Grandfathers and great-grandfathers of Konanykhin buy. Genius or fake: Dmitry Konanykhin about Elon Musk’s “Pasta Monster”

The main goals of the Journalism Olympiad:

Identifying talented, gifted, creatively thinking schoolchildren and attracting professionally oriented children to study at the Faculty of Journalism of the National Research University "BelSU",

Assisting youth in vocational guidance and choice future profession,

Creating conditions for intellectual development and support for gifted students,

Stimulation creativity gifted schoolchildren and maintaining their interest in scientific activities.

The Journalism Olympiad consists of two stages:

1) the first stage - correspondence form,

2) the second stage - full-time.


First (qualifying) stage is carried out in the format of remote testing online using the portal for competitions, conferences and olympiads of the National Research University "BelSU". It is open to all schoolchildren in grades 7-11 who want to test their strength.

Time of the first round - from February 1 to February 28, 2017 Questions for passing the text will be available all month, but you can only take the test once.

Schoolchildren are offered 100 questions for testing.

Maximum amount The points that Olympic participants can score is 100 points.

For each correct answer, the participant earns one point.

Passing score - 30 points.

Test time is 3 hours.

Participants in the Olympiad must demonstrate a sufficient level of general cultural development, general erudition, and professional orientation. Students need to be aware of the activities modern means mass communication, since it is assumed that a participant in the Journalism Olympiad reads periodicals, watches TV programs, knows the names of journalists. Accordingly, the questions are based on:

General understanding of print and electronic media (first newspapers, main newspapers of Soviet journalism, radio and television channels, television programs, Internet media, news agencies, satellite services, etc.),

A general understanding of key terms and professionalisms, journalistic genres and the composition of genres,

Knowledge of the most prominent names of domestic and some foreign journalists and publicists, writers and poets who were involved in editing newspapers and magazines,

Ability to determine the meaning of the most famous journalistic paraphrases (for example: black gold - oil , White gold - cotton, etc.).

Testing includes 100 questions, which are grouped into tasks of four types (T1, T2, T3, T5).

Task T1 is based on choosing one answer option from the proposed set. Let's give an example.

In the proposed list of newspapers, one should note one of the oldest newspapers not only in Russia, but also in the Belgorod region . Suggested answers include the names of the following newspapers: “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Labor”, “Petersburg Diary”, “Belgorodskaya Pravda”.

There is only one correct answer: "Belgorodskaya Pravda" .

IN task T2 You can choose several correct answer options from the proposed set. Let's give an example.

The list of print media should include publications addressed to youth audiences .

Of the proposed options ( « Pioneer truth", "Technology for Youth", "Science and Life", " Literary newspaper» ) the following answers are correct: “Pioneer Truth”, “Technology for Youth” .

IN task T3 it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the right and left rows. For example.

It is necessary to establish a correspondence between the name famous person and his profession .

The names in the left row are: Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, Vsevolod Vladimirovich Ovchinnikov.

In the right row are the names of professions (of which there are more than names famous people): journalist, mathematician, chemist, politician, director.

Correct answer:

Vsevolod Vladimirovich Ovchinnikov journalist

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky mathematician

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev chemist

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky director


Task T5 represents filling in the missing keyword in one or another statement, formulation, judgment. Let's give an example.

In the following sentence you need to restore the missing link (ellipsis):

Yuri Mikhailovich Polyakov, modern writer, playwright, publicist, since 2001 he has been the editor-in-chief of Literary... .

Correct answer: "Literary newspaper" .


Second (final)Olympic stage is conducted in person at the Faculty of Journalism at the address: 308015, Belgorod, st. Pobeda, 85, building 17, 2nd floor, room. 2-34 (dean's office).

Winners and prize-winners of the first (qualifying) stage of the Olympics who have received at least 30 points for testing are admitted to the second stage of the Olympics.

The second stage consists of a written assignment and an interview.. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for the second stage is 100 points, of which 50 points for completing the written task and 50 points for the oral interview.

Written assignment is writing text in the genre of an extended information note based on a set of facts related to a specific event or problem.

Duration written form- 2 hours.

The purpose of the written assignment is to determine the student’s ability to operate with facts when creating a text, to arrange them according to the degree of importance and information value; create a coherent, holistic, expressive text that complies with the norms of the Russian language. Participants must propose an expressive, succinct and precise title that matches the content of the text.

The maximum number of points that an applicant can score for written work is 50 points.

50 points are earned by participants who correctly established semantic connections between disparate facts, who determined the hierarchy of facts according to their degree of importance, who found a prompt informational reason for describing an event or problem, who presented a coherent, compositionally integral description of an event or problem, which does not contain language errors and indicates proficiency in language skills. resources when creating text.

Participants who made mistakes when establishing semantic connections between disparate facts, when determining the hierarchy of facts according to the degree of their importance, who did not find a prompt information reason for describing an event or problem, who made errors in compositional construction and language design of the text receive fewer points.

Schoolchildren who have not established the basic semantic connections between disparate facts, who have failed to correctly determine the degree of importance of facts, and who have made gross errors in the compositional structure and linguistic design of texts receive zero points.

At the interview Schoolchildren answer questions related to understanding the future profession of a journalist.

The maximum number of points a student can score during a conversation is 50 points.

During the conversation, the attitudes of the Olympiad participants regarding their future profession (motivation and awareness of choice) are revealed, and their cultural and educational horizons are determined. During the interview, students may be asked additional questions biographical plan; questions that clarify the range of interests, aptitudes for various types of occupations and activities; questions designed to clarify psychological qualities personality (observation, associative ability, imaginative thinking, rapid switching of attention, the ability to think analytically, expressiveness of speech, communication skills, resourcefulness, etc.).

Sample interview questions

1. The role of the journalistic profession in the modern world.

2. Why did I choose the profession of a journalist?

3. What attracts you to the profession of a journalist? What are the features of this profession?

4. What is the culture of a journalist?

5. What area journalistic activity do you find most attractive and why?

6. What standards of behavior should, in your opinion, include the profession of a journalist?

7. Which modern journalists do you know? What of their works have you read (watched, listened to)?

8. What don't you like about modern journalism?

10. What are the genres of journalism? What journalistic genres are you familiar with? Describe them.

11. What are the specifics of newspapers, radio, television? Can they coexist or are they doomed to be competitors?

12. What newspapers (programs) do you read (listen, watch).

14. My ideal TV presenter

15. Which journalist would you call a role model and why?

16. News in the newspaper, on radio and television

17. My favorite newspaper

18. My favorite radio show

19. My favorite TV show

20. What last news made a special impression on you?

21. Newspapers in the Belgorod region

22. Radio in the Belgorod region

23. Television in the Belgorod region

24. Which journalists’ publications do you remember and why?

25. What do you know about online publications? news agencies, satellite services?

Correspondence, personal, full-time |

Literature Russian language

| 9-11 Helpful information

History and description.

The Journalism Olympiad is still very young - as an independent Olympiad, it appeared among other subject Olympiads of the Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Standard” only in 2013. At the same time, we already had considerable experience in holding Olympiad competitions for schoolchildren in journalism. Previously, journalism competitions were held as a separate Olympiad profile within the framework of the Interregional Multidisciplinary Olympiad for Schoolchildren. In 2009-2010 schoolchildren could take part in competitions in the field of “journalism” as part of the Interregional Multidisciplinary Olympiad for Schoolchildren in the Humanities and social sciences, but after the structure of the Olympiad was changed in 2011, competitions among schoolchildren in journalism were not held for two years. The break is not so long that many years of experience would be lost, so despite the youth according to the “passport”, there are already a lot of Olympiads in journalism interesting ideas and well-deserved success. In 2015, the Olympiad was included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, receiving, according to experts, Russian Council Olympiads for schoolchildren immediately reach the highest first level. Let us also note that this is the first Olympiad in the country that declared exclusively journalism as its subject field.

The goal of the Olympiad is to give schoolchildren who are focused on obtaining a journalistic profession an opportunity to compete in a difficult but exciting competition and experience the joy of a well-deserved victory. The developers of the Olympiad tasks see their task as making the Olympiad a real creative competition, providing every student with the joy of fair intellectual competition. To do this, it is important not only to offer exciting non-standard tasks and interesting topics for essays that provide an opportunity to demonstrate unconventional thinking and ability to independent creativity, but also ensure that the tasks correspond to the age of the participants.

An independent, objective assessment of each work is provided by members of the jury - attentive and friendly judges who examine each text based on clear criteria and professional canons. The methodological commission and jury include well-known theorists and practitioners of journalism. Among them are journalist, analyst in the field of modern media, professor at the Higher School of Economics Anna Kachkaeva, professor at the Higher School of Economics, journalist and researcher Svetlana Shomova and many other masters of journalism.

The Olympics takes place in two stages. At the first stage, which is carried out in absentia, participants are offered twenty test tasks (questions) different types. Those who pass the second, full-time, stage must write an essay on one of the proposed topics. In their work, the participant must demonstrate an understanding of the topic, knowledge of its context, mastery of style, the ability to navigate the laws of composition, and general literacy. The range of issues that are touched upon by the topics of the Olympiad is wide and is designed not just for an erudite person, but also for those who are focused on acquiring the journalistic profession and who understand its essence.

History and descriptionThe Journalism Olympiad appeared among other “Highest Standard” schoolchildren tournaments in 2013. This is the first Olympiad in Russia to declare exclusively journalism as its subject field. At the correspondence stage, participants are offered test tasks of various types, including questions on knowledge of artistic... Ratings and reviews

Eduard Limonov, writer:

If earlier they gave it at least for political reasons, today they give it to everyone. Do you remember at least one thing big name over the past 20 years? I look at this award as an order that has lost its meaning. It is more reminiscent of the Miss Universe competition, only in Sweden kings in stupid tailcoats and nerds from the jury come to the fore, Limonov told Izvestia. - Alexievich is another herbivorous housewife to receive an award. The only work of the writer that caused at least some revival was “The Zinc Boys.” But this was in the late 1980s, and the book is long outdated... Today Alexievich does not particularly show off against the authorities. Her character is not extreme. “She looks more like a compassionate mother who should sit on the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers,” Limonov concluded.

Alexander Prokhanov, writer:

- The Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded for Political Views, and not for artistic discoveries... This prize, which is given not for aesthetics, not for discoveries in language, not for new subjects, not for new contributions to literary creativity. It is given for the political and ideological position of the author... Even during the times of the USSR, she spoke out against the state in her works and continues to do so now.

Zakhar Prilepin, writer:

- Understand now: this prize comes from a colossal feeling of humiliation. First this Olympics, then Crimea, then the DPR and LPR were actually separated from the territory of Ukraine. Now Syria. Bombs from the Caspian Sea fly wherever they want. Wherever they are ordered, or rather. We have to answer somehow. And so, as an answer, they chose the most ridiculous, most wretched option: to give a prize to a good journalist, who is most famous for her surprisingly banal interviews, even for people of her convictions, with the refrain: “Russia has killed everyone, killed, killed, has always killed everyone and will continue to kill , stop this evil, these slaves, they will never stop being slaves, there is Stalin and the priests, and you know how it all ends, and I especially know "...
This is some kind of amazing humiliation of the Nobel Committee, which flogged and ridiculed itself.

Vadim Levental, writer:

Well, the anecdotal decision of the Nobel Committee saves us from several problems and is fraught with several other problems. It was a waste of time.
It is anecdotal because the literature prize was awarded to a journalist. ...with equal success in this case it would be possible to award a prize in literature to either Vladimir Pozner or Yaroslav Mogutin (the latter would, by the way, be fresher and more fun, and own compositions he has), but it will probably come to that.
In any case, now you can breathe easy for a while. All last years Every time at the beginning of October, our public began to worry - someone will be given the Nobel Prize in Literature this time?..
Among other things, by the way, this means one more funny thing: the Nobel organizing committee was unable to come up with a single Ukrainian writer, which could be raised on a shield, and in the absence of fish, a citizen of Belarus living in France was appointed the main fish.
For Ukraine, rich in literary talent, this is almost humiliating.
And the fact that, if there had been such an opportunity, a Ukrainian laureate would have been appointed is clear as day.
In the same interview with Alexievich, readers can enjoy a complete set of the most elven judgments about Russia-Mordor: from the slave mentality of the Russian people to the establishment of a totalitarian system and from bloody horrors Soviet power before the chance for freedom, which the noble elves gave to the orcs in the 1990s and which the orcs with their servile psychology blew...
In the near future - and, I'm afraid, still very for a long time- they will rub Svetlana Alexievich in our faces. That's what she says and thinks, but she Nobel laureate! She speaks in clichés and thinks stupid things, but let’s not get away with it.
Bunin, Sholokhov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn, Brodsky, Alexievich - you understand.
But this, thank God, is in limited quantities - on Aunt Tsili’s website and in the public of young right-wingers.

Egor Kholmogorov, publicist:

99.9% of the citizens of our country and 95% of the representatives of our intelligentsia will today remember with painful shame who Svetlana Alexievich is and how it can be that for decades a great writer, awarded the Nobel Prize, lived next to us, but we did not notice her and did not appreciated.
The greatest pressure will, of course, be placed on the Russian reader. They will explain to him that Alexievich, who writes in Russian, is the true “Russian world,” not like your militias and children of Donbass.
The corresponding statements have already begun... So let's establish it once and for all. In relation to Russian literature, Alexievich’s work is a deeply peripheral phenomenon. There are about a hundred writers in Russia who surpass it in literary skill, regardless of whether you read them in the original or in translation.
Even in the rather narrow niche of documentary prose, Alexievich cannot stand comparison with either the comparatively handshake Leonid Yuzefovich or the spirit-bearing Archimandrite Tikhon. I'm not even talking about the venerable elder Daniil Granin, from whom Alexievich grows like an overcoat.
Even among our noisy anti-Putinist liberals who stand up for European values, every second person writes better. That is, if we consider that Alexievich was given a prize as a writer in Russian, then if we consider her work as the lower bar, the Nobel Committee will have to give out ten prizes a year for twenty years in order to reward everyone who writes no worse.
As for Russia, the Alexievich Prize has no meaning for it. The Nobel Committee has long ago turned in this sense into a nomenklatura institution, far from the living word of individual nations. However, certain troubles should undoubtedly be expected from her. “Independent” Russian-speaking authors are very fond of interfering in the politics of the country and people from whom they are independent...
The enthusiasm of our demshiza can be understood... With the help of Western funds and prizes, the Russian opposition is sculpting a parallel world, where the titans Zvyagintsev, Nemtsov, Alexievich rule over the minds. And they hope that one day, with the help of rallies and Abrams, they will impose this parallel world on the entire nation, like a second false memory...
It is much better to remember that the Nobel Prizes were established with money Nobel received from our oil and defense industries.

Dmitry Konanykhin, writer:

The Russian underground congratulates Russian literature on Russian language with another achievement. “Your eyes were open, you were bathed - eat it, if you want to climb!”
On Tsvetaeva’s birthday this is especially subtle.
“This is not just Putin, this is Putin in each of the Russians. We are all people from a society of violence, we have no other experience of life. Therefore, every manifestation of force seems greatness” (Svetlana Alexievich).
Eat, quilted jackets, don’t choke.
Nobel's recipe is as clear as a baby's cry: "more crap about the Russians, more crap about the dictator Vlad Putin - and you will get a chocolate bar from the Sonderkommando."