Levels of education in the Russian Federation. What types of education are there in the Russian Federation?

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting successive educational programs And state educational standards various levels and directions; networks implementing them educational institutions; education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them; associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations carrying out activities in the field of education.

Implemented in the Russian Federation educational programs- this is a document that defines the specifics of the organization of the educational process (content, forms) taking into account the standard of preschool level of education. They are divided into:

1. general education (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual for life in society, at creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

2. professional (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of increasing professional and general educational levels, training specialists of appropriate qualifications (primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education).

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established by the relevant state educational standard - a normative document that states: 1. maximum workload for students; 2. minimum content of image programs; 3. requirements for training a school graduate.

On January 21, 2010, on the opening day of the Year of the Teacher in Russia, President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev approved the “Our New School” initiative, aimed at a gradual transition to new educational standards, changing the infrastructure of the school network, preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, and developing teacher training. potential and support systems for talented children.

“We are starting to implement the national educational initiative “Our New School,” said D.A. Medvedev. “Today I approved this educational initiative. Its essence and meaning is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, the desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle, to prepare children for professional activities, taking into account the tasks of modernization and innovative development of the country."

The President emphasized that “this is not a short-term project, but a strategic policy in the field of education, which has been widely discussed in society.”

On January 19, 2010, at a meeting of the council for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy, D.A. Medvedev instructed the government to submit an annual summary report on the implementation of the “Our New School” initiative. More than 15 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation.

The child as a subject and object of the pedagogical process. Individual personality development, social and biological factors of development and its driving forces. Pedagogical anthropology in Russia (K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky)

The child as an object and subject of ped. process. In the process of education, the central figure is the one who is being educated, the pupil. A person is born almost exclusively as a biologist. Society a being capable of entering into relationships with other people, he becomes in the process of development . The formation of people themselves as societies. beings, personality is associated with development in the conditions of societies. beings. Outside of society, without communicating with people, a child cannot become an individual, cannot develop as a person. In this regard, the problem of developing subjectivity in education becomes relevant. process. Object action - person, to whom the action is directed . Subject- the child can act in conditions of manifestation of his own. activity, cooperation and interests. Individual. personal development. First of all, people have developed physical skills. The child’s weight and height change; the weight of the heads increases especially rapidly. brain A person has developed in physiological terms: he has become more complex and stabilized by the end of school. training blood circulation and digestion, nerve processes. activities Changes also occur in a person’s psyche: the speed of the psychic process changes. processes, character is formed, will has developed. The development of a person in social terms is characterized by the complication of relationships with people, with society in general. Biological and social factors in development Social (external) – social environment, educational process and biologist (internal) – inheritance, own. human activity. Depending on the leading factors, there are 3 main ones. concepts of human development: biologist (a person is a natural being and all human behavior is explained by his inherent needs, drives and inclinations from birth), sociologist (person -to be born as a generic being, and subsequently he is socialized), biosocial (mental processes are of a biological nature, and the direction, interests, ways are social ). Driving force The development of a person is a contradiction, for example, between the achieved and the required level of knowledge. Thanks to K.D. Ushinsky in the 19th century, the child began to be considered as an object of education from the standpoint of the new science - “ped. anthropology". She studies the anthropologist's laws of development and the formation of the child's image in ontogenesis, i.e. during his individual. life under the influence of parents, teachers, and the media. information, self-education and self-improvement throughout my life. path and search for the meaning of his life, works out ways of fixing this appearance and its changes under the influence of various. factors - nature, socioculture, education. Ushinsky laid the foundations for special studying the person as a learner and educator in order to agree on ped. theory and practice with the nature of man, he was the first to single out his education as leaders. human factor development.. Blonsky, developing the problem of the relationship between biologist and socialist, defended integrity. the process of raising children, taking into account the characteristics of children. period.

The concept of didactics. The emergence and development of scientific didactics (Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestallotsi, A. Disterweg). Education as a value, process and result. Essence, structure and functions of the learning process.

Didactics– the doctrine of education and training of the individual. Pedagogical theory of learning, providing scientific justification for its content, methods and organizational forms. A pedagogical discipline that studies learning at a theoretical level.

Subject of didactics: connection between teaching and learning, their interaction.

The term "didactics" first appeared in the writings of the German educator Wolfgang Rathke (Ratihia) (1571-1635) to denote the art of teaching. In a similar way, didactics was interpreted as “the universal art of teaching everyone everything” Jan Ammos Comenius(1592-1670) - founder of scientific didactics. The work “The Great Didactics” contains a description of the principles of teaching (visuality, consistency, consciousness, accessibility, strength of knowledge, etc.) and the classroom system. He was the first to speak about the need for special training for teachers, formulated by. requirements for the personality of a teacher, proposed the concept of a school academic year with its division into academic quarters, introduced vacations, the concept of a lesson, class. I. Pestallotsi(1746-1827) Work “How Gertrude teaches her children.” He developed a method of elementary education, according to which the educational process should begin with the simplest elements and gradually ascend to more and more complex ones. Founder of the concept of “formal education”: teaching subjects were considered as a means of developing abilities. Developed a methodology for the initial training of children. A.Disterweg(1790-1866) Work “Guide to the Education of German Teachers.” Developed didactics of developmental education. Main The task of teaching is to develop the mental strength and abilities of children. The purpose of the teacher is development. children's amateur performances. The success of the training is ensured. teacher.

Education as a value:

1)State. The moral, intellectual, economic and cultural potential of each state depends on the state of the educational sphere and the possibilities for its progressive development. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “The Russian Federation declares the field of education a priority” (Article 1). 2) Public. Education lays the foundations for future changes in society, predetermining its development. Education is designed to educate patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in a civil society, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples. 3) Personal. An individually motivated attitude of a person towards his own education, its level and quality.

Education as a process represents the development by a person in an educational institution or through self-education of a system of knowledge, skills, experience in cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships.

Education as a result– characteristic of the achieved level of education.

Education – a purposeful, specially organized and managed process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, formation of a worldview, development of mental strength and potential capabilities of students.

The structure of the learning process can be represented in two ways:

1) on the activities of the teacher and students: learning process = teaching (teacher activity) ↔ learning (student activity) 2)by components: a) target (idea of ​​the final result); b) substantive (selection of the content of educational material); c) motivational-stimulating (social motives (assessment, marks, praise, creating a situation of success), cognitive motives (game, novelty, interesting historical information)); d) operational and activity-based; d) control and adjustment; e) evaluative-effective.

Functions of the learning process: educational(equipping students with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities and its use in practice); educational(learning always educates, but not automatically, therefore, the implementation of the educational function requires that when organizing the educational process, selecting content, choosing forms and methods, we must proceed from correctly set educational tasks); developing(carried out most effectively with a special focus on interaction between teachers and students on the comprehensive development of the student’s personality).

The concept of the content of education (CO), federal. state images standard (FSES), educational. program, curriculum, curriculum.

There are 3 basic approaches to consider this concept of CO: 1 . CO– pedagogically adapted fundamentals of science studied at school; 2 . CO as a scoop of knowledge and knowledge, which must be mastered by students. Here we will consider the Soviet Union from the point of view. demand; 3(!). CO as a pedagogical adapted social experience of humanity, which is identical in structure to human culture in its entirety. The following types of social experience are distinguished: 1-knowledge about nature, creative activity, technology, etc.; 2-experience is practical. d-ti (experience in implementing known methods of d-ti, including abilities, skills; 3-again creative d-ti; 4-experience in implementing an emotional-value attitude towards the world, society, h-ku, nature. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education: 1. principle of compliance with SB in all elements and at all levels of constructing the requirements for the development of society: science, culture and personality; 2 . the principle of a unified content and procedural side of learning; 3 .pr-cip of the structure of the unity of CO at different levels of its formation, i.e. dollars Correspond to other documents with the following documents, which reflect the following: curriculum, curriculum, state educational standards, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as teaching activities, personality studying; 4 pr-cip of humanitarization SO: “Humanitarianism of EN knowledge” - use of information, texts from the humanities in the natural sciences; 5. principle of fundamentalization of education: science and technology have developed and at each stage the student must learn not just new things, but also the basic level; 6 . the principle of correspondence of the main components of the content of general education to the structure of the basic culture of the individual. CO selection levels: 1st level of general theoretical education - State Educational Standards and curriculum; 2nd level academic subject-curriculum; Level 3 educational material, textbook, teaching aid.

GOS- the norm of the document, the presiding social set of parameters, acting as the state norm of education. GOS determines-1.min CO, 2-max study load, 3-requirements for the level of training of graduates. Federal, national-regional and school compos are registered in the State Educational Standards.

CURRICULUM PLAN- standard document defining the regions and educational institutions studied in a given general institution (institution), their distribution by years of study and number of hours in weeks allocated for the study of each subject in a given class. UCH.PL.formerly 3 types: 1 -basic u.p.; 2 - standard packaging; 3 -unit of general educational institutions, consisting of 2 parts: invariant (federal comp.) and variable (national-regional and school comps).

TRAINING PROGRAM- a standard document, revealing the contents of the educational textbook, the logic of studying the main world ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the general dosage of time for study them. Types STUDY PR-M:1-type educational pr-ma developed on the basis of the requirements of the State Standards relating to one or another image area. Type-I academic pr-we developed. and approved by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation and has a recommendatory character; 2-working school developed and approved by the school’s teachers’ council on the basis of a standard educational program; 3-author study.pr-ma takes into account the requirements of the state educational standards, but may contain a different logic for studying the educational subject, their own approaches to the consideration of certain theories, their own point of view regarding the study of individual phenomena and processes. F-qi UCH. PR-WE : 1.descriptive, 2. ideological and ideological, 3. regulating, or organizational and methodological. History is complicated 2 ways to build a training manual:linear – no re-return occurred. to previously studied sections of the program; concentric – the same sections of programs are studied at different levels of study or at different stages of studying the same discipline; In the afterbirth, it’s time to get into practice 3 way: spiral – departmental topics are studied without repetition, and others are repeatedly complicated. Stu-ra educational pr-we: 1 . Title sheet; 2 . Explanatory note (goals, objectives of the educational program, the main idea and logic of its study and specific approaches to its implementation; 3 . Contents of the course (distinguished sections and topics for study, number of hours allocated for studying each section and topic, a brief content of educational material for each section and topic (for EN disciplines + labs and practical work)); 4 .study-theme.planning; 5 . criteria for evaluation.

TEXTBOOKS and TEACHING POS-I must reflect reliable scientific knowledge (facts, theories, laws, concepts, dates, etc.); a certain logic of studying a given educational subject, must form skills, knowledge that can be applied in any situation, reflect worldview ideas, interdisciplinary connections must be indicated , should be oriented, aimed at forming an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world, nature, etc.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Russian education is a continuous system of successive levels, at each of which state, non-state, and municipal educational institutions of various types and types operate.

Institutions are the main link in the structure of the education system of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions conduct educational work. It is very difficult to briefly describe the education system in the Russian Federation, since it is diverse and based on different components. Educational institutions and all kinds of training form the Russian system of lifelong education, which combines the following types of training:




The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and requirements;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, teaching staff, students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

3) federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented according to educational levels.

The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

The following levels of professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, master's degree;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

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More on the topic Article 10. Structure of the education system of the Russian Federation:

  1. 7. Education system in Russia. The concept and structure of the educational system of society. Regulatory documents in the field of education.
  2. 1. General concept of pedagogical systems in vocational education. The main elements of the pedagogical system: goals of education; content of education; methods, means, organizational forms of training and education.

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force in Russia (the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012). According to this law, new levels of education are established in Russia. The level of education is understood as a completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements.

From September 1, 2013, the following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

  1. preschool education;
  2. primary general education;
  3. basic general education;
  4. secondary general education.

Vocational education is divided into the following levels:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each level.

Levels of general education

Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

Primary general education is aimed at the formation of the student’s personality, the development of his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities (mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle life). Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years.

Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the student’s personality (formation of moral beliefs, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle, a high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastery of the basics of science, the Russian language, mental and physical labor skills, development of inclinations, interests, and the ability for social self-determination).

Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, the preparation of the student for life in society, independent life choices, continued education and the beginning of a professional activities.

Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Children who fail to complete the programs at one of these levels are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education.

Levels of professional education

Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. Persons with an education of at least basic general or secondary general education are allowed to receive secondary vocational education. If a student in a secondary vocational education program has only basic general education, then simultaneously with his profession, he also masters the secondary general education program in the learning process.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at technical schools and colleges. The standard regulations “On an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)” give the following definitions: a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training; b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

Persons with at least a higher education degree (specialist's or master's degree) are allowed to study programs for training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate (adjunct) studies, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs). Persons with a higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to study residency programs. Persons with a higher education in the field of arts are allowed to participate in assistantship-internship programs.

Admission to educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, programs for training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel on a competitive basis.

Admission to master's programs and training programs for highly qualified personnel is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the educational organization independently.

Bachelor's degree- this is the level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years and is practice-oriented in nature. Upon completion of this program, the university graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree. Accordingly, a bachelor is a university graduate who has received fundamental training without any narrow specialization; he has the right to occupy all those positions for which the qualification requirements require higher education. Examinations are provided as qualifying tests for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Master's degree- this is a higher level of higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after completing a bachelor’s degree and involves a deeper mastery of the theoretical aspects of the field of study, orienting the student towards research activities in this field. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree. The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. To obtain a master's degree in a chosen specialty, it is not necessary to have a bachelor's degree in the same specialty. In this case, obtaining a master's degree is considered as a second higher education. Qualifying tests for obtaining a master's degree include exams and the defense of a final qualifying work - a master's thesis.

Along with the new levels of higher education, there is a traditional type - specialty, the program of which provides for 5 years of study at a university, upon completion of which the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education and is awarded the degree of certified specialist. The list of specialties for which specialists are trained was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1136 of December 30, 2009.

There are different levels of education in Russia. They are regulated by a special Law on Education of the Russian Federation 273-FZ Chapter 2 Article 10, which was recently supplemented.

According to the law, levels of education in the Russian Federation are divided into 2 main types - general education and vocational. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all others.

General education

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all citizens are guaranteed to receive free general education in municipal institutions. General education is a term that includes the following types:

  • Preschool education;
  • School education.

The second type is divided into the following subspecies:

  • Initial;
  • Basic;
  • Average.

Preschool education is primarily aimed at developing skills that will help in the future when mastering school material. This includes the primary elements of written and oral speech, the basics of hygiene, ethics and a healthy lifestyle.

In the Russian Federation, both municipal and private preschool education institutions operate successfully. In addition, many parents prefer to raise their children at home rather than sending them to kindergarten. Statistics says that the number of children who did not attend preschool institutions increases every year.

Primary education is a continuation of preschool and is aimed at developing students' motivation, honing their writing and speaking skills, teaching the basics of theoretical thinking and various sciences.

The main task of basic education is the study of the foundations of various sciences, a deeper study of the state language, the formation of inclinations for certain types of activities, the formation of aesthetic tastes and social definition. During the period of basic education, the student must develop the skills of independent knowledge of the world.

Secondary education aims to teach people to think rationally, make independent choices, and study various sciences in more depth. A clear understanding of the world and the social role of each student in it is also formed. More important than ever before pedagogical influence of the class teacher and other teachers.

Professional education

In Russian federation levels of professional education are divided into the following subspecies:

  • Initial;
  • Average;
  • Higher.

Primary education is provided by institutions that provide blue-collar jobs. These include vocational schools (vocational schools, which are now gradually being renamed PTL - vocational lyceum). You can enter such institutions either on the basis of 9 or 11 classes.

Secondary education includes technical schools and colleges. The former train basic-level specialists, the latter implement a system of advanced training. You can enroll in a technical school or college on the basis of 9 or 11 grades; you can enter some institutions only after 9 or only after 11 grades (for example, medical colleges). Citizens who already have primary vocational education are trained under a shortened program.

Higher education carries out training of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. Universities, institutes and academies (in some cases also colleges) train specialists. Higher education is divided into the following levels:

  • Specialty;

A bachelor's degree is a required level to obtain the other two. There are also various forms of education. It can be full-time, part-time, part-time, or external.

Education levels in the world

In the world, a huge number of educational institutions and institutions are engaged in educating students.

  • One of the best systems operates in the USA; more than 500 thousand foreign students study in institutions in this country. The main problem of the American education system is the high cost.
  • Higher educational institutions in France also offer a very high educational level; education in universities in this country, as in Russia, is free. Students only have to provide their own support.
  • In Germany, population countries and foreign applicants are also entitled to free education. There was an attempt to introduce tuition fees, but the attempt failed. An interesting feature of education in this country is that in the legal and medical fields there is no division into bachelor’s and specialty degrees.
  • In England, the term Higher Education is used only to refer to institutes or universities from which graduates receive a doctorate or advanced degree.
  • Also recently, getting an education in China has become popular. This happened thanks to the teaching of most disciplines in English, however, the cost of education in China is still quite high.

The methodology of the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) was the basis for this rating, created by Times Higher Education together with the Thomson Reuters information group. Developed in 2010 and replacing the well-known World University Rankings, the ranking is recognized as one of the most authoritative in determining the quality of education in the world.

Criteria for evaluating universities:

  • Academic reputation of the university, including scientific activity and quality of education (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community)
  • The scientific reputation of the university in certain areas (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community).
  • Total citations of scientific publications, normalized relative to different areas of research (data from an analysis of 12 thousand scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • Ratio of published scientific articles to the number of teaching staff (data from an analysis of 12 thousand scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • The amount of funding for the university's research activities in relation to the number of teaching staff (the indicator is normalized by purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).
  • The amount of funding from outside companies for university research activities in relation to the number of teaching staff.
  • The ratio of government funding for research activities to the overall research budget of the university.
  • The ratio of teaching staff to the number of students.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign representatives of the teaching staff to the number of local ones.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign students to the number of local ones.
  • Ratio of defended dissertations (PhDs) to the number of teaching staff.
  • The ratio of defended dissertations (PhDs) to the number of bachelors pursuing a master's degree.
  • The average remuneration of a representative of the teaching staff (the indicator is normalized by purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).

How is the score determined?

The maximum score that the university under study can receive is 100 points.

  • For the level of teaching activity, quality of education, and the number of highly qualified teachers, a university can receive a maximum of 30 points.
  • A maximum of 30 points are awarded for the scientific reputation of the university.
  • For citation of scientific works – 30 points.
  • For developing innovative projects and attracting investment to them, the university receives a maximum of 2.5 points.
  • For the university’s ability to attract the best students and teachers from all over the world – 7.5 points.

World ranking of universities 2014-2015

The name of the university

A country

Score (according to the 2014-2015 study)

Caltech USA 94,3
Harvard University USA 93,3
Oxford University Great Britain 93,2
Stanford University USA 92,9
Cambridge University Great Britain 92,0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA 91,9
Princeton University USA 90,9
University of California at Berkeley USA 89,5
Imperial College London Great Britain 87,5
Yale university USA 87,5
University of Chicago USA 87,1
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland 84,6
Columbia University USA 84,4
Johns Hopkins University USA 83,0
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova Russian Federation 46,0

On September 1, 2013, a new law “On Education” came into force in Russia (the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012). According to this law, new levels of education are established in Russia. The level of education is understood as a completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements.

From September 1, 2013, the following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

  1. preschool education;
  2. primary general education;
  3. basic general education;
  4. secondary general education.

Vocational education is divided into the following levels:

  1. secondary vocational education;
  2. higher education - bachelor's degree;
  3. higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each level.

Levels of general education

Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children. Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

Primary general education is aimed at the formation of the student’s personality, the development of his individual abilities, positive motivation and skills in educational activities (mastery of reading, writing, counting, basic skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, simple self-control skills, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle life). Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years.

Basic general education is aimed at the formation and formation of the student’s personality (formation of moral beliefs, aesthetic taste and a healthy lifestyle, a high culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, mastery of the basics of science, the Russian language, mental and physical labor skills, development of inclinations, interests, and the ability for social self-determination).

Secondary general education is aimed at the further formation and formation of the student’s personality, the development of interest in knowledge and the student’s creative abilities, the formation of skills in independent educational activities based on individualization and professional orientation of the content of secondary general education, the preparation of the student for life in society, independent life choices, continued education and the beginning of a professional activities.

Primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education are compulsory levels of education. Children who fail to complete the programs at one of these levels are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education.

Levels of professional education

Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education. Persons with an education of at least basic general or secondary general education are allowed to receive secondary vocational education. If a student in a secondary vocational education program has only basic general education, then simultaneously with his profession, he also masters the secondary general education program in the learning process.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at technical schools and colleges. The standard regulations “On an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)” give the following definitions: a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training; b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

Persons with at least a higher education degree (specialist's or master's degree) are allowed to study programs for training highly qualified personnel (postgraduate (adjunct) studies, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs). Persons with a higher medical education or higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to study residency programs. Persons with a higher education in the field of arts are allowed to participate in assistantship-internship programs.

Admission to educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs, programs for training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel on a competitive basis.

Admission to master's programs and training programs for highly qualified personnel is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the educational organization independently.

Bachelor's degree- this is the level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years and is practice-oriented in nature. Upon completion of this program, the university graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a bachelor's degree. Accordingly, a bachelor is a university graduate who has received fundamental training without any narrow specialization; he has the right to occupy all those positions for which the qualification requirements require higher education. Examinations are provided as qualifying tests for obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Master's degree- this is a higher level of higher education, which is acquired in 2 additional years after completing a bachelor’s degree and involves a deeper mastery of the theoretical aspects of the field of study, orienting the student towards research activities in this field. Upon completion of this program, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education with a master's degree. The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. To obtain a master's degree in a chosen specialty, it is not necessary to have a bachelor's degree in the same specialty. In this case, obtaining a master's degree is considered as a second higher education. Qualifying tests for obtaining a master's degree include exams and the defense of a final qualifying work - a master's thesis.

Along with the new levels of higher education, there is a traditional type - specialty, the program of which provides for 5 years of study at a university, upon completion of which the graduate is issued a diploma of higher professional education and is awarded the degree of certified specialist. The list of specialties for which specialists are trained was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1136 of December 30, 2009.

Types of education in Russia. New Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Education in Russia plays a decisive role in the process of personality formation. Its main goal is the education and training of the younger generation, their acquisition of knowledge, skills, competencies and the necessary experience. Various types of education in Russia are aimed at the professional, moral, intellectual and physical development of children, adolescents, boys and girls. Let's look at this in more detail.

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

According to this document, the educational process is a continuous, sequentially connected system. Such content implies the presence of certain levels. In the law they are called “types of education in Russia.”

Each level has specific goals and objectives, content and methods of influence.

According to the law, there are two large levels.

The first is general education. It includes preschool and school sublevels. The latter, in turn, is divided into primary, basic and complete (secondary) education.

The second level is vocational education. It includes secondary, higher (bachelor's, specialist and master's) and training of highly qualified personnel.

Let's look at each of these levels in more detail.

About the preschool education system in Russia

This level is intended for children under seven years of age. The basic goal is the general development, training and education of preschool children. In addition, it implies monitoring and caring for them. In Russia, these functions are performed by specialized preschool education institutions.

These are nurseries, kindergartens, early development centers or homes.

About the secondary education system in the Russian Federation

As noted above, it consists of several sublevels:

  • The initial one lasts four years. The main goal is to give the child a system of necessary knowledge in basic subjects.
  • Basic education lasts from fifth to ninth grades. It assumes that the development of the child should be carried out in the main scientific directions. As a result, secondary educational institutions must prepare teenagers for the State Examination in certain subjects.

These levels of education at school are mandatory for children in accordance with their age. After the ninth grade, the child has the right to leave school and study further by choosing special secondary educational institutions. In this case, it is the guardians or parents who are legally entrusted with full responsibility for ensuring that the process of acquiring knowledge is continued and not interrupted.

Complete education means that the student spends two years in the tenth and eleventh grades. The main purpose of this stage is to prepare graduates for the Unified State Exam and further study at a university. Reality shows that during this period they often resort to the services of tutors, since school alone is not enough.

More information about secondary vocational and higher education in our country

Secondary vocational educational institutions are divided into colleges and technical schools (state and non-state). They prepare students in their chosen specialties in two to three, and sometimes four years. A teenager can enroll in most colleges after the ninth grade. The exception is medical colleges. They accept students with complete general education.

You can enter any higher educational institution in Russia through a bachelor's program only after the eleventh grade. In the future, if desired, the student will continue his studies in a master's program.

Some universities now offer a specialist's degree rather than a bachelor's degree. However, in accordance with the Bologna system, higher vocational education under this system will soon no longer exist.

The next step is the training of highly qualified personnel. These are postgraduate studies (or postgraduate studies) and residency. In addition, specialists with higher professional education can undergo an assistantship-internship program. We are talking about training highly qualified pedagogical and creative figures.

This system is a new, specific form of education, which differs from traditional ones. Distance education is distinguished by other goals, objectives, content, means, methods and forms of interaction. The use of computer technologies, telecommunications, case technologies, etc. is becoming predominant.

In this regard, the most common types of such training are as follows:

  • The first one relies on interactive television. When implemented, there is direct visual contact with the audience, which is located at a distance from the teacher. Currently, this type is not well developed and is very expensive. However, it is necessary when unique techniques, laboratory experiments and new knowledge in a particular area are demonstrated.
  • The second type of distance learning is based on computer telecommunication networks (regional, global), which have various didactic capabilities (text files, multimedia technologies, video conferencing, e-mail, etc.). This is a common and inexpensive type of distance learning.
  • The third combines a CD (a basic electronic textbook) and a global network. Thanks to its great didactic capabilities, this type is optimal both for university and school education, and for advanced training. A CD has a lot of advantages: multimedia, interactivity, availability of a large amount of information with minimal financial losses.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” highlights the creation of favorable conditions for the education of persons with disabilities as one of its priorities. Moreover, this is reflected not only in form, but also in content.

In the law, this system is called “inclusive education”. Its implementation implies the absence of any discrimination against children with special needs, equal treatment of everyone and accessibility of education.

Inclusive education is implemented in all educational institutions in Russia. The main goal is to create a barrier-free environment in the learning process and provide professional training for people with disabilities. To implement it, it is necessary to perform certain tasks:

  • technically equip educational institutions;
  • develop special training courses for teachers;
  • create methodological developments for other students, aimed at the process of developing relationships with people with disabilities;
  • develop programs that are aimed at facilitating the adaptation of persons with disabilities in general educational institutions.

This work has only just begun to develop. Over the next few years, the set goal and identified tasks must be fully implemented.

At the moment, the types of education in Russia are clearly identified, the functions and content of each level are revealed. However, despite this, the reconstruction and reform of the entire education system continues.

Concept and level of education in the Russian Federation

Education in the Russian Federation is a unified process aimed at educating and training the future generation. During 2003-2010. The domestic education system has undergone serious reform in accordance with the provisions contained in the Bologna Declaration. In addition to specialty and postgraduate studies, such levels of the Russian education system as bachelor's and master's degrees were introduced.

In 2012, Russia adopted the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Levels of education, similar to European countries, provide the opportunity for free movement for students and teachers between universities. Another undoubted advantage is the possibility of employment in any of the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration.

Education: concept, purpose, functions

Education is the process and result of the transfer of knowledge and experience that has been accumulated by all previous generations. The main goal of training is to introduce new members of society to established beliefs and value ideals.

The main functions of training are:

  • Raising worthy members of society.
  • Socialization and familiarization of the new generation with the values ​​established in a given society.
  • Providing qualified training for young specialists.
  • Transferring work-related knowledge using modern technology.

An educated person is a person who has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, can clearly determine the causes and consequences of an event and can think logically. The main criterion of education can be called systematic knowledge and thinking, which is reflected in a person’s ability, reasoning logically, to restore gaps in the knowledge system.

The importance of learning in human life

It is through education that the culture of society is transmitted from one generation to another. Education influences all spheres of social life. An example of such an impact would be the improvement of the training system. New levels of vocational education in the Russian Federation as a whole will lead to an improvement in the quality of the state’s existing labor resources, which, in turn, will have a significant impact on the development of the domestic economy. For example, becoming a lawyer will help strengthen the legal culture of the population, since every citizen should know his legal rights and responsibilities.

High-quality and systematic education, which covers all areas of a person’s life, allows one to develop a harmonious personality. Learning also has a significant impact on the individual. Because in the modern situation, only an educated person can climb the social ladder and achieve a high status in society. That is, self-realization is directly related to receiving quality training at the highest level.

The education system in Russia includes a number of organizations. These include institutions:

  • Preschool education (development centers, kindergartens).
  • General education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums).
  • Higher educational institutions (universities, research institutes, academies, institutes).
  • Secondary special (technical schools, colleges).
  • Non-state.
  • Additional education.

Principles of the education system

  • The primacy of universal human values.
  • The basis is cultural and national principles.
  • Scientificity.
  • Focus on the characteristics and level of education in the world.
  • Humanistic character.
  • Focus on environmental protection.
  • Continuity of education, consistent and continuous nature.
  • Education should be a unified system of physical and spiritual education.
  • Encouraging the manifestation of talent and personal qualities.
  • Mandatory primary (basic) education.

Based on the level of independent thinking achieved, the following types of training are distinguished:

  • Preschool - in the family and in preschool institutions (children's age is up to 7 years).
  • Primary - carried out in schools and gymnasiums, starting from the age of 6 or 7, lasting from the first to the fourth grades. The child is taught basic reading, writing and counting skills, and much attention is paid to personality development and acquiring the necessary knowledge about the world around him.
  • Secondary - includes basic (grades 4-9) and general secondary (grades 10-11). Carried out in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. It ends with receiving a certificate of completion of general secondary education. Students at this stage acquire knowledge and skills that form a full-fledged citizen.
  • Higher education is one of the stages of professional education. The main goal is to train qualified personnel in the necessary areas of activity. It is carried out at a university, academy or institute.

According to the nature and focus of education, there are:

  • General. Helps to acquire knowledge of the basics of science, in particular about nature, man, and society. Gives a person basic knowledge about the world around him and helps him acquire the necessary practical skills.
  • Professional. At this stage, the knowledge and skills that are necessary for the student to perform labor and service functions are acquired.
  • Polytechnic. Training in the basic principles of modern production. Acquiring skills in using simple tools.

The organization of training is based on such a concept as “the level of education in the Russian Federation.” It reflects the division of the training program depending on the statistical indicator of study by the population as a whole and by each citizen individually. The level of education in the Russian Federation is a completed educational cycle, which is characterized by certain requirements. The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” provides for the following levels of general education in the Russian Federation:

  • Preschool.
  • Initial.
  • Basics.
  • Average.

In addition, the following levels of higher education in the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • Bachelor's degree. Admission is made on a competitive basis after passing the Unified State Exam. A student receives a bachelor's degree after he has acquired and confirmed basic knowledge in his chosen specialty. The training lasts 4 years. Upon completion of this level, the graduate can pass special exams and continue training as a specialist or master.
  • Specialty. This stage includes basic education as well as training in the chosen specialty. On a full-time basis, the duration of study is 5 years, and on a part-time basis - 6. After receiving a specialist diploma, you can continue studying for a master's degree or enroll in graduate school. Traditionally, this level of education in the Russian Federation is considered prestigious and is not very different from a master’s degree. However, when working abroad, it will lead to a number of problems.
  • Master's degree. This level graduates professionals with deeper specialization. You can enroll in a master's program after completing a bachelor's degree and a specialist's degree.
  • Training of highly qualified personnel. This implies postgraduate study. This is necessary preparation for obtaining a PhD degree. Full-time study lasts 3 years, part-time study lasts 4. An academic degree is awarded upon completion of studies, defense of a dissertation and passing final exams.

Levels of education in the Russian Federation, according to the new law, contribute to the receipt by domestic students of diplomas and supplements to them, which are valued by higher educational institutions of other states, and therefore provide the opportunity to continue their studies abroad.

Training in Russia can be carried out in two forms:

  • In special educational institutions. Can be carried out in full-time, part-time, part-time, external, distance learning forms.
  • Outside educational institutions. Involves self-education and family education. Passage of intermediate and final state certification is provided.

The learning process combines two interrelated subsystems: training and education. They help achieve the main goal of the educational process - human socialization.

The main difference between these two categories is that training is aimed primarily at developing the intellectual side of a person, and education, on the contrary, is aimed at value orientations. There is a close relationship between these two processes. Moreover, they complement each other.

Despite the fact that a reform was carried out in the education system of the Russian Federation not so long ago, there has not been much improvement in the quality of domestic education. Among the main reasons for the lack of progress in improving the quality of educational services are the following:

  • Outdated management system in higher education institutions.
  • A small number of highly qualified foreign teachers.
  • Low rating of domestic educational institutions in the world community, which is due to weak internationalization.

Issues related to the management of the education system

  • Low level of remuneration for workers in the education sector.
  • Lack of highly qualified personnel.
  • Insufficient level of material and technical equipment of institutions and organizations.
  • Low professional level of education in the Russian Federation.
  • Low level of cultural development of the population as a whole.

Obligations to solve these problems rest not only on the state as a whole, but also on the levels of municipalities of the Russian Federation.

Trends in the development of education services

  • Internationalization of higher education, ensuring the mobility of teachers and students with the aim of exchanging best international experience.
  • Strengthening the focus of domestic education in a practical direction, which implies the introduction of practical disciplines and an increase in the number of practicing teachers.
  • Active introduction of multimedia technologies and other visualization systems into the educational process.
  • Popularization of distance learning.

Thus, education underlies the cultural, intellectual and moral state of modern society. This is a determining factor in the socio-economic development of the Russian state. Reforming the education system to date has not led to global results. However, there is a slight shift for the better. The levels of education in the Russian Federation under the new law contributed to the emergence of opportunities for the free movement of teachers and students between universities, which indicates that the process of Russian education has taken a course towards internationalization.

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