Where is the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya now? Love affairs and novels of Natalia Vetlitskaya

26 April 2010, 13:46

Biography Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya was born in Moscow on August 17, 1964. From the age of ten she began to practice ballroom dancing professionally, and then entered a music school to study piano, from which she graduated in 1979 with a gold medal. Creation After working as a choreographer for about a year in the ballet “Recital”, Natalya Igorevna moved to the popular group “Rondo” as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist, recording four solo compositions as part of the group for the album released by the group “Rondo” in 1986. Then, for two years, starting in 1986, Natalya Igorevna performed as a dancer and backing vocalist in two more well-known groups: “Class” and “Idea Fix”. In 1985, the disaster film “Unscheduled Train” was released on the country’s screens, in which a song performed by Natalya Vetlitskaya was heard. And finally, in 1988, Natalya became the lead singer of the super-popular group “Mirage” (All-Union studio “SPM Record” by Yu. Chernavsky). As part of this group, she toured almost all the cities of the former USSR. At the end of 1987, Natalya, along with other Soviet pop stars, took part in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle,” which was shown on New Year’s television. After leaving the Mirage group, Natalya Igorevna begins a solo career. She is trying to record solo in the studio. Then Natalya Vetlitskaya released her next album, “Slave of Love,” in 1996. One of the peaks of Natalia Vetlitskaya’s creativity was the television video for the title song of the album “Slave of Love” for the TV show “Sharman Show”. Songs from the new album were constantly in rotation on many radio stations. This was followed by the album “Best Songs” - a collection of Natalia Vetlitskaya’s best hits. Then, in 1997, Natalya Igorevna played one of the main roles in the musical film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” She recorded two musical compositions for the film: “Sleep, Karabas” and “Taj Mahal” in a duet with Sergei Mazaev, who played the cat Basilio in the film. In 2003, Maxim Papernik’s musical film “The Snow Queen” was aired on New Year’s Eve, where Natalya played the role of the Princess and sang the song “Lanterns” in a duet with Vadim Azarkh. On the eve of the release of Natalia’s new album, fans saw several more fresh video clips: “Halves”, “Eyes the color of whiskey” and “Petals”. The release of the singer’s latest album to date, “My Favorite...”, took place at the beginning of 2004. During 2004-2009, Natalya Vetlitskaya released new videos for the songs “Bird” and “Everything is for a reason,” and also made numerous performances at various television competitions and festivals. These are duets with Sergei Mazaev with the song “Words That You Won’t Say”, with N. Tumshevits - “Look into My Eyes”, I. Kalnins - “Vernissage” at R.’s creative evening. Paulsa and others. All of them were shown more than once on central channels in Russia and neighboring countries. Natalya Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry, fables), and is engaged in painting and design. Since 1998, Natalya has been practicing Kriya Yoga and attending courses with her master Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in India. She loves animals: she keeps several dogs, cats and birds at home. At the moment, Natalya Igorevna is recording two albums in parallel at the studio, one of which will be non-commercial, with a jazz-rock focus. Thus, Natalya is making her long-time dream come true. Personal life
One of the most beautiful women on the Russian stage, Natalya Vetlitskaya, got married for the first time at almost 17 years old. After graduating from school, she got a job as a dancer. Soon she was noticed by musician Pavel Smeyan from the Rock Studio group. His name already had weight, he participated in the legendary performances of Lenkom: “Til”, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta”, “Juno and Avos”, sang songs for cult films of that time - “The Trust that Broke”, “Military Field novel”, “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya”. Pavel was seven years older than Natasha and became an indisputable authority for her. Vetlitskaya is still grateful to him for many things. After all, it was he who suggested that she take up singing. But soon life with Smeyan became unbearable. He started drinking heavily. And after drinking a glass or two, he became extremely picky and attacked the girl with his fists. One day Pavel almost killed her. Natalya recalled with horror how she barely got out of the apartment and ran away from her husband. A criminal case was opened for the beating, but Vetlitskaya forgave the offender. The beauty, of course, was never left alone for a day. Her next high-profile romance happened with the aspiring singer Dima Malikov. – I was very young – 17–18 years old. At this age, they usually become victims of femme fatales,” recalls Dmitry, “and her cunning was manifested in the fact that at the same time she took possession of not only me. Later on his path there were many girlfriends. But he still had a passion for older women. He chose a young lady with a child as his wife. He still lives with her to this day. Their happiness was sealed by their common daughter. Hinting at Vetlitskaya’s deceit, Malikov was referring to her affair with singer Zhenya Belousov. Natalya and Zhenya met at a social gathering at the Cosmos Hotel. Vetlitskaya by that time was the lead singer of the super-popular group “Mirage”, and Belousov’s hits “My Blue-Eyed Girl” and “Night Taxi” were heard from every window. That evening in “Cosmos” they got terribly drunk in the bar, after which they walked around hugging each other. Their romance lasted only three months. Vetlitskaya later admitted that Zhenya loved her very much, but she did not take him seriously. Belousov fell head over heels for the singer, forgetting about his common-law wife Elena and her child. “Christina was three months old when Zhenya arrived and told me about the upcoming wedding with Vetlitskaya,” Elena recalled. “Then I talked to Natasha on the phone. I had to wish her happiness. And here’s what Vetlitskaya said about it. According to her, Zhenya complained that a girl wanted to marry him. So they came up with the idea of ​​registering so that she would get away from him. The day after the wedding, Belousov left for Saratov with Integral. And when he returned, he found a note on the table: “Goodbye. Yours Natasha." Vetlitskaya flew off to her next admirer. She had a long-term relationship with producer Pavel Vashchekin. with producer Pavel Vashchekin... Singer Roma Zhukov also spoke about his passionate affair with the pop diva. After a quarrel with Vashchekin, Natalya began to experience creative stagnation. The billionaire oligarch Suleiman Kerimov brought her back to life on the stage. It was he who, on the singer’s 38th birthday, rented a 19th-century noble estate in the Moscow region. All Moscow bohemia celebrated. “Modern Talking” and Toto Cutugno sang especially for Vetlitskaya and her guests. Thanks to Kerimov’s connections and money, Vetlitskaya’s videos were played on television for months. As a farewell gift, the oligarch gave Natasha a plane! His imagination was shocked by another star - ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Having met her former lover in a restaurant with Nastya, Vetlitskaya, in a fit of jealousy, promised to give her rival a good beating by hiring bandits. Anastasia followed difficult love paths to Suleiman. Her arsenal already included the philanthropist and authoritative person Anzori Aksentiev, and she wrested her fiancé from Ksenia Sobchak, the oil oligarch Vyacheslav Leibman. He was replaced in turn by the metallurgical oligarch Mikhail Zhivilo and the construction magnate Sergei Polonsky. But Suleiman’s relationship with Anastasia also turned out to be short-lived. They gossiped that the ballerina had hurt him. In any case, it was after their breakup that she began to have problems in the theater. Kerimov’s next passion was another gorgeous diva, Zhanna Friske. The details of their romance did not become public knowledge. The couple was caught only once in the Moscow restaurant “Aist”. And after Zhanna, the oligarch showered television presenter Tina Kandelaki with signs of attention. It was she who ended up in Kerimov’s car during the famous accident in Nice, when his car caught fire and he and Tina miraculously survived.
Natalya Vetlitskaya, dismissed by Kerimov, did not grieve alone for long. She began an affair with Mikhail Topalov, the producer of the Smash group and the father of its lead singer, Vlad. It’s no wonder that her pregnancy was immediately attributed to this connection. However, it turned out that the 40-year-old singer gave birth to a daughter from a certain young man named Alexey. Updated 26/04/10 15:35: Vlad Stashevsky I met her in the summer of 1993 and for a long time called her nothing other than Natalya Igorevna. And one day he came to her creative evening at the Metropol Hotel with an armful of burgundy roses and, in front of everyone, beat off the rich businessman Pavel Vashchekin. Their romantic relationship continued for several months, after which it ended successfully. Why? Here’s how Vlad Stashevsky himself explains it: “Natasha and I have a 10-year difference. In any case, this could not last long. I just figured out the moment when I would be 35, and so would she... It was breaking me, and I realized that I needed something younger. My circle, worldview. She had completely different views, she is an adult. And I only recently reached adulthood... After Vetlitskaya, I made a conclusion for myself: I will no longer go with the gray girl. But I don’t need another Name next to me. I just need a good man. To say that I “got burned” on Natasha means admitting that she is a femme fatale. In fact, I am the fatal one. Because I'm younger. And I left and told her: “Goodbye.” Then a lot coincided: my departure on a cruise for 24 days and our separation. We quietly moved away from each other, without tears or scandals. We remained friends. Almost always I break up quietly and peacefully with the girls with whom I had an affair. And nothing prevents us from meeting again out of old friendship...”

Becoming at the end of the fiery 80s soloist of the group "Mirage", Natalya Vetlitskaya won the hearts of millions. In the 90s, her songs were heard from all radios. The bright, flexible blonde instantly became a sex symbol of the time. But where did she go at the peak of her popularity in 2004 and why does she attract such interest from journalists?

In one of her posts on social networks, Natalya stated that she did not want to return to her homeland and only wanted peace. Editorial "So simple!" I decided to find out what happened to the talented singer and what made her leave the country.

Natalya Vetlitskaya and her daughter

Star Vetlitskaya's career began back in 1983, when she took part in recording songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye.” In 1985, the film “Train Off Schedule” appeared on the screens, in which a song performed by Natalya sounds. In 1988, the artist became one of the soloists of the Mirage group, with which she toured almost the entire USSR. The songs of this group are still listened to and sung to this day.

The singer also pursued a solo career. She released 8 albums, sang with many celebrities, and also starred in several films. By the way, her first solo video was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself. She set trends in haircuts, young girls imitated her, her songs sounded everywhere. But in 2004, she suddenly left the stage, although she was at the peak of her popularity.

Vetlitskaya decided to radically change her life at the age of 40 - she became a mother. True, at first she did not want to give birth, but producer Viktor Yudin persuaded her to keep the child. However, Vetlitskaya has not announced the name of her daughter’s father to this day.

As you may have guessed, Natalya completely devoted herself to the child. She is also very interested in yoga and makes pilgrimages to India several times a year. The former singer lives with her daughter in a small two-story house in the small Spanish town of Denia. She has a nanny and a gardener. Natalya never got married. In her free time, she decorates and restores houses, and also rents out housing in Spain.

Not long ago, Natalya was invited to appear on television in Moscow. To which she gave a very sharp and bold answer, which she posted on the Internet: “When I needed Channel One, it didn’t need me. And now, when I don’t need him at all, he desperately needs me. There is no justice in life."

Glory must no longer attract her at all, because the other day Vetlitskaya posted a daring and arrogant message to media representatives on a social network: “To everyone interested in my interviews and who wants to get in touch with me through my friends and acquaintances, at all costs I want to say only one thing: leave this hopeless idea.

You can try to hound me in your media as much as you want in an attempt to anger or scare me in order to provoke a response, but the interview will never happen. Because I despise you. Look for another object for your bourgeois curiosity.”

The ex-singer monitors the political and economic situation in her homeland, constantly watches and reads news from Russia. And he speaks quite sharply about life in Moscow, criticizes everything: new laws, roads, changes on television, etc. She has not appeared in the capital for about two years: “For me, Spain is no less dear, but even more so...”

Natalya rarely publishes new photos, but they clearly show that she looks much younger than her 52 years. Apparently, the radical changes in her life only benefited her.

TASS/Chumichev Alexander

There are always many men next to a beautiful woman. One of the brightest Russian stars of the 90s, Natalya Vetlitskaya, was no exception. She married some, simply lived with others, and cheated on others. The more radical seems the change that happened to the singer after forty: one man, one daughter and no social life.

One ballet on my mind

Her family always loved music: her mother played the piano, her father was fond of opera, and little Natasha graduated with honors from a music school as an external student. At the same time, she was engaged in ballroom dancing, and at first this hobby took precedence over music.

Vetlitskaya began teaching choreography at school and toured with a ballet group. As her first husband, Pavel Smeyan, put it, at the age of 17, “she had only ballet on her mind.”

...They met when a company of musicians, among whom was Pavel, gathered to visit one of them. A friend of Smeyan noticed a young girl with ice cream in her hand on the street and invited her to join.

“When the car started moving, it suddenly dawned on him that he was taking some underage girl home to his wife. How to be? It's inconvenient. “Listen,” he tells her, “decide for yourself whose girl you will be - Pashina or Yurina? Just not mine." No one pulled her tongue, she answered herself: “Pashina,” Smeyan recalled their acquaintance.

That evening he walked her home. Vetlitskaya’s parents were hostile to the relationship between their young, unspoiled girl and an adult musician. Even official marriage did not help: Natasha’s mother saw that something was not going well in the marriage, that her daughter was not happy.

It was true. A talented singer and composer, Pavel, however, began to abuse alcohol and could easily raise his hand against his wife. It is thanks to him that Vetlitskaya will think about a singer’s career - but she will do it without him.

The first marriage ended in divorce. She had many more novels ahead.

"Soul" as a gift

In the late 80s, Natalya Vetlitskaya worked as a backup dancer and backing vocals in the Rondo group. At one of the performances, the director of the Mirage ensemble noticed her: the spectacular blonde was ideally suited to replace Natalya Gulkina, who left the project.

The very first song Vetlitskaya recorded as part of Mirage, “Music Has Connected Us,” became a hit. They began to recognize her, take autographs - and Natalya took advantage of the moment. One year at Mirage was enough for her to start a solo career.

There were no problems with the material for the first album: at that moment Vetlitskaya was dating Dmitry Malikov, who not only sang, but also composed the music himself. He gave the song “Soul” to his beloved for her birthday.

At one point, Vetlitskaya became a celebrity, a sex symbol and an idol of young girls throughout the post-Soviet space. Her concerts were sold out, cassettes with the album “Look into your eyes” were sold out instantly, and the video for the song of the same name was shot by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself.

Only Dmitry Malikov was left out of this celebration of life. Vetlitskaya’s relationship with the author of her first hit lasted only about three years - and, as Dmitry says, it stopped due to the singer’s infidelities.

A short marriage and many admirers

Natalya Vetlitskaya and Fyodor Bondarchuk The 90s were the heyday of not only Vetlitskaya’s creativity, but also her whirlwind romances.

Her marriage to singer Yevgeny Belousov regularly appears on lists of the shortest celebrity romances.

They dated for three months and got married on January 1st. And after 10 days they quarreled and went on tour. They didn’t delay the divorce either.

Among Natalia’s fans were Vlad Stashevsky, oligarch Suleiman Kerimov, and producer Mikhail Topalov. They gave her luxurious bouquets at concerts, threw unprecedented parties in her honor, but sooner or later they inevitably left her life.

Vetlitskaya entered into her third official marriage with Kirill Kirin, who worked as an administrator for Philip Kirkorov. He didn't last long either.

This marathon of men stopped in the early 2000s, when Natalya met an unknown yoga trainer Alexei and gave birth to his daughter Ulyana. She was 40 years old when she first became a mother.

Whether the birth of a child played a role, or Natalya simply became wiser, her career as a singer and gossip heroine ended almost immediately. Together with her family, Vetlitskaya moved to Spain, began to lead a closed lifestyle and calmly raise her daughter.

“Nothing can scare or surprise me anymore. At the same time, I have not forgotten how to admire and be surprised by life. I respect and love myself very much,” Natalya said in a recent interview.

She occasionally reminds herself of herself with posts on social networks and rare selfies (and even now, at 53, she looks great). But her music unexpectedly received a rebirth: in the new comedy “Myths” with Russian stars the song “Look into your eyes” is heard again, covered by Paulina Andreeva.

Natalya Vetlitskaya (August 17, 1964, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian singer.
At the age of ten, she began to practice ballroom dancing professionally, and then entered a music school where she studied piano, graduating in 1979 with a gold medal.

At the age of 17, Natalya began running a ballroom dancing school on her own. For ten years, starting in 1974, the future singer repeatedly took part in various ballroom competitions.

Having become the wife of singer Pavel Smeyan, Natalya performed a duet with him several times. In 1985, their performance was shown in the program “Morning Mail”. The song performed by Natalya Vetlitskaya and Pavel Smeyan was called “Ci Sara” (a rehash of the song by Al Bano and Romina Power). She also participated in the recording of the song “Bad Weather” for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” (she sings along with Pavel Smeyan in the chorus). Pavel and Natalya then performed this song in the same “Morning Mail” (the credits indicated “Pavel and Natalya Smeyan”).

In 1985, having previously worked for about a year in ballet with Alla Pugacheva, Natalya joined the popular group “Rondo” as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist. Then, for two years, starting in 1986, Natalya performed as a dancer and backing vocalist in two more well-known groups: “Class” and “Idea Fix”.

In the same 1985, the disaster film The Unscheduled Train was released on the screens of the country, in which a song performed by Pavel Smeyan and Natalya Vetlitskaya was heard.

And finally, in 1988, Natalya became the lead singer of the super-popular group “Mirage” (All-Union studio “SPM Record” by Yu. Chernavsky). As part of this group, she toured almost all the cities of the former USSR. At the end of 1987, Natalya, along with other Soviet pop stars, took part in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle,” which was shown on New Year’s television.

After leaving the Mirage group, Natalya begins a solo career. Vetlitskaya gained popularity with the song “Look into your eyes.” The video clip, shot by the famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk, created a sensation in show business. At the first international video clip festival “Generation 92” this clip unanimously won first place. Natalya became the owner of the Golden Apple. Natalya instantly became famous. The press and television declared Natalia a new sex symbol. In the wake of her popularity, the singer released two commercially successful albums, “Look into your eyes” and “Playboy”. Songs from these albums, taking the top lines of various charts, strengthened the singer’s success. Video clips were shot for many compositions, including: the stylized 18th-century costume video “Soul”, the lyrical and tender “Magic Dream”, as well as the defiantly sexy “Playboy”.

In 1996, the singer’s next album, “Slave of Love,” was released. Natalya regained the public's interest in herself and began appearing on screens again. Songs from the new album were constantly in rotation on many radio stations. This was followed by the album “The Best” - a collection of Natalia Vetlitskaya’s best hits.

In 1997, the famous director Dean Mukhametdinov made the musical film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” Our popular artists starred in this film, and one of the main roles - the insidious and seductive fox Alice - was played by Natalya Vetlitskaya. In the film, the elegant fox Alice performed several compositions, including the lullaby “Sleep, Karabas”, the gangster escapade “Taj Mahal” in a duet with Sergei Mazaev, who played the cat Basilio in the film, and “Whales of Hits” with Bogdan Titomir, who played on the screen image of Karabas Barabas.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's next album, “Think What You Want,” was released in 1998. A video was shot for the title track, in which the singer appeared in the guise of a vamp. The commercial success of this album was secured by several more hit songs, including two lyrical songs performed in a duet with Sergei Mazaev - “Words You Can’t Say” - and Dmitry Malikov - “What a Strange Fate”. During the same period, Vetlitskaya recorded the song “Rivers” in a duet with the leader of the group “Nogu Svelo” Maxim Pokrovsky.

At the end of September 1998, Natalya takes part in the opening ceremony of the MTV Russia television channel, as well as in a concert dedicated to this event.

In 1999, Vetlitskaya’s next album, “Just Like That,” was released. Several tracks from this album took first place in the charts and charts throughout the year. The new gorgeous video “Been there, wasn’t” was constantly in rotation on television. The hit song “Stupid Dreams” that followed it and the video clip that was shot showed that Natalia’s image can be not only defiantly sexy, but also simple and dreamy. The clip was filmed in a virtual studio using the latest computer advances. The success of the album was cemented by the hit “Bees”. In the same year, Natalya takes part in the filming of the comedy melodrama “Criminal Tango” directed by Dean Mukhametdinov.

At the beginning of 1999, Natalya Vetlitskaya began creating her own production center. “Ramona,” the singer chose the name for her center, included two studios, a dance hall, a VIP dressing room, a bar and an office part. Subsequently, this center became one of the best in Russia, both in terms of musical and technical equipment, and in terms of design.

The beginning of 2001 for Natalia was marked by a new turn in her work. New image, new style and new songs. The new song “Boys” is heard in clubs and discos. TV channels are playing new compositions from the upcoming album: “Snowflake”, “Three Days Until September”, “Boys”, in which Petlyura and his models took part, “Cool, Okay” and “I’m Waiting for a Call”. In addition to working on the new album, Natalya recorded the compositions “Hare Krishna” and “Pushkin”, which were released on various collections. A collaboration between Natalia Vetlitskaya and English DJ and producer Tee Smith, a resident of the English club Ministry of Sound, called “Mama Loka (Tee Smith’s zone edit)” is heard on the dance floors of Europe. Having visited Natalia Vetlitskaya’s studio at the end of 2002 to work on her new songs performed in English, French and Spanish, T. Smith made several remixes of the song “Mama Loka” (“Crazy Mom” translated from Spanish). One of them premiered in November 2002 on the English radio station Soul City. As a result, it took 30th place in the hit parade of club and dance remixes in English, German, French and other European countries. Plus the official release of a remix on the “CLUB TOOLS” compilation by the German record company Edel Records. On the eve of the release of Natalia’s new album, fans saw several more fresh video clips: “Halves”, “Eyes the color of whiskey” and “Petals”. The release of the singer’s latest album to date, “My Favorite...”, took place at the beginning of 2004. At the moment, Natalya is recording two albums in parallel in the studio, one of which will be non-commercial, with a jazz-rock focus. Thus, Natalya is making her long-time dream come true.

Natalya Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry, and is engaged in painting and design.

In addition to her musical activities, Natalya is also involved in charity work. Since 1999, Natalya has constantly provided financial assistance to the children of psychoneurological hospital No. 4, located in the village of Nikolskoye, Ruza district.

The beautiful and charming Natalya Vetlitskaya, who during her active career managed to go from dancing to the film stage, used to win the hearts of viewers with just her smile. And not only the audience, but also all the men who found themselves surrounded by her. In the nineties, almost everyone knew her songs, but now the famous blonde has decided to give up her career and devotes her time to her family. Although Natalya does not allow herself to be completely forgotten, she started her own blog, which turned out to be interesting to quite a few people.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Vetlitskaya

The spectacular blonde always carefully monitors her appearance and looks simply gorgeous even at 53 years old. Now the woman lives with her daughter in Spain and simply enjoys a quiet life, although it is worth saying that the paparazzi are still interested in her person, periodically posting photographs of the former singer online. Natalya herself also recently pleased her fans with a new photo on her Instagram profile, showing her natural beauty. Height, weight, age, how old is Natalya Vetlitskaya, all this data is not secret, the singer’s height is 168, and her weight is 55 kg.

Biography and personal life of Natalya Vetlitskaya

Natalya was born in Moscow, in the family of a talented musician, her mother worked as a piano teacher, and her father was a nuclear physicist. Natalya herself, like her mother, had a talent for music since childhood and when the girl was still very young, it was decided to send her to study piano at a music school, which the girl graduated with honors. But in parallel with music, Natalia also studied ballroom dancing, and at the age of 17 she was already a dance teacher.

Then, for 10 years, Natalya has been dancing, participating in various competitions and teaching the new generation.

Then, in Natalia’s life a group such as “Rondo” appeared, in which the girl was taken not only as a dancer, but also as a backing vocalist. As part of the group, the girl recorded 4 solo compositions. Afterwards she worked in several more groups until she joined the Mirage musical group as one of the soloists. It was with this group that she managed to become famous and even tour the entire USSR with concerts.

But later Natalya decided to start a solo career and left the Mirage team. During her career, the girl recorded as many as 9 albums, the songs from which were extremely popular and sung by everyone.

Biography and personal life of Natalya Vetlitskaya is quite stormy and eventful. Her biography, or rather career, was filled with different people, changes in teams, and crazy popularity. And in her personal life, Natalya also did not lag behind. She changed many men, the singer had 4 official marriages and a lot of simple relationships, which she did not hesitate to advertise.

Family and children of Natalia Vetlitskaya

But, despite the diversity in her personal life, the singer still managed to find her happiness. Now she is married and has a daughter. Natalya Vetlitskaya’s family and children appeared at a fairly late age, namely at 40 years old, so she, realizing that she had already lived for herself, decided to devote all her time to raising a child and building a comfortable life even now. Natalya Vetlitskaya and her daughter and husband photos from 2016 began to appear more and more often on her social networks. Now Natalya lives in Spain, and lives like an ordinary woman, far from the stage, public and fame, for the first time in many years a woman is truly happy, and Recently, new photographs of the singer began to appear in popular magazines with the headlines: “Natalia Vetlitskaya photo 2017,” where it is clear that such a measured and quiet life has a positive effect on the appearance of a beautiful woman.

Daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya - Ulyana Vetlitskaya

For a long time, there was no information about Natalya’s daughter at all; she carefully hid her life, but not so long ago she shared with fans how her Ulyana is growing up. The girl loves animals very much and opposes violence against them. Natalya supports vegetarianism and Ulya followed in her mother’s footsteps. And not so long ago, Ulyana went to visit Russia and then declared that she would never go to visit her grandparents again, because they do not respect animals, they have the skin of a bear on the floor, and the heads of killed animals on the walls. The girl is an ardent opponent of hunting animals. The daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya, Ulyana Vetlitskaya, is growing up as a very kind and open girl.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's ex-husband - Pavel Smeyan

It’s no longer a secret that Natalya had many affairs and marriages, and she herself is not shy about it. Her first husband was Pavel Smeyan, a Soviet and Russian musician and composer. The man was born into a family of film workers, from childhood he discovered a talent for music, went to study at a music school, and after graduation he studied at the Gnessin School. For a long time, together with his twin brother, they worked in the Victoria group, and after Alexander, Pavel’s brother, died, the man completely fell into music and took up vocals seriously. He lived in marriage with Natalya for three years. Natalya Vetlitskaya's ex-husband, Pavel Smeyan, died on July 10, 2009 at the age of 52.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's ex-husband - Evgeny Belousov

Natalya Vetlitskaya’s ex-husband, Evgeny Belousov, was also a musician, namely a pop singer and quite popular in the nineties. He is the author of such popular songs as: “Girl-Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Cloud of Hair”. The marriage between Natalya and Evgeniy lasted only 10 days. Perhaps this is one of the shortest marriages in the history of the music scene. Evgeniy himself was married 5 times. He never hid the fact that women have played almost the main role in his life since he was 14 years old. Evgenia died on June 2, 1997 from a stroke at the age of 32.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's ex-husband - Kirill Kirin

Natalya Vetlitskaya’s ex-husband, Kirill Kirin, works as a fashion model and for some time was an administrator for Philip Kirkorov. There was no love relationship between Natalya and Kirill, but only a marriage of convenience, as the singer herself admitted. At that time, she needed a residence permit in Moscow, and one friend advised her to marry this guy. She paid him and they got married, and then for five years they did not dissolve the marriage simply because there was no need. But Kirill turned out to be not the most decent person and even borrowed money from Natalya and still has not returned it.

Natalya Vetlitskaya's husband - Alexey

But Natalya Vetlitskaya’s fourth husband, Alexey, is practically unknown to the public. We only know that for a long time he was her yoga coach, and later Natalya gave birth to his daughter and got married. This is perhaps Natalia’s longest relationship and the couple is still together. Natalya, of course, under the guidance of her husband, also went into various eastern teachings, and also delved into the knowledge of yoga. Despite the fact that the woman had many affairs with famous, rich men, only an ordinary yoga teacher managed to make her truly happy.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Vetlitskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Natalia Vetlitskaya will probably tell you the most detailed information about the singer. The woman is an active user of social networks, often delighting fans with new photographs and interesting posts. Despite the fact that the woman left the stage a long time ago, she still did not completely abandon her fans and started a blog, although not everyone likes it, because Natalia’s blog is politically motivated, where she tells her opinion and secrets that she knows. But the blog is not only about this, she also shares information with fans about how her life is going now, as well as the teachings that she is interested in.