“Acquaintance with the painting by V. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

1. Artist Vasnetsov

2.Description of the painting

a) the heroine of the picture

c) paint the picture

3.The image of the Snow Maiden in culture

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a Russian artist. Coming from a village, he truthfully portrayed characters from Russian folklore. One of his most famous paintings is “The Snow Maiden”. It was created in 1899. Initially, Vasnetsov created this picture with the goal of making it one of the settings for Ostrovsky’s folk play.

The painting depicts a girl standing in a snowy forest. She is dressed in a light robe, painted with a golden pattern. Hat with fur trim. The color of her clothes matches the color of the snow, and it seems as if the Snow Maiden herself is made of snow. She looks a little confused: she spreads her arms to the sides, with a surprised expression on her beautiful face. She has a white face and red lips, but there is no blush on her face.

Russian nature in this picture is also good. The winter night is shown in all its glory. The snow sparkles, shadows dance on the snow cover. Behind you can see lights - fireflies, there is a lonely birch tree. In the foreground there are fir trees dusted with snow. Gray-blue tones became dominant in the canvas. There is very light in the foreground, but almost no light in the background. The background of the picture is very expressive, it emphasizes the originality and unusualness of the main character.

The material for painting was folk art. The Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden" tells the story of the difficult fate of the Snow Maiden, who was the daughter of Spring and Frost. The Snow Maiden knew that death awaited her if she experienced earthly feelings. And yet she became part of ordinary earthly life. The model for the creation of the painting was the daughter of the merchant Mamontov, Sashenka. The Snow Maiden is one of the most famous characters in Russian folklore. She was depicted by artists of both the 18th and 19th centuries. But the work of Viktor Vasnetsov can be considered one of the most outstanding. His Snow Maiden is a masterpiece that will be appreciated by people for a long time.

Essay on the painting Snow Maiden by Vasnetsova, grade 3

1.Artist Vasnetsov

2.Description of the painting

a) Snow Maiden

b) nature

3.My opinion

Viktor Vasnetsov is a Russian artist who painted the painting “The Snow Maiden” in 1899.

At the artist's work we see the heroine - the Snow Maiden. She is dressed in a beautiful light-colored brocade fur coat. Gold pattern throughout. On his head is a white hat with fur trim. The mittens are also light. The Snow Maiden looks warily into the distance, as if listening to something. Her arms are spread out to the sides. She wants to go to people, the lights of houses attract her. But she is afraid, scared and lonely.

The dark forest is illuminated by the moon and rare stars in the sky. White snow sparkles in the moonlight. Traces of little animals are visible near the low fir trees. What awaits her? Miracles or disappointment?

I liked the picture. She is fabulously magical, looking at her you expect a miracle.

An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Snow Maiden”

Goals: introduce the life and work of V.M. Vasnetsova; teach children to describe a picture, express their thoughts coherently, and follow the structure of the text; develop horizons, thinking, vocabulary; cultivate a love for Russian folklore.

Equipment: textbook “Russian language” 3rd grade V.P. Kanakina and V.G. Goretsky, reproduction of a painting, computer, multimedia projector, task cards, reproduction of a painting on a board.


Russian language lesson “Essay based on the reproduction of V.M. Vasnetsov’s “Snow Maiden” according to the educational system of the educational educational complex “School of Russia” was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Designed for teachers implementing teaching materials “School of Russia” grade 3.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Self-determination for activity.

Guess the riddle:

With Grandfather Frost nearby,
Shines with a festive outfit.
Asks us riddles
He leads a round dance and sings.
A jacket made of snowflakes,
Who is this?..(Snow Maiden)

You guessed absolutely correctly who it is. Why do you think I started the conversation with this riddle?

Today in class we will write an essay based on the painting “Segurochka” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. (slide 1)

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    A story about the life of V.M. Vasnetsova (slide 2)

V.M. Vasnetsov (1848-1926) is a wonderful Russian artist. He grew up in the Russian outback in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province, in the family of a village priest, among peasant children. His father gave him his first drawing lessons. They awakened the boy’s craving for fine art. Viktor Mikhailovich received his education at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Vasnetsov was closest to epic historical and fairy tale themes. The artist said that fairy tales and epics reflect the whole image of a people, and the bad people are those who do not appreciate and remember their history.

    Conversation on the picture (slide No. 3).

Look at the reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Snow Maiden” in the “Picture Gallery”.

In the early 80s. X 9th century V.M. Vasnetsov takes part in the design of the production of N.A.’s play. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Snow Maiden".

In the foreground we see the Snow Maiden. According to legend, the Snow Maiden was born in a dense forest - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is dressed in a long white coat, decorated with patterns, lighter mittens and a hat. The arms are spread out, the head is turned to the right, there are traces from behind. All this creates the impression that the Snow Maiden has just come out to the viewer and is looking around.

The Snow Maiden reflects the ideal of beauty, she is the personification of “pure snow-covered Russia”, nature repeats the mood of the heroine: an unfamiliar forest, a gloomy but moonlit sky and sparkling snow. And the figure of the Snow Maiden is illuminated by this snow.

To paint the picture, the artist uses a cool range of colors - white, gray and blue shades, which emphasizes the mystery and fabulousness of the image.

    What impression does the painting make on you?

    What is especially beautiful about it?

    Let's make a plan for the essay, how many parts will we divide the text into? (slide No. 4)

    Try to compose a text based on the first point of the plan.

    What should be described in the second part? Choose phrases to describe the Snow Maiden. Choose phrases to describe Noah and the winter forest. Try to compose a text based on the second part.

    What colors did the artist use? For what?

    Did you like the picture and why?

    And now each of you, following the plan, questions and choosing supporting words, will try to compose an oral essay. (options are heard) (slide No. 5)

    Let's start writing essays, don't forget to re-read what you wrote.

Work option

In front of me is a reproduction of the painting “The Snow Maiden” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. It was created for the scenery of a play.

Looking at the picture, I see a frosty winter night. Diamond stars twinkle in the sky. A beautiful girl stands in the moonlight and a snow-covered clearing. This is the Snow Maiden - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is wearing a long brocade fur coat, a hat with fur trim and warm mittens. This entire outfit is beautifully decorated with embroidery and pearls. The Snow Maiden looks confused. Behind her grows a thin birch tree. She is similar to the main character of the picture - just as young and fragile. Footprints are visible in the snow. In the foreground I see small fluffy Christmas trees. Fireflies are visible in the distance.

I liked the picture. I especially admired Vasnetsov’s skill; he really managed to convey a fairy-tale atmosphere.

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"handout for children"

Essay based on reproduction by V.M. Vasnetsov “Snow Maiden”

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, reproduction of the painting “The Snow Maiden”. The purpose of creating a painting is the decoration for a play.

    Description of the picture.

Forest, nature

What Snow Maiden?

How does she feel?

Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

    Color and mood of the picture.

    My attitude.

Did you like the picture, why?

Supporting questions

    What Snow Maiden?

    How does she feel?

    Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

    What color scheme did V.M. use? Vasnetsov?

    What mood of the painting does it convey?

    Did you like the picture? How?

View presentation content
"Presentation of the Snow Maiden"

Educational essay based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsova “Snow Maiden” 3rd grade

Primary school teacher MCOU "Secondary school in the village of Lebedevka"

Kiryanova Larisa Alexandrovna

A story about the life of V.M. Vasnetsova

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov


Conversation on the picture

V.M. Vasnetsov “Snow Maiden”



Tretyakov Gallery

Essay plan


V.M. Vasnetsov, reproduction of the painting “The Snow Maiden”. The purpose of creating a painting is the decoration for a play.

2. Description of the picture.

2.1. Forest, nature

3. Color and mood of the picture.

Dark forest, frosty night, diamond stars, moonlight, clearing, shining bluish color, bright shadows.

A girl, the daughter of Frost and Spring, young, fragile, beautiful outfit, pearl-silver color, brocade coat, hat with fur trim, warm mittens;

4. My attitude.

Cool range of colors: white, gray and bluish shades. This adds mystery to the picture.

Did you like the picture, why?

Confusion, loneliness, fear.

Mysterious, mysterious, fairy-tale atmosphere, winter magic of the night forest.

2.2. What Snow Maiden?

In the twilight of the forest, fluffy fir trees, a thin birch tree, traces are visible, in the distance, firefly lights.

How does she feel?

2.3. Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

Supporting questions

3. What kind of Snow Maiden?

4. How does she feel?

5. Where is the Snow Maiden standing? What is shown in the background?

6. What color scheme did V.M. use? Vasnetsov, creating a picture?

7. What mood of the picture does it convey?

8. Did you like the picture? How?

  • Template for presentation “Winter motives 5”, N.A. Tikhonov.
  • Textbook “Russian language” by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
  • “Lesson-based developments in the Russian language” O.I. Dmitriev to the textbook by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
  • Painting “Snow Maiden” www.artvek.ru

Vasnetsov managed to reveal this image. The scenery said one thing, but the artist’s painting was inspired by many details. He re-read the play several times, collected and carefully preserved in his memory the patriarchal morals that existed in Russia of his time, the most vivid images of folk tales and, of course, the surrounding nature.

Nowadays, the Snow Maiden has become one of the personifications of Russian beauty. She is an indispensable companion of Santa Claus during the New Year holidays, the residents of Kostroma decided to celebrate her birthday in April, and if you are a fan of the Gaza Strip, you will find a song (with very frivolous content) dedicated to this heroine of fairy tales.

Description of the painting “Snow Maiden” by V. Vasnetsov

Each of us knows the story of the Snow Maiden since childhood. We can’t imagine New Year’s parties without Santa Claus’s granddaughter, who is most often either a mischievous girl or a young girl. True, as children, we did not focus our attention on the fact that the Snow Maiden is nothing more than a relic of pagan beliefs, identical to angels in Christianity or demons in Ancient Greece.

Stories about the granddaughter of Santa Claus have appeared since the fairy tales of Afanasyev, published in 1869. His volume was collected throughout Russia, where Snezhevinochka (one of the names of the Snow Maiden) was loved and pampered. As you know, they made this girl out of snow, and bring her to life. The daughter brought joy to her adoptive parents, and then, with the onset of spring, she melted away.

The artist V. Vasnetsov saw the folklore Snow Maiden somewhat differently. True, he was always attracted to the themes of Russian fairy tales, but the master of the brush did not even plan a painting with a girl made of snow as the main character. He could not even imagine that out of all the scenery and costume designs, Savva Mamontov, who decided to stage A. Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden,” would choose his work!

So, Vasnetsov designed the play “The Snow Maiden”, the performance opened a new direction in the domestic art of scenery and was so loved by the public, first in Abramtsevo, and then in other cities, that a new work was born. It was N. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Snow Maiden”, the scenery and costumes for which were traditionally designed by Vasnetsov.

Only he was able to combine in a small canvas (only 116 by 80 cm) the stunning details of the architectural art of Ancient Rus', folk embroidery, wood carving and the image of a fairy tale. Choosing homespun canvas for the costumes of the characters in the play, the artist introduced notes of this into the clothes of the Snow Maiden herself. Her fur coat and hat not only create a unique decor, but are also one of the girl’s main characteristics.

It was after the painting, painted in 1899, that the public became convinced that a fairy tale and Vasnetsov are two inseparable concepts. After all, only this person could find the image of an icy beauty that an ordinary Russian person would accept and love. The Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov is rightly considered the ideal of a Russian woman, an example of Russian beauty and a stunning unity of heavenly and earthly things. Moreover, not only art critics, but also Russian beauties themselves think so.

If you take a close look at this canvas, painted in pale blue and white tones, you will certainly realize that the artist is not just presenting the image of a beauty from fairy tales. He tells us a story filled with drama.

The central object in the picture is the Snow Maiden walking through the winter forest. Take a closer look at the girl’s facial expression – it’s not just beautiful. Her eyes, hands spread in a questioning gesture, slightly hesitant gait are a single ingot of real human experiences. You can read absolutely everything in the eyes: inexplicable fear, self-doubt, impulses to move forward and incredible, not fantastic, but human sadness. Many who have ever seen the picture say that Vasnetsov forgot to write tears to the Snow Maiden. However, she cannot cry - tears will melt her snowy heart.

The mysterious, gloomy atmosphere of the picture itself matches the fairy-tale girl. Either Ostrovsky inspired it, or Rimsky-Korsakov inspired it, or Russian fairy tales... We will never know. The only thing we know for sure is that on a small-sized canvas we will see a unique night in a snowy forest. A country road flooded with moonlight and the starry sky above the head of the Snow Maiden, ready to take the first step towards people, create an aura of mystery and enigma.

Now she is no longer a fairy-tale heroine, but an ordinary frightened girl who has become deathly pale from worries. The lights of the village in the distance simultaneously attract the Snow Maiden and at the same time plant doubts in her soul - is it worth leaving her home?

A trap is visible in the snow, and the glow from the trees creates the effect of open eyes and mouths, as if warning the girl of danger. Behind the Snow Maiden’s back we can see the silhouette of a person, but we don’t understand who: either the mother, or Santa Claus. This vague outline seems to carry a question of choice: whether to stand in safety, in the familiar forest, or take a few steps towards the bright, but so unkind lights of the village.

The picture is shrouded not only in present anxiety, but also in anticipation of trouble in the future. According to A. Ostrovsky's play, the Snow Maiden will bypass the trap, but will fall into a more terrible trap. The sun, the ancient Slavic god, will kill this fragile beauty because she dared to know love without having a human soul.

However, she is the daughter of the forest, of virgin nature. Even this girl’s sheepskin coat, hat and mittens are strikingly combined with the dazzling white snow, blue-green night and young fir trees in the foreground. It is worth noting that the figure of the Snow Maiden itself is surrounded by a special, Stephen-King mystical radiance. It’s not without reason: such an iridescent shade does not attract, but, on the contrary, repels. It’s strange, but this hostility somewhere in the depths of the soul attracts every person. She makes you perceive the Snow Maiden not as a character in a play, fairy tale, painting or opera, but as a very real girl who will go towards her goal in spite of everything.

You might be interested in:

  1. V.M. Vasnetsov is a fabulous painter.
  2. Foreground:
    • frosty night;
    • Snow Maiden girl;
    • Snow Maiden outfit;
    • description of the clearing;
  3. Background (dense forest, village);
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is an amazing Russian painter. He was very fascinated by the theme of Russian fairy tales. That is why he painted so many wonderful paintings on fairy-tale subjects. "The Snow Maiden" is one of them.

The painting depicts a snowy winter. Clear, frosty night. The edge of a dark, dense forest. The moon illuminates the snowdrifts with its cold whitish light. In the deep, dark sky, bright rare stars shine like diamonds.

A girl ran out of the thicket of the forest into a clearing filled with silvery light, leaving small footprints in the soft, fluffy snow. Her face is as pale as pure snow. She has expressive dark eyes and thin scarlet lips. It’s surprising that she wanders through the forest at night all alone. But she's not afraid. She knows every forest path here, every tree, because this is the fairy-tale Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost.

Not afraid of the cold, she ran out to the forest edge and froze for a minute, peering into the distance and as if listening to something. Maybe she's been waiting for her friend Blizzard? But she is delayed for some reason, because the night is quiet, clear, calm. Or maybe she sneakily ran away from her ice house and, taking advantage of the cover of darkness, decided to get to the nearest village and look behind the wooden shutters, look at the evening life of ordinary people?
Painting of the Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov

The Snow Maiden is wearing a beautiful winter outfit: a long, warm, fluffy brocade fur coat, a round hat with white fur trim, and warm mittens embroidered with a colored pattern. The brocade on the fur coat and hat is embroidered with amazing patterns - either lace snowflakes or strawberries. The sleeves and hem of the fur coat are trimmed with hare fur. The same fur collar is raised up to keep out the cold and snowflakes.

In the radiant light, as if alive, small dark green Christmas trees, requested by snow, tremble from the frost. A young thin birch tree trembles from the cold. A fox recently left its footprints on a white snowy tablecloth. They have not yet been swept away, and they are clearly visible - a thin thread of footprints from small paws. Nobody here. There is peace and quiet all around. Everything froze in anticipation of miracles.

In the background, the forest stands like an impenetrable wall, casting huge dark shadows onto the clearing. And in the distance, like fireflies, rare yellow lights flicker in the village huts.

Vasnetsov was fascinated by Russian fairy tales; they warmed his soul with their magic and poetry. In this painting, the artist reflected the lyricism and beauty of his native nature. I really like this picture. It conveys the feeling of an approaching miracle. It seems that the fairy tale has come to life, dropped in on us for a moment, and soon, with quiet, quiet steps, will again go into the dark forest.

Essay-description based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

Anastasia G., 3rd grade

Vasnetsov painted the painting “The Snow Maiden” in 1899. He created it for the scenery of a play. The artist painted the canvas in cool colors. The pearly color of the stars, the snow shining with blue tints and bright night shadows create an atmosphere of magic.

Frosty winter night. Diamond stars twinkle in the sky. Moonlight silvered the edge of the dark forest. A beautiful girl stands in a snowy clearing. This is Snegurochka - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is wearing a beautiful outfit, embroidered with pearls, decorated with embroidery: a brocade fur coat, a hat with a fur trim and warm mittens. The Snow Maiden goes to the world of people. She is scared and confused. A thin birch tree and fluffy little fir trees see her off. In the distance, lights are burning - fireflies of the village, they beckon and call the Snow Maiden. What awaits her there?..

Ekaterina B., 3rd grade

I am looking at a reproduction of the painting “The Snow Maiden” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. The painting depicts winter, night. In a dark forest in a clearing illuminated by moonlight, the Snow Maiden stands. She is wearing a beautiful outfit of pearl-silver color: a brocade fur coat with lovely patterns. On the head is a hat with fur trim. Warm mittens on hands. Behind the Snow Maiden stands a thin birch tree.

In the foreground of the picture are small fluffy Christmas trees. Fireflies are visible in the distance.

I admire Vasnetsov's skill. The artist painted a truly fabulous picture. And he very accurately conveyed the winter magic of the night forest.

Dimir N., 3rd grade

In the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov we see the Snow Maiden walking through a dark forest.

Winter night. The Snow Maiden came out into the forest clearing. In the middle of the clearing there is a thin birch tree. The lights of the village flicker in the distance. Moonlight illuminates her lonely figure in a beautiful outfit. The Snow Maiden is wearing a long brocade fur coat, a hat with fur trim, and warm mittens on her hands. She looks around fearfully, as if waiting for something.

I liked the picture for its winter charm. But I still feel a little sorry for the Snow Maiden, because she is scared and lonely alone in the dark forest.

Vasilisa Ts., 3rd grade

In the painting of the great Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden” I see a cold dark forest in which the Snow Maiden got lost. Traces of animals are visible on the snow cover, and the eyes of wolves sparkle in the darkness of the night forest. On a snow-white meadow, the Snow Maiden is surrounded by fluffy Christmas trees. The Snow Maiden is dressed in a pearl-silver brocade coat. A fur-trimmed hat adorns the girl's head, and warm painted mittens warm her hands.

I liked Vasnetsov’s painting because the artist very accurately conveyed the mood of a winter fairy-tale forest.