Horsewoman painting description. Karl Bryullov “Horsewoman”: description of the painting

One of the brilliant artists of the 19th century is Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. His works with a high degree of skill evoke admiration due to the riot of colors and combination of contrasts. Karl Bryullov, since 1822, has lived in Italy to raise money for the existence of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. Here he created many of his creations.

History of creation

The artist’s painting “Horsewoman” deserves special attention. The canvas was created in 1832 by order of Countess Yulia Samoilova. It depicts a young girl riding a horse, having just returned from a walk. A little girl ran out onto the balcony, watching her sister with an enthusiastic look. Today it is known that the artist depicted on canvas two of the countess’s pupils: the elder Giovannina and the little Amalicia. The fact that the work was created for the Countess is evidenced by the inscription on the collar of the dog “Samoilov”.

Composition of the painting

The painting “Horsewoman” amazes with its vitality and naturalness. Everything about her breathes with spiritual energy: a rider returning from a horse ride; a little girl watching enthusiastically what is happening; a hot black horse; a shaggy dog ​​who is about to throw himself at the feet of a horse. The joy of the event is present in the picture due to the short separation. But something else captivates the viewer - this is the look of the little girl, her big, dream-filled eyes. She admires her sister. There is a hint of excitement in her gaze. But what is read more in it is how the girl sees herself in the place of the horse after some time.

Performance technique

The artist uses contrasting tones, each of which is worked out to the smallest detail. Light pink, blue-black, and white shades are combined harmoniously in the picture; there are no places that are overloaded with colors. Bryullov deliberately chose a combination of incompatible tones. Thanks to the artist’s skill, a magnificent picture was obtained, and dark shades against a background of light colors enhance the overall emotional impact on the viewer.

After painting, the painting was presented at an exhibition in Milan in 1832 at the Brera Gallery. The rest of the time, Countess Samoilova kept the canvas in her possession. When the Samoilovs were ruined, the painting had to be sold. Only in 1893 did she end up in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Many admired the work, its dynamics and liveliness. Some critics spoke of the rider's lack of emotion. The unnaturalness of the pose and the calmness of the girl with such an excited horse look implausible - this is what critics thought. Despite this, the painting was recognized as a brilliant masterpiece.

For 20 years now I have been teaching a descriptive essay in the 5th grade based on K. Bryullov’s painting “The Horsewoman” after studying the topic “Literary Fairy Tale”. This lesson teaches the technology of writing an essay based on a picture. Painstaking preliminary work leads to good results. It is important to prevent possible errors. Experience shows that children, although they have materials for an essay, cannot always compose sentences based on phrases: they lack a predicate. Typical mistakes also include changing the tense of verbs throughout the work and merging descriptions of several objects into one sentence. This lesson teaches you how to prevent such mistakes. Also an important element of the work is fantasy on the theme of the painting, the ability to create who is depicted on the canvas, what will happen to the heroines.

Accompanying the presentation

2 slide Demonstration of the artist's portrait. A few words about the painter.

Karl Bryullov is a wonderful painter

3 slide Teacher's word: A triumph for Bryullov was the day when his painting “The Last Day of Pompeii” was first presented at the exhibition. The morning after the exhibition he woke up famous.

4-5 slides - a story about the painter and his works

Today we will describe the painting by K. Bryullov “Horsewoman”. It depicts two sisters Giovanina and Amacilija Pacini. You can ask the children to write down the names of the sisters and the surname of the artist in a notebook, highlighting the “mistakeable” places, since they often make mistakes in these surnames.

7 slide Getting to Know Your Goals

Describe the sisters’ appearance, setting, landscape

Come up with a story, a plot that explains what you see in the picture

Convey the emotions that this picture evokes

8 slide It is important not to repeat yourself in an essay, so we will replace some words with synonyms. (In strong classes, the teacher can ask students to come up with synonyms themselves, then the answers should not immediately appear in the presentation)

So as not to repeat ourselves

Painting - canvas, masterpiece

The artist is he, the master, the painter, K. Bryullov, the author of the painting

Girl - child, child, younger sister, Amatsilia

Girl - lady, beauty, older sister, Amazon, horsewoman, Jovanina

Dogs - they, hound, greyhound, dogs

Horse - black, trotter, beautiful animal, racer

Synonyms are written in a notebook

Why is the painting called “Horsewoman”? (It depicts a horsewoman in the center of the canvas)

What is shown on the canvas? Who do we see? (On the canvas we see a beautiful rider on a hot horse, her little enthusiastic sister, dogs)

What moment in the life of the two sisters is depicted on the canvas? (let me dream)

What feelings does the painting evoke in the viewer? (delight, admiration for the beauty of a girl and a girl)

What do we admire? (everything is beautiful in this picture: the beauty of the Amazon, the brightness of the colors)

In what colors is the picture painted? (the picture is painted in bright colors, the colors contrast. There is white, blue, pink, and dark tones)

How does the artist highlight the girl’s figure? (she is depicted against the dark background of an ancient park, her blouse is blue, and her white skirt flows along the dark satin back of the horse)

Planning A plan must be drawn up before each essay so that your work is logical, one sentence is connected to the other, so as not to forget anything)

What to write about in the introduction? (In the introduction you can write about the artist or two girls)

Title the introduction (first Roman) (K. Bryullov and his painting “Horsewoman”)

What idea should permeate your essay? (Feeling of admiration for the beauty of a work of art)

Title the main part, reflecting the main idea of ​​the essay (Bryullov’s painting “Horsewoman” is a beautiful work of art)

Where to start describing the picture?

From the face of the horsewoman

Choose an epithet for it. This will be the 1st Arabic main part (Proud face of the Amazon)

What is more logical to move from the face to?

To the hair and hat

Choose epithets for them. Title the 2nd Arabic (Flirty hat with emerald veil)

What epithet can you choose for a horse? Title the 4th point of the plan (smart black horse)

Title the 5th paragraph (enthusiastic sister)

What do dogs do? (one looks at her younger sister, and the second runs at the horse’s feet)

What breed of dog is this? (hounds)

Title the 6th paragraph (faithful dogs)

Materials for the essay (the guys redraw the table and fill it out during the subsequent conversation)

Horsewoman's face

Why should you describe a face? (from the eyes)

What epithets can be chosen for the eyes? (brown, proud look)

How can they be called in high style? (eyes)

How does she look? (proudly, arrogantly)

Hair, hat and veil

It’s more logical to move from the person to a description of what? (hair)

What color is your hair? (chestnut)

What do you call hair in high style? (curls)

What predicate verb can be matched to hair? (flutter, rest)

What is the most logical thing to move from hair to? (to the hat)

What epithet can be chosen for the hat? (flirty)

What is it decorated with? (veil)

What color is the veil? (green, emerald)

What is she doing? (flutters in the wind)

Make a sentence about a hat and veil (a flirty hat adorns the beautiful head. An emerald veil flutters in the wind.)

Rider's clothing. Description of the horse

What is the rider wearing? (in a blouse and skirt)

What color is the blouse and what material is it made of? (blue satin blouse)

What is it decorated with? (white lace collar)

What are the sleeves of the blouse? (lush)

Write down the sentence: “The thin waist is intercepted by a wide belt.” “A gentle hand in a kid glove tightly grips the reins”

What color and what material is the skirt the rider is wearing? (white silk skirt)

Choose a predicate verb to match the skirt (spreads, falls)

Describe the horse's face (baring mora, burning eyes)

What is he doing? (rears up and neighs)

Come up with one or two sentences describing the horse

Younger sister

What is the girl doing? Describe her posture and movements (The younger sister stands on the porch and looks enthusiastically at her older sister. Small hands tightly grasp the bars of the balustrade)

How does she look at her sister? (enthusiastically)

What are her eyes like? (brown)

What mouth? (scarlet, small)

What kind of hair? (black hair)

What is she wearing? Describe her clothes in a few sentences (She is wearing a pink satin dress, from under which lace panties are visible. Her feet are shod in green shoes)

Who is near her? (dog)

What is the dog doing? (looks devotedly at his little mistress)

Background. A park

What do we see in the background? (old park)

Choose epithets for the park

What is he doing? (makes a dull noise)

What do we see at the horse's feet? (small hound)

What is the dog doing? (barks)

Let's make a plan

  1. Introduction about the painting and its creator
  2. Description of the picture

A) a beautiful and proud horsewoman

Hair and hat

B) a zealous horse

B) enthusiastic little sister and dog

D) a centuries-old gloomy park and a hound at the horse’s feet

3. Fantasy on the theme “Horsewoman”

4. My attitude towards the masterpiece

Essay sample (video shown)

  • #1

    Thank you for your work! I highly appreciate your high-quality, interesting work.

  • #2
  • #3

    Inessa Nikolaevna, you notice the veil on the hat fluttering in the wind. Doesn’t it bother you that the tops of the trees bend in the wind in the opposite direction from the veil? How do you explain this? Best regards L.

  • #4

    Dear Lydia! I never noticed this. Very interesting. I don't know what to say...

In 1893, Bryullov’s painting “The Horsewoman” ended up in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Even before the painting “Horsewoman” was born, Bryullov already had universal recognition. The artist decides to bring the image of the beautiful equestrian to life at the end of his stay in Italy, when Countess Samoilova commissions a portrait of her adopted daughters from him. Without thinking twice, the artist makes a bold decision - to depict the eldest pupil, Jovanina, on horseback, as previously they decided to depict only generals and titled persons. The youngest, Amalicia, stands aside, watching the end of the horse ride.

In 1896, "The Horsewoman" was acquired for the Tretyakov Gallery. At first it was assumed that the Countess herself was depicted on the canvas, but art historians, having studied Bryullov’s later paintings, were able to prove that this was not the case. The painting depicts Giovanina and Amalizia Pacini, pupils of Countess Yulia Samoilova. The artist called his painting “Giovanin on a Horse.” In Italy there are engravings of this painting, which are considered to be a portrait of the singer Malibran, who is quite famous and is the sister of Pauline Viardot

The painting conveys the scene of a walk. The moment of returning home is captured when Jovanin rides up to the porch on a black horse. Bryullov’s composition “Horsewoman” is filled with dynamism - everything in it is in motion, frozen literally for a second so that the artist can capture it. The black horse beats its hoof, hot after a walk, and the dog, with a personalized collar, throws itself under his hooves, joyfully greeting Jovanin.

The canvas also depicts Giovanin's little half-sister, Amalicia. She is dressed in a pink dress and green shoes. But what attracts attention most of all is her enthusiastic gaze, the way she looks at her half-sister Jovanin.

The finished work was presented to the public in 1832, and caused a mixed reaction from critics. Many condemned the picture, pointing to the frozen, lifeless face of the horsewoman. Also, some critics pointed out that the rider’s position was too loose, which caused the feeling of speed and dynamics to be lost. One said: "She either doesn't notice the speed of the ride or is too confident to pull on the reins and duck like a skilled rider would."

But, despite the criticism, the majority of the public received the picture positively, calling it a masterpiece. After the painting “The Horsewoman” was presented to the public, Bryullov took a place next to such legends as Rubens and Van Dyck. (well, this is unlikely - my note.) The audience was simply captivated by the scale of the painting and the skill of the artist’s brush. As for the expression on Giovannina’s face, the creator himself explained this by the special task that he set for art at that time. At first, the painting was given to Samoilova’s collection, but when the count’s family went bankrupt, the painting changed hands. In 1896 it was bought for the Tretyakov Gallery.

What does the viewer see when looking at the canvas? First of all, it is speed, movement, liveliness, which the artist conveyed in the best possible way. These traits are noticeable in almost all the characters: a lathered horse that clearly doesn’t want to stop, an enthusiastic girl on the balcony, and a shaggy dog ​​barking animatedly at the rider. It seems that even the dog hiding behind the girl will now take off and rush after the horse. Maybe she would have done this if the rider had not stopped the horse. And only the rider herself remains calm: it seems that she does not care at all about the world around her, in her thoughts she is somewhere far away...

The most interesting thing that can be seen in the picture is, perhaps, little Amalicia. In every movement, animated face and enthusiastic eyes of the baby, you can read delight mixed with anticipation. The girl is waiting to become as old as her sister, to be able to saddle a black horse and ride it just as majestically in front of her enthusiastic relatives.

The picture is full of joy from meeting after a short, but still absence. Watching her takes one’s breath away and the viewer seems to plunge into this joyful atmosphere depicted on the canvas of the Russian artist Karl Bryullov, who was able to so sincerely and honestly convey the atmosphere that reigned at that time in the countess’s estate.

The painting “Horsewoman” depicts the adopted daughters of Countess Yu. Samoilova - Jovanina and Amatsilia. The first, already quite grown-up girl, sits on the horse proudly and confidently; she boldly and bravely clutches the reins in her hands, controlling the somewhat runaway horse. This behavior causes indescribable delight in little Amazilia, who is watching what is happening from a small balcony.

It seems that Giovanina is stopping the horse in full gallop. The canvas is complemented by two somewhat agitated dogs barking at a horse. It should be noted that the author uses some innovative methods in his creation; features inherent in the work of Rubens, Velazquez, Titian and many others can be traced.

The picture is quite dynamic and three-dimensional, all the images, from girls to animals, are quite alive. The compositional solution is bold - the viewer can note the pre-storm sky, the black velvety color of the horse and one of the dogs, as well as the rather picturesque outfits of the heroines.

The tones of the picture are not overloaded, but, on the contrary, have a certain harmony and conciseness. The older girl is dressed more sophisticated and elegant, the younger girl is more fun and cute. The shades are quite pleasant, do not cause negativity and do not put moral pressure on the admirer.

It should be noted that Giovannina sits on a horse in the “feminine” manner typical of that time, that is, from the side, and does not clasp the animal’s rump with her legs, which indicates her noble origin, good upbringing and piety.

The little girl’s face seems to exude delight and a quick desire to grow up at all costs and as quickly as possible and become like a horsewoman herself, who is probably for her the ideal of beauty, femininity, nobility, courage and many other positive qualities.

Who knows? Perhaps Amazilia will grow up to be an even more spectacular and charismatic young lady? But that will happen later... Now her gaze is riveted on the “ideal”, she does not want to look away from her eyes, which burn with fire, they are filled with respect and awe.

As for the dogs, they are wearing expensive, personalized collars, which complements the atmosphere of a wealthy home. The horse also looks quite well-groomed.

Despite the limited number of details, the canvas is self-sufficient and multifaceted - sometimes it seems that you can admire it for hours, each time finding some new shades of meaning that the creator was trying to convey to us.

Essay 2

Bryullov was a brilliant author, after graduating from the Academy of Arts he went to Italy. This was facilitated by the availability of appropriate scholarships that were provided to this artist. Karl Bryullov took advantage of this opportunity and enjoyed traveling around the new country.

It was there that he painted magnificent paintings, which received mixed reviews from experts of his time. In many ways, the artist was spoken of as a breaker of traditions, but, more precisely, as a person who surpasses academicism. Of course, it is possible to excel in different ways, and regarding Bryullov we see a positive option, when the creator creates something extremely valuable.

While in Italy, Bryullov wrote a lot for noble families, and at the same time he turned specifically to the genre of portraiture and to the depiction of people with their vitality, richness and beauty. That is why, in many respects, young girls were chosen for the painting Horsewoman; they are representatives of a noble family, but we will not go into details of the prototypes for this painting. Let us turn to the actual content and artistic value.

We see the porch or backyard of a large house, in front of which a young lady is prancing on a magnificent horse. A little girl, perhaps her relative, is looking at the girl from the porch, both are dressed in beautiful dresses. They appear before us in dynamics and mobility, and such properties emphasize the internal characteristics of the depicted persons, who, of course, bloom with youth and beauty, and are filled with vital activity.

The main character is in full bloom, she can easily sit on a horse, has pleasant facial features, and has a gentle and beautiful figure. Another, younger woman looks at her, in whom beauty and growth are also observed, but the above properties are only in potency. The girl looks with curiosity at her adult friend and seems to see herself after a certain number of years.

It seems to me that the artist managed to capture the frame he was interested in with excellent accuracy; it was given as if it were a photograph, and this is not entirely easy to do because the moment of movement was chosen, when each participant in this action is in dynamics. Although it is interesting to note the main character, who is part of the whole picture, but at the same time, as it were, rises above it all, remains motionless and stately. Thanks to this, the artist emphasized the girl’s inner mood and attitude towards the rest of the space and situation.

Rider. Description of the picture

The main characters of Bryullov’s painting “The Horsewoman” are people and animals. A beautiful girl on a black horse immediately attracts attention. She sits in a woman's saddle, and it is not as comfortable to sit in as in a man's. But the girl sits rooted to the spot, she is an excellent rider.

She didn’t just sit, she quickly galloped up to the porch and reined in the stallion, pulling on the reins. At the same time, she carries herself confidently and gracefully. The horse seems to be wearing white socks. They are clearly visible against the background of darkness. He raised his front hooves.

The girl is wearing a chic dress made of white satin. Hands in cream-colored gloves. On his head is a large round green hat. Her long, walnut-colored hair is pulled back into curls around her chiseled face. She has aristocratic features - an oval face, delicate peach skin, a thin nose, a high forehead, a long neck. The girl seemed to be going to a ball, and not for a ride on a stallion.

The girl does not smile - she was brought up in good manners. Conducts himself with self-esteem. She is the embodiment of refined manners and restraint. Although she really wants to throw out her emotions. Education does not allow you to do this.

At the sound of the neighing horse, a little black-haired girl ran out of the house. She is accompanied by a hunting dog. She wears a collar with decoration around her neck. The girl is at that age when she can do everything without thinking about her upbringing. And about how others will perceive your trick. The girl has the same hair as the rider, and is also gathered into neat curls. We must learn to be beautiful and neat from childhood.

The girl has a light pink dress and frilly pants. On her feet are white stockings and green shoes. She is delighted by the arrival of the rider. He extends his right hand to her, perhaps saying something at the same time. And with his left he holds onto the railing. The rider did not deign to answer her; she did not even turn her head in her direction. But the dog listens attentively - he turned his head towards the girl.

Next to the stallion there is another dog. He is a different color and a different breed, unlike the one standing next to the girl. He follows a girl on a walk or runs up to a noise on the porch, opens his mouth and barks throughout the yard.

The second option is that the beauty, on the contrary, is just going for a walk. And the girl accompanies her. The rider pulled up the reins, the horse bit the bit and stood on its hind hooves, the dog saw them off with a loud bark. The girl didn’t even turn in his direction - she’s a well-mannered lady.

The film takes place on a summer evening, on the porch of a luxurious mansion.


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