Ram im Gnesins reception of documents. Russian Academy of Music named after

Depending on the level of education:
- secondary vocational education: applications are accepted until August 10. After August 10, rating lists will be compiled of all persons who passed the entrance examinations (in July and August), ranked in descending order of the average score of the certificate. Lists of those enrolled will be posted in the “Orders for Enrollment” section in August;
- higher education (bachelor’s degree, specialist’s degree, assistantship-internship): the deadline for publication of rating lists is July 27, 2019. Orders for admission are published separately depending on the category and type of places (for more detailed information, see the document on admission deadlines);
- higher education (master's degree): the deadline for publication of rating lists is August 1, 2019. Orders for admission are published separately depending on the category and type of places (for more detailed information, see the document on admission deadlines);
- higher education (postgraduate): July 22, 2019.

Will there be applicant counseling/pre-auditions before the entrance exams?

For some areas of secondary vocational education, consultations are provided (indicated in the schedule of entrance tests). For higher education programs, consultations were held on Open Days; consultations and auditions for higher education programs are not provided before entrance examinations.

Are dormitories provided for non-resident applicants during the period of entrance examinations?

Yes, it is available. Check-in takes place after submitting an application for admission to study. All necessary documents are prepared by a specialist from the admissions committee.

How do you submit documents for targeted training?

When submitting an application for admission to targeted training at an organization engaged in educational activities, a citizen submits a copy of the targeted training agreement, certified by the customer, or an uncertified copy of the targeted training agreement, presenting its original.
At the same time, an applicant to study in a bachelor's degree program or specialty program has the right to submit an application (applications) for admission simultaneously in no more than 3 specialties and (or) areas of training in one educational organization (admission may be regulated by one agreement on targeted training).

What are the requirements for submitting documents to the Academy through public postal operators?

To submit documents through postal operators, you need to download the application from the official website, fill it out yourself and attach documents (copy of passport, education document (original or copy) and photo).

Can I transfer from another educational organization to secondary vocational/higher education programs?

Transfer is possible if there are vacancies. Please contact the Academic Department of the Academy/School with this question.

Is there a reserve day during the entrance examination period?

It is possible to take the entrance test with another group or on a reserve day if the applicant, for a valid reason, supported by documents, was unable to attend on the day indicated in the schedule. This procedure is individual and is carried out on the basis of the applicant’s personal application.

Good evening! This year she is an applicant for pop and jazz singing. I decided to look for reviews (for some reason right now), it’s strange that there are almost none. So, I can say the following: the university is considered the most prestigious higher musical institution, and accordingly it has the greatest demands. Believe me, they are the biggest.
She graduated from the Sochi College of Arts in 2013 and decided to enroll there. Passed tests in Russian language and literature. I didn’t take the Unified State Exam because, as you understand, I had a secondary education. Many, by the way, despite this, passed the Unified State Exam and, in my opinion, greatly regretted it. DO NOT TAKE THE USE if two compulsory subjects can be taken as entrance exams. The probability of getting a HIGH score is very high, while on the Unified State Exam in the same literature you will get 70 as a maximum, well, unless, of course, you are a masochist :) The Russian Unified State Exam is easier, but you must admit, writing a dictation and getting 95 points is much easier than writing Unified State Exam in Russian? All this applies to children who have received secondary vocational education; others, if I’m not mistaken, will have to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and literature in order to enter music universities and more. In literature, the entrance exam is also not difficult, if you have read all the works of Russian school literature, well, and know what each work is about, without much fanaticism, consider that you have written the exam with a decent score! A very simple test compared to the Unified State Exam.
As for the entrance tests in written and oral music theory, here things are much(!) more complicated. In theory, you need to swim. This is what they give to pop-jazz vocals, at least that’s what we had today, and I think they don’t change the requirements every year: 1. write a dictation (the teacher plays about 6 times at a moving tempo, the dictation is complex, with constant chromaticisms ); 2. The written work consists of 5 points - a) write a major pentatonic scale from the sound C, write a melodic minor scale from the sound C. It is not difficult; b) intervals are given, you need to define them, indicate the keys and resolve them as many times as possible, again, they ask without fanaticism; c) seventh chords are given, they need to be determined, keys indicated, and resolved in the same way; d) a chain with designations is given, for example: subdominant sixth chord, dominant fifth sixth chord, tonic triad, etc. You just need to write down these chords on the staff in a given sequence; e) given a melody, it needs to be transposed by, for example, a chromatic semitone down. That's all. In principle, nothing complicated, but the difficulty lies in the fact that all the chords are not given in key, so learn all the intervals of the pentatonic scale.
The day after tomorrow I will take music theory - orally (you come on two different days, then the results are summarized as one exam in music theory). In theory, they are asked orally by ear, they are required to sing from sight, etc. The most difficult exam, according to Ksenia Valerievna Politkovskaya, promises to be a specialty and a colloquium. It is very difficult to score a high score in this specialty. As I understand it, it doesn’t matter what kind of voice you have or how talented you are, etc. I don’t know by what criteria this exam is assessed (there can be no talk of dirty intonation, of course, there’s something else there, but I don’t know what yet) If in Russian you get 82 in the average and in letters 80 (well, that’s not average, of course, these are high scores, but nevertheless), then in your specialty your average score is 60 O_0!
The colloquium is complicated because you yourself know how well or not well you know jazz, jazz history, creators, many names, their biographies, etc. They ask everything, but jazz is specialized, so you need to know, and if we also tell you about Miles Davis, then the stereotype of club-headed vocalists will evaporate and completely dissipate in the air :) IT IS MANDATORY TO KNOW the fable (well, or not necessary, if, of course, 60 points normal for you). Name jazz standards, great singers and singers of jazz. She is highly approved.
Regarding budget places, there are ONLY 4 of them!!! This year there are 127 vocalists, 20 places in total, 16 paid, 4 free. And this is still a small number of applicants, as they say. In general, you understand, they will enter on the budget, I don’t even know who will enter, to be honest, I’m really looking forward to this moment to understand this topic, who will enter pop-jazz singing at the Academy. Gnessins for budget places... I heard from the guys who are applying for the second time that “they” push college students into these 4 places. But this year there are no students from college... And, of course, this is unfair.
LEARN THEORY and enrich your knowledge on the history of jazz and more.

1. The Gnessin State Music College ensures compliance with the rights of citizens to education established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, and, focusing on the Model Regulations on an Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education, the Procedure for Admission to State Educational Institutions of Secondary Vocational Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/99. N573, as well as Recommendations for organizing the activities of admissions, subject examination and appeal commissions of educational institutions of secondary vocational education (appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 18, 2000 No. 16-51-331in/16-13) guarantees the transparency and openness of the work of the admissions committee , objectivity in assessing the professional abilities and level of training of applicants.
2. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to study for free on a competitive basis at the Gnessin State Medical University if they are receiving secondary vocational education for the first time, and also if the applicant does not have a higher level of education. In some cases, for applicants to specialty 0502 “Singing” who have demonstrated a special level of vocal and musical abilities, but already have this or a higher level of education, the admissions committee, in agreement with the founder, may consider the issue of free training. Citizens of neighboring countries have the right to free education on a competitive basis if there are agreements between the Russian Federation and the corresponding country. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to paid education on a competitive basis.
3. The size and structure of student admission to the Gnessin State Medical University is established in accordance with the license for the right to conduct
educational activities in the manner determined by the Charter of the Gnessin State Medical University:
3.1. free education at the expense of the federal budget within the admission quotas established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;
3.2. paid training based on contracts with both individuals and legal entities;
3.3. before the start of accepting documents, the admissions committee determines and announces a list of specialties for which the Gnessin State Medical University announces admission, and the number of places in each specialty for admission at the expense of the federal budget;
3.4. in the interests of the optimal composition of educational groups (choirs, orchestras), a differentiated competition can be established (by instruments, by voices), the terms of which are discussed at the meeting
admission committee.
4. Admission to the Gnessin State Medical University is carried out on the personal application of citizens who have basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, on the basis of a competition based on the results of entrance examinations.
5. The Gnessin State Medical University notifies applicants of the availability of a license for the right to conduct educational activities and a certificate of state accreditation, gives applicants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Gnessin State Medical University Charter and other documents regulating the educational process.
6. Along with a personal statement, applicants to the Gnessin State Medical University are required to have documents proving their identity (passport or birth certificate), a state-issued document on basic general, secondary (complete) general education or primary vocational education (original or notarized
photocopy), medical certificate including information about vaccinations (form-86-U), photocopy of the insurance policy and four photographs measuring 3x4.
If a notarized photocopy of the education document is provided, the original must be submitted to the admissions committee on the day of the last exam.
An applicant entering a paid department records this in writing in his application. Transferring documents from a paid department to a budget department after the start of exams is not allowed.
Other documents may be submitted by the applicant if he is applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. All documents, including those determining the right to benefits, are accepted as a single package, which is not subject to revision.
An applicant who has submitted all documents receives a receipt. Before the first exam, the applicant receives an examination sheet, which is the only document allowing entry into the school building and passing the next exam. When entering the classroom where the tests are being conducted, the applicant presents a passport (birth certificate) and an examination sheet. Without an examination paper, an applicant is not allowed to take the exam. The exam results are communicated to the applicant on the same day by the admissions committee.
Persons who do not appear for entrance examinations for a valid reason, and who have documented this, are allowed to take tests in parallel groups or individually until the entrance examinations are completely completed.
7. The admissions committee works constantly. Its composition is approved annually by order of the school director. Applications from applicants are accepted from June 1st to June 29th.
8. Entrance tests to the Gnessin State Medical University are held from July 2 to July 15. The schedule of entrance examinations is approved by the director of the school and posted on the eve of the first exam.
9. Examination commissions are formed according to the subject principle, their composition is discussed by the subject-cycle commission and approved by order of the school director.
10. Free consultations for applicants are held from June 1 to June 29 and are advisory in nature. At other times, consultations are available for a fee.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:30 to 17:30

Gallery RAM named after. Gnessins

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Gnessin Academy of Music"

Colleges of RAM named after. Gnessins


No. 01446 valid indefinitely from 05/21/2015


No. 01363 is valid from 07/06/2015 to 04/29/2020

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RAM named after. Gnessins

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 4 7 5 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study79.2 72.59 72.28 72.10 66.25
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget83.23 79.03 74.95 71.88 65.24
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis70.31 70.49 68.57 72.26 69.08
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled76.28 67.25 64.95 63.18 52.45
Number of students1603 1525 1445 1492 1447
Full-time department1459 1375 1305 1316 1242
Part-time department50 53 40 57 67
Extramural94 97 100 119 138
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About RAM im. Gnessins

The Gnessin Russian Academy of Music was created in 1944 on the initiative of the Gnessin sisters, who devoted their entire lives to music pedagogy. Many graduates of the academy have won recognition from musical organizations in Russia and around the world, became laureates of various competitions, performed musical works at many concert venues around the world, and became directors of musical groups or soloists of the best opera houses.

Education at RAM named after. Gnessins

At the academy, students can receive high-quality secondary (after grades 9, 11) and higher (after grade 11) education. Then you can continue your studies in graduate school, where you can write a candidate or doctoral dissertation or enter an assistantship that organizes internships for students in other music educational institutions.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained exclusively through full-time study. The following specialties are taught here:

  • music theory;
  • instrumental performance on one of the musical instruments;
  • vocal art;
  • choral and solo singing;
  • choral conducting.

After completing their studies in the higher professional education program, students receive a state-issued bachelor's, specialist's or master's diploma. Moreover, if a bachelor’s degree allows not only full-time, but also part-time study, then a specialist or master’s degree can be studied exclusively full-time.

At the undergraduate level, students study in the following specialties:

  • musical art of variety;
  • musical and instrumental art;
  • vocal art;
  • the art of folk singing;
  • conducting;
  • musicology and musical applied arts.

The same specialties are available in the master's program as in the bachelor's degree, except for pop art and musicology.

Specialists receive diplomas in the following areas:

  • the art of concert performance;
  • musical sound engineering;
  • musicology;
  • composition;
  • producing.

In graduate school, children study the specialties “Art History” and “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” in order to later either become teachers in various educational institutions or devote themselves to science.

Structure of RAM named after. Gnessins

At the moment, the academy has an extensive multifunctional structure, where each of its elements contributes to quality education, self-education and all-round development of students. On the territory of the university there is:

  • a problematic research laboratory with its own video library and archival phonograms of church singing and folklore recordings, which are carefully studied and researched by students;
  • Memorial Museum-Apartment of Elena Fabianovna Gnesina, where everything is preserved as it was during her life with all her household furnishings, musical instruments and library archives;
  • The university’s own journal “Scientific Notes”, which is published in its own editorial office of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Here the works of university students and teachers about current problems of music pedagogy and musicology, reviews of the latest books about music, works of foreign authors about the music of the 19th and 20th centuries and much more are published;
  • library, the total collection of which is 300,000 copies. Among them there are music publications, books about art in general and music in particular, educational publications, teaching aids, as well as fiction for relaxation and a great pastime;
  • music library, which contains musical works reflecting the development of domestic and foreign music from ancient times to the present;
  • laboratory of audio and video recordings, where children try their hand at creating these recordings and editing them on modern equipment;
  • dormitory for foreign and nonresident students;
  • workshops for repairing musical instruments.

Concert department at the academy

To organize concert activities at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins, a Music and Philharmonic Center was created there, which was later transformed into the Concert Department, so that the university’s concert activities were organized at an even higher level.

This department helps create the necessary conditions at the academy for the realization of the creative potential of students. After all, to become an excellent musician, it is not enough to study theory; you must constantly translate this knowledge into practical exercises, bringing your musical ear and style to perfection. In addition, the department is engaged in strengthening mutually beneficial ties with concert halls and centers in Russia and abroad, creative societies and unions, famous musicians and musical groups, so that university students can exchange experiences with them.

The concert department of the university organizes performances by groups of the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins inside the academy in front of all students and at various concert venues in Russia and foreign countries, so that they learn everything about their future profession during their studies. To ensure that the children have a constant incentive for creative growth, the department staff organizes their participation in various music festivals and competitions, as well as the federal programs “Dialogue of Cultures” and “Culture of Russia”. And various domestic and foreign musicians and performers help students hone their talent, giving them master classes and performing for them within the walls of the academy.

: RAM Russian Gnessin Academy of Music (RAM)

Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins - the legendary Gnesinka, which is famous for its eminent graduates and the quality of music education. 1949 is the date of the establishment of the Musical Pedagogical Institute (in 1992 the university was renamed the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music), the first director of which for many years was Elena Fabianovna Gnesina. Unlike the Moscow State Conservatory, the emphasis here was initially on training musicians-teachers.

Currently, RAM is one of the largest music universities in the country (there is a branch in Khanty-Mansiysk). Most of the areas of study here are the same as at the Moscow Conservatory, but there are also differences. For example, in Gnesinka they teach not only academic singing, but also pop and folk singing, not only instrumental performance of classical works, but also jazz and pop songs.

About 1.5 thousand students study at eight faculties of the university, of which about 100 are citizens of foreign countries. Training is possible in full-time, part-time and part-time forms. According to university students, it is difficult to enter Gnesinka. The competition for most areas (based on the results of recent years) is about 2-4 people per place; for the specialty “Vocal Art” the competition is much higher.

To enter a university, you must pass written exams in Russian language and literature or provide Unified State Examination results in these subjects. Among the entrance tests of a creative orientation: colloquium, music theory (except for the specialization “Producing”, where it is proposed to provide a creative project), specialty (for the direction “Composition”), musical literature (“Musicology”, “Music journalism and editorial activities in the media”, "Musical pedagogy"). Executing a prepared program on your instrument is necessary for almost all areas. For such specializations as “Conducting”, “Computer Music and Arrangement”, “Choral Folk Singing”, “Composition” - you additionally need to perform a prepared program on the piano.

You can enroll in the university for the second and subsequent years, as well as transfer from other universities (you must check the number of vacancies in advance). For persons with disabilities, oral examinations are permitted instead of written examinations.

The preparatory department of the Russian Academy of Music recruits students for the following programs: solo academic and pop-jazz singing, orchestral wind instruments, musical sound engineering, composition. Duration of training - 8 months (full-time). Training is paid. Dormitory accommodation is not provided.

Currently, the Gnessin College operates at the university, which has been affiliated with the Russian Academy of Music since 2011 as a structural unit. It is famous for its graduates, including many popular pop performers: Philip Kirkorov, Valeria, Pyotr Dranga, Polina Gagarina, etc.

Based on RAM named after. There are several Gnessin halls, including: Concert, Maly, Organ, “Musical living room of Shuvalova’s house”.
There is no military department at the university; a deferment from military service is provided for the duration of the training.

The university has several buildings of a comfortable dormitory; all nonresident students are provided with places. During the period of entrance examinations, nonresident applicants have the opportunity to get a place in a dormitory.

Since 2011, the Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesinykh is the first art university that has the authority of an expert in carrying out activities for state control of the quality of education. Gnesinka is actively developing international contacts: RAM professors conduct master classes and give lectures abroad.

Among the outstanding graduates of the university we can highlight L.Yu. Kazarnovskaya, E.I. Svetlanova, D.F. Tukhmanova, M.L. Tariverdiev and many others. In RAM im. The Gnessin students are those who are truly “infected” with music, so among the graduates there are wonderful musicians who find happiness in their profession.

Official website of RAM.