How to give yourself a medium length hairstyle. Simple hairstyles for medium hair.

Owners of average and long hair Often you have to spend a lot of time not only caring for them, but also styling them. It is inconvenient to constantly wear loose curls of such length, not to mention special occasions where hairstyle is an obligatory part of the toilet.

Naturally, you can always go to a hairdresser, where a professional will give you the perfect hairstyle. However, this will be quite expensive, and you will have to sit in the cabin for several hours. If you practice a little, you can build any installation yourself. The simple hairstyles for medium hair described below will help even a beginner quickly and beautifully style their curls.


For hair middle length There are a great many different everyday and holiday hairstyles. To build them, you may need some hairdressing supplies, such as a comb, hairpins, barrettes, elastic bands, ribbons and jewelry of your choice.

In addition, you need to prepare the hair itself. First of all, they must be clean and dry. For some hairstyles you need to pre-twist the strands. For these purposes, you can use curlers or special forceps. If you only want your hair to be slightly curled, do not comb it after washing. Just pat your curls dry with a towel, gently tousle the strands with your hands and leave until completely dry. To fix the result, you can use a light mousse.

How to make a beautiful bun

Considering what hairstyles you can make for medium hair with your own hands, it’s easy to guess that one of the simplest and most varied options is a bun.

Retro bundle Classic bun Tightened bun

  1. If you want to create a slightly messy bun, then you should not collect absolutely all the strands. They may stick out a little or fall onto the face.
  2. For a dynamic, chaotic bun, it is advisable to pre-curl your hair. If you need a more strict bun, then it is recommended to use only straight strands.
  3. Lungs messy buns They go well with both straight and oblique bangs.
  4. If you wish, you can place the bun in any part of your head.
  5. Such hairstyles can be decorated with various accessories - decorative hairpins, flowers, ribbons, headbands.
  6. Hairstyles for medium hair should be combined with the chosen image and body shape. So, girls with a beautiful long neck are recommended to make a bun on the top of their head. For ladies with short necks, it is better to place it closer to the back of the head. Tall girls can create any hairstyle for themselves, but as for short representatives of the fair sex, it’s too much updo hairstyles They will look ridiculous on them.

Video: bun of curls


Boho braids

This is a fairly simple and elegant hairstyle for medium length hair. It is done as follows:

  • Take a small section of hair above your left ear and begin a regular braid. If you have Thick hair, then you can make a medium-sized braid. Its end should be secured with a thin rubber band.
  • Then lay the braid on top of your head (parallel to the forehead line) and secure with hairpins or barrettes.
  • In the same way, braid the braid on the right side and place it at the bottom of the head (parallel to the back of the head).
  • In this case, it is advisable to fasten the braids in such a way that the places where they end and begin are not noticeable.
  • All other hair should be gathered into a bun and secured with hairpins or hairpins and hairspray. The beam can be placed either on the side or in the middle.

Video tutorial: boho braid

Hairpiece styling

Chignon - simple, quick styling. In this case, all the hair is collected at the back of the head in an elaborate bun. Instructions for creating a chignon hairstyle:

Classic chignon Chignon with braid Chignon with bun

  • Divide your hair into two halves with a straight parting.
  • Gather both parts into ponytails at the bottom of the head and secure them with thin elastic bands.
  • After that, take one ponytail and twist it in a spiral so that you get a neat bun. To prevent it from losing its shape, secure it with hairpins or hairpins.
  • We lay the second tail in the same way. Both beams should be located as close to each other as possible. Then the hairstyle will look like a single whole.
  • If you have bangs or shorter locks, you can leave them loose.
  • For better hold final result You can spray it with varnish.

Video: chignon hairstyle

Wavy mop

The described hairstyle can be classified as everyday. To build it you will need no more than 5–10 minutes. The presented installation is done in the following sequence:

  • Divide all curls into three parts. One will be located on the top of the head, and the remaining two will be on the sides. To prevent the strands from mixing, they can be separated with hairpins or elastic bands.
  • The front part must be divided in half again and twisted into a bundle to the very end. It is best to start twisting the strands from the sides, moving towards the crown. Curls should be secured at the bottom of the head, closer to the back of the head.
  • After this, take one of the side strands, twist it in the same way and fix it at the bottom of the head along with the previous ones.
  • You will have to do the same manipulations on the other side.
  • The ends of all remaining hair should be collected at the back and twisted into a tube from bottom to top.
  • The resulting structure will only need to be secured with hairpins and barrettes and sprinkled with varnish.

Video tutorial: wavy hairstyle

Volumetric beam

This styling is a good look everyday hairstyles for medium hair. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to curl the curls with curling irons to about the middle. This will make the bun more voluminous.

First, gather your curls into a high ponytail and secure them with a thin elastic band. At the same time, on the last turn of the elastic band, it does not need to be threaded to the very end. This way you should end up with a small loop and a loose end hanging down.

Video: volumetric beam

The loop will need to be straightened from one edge to the other, and the tip will need to be twisted into a rope and wrapped tightly around the bun. Upon completion of the described manipulations, the strands can be secured with hairpins or varnish.

Bun with a large elastic band

To create this style at home, you will need hairpins, barrettes, a comb, two thin and one voluminous elastic bands or a donut roller.

First of all, comb your hair and gather it into a neat ponytail. The higher it is, the higher the beam itself will eventually be located.

Video tutorial of a bun with a donut

Take a large, voluminous elastic band (it looks like a large donut) and thread your hair through it to about the middle. Then all you have to do is twist your hair around the elastic until you reach the base of the ponytail. If necessary, the curls can be sprayed with hairspray for additional hold.

Another way to make a high bun with a large elastic band

To do this, gather your hair into a ponytail, as suggested in the previous instructions, and secure it with an elastic band. In this version of the hairstyle for medium hair, the donut is not located in the center, but at the base of the ponytail, so you need to thread the ponytail through it completely.

Video: bun using a large elastic band

All curls should be evenly distributed over the donut so that it is not visible. Then, using a thinner elastic band, you need to fix the curls in this position. All strands located below the elastic bands should be divided into equal parts and braided.

After this, you need to wrap the resulting braids around the bun and secure the structure with hairpins and varnish. If desired, you can add light hairpins or other accessories there.

This type of styling is suitable for both everyday and festive hairstyles.

All hair should be divided into 3 parts. In this case, the side parts should be smaller than the top. Middle part Hair should be gathered into a low ponytail and combed. As for the hair on the sides, you should braid them in the direction of the bun.

Video tutorial of a bun with braids

In this case, reverse ones will look ideal french braids. But if you are not good at them, then regular ones will do just fine. The resulting braids should be crossed over the bun and wrapped around it. Finally, the hairstyle will simply need to be secured with hairpins.

Bun with curled hair

Before starting the procedure, the strands need to be curled with a small curling iron and separated with your hands. This will make them appear more curvy. After this, the curled curls should be gathered at the back of the head into a loose ponytail. For this purpose, it is better to take a small and inconspicuous elastic band. Next, you will need to form a slightly disheveled bun from the hair and secure it with hairpins. In this case, it is better to let out a few strands near the face.


Tips on how to make a better ponytail:

  1. Such hairstyles for medium hair do not allow for negligence, so you need to comb and collect curls as carefully as possible.
  2. If your strands are constantly coming out and are difficult to style, then you can smooth them out with a light mousse.
  3. It is better to choose small and tight elastic bands for the tail.
  4. In principle, you can add decorations in the form of decorative hairpins or stilettos, but they should be discreet.

Video: ponytail hairstyle for medium hair


French tail

This is very quick hairstyle for all occasions. Any girl can do it. To do this, you need to comb your hair and collect it in the most neat high ponytail. It is advisable to secure it with a small tight elastic band.

If you have bangs, you can also comb them and, twisting them a little, lift them up. To secure, you can use one or more hairpins. The latter should be monochromatic and discreet.

Then, from the bottom of the resulting ponytail, you need to take one strand of medium thickness and wrap it around an elastic band so that it is not visible. The tip of the curl can be secured with a hairpin or barrette.

French tail video tutorial

If you want to add solemnity to your hairstyle, then you can complement it with a braid. To do this, take another strand from the bottom of the tail and braid it. Then wrap the braid around the base of the ponytail on top of the previous strand and secure with a hairpin.

Ponytail with a backcomb

The proposed type of hairstyle for medium hair will be an excellent addition to any modern image. First of all, you need to collect your hair at the forehead and comb it. This will add volume to the curls. Then all the remaining strands should be carefully collected and secured at the back of the head. Combed hair will need to be smoothed and its ends secured with hairpins. After that, all you have to do is gather all the strands into a high ponytail and enjoy the result.

Tail to one side

To create a similar hairstyle at home, you must first apply a styling product to your curls and curl them with a curling iron with a large attachment. Then you just need to gather the curls together, moving them a little to the left or right and tie them with an elastic band. If necessary, you can take one of the lower strands and wrap it around the base of the hairstyle. The curl itself can be secured with a small hairpin or hairpin.

Video: tail to one side

Messy ponytail

These hairstyles for medium hair are suitable for shopping or an evening walk with friends. Another feature of this style is that to create it, the hair does not have to be freshly washed. The main thing is that they are voluminous.

Video tutorial for a messy bun

If your strands still lack volume, this can be easily corrected by lifting your hair with a hairdryer. Before collecting the strands, tilt your head in different directions to tousle them a little. If desired, you can make a side or zigzag parting. After this, all you have to do is gather all the curls into a ponytail at approximately ear level.

A few tricks

  1. If your hair is not particularly thick, then instead of one, tie two ponytails (one on top of the other) and collect them with a thicker, catchy elastic band. This technique allows you to make your hair visually more voluminous.
  2. If you have heavy hair and the ponytail “slips” quickly, then you can secure it from below with a butterfly clip. For the same purposes, you can fix the lower part of the elastic band with two invisible ones.
  3. If, when forming a ponytail, the lower part of the hair is constantly knocked out, you can braid it in two braids. You can do the same with curls that come out from the sides.


Those with medium-length hair do not have to regularly visit the hairdresser to get an intricate hairstyle. Beautiful hairstyles can be created at home. So, a trivial bun or ponytail can be made an unusual and bright addition to a festive or everyday look. Simple and quick styling will allow you to be irresistible every day.

Those with medium length hair are happy girls.

Their hair does not require as much care as long hair, looks more feminine than short hair, and is ideal for creating all kinds of styling and hairstyles.

Putting medium-length hair into a simple hairstyle will not be difficult even for those who are far from hairdressing. It may not turn out as neat as you want the first time, but with a little patience, there is a chance to get a hairstyle no worse than from the salon.

When starting to create a home “masterpiece,” you should take care in advance so that you have what you need at hand, and you don’t have to be distracted and run, for example, to the bathroom for a hairdryer, losing pins from your half-assembled hairstyle along the way.

By the way, the hairdryer - irreplaceable thing not just for drying hair. It is also useful for styling and creating hairstyles. For a hairdryer, it would be a good idea to purchase a pair of thermal brushes (round styling brushes) of different diameters for curling or straightening the ends and creating volume at the roots.

Worth knowing! The smaller the diameter of the brush, the smaller the curl, but when creating volume at the roots, the opposite is true: a smaller diameter gives more volume.

In addition to the usual massage brush, you need combs. A combination comb is considered universal: it consists of half frequent teeth and half rare teeth. A comb with a thin tail helps to make even partings.

To secure hairstyle elements you will need hairpins:

  • Straight for temporary fixation;
  • Wavy for the final one.

Elastic bands are indispensable for creating “tails” and securing braids. Small silicone ones, matched to the tone of the hair, will be almost invisible, and large textile ones can become the final element of the hairstyle. Hairpins, headbands and ribbons serve not only for fastening, but also act as hair accessories. Rollers will help create volume for high hairstyles.

Curlers, curling irons and flat irons make it easier to create a hairstyle and allow you to quickly give your hair the desired shape.

Gels, mousses, foams and varnishes firmly fix the hair, preventing it from falling apart.

Advice! Clean hair is the ideal basis for any hairstyle. Washed hair before styling will not only make working on it easier, but will also look much more attractive.

Simple home hairstyles for medium hair

Everyday hairstyles are good because with a minimum investment of time they allow you to add new touches to your image and change the image according to your mood.

The braid is a hairstyle familiar to every woman since childhood. “School ones” with bows, “spikelets”, “dragons”, “snakes” - there are many options for hairstyles based on braids.

Loose braid

“Loose braid” - simple, but stylish hairstyle, combining braiding with free-flowing curls.

  1. Separate a small strand of hair from the side where the braid will begin (usually from the temple).
  2. Dividing the strand into 3 parts, braid the braid in the French style, adding a strand from the rest of the hair to each of the three strands when weaving. In this case, part of the lower strands is periodically released.
  3. Braiding can be done in any direction: on top like a headband, on the back of the head from ear to ear, or diagonally.
  4. The end of the braid is secured with an elastic band.

Loose hair can be curled large curls- this will give the hairstyle airiness and lightness.

Fish tail

The fishtail looks elegant, and you can create many variations based on it: weave it from a ponytail or a low ponytail, from the crown or from the back of the head, tightening or loosening the strands.

To create a hairstyle, you need to thoroughly comb your hair and moisten it (spray or plain water will do).

  • Comb back and divide hair into two parts along the head.
  • On the right side, separate a small strand of hair (no more than 2 cm).
  • Separate the same strand on the left.
  • Cross both strands at the back of the head, placing the right one over the left one on top of the rest of the hair.
  • Below the first strands, separate one more strand of the same thickness on both sides and repeat the “crossing”.
  • When there are no strands left along the hairline and the braid “reaches” the neck, you need to continue braiding the ponytail in the same manner.
  • Secure the end of the fishtail with an elastic band.

Advice! The thinner the strands are taken, the more elegant the finished braid will look.

Greek hairstyle

There are hairstyles, as they say, both for the world and for the feast. One of these can be called “Greek”. The usual “basic” option is suitable for everyday life, but decorate your hair with pearls, flowers or a hairpin - and at any festive evening a girl with such a hairstyle will attract admiring glances. Open temples and forehead, a voluminous nape are the main attributes of a hairstyle in this style.

It is not difficult to create a “Greek miracle”. You will need a comb, hairpins and a little imagination.

  1. Make a vertical parting in the middle of the head.
  2. To the right of the temple, separate a small strand and twist it into a rope 3-5 cm up from the roots.
  3. Without letting go of the first strand, separate the second one next to it, connect and twist it with the first.
  4. Gradually, introducing one strand at a time, twist the hair on both sides so that it, like the brim of a hat, goes around the head along the contour of hair growth.
  5. At the back of the head, gather the hair in a bun or ponytail, securing it beautifully with hairpins.

More romantic image An elastic band will give your hair a “Greek” look. In this case, the strands twisted from the temples are threaded through the elastic one by one to the back of the head. As a result, a tail will hang from under the bandage at the back of the head, which, twisted along the entire length with a tourniquet, can be beautifully passed through the bandage several times, or braided into braids and secured with hairpins.

The simplest evening hairstyles for medium hair

An unexpected invitation to a gala reception can no longer take you by surprise. Because you don’t have to make an appointment with your favorite hairdresser; you can do it at home.

Sloppy shell

Despite the name, this hairstyle turns out to be sophisticated.

  • Divide the hair across the head from ear to ear in two and secure the front part with a clip so that it does not interfere.
  • Comb the lower part smoothly, twist it with a rope and secure it at the base with hairpins. Lay the top of the bundle in a bun and fix it with varnish.
  • Divide the hair in two at the front lengthwise with an oblique or straight parting.
  • Comb the half of the “front” hair on the side in which the plait is twisted smoothly and cover the “shell”, wrapping the bun and fasten it.
  • Repeat the same with the remaining strand.
  • Straighten the ends of the hair over the braid, style it beautifully and fix it with hairspray.


A high hairstyle will emphasize the slenderness of the neck and shoulders of its owner. Making this for medium hair is quite simple using a regular ponytail. The higher the tail, the higher the hairstyle will turn out.

  1. Gather the tail with an elastic band.
  2. Tilt your head down and secure your hair at the base of your ponytail with bobby pins so as to hide the elastic.
  3. Roll the tail with a roller and secure the lower part from the inside.
  4. Straighten and secure the edges of the hair on the sides.
  5. Fix with varnish.

You can decorate your hair with hairpins or a comb, or you can leave curls along your face.


Classic babette is a hairstyle that looks like a roll on the top of the head. Often decorated with a ribbon to match the color of the clothing. It came into fashion in the 60s, after the release of the film with Brigitte Bardot, where her heroine Babette wore a similar hairstyle.

Babette is done on straight lines and smooth hair(for wavy ones, use an iron to help). A simple option is to make a high ponytail hairstyle.

  • The tail is divided in half.
  • A thick backcomb is made from the lower part of the tail.
  • The top part of the hair is divided in two and wrapped around the bottom to completely cover the bouffant.
  • Secure your hair with hairpins, straighten it beautifully and spray with hairspray.

If medium-length hair has little volume, you can use a roller instead of backcombing. It's easy to buy or make yourself.

Beautiful and simple wedding hairstyles for medium hair

Wedding chores are tedious and costly. But it’s quite possible to save on hair. The bride can be charming with her hair done at home. Moreover, if you try, few people will believe that it was not the stylist who did the magic on their hair.


Extraordinary pretty haircut, which is a pity to hide with a veil - “basket”. To create it you will need rubber bands, clips and hairpins.

  1. Comb your hair smoothly to one side and divide it into 4 parts, leaving bangs or long strand on the forehead, loose and gathering ponytails along the hairline so that the first starts from the ear, and the last - from the cervical vertebra.
  2. Wrap the bangs in a wave, sprinkle with varnish and secure with clips at the top and bottom.
  3. Divide the first ponytail in half and wrap the first part with the ends of the bangs in a wave and secure, and the second part with half of the second tail, and do the same with the remaining ponytails. The waves must be fixed with clamps.
  4. Apply hairspray, after a few minutes, gradually removing the clips, fix the styled waves with hairpins.
  5. You can decorate with fresh or artificial flowers, and then the “basket” will become even more beautiful.

Bouquet of roses

A pink bouquet of bride's hair is a mesmerizing sight!

  • Gather a high ponytail and put a roller on it.
  • Sprinkle a strand from the tail with varnish and twist it into a snail shape. Attach to the roller with a pin.
  • Do this with all the strands, laying the snails beautifully and hiding the roller.
  • Secure with varnish and decorate each snail rose with a decorative pin-core.

Wedding excitement

A hairstyle in the style of the 30s looks great with a low veil, flowers, and a tiara.

  1. Select a triangular strand in the parietal part, and collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head.
  2. Divide the tail into strands and twist each one with tongs.
  3. Twist the strands of the triangle in the direction of the face.
  4. Wrap a roller around the tail and secure with hairpins, divide the tail into 4 parts.
  5. Lay the parts of the tail one by one in the form of body waves and cover the roller with them.
  6. Brush the hair on the crown of the head in straight sections, smooth it and style it in waves.
  7. Fix the “excitement” with varnish, decorate with flowers or pin on a veil.

My hair is medium length, I change my hairstyles every day: braids, ponytails, and shells. The main thing is to fix it well, and it will last all day. More comfortable than letting your hair down!

Tamara Nikitina (Moscow). In our village we have a month's advance appointment for the hairdresser! I had to learn how to do my own hair. I want to be beautiful! It’s just that I can’t make friends with a fishtail; it doesn’t work out for me.

Elena Kazakova (Rubtsovsk). There is no way you can comb your hair well at home! I would never have decided to go to a celebration with a homemade hairstyle. Amateur performance is good on stage, not on the head.

Olga Utkina (Volgograd). I did my daughter’s hair myself for her graduation, babette works well on shoulder-length hair and looks luxurious.

Irina Vlaskina (Novoshakhtinsk). Salons charge a lot of money, I’ve already gotten the hang of doing hairstyles for even female employees at home. Greek hairstyles are in particular demand.

Video: simple hairstyles for long and medium hair

Braids, ponytails, waves - for medium-length hair, almost any hairstyle is ideal. A little time, a comb and hairpins, a little imagination - all you need to create a new look.

Hair of this length is the most optimal and convenient option for selecting and creating hairstyles. We have a huge selection of hair styling and weaving available to us. These are hairstyles with an open forehead, buns, voluminous curls and others. stylish options. But today we will try to tell you what hairstyles you can do for medium hair at home. Attention to the photo selection below:

Required Tools

All of us, beautiful nymphs, want to be able to achieve full shine without leaving home. It's much more economical than going to the hairdresser. Naturally, the time savings are colossal: you don’t need to wait for the coveted appointment with the specialist. To create elegant hairstyles, we need a large set of beauty tools:

2) Curling iron.

3) Round brush.

4) Styler.

5) Curlers.

6) Various combs and combs different shapes and sizes.

7) Products for fixing hairstyles.

8) Accessories (hairpins, bobby pins, barrettes, hoops, etc.).

Learning how to create a home image

To do your own hair, you need to be patient. You don't have to have stylist skills to be beautiful. Just watch a couple of video tutorials or follow the photo instructions in this article.

"Miss Elegance"

A very simple hairstyle, suitable for every day. With the right outfit, it will also be suitable for an evening out. You will need a comb and several bobby pins.

Light curls

The hairstyle is very simple in execution. She emphasizes the advantages of the oval face and skillfully hides flaws. Looks feminine and casual.

Fun braid

The hairstyle is quite interesting and simple in terms of technique. You comb it, braid it and wrap the braid in a bun on the side. Stylish and cute.

Lush bun

An ideal hairstyle for walking, sports and outdoor recreation. The hairstyle is resistant to any weather conditions.

Romantic volume

Which one of us doesn't like loose hair? And if you arrange it beautifully and correctly, you get the perfect image.

Diva from the 60s

The hairstyle differs in volume and high bun. Decorate to your taste with any accessories. Suitable for a festive evening and for Everyday life. Look at the photo!

Two cute braids

A cute hairstyle that you can easily do yourself. Braids combined with flowing hair are perfect for any look.

Retro style with curls

The ideal option for a romantic evening is smooth curls from a black and white movie. Simple hairstyle in execution and looks chic on medium hair.

Pigtail headband

This hairstyle is suitable for girls , and for adult stylish ladies.

Quick braid

The classic braid remains in trend at all times.

Beautiful side bun

Double braid

A good option for a girl's hairstyle for school. Yes, and for girls it’s suitable for everyday wear.

Hairstyle with a headband or in the style of a Greek goddess


Here we cannot do without a curling iron or curling iron. It turns out to be a very simple and beautiful styling


Side weave

Gorgeous hairstyle in every way. Watch the instructions and make your dream come true!

There are an endless number of hairstyle options. You can diversify an existing hairstyle or come up with your own. Change your look every day. Be mysterious and mysterious, and your hairstyle will help maintain this alluring image.

Video selection

Every beauty can create various and stylish hairstyles for herself for medium hair if she wishes.

In general, medium-length hair is considered the most convenient for performing a variety of styling, both for every day and for all kinds of events.

All you need to do simple and beautiful hairstyles for yourself is to have the appropriate styling products and products on hand, as well as the desire to be perfect.

The vast majority of women prefer to wear medium hair.

This is mainly due to the fact that it is quite easy to provide the necessary care for curls of this length; in addition, they make quite original and beautiful hairstyles, many of which can be done for yourself at home.

Such curls look not only attractive, but also incredibly feminine. It’s quite simple to make an interesting hairstyle out of them that is suitable for everyday wear.

If you wish, you can style your own medium hair into a stunning evening hairstyle that will attract attention at any event.

Having mastered the technique and having all the necessary tools at hand, you can independently change your image at least every day.

Easy and simple styling done by yourself will save money on visiting hairdressing salons and will not take much time and effort.

All you need to create incredibly stylish hairstyles yourself is to have high-quality styling cosmetics, a set of comfortable combs, curlers, a curling iron, as well as a set of hairpins and original accessories for decorating the finished hairstyle.

It is also important to keep track of everything in a timely manner fashion trends, which will always allow you to look completely and incredibly stylish.

Currently, all kinds of side styling using ponytails, buns and various weaves are very popular.

So, one of the easiest ways to quickly style medium hair for yourself is to make ponytails or braids located on the side of the head.

Such simple and at the same time stylish hairstyles look uncomplicated and incredibly feminine. In this case, you should definitely take into account the parting that will separate the curls.

You should not use middle partings for side styling; it is best to opt for a side parting.

An excellent option for medium-length hair would be an asymmetrical small ponytail, which is easy to do yourself.

It is necessary to carefully lay the hair on one side and form a neat ponytail, after which it is tightly tied with an elastic band.

Also, at home, you can create stylish hairstyles for medium hair, which will contain elements of weaving.

Even an ordinary braid, additionally decorated with an elegant hairpin, will look simply amazing on medium curls.

In this case, also for additional originality, the hair can be given a slight waviness.

A variety of beautiful asymmetrical buns would also be a good option. Properly styled bangs will add more attractiveness to your hairstyle.

There are currently options for styling bangs. a large number of, which makes it possible to quickly select the most preferable option.

When styling, don’t be afraid to experiment and use various decorations, which make it possible to make your hair even more attractive.

Execution options

Great for special occasions and parties hairstyle will suit type of curled curls, which you can easily do for yourself at home.

It is necessary to divide the hair into separate strands, which, in turn, are wound on curlers. To obtain larger curls, use curlers with the maximum diameter and vice versa.

After the curlers are removed and the hair acquires the appropriate waves, you need to carefully apply some kind of styling product.

A neat bun will look great on medium-length hair. Making it yourself is very simple, and it won’t take much time.

To begin with, you should carefully comb your curls; in addition, it is recommended to slightly lift them in the root area.

Light and at the same time stylish hairstyles are obtained in greek style. These hairstyles can be quickly done with your own hands and are suitable for both daily wear and parties.

First you need to give your hair extra volume. This can be done using curlers or an electric curling iron.

These strands should be carefully tucked under the bandage so that their ends peek out slightly.

After this, you should pull out the strands and fix the result with varnish.

Also, French waterfall styling will look great on medium-length hair. There are a large number of different variations of hairstyles in this cute style.

A characteristic feature of such styles is that the wavy curls develop freely, which creates an incredibly feminine look.

Useful tips

In order to create even the most original hairstyles for yourself, you must adhere to certain criteria and follow some rules.

First of all, you should take care of the health of your hair. Severely weakened and damaged curls are difficult to style and do not allow you to make your hair neat and stylish.

You should get rid of split ends, excessive oiliness or dryness of curls in a timely manner.

You should also, if possible, minimize the use of various thermal agents when styling your hair, which can severely damage the structure of the curls.

Clean strands lend themselves best to styling, so it is important before you start shaping your hair to rinse your hair well using appropriate shampoos and conditioners.

You should also thoroughly study the technology of performing a particular hairstyle and prepare all the items and means necessary for styling.

Medium hair with the right approach To get to the point, you can quite easily style yourself into an original hairstyle.

Nowadays there are many options simple styling, the implementation of which does not take much time and effort. The variety of hairstyles for medium hair allows you to constantly change your image and style.

May 15, 2016.

Medium length hair open up a lot of possibilities for creating many different hairstyles, suitable for any occasion - be it an incendiary party, a gala evening or everyday options for every day. Hairstyles for medium-length hair allow every woman to quickly change her style and image at will. From this material you will learn how to choose the right suitable hairstyle for a girl with medium hair and how to do a fashionable hairstyle on her head at home with her own hands. With the help of simple master classes with photos of each stage and visual video lessons, you can easily and quickly style medium curls to create a suitable hairstyle.

Hair differs in structure, type and color. Based on these parameters, you can select a haircut, curls, waves, color, volume and geometry of the hairstyle. In addition, it is important to take into account the condition of the hair: whether it often falls out, whether it has split ends, whether it is too oily or, on the contrary, very dry. You can experiment with styles and original solutions, do interesting haircuts with long or short bangs. You can choose medium hair length at absolutely any age, the main thing is to correctly place the accents and take into account the shape of the face. If you want to get creative and show individuality, medium-length hairstyles for every day are what you need.


♦ Kare.
A classic style is the bob haircut, which, combined with medium-length hair, will never go out of fashion, especially this season. The only thing you need to consider when choosing a haircut is the structure of your particular hair. As a rule, for such medium-length haircuts you need to have a thick hair shaft and thick hair.

♦ Asymmetrical haircuts.
For lovers of experiments, thrills and non-standard approaches When choosing a haircut, you should pay attention to asymmetrical haircuts, which, according to stylists, will be popular this spring-summer season. The base of this haircut is a bob. Strands can be made of different lengths to create a “ragged” effect. Special attention Happy owners of long and long hair should pay attention to these haircuts. beautiful necks.

♦ Hairstyles of the "Heap" style.
Confident ladies may be interested in the absolute novelty of the season - a medium-length hairstyle in the mop style. It happens different types, one of which is the “mock” at the ends of the hair. To create it you need clean curls. They are pulled out for brushing, after which each strand is lightly combed to the middle. After this, the hairstyle is styled with the effect of a knocked down roller.

Photo: popular hairstyles for medium hair