Actor Alexander Sheps filmography. Alexander Sheps latest news

The world of mysterious mysticism and supernatural powers always attracted attention ordinary people. Against the background of everyday life, those who in one way or another came into contact with a different reality stood out more and more clearly. We are talking about healers, witches, mediums, psychics. So do they really exist, or is it just a figment of human imagination? Today we will try to understand this issue using the example of a man named Alexander Sheps, whose biography is inextricably linked with the otherworldly beginning.

Briefly about the psychic

Today Alexander Sheps, whose biography dates back to 1986, is not at all an unknown boy from the distant outback. Alexander is a famous spiritualist, or medium, who actively practices communication with souls of the dead, as well as rituals that he prefers not to disclose to the general public.

Sheps height is 186 cm, weight is approximately 70 kg, shoe size is 41, and clothing size is 48. The man has expressive blue eyes, which became one of his business cards in the TV show “Battle of Psychics”, as well as dark brown hair middle length, advantageously highlighting the natural pallor of the face.

Alexander Sheps: biography of one Samara boy

Sheps was not born into the most ordinary family, since his mother, Lyudmila, was a famous tarot reader, spiritualist, clairvoyant and doctor in the city. The boy was born not pink, as children should be, but white, as if created from ivory. This already seemed to the woman a kind of omen of the non-standard future of her son. By the way, it was from Lyudmila, his mother, that the psychic Alexander Sheps, whose biography would later at all stages be associated with inexplicable, indescribable incidents, inherited paranormal abilities. Since childhood, Lyudmila saw her late father, and this gift, apparently, passed on to Sasha. He was the 4th child in the family; After him, another baby was born in the family.

Since childhood, Alexander Sheps, whose biography as a clairvoyant was just beginning to take shape, nevertheless, already knew how to find contact with invisible entities of an intangible nature. By the age of 12, the boy clearly realized that his environment was unable to see what he saw, so Alexander had to develop his abilities on his own, without anyone’s guidance.

School time and student life at alma mater

Alexander's studies took place in an unremarkable city school, where he was engaged in tireless creative activities: he organized celebrations, performances and holidays, tried himself as a local news presenter, as a DJ under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy, set the tone for youth parties and even practiced modeling field.

How did it develop further? life path a man named Alexander Sheps? Biography, personal path and destiny decreed that the young man came to the doors of the theater State Academy of Culture and Arts), where he settled on the direction of “Actor drama theater and cinema." Here Alexander seemed to have found his native element and became very interested: he tried his hand at writing Gothic scary stories and stories in a medieval style and in general became very immersed in the topics he studied. However, Alexander never received a higher education, as he dropped out of the academy. Eventually he came to esotericism and magic. From then on, Alexander Sheps began to develop the unusual talents inherent in nature, accepted himself for who he is, and was literally reborn again.


In addition to all of the above, Alexander showed himself no less zealously as a screenwriter, musician and professional actor. In addition, he was the host of the “Agents” project people's control”, which was broadcast on the TV channels “TV-3” and “Skat-TNT”. Sheps has a whole list of works behind him popular stars capital business, as well as huge collection video, photo and audio materials that cover the production and his participation in fashion shows, maintaining copyright and joint activities with a lot of people.

Show "Battle of Psychics"

Passion for necromancy and other worlds led young man V popular TV show“Battle of psychics” (TNT channel). Alexander Sheps, whose biography, personal life and fate, it seemed, should have found its resolution in this program at all costs, proved himself to be a versatile and strong participant. As attributes he used the most various items: Tarot cards, runic symbols, pendulums, artifacts, Lenormand cards, Ouija boards, candles, daggers, etc. They allowed a man to call upon the souls of the dead, who helped him pass difficult tests and prove over and over again what Alexander Sheps is worth. The biography, photos and numerous descriptions may suggest that the psychic was on the side of light matter, but this is not so. Despite his unusual appearance and good disposition, which was so beloved by the audience, Alexander declared himself as a representative of the black forces, as evidenced by dark colors clothes, and general style, and, of course, an emphasis on necromancy.

The biography of Alexander Sheps from the “Battle of Psychics” cannot but be noted by the fact that the medium eventually won Grand Prize, “Crystal Hand”, in the 14th season of the show, defeating equally strong opponents.

Assassination attempt

An interesting fact in the psychic’s biography is that in 2007, an assassination attempt was made on him, according to Sheps himself, but it was accidental and unintentional. Two motorcyclists shot at Alexander’s car, where he was with his friend; Sheps was wounded in the neck. The medium hastened to reassure the worried public with the message that the shooters were under the influence of drugs, and his vehicle I was just unlucky to be the first to fall under the hot hand of the “killers”. Be that as it may, Sheps was no longer noticed in such incidents, which his circles of fans are only happy about.

Personal life

Alexander Sheps can rightfully be considered a Don Juan of the psychic world. So, he was seen in relationships with such strong witches and part-time colleagues professional activity, like Ilona Novoselova (a participant in the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who advised the spiritualist to take part in the show) and the Estonian Marilyn Kerro (a participant in the 14th and a number of other seasons of the project). WITH the last girl Sheps is still in a relationship today: having once met a red-haired sorceress on film set, Alexander could no longer part with her, just as she could no longer part with him. The couple supports each other in joy and sorrow: for example, during Sheps’ recent operation related to a dislocation of the shoulder joint, Marilyn was next to her chosen one. This is evidenced by photos literally from the operating table! In general, lovers spend a lot of time with each other; This conclusion can be made based on regularly updated materials from social networks.

Life credo

Alexander’s beliefs are a synthesis of a number of magics, philosophies, beliefs, multiplied by personal experience. Thus, the medium tries not to use abuse in his speech, since he believes that one inappropriate word can take a person away from the protection of the angel for 3 days. The psychic believes that negative thoughts attract unpleasant events in life and make a person more vulnerable to higher powers. That is why maintaining a positive attitude towards what is happening is one of the necessary components happy life. Sheps became convinced that thoughts, especially those expressed on paper or received material embodiment, tend to become reality after he created one tragic story in his youth. The prototype for creating the main character of this story was best friend Alexandra. A character in the story had his skull pierced with a spear; everything would have been fine, but as a result, Sheps’ friend also received a serious head injury - his head was broken. Since then, the psychic has sworn off bringing such negativity into life.

People's opinion

Today, the million-strong public is divided into 2 camps: some idolize the necromancer, constantly follow his updates and changes in life, create new fan groups and pages on the World Wide Web dedicated to Sheps; others are extremely skeptical about the achievements and the created image, accusing the psychic of the fact that the role he created is a fake and a prop of a provincial actor who wanted to gain the recognition and love of the public at all costs. Alexander Sheps, whose biography, family, personal life and worldview were discussed in this article, will probably remain an unknown “dark horse” to the end. Therefore, whether to believe him and his story or not is a purely personal matter for each person.

Alexander Sheps is a psychic, winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” He comes from Samara, where he was born the fourth of five children on November 26, 1986 - white as ivory, which seemed very strange to his mother even then. As a matter of fact, it was from his mother that he inherited his abilities, who in her city is known for her anomalous abilities.

Future psychic was a student at a regular school. While still a child, he spoke aloud to invisible entities, which his family noticed. Only at the age of 12-13, Alexander realized that only he can observe those who come into contact with him.

After school he became a student at Samara State Academy Culture and Arts, choosing the acting department with a specialty in drama theater and film actor. But higher education I didn’t receive it because I left the training unfinished. Creative activity irresistibly attracted Sheps. He was involved in organizing holidays and various events in Samara, worked as an actor at the Molot Theater, was a local news presenter, and participated in a reality show there as a presenter (including with the participation of show business stars), and was a DJ. under the pseudonym “DJ AlexEnergy”, he tried himself as a model. In addition to everything, he wrote songs and scripts.

Alexander Sheps developed an interest in mysticism gradually; initially he was fascinated by “Gothic”. While I was a student, I wrote scary medieval stories with a clearly Gothic slant. He doesn't particularly like to talk about himself and his abilities.
At what period of his life Alexander discovered the gift of necromancy remains unknown. Although on some resources on the Internet we're talking about that since childhood he had seen ghosts of the dead, spiritual entities and other similar things mystical phenomena, and with age, immersing himself in the study of magic, he achieved the results that we see now. At the same time, on other resources they write that the young psychic discovered paranormal abilities in his youth, at the moment when, due to an ill-fated story written, his friend, whom he took as the prototype of the hero of his story, almost passed away. As you might guess, then the story he wrote materialized in real life.

His psychic abilities delight, amaze and even instill fear in people, which speaks of their strength, which he continues to develop. He came to the “Battle of Psychics” to become the winner as a powerful black necromancer magician. Therefore, throughout the battle, he turned to his strongest sides - necromancy, the ability to read runes and Tarot cards. Alexander's magical attributes are a knife, talismans, flames, black candles, earth from a cemetery, a pendulum and a cane.
In 2007, he was the victim of an assassination attempt. Two guys on motorcycles fired shots at the car of Alexander and his friend, after which the future participant in the “Battle of Psychics” was wounded in the neck. According to Alexander himself, an accident happened that time. According to his assumptions, the bikers were under the influence of drugs, and he became their random victim.
On this moment is single. Although there were rumors on the Internet about him love affair with Ilona Novoselova, who advised him to take part in the “Battle of Psychics” project. Also seen in a relationship with Marilyn Kerro.

Leading: Marat Basharov.

The composition of the participants in the Battle of Psychics 14 has become truly international. Thus, among the participants there are representatives not only of Russia and the CIS countries, but also of Europe: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Germany, Russia, Uzbekistan, Estonia.

Episodes of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT

Go to the episode you want to watch online.

Participants in the Battle of Psychics 14

  • Winner 4 white envelopes
  • Finalist 4 white envelopes
  • Finalist 1 white envelope
  • Finalist 1 white envelope
  • Participant 1 white envelope
  • Participant 1 white envelope
  • Participant
  • Participant
  • Participant
  • Participant
  • Participant
  • Participant


On December 30, 2013, a solemn ceremony was held to announce and subsequently award the winner of the Battle of Psychics of the 14th season. Participants attended the ceremony previous seasons TV project. Let us remind you that 4 participants reached the final: Alexander Sheps, Marilyn Kerro, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and Danis Glinshtein. The winner of the 14th season, according to viewers, was Alexander Sheps. Watch the Season 14 awards show, […]

In the 5th special episode, TV viewers will see what was left behind the scenes of the tests with the participation of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. And also, what did the hero of the “Trunk” test, Vitaly, experience during the test? How did his life change after being tested by psychics? Why did Vitaly come to the final to root for Danis Glinstein? Watch special episode 5 of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14

The best and most mysterious moments of the 14th season of the TV show. Watch the 5th special episode of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14 on Sunday, February 9 on TNT.

Special issue 4 of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14 is dedicated to Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. Viewers will be able to lift some of the curtains on the personal lives of the season's favorites. Relatives of the participants will share their experiences and emotions that they experienced while watching their relatives on television. And. Why did Alexander and Marilyn perform some kind of magical ritual in the forest? And what plans do they have […]

Photos were published from the upcoming broadcast of a special episode of the Battle of Psychics 14, dedicated to the winner of the season Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, who took 2nd place. Watch special episode 4 on Sunday on TNT. Photos taken from the editorial page of the Battle of Psychics in social network VKontakte

What connects Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps? How did they meet Marilyn when visiting Alexander’s parents and did they decide where they would live - in Estonia or Samara? Is it true that the couple in love spent magical rituals to eliminate competitors? Watch the 4th special episode of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14 on Sunday, February 2 on TNT.

On Sunday at 20:00 on the TNT channel there is a special episode dedicated to the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. Best moments and the most difficult tests that the participant of the season had to go through.

Participant name: Alexander Sheps

Age (birthday): 26.11.1986

City: Samara, Moscow

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

He was born with a perfectly white skin color, like ivory. Sasha's mother noted this, since the previous four children had a red skin tone.

Alexander's mother is a famous person in Moscow. She is a clairvoyant, tarot reader and spiritualist. The father of the family works at the cemetery.

WITH early childhood the mother noted that the child was secretly conducting a dialogue with someone. It immediately became clear to my mother that her son had adopted her gift. IN adolescence Sasha realized that he was able to see what others could not.

While studying at school, Sasha loses loved one, his grandmother died, who was 87 years old. During their lifetime they communicated closely. For the 13-year-old boy, this did not come as a shock, since he had long seen a vision of standing at his grandmother’s coffin and holding a ring. When this all happened, Sasha took his grandmother’s ring. He never takes it off.

After finishing school, Sasha decided to enroll in theater university . True, without completing his studies, he quits. For some time he was engaged in modeling on a professional basis, realized himself as an actor and vocalist, and was even able to record a couple of songs.

Wrote different scenarios, was doing photography. He was the host of various events and settled at the Monologue Theater. He never stopped there, which greatly surprised all his acquaintances.

In 2007, something bad happens to him.. An attempt was made on Alexander's car. Guys on motorcycles shot up the car where Sheps and his comrade were at that moment. It turned out that, in this way, two drug addicts decided to have some fun.

Was in a relationship with. Their romance began on the “Battle of Psychics” project. In the summer of 2017, Mary and Alexander broke up.

The couple did not talk about their relationship for a long time, but when the girl left the project, Alexander gave her a ring. Together the guys travel and perform magical rituals.

Season 14 became the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” project. I also remember that I used it in my work different ways and techniques to obtain information from the souls of deceased people. He passed the tests successfully, and therefore often appeared on the project among the best psychics.

Photos of Alexander

Sasha rarely posts personal photos online, but there are stills from filming and various photo sessions.

Psychic Alexander Sheps published on his official website a list of habits that make people poor and do not allow them to improve financial situation. As it turned out, everything ingenious is simple as always! Alexander Sheps claims that if you eradicate six habits in yourself, you can very quickly improve your wealth. These are the habits:

Habit of complaining. If a person constantly complains, for example, about a lack of money or about his unhappy life, then negative attitudes grow in his mind, which lead to troubles and lack of money. By telling someone about his misfortunes, a person sets himself up for negativity. But it has long been known that words and thoughts materialize. Complaining about his life, a person becomes even more unhappy, because he thinks about the bad and radiates negativity. And money will never come to whiners, according to Alexander Sheps.

The habit of wanting everything at once. In order to earn money and live comfortably, you need to make an effort. But a poor person needs instant results. A person will never be able to get rich if he is afraid of work, extra effort, mistakes and risks. We must remember that nothing comes easy.

The habit of working at a job you don't like. Alexander Sheps argues that you cannot achieve success in a field of activity that does not bring joy and is not at all interesting. In order to attract money, you need to do what pleases your soul. Only in this case will a person truly strive for high earnings and be able to get rich.

The habit of envy. Envy will not only not lead to wealth, but will also corrode a person from the inside, leading to illness and complete loneliness. Envying someone else's success, a person is in a terrible state, which does not allow him to act and go towards the realization of his plans.

Saving habits. There are things that you absolutely cannot save on: health, children and education. In addition, you need to get rid of the habit of buying only the cheapest things. Shaking over every penny, a person will never attract money.

The habit of killing time. A person should manage his own time, and not time should manage him. Money will not fall on the head of someone who wastes minutes and hours of his life aimlessly. Alexander Sheps recommends not to waste time and not to put off what can be implemented right now.

The habit of waiting. There is a separate contingent of people who are constantly waiting for the right time and looking for reasons why they are not implementing their plans right now. For example, a person with such a habit, who dreams of opening his own business, is constantly looking for some moment that is about to come. In the meantime, he does not dare to take action, since it is either not the season, or the renovations in the house have not been completed, or they do not provide a loan. But the opportune moment will never come. If there is a goal, it must be achieved right now, otherwise it will never be achieved.

All these habits, according to Alexander Sheps, are, for the most part, the cause of poverty and unhappiness in people's lives.

It is worth recalling that Alexander Sheps is one of the strongest participants show He himself often gives advice to the program’s heroes and helps in difficult times. Sheps is trying with all his might to become one of the finalists, because his abilities often caused a real shock among the audience and the jury. But how the situation will turn out in the final will not be known soon. We cheer for Alexander at the “Battle of Psychics” and bet everything and