How to draw a woodpecker in flight. Tips on how to draw a woodpecker

If you are just starting your journey as an artist and don’t know how to draw a woodpecker correctly, then this article is just for you.

Studying birds is always more interesting than something inanimate, because we put our soul into a drawing and want the picture to come to life after our last touch! Today we will tell you how to draw a woodpecker. Almost all of us have seen this amazing and memorable bird in the forest. If you haven’t had a chance, then pictures of a woodpecker will help you imagine it. This is a rather large bird, motley or white-backed. As for his main activity, people have formed a certain association in this regard: a woodpecker always chisels a tree. In fact, this is not a useless activity at all - in this way it destroys bark beetles and, on the contrary, saves trees.

Let's return to our instructions. To make the woodpecker drawing look natural, the work should be divided into several stages. This will systematize the process and allow you to remember the technique itself.

Before you draw a woodpecker, simply draw an even, clear circle. Don't rush for a compass, this is not geometry, and no one will grade you. On the contrary, when the circle is ready, use two smooth, curved lines to form the back and breast of the bird. Round the lines from the inside (they should be more convex). Try to achieve an egg shape. Then draw a straight section of the beak. Don't draw a very long line, don't take it to the point of absurdity.

The next step is to sketch out the correct shape of the bird's head. In fact, this is very easy to do. Once you draw the cocky crest on the back, the full sketch of the head will catch your eye. All you have to do is outline it. Draw a beautiful beak (divide it along the length with a thick line into two parts). Then start shaping the body. Barely noticeably draw auxiliary stripes, which will subsequently separate the woodpecker’s wings from its body. Draw the woodpecker's neck. Remember that the thickness should be proportionate to the body and head! Once again outline the breast and slightly highlight the tummy. Make sure the resulting sketch is harmonious. If it is not, correct it where necessary. Next, draw a wing with legs. Here you can show your imagination. Draw a few feathers coming out from under the wing to make the drawing look more natural. “Place” the bird on a fluffy spruce branch. For example, a woodpecker can cling to a notch in a trunk with its paws and use its beak to peck at this tree.

Look at the picture. Draw a round small eye, a tail, and pay special attention to the wing. Work out all the details. Don't forget to erase the auxiliary lines. If you wish, you can color the woodpecker. Please note that males have more red on their heads, while females do not. Otherwise, in principle, a woodpecker can be of almost any color. Also highlight the recess of the tree with a dark color; you can make a small hollow out of it.

Now you know how to draw a woodpecker. If you don't succeed the first time or it turns out badly, don't despair. After several trainings, your woodpecker will not be distinguished from a real one.

Summary of the open lesson 12/8/2015.

Pdo Shutkina R.A.

Topic: “Varieties of Birds.”

Target: Teach children to draw using the brushstroke method, strengthen the ability to depict birds, conveying their color scheme.


1. Educational:

To form children’s ideas about the rules of construction and color scheme when drawing a woodpecker bird,

To consolidate children's ideas about wintering birds, the characteristics of their life and behavior.

2. Educational:

Develop visual and spatial perception,

Develop the ability to navigate in basic spatial directions,

Create conditions for the development of the child’s emotional and intellectual potential,

Develop attention, thinking, observation.

3. Educational:

To cultivate love for native nature, to teach to show care for someone,

To form a positive emotional attitude towards drawing classes,

Nurture children’s personal qualities, the ability to work together, carefully, and teach them to finish what they start.


Demo: a sheet of paper with a picture of a woodpecker, an illustration with a picture of a woodpecker.

Materials: palettes, paints, brushes, A4 paper

Lesson plan:

    Org moment.

    Updating children's ideas about the seasons

    Surprise moment.

    Sample Analysis

    Finger gymnastics “They came to us to draw.”

    Teaching children the sequence of work.

    Physical education minute.

    Generalization, assessment of the quality of work performed.

Progress of the lesson:

    Org moment.

Teacher: - Guys, sit correctly, back straight, legs together, hands on the desk. Let's get ready for class. Today we have guests, they will watch how you study.

Fine. Well done.

    Updating children's ideas about the time of year.

Let's remember:

What time of year is it now? Winter

Name the winter months. December January February

What winter month is it now? December

And by what signs do we determine that it is winter now? Let's play a game. I will start the sentence, and you will finish it.

It's snowing outside in winter

The day is short and the night (long)

The sun is shining (little and not warming), so

It's cold outside in winter.

People wear (warm clothes) in winter.

Children ride in winter (skating, sledding and skiing, making a snowman).

Well done.

So, we remembered: what time of year it is, what month, we noted the signs of winter.

3. Surprise moment

Guys, a guest flew to our lesson - a small bird.

Riddle about the woodpecker

I'm knocking on wood
I want to get a worm
Although hidden under the bark,
It will still be mine.

(Listen to the children's answers).

Here he is, a forest doctor - a woodpecker (shows a drawing of a woodpecker)

This bird can be found in the forest. This is a woodpecker.

He often knocks on wood, but do you know why he does this?

Children: to catch a worm.

Teacher: The woodpecker heals trees by extracting harmful bugs from under the bark.

5. Sample Analysis

4. Sample analysis.

In this lesson we will depict a bird that sits on a tree and knocks its beak on the trunk. Woodpeckers lead an arboreal lifestyle. They have short legs, a long strong beak, which helps them get food in hard-to-reach places, and variegated plumage.

5. Finger gymnastics:

Our fingers came to us for drawing. The first finger came to us (connect the index finger with the thumb), the second finger came to us (connect the middle finger with the thumb), the third finger came to us (connect the ring finger with the thumb), the fourth finger came to us (connect the little finger with the thumb ), the fifth finger has come to us (twist the thumb, hand in fist). The fists came to us (we twist the wrist, fingers in a fist), the little ones came to us (we twist our arms at the elbows), the shoulders came to us (put our hands on our shoulders, move forward), the head came to us (we make circular movements with our heads), legs they came to us (stomped their feet).

6.Teaching children the sequence of work.

1. Now draw the head, body and elongated sharp beak.

2. Draw a vertical line of the trunk with a pencil; you can give a slight relief to the bark. and on the back of the head draw an elongated crest.

3. Connect the circle and the oval with two curved lines to create a neck. Using a long, slightly curved line, draw the line of the back and abdomen. Sketch the plumage and tail.

4. Draw the paws, draw the plumage, folds on the body, complete the woodpecker’s tail and wings. Erase the extra lines.

The most interesting thing in drawing lessons is coloring sketches. The color of these birds has several variations, but generally woodpeckers have black plumage with white spots and a red crown.

5. We paint the wings and tail of the bird black, and the cap red.

6. When the black paint has dried, use a thin brush to paint the feathers with white.

7. Physical education minute

Now we’ll rest a little and have some physical education.

Hands raised and waved

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly,

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back.

8. Generalization, assessment of the quality of the work performed.

What did we do today?

We drew a woodpecker.

What materials did we need?

Paint, brushes, gouache

Today in class we learned to draw using the brushstroke method. Everyone completed the task.

In this lesson I will help you draw a woodpecker correctly step by step. Not everyone can draw from memory, and not everyone knows how to draw with a simple pencil, but sometimes you need to draw a bird or an animal. In such cases, it is very convenient to use step-by-step drawing lessons.
This is a drawing of a woodpecker that lives in our forests. We all met him sometimes, but we were not able to examine him in detail. Not only is the woodpecker small in size, it is also cautious. As soon as you get a little closer, it immediately flies away. But in fact, look what a beautiful bird lives next to us. By the way, the American Royal Woodpecker is much larger than our woodpecker; it can reach 55 cm in length, but the smallest pygmy woodpecker is only 8 cm.
I wonder why a woodpecker knocks its beak on a tree trunk? Foraging for insects? Perhaps, but scientists believe that it also uses sound to indicate its territory. And in the spring, with a loud drumbeat, he calls the females. Sometimes, to make the sound even louder, he even knocks his beak on an empty tin can. However, I'm probably very distracted, let's draw a woodpecker sitting on a tree step by step with a pencil.

1. Approximate outline of the torso and head

If you can draw a woodpecker without first marking the sheet into four squares and two halves, then immediately draw an oval for the head and body. Do not press hard on the pencil; these contours will have to be removed afterwards. Now add a few more strokes and move on to the next step.

2. Outlines of a woodpecker's beak and tail

Draw a line with a pencil where the beak will be. You can immediately mark with a pencil where the legs will be and let’s draw the bird’s tail. There is nothing complicated about it, I think you can draw it quickly and correctly. Just don’t forget to complete the wing as well.

3. Draw the general outline of the woodpecker

At this step you need to already draw the general outline of the bird using the previous markings. You don’t have to draw anything complicated, you just need to add a few strokes to the drawing. First of all draw the beak and head. Separate the plumage of the head from the body with a line, draw the feathers on the tail.

4. Drawing of a woodpecker in detail

In this step, you first need to draw the woodpecker's feet in detail. After that draw the eye and add some details for the wing. By the way, the preliminary contours also need to be removed. Perhaps many of them have “transferred” into the drawing, but the ovals will have to be carefully erased with an eraser.

5. Finish drawing the woodpecker

After you remove the extra contour lines from the drawing and correct with a pencil those that you accidentally erased, you will see that the woodpecker drawing is already completely completed. Just pay attention to the line dividing the beak. At this stage, you can already color the woodpecker with colored pencils or paints. But to draw a woodpecker more realistically, straight lines need to be made softer, the tail, wing and head should be drawn in detail.

6. Drawing of a woodpecker with a simple pencil

I made this drawing of a woodpecker on a graphics tablet, but, nevertheless, this scheme for applying shadows can also be used with a simple pencil. Just don’t forget to replace the hard pencil with a soft one, perhaps then your pencil drawing of a woodpecker will be much better than this.

7. Plumage coloring

To draw a woodpecker as realistically as possible, woodpecker drawing definitely needs to be painted. It is not necessary to paint the woodpecker with oil paints; you can easily get by with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
Maxim 02/26/2014

The bullfinch is a small but very beautiful and colorful bird. Try to first draw a woodpecker step by step with a pencil, and then draw this bird.

A woodpecker, of course, cannot be compared with a parrot. Not only is the macaw parrot large (up to 60 cm in length) and has unusually beautiful and bright plumage, but it can also speak.

Master class “Drawing birds. Woodpecker with watercolors."

Any drawing begins with a pencil sketch. We outline a semicircular line - the body of the bird will be located on it. Then we outline the head using a circle, and the body with a woodpecker’s wing using an oval. We sketch out the wings, tail, legs and part of the tree on which the bird is sitting.

We draw the details - the eye, beak, tail and legs - more carefully. We connect everything with a smooth line and erase the extra construction lines using an eraser.

Let's mark the parts of the bird in more detail. This way our bird will acquire vivid outlines, and it will be easier to depict it in color, because there are still boundaries. We draw the eyes, draw the outlines of the feathers, the “cap” on the head, and the claws on the paws.

Let's start painting with color. We take brushes, paints, a palette and a jar for water. We know that the woodpecker has red on its head and belly - that's where we'll start. The next stage: we paint the woodpecker’s body using black paint with the addition of blue, but do not forget to leave light / white places, since we will not be able to correct them in watercolor.

We paint the paws and part of the tree in brown. We write the beak in yellow. Black - eyes and details of the image. Now we're done. The bird is ready.

Description how to draw a woodpecker with a pencil step by step for children

How to draw a woodpecker Drawing a woodpecker with a pencil step by step - How to draw a woodpecker and woodpecker coloring page. How to draw a woodpecker with a pencil! In this lesson I will help you draw a woodpecker. Woodpecker step by step with a pencil for children; Step-by-step instructions with pictures and descriptions on how to draw a woodpecker on a tree step by step. A lesson in step-by-step drawing of a woodpecker pecking a tree with its beak. Using pencils, I drew a woodpecker step by step. Here we will show you how to draw a woodpecker with a pencil step by step. In this lesson I will talk about how to draw a woodpecker with a pencil. How to draw a dog with a pencil step by step for children. A detailed master class will tell you how to draw a woodpecker with a pencil, for the purpose of it being cool. How to draw a bird with a pencil? Step-by-step instructions for children. Online training in pencil drawing step by step. This lesson explains in detail how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil for a child. How to draw a picture step by step with a pencil in a short period of time. How to draw animals with a pencil step by step for children 5 - 6 years old without losing a second and with high quality. How to draw a woodpecker step by step with a pencil, and then he will decorate it and tell you in detail. From this article you will learn how to draw a car. In this section you will learn how to draw children, how to draw a girl, how to draw. In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a squirrel step by step with your children. Learn how to beautifully draw a titmouse, a titmouse on a branch with a pencil step by step. You can draw winter with a pencil in five steps, here's how to draw winter with a pencil step by step. How to draw SpongeBob with a pencil step by step; How to draw. In this lesson we will be able to draw a deer step by step with a pencil. For children; Several options for how to draw a fox with a pencil. How to draw golden autumn with a pencil step by step. Educational stories for children; Drawing occupies a separate niche in the development of children. How to draw a circus step by step with a pencil. I know what every little kid dreams of being. Now we will show you how to draw a hippopotamus using several. How to draw a penguin for kids; How to draw a goose with a pencil step by step. Fairytale drawing of a scarlet flower with a pencil for children, how to draw it step by step. Drawing a shark with a pencil is easy for a beginner. How to draw a squirrel with a pencil step by step. Educational stories for children; Are you thinking about how to draw a sheep with a pencil or are you looking for beautiful drawn pictures of sheep. Lesson on drawing a hare step by step with a pencil, suitable for beginners or children. How to draw a dog with a pencil? Step-by-step instructions for children on drawing different ones. Drawing a Cockerel step by step for children In the village I scream loudly, There is no need for an alarm clock. Step by step with a pencil At this moment we will learn how to draw children. In this case, the lesson will be aimed at teaching drawing. This lesson will teach children aged 3 years and older how to draw correctly step by step. How to learn to draw a person step by step with a pencil. How to draw a person with a pencil step by step for children 6 years old How to draw a knight. How to draw a lion with a pencil step by step - we will draw the king of beasts.