A resident of the Khabarovsk region had sex with aliens. Enchanted Soul

The month of March 1995 is rich in predictions. I bought the St. Petersburg newspaper “Anomaly” No. 3 (87), it published an article “Forecast of anomalous events of a grand scale,” telling about future cataclysms and climate change on Earth that will arise as a result of a shift in the axis of rotation of our planet in the near future. I read it and put the newspaper aside. I am extremely wary of any kind of forecasts and predictions. A few days after this, I received the newspaper “New Aquarius” No. 11 (34), and in it there were two articles at once: “Where do the predictions come from” and “Disasters were shown to me clearly.” I read them, and the back of my head itched. What are they talking about? Is there some kind of third-party, mystical connection between these articles? Especially, my attention was attracted by the article by contactee Tatyana Vanicheva, warning about catastrophic earthquakes in the USA, Japan, and in your Far East, about the tsunamis that hit the sea coasts after these earthquakes, and about black clouds over the cities of Russia. And the blackest city of all is the capital of Russia, Moscow.
Why is that? Black blankets over cities, Tatyana Vanicheva notes, are evil emitted by people. The black energy accumulating in the noosphere over cities is a reflection of the growing tension in our society. In March we “celebrated” the anniversary, the tenth anniversary of perestroika, but what did the people get? Life has become much worse than before perestroika, and this is the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the Russian population. Power struggle. A bunch of small political parties squabbling with each other, representing no one but themselves. Ignorant actions of the government. Privatization is being carried out not in order to protect the interests of the peoples of Russia, but in order to line the pockets of the people who find themselves in power. The people no longer look at who is in power, democrats or communists, or what laws the government passes. The people do not trust anyone; they are waiting for when and how they will be fooled again.
Hence the anger towards local and central authorities. And anger causes the release of black energy, which blocks and destroys the spirituality of people. The energy of negative emotions released by a person in the process of life has a number of interesting properties. One of these properties is the ability to concentrate on the object that caused the birth of this energy, and influence this object, causing its destruction. Based on this, it becomes clear why Moscow has become the blackest city in Russia.
Until the potential of black energy reaches a critical level, the people will endure. As soon as the potential for accumulating black energy reaches a critical level, the reverse process of energy pumping begins. The black energy accumulated in the noosphere begins to feed the subtle bodies of people dissatisfied with the current situation, causing an explosion of negative emotions directed against the cause that caused the accumulation of this black energy. We experienced one such release of black energy, remember the events of 1991-1993. But the complete neutralization of the clouds of black energy did not happen then, and now a new process of feeding them has begun at a qualitatively different level.
We have somewhat digressed from the topic of the article, having begun to understand what black clouds are over the cities of Russia, let’s return to the predictions.
Predictions do not appear by chance; they are a warning about future possible troubles that can still be avoided. Predictions can be considered the intervention of “external forces” in earthly affairs, undertaken with the aim of eliminating the undesirable course of events. Earth civilization is very young. It is, so to speak, within the limits of kindergarten age, so they carefully intervene in our development, trying to correct the development of the historical process, to direct it along a less safe path. I believe that if there had been at least one chance to avoid war in Chechnya, this chance would have been realized. But, alas, there are powerful forces on Earth that are interested in precisely this direction of development of events.
Kindergarten age ends and the child goes to school, where he will be prepared for adult life for two whole years. Likewise, in human civilization, kindergarten age is ending, and we Earthlings have entered school age. Many people (and they don’t even know it) are discovering paranormal abilities and the people of Earth will now encounter unusual phenomena more often than ever. People will gradually begin to comprehend the laws of a previously unknown world, which is an integral part of the world in which the human physical body lives.
But not everyone is delighted because the Earth’s civilization has become a little more mature and smarter. This is noted in the article “Where Predictions Come From.” Someone has something to lose. Earthly man, see D. Maskin’s book “Love and the Heart of Infinity. Cosmic signs of good and evil." Krasnoyarsk, Vital, 1992, pp. 13-23, or digest “Nonsense, devilry, miracle”, special. issue No. 2, pp. 18-19, were created artificially on another planet to carry out some mission and laid in man all the best that intelligent life has developed over the entire period of its existence in the universe. But something happened, and the experiment with a human being went wrong; quantitative changes, in addition to the desire of the creators, grew into qualitative changes.
Based on this situation, people appeared who wanted to return the situation on Earth to its original position. How they can do this is difficult to say. There are many possibilities.
First of all, they will need to discredit, suspend the development of extrasensory abilities in people, slow down the study of paranormal phenomena (by limiting it to a select few); to do this, it is enough to start organizing various totalitarian religious and mystical sects with the help of contactees controlled by the forces of evil, and they themselves will take care that they had no competitors. Or arrange a major geological or climatic catastrophe that will return the development of Earth civilization to its starting point.
Now we need to figure out whether there are channels of influence of external (cosmic) forces on a person, try to understand their mechanism, understand how the predictions received by contactees affect people and the situation on Earth.
Every politician in power clears up the mess brewed by his predecessors. Today's political upheavals are just consequences of causes laid down in the past, and awards and big shots in politics often go to the wrong people.
Any physical phenomenon or historical event has a cause event that gave rise to it. A cause event gives rise to a whole chain of consequence events. In the process of developing this chain of event-consequences, one of them becomes a critical event, which has one distinctive quality: all previous events work for it to make this critical event happen. In order to neutralize the consequences of the triggering of such a critical event or mitigate the consequences of its triggering, an outside observer is needed, located in a different coordinate system (in a different dimension), he must see the whole “picture” of the emerging events, in its entirety, in all possible options.
This external observer, through contactees, warns Earthlings about the troubles awaiting them. But why? Earthlings in positions of power do not really listen to the advice of outsiders. This means that there is some other mechanism for implementing these warnings that does not depend on the will of the big bosses.
The human body is endowed by nature with such an outside observer; this is its subtle body, located inside the physical body and at the same time in another dimension. The physical body of a person performs for the subtle body the function of an assembly plant, where (if we take into account the phenomenon of reincarnation) it is assembled and acquires new capabilities and abilities.
In this case, the subtle-material body, if it has its own consciousness independent of the consciousness of the physical body of a person, should be interested in ensuring that the vital activity of the physical body does not suddenly stop. The subtle-material body of a person, having the ability to move in time (it is located outside the coordinate system in which the physical body functions), is able to detect in advance dangers threatening the physical body and warn it. This interaction of the consciousnesses of the physical and subtle bodies of a human being manifests itself in cases of so-called miraculous salvations of people.
But most often, due to the influence of the barrier separating the consciousness of a person’s physical body and the subconscious, which is a function of the subtle body, warning information does not reach the consciousness of the person’s physical body. And if it comes, then, in addition to this barrier, a person also has free will. The right to choose.
The concept of “free will” is explained as follows: the physical body has its own mind, independent of the mind of the subtle body. Therefore, it often happens that the consciousness of the physical body received from the subtle body (spontaneous activation of the gift of clairvoyance) a warning about the danger threatening in the future, but either does not believe this warning, or shows excessive curiosity, which leads a person to death.
There is another option for the human body to react to warnings coming from the subtle-material body of a person. The consciousness of the physical body receives a warning about the danger threatening it in the future and strives to avoid death by all means, but whatever it does, it leads it to the place where the separation of the physical and subtle-material bodies should occur. This is a case of the so-called critical event.
About 10-15 years ago, the magazine “Technology for Youth” published several articles about paranormal phenomena. These articles captured my imagination. I was particularly impressed by the story about a young man who, with great accuracy, predicted the course of events of the Great Patriotic War and died in this war.
This article gave impetus to my search. Why can’t people, sensing what awaits them, avoid their own death? I started reading books about the Great Patriotic War. I was interested in situations telling about the behavior of people in critical situations, listened to the stories of front-line soldiers. But the main idea was prompted by a story called “Notes of a Front-line Scout.” I don’t remember the title of the book with this story, nor its author, so I’ll briefly retell the plot of the story.
There was a calm at the front, such as happens before an offensive. The commander of the reconnaissance detachment was called to the division headquarters and ordered to take the tongue. Returning to his unit, the former intelligence officer recalls, he was wondering who to take in the search. The detachment immediately guessed why the commander was called to the division headquarters, and, without waiting for his return, they began to prepare for the search. As soon as I returned to the unit’s location, one of the best scouts of the detachment came up to me, took me aside, and asked me not to take me on the search. I feel like I'm going to be killed. No matter how hard it was to leave the best intelligence officer, I knew the value of a soldier’s forebodings. With a heavy heart, the detachment commander went on a search; no one knew anything about anything except him; he expected trouble every second. But the search was surprisingly easy, they took the sergeant major, and retreated to their positions without a fight. When they approached their front line, they did not recognize him. During their absence, our front line was shelled by heavy German artillery. And the first thing the scout commander learned when he got to his native trenches was that the scout, whom he did not take on the search, died. During the shelling of our positions by German artillery, he hid in the most reliable dugout that was ever on their front line. But it was precisely this dugout that was hit by a heavy artillery shell.
This story helped to understand how a critical or key event in people's lives works and called it the law of the “funnel” and it is formulated as follows.
If a person’s subconscious has transmitted a warning about such a critical event to the consciousness of the physical body, then all the actions of this person and the actions of other people capable of influencing the fulfillment of this event will be aimed at ensuring that this event occurs.
The existence of critical events indicates that human life is a program that controls human actions. And this program has many options. And there is someone who decides for the person when the program should stop running.
What external observer influences the behavior of a person’s physical body? Subtle body! The warning was received by the human physical body in the form of a premonition. The subtle body has fulfilled its function. And the physical body, using all possibilities, sought to avoid tragic consequences. And, driven by the instinct of self-preservation, she came to the place where this man’s earthly journey ended. Why?
There can be only one acceptable explanation for this case. The life of a specific person on Earth is a development program and it is controlled from somewhere outside. And in the most reliable dugout that was ever on the front line, an end was put to the life program of a front-line intelligence officer. The death of the scout was planned in this place by the program of his development and all the people around him, wanting to somehow help him, brought him to the last line. They were not free to change anything; they acted according to the program.
There are many known cases where a premonition of trouble saved a person’s life. Obviously, the program for the development of a person’s life also includes unpleasant events that the performer is able to avoid if he listens to his feelings.
Psychics know that there are people who, through the effort of their will, program a chain of events for other people, and thereby help them achieve certain life goals. This phenomenon is called the formation of events. A person, through the effort of his will, changes the life program of another person.
I will give two examples from my personal observations.
At the beginning of my career, I worked at a factory in a small team. Everyone was visible. One day, one of the employees of our small team came to work very upset and began to talk about her grief; her beloved dog was hit by a car. My workmate began to make fun of her: “Your dog, out of grief, threw itself under the car.” I hit her once, twice... . And finally, she literally exploded, telling him angrily to stop immediately, because it would make things worse for him. The quarrel is finally over. The next day, he again began to pester her, reminding her about the death of her beloved dog and brought her to “white heat.” This time she warned him: “Stop it, say another word, and you yourself will be in trouble.” And again, it all ended there. After several days, my friend, having forgotten about the warning, again reminded her about the dog. The reaction followed immediately: “I warned you, now wait, you will also have troubles, also related to the car.”
On the third day after this incident, my friend’s son was hit by a motorcycle. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. Got off with minor scratches.
After this incident, I asked this employee what made her say that. She answered: “I don’t know myself, it’s as if something rose from within.”
For myself, I called this situation of launching the event generator the law of number three. In order for the event generator to work, the warning or threat must be repeated three times and the unpleasant event occurs on the third day.
A person, as an external observer, is capable of interfering in the development program of other people's lives. Making some event in another person’s life critical.
The following example is related to me personally. Out of personal necessity, I went to Moscow, warning my neighbors to look after the abandoned household. A week later, by 12 noon, I was already at home and unpacking my things. About half an hour after my arrival home, guests from another city show up, outraged to the core. It turns out that their entire campaign, four people, with the involvement of the police (for a good reason), were kicked out of the bus departing on the first flight, as a result of which they came to me not in the morning, as planned, but in the afternoon. I had to calm them down, saying that they had done the right thing, that they were taken off the bus. If they had arrived on the morning flight, they would not have found me at home, and in response to their questions about where I was, the neighbors would answer, I went to Moscow, and they don’t know when I will return.
P.S. This incident had far-reaching consequences. What forces were involved to make this meeting happen? They were thrown off the bus with the police so that some delegation, also consisting of four people, would leave on this bus instead. As if this delegation could not be sent by taxi!

These two examples show that not only external forces intervene in a person’s life (his life program), but also the person himself, by his own will, is able to change the sequence of events programmed by the development program. When carrying out a life program, a person is given the right to choose one from several possible options for the development of an event, provided in advance. But this choice can be made for him.
A very unpleasant conclusion for a person: all human actions and events occurring on Earth are programmed. This means that the future of our earthly civilization, as well as possible development options, are also programmed.
It is necessary to understand how the subtle-material human body is capable of receiving information about events that have not yet occurred?
Every action of the human physical body is associated with the release or absorption of subtle types of energy (carrying information). Considering the fact of the existence of development programs, we can make the assumption that, with the help of the subtle body, the physical body somehow interacts with its development program. Hence it turns out that the human development program must be outside of time, like a static information record, and must first interact with the subtle-material body of a person, and only then with the physical body. For a physical person, the subtle-material body of a person exists outside of his time, which determines the sequence of events in the world of the physical body, and therefore can know about events that have not yet occurred in the world of the physical body.
The human development program and the subtle-material human body do not have a rigid connection with each other. They interact with each other using subtle types of energy (exchange of information). The physical body of a person is somehow capable of interfering with the process of energy exchange between the subtle body and the development program of another person.
This suggests that you need to go less to all sorts of predictors and fortune-tellers. People who can really predict events from the lives of other people without disturbing the energy exchange between the client’s subtle body and its development program are extremely rare. By visiting a fortune teller, you can distort your life program. Well, if you receive an unpleasant prediction, try not to think about it and not tell anyone, otherwise you yourself may create a predicted event on your own head.
Well, what about predictions of natural disasters? Everything that was just discussed in the article has nothing to do with inanimate nature. On the contrary, it has, and a big one. The above examples revealed a deep mechanism that allows people to influence on a subconscious level, and ultimately change the course of events.
At critical turning points in the development of humanity, the vast majority of people live poorly, and this leads to the accumulation of a large amount of negative types of energy (black energy) in the Earth's noosphere. Part of this black energy is spent on the political reorganization of society, and the other part, through the hidden capabilities of people, can be utilized by influencing inanimate nature. It is no coincidence that earthquakes and other unpleasant natural phenomena are common in places of ethnic conflicts. How to avoid this?
When communicating with a group of clairvoyants, this fact was revealed. Unexpectedly, from the subtle side
peace we receive a warning. An accident is about to happen to one of the close relatives of one of the clairvoyants. And this close relative went on vacation in his own car, and it is not clear where and how to look for him in order to warn about possible trouble. We drop everything we’re doing and start looking with the help of clairvoyance to find out where the potential troublemaker might be. Seeing the right person with the help of clairvoyance is not a problem. But is this information reliable? Finally, we decide to clear all possible places where he may be, including the road along which he will return home, from negative energies.
Some time passes and the failed victim returns home. We tell him in detail about everything that happened to him on the way home, and we find out that he did not notice any hint of any possible troubles. On the contrary, everything, surprisingly, went like clockwork. And on the road. When returning home, there was even a green street (traffic lights at intersections were green more often than usual). After such an explanation, I felt as if I had just been duped. Or maybe the accident was actually prevented?
I want to remind readers again of what Tatyana Vanicheva said about predictions. “All predictions are given to people so that, according to the Higher Cosmic Laws of Free Will and Choice, they themselves, by their free will and reasonable choice, can choose their own Destiny. The less often predictions come true, the higher the ability of people of free and good Will to influence the fate of the world and the planet. Nobody is deceiving you. The predictions are accurate. It is you, people, who change the fate of your planet and your own with your good will. We respect ourselves and you, and giving misinformation is humiliating. But you need to figure out who you're dealing with. There are Forces that specifically give predictions in order to direct the collective Will of people to fulfill the events they need. No, this is not misinformation. Just predictions with a minus sign. Think, you are people."
Well, people! What should we do with the predictions now? It's weird not to pay attention to them. Maybe we can use the experience accumulated by clairvoyants when working in groups? It is better to feel deceived after all the unfulfilled warnings than to subsequently count your losses. The popular almanac “It Can’t Be” No. 3 (41) published an article “For whom the bell tolls?”, which states that Russian scientists have created a device that accurately predicts the timing of underground disasters. But this device exists in the singular, and about twenty of them are needed. The government does not have funds for these vital devices. There are no funds for this laboratory to exist.


Finally, the tall one with bangs, having finished the painful manipulations with Larisa’s body, said sharply: “We don’t need her anymore!” These exact words were spoken, I clarified Larisa’s original story from my notes, although a slightly altered phrase has gone “for a walk” in ufological literature: “She is not suitable for us.” In essence, both phrases are close, but the real one, as it now turns out, has a deeper meaning.

Forecast about swine flu by fortune teller Tatyana Vanicheva

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Why do Russian cities generate black energy? The age of earthly civilization is comparable to that of kindergarten. Every politician is trying to unravel the “mess” brewed by his predecessors. An incident from the life of a front-line intelligence officer. People with their thoughts are able to prevent disasters.

The month of March 1995 is rich in predictions. I bought the St. Petersburg newspaper “Anomaly” No. 3 (87), it published an article “Forecast of anomalous events of a grand scale,” telling about future cataclysms and climate change on Earth that will arise as a result of a shift in the axis of rotation of our planet in the near future. I read it and put the newspaper aside. I am extremely wary of any kind of forecasts and predictions. A few days after this, I received the newspaper “New Aquarius” No. 11 (34), and in it there were two articles at once: “Where do the predictions come from” and “Disasters were shown to me clearly.” I read them, and the back of my head itched. What are they talking about? Is there some kind of third-party, mystical connection between these articles? Especially, my attention was attracted by the article by contactee Tatyana Vanicheva, warning about catastrophic earthquakes in the USA, Japan, and in your Far East, about the tsunamis that hit the sea coasts after these earthquakes, and about black clouds over the cities of Russia. And the blackest city of all is the capital of Russia, Moscow.
Why is that? Black blankets over cities, Tatyana Vanicheva notes, are evil emitted by people. The black energy accumulating in the noosphere over cities is a reflection of the growing tension in our society. In March we “celebrated” the anniversary, the tenth anniversary of perestroika, but what did the people get? Life has become much worse than before perestroika, and this is the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the Russian population. Power struggle. A bunch of small political parties squabbling with each other, representing no one but themselves. Ignorant actions of the government. Privatization is being carried out not in order to protect the interests of the peoples of Russia, but in order to line the pockets of the people who find themselves in power. The people no longer look at who is in power, democrats or communists, or what laws the government passes. The people do not trust anyone; they are waiting for when and how they will be fooled again.
Hence the anger towards local and central authorities. And anger causes the release of black energy, which blocks and destroys the spirituality of people. The energy of negative emotions released by a person in the process of life has a number of interesting properties. One of these properties is the ability to concentrate on the object that caused the birth of this energy, and influence this object, causing its destruction. Based on this, it becomes clear why Moscow has become the blackest city in Russia.
Until the potential of black energy reaches a critical level, the people will endure. As soon as the potential for accumulating black energy reaches a critical level, the reverse process of energy pumping begins. The black energy accumulated in the noosphere begins to feed the subtle bodies of people dissatisfied with the current situation, causing an explosion of negative emotions directed against the cause that caused the accumulation of this black energy. We experienced one such release of black energy, remember the events of 1991-1993. But the complete neutralization of the clouds of black energy did not happen then, and now a new process of feeding them has begun at a qualitatively different level.
We have somewhat digressed from the topic of the article, having begun to understand what black clouds are over the cities of Russia, let’s return to the predictions.
Predictions do not appear by chance; they are a warning about future possible troubles that can still be avoided. Predictions can be considered the intervention of “external forces” in earthly affairs, undertaken with the aim of eliminating the undesirable course of events. Earth civilization is very young. It is, so to speak, within the limits of kindergarten age, so they carefully intervene in our development, trying to correct the development of the historical process, to direct it along a less safe path. I believe that if there had been at least one chance to avoid war in Chechnya, this chance would have been realized. But, alas, there are powerful forces on Earth that are interested in precisely this direction of development of events.
Kindergarten age ends and the child goes to school, where he will be prepared for adult life for two whole years. Likewise, in human civilization, kindergarten age is ending, and we Earthlings have entered school age. Many people (and they don’t even know it) are discovering paranormal abilities and the people of Earth will now encounter unusual phenomena more often than ever. People will gradually begin to comprehend the laws of a previously unknown world, which is an integral part of the world in which the human physical body lives.
But not everyone is delighted because the Earth’s civilization has become a little more mature and smarter. This is noted in the article “Where Predictions Come From.” Someone has something to lose. Earthly man, see D. Maskin’s book “Love and the Heart of Infinity. Cosmic signs of good and evil." Krasnoyarsk, Vital, 1992, pp. 13-23, or digest “Nonsense, devilry, miracle”, special. issue No. 2, pp. 18-19, were created artificially on another planet to carry out some mission and laid in man all the best that intelligent life has developed over the entire period of its existence in the universe. But something happened, and the experiment with a human being went wrong; quantitative changes, in addition to the desire of the creators, grew into qualitative changes.
Based on this situation, people appeared who wanted to return the situation on Earth to its original position. How they can do this is difficult to say. There are many possibilities.
First of all, they will need to discredit, suspend the development of extrasensory abilities in people, slow down the study of paranormal phenomena (by limiting it to a select few); to do this, it is enough to start organizing various totalitarian religious and mystical sects with the help of contactees controlled by the forces of evil, and they themselves will take care that they had no competitors. Or arrange a major geological or climatic catastrophe that will return the development of Earth civilization to its starting point.
Now we need to figure out whether there are channels of influence of external (cosmic) forces on a person, try to understand their mechanism, understand how the predictions received by contactees affect people and the situation on Earth.
Every politician in power clears up the mess brewed by his predecessors. Today's political upheavals are just consequences of causes laid down in the past, and awards and big shots in politics often go to the wrong people.
Any physical phenomenon or historical event has a cause event that gave rise to it. A cause event gives rise to a whole chain of consequence events. In the process of developing this chain of event-consequences, one of them becomes a critical event, which has one distinctive quality: all previous events work for it to make this critical event happen. In order to neutralize the consequences of the triggering of such a critical event or mitigate the consequences of its triggering, an outside observer is needed, located in a different coordinate system (in a different dimension), he must see the whole “picture” of the emerging events, in its entirety, in all possible options.
This external observer, through contactees, warns Earthlings about the troubles awaiting them. But why? Earthlings in positions of power do not really listen to the advice of outsiders. This means that there is some other mechanism for implementing these warnings that does not depend on the will of the big bosses.
The human body is endowed by nature with such an outside observer; this is its subtle body, located inside the physical body and at the same time in another dimension. The physical body of a person performs for the subtle body the function of an assembly plant, where (if we take into account the phenomenon of reincarnation) it is assembled and acquires new capabilities and abilities.
In this case, the subtle-material body, if it has its own consciousness independent of the consciousness of the physical body of a person, should be interested in ensuring that the vital activity of the physical body does not suddenly stop. The subtle-material body of a person, having the ability to move in time (it is located outside the coordinate system in which the physical body functions), is able to detect in advance dangers threatening the physical body and warn it. This interaction of the consciousnesses of the physical and subtle bodies of a human being manifests itself in cases of so-called miraculous salvations of people.
But most often, due to the influence of the barrier separating the consciousness of a person’s physical body and the subconscious, which is a function of the subtle body, warning information does not reach the consciousness of the person’s physical body. And if it comes, then, in addition to this barrier, a person also has free will. The right to choose.
The concept of “free will” is explained as follows: the physical body has its own mind, independent of the mind of the subtle body. Therefore, it often happens that the consciousness of the physical body received from the subtle body (spontaneous activation of the gift of clairvoyance) a warning about the danger threatening in the future, but either does not believe this warning, or shows excessive curiosity, which leads a person to death.
There is another option for the human body to react to warnings coming from the subtle-material body of a person. The consciousness of the physical body receives a warning about the danger threatening it in the future and strives to avoid death by all means, but whatever it does, it leads it to the place where the separation of the physical and subtle-material bodies should occur. This is a case of the so-called critical event.
About 10-15 years ago, the magazine “Technology for Youth” published several articles about paranormal phenomena. These articles captured my imagination. I was particularly impressed by the story about a young man who, with great accuracy, predicted the course of events of the Great Patriotic War and died in this war.
This article gave impetus to my search. Why can’t people, sensing what awaits them, avoid their own death? I started reading books about the Great Patriotic War. I was interested in situations telling about the behavior of people in critical situations, listened to the stories of front-line soldiers. But the main idea was prompted by a story called “Notes of a Front-line Scout.” I don’t remember the title of the book with this story, nor its author, so I’ll briefly retell the plot of the story.
There was a calm at the front, such as happens before an offensive. The commander of the reconnaissance detachment was called to the division headquarters and ordered to take the tongue. Returning to his unit, the former intelligence officer recalls, he was wondering who to take in the search. The detachment immediately guessed why the commander was called to the division headquarters, and, without waiting for his return, they began to prepare for the search. As soon as I returned to the unit’s location, one of the best scouts of the detachment came up to me, took me aside, and asked me not to take me on the search. I feel like I'm going to be killed. No matter how hard it was to leave the best intelligence officer, I knew the value of a soldier’s forebodings. With a heavy heart, the detachment commander went on a search; no one knew anything about anything except him; he expected trouble every second. But the search was surprisingly easy, they took the sergeant major, and retreated to their positions without a fight. When they approached their front line, they did not recognize him. During their absence, our front line was shelled by heavy German artillery. And the first thing the scout commander learned when he got to his native trenches was that the scout, whom he did not take on the search, died. During the shelling of our positions by German artillery, he hid in the most reliable dugout that was ever on their front line. But it was precisely this dugout that was hit by a heavy artillery shell.
This story helped to understand how a critical or key event in people's lives works and called it the law of the “funnel” and it is formulated as follows.
If a person’s subconscious has transmitted a warning about such a critical event to the consciousness of the physical body, then all the actions of this person and the actions of other people capable of influencing the fulfillment of this event will be aimed at ensuring that this event occurs.
The existence of critical events indicates that human life is a program that controls human actions. And this program has many options. And there is someone who decides for the person when the program should stop running.
What external observer influences the behavior of a person’s physical body? Subtle body! The warning was received by the human physical body in the form of a premonition. The subtle body has fulfilled its function. And the physical body, using all possibilities, sought to avoid tragic consequences. And, driven by the instinct of self-preservation, she came to the place where this man’s earthly journey ended. Why?
There can be only one acceptable explanation for this case. The life of a specific person on Earth is a development program and it is controlled from somewhere outside. And in the most reliable dugout that was ever on the front line, an end was put to the life program of a front-line intelligence officer. The death of the scout was planned in this place by the program of his development and all the people around him, wanting to somehow help him, brought him to the last line. They were not free to change anything; they acted according to the program.
There are many known cases where a premonition of trouble saved a person’s life. Obviously, the program for the development of a person’s life also includes unpleasant events that the performer is able to avoid if he listens to his feelings.
Psychics know that there are people who, through the effort of their will, program a chain of events for other people, and thereby help them achieve certain life goals. This phenomenon is called the formation of events. A person, through the effort of his will, changes the life program of another person.
I will give two examples from my personal observations.
At the beginning of my career, I worked at a factory in a small team. Everyone was visible. One day, one of the employees of our small team came to work very upset and began to talk about her grief; her beloved dog was hit by a car. My workmate began to make fun of her: “Your dog, out of grief, threw itself under the car.” I hit her once, twice... . And finally, she literally exploded, telling him angrily to stop immediately, because it would make things worse for him. The quarrel is finally over. The next day, he again began to pester her, reminding her about the death of her beloved dog and brought her to “white heat.” This time she warned him: “Stop it, say another word, and you yourself will be in trouble.” And again, it all ended there. After several days, my friend, having forgotten about the warning, again reminded her about the dog. The reaction followed immediately: “I warned you, now wait, you will also have troubles, also related to the car.”
On the third day after this incident, my friend’s son was hit by a motorcycle. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. Got off with minor scratches.
After this incident, I asked this employee what made her say that. She answered: “I don’t know myself, it’s as if something rose from within.”
For myself, I called this situation of launching the event generator the law of number three. In order for the event generator to work, the warning or threat must be repeated three times and the unpleasant event occurs on the third day.
A person, as an external observer, is capable of interfering in the development program of other people's lives. Making some event in another person’s life critical.
The following example is related to me personally. Out of personal necessity, I went to Moscow, warning my neighbors to look after the abandoned household. A week later, by 12 noon, I was already at home and unpacking my things. About half an hour after my arrival home, guests from another city show up, outraged to the core. It turns out that their entire campaign, four people, with the involvement of the police (for a good reason), were kicked out of the bus departing on the first flight, as a result of which they came to me not in the morning, as planned, but in the afternoon. I had to calm them down, saying that they had done the right thing, that they were taken off the bus. If they had arrived on the morning flight, they would not have found me at home, and in response to their questions about where I was, the neighbors would answer, I went to Moscow, and they don’t know when I will return.
P.S. This incident had far-reaching consequences. What forces were involved to make this meeting happen? They were thrown off the bus with the police so that some delegation, also consisting of four people, would leave on this bus instead. As if this delegation could not be sent by taxi!

These two examples show that not only external forces intervene in a person’s life (his life program), but also the person himself, by his own will, is able to change the sequence of events programmed by the development program. When carrying out a life program, a person is given the right to choose one from several possible options for the development of an event, provided in advance. But this choice can be made for him.
A very unpleasant conclusion for a person: all human actions and events occurring on Earth are programmed. This means that the future of our earthly civilization, as well as possible development options, are also programmed.
It is necessary to understand how the subtle-material human body is capable of receiving information about events that have not yet occurred?
Every action of the human physical body is associated with the release or absorption of subtle types of energy (carrying information). Considering the fact of the existence of development programs, we can make the assumption that, with the help of the subtle body, the physical body somehow interacts with its development program. Hence it turns out that the human development program must be outside of time, like a static information record, and must first interact with the subtle-material body of a person, and only then with the physical body. For a physical person, the subtle-material body of a person exists outside of his time, which determines the sequence of events in the world of the physical body, and therefore can know about events that have not yet occurred in the world of the physical body.
The human development program and the subtle-material human body do not have a rigid connection with each other. They interact with each other using subtle types of energy (exchange of information). The physical body of a person is somehow capable of interfering with the process of energy exchange between the subtle body and the development program of another person.
This suggests that you need to go less to all sorts of predictors and fortune-tellers. People who can really predict events from the lives of other people without disturbing the energy exchange between the client’s subtle body and its development program are extremely rare. By visiting a fortune teller, you can distort your life program. Well, if you receive an unpleasant prediction, try not to think about it and not tell anyone, otherwise you yourself may create a predicted event on your own head.
Well, what about predictions of natural disasters? Everything that was just discussed in the article has nothing to do with inanimate nature. On the contrary, it has, and a big one. The above examples revealed a deep mechanism that allows people to influence on a subconscious level, and ultimately change the course of events.
At critical turning points in the development of humanity, the vast majority of people live poorly, and this leads to the accumulation of a large amount of negative types of energy (black energy) in the Earth's noosphere. Part of this black energy is spent on the political reorganization of society, and the other part, through the hidden capabilities of people, can be utilized by influencing inanimate nature. It is no coincidence that earthquakes and other unpleasant natural phenomena are common in places of ethnic conflicts. How to avoid this?
When communicating with a group of clairvoyants, this fact was revealed. Unexpectedly, from the subtle side
peace we receive a warning. An accident is about to happen to one of the close relatives of one of the clairvoyants. And this close relative went on vacation in his own car, and it is not clear where and how to look for him in order to warn about possible trouble. We drop everything we’re doing and start looking with the help of clairvoyance to find out where the potential troublemaker might be. Seeing the right person with the help of clairvoyance is not a problem. But is this information reliable? Finally, we decide to clear all possible places where he may be, including the road along which he will return home, from negative energies.
Some time passes and the failed victim returns home. We tell him in detail about everything that happened to him on the way home, and we find out that he did not notice any hint of any possible troubles. On the contrary, everything, surprisingly, went like clockwork. And on the road. When returning home, there was even a green street (traffic lights at intersections were green more often than usual). After such an explanation, I felt as if I had just been duped. Or maybe the accident was actually prevented?
I want to remind readers again of what Tatyana Vanicheva said about predictions. “All predictions are given to people so that, according to the Higher Cosmic Laws of Free Will and Choice, they themselves, by their free will and reasonable choice, can choose their own Destiny. The less often predictions come true, the higher the ability of people of free and good Will to influence the fate of the world and the planet. Nobody is deceiving you. The predictions are accurate. It is you, people, who change the fate of your planet and your own with your good will. We respect ourselves and you, and giving misinformation is humiliating. But you need to figure out who you're dealing with. There are Forces that specifically give predictions in order to direct the collective Will of people to fulfill the events they need. No, this is not misinformation. Just predictions with a minus sign. Think, you are people."
Well, people! What should we do with the predictions now? It's weird not to pay attention to them. Maybe we can use the experience accumulated by clairvoyants when working in groups? It is better to feel deceived after all the unfulfilled warnings than to subsequently count your losses. The popular almanac “It Can’t Be” No. 3 (41) published an article “For whom the bell tolls?”, which states that Russian scientists have created a device that accurately predicts the timing of underground disasters. But this device exists in the singular, and about twenty of them are needed. The government does not have funds for these vital devices. There are no funds for this laboratory to exist.


Finally, the tall one with bangs, having finished the painful manipulations with Larisa’s body, said sharply: “We don’t need her anymore!” These exact words were spoken, I clarified Larisa’s original story from my notes, although a slightly altered phrase has gone “for a walk” in ufological literature: “She is not suitable for us.” In essence, both phrases are close, but the real one, as it now turns out, has a deeper meaning.

Forecast about swine flu by fortune teller Tatyana Vanicheva

Clinical death

The case that will be discussed below is also not
something special, except for the moment that the character
Tatyana Vanicheva managed to intelligently use her incorporeal
condition and looked twice at the clock lying on her bedside table:
the moment of leaving the body and the moment of return.

Interesting: at least half an hour passed between these events. Moreover
The resuscitators took over her body just after this period had expired. Well, for
for half an hour in the astral world, the woman managed to see and
experience very interesting things.

She sent her story in 1997 to the editorial office of one of the Rostov
newspapers, of course, without knowing anything about Professor Spivak’s research.
The peculiarity of this case is that, as admitted by the
Vanicheva, spontaneous exit from the body happened to her more than once.
“I apparently died many times, but as if in a dream, not realizing that
with me and who I am. The most striking and remarkable is the last case.

It was November 3, 1986 at 16:15. I was in
maternity hospital But since this was not the first time I gave birth and I practically didn’t scream,
The medical staff rarely came to me. I was alone in the prenatal ward and
was lying on the bed. Nearby, on the nightstand, on the opposite edge from me
my watch was lying there. This point is very important: it was the watch that gave me
proof that everything that happened to me was not delirium or a dream.

Feeling the beginning of labor, I call the midwife, but she doesn’t come. And here, with
With my last cry, I gave birth and... died. That is, only after a few
minutes I realized that I had died, but so far there was only a short-term loss
consciousness. I woke up and found myself standing near the bed. I looked at
bed, and I’m lying on it myself! She shook her head, felt herself with her hands: yes
no, here I am! I’m standing there, alive and normal! Who is lying?

I felt uneasy. I feel even the hair on my head moving.
Mechanically she smoothed them with her hand. At that moment I looked at my watch:
16.15. It turns out I died? This explains the fact that I am standing and
I am lying on the bed. What about my child? She stepped away from the nightstand and
I felt the floor, and I was barefoot! I ran my hand over my body - but I
absolutely naked, the shirt was left on the one lying on the bed! Really
Is it still me? F-fu, disgusting! Is this fat carcass me?

Once again I ran my hands over the body: a strong, slender body, as in
youth, about fifteen years old. I remembered that I wanted to look at
child, bent lower... Lord, freak! My baby is ugly! God,
for what? And then I feel pulled somewhere. I began to look with my eyes
exited the room and flew out of the maternity hospital. I'm flying! Up and up.

Now the sky has already turned black, here is space - I’m flying! It took a long time to fly. All around
billions of stars - how beautiful! I feel it getting closer... where, why? Not
I know. And then the light appeared. Warm, lively, infinitely dear. By body
An incredibly blissful feeling spread - I’m home! Finally I'm home!

But then the light grew a little colder, and a Voice was heard. He was strict: “You
Where?" I feel that I can’t speak loudly here, and I quietly answer:

It became cold and dark around. I'm flying back.
I don’t know where exactly
moved as if on a thread. Although I didn't see her. Returned to the family home.
I'm standing by the bed. I look at myself again. What a nasty body! How not
I want to return to it. But you can't argue with the Voice. Necessary
come back. And then it occurred to me that I (that is, the one who lies
on the bed) help is needed - she’s dead!
I went to the staff room, feeling quite real. And there I encountered
because they don’t see or hear me! I bother the midwife, the children's sister,
but my hands pass through them. I scream, but they don’t hear! What to do?
There is a child there, he will die without help! He may be a freak, but this is my child! I
I have to help him!

Ooh, wooden chocks! How can I get you going? I remembered that I
dead, and calmed down a little. This means there are advantages over the living.
I looked closely at the midwife, saw the “entrance” into her body and “drew” there.
Feeling of a large room. And... wires, wires! Millions of wires and
conductors. How to figure it out? Suddenly I feel that there is someone nearby, but
I don’t see, but I hear: “Get out of here, I’ll raise the alarm. Go, go!

Came out. I hear the midwife say: “For some reason Vanicheva fell silent, let’s go
should I take a look? Didn't she give birth? She's always not like other people. I’ll go have a look.”

The midwife got up and ran into the room. And before I return to
my body, mechanically looked at the clock: 16 hours 40 minutes. AND -
returned. True, not right away. I also saw how scared the midwife was,
how she ran for the doctor and how they began to inject me. I hear: “Lord,
died! There is no pulse, no pressure... Oh, what should I do?”

Okay, I have to go. Came close to the head, instant loss
consciousness - and so I lie on the bed and open my eyes. "Well, that's too bad.
this time, right?” - I ask. In response, the midwife sighed with relief: “Ugh,
How you scared us, Tanya.”

When she began to carefully prepare me for the news about the child - a freak, I told her: “I know, I saw it.”

For some time I thought that everything told to me here was simple.
I dreamed about it. But no matter how hard I tried to see the clock on the nightstand from the bed, I couldn’t
it worked. If she had gotten out of bed and sat up, she would have certainly crushed her.
would be a child. And he is alive and well to this day. He has already had one operation, and
he looks fine. Two more operations and he will be able to speak normally.

I also asked the doctor if I could be delusional? She answered,
that this only happens during childbed fever, but I’ve given birth for so long,
There was never a fever. One thing I know for sure is that it all happened! It is not enough for me
who believed who I told. I even visited a psychiatrist: with my psyche
I'm fine."

In conclusion of this unusual and in its own way interesting story, let us turn
Please note that there is no traditional influence in this story
religious worldview. No encounter with God, angels or crowds
joyfully welcoming deceased relatives: these details are usually
are present in similar stories of deeply religious people.

Exploring the mysteries of space or the surrounding earthly nature, you never tire of being surprised by the equally numerous human phenomena that you encounter at almost every step. Telepathy, predictions, levitation, bodily magnetism, contacts with other minds, clairvoyance, extrasensory abilities, astral travel, dowsing, hypnosis... - well, there seems to be no end to the list of unusual manifestations that a human being is endowed with.
Among the phenomena, there are frequently occurring ones, and there are extremely rare, and therefore especially mysterious phenomena. Among the latter I would include the phenomenon of the double. That is, when people encounter their own or someone else's exact living copy. It is hardly possible to name a more shocking phenomenon than such a meeting.

And something similar happened to my old friend, a phenomenal woman, judging by her letters and stories, Tatyana Anatolyevna Vanicheva from the Khabarovsk Territory. There have been publications in books and the media about her and her varied experiences of a life rich in anomalous events. Another mysterious incident adds new touches to her already boring fate.

So, at the beginning of 2006, I receive an envelope signed in familiar handwriting.

So, my middle daughter Nadezhda returned home after unsuccessfully wandering for a better life and now lives and works in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan. Nadya rents an apartment in a new area of ​​the city, which the townspeople call the “third quarter.” I was in that area only once, many years ago, picking mushrooms in the forest - there were no houses then. Today a new hospital and a number of brick five-story buildings have been built there. So the place is completely unknown to me.

Now it’s quite cold here, it’s difficult to wash in our unheated “bathhouse”, but Nadya just had hot water in the house, and she invited me to wash in the bath.

I was wondering whether to go or not, since I have problems with my legs, but taxis are inexpensive here at the moment. In any case, once or twice a month, since my retirement, I can afford to go to my daughter’s house to wash myself.

I got ready, stopped a taxi, and drove off. The place is unfamiliar, I only have the address on a piece of paper, and the taxi driver doesn’t really know where exactly the house I need is located.

It was late in the evening, it was getting dark, it was autumn, and the forests in our area were burning - the smoke was so thick that you couldn’t see very well even during the day. We stopped at the first building behind the hospital to check whether we had arrived correctly. There were people near the house, children were running around, so asking the address was not difficult.

Everything seems fine so far, right? Nothing mystical or supernatural. But listen to what happened next...

The car stopped and I walked towards the house. There were old women sitting at the entrance - they know everything. I decided to ask them for the address.

But then my attention was attracted by a car that drove up to the same building, only from the other side. With difficulty (as did I) the woman got out of the car and, leaning on a stick, walked towards the house.

I was petrified. When the distance between us did not exceed a meter, she also stopped, looking at me. It was me. Almost an exact copy. Almost - this is because there were some discrepancies in the clothes. So, she was wearing a short coat, which a year ago I cut into pieces for a patchwork bedspread.

The “second me” could not stand the first:

– Are you Vanicheva? Tatiana?

“Yes, I’m Tatyana Vanicheva,” I answer.

-Have you come to your daughter? – she asked. – I also have a daughter, Nina.

“Yes, my daughter lives here, Nadya,” I answered.

– You don’t have one daughter, do you? I have three of them.

– I also have three and three sons. There were three, now there are two...

– Do you have an eldest daughter, Larisa?

– No, Irina, then Nadezhda, and the youngest – Olya.

– I have Larisa, Olya, and the youngest, Nina, lives in this house.

– And my middle daughter Nadya lives in this house...

– And your eldest son, Alexey, died, right? Crashed on a motorcycle?..

- No, Sasha died, but also the eldest. Yes, on a motorcycle, four years ago.

- Near the hospital?

- It turns out that although you are me, but not quite...

“It turns out like this,” I said. - A…

Then the taxi driver called out to me: “Well, shall we go or will you pay?”

I went to the car, but looked back. “The other me” also went to the car. Getting into a taxi, I asked the driver to take me home. The driver asked me: “Have you met your sister? Very similar. Are you twins?

I answered yes, my sister. And I thought to myself: “It turns out he also saw this “second”?! I didn't feel well, I was shaking. And even when I arrived home, I couldn’t really come to my senses for a long time. Still - such a shock! Meeting yourself, not in a dream, but in reality!

I can’t explain this meeting to myself. I thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t come up with anything worthwhile. I read somewhere that similar cases have been recorded when a person meets “himself” a day or two before death. In my case this is not the case, because the meeting took place in early October, and today ends December. I just thought for a long time: whether to write to you or not to write...

Parallel life...

I want to clarify some inconsistencies in my dialogue with the “second me”, because some things require clarification.

So, the “other me”’s eldest daughter’s name is Larisa, and my eldest daughter’s name is Irina. However, in the fifth grade I had a friend, or rather, I had a friend since the first grade, it was just in the fifth grade that we agreed that when we grew up and had children, she would name her first daughter after me, and I his - in her name. My friend's name is Larisa. Now she lives in Kamchatka. And she kept her word: her eldest daughter’s name is Tatyana. But I didn’t keep my word, my Irina called herself as if “on her own.” This story is long and out of place now. But in principle, I really wanted to name my first daughter Larisa.

Second: both I and the “second me” have Olga’s daughters, only she has the middle one, and I have the youngest.

Now the names are Nadya and Nina. Already in the maternity hospital, I began to call my second daughter Nina, in honor of my beloved grandmother. But then my husband got angry, and in order not to swear, I named my daughter Nadya - not in my opinion and not according to his wishes, since he wanted to call her Natasha.

It’s the same with sons: I had a son, Alexey, but he died young and was born second to last, before Zhenya. So there are inconsistencies.

And one more thing... For some reason, I didn’t ask this “second me” a single more or less serious question... Well, for example, how did she get to Nadya’s house? Where did it come from and why was there some kind of barrier between us: something like a foggy haze, absolutely transparent, but, let’s say, you couldn’t put your hand through it. I tried it. Nothing really came to mind. Just some almost meaningless questions and answers. From shock, or something... Because I was really in shock and did not immediately come to my senses.

Now I’m going through everything in my memory and thinking: oh, how much I could have asked! Interesting, important, but I... And I can’t explain this stupor in any way except because of confusion and shock.

I painfully want to go to Nadya’s house again. Maybe something will become clearer. Maybe I’ll see “myself” again, but... something deep, internal, some kind of fear is stopping me... Again, fear of what? Unclear…

And so I keep thinking about this incident, and I can’t comprehend what it means? Maybe Gennady Stepanovich, you or someone from your group can help me with at least something and explain something? Maybe someone has encountered something similar? You see, right now I can’t really sleep or do anything, I keep thinking and thinking. What was that?!

Goodbye. I am waiting for your early reply. Tatiana".

Prepared by Gennady BELIMOV.

Despite the fact that sexual contacts between earthlings and representatives of the other world have been known since ancient times, the nature and characteristics of these contacts remain unclear to most people. Moreover, it is precisely this aspect of the mysterious relationship with the other world that is most mercilessly subjected to doubt and ostracism not only from the public, but even from the majority of researchers and specialists in anomalous phenomena.

It is this area of ​​phenomenal manifestations that is especially susceptible to critical condemnation, and the first thing that the researcher and the object of sexual aggression who decides to talk about it is faced with is the question of the mental sanity of the source of information. Of course, such an attitude towards a mysterious phenomenon does little to promote frankness, and this is probably why knowledge in this area of ​​​​contacts accumulates so slowly or is of a random, fragmentary nature.

In addition to the fact that sexual intercourse is not very beautiful and can really significantly traumatize the psyche of people, it is also difficult to explain, which is why, in our opinion, researchers pass by this phenomenon in silence. Although, however, ancient Greek myths, other sources are known, or, for example, the work of the theologian Father Ludvicus Maria Sinitrara de Ameno, which was published in Paris in 1876 and is called “On devilish possession and animal incubus and succubus,” which provides facts about sexual harassment from unknown inhabitants of parallel, let's say, worlds.

The first case of such contacts in our practice is the case of the transportation of 23-year-old Volzhan woman Larisa Sorokina inside a flying saucer on the night of February 18, 1991, where she was subjected to an unceremonious medical examination, including a gynecological one. “She is not suitable for us,” was the verdict, and 40 minutes later the young woman found herself standing in her apartment in a state of hysterical crying, which did not stop until the morning. The shock was that she was treated like an inferior being.

Another story happened with a rural resident from the Volgograd region, Vladimir Nivedrov, a 40-year-old livestock specialist, the head of a family with a large number of children, who in the fall of 1990 was led along a strange corridor into a parallel space, where in a half-empty room he was examined by little people, and then in their in the same presence, they were forced to perform sexual intercourse with a woman who looked like a dugout, who, unlike the other inhabitants of the room, spoke Russian.

Vladimir woke up at home, lying clothed on his bed. The shock was so great that after six months of silence, he nevertheless wrote about what happened to our research group. I met with him and I assure him that he is a completely normal person, sincere in a rustic way, thorough, but seeking clarification from specialists about what happened to him. In addition to these, there were other requests to us regarding sexual harassment from unknown entities, which convinces us that contacts of the 6th kind are not such a rare phenomenon in reality.

However, the most informative source should be recognized as a 43-year-old woman, Tatyana Vanicheva. She is a resident of an urban village from the Russian outback, has a husband and 6 children. I have been in long-term correspondence with Tatyana from 1992 to the present, I have found in her an understanding research partner and have no doubt about her honesty.

I can't thank this woman enough for her courage and sincerity in wanting to contribute to our research. On her own initiative, she sent a medical report on her mental sanity. Tatyana dates the beginning of her contacts to the end of the 60s, when she was twelve or thirteen years old, but sexual contacts came later, in 1979, when she was about thirty.

Over the past decades, she had completely adapted to her unusual “contact” life, so she was not particularly surprised by the wave of newspaper reports on anomalous topics when they began to reach their village. In the report I will cite several different types of sexual contacts, although there were many of them. Tatyana is sure that that such contacts and especially medical examinations occur with earthlings quite often. She herself met such people in some medical “laboratories” of aliens and, in addition, after examinations there were often traces left: blood on the body, on the sheets, scratches, injections, cuts, removing skin from different parts of the body, etc.

At the same time, the will to resist and the feeling of danger were completely suppressed, but all other sensations and memory were retained by her personally. The wounds healed very quickly. She usually woke up in the middle of the night to the blue light in the room, which cast sharply defined shadows, and the smell of ozone in the air. This was always a surprise to her. In one of the episodes, she saw two aliens of a humanoid appearance in the room. Height is about 150 centimeters, in loose overalls, lifeless faces, like those of mannequins, heads without hair, both have a small antenna box behind their left ear (?).

They spoke in Russian, but their lips did not move, and their voice sounded right in the woman’s head. "Will you come with us. Don’t be afraid, we’ll be back soon, nothing bad will happen,” it sounded monotonously and several times in my head. She realized that these were robots and it was useless to resist them (Although there were cases when deliberately idiotic answers in street slang confused the aliens, and they sometimes retreated without a sip. An example of such a question: “Can’t you spread some jam on your back?” A stupid question was posed they were at a dead end, and they left). “Stand in a circle,” the command sounded. The voice was extremely disgusting and echoed too loudly in her head.

There was a yellow circle outlined on the floor at their feet. She stood in it. The circle began to slowly rise, and a yellow path appeared outside the window. She hangs in the air, not supported by anything. To the touch (the woman was barefoot) it felt like rubber, elastic. “How I ended up outside the window,” says Tatyana, “I don’t remember and don’t understand. It’s always like this: you step into a circle, and for a moment everything seems to blur, you, without moving a millimeter, suddenly find yourself in a completely different place, and often in a different time and world.”

That time, at their request, Tatyana stood in a circle of yellow light that connected to the path. A door opened right in the air, behind it was a corridor with many doors on either side. “I was led into either the fifth or sixth door from the entrance. I found myself in a small bright room. The light is normal, sunny, although no windows are visible. In the middle of the room there are two tables, similar to operating rooms, with many instruments around them. They took me to the nearest table, tore off the nightgown I was wearing, laid me on the table, stretched my arms and legs to the sides and attached them with bracelets. They seem soft, but they hold you tightly, you won’t move...

Of course I chickened out. This has never happened to me before. I tried to escape - where was it? I can only turn my head. But then they put a cap with a lot of wires and tubes on my head. When this cap was attached to the box next to the table, a soft female voice was heard in my head: “Don’t be afraid, we are only examining you in order to get to know the people of Earth more closely. It won’t hurt. Lie quietly.” I remember how such evil took over me : “get to know each other” they decided to do! And to begin with, they crucified him like a frog on this stupid table! At this time, two figures floated from the side of the door; they floated, as they were hanging in the air. Dressed in strange robes, with hands very similar to “ghosts”, as caricaturists draw them. “Ghosts” floated up to the table, and... it began!

They looked at me like something inanimate. They stuck tubes into all the holes, pulled something out, then poured it in... God, how disgusting! How humiliating! And I couldn’t even cry, because they put something like binoculars over my eyes and through them they looked at my fundus. Even the tears that still flowed were collected in a test tube. The most disgusting thing was, however, ahead... The woman fell into oblivion and woke up because something cold had penetrated her vagina. She saw in front of her a scary creature that looked like a toad, lying on her and trying to perform a sexual act.

She thrashed wildly, screamed, and as a result threw the monster off of her. At the cry, the “ghosts” who were fiddling with the instruments turned around. “What’s wrong with her? Why such a reaction? Do they have mating differently? Don’t like your partner? But he’s male and according to her parameters, he’s quite suitable for her. We need to consult! And give her a sedative...” - the voices fell silent, as one of ghosts splashed something in my face. Tatyana came to her senses not on the table, but not at home either. A small room with ordinary earthly furniture, a sofa, she is still naked. A woman is sitting next to her. Quite earthly, but not beautiful in an earthly way. For some time Tatyana could not move, although her first impulse was to grab the stranger’s hair.

The woman, apparently having read her thoughts, smiled. She explained that she was mistakenly taken by robots who had the task of delivering a woman of a similar psycho-emotional nature to her region. And the “toad” is a person, a humanoid, very similar in many ways to people. Ghosts in robes are also robots, but much more complicated. The experiment concerned research into the sexual emotions of earthly women. In order to neutralize it, a will paralyzer was used. Tatyana Vanicheva exploded with abuse, to which came the answer: “We never take into account the desires of people, just as you don’t take into account the desires of, say, a rabbit.”

This was followed by accusations of earthlings in experiments on people in Hiroshima and in other similar situations. She said this very angrily. “Tell me, Tanya: do you people ask a rabbit, when conducting experiments on it, whether it wants this? - said the unearthly woman. - What does the rabbit have to do with it? You people are conducting experiments on your own kind that are even more cruel than ours! Who asks these people who, by chance, found themselves in the field of view of the experimenter? Did it hurt you? No! Nothing would have happened to you, you wouldn’t even remember anything. Well, maybe it's just like a bad dream...

What do you blame us for? Do you have the right to do this? – the woman’s voice rang with anger. During the conversation, an interesting confession from the alien woman followed. “We need the energy of your emotions,” she explained. – The strongest surges of emotions we need come from fear. But people have learned to block fear, and besides, fear is not exactly what is needed. Recent research has shown that the most valuable energy comes from emotions associated with sexual experiences. This energy is easy to register and collect. But it is important that sexual intercourse is done with love, otherwise people may have sex without any feelings. People need to be taught this."

After this, Tatiana was taken to her apartment, having agreed to meet again with another partner and without being surrounded by devices. The promised contact took place two months later. On a chair by her bed sat a tall, almost earthly-looking man. The only thing that distinguished him was his clothes - tight, close to his body, and a helmet on his head. The helmet has a distinctive crest, looks metallic, and is decorated with sparkling stones. The man's body is powerful, muscular, his face is beautiful, similar to the Greek type. Feature - the arms and body are covered with thick small hair, similar to fur. But there are also earthly hairy men.

Communication was by voice, in Russian. “Your room has been combined with a laboratory,” he said, “the entrance is right here.” After that, he pressed the button of the box he was holding in his hand. A door opened in the middle of the room, followed by a familiar corridor. They entered a room further away from the previous one, where she had already been. Only the sofa was replaced with an ottoman. They were met by the same woman. She said that at home no one would notice her absence, and that her partner, although not a person, had a body that met all earthly standards. She warned that no audio or video recording would be made. She left.

By the way, it turned out that the bedroom is adjacent to a bathroom with a shower and a completely earthly-looking toilet. “You can call me “star brother”, you won’t be able to pronounce my name,” said her new partner when they were left alone. Tatyana did not answer. She lay down on the ottoman and... immediately fell asleep. Still, it was late at night. She woke up because she felt very hot. The alien was lying next to him, and a strong warmth was coming from him. “I won’t convey the ‘conversations,’ they are about nothing, nothing educational,” Vanicheva said. – I won’t go deeper into how mutual sympathy arose... I’ll just say that sexual contact occurred. There was nothing unusual about him, he looked like an earthly one, but after... Full intimacy, with the emergence of emotions, happened on the fourth or fifth attempt. (Later there was a clarification from Vanicheva: from the fourth or fifth meeting).

Everything went as usual, that is, as with the most ordinary man, but when I felt the approach of orgasm, my partner somehow strangely arched and moaned, he actually moaned, and did not say: “Hands! Give me your hands! Quicker!" Naturally, I didn’t understand anything, I didn’t give a hand, and everything was crumpled. He went limp and left me alone. A little later he explained to me: “Next time you feel what you had now, I ask you! – put your hands on the bed and spread your fingers so that I can touch your fingers. Fine? I really ask you about this!” At the next close, when Tatyana felt the approach of orgasm, she put her hands on the bed and spread her fingers. She paid dearly for this, because at the moment of orgasm, when her partner pressed his palms to hers, liquid fire flowed into her through her fingers.

Tatyana at that moment was looking not at him, but at her hands: on each finger, at the tips, there were three holes with melted edges. These burnt holes lasted for about three days. They were seen by her eldest daughter and - the remains - by a neighbor in the house. Later, this partner introduced her to another “star brother,” whom she could not distinguish from the first, they were so similar. There were also sexual contacts, but at a different time and in a different place. By the way, one of the “star” partners told her that THEY love earthly women and men very much. People give them thrills that they don’t have “there”. And that such “unions” produced children... But then such unions were prohibited. After which such connections, although they did not disappear completely, became like “smuggling” ones, and THEY try to manage “without consequences” in their relationships with people.

The green guy, who looks like a toad, also, it turns out, has not forgotten her. One day he came straight to her home and used a syringe-type needle, paralyzing the woman. Then he lay down on her and inserted the cold, hard organ into her. He did not move, but after some time a cold liquid with a sickening smell poured out of him. After that, the green one stood up, hissed something and disappeared. It took her a long time to move. When I got up and turned on the light, I was horrified: the sheet and legs were covered in nasty greenish-yellow mucus with a terrible smell. In the middle of the night, the woman began to wash and clean the room, throwing the sheet in the trash. And yet the smell lingered for several more days, even the members of the household could feel it. This smell haunted her for more than a month. After some time, Tatyana felt pregnant.

Understandably, she was in shock. One night she woke up again from a blue light: at the head of the head stood a woman I knew and a “ghost” in a robe from that laboratory. She was told about the unexpected - about violence and pregnancy. They came to eliminate the consequences. Tatyana was given something like an abortion with a tube-type device. The operation was painless, little blood was released. The green type was about 140 centimeters tall, the skin was green, cold and slippery to the touch. There were four fingers on the hands, membranes between them. The head was large compared to the body, bald, eyes were round, slightly bulging, the mouth was large , almost without lips. The ears are large and pressed to the head. There is almost no neck, the head starts from the shoulders, the arms are long. The woman did not see him below the waist.

I saw him twice in total. We will introduce one more contact to the audience. It is not sexy, but perhaps more important in its novelty and unusualness. One day, “star brothers” appeared, with whom they had already had sexual relations. They said that it was time for them to reproduce, but all this happened differently for them, not like for earthlings. In the act of reproduction, or, more precisely, the appearance of a new creature, three people participate: a man, a woman and one more person (they did not specify, since people do not have such a concept). The time for reproduction has come, but these two do not have a woman. “And although you are a creature of another world,” they said, “but in terms of power "Your energy is in no way inferior to our women. Help us with your energy" Tatyana Vanicheva agreed, she was interested and impressed by the trust.

She was reminded of the situation when one of them burned her fingers, and they offered to transfer energy through her fingers, mentally imagining sexual intercourse with a person dear to her. When the energy began to flow, it was necessary to give hands to one and the other “star brothers”. This is the energy that was needed. Soon Tatyana extended her hands to the “brothers.” She, as she recalled, seemed to be “rocking on the waves of love.” Something came from her through her fingers to her brothers, something came from them to her. Finally, IT merged into one and with a flash came out of the three and swayed in the middle between us.

It was a tiny ball of either light or small ball lightning. It was completely weightless, warm and soft, like dandelion fluff. He trustingly sat on her palm and fussed around in it, like in a nest... But then the brothers took this living ball of light from her hands. “That’s it,” they said. – There is a new creature. Thank you". And with these words they melted into blue light. What was it? Sexual contact? Or something different? We'll have to find out someday. Correspondence with Tatyana Vanicheva continues.

We have other episodes, mostly published in my book “Aliens Among Us,” published in Moscow in 2003. Recently, Tatyana Vanicheva, having learned about my proposed trip to the United States, said that, according to her information, she was chosen for such sexual experiments because she was a bisexual being. Outwardly this does not manifest itself in any way, but she, like some other earthly women, is capable of self-fertilization.

The fact is that, in her opinion, the male sex on Earth is degenerating. This includes a decrease in viable sperm in the semen of men, a decrease in potency, and homosexuality, which men are increasingly inclined towards. The further, the more strongly this will be expressed, until it leads to the complete disappearance of the male sex on the planet. According to her, only two generations separate us from this. “Friends” from outer space knew this for a long time, and, most likely, this is happening not without their participation, so they began to look for women capable of self-fertilization.

There were about 1000 such people on Earth. But there is one serious obstacle: women can only produce women. And this, for some “higher” reasons, is not exactly what “friends” need. So they were looking for women who were capable of producing not only their own kind, but also men, but already “updated” genetically from aggression and cruelty. People like Tatyana were used as “guinea pigs”. She does not yet know whether the experiment was successful.

In addition, Tatyana reports that somewhere in the United States, one of her incarnations, the “other self,” is currently living, as if in a parallel life. This is a woman, her name is Ellen Snogby (or Snogby) - perhaps by her husband Lessing. The age is the same as Vanicheva’s, that is, 52 years. Presumably lives in Nevada. There is no need to look for her specifically, but just in case Tatyana told me about it.

G. Belimov, ufologist