How to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions? A technique for quickly getting rid of negative emotions.

What we resist stays with us. By nature, humans tend to avoid pain, including unpleasant emotions. If you try to drive away some feelings, the effect will be short-term, and then the pain will intensify. It is better to find the source of the pain, acknowledge the pain and begin to work on changing the way you think. The way a person is used to thinking and feeling is difficult to change, but you can control your feelings. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of negative emotions forever.


Part 1

Working on emotions
  1. Find the root of negative emotions. Not the reason, but the root. It is important for you to understand not why you feel the way you feel, but why you decide to interpret the situation in this way. Is this your habitual way of thinking? Is there a point in the past where this all started? What causes the anxiety?

    • Let's give a simple example: suppose your friend Masha called you fat behind your back, and now you seem ugly and hate yourself. Many people would become angry at Masha, and not at themselves. So why don't you feel the same way?
    • Recognizing that your emotions are caused by insecurities, previous relationships (including relationships with parents), or a difficult time in the past will help you understand yourself. When a person understands himself, he begins to treat himself with more respect. Negative emotions are often associated with the unknown. If you know where they come from, they will no longer have such power over you.
  2. Know how your body reacts. Many people, after reading the first paragraph of this article, will decide that they do not know where they get these emotions from and what causes them. And that's okay. If your answer is this (and even if it is different), pay attention to your body. Of course, consciousness sends certain signals to the body, but the reverse process is also possible. Are you feeling tired? Stress? Are your muscles sore? Are you experiencing hormonal surges? Have you started taking a new medicine? Very often, physical problems affect emotions, and we may not notice it.

    • Try taking quick, shallow breaths in and out for 15 seconds. Then hold your breath. How do you feel now? Most likely, you will feel uncomfortable. You might even start to get nervous. This exercise will teach you that the next time you feel negative emotions, you should look for the cause in your physical state and try to see if you can neutralize it.
  3. Let go of the situation. If someone told you not to think about a pink elephant, all you could think about was it. Don't expect the brain to work any differently. If you tell yourself that some emotions are unacceptable and that you need to fight them, they will disappear for a while, but then they will return. Instead of fighting them, allow them to exist. Feel them. Simmer in them. This is the only way to get rid of them.

    • Think about the times when a word is on the tip of your tongue. It haunts you until you remember the word or forget the whole situation. This is exactly how the human mind works. It seems counterintuitive, but the only way to get rid of feelings is dive in in them.
  4. Listen to your thoughts and acknowledge their presence. It’s stupid to forbid yourself to think about bad things or feel something. Man is made that way. It is better to take a thought, feel it, accept it and come to a new, more positive thought. This thought process will make the emotion less unpleasant, more bearable, and take some of the stress off you.

    • Let's say you look in the mirror and feel ugly because of Masha's words. You decide that you will never be beautiful again. But after that you have a more logical thought: “Is this true? What would happen if this thought did not exist? Do I know how to predict the future?”
      • Dialogue with yourself will help you understand that a thought is just a thought. Most of our thoughts have nothing to do with the truth, our actions, or how we feel. It's just a tape that plays in your head, and all you have to do is press the pause button.
  5. Live in the moment. How many times in your life has it happened to you that you imagined the situation in the darkest colors, and then everything went exactly like that? Most likely never. Time spent worrying about the future is wasted. If you feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, focus on the present. Think about what is happening right now. The human mind is a fast-shifter, so bring yourself back to the present moment and the bad thoughts will go away.

    • You've probably been told more than once that life is short. And it is true. It's a shame to waste your life on negative emotions. If the world were to disappear tomorrow, would these thoughts help you? Or would they simply prevent you from enjoying life? When a person realizes that his thoughts are simply stupid, his consciousness rebuilds the thinking process.

    Part 2

    Retraining consciousness
    1. Take a closer look at your vices. Many people try to overcome negative emotions through alcohol, wild parties, smoking, gambling, or any combination of these bad habits. They push away true feelings, and their irritation finds vent in behavior. To capture an emotion and get rid of it forever, you will have to give up bad habits - they will not benefit you.

      • Remember that all these unhealthy habits themselves cause negative emotions. Alcohol leads to bad decisions, bad decisions lead to sadness, and sadness leads to alcohol. Sometimes the vicious circle is not so obvious, so people don't see the connection. It doesn’t matter whether the emotion provokes the desire to succumb to bad habits or vice versa. Such addictions must be abandoned.
    2. Get rid of props. For many of us, negative emotions are a crutch. We like them. It sounds crazy, but often we feel comfortable experiencing negative emotions. It happens that someone praises you, and you think to yourself: “No, everything was not perfect” (and some even say it out loud). Stop, go back and analyze your thought process. Why do negative emotions calm you down? What are their benefits for you?

      • Many of us are very worried. We analyze everything that happens so hard that steam starts coming out of our ears. We hate it, but we can't stop. But in reality, if we really didn't like it that much, we would have stopped a long time ago, right? But we don't do this because worry makes us feel like we're preparing for the worst. We don't know how to predict the future, and the future won't turn out better if we worry about it.
      • Since this is not so easy to do, the next time you have negative feelings, stop and think. Are you used to these emotions? Are you afraid to feel joy and satisfaction? Can you explain to yourself that negative emotions do nothing for you?
    3. Realize that your thoughts are not you. You make up every thought. Absolutely everything. Of course, some of them follow from what others have told you, but you still process this information. And what does it mean? This means that you are a locomotive driver and that everything will be as you decide. If you don't want to think about something, you don't have to do it.

      • When you notice that your thoughts and you have changed, it will be easier for you to understand that not everything you think is true. It will be easier for you to realize that think saying that you are a boring person is not the same thing as be boring person. Understanding this difference will allow you to see a bigger picture of the world.
      • Our thoughts are ephemeral opportunities to perform some actions that are stored in our consciousness. They are a reflection of what we saw on TV yesterday, what we ate for breakfast and what our parents taught us as children. We set our own program. Our thoughts are much more connected to our physiology, habits and even culture than to reality.
    4. Analyze and control your behavior. When you realize that thoughts have no power over you (after all, they are just... thoughts), start taking action. The first step to this is behavior analysis and control. This means you need to monitor your feelings and thoughts and know when to stop them. You will succeed.

      • Try meditating. If you are not ready to climb a mountain, spend time with monks, sit for hours in the lotus position, set aside 15 minutes a day for meditation. Lie back and enjoy your alone time. Deep breathing exercises and yoga may also help.

Hi! Today I present to your attention 2 simple and effective practices for getting rid of negative emotions that I often use. I like them because they often work instantly. However, they do not always work immediately. Sometimes they need to be done many times.

The essence of one practice is as follows. A negative emotion is taken that you want to get rid of, then dark forces are called upon to take away this emotion (a ritual of renouncing the negative emotion is performed). And the last step is the return of a piece of the soul that was once given to the dark forces for this negative quality.

Required condition: you must have a strong desire to get rid of this quality. We live in a world ruled by power agendas. Negative emotions are directly related to strength programs. If you want to use strength programs, this technique may not work.

Negative emotions are gifts from dark forces, but not free. These dark qualities often help people in the material world survive through force.

By taking some kind of strength program, a person gives a piece of his soul in return. The more power programs, the more pieces of the soul are given away and the more soulless and cruel a person becomes. Negative emotions feed the inhabitants of dark worlds.

Dark forces, through voluntary exchange or through deception, take a piece of a person’s soul, and in return give him a negative quality that helps a person live in this world. Through this negative quality they feed on energy from a person. It is difficult to say why they need a piece of the soul, but it looks like a connecting link through which they receive energy from a person.

Having gotten rid of negative emotions, you stop giving your energy to the lower worlds. Your life will become more enjoyable, you will have more love and good mood. With this simple practice, you need to work through all negative emotions.

First learn to do it in a quiet environment at home, then you can do it anywhere. As soon as any negative emotion appears, immediately do this practice of renunciation and thank the person who caused you to have this emotion. After all, he helped you reveal a negative program in you, which you can now get rid of.

The essence of the second practice is observing a negative emotion, “highlighting” it and entering into it.

Practice getting rid of negative emotions

Relax, enter your inner feelings and think about what negative emotion or quality you want to get rid of. Then say aloud(say words from your heart, this will increase the power of practice by orders of magnitude):

I call you, dark forces, to a ritual of renunciation(name the quality you want to get rid of).

I thank you, dark forces, for using(name the quality that you will renounce). This quality helped me in this life, but now I have chosen the path of love, the path of spiritual strength. Creator of my soul, help me cleanse myself of(denied quality) . Higher powers, help me get rid of(denied quality). I want to lose my strength(denied quality). And so that even the spirit(denied quality) I didn't have it.

Next, stay a little relaxed. At this time, dark forces take away your negative emotion or program from you. You may feel like something is being pulled out of you. Feel what is happening. Then say:

Dark forces, give me back a piece of my soul that I once exchanged for this quality(denied quality).

Now watch what the dark forces give you. It could be some good quality, light, love or something else.

Don’t forget to thank the Creator of the soul and the forces of light for helping you get rid of a negative emotion or quality.

Not everyone can feel this. The more strength programs, the worse the sensitivity to energies. In this case it is not so important. Renunciation after renunciation will help you feel the energies better. Let us know in the comments who felt what. This practice can greatly change your life for the better.

Effective Practice #2

For many people, this option turns out to be stronger than the previous one, because... Most people do not feel the energy, and are afraid to call on dark forces to return negative emotions to them, taking it as a magical ritual. If the option above is not very clear to you, use another effective practice.

When a negative emotion arises, begin CONSCIOUSLY observing it and going deeper into it. Get into it as deeply as possible. Of course, the condition will worsen at this time, because you begin to experience this unpleasant feeling to the maximum. Stay in this negative state and observe it. Then you will notice that the condition begins to improve.

If you continue to practice, this negative emotion will go away completely. In the future, it will be easier for you to enter into this negativity. Each time it will weaken and after a certain number of practices, the negative emotion will leave you and you will feel good.

Negative thoughts periodically visit everyone. And this is normal as long as they do not overshadow everything that is happening.

Being in a normal state, we are able to resist them. A depressive mood leads to the fact that negativity settles in the head for a long time, affecting all areas of life. Even those that objectively have no problems. Constantly thinking about and replaying these thoughts helps them take root. Therefore, from a fleeting bad thought a firm belief is formed: “I am bad”, “Others are doing better”, “I am not worthy of my loved ones” - all these beliefs form an incorrect assessment of the situation.

Only by overcoming negative emotions can you take the path to recovery. It is important to remember that bad thoughts are not justified or confirmed. They are just thoughts. We endow them with significance and seriousness ourselves.

A long-term pessimistic attitude drives us into a depressive “abyss.” The deeper a person dives into it, the more difficult it is to get out of it later.

To prevent depression from getting worse, you need to understand how to get rid of negative thoughts.

8 Methods to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

Knowing how to get rid of the negativity within yourself, you can overcome depressive syndrome and prevent the negative influence of bad thoughts from growing throughout your life. Let's look at the basic techniques.

Method No. 1 - detailed planning for tomorrow.

We need to think through the near future as carefully as possible. Make a rough plan. Concretize it on paper. Fill in all the empty gaps so that you don't have time to think about problems that don't exist. By solving real problems in accordance with the list, you will relieve yourself of the “burden of thoughts”, raising your own importance in your eyes. It is possible that it will be difficult for you to get involved in work - after all, it is more common to spend time replaying past and non-existent situations. To force yourself to act, you need to choose the least difficult tasks. At the start, you need to act slowly and without tension. Gradually move on to solving more complex issues.

Mark those items that have already been completed. When you clearly see your achievements, you will realize that the “worthless type, incapable of anything” is not about you.

Method No. 2 – adequate assessment of the events that occurred.

State in writing what happens to you in a day or week. Of all the events, highlight achievements and results. For convenience, they can be marked “D” and “P”. Identify those actions that gave you pleasure, put the letter “U” next to them.

Evaluate the events that happened to you over a specific period of time. You will realize how wonderful your life is. You won't have to think so hard about how to get rid of negative thoughts. After all, your head will be filled with events that give pleasure.

Method No. 3 – situation-thought-emotion.

It is reinforced by a person’s confidence that everything is very bad. Everything that happens is perceived as bad and disgusting. Naturally, negative awareness gives a corresponding mood. We need to force ourselves to understand that this is our personal perception of the situation. Then, instead of immersing yourself in a destructive atmosphere, you will want to get rid of the negativity within yourself.

For example, an acquaintance of yours walked past you and didn’t say hello. The reality is that the person was simply absorbed in his own thoughts, was in a hurry somewhere and did not notice you. But you are no longer noticed. Surely the thought that you are an unworthy person has already slipped through and taken root. Or maybe you thought that they were shy about you and that in general you were an “empty place”? Naturally, after a bad thought came the same emotion. Or maybe not alone. In such a situation, we are overwhelmed by resentment, disappointment, pain.

By tracking the chain of events, it will become easier for you to understand that this is only your vision of the situation. Don't know how to get rid of negative emotions? To start, just look at the situation from the outside.

Method No. 4 – revisions of your own thoughts.

Analyze the thoughts that befell you during an unpleasant situation. Maybe this is not a reaction to the event itself. Perhaps the negativity arose due to third-party factors on which you “pinned” other events. For example, you have had a headache since the morning. The remark received from the boss has nothing to do with a negative attitude. So don't be dramatic: you are not the worst employee, and the manager just made a valid point. If he points out mistakes to you day after day, this may also be a consequence of either your fatigue (then take a vacation), or indicate that your boss is, in principle, a nitpicker. And perhaps, again, this has nothing to do with you.

Learn to stop the flow of thoughts in time by asking yourself a direct question: “What exactly hurt me?” or “What exactly is bothering me?”

Method No. 5 – substitution of emotions.

As soon as you catch yourself having a bad thought, try to find a replacement for it. Immediately change negative judgments to an optimistic attitude. It is important to master this technique, then you will not have a question about how to get rid of negative thoughts. Turn it into a game: as soon as you feel like it’s “rolling over”, sharply switch your thoughts to anything that makes you feel better: to images of the cat’s soft belly at home, hugs with your parents, a summer walk. Live these emotions.

You will automatically replace negative thoughts with balanced and logical reasoning. For example, your friends haven’t called you for more than a week. The thought suggests itself: “They don’t need me.” Use a “counterstrike”: think that they need your help in business, and they simply don’t have time to call. Take the initiative, don't overthink it.

Method No. 6 – three columns.

Take a sheet of paper and draw it into three columns. We use the first column to describe the situation. In the second, we write down the negative judgments that arose against its background. We use the third column to record our thoughts. Often this method of getting rid of negative thoughts clearly shows that “the devil is not so terrible.”

When you think about how to correctly formulate a thought, you will learn to look at it from the outside. Unnoticed by yourself, you will begin to tune in to positive “notes”, realizing how often you assign non-existent importance to things that, in principle, are not important in your life.

Method No. 7 – breaking down a complex situation into simple tasks.

Don't get hung up on a task that's impossible—it's only as bad as you make it impossible. Make it into some manageable tasks. Break each of them down into steps. Analyze every simple situation. You will understand how much its importance has been exaggerated. It turns out there is no problem at all. You just need to plan the stages correctly and start acting, and not dramatize. By immersing yourself in solving a problem situation, you direct your energy to ways to get out of it. While you are grinding her problems in your head, you are giving yourself up to be torn apart by negative thoughts.

Method No. 8 – psychological assistance.

The specialist will not give you clear instructions on how to get out of depression or get rid of negative thoughts. But it will teach you how to deal with different situations. After all, the ability to cope with them is already built into you, but for some reason you don’t want to use it. you will be able to adjust your behavior pattern and learn to separate the real from the far-fetched.

You can transfer your consulting experience to real life. It is important, firstly, to stop aggravating the situation, secondly, to understand that you can cope with it, and thirdly, to gain self-confidence.

Just knowing how to get rid of negative emotions will not give us back good self-esteem and zest for life. These techniques need to be implemented and their implementation monitored. But even working together with a psychologist, we can only help ourselves. Monitor your own thoughts, learn to exterminate the beginnings of negative emotions and depression in the bud. Learn to replace negativity with positive thoughts. This will make your life bright and interesting. Then you will be able to feel your importance and strength, without allowing any experiences to take over you.

Avoid negativity and be healthy!

As you know, negative emotions and feelings do not lead to anything good. For example, if a person often experiences hatred and anger, then not only does his mood deteriorate, but various illnesses and depression may also appear. And here you just need to know how best to get rid of negative emotions and experiences from the past, so as not to harm the people around you and yourself.

Negative emotions and inanimate objects

To prevent anger from accumulating, it is necessary to give it an outlet. The safest and healthiest option is to vent negative emotions on inanimate objects. For example, take a pillow or punching bag and start hitting it as hard as you can until you get tired. Fighting with a punching bag or pillow can be replaced by jogging. While running, imagine that with every meter you lose anger, and it remains behind.

The next method to help get rid of negative emotions is suitable for those who can go out of town or be alone in a deserted area. There is no need to isolate yourself. Start screaming with all your anger, don’t suppress your emotions, scream loudly with anger. Screaming helps to get rid of the feeling of hatred and your soul will become lighter and calmer.

Writing method

Try to write a letter, putting hatred and anger into every word, use any expressions, do not be shy about obscene words. Your task is to put negative emotions into words, into invented images, expressions. When you feel tired and the desire to write disappears, then burn the letter.


It is very useful to wash away negative emotions in the shower. Imagine how everything that bothered you, made you angry, spoiled your mood goes away with the water, and is replaced by calmness and tranquility. Pouring cold water helps to cool down from violent negative emotions.


Looking at yourself in the mirror, imagine that the person who offended you is looking at you. Tell him how you feel. When you feel that you have gotten rid of negative emotions, then forgive him and spare him all the good things.

During a quarrel, when it is difficult to control yourself and not say too much, take a deep breath and, holding your breath, count to ten. This way you will protect yourself from rash words and actions.

What will happen to us tomorrow?

When we are nervous, negative emotions make decisions for us. It is very difficult to avoid mistakes: feelings influence actions more than reason.

So what to do?

Stress begins when we are faced with the unknown. And she meets us at every step. A simple example: a person has a toothache. He doesn't know what will happen next. And he's scared. And someone quarreled with loved ones - and also does not know what will happen next. Will they make peace? Will they be able to trust each other as before? Again the unknown.

While we are thinking about what will happen and trying to solve the problem, the body turns on all its resources and the nerves become tense. When we are stressed, we “run in circles,” constantly experiencing the same resentment (or the same fear). Thoughts about unpleasant things do not allow you to come to your senses and make the right decision. This running in circles is called stress.

The more you think about the problem, the stronger the experience. The only way out is to switch. For example, for simple physical exercises. They help take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. As soon as a person switches, he quickly finds the right way out of the problem situation.

What causes nerves to weaken?

By the way, fear is a natural reaction to a problem. The brain signals danger so that it can be avoided. But if a person is tired or unwell, he will begin to be afraid and expect trouble.

The more nervous he is, the higher the likelihood that trouble will actually happen. It's easy to make mistakes because of your worries.

When faced with problems, some people remain calm, while others get nervous even over trifles. What does this depend on? From fatigue. There is not enough strength to protect yourself from stress. Chronic illnesses also get on your nerves. Knocking a “core” or “gastritis” out of the saddle is easy and simple. When the body is weakened, it is difficult to remain calm.

Stress resistance also depends on life experience. You don't just learn from other people's mistakes. They are afraid to repeat them. It is difficult not to be afraid of pain if a neighbor in a similar situation was taken to the hospital by ambulance. People transfer everything they see and hear into their lives.

Children (even if they are long grown up) react to stress in the same way as their parents. The past does not remain in the past - it settles in the subconscious and affects our feelings and actions. Getting rid of such influence is difficult, but necessary.

Remaining stressed, a person cannot manage his own life. Then others begin to manipulate him: relatives, friends, acquaintances...

Many people no longer remember where the stress came from, but the tension does not let go. Anxiety and sleep disturbances are a signal of unconscious problems that need to be solved. Even if we try to forget about the unpleasant, the memories do not disappear, but are embedded in the subconscious.

Until we deal with problems that we seem to have forgotten about, the brain will send alarm signals, leaving the nervous system in agitation. The longer you do not notice this, the more seriously your health will be undermined. So-called psychosomatic diseases will appear: asthma, hypertension, angina pectoris...

Operation "Anti-stress"

It happens that you need to come to your senses five minutes before surgery, competitions, negotiations or exams. You won’t be able to run to a psychologist for a consultation. You will have to learn to relieve stress on your own. How?

Physical education helps some, music helps others, and solving complex equations helps others. The main thing is to choose an anti-stress method to your liking.

There are quite a few diseases “from nerves”, but as soon as we overcome stress, the body will begin to heal itself.