How to learn to see the future? Advice from experienced psychics. How to predict the future

If you are the kind of person who, like me, strives look into the future, there, around the corner, around the turn of today, then this article is just for you.

Sometimes we face a difficult, if not fateful choice, For example:

  • Where should I go to study if I have many talents and anyone can become the main future profession?
  • Should I buy this apartment or another, given that each option has its own pros and cons?
  • If I prefer this particular man, how will our life together turn out?

Fortune telling as a way and attempt to look into the future, is probably the most popular topic of all time.

And the question is always relevant: can every person look into the future and make the right choice on their own, or is it necessary to turn to individuals gifted with superpowers?

Previously, when choosing where to take the next step, especially if there are several alternatives, I experimented with the following methods:

  • astrological forecasting;
  • rhythmological analysis of signs;
  • fortune telling using Tarot cards, runes, the Book of Changes (I Ching), etc.;
  • I made a request before going to bed and analyzed what I saw in my dreams, incl. conscious;
  • I listened to my inner voices: intuition, logic and common sense, the dialogue between logic and intuition.

All these methods work one way or another, they all provide help, they are all good in their own way, and they all have their weak points.

And this story is dedicated to my discoveries and observations in Reincarnation, which I recently began to study...

Reincarnation as a predictive method

Sometimes, when telling people about the merits of Reincarnation, I hear in response:

- Oh, well, these are past lives... I’m more concerned about what will happen to me tomorrow or in a year.

My first, clear answer: If you don’t throw off the burdens and rotten things of the past, if you don’t activate resources from past lives, the road to a bright future may not be so bright. And walking along it will turn out to be much more difficult than initially thought.

My answer is second, inspiring: Reincarnation allows you to look into the future and, moreover, view alternative options for your trajectory, planning your next step.

After all, our wise Soul already knows which option is best for us. Better means it corresponds to our original development plan.

Now you know that Reincarnation is a method that works with the past, present and future. And also with processes, causes and effects.

I will give an example of using this method for choosing the direction of your development path for the near future.

The value of history is that it is based not on a beautiful theory, but on life practice. I already live in the version of the future that I saw six months ago and agreed that it was the best for me.

Working with the future as elementary clairvoyance

When I completed my first year of study at the Institute of Reincarnation, the topic of the last lesson was studying the “Alternative Future Planning” methodology.

The most pressing choice for me at that moment was the question: whether to go on to study further, to the 2nd year, and get the profession of “Consultant” or to prefer some other direction in life.

I won’t tell you about the alternative options for moving through life that I had, it’s not important now.

Key Question stood like this: if I go on to study for the 2nd year at the Institute of Reincarnation, what awaits me here, on this path? What consequences await me from this choice?

A little clarification. Anyone who knows the method of Reincarnation already knows that the subconscious speaks to us in a figurative, symbolic language.

Immersing yourself in these images and signs, you unmistakably, using your system of reference points in the form of feelings, thoughts and sensations, determine how positive they are for you, how energetic and information-filled they are.

And looking at the whole picture images and signs from above, you clearly see their meaning, which is important for the development of your Soul.

So, according to the given intention, I look through the chosen option of my path in immersion: how will my future life turn out if I study in the 2nd year of the IR and acquire the profession of “Consultant”?

I am walking along a road made of an unusual material that is stronger than asphalt, stronger than stone. It feels like it was built a long time ago, but it has been perfectly preserved. Thought in my head: " This road was built by the ancients».

From this road I feel the aroma of mystery, meaning, and something inside me lights up with delight! The feeling of calm and reliability is like reference frequencies.

The path continues, on the section of the road corresponding to the end of my studies at the Institute, I am met by the Spirits of people who once engaged in similar practices.

The spirits offer me various kinds of gifts: scrolls, books, amulets, some kind of energy balls. They offer their help and protection. I feel and understand: all this will be for my benefit, for my good.

I like perfumes, and I promise them to support and develop the qualities of our common path. They surround me, as if accepting me into their circle - something like dedication. Then Guardian Spirits they let me pass further.

I'm moving forward another six months. There I settle into new housing, this is the castle that I saw from afar. The castle is filled with people who are minding their own business and conducting various studies.

And from this castle we have a connection with the whole world: I see communication lines, portals, flying objects and balls of energy. People and Spirits.

I see that I am working in an office, and this office is perfectly equipped.

I'm moving forward another six months. There is no longer any spatial movement, I am in the same office.

But serious internal development is taking place, I I'm becoming more refined, I become able to differentiate, based on the smallest nuances, everything that happens in the castle and everything that comes to me from the outside world. I really, really like this state.

Do I feel this path is easy for myself? It is not light, not heavy, it is mine. There is a readiness for something else, for continuation, for development. Feeling that on this path I'm constantly waiting for updates, new people, new topics.

I see that, out of necessity and the Call, spiritual vertical channels can connect to me at any moment.

Rating the sensations of being on this path on a 10-point scale – all 10 points!

And as a result of looking at my future, an understanding forms within me: the main thing now is intention, you need to go your own way, and everything else will work out by itself.

These are the images I saw at the end of September 2016.

But how did the real events turn out?

It is now April 2017, six months have passed since the described future planning session. On the event plan, I experienced the following changes:

I'm great completed the 2nd year “Consultant” Institute of Reincarnation Studies, gained initial experience in consulting clients, made my own professional website, wrote many articles, and became certified.

After which I received an invitation to work at the Institute on a basic course as a captain. Now I am a captain-trainee of the basic course of the Institute of Reincarnation.

My workshop, where I have worked for the last 6 years, was flooded by a “caring neighbor” from the top floor. Of course, I understand that this was getting rid of an old and limiting space with the help of a minor natural disaster.

I had to look a new place for professional activities. Now this is an office, an excellent bright office, in which I am writing this article. It is still far from ideal, but furniture and equipment are a real deal.

It is easy to draw parallels between the images of the future seen and the real future that has already happened.

So I draw a simple and clear conclusion: in my case images of the planned future turned into real facts.

And if we focus on the principle: “trust, but verify,” then for me the method of alternative future planning, which I learned at the Institute of Reincarnation, has passed its practical test of compliance with real life 100%.

It's nice to know that I have practical clairvoyance, which was easy to master and can be effectively used in the future by me, as well as by most readers of these lines.

After all, when people know how to plan their events from the level of the Soul, their life goals become more meaningful, and their path becomes much more harmonious. Life is brighter and more interesting among such people.

I strive for this, and you?

First, we will look at how you can predict fate? After all, a predictor, in fact, can be considered anyone who in any way predicts future events. This also includes scientific forecasting. This method of prediction has nothing to do with the supernatural capabilities of man, but only with the unique abilities of the human mind to see patterns and the smallest hints in current events or those that happened a long time ago. Moreover, many are sure that all the predictions (especially of the ancient soothsayers) were based precisely on this.

Another way of prediction is falling into ecstasy. This method is still used in some tribes by shamans. With the help of various techniques and rituals, they could fall into a trance, where they communicated with the spirits of their ancestors, who told them the future. Of course, the shamans knew a lot, were good healers and spiritual leaders of the tribe. They learned this art from childhood.

For some predictors, the gift manifested itself in a dream. It was there that they could see a piece of a future event or someone's future fate. And, of course, you can predict using objects - cards, crystal balls, candle flames, mirrors, etc. It should be noted that for cards, for example, there are already compiled interpreters, so with them it is easier to get an answer to the question. But with magic balls or candle flames it will be more difficult. It really takes ability.

Some can make predictions using the inner eye, seeing pictures of the future in front of them. Very often, such a gift is developed in blind people (for example, the Bulgarian seer Vanga). This gift can also be trained by developing a certain chakra, which is responsible for foresight.

How to learn prediction using various objects

As mentioned above, you can predict fate and events in completely different ways. For example, using Tarot cards, looking into a crystal ball, or seeing fate in coffee grounds. However, even the use of objects presupposes the presence of personal power. Next we will talk in more detail about working with multiple items.

So, how to learn fortune telling using Tarot cards or runes? In many ways, these two methods are similar, because you need to decipher the dropped characters correctly. Of course, for this you need the cards or runes themselves and an interpreter for them. At first, while you are studying, you will need it to clarify the dropped signs. To improve your understanding of the signs, you should spend sessions every day, deciphering the dropped symbols and checking how accurate your predictions are. After some time, you will have an intuition in working with runes or cards. Predictions will become more accurate.

Predicting the future using crystal is much more difficult. First, you must purchase a good real rock crystal ball. But if you haven’t found one, then a simple transparent glass ball without foreign inclusions will do. To conduct the session, the ball must be placed on a table covered with a dark tablecloth. It is advisable to close the curtains and light candles. Sit down at the table and relax. Look at the glass ball, detaching yourself a little, without forcefully trying to see something.

Each such session should last no more than half an hour, three times a week. After some time, you will be able to see haze or fog in the ball. This is a sign that everything is working out for you. After a while you will be able to see clear pictures in it. Remember that prediction with this subject takes a lot of power, so if you feel any discomfort, stop immediately.

Another way to receive a prediction is a prophetic dream. Some people can actually see future events in their dreams. The most important thing here is to remember in the morning what you dreamed about. To do this, place a pen and a piece of paper near the bed. Every time you wake up, be sure to write down everything you saw. Then you can begin to interpret. For example, by turning to dream books, of which there are now many, or by trusting your intuition and trying to decipher it yourself.

Of course, these are not all the ways to obtain predictions. There are many more of them. But all of them require not only abilities, as well as their development, but also great knowledge. Almost every method involves the appearance of a symbol that needs to be interpreted. And to do this you need to know what they mean.

Third eye training

One way to look into the future is through the inner eye. It should be noted that with a developed “third eye” you can be not only a good seer, but also a psychic, bioenergeticist, and also a healer. The development of the Ajna chakra involves the emergence of various abilities in a person.

How can she be trained? The simplest exercise is considered to be working with the eyes. This technique is described in detail in one of the articles on our website. In addition, you can include yoga, meditation, and various visualizations of pictures in your training. Concentration is also important in this matter.

A very useful initial exercise for relaxation and concentration with a candle. In the evening, light a candle and sit next to it at a distance of 10-30 centimeters. Stare at the flame for five to ten minutes. Try not to blink. After the specified time, you need to close your eyes and blow out the candle. Various colors, perhaps pictures, will appear before your mind's eye. Be focused while doing this, but don't get tense.

Prediction training with the help of specialists

Like any knowledge or ability, the gift of prediction can be learned from specialists. And this will be the most correct option, especially for beginners. To gain decent knowledge, you should find a good school or courses where an experienced teacher can pass on his knowledge to you, warn you against mistakes and guide you along the right path.

It should be noted here that, even after completing training at school, you should not stop there. Training should be continued and abilities should be developed, because they can easily be lost, especially for those whose personal strength is already small.

Some nuances in receiving the gift of prediction

In addition to training, developing intuition and other techniques that you can use to develop your gift, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. For example, everyone has probably heard about visionary elders in Christianity or monks from other faiths who had the gift of seeing the future. They received it thanks to fervent prayer, constant fasting and modest monastic life. Often this happened as a result of an illness that was miraculously cured.

It should be noted that many people who prayed to God to give them the gift of prediction actually received it. Sometimes it was inherited if a person lived in the world and had children. This is how generic soothsayers appeared, and the strength of each gift was not the same.

The gift of divination can be obtained as a result of an accident or clinical death. There is a lot of evidence of people gaining unusual abilities this way. However, this should not be done intentionally. The gift of seeing the future can also be acquired after wanderings and long pilgrimages, but this method will not work if a person does not work spiritually.


So, now you know what you need to do to learn how to predict various events. At the very end, it should be mentioned that any person, even those who do not suspect the gift of prediction, can get an answer to their question. You just need to formulate it precisely, and then, if the person is a believer, then pray; if not, then just know that there will be an answer. And indeed it is. You will receive an answer, the main thing is to be careful. The words of your grandmother on the bench or a phrase you accidentally read may be exactly what you are waiting for.

You can read more about various interesting human abilities, as well as energy-informational influences and ways to resist them

Quite simple - you just need to look on the other side of the world... (this is not a joke). This does not mean that Light (of the Universe), but the ordinary light that we all receive from the Sun and other subjects of the Universe. Let us not delve into the details now, which everyone knows that light is an oscillatory process of directly propagating waves in infinite space, which brings heat, lighting, etc. to us, and which made it possible to live on planet Earth. In addition to the above, let's dwell on such a property of light as memory. Yes, light is the carrier of memory in the Universe, which spreads everywhere at a speed of close to 300,000 km/sec.

When you are in a completely dark room, you have no visual perception of the environment, then naturally there is no information in memory about it. As soon as the slightest source of light appears, the process begins... Any physical body located within the oscillation frequencies subject to our sense of touch, as a rule, has the ability to receive light (illumination) and reflect it at the same speed in all available directions. It is worth lighting a candle in a dark forest and the origins of light from the smallest light can be seen from the Universe, naturally with the help of certain means and after a certain time. Similarly, the light falling on our planet is reflected and carries a reflection to all ends; I am information that contains everything that happened at the moment. From here we can draw the first conclusion: from the moment our planet acquired the ability to reflect light, information about it has been scattered all over the world and has been like that for about 5 billion years (the generally accepted version about the lifespan of our Earth?!). This means that interested intelligent subjects of the Universe can consider and study us already during the specified period. But the question is: how can we see everything that has flown away??? To do this, we just need to catch up with the reflection that has flown away from us (information about space and time) and look at it... And for this we need to have a speed that can give our object study, consideration, analysis, etc. conditions of movement in space, much higher than the speed of light, and this is neither practically nor theoretically possible... What can we do?

The information provided by the “Contactors” states that in intelligent worlds with a higher degree of development there is not a 3-dimensional coordinate system used on Earth, but much more. Dozens of coordinate systems. What is this for? Let's analyze further. According to the same sources, they have the ability to bend space, which allows them to move almost instantly in space and, most importantly, in time. To make it clear, let's simulate the process. Let's take an ordinary sheet of paper (A3 format), imagine it as a model of a segment of the Universe, which has point A (planet Earth) in one corner, and point B (planet X) in the opposite corner. The shortest distance between points in a 3-dimensional coordinate system (sheet A3) is the diagonal between the corners drawn on a sheet of paper. In order to cover the distance (diagonal length), time is required, which is determined by the speed of movement.

According to our concepts, similarly, we can consider global movements in the Universe, i.e. for example, the distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri is such and such, the speed of movement of our object of study is such and such, the time to achieve the goal is such and such (huge and unbearable for today). Conclusion: we need to look for other ways...

So, what is the curvature of space?
We take our sheet of paper by the corners (points A and B) and bend the sheet into a tube across the diagonal and bring them together. At the same time, in curved space it is no longer a 3-dimensional coordinate system that works, but much more. The distance between points decreases. Everything that is in the plane of the bending sheet (segment of space of the Universe) obeys the laws of this process. Well, if the distance between the planets has decreased significantly, then reaching it is not a problem?! Using this principle, you can reach a point in space from which you can now see the reflection of the Earth, a year ago, 10, 100, a million years ago, etc. up to 5 billion?! All that remains is to learn how to bend space... Let's hope that THEY will help us!

Since ancient times, people have had a desire to predict their future. You can often hear that if you had known everything in advance, many troubles could have been avoided.

Only a few realize that they have the gift of foresight; they just need to develop it. Almost all of us can look into the future.

To develop your gift, you first need to clearly understand why you need it. Let’s make a reservation right away so that a person understands how to learn to see the future - daily practice is needed. Nothing will happen right away; it takes time.

Let's not forget about the mood. Positive motivation and a serious attitude are faithful companions to rapid learning. But even in this case, only a few can predict events within a couple of weeks of training, which is completely normal. It just takes a little longer, be patient.

So, In order to develop the ability to see the future you will need:

  1. Willpower, otherwise the classes will stop very quickly.
  2. A strong desire to achieve an effect.
  3. Positive attitude towards results.

Follow the instructions

At the initial stage you need learn to collect information from the past day. Remember how the day began, from the very morning, collect it bit by bit. In the process, important information will definitely come up that you did not listen to. For example, on your way to work you got stuck in a traffic jam, and your intuition told you that you should have taken a different route. Write this down on a piece of paper. Relax, try not to let anyone bother you to concentrate on your memories.

Try to remember the past day not as simple everyday actions, but break them down into components. Remember your emotions, smells and sounds around you, transfer them to the present day. It is important to remember your feelings; they will help you anticipate some event in the future.

Then you need not only to remember, but also to realize yourself from yesterday and build a mental channel, stretch a thread to today. Try to make information flow through this channel. This technique must be brought to automaticity and only then move on to the next stage.

When you learn to analyze yourself at the end of each day, your feelings and the information received, you can move on to the practice of seeing the future. Knowing your feelings, thoughts and emotions in a given situation, you can easily predict the course of further events and make the right decision.

It is very important to learn to hear your inner voice - intuition. During the learning process, it is she who gives you tips. You can ask a question and track how emotions have changed, what sensations have arisen. At the very beginning, everyone makes mistakes, but gradually they begin to understand the signals that intuition sends.

You can try perform a simple exercise with an object, trying to “read” information about him.

Ask a loved one to put something small in a matchbox so that you cannot see it yourself. Then take it and squeeze it into your fist. Concentrate, throw away all thoughts and mentally draw a channel between you. Feel the contours of the object that are inside the box. It’s not a fact that you will succeed right away, but the chance to develop this ability is huge.

How to see the future in a dream

They have been decoding dreams for a long time, but dreams are still a little-studied state. But it has been proven that dreams can predict the future. Is it possible to look into your future and how to see the dream you want to see and learn to manage it? This is quite possible, subject to certain conditions.

It's no secret that the brain continues to intensively process the information received during the day, even when a person is sleeping. Some scientists, for example, Nichols Born and Dmitry Mendeleev, found solutions to their scientific works in a dream.

All information received during the day is rethought during sleep. That is why people who have learned to build a channel between the past and the present can predict their future in a dream.

You can develop the gift of seeing the future in your dreams if you learn to trust the voice of your intuition. In order for this to happen, you need the right preparation. You need to clearly understand and say: I want to know my future and then proceed to the stages of preparation.

Setting up for a prophetic dream:

A prophetic dream is not magic, but the development of abilities to interact with your future through intuition. The prophetic dream itself may consist not of specific phrases, but of hints and pictures. The information received must be carefully analyzed and the answer must be checked against what the inner voice whispers.

It is quite possible to control dreams and even get answers to some questions that you would like to solve in your life in a more profitable way. You can make a prophetic dream, know the special spell needed to induce such a dream.

Prophetic dream to resolve the issue

When you need to make a decision, but you are not exactly sure which option to lean towards, you can use the following method:

Before going to bed, read the prayer “Our Father » 3 times, and then the spell itself:

“Like an icon stands firmly on an altar,

In her head there is a main angel,

The Lord God Himself guides him,

The Mother of God helps.

The angel guards that dream, in the dream he will show what he promises me in life.

Will protect me from danger, will lead me to the right path,

The eye will remove the wrong choice.


The correct solution to the issue will come in a dream. It is advisable to spend the night alone.

Ritual with a pocket mirror

Helps you see your future clearly and avoid troubles. Before you go to bed, you need to do the following: put a mirror under your pillow so that no one can see it and say:

“As light is reflected in a mirror, as darkness is reflected in a mirror, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future is reflected. Amen".

Druid fortune telling

One of the most ancient fortune telling, which every Druid knew at one time. You can start a home ritual that helps not only determine the future, but also create the conditions for it to come true. And also, you can hear another name: fortune telling of the seven Brahmins.

The text of the spell is very large and you need to look for it not on the Internet, but in more trusted sources. This is important because every word here has great power. You can find it in books on magic.

Fortune telling for love through a dream

To call your future betrothed in a dream, you can perform the following ritual, which can also bring love into the life of an unmarried girl.

You will need:

  • poplar branch;
  • thread from everyday clothes;
  • white candle.

On the night from Thursday to Friday, we tie this thread on a branch and place it at the head of the room. We go to bed and mentally ask for our future loved one to come in a dream:

“My sleep is sound, but it’s a thing. Dream about my betrothed, come. My word is strong. Amen"

An image of your future spouse may appear in a dream. It is considered correct if the ritual is performed on three Thursdays in a row.

You can learn to control your dreams and see your future in them. The main thing is to have desire and willpower.

Feedback on fortune telling by Brahmins

After the ritual, I dreamed that I was driving a car and suddenly flew off the road. In the morning I thought about it and decided that I would not go to the city today. The dream turned out to be prophetic, since the car in which I was supposed to ride actually got into an accident.

Natalia. M. G. Sredneuralsk.

Review of fortune telling for your betrothed

I performed the described ritual three times, but before that I trained for a long time with prophetic dreams. I dreamed of a man who had a large folder in his hand. And indeed, I met a young man, and he works in an office and constantly walks around with a similar briefcase.

Anastasia K. Stavropol.

Attention, TODAY only!

Usually the future means everything that happens after the present. His arrival is considered imminent. However, there are many views and debates regarding the future. For example, in a linear model of history in space and time, everything develops sequentially. And with a cyclical model of history, events repeat themselves.

What is the future?

Futurologists believe that individuals, organizations, and governments influence the course of events and, by extension, the future. Some people hold the view that the future is predetermined and nothing can be changed. And some philosophers believe that the future does not exist at all, there is only the present.

Others think that with all our actions, words and thoughts we are building the future. Perhaps you have heard that thoughts are material. You are responsible for your future. Then you will understand that the circumstances of your life today reflect the course of past thoughts. And that your future is created by the thoughts you currently have. Thus, by changing the way you think, you can change your future.

People can foresee future events. This is not necessarily extrasensory perception, but the premonition can be very real. Usually based on physiological signals that science still cannot explain. For example, you just “know” that it’s better not to drive today because you have a bad feeling. Or you feel that your boss will come to you now, and it’s better to get to work.

There are several ways to see the future

  • · The scientific method is forecasting. Forecasts are made using mathematical projections or other objectively derived data. Forecasting is used in many fields such as weather forecasting, earthquake forecasting, labor market forecasting and others.
  • · Pseudoscientific – clairvoyance or prophecy. This is the ability to see people, objects and their actions with a sixth sense. Reading the future in the form of subjective impressions or feelings in an altered state of consciousness.

The Dangers of Clairvoyance

In most cases, people see the future while in an altered state of consciousness. When developing the gift of clairvoyance, at first it is difficult to keep yourself in this state and ask the necessary questions. However, after numerous trainings, a person begins to see future events even when he does not want it at all.

Therefore, it is important to keep your abilities under control and not use them when not required. Philosophical and religious theories of various kinds can have a great influence. It is necessary to remain sane, as adverse consequences, even insanity, are possible.

Basics of training

You will not learn to see the future overnight. This will require a lot of training and exercise. And to make progress, you need to train daily. Better set aside some time for yourself. It is important that no one disturbs you at this moment. Go to a quiet place, dim the lights and relax.

Start predicting the future with little things that you can immediately check. For example, guess who is calling you now (of course, regardless of the person’s phone number). What car will pass along the road now, what person will enter the subway car, etc.

Each person “sees” the future differently. This depends on the characteristics of perception and processing of information. Some people have pictures, others will hear sounds, physically sense objects, or simply feel them.

According to one theory, a person sees only a possible version of events. If a person does not change anything, then circumstances will develop in such a way that this will happen. But a person can change his future with his thoughts and actions.

Image Stream

Start practicing image streaming. You just need to describe everything that happens in your mind. Close your eyes and say whatever comes to your mind. Practice makes you more receptive to unconscious knowledge. Your subconscious mind has perfect memory.

Some say that you can tap into the general consciousness. By learning to receive messages from your subconscious mind, you will become more aware. The symbols and signs that your subconscious mind represents to you are unique and have meaning only to you.

Analyze your life

Perhaps if you look back in time, you can remember moments when you knew something was going to happen. Find important lessons in this. What did your prediction look like? In what condition were you able to do this? And what actions did you take? In fact, people subconsciously make thousands of tiny predictions every day. Find out when the bus arrives, understand who is knocking on the door or calling on the phone.


At the beginning of the practice of visioning the future, there is a very interesting technique of transformation. Imagine an acquaintance, relative or friend into whom you will transform. You must imagine in great detail the appearance, manner, gestures and behavior of this person. Then say, “I am (his name).”

And ask some question related to this person. It is better to ask something that you can then check without any problems. For example, what is this person doing at the moment. Various images and pictures will begin to appear in your head. Try to choose a clear answer to the question from them. At the end of the practice, you need to get out of the image of this person, saying: “I am not (his name), but (my name).”


You will need a helper for this exercise. It is necessary that your friend or acquaintance brought you a photograph of a stranger whom he knows. Look carefully at the photo, feel the energy. Describe all the thoughts about this person that pop up in your head. After this, your friend will tell you what you named correctly and where you made a mistake.

Vision through a dream

You can find out your future in a dream. This is often called a “prophetic dream.” At night, our brain processes and integrates our memories of the current day. The hardest thing is to remember your dream. Therefore, prepare a piece of paper and a pen or voice recorder in advance. As soon as you wake up, immediately write down everything you remember. Where you were, what you did, with whom you interacted. Try to remember everything in great detail.

Tarot cards, runes

Seeing the future using this method is more difficult. You need to understand in detail the meanings of each card or rune. Learn to connect the information received. But the result is usually very clear and quite understandable. But the symbols depicted on cards or runes evoke different associations for different people. You will need to learn how to rationally explain the information received.


You travel to the subtle world and receive information from the egregors of Karma. While in meditation, you ask questions and receive answers in a way that is accessible to you. The data comes from the repository of information about all creatures of the Earth, from the information field of the Universe. Typically, this technique is used by professionals who have studied for more than one year.

The more often you practice seeing the future, the faster you will learn to intuitively see it. By practicing image flow, dream interpretation and life analysis, you will become more adept at knowing what you think on all levels, both conscious and unconscious.

With heightened senses, you will feel a threat before its immediate signs appear. You will begin to understand the state and mood of people. You may have spontaneous visions in the form of visual images associated with events from the past or future. With certain skills, you can learn to see through obstacles: what is hidden in an envelope, in a box, or behind a wall.