O. Huxley).

“Modern civilization: exchange of values ​​for convenience” (S. Lem).

“We were civilized enough to build a machine, but too primitive to use it” (K. Kraus).

“There is no progress without struggle” (F. Douglas).
1.17. Multivariate social development

(types of societies)

Place in the system of social sciences and humanities: philosophy


1. Definition of society in a narrow and in a broad sense

2. Sources of multivariance and driving forces development of society
- transformative activities of people
-natural and climatic conditions
-prominent figures

3. Classification of types of societies

3.1. By availability of writing

3.1.1. Written

3.1.2. Preliterate

3.2. By level of complexity (levels of control and degree of stratification)

3.2.1. Simple

3.2.2. Complex

3.3. According to K. Marx (formations)

3.3.1. Primitive

3.3.2. Slaveholding

3.3.3. Feudal

3.3.4. Capitalist

3.3.5. Communist

3.4. According to W. Rostow

3.4.1. Traditional (agricultural)

3.4.2. Transitional

3.4.3. Shift stage

3.4.4. Maturity stage

3.4.5. High mass consumption society

3.5. According to D. Bell, A. Toffler

3.5.1. Pre-industrial

3.5.2. Industrial

3.5.3. Post-industrial

4. Traditional society and its features

4.1. The concept of traditional society

4.2. Characteristic features of traditional societies:

4.2.1. the agricultural nature of the economy;

4.2.2. fusion of power and property;

4.2.3. the patriarchal nature of society and the state;

4.2.4. the predominance of collectivist forms of social consciousness;

4.2.5. low rates of social change and social mobility.

4.3. The main types of traditional societies:

4.3.1. societies of the ancient medieval East;

4.3.2. ancient societies Greece and Rome;

4.3.3. medieval feudal society in Western Europe;

4.3.4. Old Russian and medieval Russian society.

4.4. Specifics social stratification traditional societies:

4.4.1. caste or class system;

4.4.2. predominance of prescribed statuses;

4.4.3. the church and the army as the most important social elevators;

4.4.4. limited ability of the individual to change his status.

4.5. Preservation of elements of traditional societies in the modern era.

5. Industrial society –

5.1. Concept of industrial society

5.2. Signs of an industrial society

5.2.1. urbanization;

5.2.2. industrialization;

5.2.3. class division of society;

5.2.4. class antagonism;

5.2.5. transfer of power into the hands of owners;

5.2.6. representative democracy;

5.2.7. relatively small social mobility.

5.3. New Industrial Society (Galbraith)

5.3.1. system large corporations(monopolization of the economy)

5.3.2. significant increase in the economic activity of the state

5.3.3. planned nature of the economy

5.3.4. the process of merging the "industrial system" with the state (technocracy)

5.3.5. "deproletarianization" of the working class

5.4. The future of industrial society.

6. Information (post-industrial) society and its features

6.1. The concept of the information society

6.2. Prerequisites for the birth of the information society:

6.2.1. scientific and technological revolution;

6.2.2. formation of a new scientific picture of the world;

6.2.3. microprocessor revolution.

6.3. Characteristic features of the information society:

6.3.1. priority development of the sphere high technology and service industries;

6.3.2. development electronic means mass communications;

6.3.3. application artificial intelligence in all spheres of social and human life;

6.3.4. recognition of the priority of human rights and freedoms.

6.3.5. changing the social structure of society.

6.4. Controversial character information civilization:

6.4.1. displacement of a person from a number of spheres;

6.4.2. increasing human dependence on a personal computer;

6.4.3. involving a person in the world of virtual contacts and communication;

6.4.4. deepening the separation of man from the natural environment.

6.5. Prospects for the development of post-industrial society.


Socio-economic formation(from Latin formatio - education, type) - this is a society at a certain level historical development, taken in the unity of all its aspects, with its inherent method of production, economic system and superstructure rising above it

Traditional society- this is a concept denoting a set of societies, social structures, standing at different stages of development and not having a mature industrial complex. The determining factor in the development of such societies is agriculture.

Industrial society is a society characterized by developed and a complex system division of labor under high degree its specializations, mass production of goods, automation of production and management, widespread introduction of innovations into production and people's lives. Thus, the determining factor in the development of an industrial society is industry.

Post-industrial society- this is society, in economics

which, as a result of the scientific and technological revolution and a significant increase in population incomes, priority moved from the primary production of goods to the production of services


Comparison lines Traditional (pre-industrial) Industrial Post-industrial (informational)
Main factor of production Earth Capital Knowledge
Main product of production Food Industrial products Services
Characteristic features of production Manual labor Wide application of mechanisms and technologies Automation of production, computerization of society
Nature of work Individual work Mostly standard activities A sharp increase in creativity in work
Employment Agriculture - about 75% Agriculture - about 10%, industry - 85% Agriculture - up to 3%, industry - about 33%, services - about 66%
Main type of export Raw materials Production products Services
Social structure Estates, classes, inclusion of everyone in the team; isolation social structures; low social mobility Class division; simplification of social structure; mobility and openness of social structures Maintaining social differentiation; growth of the middle class; professional differentiation depending on the level of knowledge and qualifications
Lifespan 40-50 years Over 70 years Over 70 years
Human impact on nature Local, uncontrolled Global, uncontrollable Global, controlled
Interaction with other countries Irrelevant Close relationship Openness of society
Political life The predominance of monarchical forms of government; there are no political freedoms; power is above the law, it does not require justification; combination of self-governing communities and traditional empires Proclamation of political freedoms, equality before the law, democratic transformations; power is not taken for granted; it is required to justify the right to leadership Political pluralism, strong civil society; the emergence of a new form of democracy - “democracy of consensus”
Spiritual life Traditional religious values ​​dominate; homogeneous nature of culture; oral transmission of information predominates; a small number of educated people; fight against illiteracy New values ​​of progress, personal success, faith in science are affirmed; mass culture emerges and takes a leading position; training of specialists Special role science, education; development of individualized consciousness; continuous image


1. Match distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) mass production of consumer goods

B) highlighting the service sector

B) the predominance of subsistence farming

D) the leading role of information in the life of society

D) the emergence of mass culture


1) traditional (agrarian) society

2) industrial society

3) post-industrial society

2. In country Z, subsistence farming dominates. What other signs from the above indicate that country Z is developing as a traditional society? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

1) Oral information prevails over writing.

2) There is a rapid increase in the urban population.

3) Extensive technologies and hand tools predominate.

4) The main social units are the community and the family.

5) Scientific knowledge is widely disseminated.

6) Infrastructure is intensively developing.

3. Information technology is the most important factor of production in country Z. What other signs of the listed indicate that country Z is developing as a post-industrial society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social interactions are regulated by existing social norms in the country.

2) One of the dominant production sectors in the country is the service sector.

3) Extensive farming methods predominate.

4) Natural factors influence the development of society.

5) Science-intensive, resource-saving technologies are receiving the greatest development.

6) Widespread adoption is occurring computer equipment into various areas of society.

4. The basis of the economy in country Z is microelectronics, telecommunications, robotics, production of materials with predetermined properties, biotechnology, etc. More and more of the working population is finding work in the service sector. What type of society is emerging?
in country Z? Name any three characteristics corresponding to this type of society that are not mentioned in the text of the assignment.

5. In country Z, the urban population is growing faster than the rural population. What other signs indicate that country Z is developing as an industrial society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The state guaranteed the personal freedom of citizens and creates conditions for individual self-realization.

2) The formation of a class social structure is taking place.

3) Religious organizations play a key role in public life.

4) Natural exchange (barter) predominates.

5) Mechanization of production took place.

6) Production is concentrated in large enterprises,
in industrial areas.

6. For traditional society characteristic

1) dominance of the partner type family

2) the predominance of communal relations

3) dominance serial production products

4) implementation of the scientific and technological revolution

7. Which of the above characteristics characterizes an industrial society?

1) leading role Agriculture

2) predominance of industry

3) weak level of division of labor

4) the decisive importance of the service sector in the economy

8. Are the following judgments about types of society true?

A. During the period of industrial society, the industrial revolution occurred.

B. In a post-industrial society, a person is valued primarily as a representative of a tribal or ethnic community.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

9. Write down the word missing in the table.

10. In country Z, mass serial production is being individualized and conditions are being created for lifelong education. Which
other signs indicate that country Z is developing as a post-industrial society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Natural factors influence the development of society.

2) Extensive farming methods predominate.

3) There is a widespread introduction of computer technology into various areas of life.

4) Legal mechanisms for regulating social relations are used.

5) The structure of the economy is dominated by the service sector.

6) Science-intensive, resource-saving technologies are receiving the greatest development.


“A civilized society is like a child who received too many toys for his birthday” (D. Thomson).

"IN immoral society all inventions that increase man’s power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil"(L.N. Tolstoy).
1.18. Threats of the 21st century ( global problems)

Place in the system of social sciences and humanities: philosophy


1. The process of globalization and its contradictions

1.1. The concept of globalization.

1.2. Manifestations of globalization in various spheres of life modern society:

1.2.1. economic globalization (formation of a single world market, single supranational financial centers (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization));

1.2.2. political globalization (formation of supranational centers for making political decisions (UN, G8, European Union), formation common standards democratic institutions);

1.2.3. social globalization (expanding the circle of communication, forming online social communities, bringing countries and peoples closer together);

1.2.4. globalization in the spiritual sphere (dissemination of mass culture, common cultural standards).

1.3. The main positive consequences of globalization.

Tatyana Karabina
Socialization is the process of familiarization with the values ​​and norms accepted in society

A child raised in a family where his parents are personal models receives preparation for subsequent social roles : woman or man, wife or husband, mother or father. In addition, it is quite strong social pressure. Children are typically praised for gender-appropriate behavior and reprimanded for gender-appropriate behavior. opposite sex. Proper sex education of a child, the formation of feelings accessories to one's own gender constitute one of the foundations further development their personalities. Parents, the first educators, have the strongest influence on children. Still J. -J. Rousseau argued that each subsequent educator has less influence on the child than the previous one. Parents are prior to everyone the rest: kindergarten teacher, teacher primary classes and subject teachers. They are given an advantage by nature in raising children. From the first days after birth, when the child is still helpless and needs basic care, he learns parental intonations, perceives emotional atmosphere, learn to appreciate beauty. The responsibility for upbringing is not removed and the need for family education and in subsequent (adolescence, teenage and youth) years. The expression “my home is my castle” well expresses the idea that a healthy, non-conflict family is the most reliable support, the best refuge, where you can at least temporarily hide from all the worries of the outside world, relax and restore your strength. The child's direct experience acquired in the family, V younger age sometimes becomes the only criterion for a child’s relationship to the world around him and people.

Family - as an institution of education and primary personality socialization was, is and will be. The family implements functions that no other structural unit can do. society unable to perform. For a person to become a creature public, requires long the process of his socialization. And historical experience convinces us that the role of the family is so great. Thus, we can say that the family performs the function socialization of the individual. What a family can give to a person, no other institution can give.

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Social studies, 10th grade


  1. Choose the correct answer and write it in the table at the end of the task block

  1. creation of the Slavic alphabet
  2. slash-and-burn agriculture of the Eastern Slavs
  3. collection of tribute by the prince from subject tribes
  4. writing a code of laws “Russian Truth”
  1. It is typical for a traditional society

  1. long existence of the community
  2. broad participation of the people in public life
  3. employment of the bulk of the population in the service sector
  4. recognition as main value rights and freedoms of the individual.
  1. The process of familiarization with culture, the values ​​of human society, and knowledge about the world accumulated by previous generations is called

  1. science
  2. art
  3. education
  4. creativity
  1. Required for artistic creativity

  1. desire for an accurate reflection of reality
  2. simplicity of the work's form
  3. work in a creative team
  4. use of figurative and symbolic means
  1. To what sphere of social life do artistic creativity and scientific research belong?

  1. economic
  2. social
  3. political
  4. spiritual
  1. The transition to post-industrial society is characterized by

  1. formation of a market economy
  2. restriction of social mobility
  3. expanding the possibilities of mass communication
  4. organization of mass industrial production.
  1. The process of humanization of education involves

  1. compliance with the school charter
  2. compulsory basic education
  3. taking into account the needs and interests of students
  4. training in two shifts
  1. Which example illustrates the impact of society on nature?

  1. discovery of a previously unknown ancient chronicle
  2. presidential candidate debate
  3. radioactive waste disposal
  4. calendar reform.
  1. Which example illustrates the interaction between nature and society?

  1. defeat of the Pechenegs near Kiev by Yaroslav the Wise
  2. formation caste system in Ancient India
  3. construction of irrigation structures in ancient China
  4. creation by Ivan the Terrible in 1550 of a new Code of Laws
  1. During the transition from traditional to industrial society

  1. the individual began to submit to the community
  2. social mobility has increased
  3. the role of customs in regulating social relations has increased
  4. non-economic coercion to work intensified.
  1. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provides

  1. compulsory education without attending school
  2. compulsory receipt of basic general education
  3. receiving vocational education in basic school
  4. completion of education in primary school
  1. The direction of development of society, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect, is called:

  1. social stratification;
  2. public mobility;
  3. social revolution;
  4. social progress.
  1. A totalitarian regime has been established in the country, as evidenced by the following:

  1. there is a monopoly on power of one political party;
  2. citizens are obliged to obey laws;
  3. the state does not interfere in the affairs of civil society;

4) elections to government bodies are carried out in an alternative


  1. A rapid abrupt transition from one socio-political system to another is called:

  1. progress;
  2. revolution;
  3. regression;
  4. evolution.
  1. What is the name of the process in which a person comprehends the essence of his “I”:

  1. self-education;
  2. self-knowledge;
  3. self-expression;
  4. self-love.









  1. Define concepts

  • assimilation - dissolution of small cultural group, for example, a tribe (or an individual) within a larger group belonging to a different culture as a result of the small group's acceptance of the dominant cultural traditions. It can be voluntary or forced.
  • mentality is an image, a way of thinking of an individual, a mindset, a worldview.
  • idealism is one of the main trends in philosophy, whose supporters consider spirit, consciousness, and idea to be the original, primary substance.
  • nihilism is a doctrine whose central postulate is the denial of generally accepted traditions, norms, rules, and authorities.
  • deviant behavior is social behavior that deviates from the accepted, socially acceptable in a certain society or social context.
  • political system is an ordered integrity of interconnected, interdependent political institutions and political organizations of society.
  • GDP - gross domestic product - is a general economic indicator that expresses the total value of goods and services produced within the country at market prices.
  • legal responsibility – application of legal sanctions to offenders. In a subjective sense, it is the obligation placed on the offender to suffer the adverse consequences of violating a rule of law.

Two points for each correct definition. The first point is for the essence, the second is for explanation (regarding the context of use, difference of points of view, etc.).

Two points immediately for a detailed definition.

Maximum 16 points.

  1. Choose the correct answer and write it in the table at the end of the task block

  1. Are the following statements true:

A. Criminal law there is an institution of law.

B. Family law is a branch of law.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following statements true:

A. Public law protects the general interests of the state.

B. Private law aims to satisfy and protect the interests of individuals.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

  1. Are the following judgments about the relationship between spheres of public life true?

A. The growth of government allocations for the production of new types of weapons is an example of the connection between the political and economic spheres of society.

B. Funding by a patron of the museum’s activities is an example of the connection between the economic and spiritual spheres of society.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following truth statements true?

A. The relativity of truth is due to the boundlessness and variability of the comprehended world.

B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of man.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following statements about the division of labor correct?

A. The division of labor leads to increased interdependence of producers.

B. Competition helps eliminate the division of labor.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following judgments about the forms of the state correct?

A. The terms “monarchy” and “republic” denote forms of government and characterize the order of organization of the highest authorities.

B. The terms “federation” and “confederation” denote forms of political regime and characterize the degree of political rights and freedoms of citizens.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following statements about international law correct?

A.International law is a set of legal rules governing relations between sovereign states.

B. International law is a set of legal norms regulating the legal status, issues of internal governance of a state, its relationships with other entities.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

  1. Are the following statements true?

A. Members of the Federation Council cannot simultaneously be deputies of the State Duma.

B. The decision on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of Russia falls under the jurisdiction of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

1) only A is correct 3) both judgments are correct

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect








Maximum 16 points.

  1. Fill in the blanks in the diagram


Origin theories




Int. cooperation

foreign policy





Marxist (class)



social contract


foreign economic


Two points per passmaximum 14 points.

  1. A task by right

Celebrating the birthday of a 10th grade student, at approximately 11:30 p.m. the kids continued dancing in the courtyard of the house where the birthday boy lived. The noise and loud music woke up the residents, who repeatedly demanded to stop dancing, but the teenagers did not respond to the comments until police officers appeared. What crime did the teenagers commit? What branch of law regulates prosecution for committing such an act? Can 10th graders be held accountable?


“Violation of the peace and quiet of citizens” (2 points), federal laws administrative liability for this offense is not provided, therefore this composition is included in the laws of the constituent entities. Industry - administrative law (2 points). The possibility of bringing to administrative responsibility depends on age: yes, if they are over 16 years old (2 points), otherwise responsibility may be assigned to their parents or other legal representatives (2 points).

Maximum 8 points.

  1. Analyze the following source

“Human society is the highest level of development of living systems, the main elements of which are people, their forms joint activities, first of all, labor, products of labor, various forms of property and the centuries-old struggle for it, politics and the state, a set of various institutions, a refined sphere of spirit. Society can also be defined as a self-organized system of behavior and relationships of people with each other and with nature...

The concept of society covers not only all living people, but also all past and future generations, i.e. all of humanity in its history and perspective. The unification of people into an integral system occurs and is reproduced regardless of the will of its members...

The life of a society is not limited to the lives of its constituent people. Society creates material and spiritual values ​​that cannot be created by individuals... Society is one social organism, internal organization which is a set of certain, diverse connections characteristic of a given system, which are ultimately based on human labor. Structure human society form: production and the production, economic, social relations, including class, national, family relations; political relations and finally, the spiritual sphere of society’s life - science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, etc.

People constantly carry out the process of social production of their lives: the production of material goods, the production of people as social beings, the production of the appropriate type of relationships between people, the very form of communication and the production of ideas. In society, economic, economic, state, family relations, as well as a whole series of ideological phenomena are intertwined in the most intricate way...

It is society that is the main condition for the more or less normal existence and development of people...”

(A.G. Spirkin)

1. Find in the text and write down two sentences in which the author lists the main elements of society.

2. Scientists call society a dynamic system. Find in the text three other phrases with which the author characterizes society as a system.

4. Based on the content of the text and knowledge of the social science course, provide three pieces of evidence that the basis of society “ultimately lies in human labor.”

1. Find in the text and write down two sentences in which the author lists the main elements of society.


1. “people, the forms of their joint activity, primarily labor, the products of labor, various forms of property and the centuries-old struggle for it, politics and the state, the totality of various institutions, the refined sphere of the spirit.”

2. “production and the production, economic, and social relations that develop on its basis, including class, national, and family relations; political relations and finally, the spiritual sphere of society’s life - science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, etc.”

2 points each, maximum 4

2. Scientists call society a dynamic system. Find three other words in the text that the author uses to characterize society as a system.

The correct answer may contain the following characteristics:

1) living system

2) complete system

3) self-organized system

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may contain the following arguments:

1) only in relationships with other people can a person reveal and develop his (socially significant) qualities that distinguish him from animals;

2) society performs numerous functions that ensure the physical survival and relatively comfortable existence of a person;

3) only in society are the social and spiritual needs of a person satisfied.

Other valid arguments are possible.

2 points each, maximum 6

4. Based on the content of the text and knowledge of the social science course, provide three pieces of evidence that the basis of society “ultimately lies in labor.”

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may contain, for example, the following explanations: in the process of labor

1) according to the theory of evolution, human ancestors acquired and developed their human qualities;

2) many social and prestigious needs of a person are realized;

3) the material needs of society are satisfied;

4) a certain social organization is formed;

5) spiritual institutions are formed.

Other explanations are possible

two points each, maximum 6

Maximum: 4+6+6+6=22 points

Culture plays an integral role in the life of every person. It ensures the full functioning of people and the development of society as a whole. And every person comes into contact with such a phenomenon as culture, since from birth we are in a certain sphere of culture: spiritual and material.

Concept of culture

Culture is the development and organization of human life, which is represented in its spiritual and material products. All material and spiritual achievements together represent a certain culture. It includes all objects created by people and all acquired spiritual values, which include the life experience of generations, knowledge of the science of technological processes and established norms of behavior. Human activity and its development also relate to culture.

What kind of culture is there?

Culture is a diverse concept that includes many types of cultures. These are scientific, economic, political, moral, aesthetic, ecological types of cultures. Each of them reflects a certain type of human activity. Culture is also divided into spiritual and material. Spiritual is the result of spiritual production, and material is the result of material production.

There is also a distinction between imaginary and real culture. This distribution arises when they try to accurately define the word “culture” and designate this phenomenon, both in everyday life and in the scientific understanding. Culture of consumption and culture of creativity.

In addition to the fact that culture is an artistic phenomenon, in a broad sense it also embodies the process of consumption. Consumer culture is spoken of as partial programming of people and the directions of their activities. This is due to the main function of consumer culture, which is mass and accessible to everyone.

Introducing a person to culture

A person cannot exist outside of culture and cannot develop without its influence. In this case, a person is the creator of culture, but he himself depends on it and comes under its influence. His spiritual and personal development, the measure of his development as a subject of society, depends on the level of a person’s involvement in national or world culture. When a person becomes familiar with the world’s cultural values, his horizons broaden significantly and become more diverse.

Thus, a person can gain new knowledge and experience, develop his abilities and talents, create new objects and communicate with other people. But since culture is considered a dynamic process, familiarization with traditions, customs and norms of behavior occurs throughout a person’s life. This is a continuous process that allows each individual to grow spiritually and develop fruitfully.

This process is also necessary for continuous improvement cultural level social masses and dynamic development of the world. And the introduction of each person to the cultural process plays in this case important role, since then it is possible to ensure the development of culture through the unity of innovations and traditions.

“Final work on social studies for the 7th grade course 1. The process of familiarization with culture, values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world, ...”

Final work on social studies for the 7th grade course

1. The process of familiarization with culture, values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world, accumulated previous generations, called

2) art

3) education

4) creativity

2. The “Golden Rule of Morality” proclaims the principle:

1) reasonable selfishness

2) live yourself - let others live

3) treat others the way you want them to treat you

4) act towards others as they treat you

3. Volodya is a good student, shows responsibility and independence in his actions. He is involved in an aircraft modeling club and music school in guitar class. All this characterizes Volodya as 1) an individual2) a person3) a student4) a comrade

4 Human freedom:

A) limited by the rights of other people

B) the ability to do everything that does not harm another person

1) only A is true2) only B is true3) both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

5. When committing a special serious crimes Criminal liability begins at the age:

1)14 years 2)18 years 3)16 years 4)20 years

6. Personality is

1) a unique combination of a person’s psychological characteristics and the most significant social qualities

2) individual traits of a person

3) color of the nation

4) a set of abilities

7. The structure of society is presented social communities and groups in the variety of their connections. Which social group identified by profession?1) passengers2) democrats3) citizens4) engineers

8. Minimum age for employment without special parental permission:

9. Correlate the concept and definitiona) affect 1) a reflection of the general state of a person’s experienceb) emotions 2) a violent, short-term emotional reactionc) feelings 3) a special form of reflection of the surrounding world by the psyched) mood 4) attitudes towards the surrounding world, specific events or people


Read the text and complete tasks 10-12

Convention on the Rights of the Child

The States Parties to this Convention... have agreed as follows:

For the purposes of this Convention, a child is every human being under 18 years of age unless, under the law applicable to the child, he or she reaches majority earlier.

1. States Parties recognize that every child has an inalienable right to life.

2. States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and healthy development of the child.

1. The child is registered immediately after birth and from the moment of birth has the right to a name and to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know his parents and the right to be cared for by them.

2. States Parties shall ensure the implementation of these rights in accordance with their national law and compliance with their obligations under relevant international instruments in this area, in particular where the child would otherwise be stateless.

1. States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child to maintain his or her identity, including nationality, name and family connections as provided by law, without allowing unlawful interference.

2. If a child is unlawfully deprived of part or all of his identity, States Parties shall provide him with the necessary assistance and protection for the speedy restoration of his identity.

1. States Parties shall ensure that a child is not separated from his or her parents against their wishes unless the competent authorities, by judicial decision, determine in accordance with applicable law and procedures that such separation is necessary in the best interests of the child. Such a determination may be necessary in a particular case, such as when parents abuse or neglect a child, or when parents are separated and a decision needs to be made regarding the child's place of residence.